First Pentecostal's 83rd Church Anniversary & 82nd Annual Holy Convocation - Friday Night Service

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praise and please stand on your feet as we go into prayer tonight hallelujah father in the name of jesus we thank you tonight we thank you for allowing us to come together both virtually and in person father we pray tonight that you will have your way tonight in the name of jesus god we just want to say thank you thank you for your goodness thank you for your mercy thank you for your loving kindness thank you because you are god and besides you there is none other we search high and low and still can't find nobody nobody like you god and father we thank you because you brought us one more year it's one more convocation that we come together to tell you thank you for what you've done oh god we lost some friends we lost some loved ones we lost some members oh god we lost our building but we're still coming together to tell you thank you honda we thank you because you are still with us we thank you because you have brought us one more year and so we come together to tell you thank you we come together to give you glory we come together to give you honor we come together to tell you thank you thank you for being good thank you for being kind thank you for being merciful thank you for being lovely and all together there's nobody like you jesus and father we pray tonight that you were moved by your power by your spirit in the name of jesus have your way tonight in your name god touches god that we may not be the same when we came in the name of jesus touch over the airways those who are watching let somebody be healed let somebody be delivered let somebody be saved set the captain free tonight in the name of jesus you know what we need you stand in the neighborhood have your way tonight go in their homes go in their rooms go in the living room go in the bathroom go in the bathroom touch in the name of jesus you are our mission god you're everywhere at the same time you can be here and you can be there we pray tonight that you will touch us somebody help me say touch come on put in a comment and say touch have your weight tonight move how you want to move do what you want to do anyway you bless yourself we'll be satisfied anyway you lay your hands on it we'll be satisfied if you touch us we'll never be the same again come on and clap your hands if you believe that god got what you need tonight oh come on put your hands together or come on put the clapping hands emoji if you know that god is gonna do it for you tonight somebody shall glory glory glory glory have you in the name of jesus touch our speaker tonight have your way in this life use them even the more god anoint them tonight let the word change our mind touch our leaders tonight touch our apostle tonight touch all these sermons tonight in the name of jesus we need you we need you we need you we need you [Music] like our bodies see blood we need you somebody say i need you i need you i need you i need you i need you if you don't come save me i don't think i'll be saved if you don't come touch me i won't be touching [Music] you may not be in the building tonight you may be watching online but you can clock your hands where you are and i declare you today he gonna touch you he's gonna touch your mind he gonna touch your heart you're gonna touch your spirit like under the croc [Music] [Music] we glorify you thank you jesus we're glorify you you're a worthy god you're an awesome god you're an excellent king you're a mighty ruler [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we lift we lift the name of jesus we magnify and glorify him come on there's nobody like him help us put your hands on it that come on wherever you are come on [Music] receive our [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] as we shut off the holy name [Music] [Music] [Music] is is [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Music] he's worthy tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you is [Music] your power [Music] is [Music] i [Music] right [Music] we almost [Music] [Music] ain't nobody do what he does [Music] nobody [Music] no no oh [Music] [Music] him hey yes nobody like him nobody wiser nobody greater nobody stronger nobody better than nobody like jesus there's nobody like jesus he's my friend he's my comforter he's my keeper [Music] there is nobody like she's [Music] there's nobody like jesus listen i don't know about you but he pulls me through every situation pulls me through every test pulls me through every trial pulls me through all i ever went through at the end of it all it was only jesus pulling me through anybody got that testimony he pulled me [Music] just lift your through speak well of him that just speak one of him we love you all tonight god we exalt your name we praise you we lift you up in magnify we give you all oh [Music] somebody to just reminisce on your life [Music] i don't know about you but i've been through some stuff come on [Music] yes it pulling was through that come on [Music] [Music] on me [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] doing [Music] now [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] come on thank you for pulling me through thank you for never leaving me thank you for always being by my side thank you for holding my hand lord i thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] come on and clap your hands for the lord jesus in the place if you enjoyed the worship god thank you can you tell us thank you if you don't mind somebody just shout out hallelujah [Music] he's [Music] yes he did it he did it across this [Music] that started in 1939 and here we are in 2021 and we still gotta praise on the inside somebody [Music] oh [Music] i oh [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yes i am all right [Music] just cut your hands real [Music] we thank god for the good and the pain we prayed [Music] i've still got a man to go all the way somebody say all the way hallelujah would you grab your hands for our hosts oversee your prophet doctor and tell dear ministers we love you so much and your thank you very much [Music] the apostle is in the house dr bernie is william he's still here she's still here she's still here hallelujah i've been a lead servant for six years i've been a member for 55 years my mother and my grandmother came in 1957. bishop and mother adele morris had already started the church my grandmother came through the door they was used to the catholic church and they left after hour you know the saints of god wasn't ready to go right they was going into the second hour she walked down the stairs the secretary ran out of the church and said lady lady lady the pastor wants to pray for you and so they had her to come back she said she thought about not going back she looked at the stairs on the west side 15 17 19 west hastings and she went back upstairs when she did the bishop put some all on his thumb and put it in her esophagus she had esophageal cancer that day he healed she didn't die cause she was ready to die she was 86 years old and captain couldn't take her she left what she wanted [Music] and he's still doing great things for us worried we are glad my grandfather had a theme [Music] before seat it was the lord is in his holy temple that all the earth keeps silence before him and it was never a time more than now that we need to shut up come on snap your hands and say shut up but you won't stand here feed and receive the president of this organization apostle dr bernice williams [Music] praise the lord everybody you may be seated for just a minute and let me do this correctly because i'm excited to be here it's such an honor to be alive in september of 2021 i honor god for the greatest pastor and overseer pastor karen williams [Music] nobody but god did it and we're grateful she suffered kovic march of 2020 was sick for eight days and i went in my living room i was praying because people were dying like flies and i laid on the floor in my living room and god said i'ma take your daughter i said no no whoa hold it hold it right there god and for eight days i walked my house and told god reverse it [Music] we have the power to reverse stuff you can let it ride if you want to but i'm not gonna give up mine that easy okay god i said yes to your bill no i don't i want my daughter to live i bargained with him [Music] i said god i don't know how you operate see somewhere but some people know everything about god i don't i said i don't know if you can do this but can you do this instead of that if you would that old baptist pleaser it works and god spared her life and i'm grateful we are celebrating the holy convocation you heard her say how it started and how we got here when i came along things were different and god almighty brought me in an unusual way my mother pushed me forced me i was working at city hall flying it out of the country doing what i wanted to do and she would pull me in every time i said well she's just going to do this church because i ain't studying this church i don't like the people and they don't like me i told her i said your sheep are my goats but she kept pulling and in 2003 i went to waycross georgia was flying around the country but what i want to say tonight i'll talk further sunday about how he brought me but tonight i am honored to introduce one of my sons he was nine years old bad little big head boy and his mother was always saying i can't do nothing with him i said well i can come in negro that ain't what i say that's the proper name but i took him to be mine because i saw something on him i did i used to do midnight musicals he would be 13 and 14 years old and i would just it would be seven and 800 people and i would hand him the mic i said hollow and he didn't know no word all he said but one day the lord got a hold of him saved him to the bone and he served me my mother and the church greater than anybody that ever came through there there were others and we honor them for their services the fabric of first pentecostal was not confined to a few people many many many many ministries came and was birthed out of that church when you heard pastor overseer karen made her overseer in 2018 because i saw something on her that was bigger than a pastor and you heard her say my dad at 63 actually he wasn't even then at that they each then he married my mother when he was 63. she was 37. he said he didn't want no old woman he said he didn't want to smell linen he wanted to smell perfume okay okay okay but what i'm trying to get to and i gotta rush along here he was prophetic in 1957. they wasn't calling it pathetic then all they knew is he was anointed and he was they called him a healer but that shame anointing has been passed down through generations of that church this young man who i love dearly now if you want to ruffle my feathers say something about it i don't care what he does or doesn't do watch your mouth when he started pastoring a lot of his peers and young people that came up knowing him hey rock i said his day may rot don't call him rod his name is pastor rock you put a handle on that because you want to be common and you're not going to disrespect him in front of me pasture antonio ra hey tony okay i'm wrong i'm wrong let me let me come back over here but um he served in capacities that i would not have been the pastor that i was had he not he would sit near me and watch me if and i'm in the pulpit if i looked at the door too long he got up and went back there to see who was at the door if i looked up and did like this he'd go turn the air on if i did like this he turned the heat on he was into me as the leader you cannot serve a leader if you ain't into him if you are into him can tap him on the back to get the mic you need to sit down [Music] the reason he's sitting here now and his beautiful edifice and preaching all over the country is because he served first [Music] i don't see no dirt on your knees i don't see no sweat on your bra i don't see your clothes wrinkled cause you ain't worked you ain't served you pristine and you want to prove and you want to audition every time you come to church all right all right [Music] i'm not a pastor i'm not an overseer i'm an impossible they summonsed me two weeks ago i have to go to nigeria november the second they said the first night you were preaching to 50 000 people i did not get there by not serving i served my mother the way you serve me that's why when she departed and demised and left her body here when i installed her on a sunday on a wednesday i was on a plane going to london my first international conference because i served yes so y'all think going from store front to storefront and serving it's beautiful somebody got to do it it might as well be you but god has greater things for you you you you and you will it will not be revealed until you have served he has a servant's heart he is a man of god the greatest man in all the land the most wonderful praise team because all of my babies those are my granddaughters and great-granddaughters i want you to stand to your feet and let me give the honor due to this man of god his praise team is coming but what what i want to say in my exit it ain't over it ain't over there's some traps been said but i click them now i trip them i cover you with the blood of jesus crown of your head showing your feet wisdom may god download it in you may you speak boldly the word of god continually from your home church apostle go with god man of god in jesus name amen [Music] hallelujah hallelujah i will bless the lord at all times and his praises shall continually be in my mouth hallelujah make a joyful noise [Music] today will be the best day the best day of your life [Music] today will be the best day the best day of your i'll get my joy back today [Music] today [Applause] [Music] [Music] today will be the best day the best foreign [Music] i'll get my joy back today [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] today i'm alive me [Music] [Applause] my huh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay ah [Music] [Music] oh way [Music] [Music] the best day of my life can you clap your hand for the praise team that [Music] our god is great and he's greatly to be praised there's nobody like our god what i love about our god that he does things that cannot be compared to anyone one of them being he sits high and he looks low our god is able we honor the lord for he's good and he's not good some of the time and he's good all the time thank god for pastor the first pentecostal church [Music] can do better than that all over the world that's watching we celebrate pastor karen williams today [Music] for when you look at me and her pastor and you can honestly say this is the lord's doing [Music] and it's marvelous and i say we're grateful because only god could have done this we're grateful we're grateful to still be alive to witness this great day we under the great apostle today that's here yeah yeah yeah yeah we honor yeah y'all can keep clapping and keep screaming cause this is the apostle bernice williams we honor her we honor her today for i just truly believe uh if god hadn't accused this woman i wouldn't be here today god used her when i was at my worst and didn't want to live any longer god used her i was on the verge of suicide that's why when you see people glory and don't know their story before you say you want to be like them you have to make sure you study the attack that they've been under i got to a place in my life that i was going through almost the worst season of my life and i just didn't want to live and it wasn't me but it was demons that saw my future y'all could talk to me because we know we used to virtual church we're used to this they saw my future and they said if we can get rid of him now there will be no powerhouse there will be no souls delivered people saved set free so let's get rid of him now and i remember walking out and told once somebody said i'm going i'm just i'm out of here cause i'm tired of living i said tell my mom and all of them that i love them and i ran away from them and jumped in the car and left and they was trying to catch me but they couldn't and i was gone and then i was just driving around and the enemy said once you drive up right there go across the bridge and go on and end it i said oh yeah that's good and then i went across the bridge and there was a little lake enemy said drive your truck in the lake you die quick so i drove to the edge and got to the edge and i started crying if you never experienced suicide you don't know what i'm talking about because it's like a outer body experience it's not you because in your right mind you would never want to hurt yourself so it have to attack your mind first [Music] and i was there and they were calling they were calling it i had my cell phone and then i turned it off and my mother called then she was co-pastor she called she called her and she said she said son they they said son is about to commit suicide and they don't know where he at and he's gone and it's that any other she hung up the phone from my mother i'm telling my apostle bernie's will she hung before my mother i'll call you back she went into deep prayer see i can't make up these stories you know you can't make up this stuff man see all the stuff they doing now it's phony and fake but i'm talking about rio she hung up the phone with my mother and she said i'll call you back she said she fell on her face and began to cry out to god the holy ghost spoke to her and gave her the location see y'all don't y'all don't believe it i know you know gave her locate she called my mother back she said i know where he had now it had to be the holy ghost because i didn't even know where i was at and so she called some men at the church she said follow my instructions she said i cannot give you the name of the street but follow my instructions they all on the phone now this on the phone i'm at the edge how about shitty because now i didn't put the car in drive and i got my foot on the brake and i'm crying for the last time she's on the phone with the me and she said she said go up this street and when we get to a dead end go right and and you're gonna run into some trees go left she said then you're gonna see a bridge she said go across the bridge how about when you go across the bridge you will see warner she said his truck is parked in front of the water [Music] as my foot was on the break and i was getting ready to release the break the men stopped beating on the car and one of them named kenny walker opened up my door put the car in park and snatched me out and they took me to her she laid hands on me and i'm still now how did you find me she said the holy ghost watch this they'll understand this language the holy ghost drops your location all right look at somebody next to you and tell them the holy ghost about to drop your location that's why [Music] i'm alive today y'all ain't saying that i'm oh my god so i can easily say just another day [Music] that's a long lord have mercy [Music] he has kept me let me let me preach let me preach be seated he kept me because the enemy saw this he said i can't kill him but if i can get him to kill himself none of this would have been boring be seated let me let me talk no no don't do that because that'll drive me crazy i um don't do that because because i you know we used to this kind of stuff you know right [Music] we were introduced a year ago to virtual church right so i was doing church from home and the lord spoke to me he said go in the building i said but god you told me don't open the building i didn't tell you to open the building i said go in the building and i said oh so i got up got dressed one sunday morning i called the praise team and the musicians i said we're going in the building when i tell you i can't make it up it was the best service i've ever experienced no audience but but the holy ghost failed and god showed me something he said i don't need a congregation i just give pastors congregations but all i need is two or three see that and let me show you how we did we just another day that's how we did it that the learn that's kept me yep just another day [Music] yeah he has kept from old evil [Music] with my mind still just another thing [Music] no that person that's the first song we saw in the pandemic just enough people was dying every day but he kept us he [Music] do they still do that let's go [Music] wait a minute [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] he's a keeper be seated let me he's a keeper so we learned i had to have church with a total of 10 people we did that for a whole year 10 people because it was not in the numbers it was in the hearts of the people because you can actually have church at home i want to just deal with this just for a second so allow me to um preach like it's ten thousand right i'm gonna preach real hard though and quick not gonna hold you cause y'all to be asleep i'll be at the airport at five in the morning y'all to be asleep just be turning for y'all some of y'all for the third time and uh and so i want to give you this because messages the lord begin to deal with me should be tailor-made not for heaven but for hell all right i want to help you because if the pandemic didn't shift your way of thinking you've already missed it there was a time where you can come to the church and and you could tell the people say yeah and out of training okay i was i didn't need two more talkers the church would say yeah and that was good church you gave them instructions on what to do but now the lord began to deal with me he said your message cannot be like it used to be because their messages was tailor-made for the church people that new protocol they knew when to say amen they knew when to say hallelujah but the pandemic have introduced you not to just church people okay i'm already losing somebody it have introduced you now to a world that you didn't think existed so now every pastor that get on facebook and you preach from your facebook live you're not just talking to church people now okay i i need two more y'all so you just can't get on last time i say yeah no no so what happened pastor k see i'm glad we was taught right but what but what happened uh the pandemic uh uh exposed a lot of pastors [Music] okay all right it exposed a lot of pastors watch this that couldn't that couldn't answer certain questions because the generation you preaching to now want more than say yeah okay yeah why ain't nobody because this generation now they got things on their side called google when you preach certain things they fact check you now why y'all they said see they didn't fact-check them back in the day they didn't have access to that so now you got to get on there know what you talking about now you got the dot every eye cross every t because you're not just talking to christians you talking to demons now that that have questions about why they can't do certain things now lord have mercy see when we grew up it was just hey just do what i say and that's what we did i mean we didn't do no you know we you know i'm most time okay now i know i'm gonna get much help when i say this but most times we did stuff out of fear they scared us you know and and you want the hell for everything you understand you wear pants you're going to hell you wear earrings you're going why come on y'all you know and they just scared us you know we were just scared why y'all said but then when the generation come now with knowledge pants don't have anything to do with your salvation now how do you deal with a generation that says what will send me to hell then and all you can say is say yeah wait wait no what will send me i got a question i have a question so i did jesse i uh i'm so deep into study now until um i'm enjoying it but it's driving me crazy but i'm enjoying it no it will drive you crazy because you just start opening up so many books you try to match this one with that one and this with that one and it gets it gets almost uh anybody that studied will agree with me uh it started to get like a movie like a series yeah it's a series you started saying hmm this word with them so i did some uh i did some research myself because because i wanted to be in position to answer questions because the lord began to deal with me he said you're dealing with a generation watch this that you call in demons but these demons got master degrees so they come into you watched it with questions and you can't hiccup or shot they answer so i had a couple of questions presented to me and i and it pushed me back into study and it opened up something that that i never seen because in my heart and in my mind that's what i thought it was so i would speak certain things because that's just you know what i thought it was so we would call everything a demon if we felt that it wasn't of god we blamed it on the devil and so we and so the devil did it the devil the devil the devil so then so then the lord began to tell me he said i need you to study but he wouldn't give me the answer i need you to study just keep studying and i'm digging for certain things and one day i just got so tickled to myself i ran across something and i said this is what you wanted me to say oh my god so i started studying the things that the devil have done and the things that the devil have never done [Music] christine are you going to help me on the wall you'll help me and so and so i started doing research because they started opening up things to me and i just wanted to be able to talk to people not giving them a cliche but to understand that the weight is not on the devil the pressure is really on you and so and so in my research pastor k i found out that there is no sex demons [Music] but see that's what i thought y'all gonna be real cause y'all know y'all thought it too y'all was saying there's sex teaming in that girl that's a sex demon oh they say the whole lot of sick demon was in me i'm just saying it was that boy got sex demon and then i'm praying so my god get rid of this sex demon what ain't number the devil this is the devil oh i said look and i that's what i that's what i was praying for and when i did my research i discovered something christina watch this because one day you're gonna preach it better than me here we go i discovered that things that we blame on the devil he never did so so so if you do your research i'm about to mess up y'all up the devil from from that day to this day never had sex why ain't nobody saying nothing to me the devil never smoke weed y'all they said the devil never got drunk why y'all they said the devil never cuss why y'all aren't talking to me everything that you blame on the devil the devil never did and so i went a little deeper apostle because i wanted to know why the devil didn't do it and then i ran across something and it began to reveal to me that the devil is more scattered than god than you is because he know who god is so the devil will only pressure you to do what he will never do he's the prince and the ruler of the air so he will pressure you to do what he would even never attempt to do because he fear god more than we do he's set at the table with him he know who god he is and so he said that's something i'll never do because one thing i did and i got kicked out because i tried to be god why ain't nobody talking to me now so that's that's not a spirit of a demon that's called a choice see the problem is we want to blame everything on a demon that's why the folk ain't getting delivered you have been sweating trying to cast out something that's never been there and the devil is sitting in churches he's sitting there looking at you talking about y'all making a monkey y'all making the mockery of the church y'all up there screaming casting out a demon that's not even in her you care it's not a demon that's not in him but what you need to do first is have some counseling with her that's why he said first natural y'all ain't talking because these people in church need a psychiatrist y'all you don't know why they having sex so much maybe they got messed up as a child now it opens up to you why he said first natural but we up here sweating come on wait wait no no no that's not there are y'all hearing me can i open up one more thing i know you'll help me because you already know cause y'all taught me so let me just let me just say it like this so i i so i told you it was like a series so it's not going from one to the next i said i'm saying i possessed with demons and then so now i open up a can of worms i said so let me go study demons and so i had to get into that and then so when i uh begin to study demons and i started i started finding people from genesis to revelation that really had demons in them uh uh you knew demons was in them because anytime a demon is in you watch this it takes over your whole body and you're not your own so if a person is sitting up in church clothing their right mind and they looking this like you didn't know that ain't no demon because a demon ain't gonna even let you sit there y'all they talk that demon will drive you crazy your life is not your own that demon will make you start saying things that you ain't got no business saying and when a person is possessed with a demon real good they even know who got god for real y'all they talk see you ain't ran into nobody that possessed with demons because people that's possessed by demons will expose people that think they say no when they possess they bold they'll look at you and say paul i know why y'all they said they they bowl so when you see people that walk in that bonus that person is possessed with a demon watch this that then can only be cast out with somebody that's full of the holy ghost because who you got working your altar can't cast them out why ain't nobody y'all don't talk because i'm telling the truth see we got a church full of people now that only have a form of godliness and if you keep messing with people you're going to be challenged by a demon for real when you know better you do better so while you're calling things demons the thing is not a demon the thing is a choice you was tempted by someone in your circle most habits they come from somebody that you close to the devil didn't give you that habit your friend why ain't nobody saying nothing to me that's why you got to be careful who you dated why y'all they talk oh lord the people not coming with demons they come in with habits y'all ain't saying oh lord that's not a demon you call that a spirit y'all ain't sinner and sometimes you can have a good spirit or a bad spirit but according to the scripture the scripture says if you hang around the spirit long enough spirit begotten spirit it never said demon it said the transferring of spirits which in your turn is called the habit that's the transfer of habits that's why when you find one person doing something in a group nine out of ten times all i'm doing ain't nowhere in the world you could be around a messy person and you're not messy you around the thief ain't none of y'all stealing what three of y'all lying everybody your group lies all them laughing why y'all ain't saying that and you can never trust a liar y'all they talking to me because if they're alive they will still you got to stop letting people cross you back and forth because see i'm set up the wrong way they may not like me but this is how i'm set up i'm just set up because once you cross me one time i got my eye on you now you will never get that close again why ain't nobody saying no because the first time it's my fault but the second time lord have mercy jesus i can never let you get that code you got to be like god if you're going to be like christ you got to be like him for real because god is the only somebody that will fire you but still keep you working y'all you got to learn how to disconnect people but still speak you're always saying [Applause] you ain't got to go back to nobody you fight you fire you disconnect you didn't no no no no i'm still going to speak but just know this line is cut so as i close right i want to as i close i i want to uh send a message to hell because you can't send them to heaven because heaven already know but you have to remind hell of who you are and how far you're going and so i came out on a monday night to make hell irritated why y'all letting people irritate you why don't you irritate them some of you all don't even understand but god have given you such a grace that you don't even have to confront people you can walk in a room and change the whole atmosphere you never have to say did you say this about me you are they know what they say [Music] but when you got god grace on you when you walk in conviction and hit them y'all they say see you oh lord have mercy you never have to confront or kill judas [Music] you ain't got to go oh my god what judy said you ain't got to do all of that you just keep living and watch this and the higher god take you your success and make your enemies kill themselves because they'll be looking at you saying all the hell i just said and put you through and you'll still graduate that will make them kill themselves [Music] and so i i wouldn't i wouldn't make no announcement until it was time some things you can't speak too fast because everybody is not happy for you hallelujah so some things you have to you have to keep as my grandma say under the rug until it's time to get it from under there because even people that's close to you oh see we get so caught up in the word close until we think close is good but if you really think about it in reality uh can't nothing kill you until it's close [Music] and so we so we start putting on defense watch this to cover us from the people on the outside but there's people that's right next to you watch this that have learned what you like and what you don't like they study everything y'all ain't saying i'm about to say something and i'm glad that we're all over the world they're watching because i need y'all to catch this right here please please catch what i'm giving you to say out of my mouth here we go you got to be careful who you allow and announce that's your right hand you have to be careful uh you can't just tell and say everybody is my right hand you know just say they're workers and we appreciate them but when you start giving people uh that kind of validation that you're my right hand you have just given them access to destroy you even if it's a lie y'all ain't talking because of your right hand go allow you and shake some because y'all into it now people gonna easily believe it cause you the one told everybody that that was your right hand look at somebody say everybody can't beat my right hand y'all they talk come on we live in the season now i don't need no hands right now i just i just walk by faith and not that i say i don't need a hand you don't know what hand to trust you lord just use my feet right now god because lord have mercy because we're living in that day close is not always good because the enemy sees where you're going god will put people in your life watch this that will cover you until you recover he will put people in your life that won't pull from you but push you y'all that's why you have to send messages to hell let me just read this and then uh i'll let you go i'll let you go i'm reading isaiah let me read isaiah 43. i'm just going to read isaiah 43 and i'm done all right isaiah 43 but now thus said the lord that created thee oh jacob and he that formed thee oh israel i want y'all to remember these two words right here uh throughout this little talk fear not for i have redeemed thee i have called thee by thy name die our minds when thou pass it through the water i like when people talk when they read about i'm from the old school you know you know you know the baptist church you know when you read it you know they say yes sir i will be with thee and through the rivers they shall not overflow these we're not walking through the fire thou shall not be burned neither shall the flame kindle upon thee look at somebody say you won't even have the residue of it y'all help me preach for a second just for a second i want to preach pastor k you invited me thank you for the invitation but i want to preach for a second it may look like it's over but it's not i i was helping here won't you just make an announcement and scream at somebody and say it may look like it's over now say it with authority said but it's not you know it may look like it's at the end but it's not sometimes you have to remember kosher yes lord sometimes you have to tell the devil although it looked like i'll never make a comeback but the god that i serve not only is he able you got to give him some word but tell him he's able to do exceededly y'all ain't talking abundantly above all that i can ask or even think it just looked like it looked like it's over at the end of me he's a trickster he paint pictures that have no price tag on it y'all got to help me for a minute he he make the grass look greener on the other side and so he understand that we uh as humans we we judge things based on what we see and so he make a situation look so bad because he understand that since he don't have the authority to do nothing to you he he only can make it look bad so you can throw in the time well if i had three of y'all we'll fly right here he and so he he make your life seems like that you won't get out of this hole so he never allowed you to focus on the out but he always reminds you of the end the devil's so slick he only let you see the word enter but he never let you focus on the word exit lord have mercy jesus won't you look at somebody help me preach because you don't even know who you're talking to tonight all over social media you want to just look at somebody you want to just start typing you want to just type and say neighbor it may look like it's over but tell them but it's not yeah yeah it's not over all sickness it's not unto death although sometimes sickness got the view of is over sometimes you can be so sick until you think that god i might as well start writing out my obituary but what god is saying i needed to get somebody sick because somebody had to become healed to tell somebody else later on that you run into that i was once sick but my god heal me how can he get the glory on something if nobody ever experienced it it looked like it's over look like you have lost look like you might as well give up look like you might as well relocate so the devil will start making you relocate he'll stop making you move for no reason not understanding that no matter where you move you still got to go through i wish i had help in here and so he tells them he tells them in isaiah he speak to the prophet isaiah isaiah then has to deliver a message isaiah have to now speak about something that he have not seen everybody can preach out of the book of isaiah because isaiah is a tricky book because isaiah operates as a prophet which simply means anything that he's saying have not took place yet but isaiah was one of the prophets and the only person in the bible he's the only one in the bible that took the whole bible and put it in one book why ain't nobody talking to me isaiah is the only somebody that reached back in the past and then went into the future isaiah is the only book of the bible that speaks about genesis and take you all the way to revelation preach that is isaiah is the only somebody that took his book and said i got to tell you what god said but i got to also show you what jesus did because in the old testament god said it but in the new testament jesus did it i wish i had help in him give me some more son let me ride i if you study the book of isaiah he has 66 chapters in the book of isaiah if you study isaiah there are 66 books of the bible isaiah put every book in his chapter he takes the 39 chapters of the book of isaiah talks about the first 39 books in the old testament isaiah he tell the people how far god had brought you so if you read isaiah 1 all the way to isaiah 39 it covers the old testament of the whole bible but in the 40th chapter of the book of isaiah he now flipped the script because he's talking to the people can i preach in here he talking to the people he tell them in the first 39 chapters of the book of isaiah you had to live by the law in the first 39 chapters of the book of isaiah there's some things you can do it was by law that you can do it but start the 40th chapter you no longer now you're living by the law but he now shows you there's a little grace and mercy that covers you so that's why the 40th chapter of the book of isaiah it starts off like this it said comfort ye my people in other words relax now because god didn't play but jesus came to give you a grace period i wish i had help in him so i see he speaks into a future and so now he started looking at what the next generation was going to go through because he couldn't talk like that it was moses because moses understood god and his commandments but it was the new testament that did not understand who god really was so he stopped speaking to them before they actually went through and he began to tell them you're going to experience some water you're going to experience some rivers you're going to experience some fires but if you really read that it's only one of them that god said i'll be with you that was the water he only told them when you go through the water i'll be with you but he said rivers they won't overflow you he said fire it won't even touch you i wanted to study because my mind was curious why is that that youth told them in the water you will be with them when they go through the water you will beat with them but when you got to rivers when you got to find them you just told them to do it on their own but as i began to study and theologically begin to share the vision through my spiritual telescope and it showed me that god didn't have nothing to do with water water was not god assignment he only made water obey that's why when moses approached water he had to go through with them because he had no dealings with water but rivers and fires was employed by him because everything that speaks in the bible about god it talks about rivers y'all are saying it talks about fire when he visits moses on the mountain he came to him in a flame of fire he came to him let him know that the fire is media his name was jeremiah jeremiah said he's like fire he's like fire shut up in my thoughts when he speaks about rivers he said out of your belly [Music] that's all me so if there's me i'm already with you when you walk through rivers up i'm already with you when you [Music] look at your neighbors and paper i got news for you said neighbor it may look like it's over but god said hang on in there just to look while local i'ma show the devil that no weapon that's born against you shall prosper is there anybody here on a monday night that no god can't you grab somebody grab a mother hair and say neighbor get out of that place hold your head up get out of that area god is calling for you [Music] i feel god on a monday my god shall supply all your needs according to his witnesses and glory can i say something and i hope y'all go crazy be not this way whatever battalion god will allah [Music] [Applause] i know [Music] [Music] this part three people say i know god will that don't cause [Music] tell somebody i know the lord will hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah [Music] i know [Music] alone [Music] [Music] he told [Music] he me it may look like it's over that one person say i don't really know what you're going through i dig you to find one person i don't really know what you're going through tell them it just look like it's over tell them but it's not now tell them hang on for seven more days i tell you to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hang on [Music] yes [Music] oh yeah [Music] oh yeah oh yeah [Music] so [Music] you wanna just wave your head [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm sorry i i'm sorry [Music] he didn't have to do it but he did it [Music] it was because of this holy convocation they got me where i am today i remember it because as a little boy i would beg my mother i said i'm going to school but come and get me an early dismissal on thursday because on thursday during the day the mothers would cook no it was during the day and my mother would come to the school every year i was sitting in school and said i'm not staying here they said you're going to the lunch room not going to the lunchroom today and and during the day on thursday they will have dressing macaroni and cheese no no i'm talking about the real i talk about the box macaroni you know this generation think they cook it they ain't really cooking you know because how y'all making greens with no meat in it i'm just trying to say no they didn't give us glory green see i know they talking to me [Music] this is a microwave generation they that ain't cooking baby they will feed us every thursday and every night as pastor k said i would look forward to hearing the late apostle morris when it was time for her to get up and say about the lord [Music] she would get up and the church would stand and we had a real choir okay they don't have them no more like like they have we had younger dog come on y'all senior quad youth choir sunshine man we had every group and that woman would walk up i would i would just look forward to that every every night would look forward to that and she would say buffalo it's in his holy temple that's how she said why don't you she said let all the earth keep silent before him and then she'll say for the second time she'll say but the lord and you you had real saints then because when she said but the lord you were here you would hear tongues and the audience going she says in his holy temple let all the earth i wish i had a church be silent before him and then she would look up at the organ and she'll say um [Music] keep silent be for him laughs but the lord is in his holy [Music] see y'all don't know her runs i know all that she said [Music] i'm done i had to i had to if that's that's the foundation all over the world people ask me he said do you come from bishop willie james campbell church i said uh i said that was my god dad spiritual father i said but my foundation come from the first pentecostal church of god [Music] hallelujah [Music] i was telling them the story the other day mama bear was in my office i started crying a little bit when i talk about her i can't help sometime and i said i got her the last time she came to preach for me was on baltimore she was weak and then i called her i said no don't come she said come and get me and i called mama i said is it all right for us to go get her mama says she groaned she said i tells her to sit down but she tells me shut up and i went and got her i picked her up that night and i brought her to my church and she walked in clean i mean had on that little mink no no i don't care if she go to jewel why y'all ain't talking to me no she'd go grocery shopping like that he ozone she walked into church and i was right there with her because i i just can't help it sometimes that's why i can't be around her every time i'm around her i get in my armor barrel and i have to sometimes i have to watch it because i don't want to overstep nobody she was there and i stood up there with her and she was on baltimore and she and she went for she was weak but she found some strength from somewhere and she started going and going and i said that's enough mama and she said and she gave me the mic and i took her back home we were in the car and she son that's what i remember like it was yesterday she said son the lord is with you i remember the prophecy i remember the words like i mean it's just so clear she said to me you're gonna make it a long way she said god is with you you're going all the way son i'm proud of you and i'm just driving them yes mama yes yes lord she said god got you covered in your ministry you're gonna be successful mama yes mama but she said something that just oh lord if i wasn't driving i probably been under the car she said son can you do me a favor i said yes mama anything i think she want me to pull over somewhere anything she said if i said anything mother she said i don't care how far you go she said don't you forgive first pentecost that thing pierced my heart because i was driving and it was almost like she was saying goodbye i didn't want to hear that but she had so much favor with god that when when they thought she was gonna die she lived she loved first pentecostal so much the woman couldn't even die because of first p she had to get it and make sure her daughter came back she waiting on her daughter to come back and they thought she was going to leave then and she stayed 10 more years they gave her up but she said i got to be here for my daughter to see her through and when she got tired see y'all missed all of that when she got tired she didn't want to stay in the hospital she told them she said take me home take me home clothed in her right mind when you live right for god he'll give you that kind of authority powerhouse will always be connected to the first pentecostal church why y'all ain't talking to me always [Music] always because this is just what it is pastor kate calls and and she know that you know that's my sister pharrell she know how to handle business she know how to go spiritual she just she's just that kind of person she's just you know and you have to deal with her on on whatever level she's on at that time and she bugged me most times i just uh we come to the church now we're gonna write the check i said no no no you can't do that to me because when you come here this is first p this first p is not powerhouse when you come here first p and so as long as i'm the pastor of this ministry that never have to worry about renting this facility you're never oh no never we will serve you to the end we will be here because we're attached we attach i dare not do that when it's because of these people that i am where i am oh no i say it all over the world all the time i don't know they folk ashamed to talk about who brought them up i'm not [Music] it's because of the late apostle dr christine morris and the apostle bernie's william and i'm standing here when i gave up on myself they didn't give up on me and when people thought i should be up being used by god apostle birdies would get up and say leave him alone and after she fussed leave him alone half of y'all ain't living safe either now leave him alone now son get up here and sing i'm gonna be sick after all that she said now try me if you want to see see y'all ain't got see y'all didn't see the real one see see they didn't see the real one baby they see the real wig and i mean had my back to the end doors were opened up for her she was trying to put me in the door and she working for wanting to buying them and she she telling me to come down to atlanta i want you to meet money i'm like what is this no you no no you come on down here you know and try to open up doors for us always pushed us even to this day she'll send me a text message love your son praying for your baby you're doing good now keep on keep on speaking the truth because you're talking truth that's all yours all right bye now see you later that's all you need when you have good people i mean good people hold on to them and my commitment and my loyalty stands with my home church and that's first pentecostal why y'all y'all still too quiet that's first pentecost and we stand with pastor karen we're standing with him we stood with him we stand with him we riding with them you fight them you got to fight us like i mean it is what it is we all go fight together that's just what it is listen we're going to sow tonight all over the world we're going to sew those that's watching we're going to sew because i want three different categories to sew on tonight we want you to be a blessing this is holy convocation and we want you uh to be a blessing on tonight the only way you can be blessed you have to first be a blessing so we want you to be a blessing on tonight i want i want the first category they're going to stand with me with a hundred dollars we're going to sow that 100 seed the second category we're going to sow the 60 seed and the third category gonna sow a 30 seed and now you know where you at with god and god is smiling on you and he's upgrading uh your finance he's doing something special opening up doors in your life you're not not please don't play them cheap don't play them cheap but so let's see on tonight we want you uh the solid 100 so that's 60 and that 30. we want you to be a blessing i want you to be a blessing one tonight if this word has been a blessing to you i want you to be a blessing tonight this holy convocation this is holy convocation they ain't just been around yesterday but this ministry been around 82 years 82 82 years 82 years these ministries have been around started with the late founder bishop james morris so we want you we want you to be a blessing on tonight all over the world that's watching us be a blessing on tonight less so less so less so our in-house crowd we want you to get your seed in your hand and be a blessing you'll be blessed by tomorrow you'll be blessed by tomorrow whatever you give tonight he gonna give it back to you tomorrow whatever you give tonight if you believe in prophecy they're gonna give it back tomorrow whatever you give tonight you're gonna give it back on tomorrow i want you to bring a basket for those that's here go get a basket son thank you for those that here they may just want to uh so uh they want to sow cash we want them we want them to come we want them to come is there other ways to give right it's on the screen it's on the screen the ways to give is on the screen you can give you can give electronically it's on the screen i want you to be a blessing i want you to be a blessing uh and to everybody that used to go the first pentecostal and you're watching right now i want you to sow into holy convocation you remember those days you remember those days holy convocation was all week long and we had good church all week it was home we want you to sow and be a blessing hallelujah first pentecostal is still going strong glory be to god we want you to sow we want you to sow on tonight god have blessed you to tune in on tonight let's be a blessing and let's go on tonight hallelujah everybody in-house we want you to get your seeds prepared get them ready get them ready we want you to sow we don't want you to just not give anything but we want you to sow and be a blessing and watch what god do for you i'm a living witness that god will do it for you man i'm telling you hey that's the kind of god i serve that's the kind of god i serve he's amazing he's an awesome god huh he gives seed to the sword and god will give it to you and not only do he give it to you but he give it to you in good measure press down shake it together those that's in-house if you saw in uh uh if you saw electronically we want you when the basket come we want you to come and tap the basket tap the basket with your phone with your car we want you to just touch the basket we want you to sew on tonight i want you to be a blessing i want you to be a blessing on tonight and sow your seed hallelujah father god in the name of jesus we thank you for those that's coming by faith huh they're walking by obedience knowing that you are god can't lie and god you're gonna bless us because of our faithfulness our dedication and our obedience and we give you praise glory and honor and it is so in jesus name thank god amen start walking those that's in-house start walking stop moving those that's in-house start moving start walking hallelujah glory thank you thank you powerhouse praise team thank you all so much thank you musicians that's giving thank you thank you all i appreciate you all thank you all you got ways of credit card as well right [Music] yeah i think he doing something [Music] yeah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] when is convocation over sunday all right we're going to um sunday uh at powerhouse we're gonna raise our offering just for convocation and we'll send that to y'all we're gonna send my first service offering to you all we're gonna send it to y'all clap your hands y'all clap your hand our first service we're gonna dedicate our first service to holy convocation and so we're gonna dedicate sunday morning and we're gonna make sure that we send it down to first p and we'll we'll talk to pastor k and we'll get it to her we'll get it do it some kind of way and we're going to send a seed down to her on sunday because i want the church to be able to give i was being respectful uh tonight you know because i asked her uh what what kind of service she was having and because she know me i would have packed this place but i said no no no it ain't my man you know cause some people were like that where you going i said nowhere so i said no no no we're not doing a full in-house we're not doing a full house but we're going to do what we want to do i just like to bless my home ministry that's all i just like to be a blessing thank you all thank you all so much uh uh for giving thank you for what you have done we appreciate you pastor k uh apostle bernie thank you all for this opportunity you could have called and went to anybody but you decided to come to your son decide to call your brother and i appreciate you all uh on tonight continue to pray for us keep us in your prayers as we get on the flight early in the morning continue to keep us in your prayers keep us coming everyone's standing please all over the room please ma'am please sir everyone's standing come on i want you to come i want you to come it don't get no better than this he didn't made us laugh he'd made us cry and i'm glad i took a nap earlier because i probably be on the floor but i want to say this as you dismiss us we don't dismiss what we give the lord praise three times but when he was 19 years old i had a black range rover and i loved him so hard when we would have out of town guests that's why i tell you about serving i would give him my keys i said take him out to eat take him to the hotel and bring me the car tomorrow so one weekend he did it and then saturday morning i was driving in another car he had the sunroof back he was leaning and he was on his way to the gym and i say ain't you supposed to bring me the truck hitch i was gonna bring it after i come from the gym now he got two range rovers won't god give me your heart's desire i forgot all about that i was what the young folks say i was stunned you know but god will give you the desires of your heart uh three times somebody say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah give god
Channel: FPCChicago
Views: 130
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ApOuTUR2Sd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 23sec (7463 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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