Bishop Philip R. Jackson Powerful Testimony at the COGIC Holy Convocation!

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[Music] oh [Music] hey [Applause] unfortunately i came up in an era where i i lost the color of my skin and i i was treated as if i had some contagious uh disease people would not touch me they more or less talked about me instead of helped me my mom at three years old took me to the hospitals all over the city of detroit and they put me under high intense radiation lights to try to toast me back to my original color unfortunately when they put me under the lights the lights were so hot that my skin began to blister and they would pull me out when i couldn't take it no more and put oil and ointments all over my body and slide me back in they took pictures of me every week to see if i was making any progress but at the age of five they said that nothing's changing it just seemed to spread even more all over his body there's no itching there's no scratching there's just no color in the skin but 70 years ago they didn't understand that well i guess i told my age didn't i they didn't understand that so my mom put cosmetic on me and she put this called a cosmetic called cover mark and uh all over my face and told me now don't touch your face but it was an oil-based cosmetic and with it being all based it moved it seemed like it just crept around all over me but by the time i got to school it was in my hair it was all over my clothes it was over the school books it was over everything in the classroom and the teachers were getting upset with me and they were arguing and pending notes to take to my mom every day that i am this facing school property and my mom said i'm going to keep putting it on you because i want to calm you down and make you not so obvious to the people and she kept every day put the cosmetic on me and send me to school by the time i got home i didn't have any on it was all over the school books as a result the teachers got together in the principal and they told me that from now on because your mom won't work with us and she won't uh take this off of you from now on when you come to school and walk into the classroom when we hand out books you take your chair and go sit in the hall and so i said in the hallway the first grade second third grade of my educational life as a result of sitting in the hallway i heard my fellow students reading in the classroom come dick said jane come see our new friend i hope our new friends have boys i never had the opportunity to sit down and let no one put their finger on a vowel and say this is a vowel and this is how you sound out a word no one ever taught me then they said i was the lexus that i saw everything in reverse and then i got a stigma to go throughout the rest of my schooling as being ignorant unteachable and cannot learn they brought me in with principles and they told me they said that you can't learn you need to be in a special ed school and i was ignorant and unlinked my mom said no no you gonna learn boy she went out and bought the same book they was teaching in in school my mom only problem she had that she wanted it to work so bad on the way every day she took a willie switch and the iron in court and set it on the table and opened the book and said read but it didn't work that way because i couldn't read it so as a result every night almost as a child one night after another night just getting weapons because i don't know how to sound out words that i don't know how to read and even to this day sometime when somebody said read this it sends a chill all through my body because it of what i went through as a child as a result i ended up went through school i have never in my life and somebody said what are you doing up there i don't know why i'm here i'm just thankful i'm here what are you doing up here i'm never bishop you know my life you know my story i've never in my life obtain a grade higher than a d except for art and in gym i was a good artist and a citizenship i was a good boy and i liked to play but as a result i went through school and they just said keep passing him let him stay with his own age group and they passed me until i graduated and when i got graduated after 13 years of schooling i sat on the side of the bed and unrolled my diploma and looked at it and couldn't even read two lines of it i cried for 13 years i went to school 13 years i walked through snow there was no yellow buses for us 13 years i went through with sickness and colds and flus set in classrooms and was inferior to everybody in there but here i am now 18 years old and can't go to go get a job i can't go to college i can't can't do anything ended up went to the army and in the army needless to say without any rules they they called me every name they could think of in fact they made names up just for me as a result of all of these things i lost my self-esteem i could not look at anyone in their faces i dropped every time i saw you i watched your shoes and not your face everywhere i went i went with tears in my eyes i got to the point i hid in crowds i'll never forget my first day at mason temple i drove all the way from michigan i got into mason temple enjoyed the shouting outside in the dust and in the dirt hear the good tires and the drums and the saints praising god i sat on the back of the mason temple behind a column trying to see who was speaking on the podium because i was too ashamed to go up front many of you have seen me passing out voting papers and collecting papers that was a test of my confidence of my faith that i have in god to stand before people i could not do this few years ago but i've been the faith that i have in god has been multiplied so great that i thank him today that he took me from behind the column and put me on the podium i'm blessed i left the army and i began with my problems i started drinking the devil said kill yourself don't live you no nobody wants you nobody love you i set up in a bar one night on a sunday night i sat there on 12th and penguin in detroit cornyacking coke in my hand playing my jazz somebody walked into the bar and put some money in the jukebox and it was sam's cook record and they said everybody say amen everybody say man and i'm sitting i said wait a minute that's church music why are they playing and dancing in the bar off of church music and i began to think about my sunday school classes and think about the purity class and mother whitehead and think about all of the teaching of bishop john seth vale and here i am sitting up in a bar while i was sitting there the tears came to my eyes and i got up off the bar stool on a sunday night and i went to the church when i got to church i sat in the back like i used to do so i could easily get out before somebody messed with me or somebody asked me any questions i went in the back of the church and sat down and while i was sitting there the preacher got up elder james mccarty and he threw out his hands like never before and said jesus said come unto me oh ye that labor and are heavy laden how give you rest and the tears began to fall down my face and i said jesus are you talking to me and the lord said come i said but lord i've done so much wrong he said come i said lord i even got alcohol on my breath he said come hallelujah i stood up and when i stood up the tears began to flow from my eyes and i felt the presence of god all around me but i stood there the devil said you're going to mess up the service i said you messed up my life i ought to be able to mess up one service i stepped out in the aisle begin to come down the aisle talking to jesus i've got a true testimony today on my way down that house i actually felt the weight of sin when it fell off of my shoulders hallelujah by the time i got to the altar my hands was lifted i always kept my hands in my pocket because i didn't want nobody to see them but i asked god to take a look at them i asked them to wash me from the top of my head to the sole of my feet i asked them to give me thy anointing of god i asked them to save me on that day to wash me to fill me with the baptism of the holy ghost i cried and the lord delivered me that night the lord saved me the preacher said come back tomorrow night at 7 30. we gonna have terrorist service i said yes sir he said don't eat nothing philip i said yes sir i fasted all day i was at the church at seven o'clock when they came to open the doors i was standing at the door man i was hungry i was thirsty for the righteousness of god hallelujah and while i was standing there it came unlocked the door turned the heat on turned the lights on turned the mics on but i didn't do anything but go to the altar and i kept talking to god and i said here i am here i am you told me to come and here i am i need you like never before fill me with the holy ghost i don't know what time it was but i know one thing i gave up to god and when i surrendered i felt about shandy oh i felt him when he came in and when he came in i got joy that's joy when the holy ghost come the holy ghost does not come to save you but the holy ghost come because you already saved because you've already confessed that jesus is lord to the glory of god and when the holy ghost come in joy come in joy come here lord knock me out on the floor under the power of the holy ghost when they dismiss service they ask my wife can you handle him she says i got him they pushed me in the car like the officers do these bad boys on the street they got me in the car and drove me to my little small income bungalow i went up those steps i'll go up halfway and stop and go about you kind of stand up the lord anointed me in the morning i got up praising him but one day i went to the youth congress and i bought a big bible real big bible and i said lord if i get a bigger bible maybe i can read your word i can understand what you're saying i said because i love you so much i love you better than life i said lord if i fall if i fall before i hit the ground before i utterly just separate myself from you if i if if sin come in will you do one thing for me i said lord just take me before i fall because i can't live without you anybody feel today that you can't anybody feel like you can't live without him i can't live without him and so i asked god i said lord i need to know if i got the holy ghost like they did on the day of pentecost i want to know if i got it that way and i said lord but i can't read and i laid my face in my bible in tears and cosmetic all over my pages the tears were running down the seam of my pages and i'm saying god i need to read your word and i cried out to him out of an earnest heart and the lord spoke to me i'll never forget it it was on a saturday morning he said to me it is not necessary now that you read my word all i want you to do is praise my name and i found out the answer to every one of my problems that i ever had in life that i ever will have in life is in the praise if you can praise god in the midst of what you're going through god will bring you out the devil the devil take it not strange for you to praise god when god delivered you but what confuses the devil is that how can you praise god with all that i have put on you [Applause] and you're still going through but you're shouting you don't have no money but you're shouting cancer's in your body but you're shouting you've lost a loved one but you're shouting if you can but praise god you can get through it [Applause] i'll tell you you can get through it come under the whole shot so while i was sitting there i said oh praise your name or praise your name praise your name praise your name he praise your name i heard the holy ghost said i couldn't read this but the holy ghost see but then the old shot the horse attack the holy ghost is real you can't buy it you can't get it in the university god gives it to you it's a gift hallelujah i couldn't read it but the holy ghost is so real and the word of god is a live organism and the two come together and what i could not understand god tore down the under gave me the understanding of it he said when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all in one place all with one accord when suddenly there came a sound from heaven and it feared the place where they said they were dwelling in jerusalem devout men from everywhere from the north from the south from the east and from the west and oh how they murmured of the amazement of these tongues how they praised and blessed our lord some folks say that you men you are drunk with new wine but brother peter give her the authority given authority of the holy ghost said ye men you're not drunk as ye suppose but this is that which was spoken by great prophet angel in the last day i shall pour out my spirit serve the lord i'll pour it on all flesh that is born then the young men they shall have visions us older men will dream dreams as we walk hand in hand praising god for the victory looking to jesus who's the author unfinisher of our faith as we praise him both morning noon and night oh praise the lord [Music] oh praise the lord he cut that tattoo praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord now i could not read that because i was too ignorant but the wisdom of god is greater than the wisdom of man and the weakness of god is stronger than man hallelujah and so god blessed me with the ability to take the word of god and hold it up even though i couldn't read i said oh what shall i render to jesus what shall i render to him my life my joy my all in all oh what shall i render to him i went all over the city of detroit with my bible and they said that's the man that can sing scriptures and he can't read and i stand there and bishop bailey said go ahead phillip come on come on phil we'll be saying we want them song yes sir sir and i get up and all shattered hallelujah and so here i was singing scriptures here i was unable to read my father said philip do you want a job i said yes sir he said i've been at ford motor company for 37 years and i've got something they call favor he said i will make out your application for you just go to gate 2 and say i'm jack's boy and it'll all be made out just sign your name i went to to gate 2 on miller road and i said i'm jack's boy they grab me and pull me in the back just sign your name right here we know your problem and they gave me a job at 2.67 an hour i was sweeping floors and taking garbage out i'm in the garbage can full of the holy ghost [Applause] philadelphia [Applause] i'm in the garbage can with the holy ghost i'm singing look where he brought me from in the garbage can hallelujah but i give god all the praise somebody tell the lord thank you come on tell him thank you and i found out if god give you a job sweeping floors sweeping like michelangelo like he paint pictures you ought to do the thing that god assigned you to do and when you do it right god will open up doors and pour you out a blessing that you don't even have room to recede but you got to learn how to praise god wherever you are pray them through your storm praise them while you're going through say yeah [Applause] one day the supervisor came by said mr jackson mr jackson i said yes sir he said you're always here on time you've never been late you'll never take a day off he said would you like to be a supervisor i said oh no no no no no i wasn't mad at supervisors i just knew i couldn't read the devil said you're going to lose the job you got if you do that but when he walked away the holy ghost said who i thou to be who i bow to consider these things in all thy ways acknowledge him he said i'll direct your path i jumped out the garbage can ran down the aisle i said mr bundy what do i have to do he said all you got to do is take a test for two and a half hours from ohio state university i said two and a half hours he said yes reading comprehending algebra geometry intrigue i said okay put my name in put my name in so when i'm trying i want to be obedient when they put my name in i didn't go to no library i didn't get no encyclopedia i couldn't read none of that stuff so i went to praying bible band praying bible band at the end of praying bible band they said if anybody have any prayer requests somebody stood up and said i got an unspoken request somebody else said i got an unspoken request how many folks know that if you in a boat if you're in the boat in the middle of lake erie your motor won't start and you got a hole in the middle of the boat you ain't got no unspoken requests that ain't no unspoken request the only thing you can do is holly how lord i need your help and that night i came down and said all of you all know me because i was in your classes and what they would do pass the sunday school book round for all the little children to read when they got to me they would say no give it to her and they passed me by hallelujah hallelujah but i thank god so i told him i said y'all know my condition you know i'm ignorant you know i can't read but one thing else you know about me you know i'm saved i'm saved and they said come on up fella and i stood there at the altar then mothers came they used to wear a them long dresses with them big old shoes but they would stand there and the big ugly shoes that's what i wanted to say and they stand there in front of you and one of them hit me in the head another one pushed me back and they were pushing me and pulling me [Applause] and then they went in their pocket and they got me this little ball of oil and they said tomorrow phillip when you take this test they see y'all complain cause you get a little little oil on your saint john they didn't they didn't dab you they came from way back here and when they got to you have the oil was in the air and they anointed you but i'm tell you something that was a real anointing and when they said don't eat nothing go to take your test take this little oil with you he said phillip put a little on your paper put some on your head and put some on your belly there's something about that belly because he said out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water and let me tell you i got in there was it was 25 men with briefcases and satchel all educated scholars and here i am in a pair of blue coveralls china to the junk man the garbage man i'm sitting there but i had something that they didn't have because i heard them say greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world and if god be for you he's more than the world against you i took my oil put it on me the lady said you got 25 30 minutes on this section she turned the clock and i'm sitting there the clock is ticking it gets down to 25 minutes and i haven't even picked up my number two pencil but i begin to tell god i say you let me come in here with all of this wisdom you let me sit in the midst of all of these talented men and you're a great guard and i just want to say thank you for letting me be in this room by that time i felt the quickening i said oh you're here you're here thank you for coming to see about me by that time i heard the holy ghost said mark box a i said oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus he said d-c-b-a-f a-f-g-n-d i said yes lord g-d-a-c-b yes lord when i finished i set the pencil down the clock went off that song came to me and said he may not come when you want him but he's an old-time god come on tell him thank you today it went to eligible geometry intrigue they said here's your instruction find the radii of a circle multiply it by the circumference and then multiply by pi hour square i said pi the only pie i knew about was sweet potato pie [Applause] that's the only pie i knew but the holy ghost says c d b a f c g n d a f c d and b c and e hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i went through that whole test closed my book and the lord said now geometry don't think it's strange that i know the answer to geometry problem he said because look at a spider this one in here walking the rafters right now he falls all the way down until you walk into his web he follows his own security he attaches himself to nothing he hangs from nowhere and hallelujah and he wraps a web on his own don't need no instructions no building permit just build it wherever he wanted and then when he get through building it there's every angle in that spider's web that is known to a geometrist so if god can give this information to a spider [Applause] [Music] and you are far greater than a spider god can give you the answer to every problem you could ever have yeah i looked at that spider he sitting back there in the web he didn't webbed himself away and then he sits back in in the hole and he waits he waits for room service [Applause] fly come back get caught in the web spider said well i'm not really hungry right now i'll come get him a little bit later he'll say that and an hour later he come out well i guess i'll eat their room service for the spider god brought me soul in that test i passed everything i came back the next day they said mr jackson we scored your test i said yes sir he said you got a percent on your test i said a hundred for he said yes and he said can you just wait right here for a moment i'm saying he better hurry up and get me out of here cause something to tear up this man's office i feel a praise coming on i was saying lord please hurry up let him come and he said i want to tell you this anybody that passes this type of test with 100 we call you a hot pot i said yes sir he said every six months we're going to promote you and we're going to give you a raise and increase your salary all over wherever you're going so six months after they made me a supervisor i became a full player supervisor six months later assistant general supervisor six months later the general supervisor six months later assistant superintendent of production six months later the production each time i'm going from 200 to 400 to 800 to a thousand people i got me up to about a shift manufacturing manager then they came and said we can't promote you no more mr jackson you don't have a degree i said it's all right they said but we're going to send you to college i said oh jesus how you going to send me to college and i can't even i don't have a degree i don't have nothing and he said we're going to pay for your salary just as for you was at work every single day and we put you in tooling down manufacturing engineering because we're going to put you over all of that diet constructions electronics and all of the things pertaining to the manufacturing world i said yes sir i went to the college to take my entrance exam and failed it i went to the cafeteria and there was a gentleman with a donut and a coffee in front of me he said oh i forgot i don't have my wallet i said sir put him on my bill he said you don't know me i said i don't have to know you it's only a dollar and a half so i paid for his donut and coffee i went out and sat down and said now how can i tell this general manager and the vice president at ford motor company that i can't even pass the entrance examination god how can i do that by that time the man came back bishop and he said what's your name i said phil jackson he said mr jackson what are you doing here i said i'm supposed to take some classes because they want to promote me i need to know something about quality i need to understand what a homogeneous process is and i don't need to understand with a heteroskedasticity process using sigma and sigma prime with three standard deviations on either side of the mean with double x bar is my guy i need to know how to do probability predictability studies using six sigma as the base he said oh good okay he said i have the best phds here all of them know this he said i said well who are you he said i'm the dean of the university [Applause] and about three days later i had a postcard that said sorry mr jackson you did not meet the academic requirement of toledo university perhaps you take some adult classes and they even bring your academic level up to the standard of our university thank you for your application then there was another card congratulations mr jackson you've been accepting university toledo classes starting monday morning at nine o'clock and i went to college i never got a grade lower than a b in college god brought me a long way and so they came and said mr jackson what i want to do i want to make you the quality systems manager i see my first lady in my jurisdiction mother share he said i'm going to make you the quality systems man and i'm giving you 26 plants three in mexico three in canada and the rest in the continental united states i said oh god how can i do this and they introduced me to a man named dr edward demings he's the guru of statistics and he was 92 years old when i met dick's dr demons dr dimming said these people are not concerned about what i have but mr jackson what i'm going to do for you i'm going to take you in the cafeteria we're going to meet every day and i'm going to teach you everything i know about statistics i teach statistics dealing with uh x bar r charts peak charts np charts all kinds of charts pie charts all the pareto analysis uh god blessed me with the talent to be able to take statistical data and to crack it down and i heard bishop on the phone one day talking on the conference phone he said put the pencil to the paper and let that make the decision on what you're going to do and i said that's a that's a talented man that's a bright man you can put the pencil all the talk out out of your mouth don't mean much of anything but when you put it on paper now you're talking so here we are three plants in mexico i can't speak no spanish plain land they say i got an interpreter and i got a a car to pick you up at the airport i go to the meetings in quattilon mexico and i'm sitting at the head of the table and somebody asked me a question and all i could say is see [Applause] all i can say is see and what i'm saying see they don't know i'm not saying just yes i'm saying see where the lord have brought me from thank you jesus thank you for watching the jonathan desvarni gospel channel make sure to subscribe to the channel and get your praise on sing it to somebody
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 11,742
Rating: 4.8984771 out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Gospel Videos, Gospel, Gospel Music, Christ, Jesus, God, HolyGhost, Praise, Praise God, Praise The Lord, Awesome, Praise Break, Dance, Bishop R. Jackson
Id: dOAtEgH202Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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