First One to Monaco with No Money Gets £5000

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right this is a it has all come down to this and I genuinely don't know how I feel about this I'm excited on one hand but then I'm a little bit nervous on another because all the hard work time and effort that's gone into this and now it's out my hands like what if they can't even do it with this challenge as well I want to really raise awareness for the bridge retreat and the work they do around emotional and mental health it's getting to Christmas a lot of people struggle at Christmas it's a tough time so the more awareness we can raise the better on top of that the more money we can raise as well the more people we can check into the bridge retreat to help them improve their mental health I'll put the link in description so you can donate so any help would be massive if everybody watch this video donating a pound we'd make such a difference on top of that I'll also put the link down below as well so you can see more info on the bridge where you can read up about them and see the work they do also I want to thank JK calls in for started off with a donation of three thousand pound which is a massive star they also helped me put this whole thing together with the cost of flights hotels transport food the jet you name it so I couldn't have done this without them so big thank you to them oh this is it it's come down to this which is luck and we'll see how we get on let's say out run run [Music] with ones oh my god me you couldn't write that this is 5,000 pounds even worth it mate when you get some men approved we run just run [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] morning how are we this morning feels like The Apprentice so firstly congratulations to everyone who's here we have thousands of applications that we've been through and it's all come down to you five be near so every credit I also appreciate you trusting me in coming here to come on this challenge not actually knowing what it is but I promise you it'll be worth it yes obviously having watched my videos you know this challenge is not gonna be easy at all you know you're going to be pushed out your comfort zone and it's definitely not for the faint-hearted but I'm telling you you're gonna have an amazing experience right now so the plan is we're gonna all get on the jet behind me anyone been on a private jet before so we're all gonna get on this we're gonna be fine to an unknown location obviously I've not told you yet and you'll find out when we get there obviously and then yeah good luck we'll go from there are we going let's go my name is Gordon Forbes I'm 29 and I'm from Cork and Ireland my name is Robin Miller I'm 20 years old I'm from Belfast Northern Ireland my name is Ricky I'm 33 and I'm from Birmingham hi I'm Lee I'm 24 and I'm from London my name is Bethany and 21 and I'm from Bristol I would describe myself as a person as confident very clumsy and do is a quite bubbly I mean I'm always up for a good chat a good laugh creative I love to explore new ideas I love doing things that people say no you can't do this either pile up so we are now going to [Applause] feeling absolutely fantastic I know where to get this float on the way take a wild guess where do people go Tony welcome somewhere in Europe maybe [Music] I think heals a lot plan that none of us are going to even expect just everything sounds very suspicious and shitty it when when it sounds like the Deaf and they got a lot more plan that we're thinking about I think it's going to be a normo new challenge there's definitely gonna be some sort of travel element it's gonna be hard of walking around I'm excited I'm so nervous cuz it's just never done anything like this before it's gonna be fun but also pretty challenging like I'm personally looking forward to hitting them hurdles to hitting the point where you feel you can't progressively I think the number one that sticks out for me is Gordon because he's a cheeky one and he's gonna smash his challenges no doubt about it he's got something secretly to hide and he definitely has a lot of like skills or talents he seems a bit of a dark horse seems like he's got a lot of things that his sleeve and all he's got planned I will say this I will give it my all and I'm going out there to win and it's gonna be a real challenge to see how far each of us can go and who can win right this is it does everybody want to take their bank folds off any idea where you are Poland France Wales mate Wales Wales good shot good yeah I'm finally gonna tell you what you doing finally over the next five days you're all gonna be racing each other from this location to Monaco but first has anybody got any phones props and anything at all on them because I'm gonna take them off you fold me have you got anything else pens anything listen mate just the phone handset nothing else pen the thin paper sweet bag yeah we're taking the bag is your phone in it and you sure I will be checking phone have you got anything else you're hiding anything in these pockets yeah we're taking your lip balm mate and then your phone now that I've taken everything off you see you've got absolutely nothing I've given you all a bag if you're never look what's inside it this game fair play mate water not bad super so just to clarify what's in the bag you've got a bottle of water a pack of rich tea biscuits a bottle of the finest tomato ketchup a one-pound Brawley and well the cheapest phone I could find basically this 10 euros credit on it and that's the last ye the week there's one number on that phone and one number only and that's my number so if anybody's in a mess or stuck or finding it tough just ring me we'll have a conversation we'll see if we can overcome it and we'll take it from there right because you've all put yourselves out there massively to come on this challenge I want it to do a really good price so whoever wins this challenge gets 5000 pound what whoever wins this gets 5 grand in cash and I will be there at monocle waiting to give you it just out of curiosity who thinks they're gonna go home with the 5 G's hundred percent things just mixed up of it even though you don't have a clue which country you're in or what language they speak here my number one bit of advice is just to speak to people get to know people there's gonna be twists and turns along the way it's gonna get harder and I would just recommend just take every day as it comes the last thing to tell you is that today's checkpoint is the Grand Palace in Brussels ready to go are we ready 3 2 1 go so yeah I'm here I don't know where I have to get to Brussels the grand palace in Brussels and I have absolutely no idea how I'm gonna get there I'm gonna follow this carport I need to get to the entrance of this carpark once it's once we figured out that entrance to this carpark we'll get to the main role once we're in the main role we can do something can't do you can't do nothing at this point could you help me a second no worries yeah just speak English I'm actually just doing doing a challenge and I just want to know where am I hello by the way I'm Lee where am i right now Europe very close to the capital of the Netherlands Amsterdam and which would be if you will go into Brussels which would be the best way you would go would you get the train or would you hitchhike or yeah yep okay brother shall start Thanks 20 to 25 minutes walk you will read this what's your name sorry my name is Peter Peter Gordon pleasure to meet you okay thank you for hopefully we get there all right okay thank you very much see you Peter thank you very much thank you so much really appreciate that you have a lovely day Amsterdam was maybe that means part I don't know children together I'm intrigued by the horses why those horses around so let's go check that out it wouldn't be funny if I got on the back of a horse inside I going on a horse thought I'd be pretty good with it I can totally relate to how they're feeling out my first ever challenge was Amsterdam to Barcelona with no money and obviously were in Amsterdam now and I remember when I was here and I was thinking how am I going to get to that next sort of point so I could get to Barcelona so I can totally relate to how they're feeling it's just a case of being confident believing in yourself and actually getting a move on to get there because the last thing you want to do is let it get later on in the day and then be stuck somewhere at the starting point I've made it know where I've wasted about 20-30 minutes walking around seeing some horses so not going well but we're getting there exit how do I exit exit exit yep yep left up saddam thank you so much thank you so much let's go get on the back of that stop I would actually love to get on the back of are we stop him I know he's just turning the corner I need to get into the city a bit because this is just not doing me any good I'm not sticking my arm out here am I getting on the back of old man scoot over there my first rejection at hitchhiking that hurt a little bit that did hurt a little bit but it's fine got to bounce back I'm not trying to get out at this Park I've got no I know I'm in Amsterdam like do you know like where the road is that's gonna lead me down towards Brussels like south or yeah any bit of like scratch yeah anything if you've got anything that I could just write no that's that would be great that would be great thank you you see who you choose to eat okay I think Brussels okay love you can I keep this pen it's alright oh thank you so much I think he's asking for like some change or something hello can I ask you a question yeah so I'm doing a challenge what do we normally I'm not asking for money at all what I want to know is what would you think would be my best way to get from here where I am right now to the grand palace in Brussels oh no no he just asked her for directions she's a child and where to go I'm kind of looking for a spin to get to with say a petrol station or to take me as close to Brussels as possible so he's got a good bit of like a charm going on there you'll probably be able to I get something I look you or you can if you want what's your name Gordon thank you very much thanks for all your help I see ya bye my first move today would be to try something a bit more venturous at the end of the day brussels isn't a million miles away today so it's a good distance for them to sort of get comfortable with being uncomfortable so I would try something adventurous see if I can make money doing something and see how I got off with that and sort of take the day as it comes excuse me is the bus to Amsterdam here do you know how much it is you American oh my god you're gonna be so useful I thought I'd be a natural at this I've got a trusting face apparently not do you know roughly how much it is because I already need to try and raise that money to just get into damp I can jump on the thing but I would I would rather pay do you know I mean I don't want to just if I do you think if I ask the bus driver right let's go for that you know what thank you so much you've been so helpful thank you so much Gordon Forbes he's a talker isn't he he can talk I'm confident with Gordon because I don't see him having any fear at all confidence and being outgoing are two things that are parallel to each other because you have to interact with people and people radiate conference so it makes them feel comfortable people in people hundr really nice I have to get all of this cycling because I've only got a slap of a boy signal gonna head into the coffee shop I'm gonna ask for some help maybe some directions of height it gets anywhere anywhere away from here Robin has probably being the quietest context that I'd say so far but then she studies politics in unique so that that doesn't add up to me so I think she's quietly confident and it'll be interesting to see how she gets on I was at a coffee shop that was a marijuana shop [Laughter] hey oh this guy let's dodgy Gordon stop mate I know I was like stop cause you like dodging his car just like you'd pick someone up Bethany cook Bethany such a nice genuine sweet person and I can see it speaking to people so maybe hitchhiking or my creative skills hurt if anyone can read this then I take my hat off to you because I can't even read it myself so I don't think it's gonna get me far but we can't think like that can we okay keep the interesting they don't look chained but kid very well be someone's no I'm not gonna do it so this is three four seven let's try it the scuffle happens basically I need to ask you something I've got I'm here I'm doing a challenge and I need to get to Amsterdam is there any way at all no way what if I tell the control down no not possible okay thank you so much no no thank you so much right so that was a flop uh you know what off judgment she didn't have a nice face without being without sounding bad but she didn't know Hey look there's another one that's got four this one's can look and see if they have done that bus but I couldn't see anybody I couldn't see their mana hopefully not and hopefully they get kicked off no sender ends I don't know outside you're not going central into them okay thank you so much thank you this is what success looks like but not only that not only that more care aboard so now I have enough signs for the next couple of days so I went in I met a lovely lovely woman on the side she was on a break Monica she came up with a box and I'm Carmen American says these are my gifts you best of luck on your journey I hope you get there and she was really really helpful and that was just amazing so I've never been so happy to see some cowboy in my life right so we've got an option this road here comes straight up to it there's a traffic light and it doesn't car that's gonna stop for me the only way if there's a car behind them not going to be able to there's a living life on the edge option up here bit dangerous hopefully somebody actually looks up but then this is the problem now II yeah he might stop for me they're just going off so really I've got a 10-second window before the lights go to I mean oh my god so if we're here it looks like walking looks just off that way I'll take your leg straight and Amsterdam city centre yeah I think people are gonna say them and dumpster down so with this challenge there's one camera person with each person and I give them all a tracker so I can basically see how everybody's getting on how everybody's progressing and how far they are away from the checkpoint plan is to get piece of paper and a pen and then I need to start making some money so I want to draw some people I need to get to find across the museum or anything close to art and that way I can also try and make some money his pies into everyone's Gnosticism right he wouldn't want to be drawn by famous artists but yeah I think it's it's a good idea so far the only idea and the strong idea well so far I'm victory on the metro to get to the Amstel station I could kick in the can I say to someone that I've lost my ticket MC really would you mind checking me in but okay thank you good luck thank you smile or no smile well what we want to do is we're here now and there's a tram line so the next tram is in 8 minutes so what we're going to do is we're going to train blag the tram and get in and maybe if we can get the Train blag the Train as well what the plan at the moment is still but still as a shipper hi guys do you guys speak English if there's going to be a ticket conductor and he's going to check the tickets so I have to dodge the typical doctrine as well no it would be much easier if I had a ticket I don't that's the risk I'm willing to take I got dropped in that Park blindfolded right blindfolded and the challenge is I've got to get to Monaco in five days with no money even if you could if you could sponsor me honest honestly you would mean so much I could quite easily jump on that bus but I feel that I can get that money or I can ask that driver to let me get on that bus for free I'd rather do it the right way do you not I mean what's your name sorry Gordon what's yours Mehran pleasure because what were your names Lucas and Jacinto Lucas on Ricky thank you guys honestly so much this is so what what am I saying I got on up you want yawn van garlands shown here it never remember not one of them yawn van gone strong we're getting the boss so far we're going to attempt at I can i maybe I was thinking about if I can get a bit of money up some high we think it's a good purse so oh my god you're joking thank you thank you so much oh that's so great you know what thank you so much man guys thank you mate we've smashing this challenge thank you guys that was so sweet oh I'm so happy okay yarn barn Garland's shop god I'm not so nice so what we're gonna do now is I want to stroll around and see how much an actual take a cost because I think it's gonna be more than 25 some what I have to do some things so I'm gonna head in there now and see what the crack is do you say I'm trying to get to Brussels or anywhere near down that waiter ah thank you so much yeah I'm basically trying to get near Brussels you go in anywhere down that do you think anywhere closer away from Amsterdam would be amazing no I the phone no we wouldn't yeah it's like we weren't allowed any phone any do you know what we'll just go for it will hang for the best what was your name sorry Felix I'm Bethany nice to meet you Felix so the idea now is to go to the Apple Store because they might potentially have a pen and paper that I can use and then we're going to maybe Rex museum to stand outside and to draw people and try and get some bloody money thank you so much honestly thank you so much thank you very much thank you appreciate that your boy has come out with some paper some pens we're well on our way to making some money Oh Bethenny's been a right front runner she's massively winning at the minute she's just getting into Utrecht no fair play to her okay cool check out here Felix yeah thank you tonigh right hitchhiking to rustles rustles try that I'll try that I'm fat second do you know I should stop doing now that's like a gun sign yeah hacking tube roughly Hey I'll just toilet sir we are at BP petrol station near Utrecht or a bit further past you trip but in a bit of a sticky one now because it's like I've got no what do I mean like look where we are I've got no option but to get ass around here so that's that's all this is gonna go people are obviously just trying to get petrol but it's a cure to the bathroom that's one besides is there any chance you can just drop me off the side of the road by there is that okay I'll thank you so so much thank you really really appreciate but we just went to the information desk and he told me that I can get fixed boss from the next the next metro stop and the boss is only 15 euros that's a two hour and a half for joining just zooming in on this map it looks like Lee is in the museum I think it's an art museum lot of clue what he's doing there so we have arrived to the art museum I hope there's some takers for some of my drawings Game of Thrones [Music] hey guys I was wondering what I'd love to do for you two fine gentlemen today goes to just draw a portrait super quick one and then you pay what you feel like and literally like two three minutes yep absolutely thank you so much see I'm sure 23 you're off I'm not asking for 23 euros for the train I'd like to get the train because obviously we're racing thank you very much for taking the leap of faith here 23 is my Master's bed so it's like 12 euros each if you don't that's cool you know I'm not gonna I'm not going to worry about us dude that's yeah yeah yeah you're done yeah if you want to contribute I would be forever grateful so it's 48 I have 25 so that's if you want to have that man I said are you guys happy with this autograph I also have a Instagram thank you so much thank you let me tear that off guys thank you so much tell you that brood is going east but we want to go side so we're gonna try and go back to the station please can either hop on something or try and get a bus chief bus somewhere I can go out there and be like on this I'm gonna go on treat myself to a snack that meal I'm not believing you're gonna see me rationing some seriously now that I've started up well this challenge is just gonna get back but worried I'm glad we're going to the spot where the buses to Brussels are and if it is only 15 euro then I would try especially pretty close to central and like we're going that way people might be nice you know like like the other guy and let me spare like a year or two do they use tickets to get out do you have to swipe a ticket to get out so what I'm going to do because I haven't got a ticket I'm just yeah yeah thank you so much yeah yeah it's not a masterpiece and I'm sorry this is are you happy with that yeah yeah you didn't say you loved it say I'm a little bit upset oh my god thank you so genuinely thank you thank you very much so at the moment there's one at half five which costs 15 euros but now I've got five euros if I need to see if I can try and ask people for a bit of help and see if I could make any money around here and see how it goes is there anything you're gonna throw away that I could maybe have a cheeseburger or anything nothing not even a fries literally anything okay alright thank you so much anyways thank you so much thank you are you sure thank you so much right honestly appreciate you oh wow okay thank you so much thank you guys thank you so much I'm gonna does anyone want the walk because I do feel cheeky and taking the water so I was wondering if I tell you the riddle and you get it right then I'll give you two euro or if you get it wrong then you have to give me a euro would you be interested okay that's okay thanks anyways so that's okay it's okay yeah would you be interested so my riddle is when does Christmas come before Thanksgiving in a year after after four years the city is very difficult back I am ideal it's in the dictionary yeah thank you so much I wonder who please thank you thank you so much thank you I was hoping so we're five not in the position to lose any more money right by seven D ially to year 35 we set your bag yeah next one sorry game speak to Brussels how much is ticket well it was 15 when we looked but night with probably gone up by nine especially if you probably want the same bus yeah yeah yeah there's like one every half an hour oh no I couldn't do out to you where we're gonna we wanna par three for a while you're an opportunity night we're too nice a but we're par-3 we're gonna we're gonna keep trying fair play treating your 35 euro Godolphin so sleep but right I want to try it I'm gonna do it myself wanna do it myself no okay perfect 19 for minutes yes okay so we're here now we've got to get to there that's not gonna be too long get the tickets get on the tram and then now get on the coach and then Russell's here we come you go in anywhere like down south we know like Antwerp or brude Buddha yeah bread bread ah yeah anywhere like down that way can I get a one ticket to Brussels please [Music] I don't think that cheeseburger dummy justice so I'm literally just gonna pop in the coffee shop to get some food like cookie popping in they do not sell food in this place I don't know we could type them in I'm afraid no you could just pick from this list panic at the disco Billy Eilish Whitney Houston Bon Jovi livin on a prayer but you could sing that well okay so I've just spotted flicks bus says it's going to Brussels that she need to run for that now Tommy used to work on the docks you need me on strike he's down on his luck Easter so the the half four is Victor's are nothing man there give me about four euros and didn't even care about the riddle they were just nice to help I'm happy to help much I really appreciate right let's give Robin a quick call see how she's getting on I'm not good for my thing hey are you all right yeah we're good ah good how are you getting on we've got fifteen euros which is what we needed for you for the bus but the bus you it's like a four pound brick and fate when you pick up with them so I need to try and find someone who can pick on their phones for me or else get another couple euro up okay awesome or fingers crossed you'll be able to find some on their finger Scott oh well I'm really glad you're doing well I will you're finding it so far oh my god it was really hard I think it was like we took us until like half three actually like I had like five euros at that stage and then just been the last like hour and a half that I've actually been like running around trying to make a few euros well honestly well done for making them murals and fingers cos you'll be able to fighting someone soon so you can get on the next boss then yeah hopefully I think it's leaving really soon so I'm gonna run and find people no oh well good luck anyway I'll leave you to it thank you see you later good luck bye hello Ricky how are you mate yeah not too bad mate I'm literally on the way to catch a potential boss mate so um without sounding rude I'm in a bit of a rush no problem mate you keep grafting I'll see you soon that's interesting so he's on his way to get a bus as well there's a few gone to get a boss of the day we definitely miss the halfway it's still hard for you let's attempt it's this attempt this you never know if someone's waiting there if someone's literally just waiting there there's a lot of bags and stuff to put on this bus it's a two and a half hour journey so you never know it might still be there and we might still get this half I would and would you be able to pick my boss for me on your phone and I'll give you the 15 euros for it would that be okay thank you so much how long ago was it May that would have been crazy we got on the same I can't believe we're on I mean I can't believe on the same route but um I thought I was doing well you sure you don't mind doing this it's alright I don't want to like put thank you so much I really really appreciate oh I can't tell you how much I appreciate this it's just olden this like June I mean this is the first day out of five but you just see around like I say around the world just people were just so helpful and like they're just so lovely you don't know nothing you're gonna meet do you thank you so much that she was lovely to meet you thank you bye I want to give you like a little drawing of you in exchange that just needs like five euros something like that to get a coach okay dude train station everyone's in a rush it's not the right place it'd be it'd be like super quick drawing you can take it home with you yeah okay no wise man thanks mate Cheers we are currently in Steel Tilburg I cannot pronounce these places right just got out the car from Arthur who drove a Tesla was amazing we've done karaoke and then just chatting to him about the situation he has kindly brought me a ticket from hilberg that's two changes but gets me all the way to Brussels so this is sick but now I've sent it to my emos he was like typing he must I send that to my emails and then gonna go try and sort this situation out but I've got the ticket that's the thing so this going here starts to get following me I'm gonna have to get around and ask to get the emails up I don't know but we haven't even got that much time so need to get cracking on this get crack-a-lackin' so yeah just arrived after getting my flicks boss then came in here to get some food went up to the counter was just telling the guy about the journey whole day has been it's been nuts like so I ordered chips and a burl on curry sauce and like hero you've stone to sandwiches for the trip and the boss I need to go tomorrow like like you can tank these people enough I've got no money no like a smartphone I've got like an old phone but my ticket is on my emails so if I get the ticket number up on my emails all right is there a if I come around the table I don't want it yeah yeah thank you this is so annoying you can book it right do we get discount do we get mates rates we must have mates rates come on guys because I'm not in a foreign country they want me to like put like my emails like it won't let me log on to the things yeah I'll take 50% yeah 100% oh no he could pay full price spoke to nice man in there so I'm gonna try and print the ticket at the library which closes 8 or something and he said cuz the train actually got cancelled so he said I could get on any train to burda then go to Brussels so this might work or it could be an absolute disaster we will soon find out done thank you so much for that 50% mate and this is the place to come with them tickets not not on my rate but at normal rate in it thank you guys all right take care take care bye bye I was wondering in exchange for a lovely little portrait like this that any of you could spare any donation okay okay okay that's fine yeah dude do you think Oh two minutes yeah it's it's super it's quite abstract that's air so far oh thank you would you okay there yeah this is yours thank you very much thank you bye I've got 20 or a 20 euros 70 20 euro 70 I think I'm just grateful like we're on the 7 o'clock bus it's gonna take a three-hour bus journey to get or 2 hours and a half to get to where we need to be and here we are we've just bumped into Robin over here obviously set the same mindset what's going on Robin are we doing I'm good man we've already got that we've already got the Intel from Lee so did you manage it have you have you got the stuff have you got it but you managed to get someone to do it yeah so you're on the 7 o'clock as well yeah what time you want oh you're waiting a bit then I might be able to get that codes for the half 8 but I want to get the 7 o'clock I've no idea I bumped into Lee about in the morning and I haven't seen Lisa since yeah but it's what 6 now so I've got an hour I'm glad you made it though I'm glad you're here at least we're making it tonight 100 Jamie we're making it um Ivan's in Bethlehem concerned about Beth I hope she's doing well I'm gonna go in now but we didn't know how easy this is gonna be cuz I might add the email problem again so we'll see hopefully the librarians are nitrogen barbarians all across the world and I so I don't know what a stupid little dance was cut out of it Dean I don't know what that was so I just asked the man if I can you've got to get adultery basically two free year of out short so English I said okay I'll try and get some cash he was like no no no you've got a paper on your card like you can't have cash cause like for at all can I just go ask me who was like no no begging for money oh no no no I'm not begging for money I just want to literally print a train ticket at this nice man brought for me I'm excuse me do you speak English long story short I'm traveling across Europe because I haven't got a smartphone I've got no train I can't show it on the train I wouldn't just want to print something off the computers is that okay I'll it should be like two minutes I won't waste any at the time thank you so so much I've just bumped into Robin I've just pumped into well I know Gordon's upstairs in the style book somewhere because it's been mentioned leaves floating around somewhere I was to three minutes off from catching the high five and I'll miss that now and have to wait till seven o'clock which ain't a you know ain't a bad thing today because obviously this is the first day but in the long run things like that and moves like that are gonna count is that good you happy with that okay are you ready okay that is you is that anything is that good thank you so much I can't wait now to go back to the flicks bus with all that cash monies though yeah it's proof that with a little bit of persistence and positivity you can get somewhere I've got the 7 o'clock coat life is gears and there's also two other of their contestants Ricky and Gordon that are both going to be on the same coach that is absolutely hilarious I've now got over 10 euros and boy oh boy I need a hot drink and something warm hey all right thank you for your help I've got the ticket man was not happy I said bye to them he just went oh I know he didn't look up but the lovely lady let me use her thing don't know if it did actually charger but she said it was all included and I managed to get the international ticket Chicka Chicka it's been a long day ticket so this is good excuse me sorry how do I count down again I tell you what the person who's impressed me the most today is Bethany hitchhiking all that way but obviously from hitchhiking myself in Romania it's hard it's really having for her to come first day and just do that she's done well there obviously I haven't seen or heard of Beth and for me it's like I'm hoping I'm hoping she's actually made it for a lot it would be sick if she was there when we all get there oh yeah be sick Campbell I'm 100% if it listen if it ain't me 100% I'm going bet all day okay thank you so much thank you she's with us and it's only half and on the next one and there's a spare two seats on this bus come on please get them lined I feel so bad leaving her here because we're all at one point all right so another thing that happened as well it was a bit of a disaster but you know you roll with the punches so we I got on a bus for half s five and it would have made made us get to Brussels for a bill I'm only eight o'clock so you know wouldn't would have been doing good time so I bought my ticket and then my cameraman went to book his ticket and the boss I was on soil he wasn't no get the boss separately so here we are but look it's no big deal because we ended up running into the rest of the guys and it's been a great laughs so no no we're on the way to Brussels but obviously I just didn't going to beat them to the ground flats I'm not going I'm not coming last today's been tough I thought honestly it'd be a lot easier I am I actually imagined with especially like the drawing thing that people would be coming up to me and asking to be drawn I can't believe that I haven't helped anyone today I genuinely thought someone would lead him to hell obviously I've told them to ring me if there's any problems so I thought I would have at least helped warm person but they've all got on with it they've all got their tickets to Brussels and they're on their way it'll be interesting to see if they will need my help on this challenge just got the Brussels getting off the train now made it to the central gonna go find the grounds [Laughter] thanks again me thank you so much thank you yeah see you later oh yeah baby me a little Brussels MIT Rabia who's basically was on the same coat / boss as us had three hours to speak so we've had some good conversation in three hours and now she's basically hooking this up we've got the whole squad say there's one two yeah one three three three three the matter help is just nuts doesn't have to do this but she just just wants to do it so all credit to a month off excuse me sorry reject excuse me sorry it wears them the Grands place the gun no the Grands place yes I know all right lovely thank you whoa yo this is insane this is so pretty didn't think we'd make it but here we are much different so I suppose I parameter may that make that call mate if he does an answer at this point if it doesn't answer okay hey are you all right mr. Simon I can hear more voices with you he was William a there's three of us here we read we ran into each other along the way and we we discovered the place together congratulations you are the first person to reach Brussels the first person as well join second so unfortunately you did come last however the fact that you actually got there is amazing so honestly don't worry about it you've done really good to get there so I'm gonna text you an address for a hostel now if you were going to get a good night's sleep and I will see you in the morning to give you tomorrow's check point okay congratulations again awesome work today I'll see you tomorrow yeah today has been crazy like turn of events has been absolutely mad I'm tired now - I can't wait to get a good rest hopefully and then start to stay fresh tomorrow in this Oh odd little hostel room I mean I love good hostel life this is a bit the old one though but when in Brussels sleeper the Train hostel Oh No all I know that tomorrow is gonna be absolutely mental five minutes bear five minutes meds are giving the fun place to the boss Tyler eat the whole packet oh my god this that's three left pay up run run you
Channel: Simon Wilson
Views: 2,283,156
Rating: 4.9294028 out of 5
Keywords: Simon Wilson, First one to Monaco with No Money gets £5000, no money, travel, europe, private jet, challenge, rat race, amsterdam, brussels, race, no money rat race, race across the world, world, race across europe, £5000, Simon Wilsons Rat Race, cheap, cheapest, budget, sneaking, making money, hitchhiking, amazing race, racing
Id: ZlPCxI8eOnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 48sec (2868 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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