First Impressions on Native American Reservation - Flathead ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

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"what we need is easier access to our own land"

Listen, and the answer will be there.

So many people do not understand this concept. this is the crux of LandBack. Easier access looks like tribal ownership, and sovereignty and independence. Why? Because it is the ONLY thing the US gov recognizes;-private land ownership. Why? SCOTUS considers these nations as separate nations. and land writes the us laws.

I always tell people, who question LandBack, that this is just a response.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/rustafarionm ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 30 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I don't really want him to explore the culture so much as I want him to give an insight on the differences of each rez.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/harlemtechie ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 01 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I subscribed to him back when he did these videos in NYC, following a Hasidic family. It was very interesting and he was always respectful. Iโ€™m interested to see how these videos go.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Ajent912 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 01 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
โ™ช melodic acoustic guitar โ™ช [waves gently crashing] -Good afternoon, guys. Today we're starting on a journey. A journey of understanding Native culture in the United States. So this is our first reservation here in Montana. The Flathead Reservation, it starts just a couple miles down the shore here. Pushes far south here in beautiful northern Montana. Home to the Salish and the Kootenai people. Today we have the great privilege to meet with some locals who said they'd bring us in and explain their world, life on the reservation, and how things work there. Let's do this. โ™ช melodic acoustic guitar โ™ช [door opens] All right, so technically according to Google Maps we are on Flathead Reservation. So not at all what I'd expect. I've only been on a few reservations and this definitely doesn't come to mind. So we're getting into something interesting for sure. [music continues] -So there's a lot more over there. PETER: So that's a full bison range? -That's the bison range. It was like a... WOMAN: National Bison Range. -Yeah, it used to be the National Bison Range and before transfer over to the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes it was managed under Federal Department of the Interior. There's a long history of historical traumas that it's caused. Just because the bison that were on there were a food source to the tribe and they forced the bison to Canada and so bringing the bison back home was a big issue. PETER: 1491 Warrior? -Yeah this is uh, fourteen-ninety... This is Native's clothing. On the back it has a picture of some ancestors. Tribes throughout Turtle Island. It just kind of like represents, kind of like that modern... We're not fighting with bows and arrows, guns anymore, we're, you know, trying to utilize our minds and kind of... our education. Trying to do this in a meaningful way. PATRICK: The whole reason why these reservations exist is because they were trying to push the railroad through. PETER: Hmm. -The transcontinental railroad. Their whole mission was to try to prevent war creating these peace treaties. These were all just like... ...protections and promises that were made that the tribes did not get at all and the Flathead Reservation was intended to be an Indian country. And in the original signing of the treaty it was not just the Salish the Kootenai, and the Pend d'Oreilles. There were other tribes like the Spokane were also represented on that treaty, the original treaty. And so this was a place that they were gonna displace native tribes as an Indian country. -Mm-hmm. PETER: You're Blackfeet? -Yeah. -That's where you're originally from? -Yeah. -But even within Blackfeet there are different names... -Different bands. -Different bands you call 'em, okay. -Yeah, I'm Skapi Piikuni Band here in the United States. I am also Kootenai and there are seven bands of Kootenai that are from here in United States with Ksanka, which is the Standing Arrow Band. ...the'd kill, they would lick the blood from their arrow and then they would stab it into the ground... ...when they would hunt or in battle. -Mm-hmm. PATRICK: So traditional tribes, the Slis, the Ksanka, and Qlispe. The Selis, they have their own alphabet system. So these are the letters they use. PETER: So it all falls under Flathead Reservation though? All these groups come in... -Which is kind of a derogatory term... within itself, it was something that... -Okay. -First settlers came over. They described the tribal people as having flat heads and that's what they use it, as a description for everybody. -Okay, so don't say that? -I mean it's the reservation. It's, like, literally what the reservation's called. Since colonialism began... -Mm-hmm. -The misinterpretations of words and things like that. -Mm-hmm. -That all plays part to, like, what they called us and so it's really, you know, what do you call yourself? We do have names for ourselves. For myself, it's the Zuni Pueblo tribe. but we call ourselves the Ashiwi or in Turtle Mountains, the French would call us Chippewa or Ojibwa but we were the Anishinaabe. -Okay. PATRICK: Grew up, they were always talking about for tribal people, "You have to walk two paths." You know, this American way and then there's called the Red road or the Native way and it's like we shouldn't be having to be forced to walk two paths when everybody else only has to walk one. We read books about Native warriors in their time, you know but we are history in the making right now. -Hmm. -And so we have to use our education to combat all these things. These systematic ills that face our community and it's not just like getting a job that you're gonna pay for your housing or your food every week. It's like it's a whole bigger thing of like, "How can you play part as a native person today in this tribe?" You know, and it takes a village to raise a child, it takes everybody pitching in to make Indian country better or Turtle Island better for the future. PETER: And then you have the dam here. That's what we're seeing, right? The dam's off there and there the river goes. So this is a super important water source correct? In this part of the country, in Montana or? Well the Flathead Lake and this is the lower Flathead River. Used to be very spiritual to the people here so... -Is it still? -It was basically called the place of the falling waters and it had... It was kind of like a falls. The Kootenai people would come to this area and say their prayers. There were tribal members like my great-great-grandpa and other families who were part of even building it and seeing the whole construction of the dam. I'm originally from the Blackfeet reservation. Born and raised but my grandmother was Kootenai. The dam was really something that my grandmother stressed to my dad growing up that because they were gonna be owners of the dam that one day this reservation would be an important place and that if he wanted to make something for his family that we should live here, and go to school, and have opportunities. So we native people who are creating more businesses. They are wanting to own homes. They're wanting to bring back to the reservation. What their parents had always stressed to them, you know, "You go off, go to school, come back and help your people." you know? -So is that how it is mostly? You grow up and if you have good parenting they're like, "Take off, go to school, and then come back." or it depends on the person? -Well like as far as Native American communities education is now just recently very, very, more, and more important. I'm one of the first generation college graduate students in my family. One of five high school graduates. One of three college grad... or one of two college graduates. -Was it your parents that pushed that or how did you get to that? -My parents but also just growing and having my own family and kind of realizing that you have to create your own opportunities. Especially on the reservation. -Okay. This video is sponsored by... Me. Most of you know me for my weekly Sunday videos but really that's the tip of the iceberg. There's so much more going on behind the scenes. So I'm having my first ever live event. New York City, this Wednesday, the 17th, 8:00 Eastern Standard Time. Where we're gonna go into more detail behind the scenes of this video making. We're gonna have two very popular characters from my videos. Shloime from the Hasidic Jewish series and Cashmere from East New York. They're both gonna be there on stage with me live. It's gonna be a great time, a lot of banter back and forth, a lot of questions from you guys. Just overall, an interactive time where we can connect in person. Which is the one thing that YouTube definitely lacks on. You know, I post a video, get a comment, respond back and forth but that's it, right? This will be a chance for us all to meet in person plus we have an after party. That will be a lot of fun. All the links for this are down below. Again, that's this Wednesday, the 17th and if you can't make it to New York, not a problem. We have online tickets too. You can click on those links down below also and watch from anywhere. All right, guys, back to the video. PETER: Every tribe feels like a country? -They're a nation, yeah. -Yeah. -Every treaty is an agreement between two nations. The treaty would be through the United States and any tribe that the United States made an agreement with. -Okay, so Blackfeet, which is over the mountains there is another nation basically? -Yeah, they would consider themselves the Blackfeet Nation, yes. -How are the relations between the two reservations, would you say? -Tsk, um, it wasn't always, um, the best relationship. Blackfeet tribe were considered the lord of the plains. We had the neighboring tribes which were on the outskirts of their territories but they had to come in to go east to hunt the buffalo. The Blackfeet were very territorial and so the people had to form alliances with other tribes to hunt. And they weren't always the best relationships but through time and modernization relationships are starting to improve. They're relying on one another for new advances within the tribe and hopefully within food sovereignty we could start building better alliances. -This tribe has done a lot of firsts in terms of tribes doing this first. Like the dam, or the wildlife refuge complex, or the casinos and things like that. These are all their self-determination exercising that. Which opens up doors, opens up jobs. -Why do you think it's, say, more successful than other tribes? -Well, I mean there's relationships there that have been built, you know? With outsiders, definitely federal government. It's not just economic success that is important to tribes and what could be considered as valuable. You know, in comparison to maybe the Blackfeet Tribe cultural retention is important and that's something that is prevalent over there. -Mm-hmm. -And the tribes are working really hard to maintain their language here. They have a language immersion school for the youth. And so you have really young kids learning the language. Much more proficient at it than us as their parents, you know? -Oh. -And there's these really strong attempts to gather information from the elders that are still here and it's been pretty well documented, this tribe, you know? There's always these tribes that had relationships with the federal government before other tribes. You can look at the Cherokee Tribe. There's a long history of tribal people trying to become... or them forcing us to become Americans or us trying to relate in a way to become, to them... appear more Americans. Whether it be the boarding school trying to beat this type of civility into us or tribal people joining the military to get that type of status as an American. -Okay. -To appear American to their counterparts. -Okay. So the boarding schools were in the '30s, right? Mostly '30s, '40s? -It was from like the late 1880s or something. -Okay. -To the '60s, '70s. -There's still boarding schools now still. -Okay. -There's still some exist here but they're not... The way they're managed, there's tribal-management, self-management. -So here's what's been confusing for me is religion out here. Because I understand the boarding schools, and so the religion was really forced. It was forced on the people, right? -It was introduced here. Like it was an attempt to kind of like... It was an attempt to kind of like heal some of their traumas that were existing at the time and so the Jesuits were introduced here. They were invited here. -So... but some natives, from the few I've met, some aren't religious and some are religious. So it just depends on the person, right? Is that how it is? -Yeah, it really depends on the person, their family, how they were raised. -How they were treated in the boarding school too. Some have good stories and some have... You know, most of 'em are really bad stories. So it's like my grandma, she didn't... Wasn't like... She never experienced the hardships that a lot of people did in the boarding school, or death even. There was a lot of death that happened. And it's all about how you were treated, essentially. This was like the most beautiful place in Western United States the water, the land, the lake, the mountains. -Mm-hmm. -There's always been attempts to try to overtake this area and not only that but there was supposed to be a southern Flathead Reservation. Where Missoula and Stevensville was. -Okay. -But there was a failure to do an agricultural survey that would say, "Yeah, this land could be utilized by tribal people." This attempt came at the Homesteading Act that opened up reservations to homesteaders at the time. -Homesteaders were anyone from the country that wanted a certain amount of land? -Yeah, they could go, and claim it, and even get money for it in some situations. -Okay. -Basically, the federal government saw reservations as surplus. Had surplus lands on it. PETER: Driving up here you see some, really almost mansion-style houses. You see fields. You were saying the Homestead Act came in. So there are certain chunks of land that can be sold off in a reservation? Or they could? -Homesteading was just the door opener. -Okay. -It was actually the Dawes Act or the Allotment act that was signed a few years... about maybe a decade later. That essentially checker-boarded the reservations. -Was that by design? -Yeah, it was totally by design. Trying to create this idea that these lands aren't meant to be owned in a community fashion. That they're supposed to be individual. Yeah, try to create more selfishness in tribal people, you know? That it's not... That they needed to piece it together and people had to have plots of land that they had ownership over. They would put a non-Indian right next to a native person. That non-Indian would be a Christian farmer and that was intended to teach the native to be more like his neighbor. They would give lands to dogs, right? Like a dog. And then they would sell that land to a non-Indian. They would sell it to a child and because they weren't fit to manage that property, it was sold to a non-Indian. PETER: The reservations were formed. There was this Swiss cheese effect where they were taking parcels through the homestead act. That's been done. Now at this very moment, 2022. I would think that everythingโ€™s been like... not changing now. Like no more land is being taken away or is stuff being sold off that's in the reservation that was native land? -You know, there's a program that exists called Land Buyback Program that allows either tribal land owners to put their lands into trusts, sell their lands to the tribe, or even non-tribal people, if they're willing to sell their land to the tribe in the end, or whatever, put it into trusts. They have that opportunity. But the history of those ranchers and farmers in the area should be a tradition that they pass it on to the next generation. Their children to take over their land or whatever. But that isn't the case, you know? The case is a lot of people are moving. A lot of the younger non-tribal people are moving to go to college or moving to the city and that tradition of taking ownership of their family's plot of land isn't happening. So there's a lot of sales going on. A lot of parceling out of those larger properties to create housing districts and things like that. -And that can be sold to non-natives currently? -Yeah, and because of the housing crisis and everything like that the price of housing in the past couple years has skyrocketed. Rentals have gone up. A lot of Natives, a lot of people I know have been forced out of their homes because of the price increase of rentals. -So you're really feeling it out here? -Yeah, yeah. And yeah, with the influx of all these people coming to the area. It's put a big burden on what's existing here. -People coming from the cities? -Yeah. Escaping climate change, escaping financial crises in their communities. I mean this is a postcard community, you know? It's like everything here is like, "We should go there." -It's so beautiful. [woman's voice] Hi. -Hello. -Don't mean to interrupt. PETER: Oh, no problem. -Are you filming me? -If you don't want to, I don't have to. -I don't care. [all chuckling] This is my first time here and if you watch these close enough it starts to trip your eyes out. [all chuckling] -Be careful. -Yeah, be careful. -Thank you, have a wonderful time. What are you guys up to? PETER: I'm just making a video on the area. WOMAN: Oh. -Yeah, now you're in it, if you're all right with that? -Yeah, I'm cool with that. My name is Terese, yay. PATRICK: You didn't even try to get on YouTube. TERESE: Yeah, woo, everybody have a wonderful day. PETER: Terese, do you live here? -Yeah, kind of, sort of, I've been here for about three years now. Something like that. -What do you think of the area? -I'm loving it, yeah. -It's amazing? -I love it. There's nothing better than this, I mean this is God's creation. How can you get any better? I've been trying to get into here for like the last three years and it's been impossible 'cause the gate's been closed and I seen it was open last night, and then I hurried up in here, and then the sign said it closes sunset. So the sun was going down and I'm like, "I'm racing my ass back out there." [all laughing] -I gotta see it real quick. -Oh my God, do not wanna get trapped in here but what a cool place to get trapped, right? -Yeah. -Awesome, you guys have a wonderful day. -Take care, you too. -God Bless. -God Bless. -So how is that when you see a White woman obviously from somewhere else on the land here, how does that feel? In a reservation, normally you're the majority. But in this reservation you're the minority. And so I mean that's how I feel here. Regina, how do you feel? -Um, I feel that, um, there are certain families who do not like, um, non-tribal members coming here. Even within the realms of just being on tribal land in our campgrounds. Especially over the past few years. There have been an increase, kind of in tourism sort of and they've been leaving their garbage. And it's been out-of-staters as well coming through here and they'll leave tents, coolers, chairs. -Like it's cheaper for them to just leave it then just pack everything up and just head out. -And then also in the spring time or berry picking season we have people that come into our mountains and they do huckleberry picking but they use these rakes that destroy these bushes and they over pick certain areas. -So that just brings friction between the local natives and the outsider? -Yeah, for sure, for sure. [dogs barking] -Doggy day care. -It's... PETER: Res-life? -If you don't have enough dogs... PATRICK: We don't have alarm systems, we have dogs. -How may natives on this reservation in total, roughly? -Tribal members are like 5,600 to 6,800. -Okay. -But there's a lot of big gray area because there's a lot of tribal people who come from all around the nation and Canada, and the world that come to SKC and... -SKC? -Selish Kootenai College. -Okay. -And meet locals, have families, get jobs. [Regina giggling] -That's how you met? -Yeah, and get jobs... PATRICK: This is our garden bed project where we get refurbished wood or purchased wood and then deliver to tribal homes throughout the reservation. They get the frame, they get dirt, and compost, and then seedlings. And then we have a tips and tricks videos, things like that that they can utilize as education. When we are talking about the ills of the reservation or reservation life it's about these historical traumas that have been placed on us and the effects of those historical traumas and this is something that we're trying to utilize as a way for us to get our hands dirty. Get the hands in the dirt and kind of heal our mental health that has been affected. Depression and suicide is very prevalent in indigenous communities and this is some way that we're trying to give an option for people to exercise some health, and wellness, and have an outlet essentially. -So anyone that wants one of these flowerbeds, you'll come out, you and your organization will come out and build them on their property? -Yep, deliver all the stuff and install it. -Okay. That's great, are they interested? Have you seen a lot of interest or? -Our first year was 50 beds and our second year was 31. So it's really weighing out. Kind of like the difference between breaking our back and trying to start this revolution or doing it in a sustainable way for our organization. PETER: What would you say that you all have here being native that other people maybe don't understand or are missing out on? -I would say that people don't even know that they're on a reservation and that that's just a lack of education, lack of awareness. I always make a joke that there's nobody more American than a Native American. And so it's really like if we're really talking about united together, there's this whole story about who we are and we're born with it. We see it, you know? We see a lot of communities, non-tribal communities becoming more aware. Renaming landmarks, bodies of water, the bridge in Missoula. These are all important steps at the healing that needs to go on between tribal people and non-tribal people. -What we need is an easier access to our own land. Getting a piece of land is quite the battle in its own. -Do you two own land? And you want to own land? -Mm-hmm. -Everyone wants to own land, yeah. So it's really difficult? -Mm-hmm. -Okay, sohow does that make you feel when you see people from the outside coming in, buying land? -Tsk, um... I feel like... we can own land too. We just... Our people... Um, you know... It's all about learning the process, being prepared early in life. Knowing that, you know, owning... Owning land, owning a home is something that... That is... Something you should do. Um... Some people don't have that mentality of owning anything and once I feel like you have your own land and your own home, you can self-sustain. Self-sustain, take care of yourself. Even if you have more than enough, you can take care of your neighbor. -There are programs that exist for Native Americans to acquire land and so that's all about education and understanding how to utilize that education and not all not all Native Americans know how to go about the process, the procedures of acquiring this land. -Is it a long process where you just get in line basically and then eventually it happens or? -We gotta compete against other... We're a non-profit so I mean we're competing against for-profit industry. We're also competing against non-Indians who are leasing out agriculture land. So there's competition in it and that all breaks down to, "Is Capitalism the right answer?" or is there more sustainable community-based approaches at solving our issues locally? -Are you gonna enter one of these programs if you haven't already or? -Yeah, it's been... Our organization's been in operation, it's in it's third year now. So it's like... -The name of your organization? -Our organization is People's Food Sovereignty Program. And so we created this program just to address those needs. Like wild meat or wild game that tribal members were asking for. 'Cause we see where they're coming from. We see the world they're living in, the homes they live in, the lack of access they have to transportation, lack of access to quality food, supermarkets. A lot of the towns in this area if the grocery store's not open, rely on corn markets or gas stations, and things like that to feed themselves. The lack of nutrition in those places is something that we combat and our historical traumas, the depression and suicides that exist in our communities, that's what we understand. Is the food that we've eaten in the past before colonialism, before the influx of processed foods, and sugars, and flowers, and things like that, that we were living healthy lives. We were fit. We were chasing our game. Distributing it to people who are in need. The elders, the children, the people who couldn't go hunt for themselves and that was just the natural process of things. There wasn't anything that was fueled by money or anything like that. It was just what happened and what was and so when we know about it through our families, still exercising those activities that our ancestors have done hundreds of years ago, two hundreds, you know, thousands of years ago. That we're trying to bring that back. Trying to bring that sense of community back. That understanding that these are the foods that are meant for us, meant for our bodies and bringing those to the people who need it the most. -I'm gonna leave a link to your organization down below. Guys, it will be down below in the description here of the video and I just want to thank you both for allowing me to come in with a camera. I gotta say it's not an easy thing to get approval for. Um... I've talked to all sorts of people and you two trusted me with the camera and doing something on YouTube. So I really appreciate it and I think there's a lot to learn from the locals, from the natives. -Mm-hmm. -And this is just the start. I'm past maybe kindergarten at this point. [both chuckle] Next video is first grade. -Pre-school maybe. -Pre-school, yeah. -You still gotta take your naps and drink your milk. -Awesome. All right, guys, thanks for coming on that journey and I know this is the start of something much bigger. It's the first tribe in the lower 48. The first reservation and I'm really green. And most of you are too. There's a lot to understand here. It's like an onion and there's a whole different layer of the onion. Just as Regina said, "We look at ourselves as nations." So each... Each people are like an own separate nation. So that'd be like being in Europe and looking at all these nations around you. But as we, from the outside, look at it as just Natives mostly. So I think every reservation and tribe is gonna have similarities and I'm sure, some big differences. So much more to come. Thanks for coming along. Until the next one. โ™ช melodic acoustic guitar โ™ช
Channel: Peter Santenello
Views: 459,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: native americans, indigenous people, indigeneous, native american reservation, First Impressions on Native American Reservation - Flathead, native americans documentary, indian reservation, flathead reservation, montana, native american vlog, peter santenello, indigenous community documentary, usa travel vlog, usa travel adventure, usa travel history, indigenous people of usa
Id: tYTrPdLv634
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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