5 PEOPLE 1 VAN (with Travel Beans)

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this video is brought to you by Squarespace so this morning we picked up this Beast of motor home we attempting to do five people in one van are we crazy all right we got this dud go go go hey Miss stepen Jess little Hunter and baby col couple years back we did a big band trip around Australia with just little Hunter but never done a Mot home for we see how different it is to Old little kooper all right go go s I feel like we're getting the true experience right now a bit better than us pushing it and let's share with you guys who we're going to be traveling around with for the next week here in the UK J here we have the beans with us Alex Emma and Noah or travel beans are a wonderful British family who have recently become firsttime parents and they have been exploring the world together much like us for more than 10 years so come along with us as we get to ReDiscover van life once again but this time with new friends as we get to explore the the incredible UK Countryside oh and you might see some familiar faces show up too just super quick guys this is the last day to enter the competition in our shop all the details are linked below but just pick up anything from our shop and you'll go into the drawer let's head to the video hey everybody and welcome back to the UK so we decided to pick up our van from Heathrow and drive ourselves all the way to Wales and we've just arrived at Nicholson uh this is the first time we've ever rented a motor home and you should have seen us this morning trying to f all our stuff into this thing so let's just remind you um that traveling with 1 two three adults plus a toddler and a baby means a lot of luggage we were expecting cold weather in Mongolia Bhutan and uh in the UK and we overpacked for no reason at all all right let's give you a drummer off all the luggage we've packed with us how are we fitting all of this into this I don't think we packing enough Steve what is this oh my gosh all right we've got like three cupboards do we need this much Lego what is this Steve I didn't even know we had that and we wonder why we never have any space in our luggage where can I put [Music] you but uh let's try get some power into this you might need a little person to crawl in there and get what you need yeah I think so H you need someone about this high all right dude we need to get in there and get the little electricity wire out do you think you're capable of the job yeah what I did was such a big thing to do what y'all thinking perect this one's perfect I think we need the orange wire help come in here want me to come in yes all right it really de is this fun okay good job dude look at some moreing I think we're good okay this we need to plug in so we need to go and find the power okay oh I have power for you power for me yes okay give it to me thank you for give me the power dad you going to give me the power back you want to have the power yes back okay thank you br it here all right h I got this for you good work dude we pull it up we plug it in h now Hunter where do you think the other side goes yeah yeah let's go yes we're [Music] good did someone say G there people in Van people our van what are you doing in here what are you do do you cheeky oh you like that is that funny let's introduce you guys to who we're going to be traveling around with for the next week and we have the beans with us is that how we introduce you now we drink now we we drink cheers to what Daddy yeah Che Daddy daddy daddy and the bean she's playing with it with Emma does that mean you're winning yes a I see do it again I'm not the best at card games you win and then what do you say someone win good work thank you do it again you put I think the thing I miss so much about van life is just homecooked meals cuz a lot of times we are just in and out of places without a kitchen and just tonight has cooked us a nice little burrito bowl M good first meal I'm excited for this week for the sides and for the friends but mostly for the [Music] food ni sleep you had a good sleep yeah how' the fan bam go last night it was a squeeze back [Music] here all right who's up for coffee yes please and one thank you Che clear cheese another adventure in a small space m choo choo pick your card pick my card you got [Music] some what you doing she's sharing her banana with with Kaa you like it don't you buddy but how cool does it feel to be back in the southwest of Wales the last time we were here was 2018 we were in our own van definitely a bit smaller than actually it was pretty big wasn't it our van that we had back then oh yeah it was but yeah it always feels surreal when you come back to places after you've had the kids you're taking them around you're getting nostalgic I'm like oh we should stay here and here all little places that we went to oh here come to perfect col I've got scon cluttered cream and jam what should we have some all dude I need some help okay you broke the one rule in the Campa van yes we go check out what rule you broke yeah okay come this way do you want to know what that is that is the toilet what this did you do a stiky in the toilet no rules is if you do stinkies in the toilet you have to deal with the toilet maybe got one pooped in there we know who pooped in there yes it was you no say now baby com in you tried to ride out your brother you gr all right dude we need to deal with [Music] this [Music] red Ka Noah everyone's having a bit of a morning nap so before we head out we thought we'd come and explore the little Cliff sides there seems to be a little access heading down we'll see if there's a view cuz at the moment all I can see is a little Forest oh it's very very squatchy holy squatches kind of cool when we just randomly Rock up to a campground you're currently walking through this pretty mystical Forest at the moment there's Moss all over the trees we have a bit of a bridge over a little bit of water and some horses so this I think is where chicken's live oh there's little door should we open it I don't see a chicken but I see a chicken egg in there there he is see and there's the goats they eating their breakfast if you just come out to the beach look at how beautiful whales is and you wouldn't think that they' have beautiful beaches cuz all the rain but look at this we got some sunshine we got some beautiful rain we've G on a little Adventure people how was the adventure thumbs up it was great it's definitely mornings like this that make us love van life you guys didn't know van life extremely slow way of traveling there just packing up things to do in the morning but it means you can just enjoy go on walks like this and it's even slower if you factor in two families with two babies under 7 months old and a toddler it's like double slow but this is the slow travel we are looking forward to I feel like the biggest issue we've been having right now in Wales is that it is so muddy and I guess we're not used to this um yeah now go forward forward you stall so the tires just basically spin in place yesterday we literally had to push Alex and Emma's van out of the mud but I feel like our um motor home is a little bit too big to push so I don't know what the plan is we maybe maybe we need to call a tractorri over uhoh oh we all [Music] right why is this so exciting for us I feel like we're getting the true UK caravaning experience right now all right we got this go go go then really quick so we've had to call for help we had to call the guy who owns this little field and he's called his friend with a tractor and when he said he's bringing the tractor he's brought quite the tractor oh my see you Steve good luck a bit better than us pushing it mate okay now I feel like we've had the full motor home British experience yeah he needs to get him ride out of the whole field we would have look how thick the mud is no more muddy Fields there go so we come to Wales slightly familiar with the country but I think the great thing is that we get to ask you guys we popped on Instagram and said hey where should we go in Wales we have a week and so many of you recommended we come to this cute Seaside town called tenby and it is colorful building even with a classic UK weather we have today it still shines through this place is so beautiful there's a little curve I think we can catch a fairy let's see what we can [Music] see when is bisu your thing I just had cheesecake for someone's birthday and it was the best thing so for my birthday I'm having a disc off cheesecake I've learned now it's not a Cornish pasty it's a Cornish pasty remember last time we were here we were obsessed with these have them every lunch and we saw a little store and we were like okay this has to happen especially on a cold weather you want something warm this one looks like a goodie mhm love macaroo don't have to like it as long as you want to try it last time you were here you were two when you had some have a bun having a think is it thumbs up or a thumbs down oh she's really thinking about this one come on thumbs oh no on to Jane that's okay the fun fact about this is that this is basically a handle that you would throw away during the I believe it's a mining snack so in the mines they would eat it like this and then throw the cuz their hands would be covered in you know coal and dirt and so is that why they were invented during that time I believe so I mean we could be word for it I'm out like go fast go go go don't look back CLE there's your Castle you came all the way to Europe wow wow oh the big troll I think the south of Wales is definitely one of our favorite spots here in the UK the beaches are so beautiful they have sandy beaches here not Pebble and there's lots of these cute little towns all the way so this morning we've just left our little Park up we were right on the beach it was so beautiful and now we headed to mumble we're going to grab some breakfast together and then I guess check out some of these cute little Cru towns yes please yeah and then Hunter scrambled eggs or pancakes pancakes pancakes I feel so good today all right Hunter what are we trying to win okay let's do it that was terrible we are Hunter you ready for some smoke okay go 3 2 1 feel City bre in for it's my Lu okay I think Hunter won the best thing here at the arcade hi hi oh go over there hey everyone we just want to say a massive thank you to our longtime friends and partners of the channel Squarespace for helping making this van trip around the UK possible so if you are new around here Square spce makes it so easy to put together a website for your business or a Blog for your travels we recently just redesigned our website on Squarespace you guys will have to check it out it was so easy to do especially with a brand new update you can just drag photos in change elements and you do not have to be a website designer so if you are interested in starting up today we have a free trial offer plus 10% of your purchase if you decide to go ahead just use our Link in the description below now let's head back to the span [Music] trip all right I think we're going to be having a very British afternoon because we are going to be celebrating the end of the day with pims and scums and I've never had pims before pims pims pims Alex at M said it's a very British drink normally you have it in the summer but they said on the weekend supposedly Wales is having a heat wave of 21° in October pretty wild so we're going to celebrate with pims and ston with clutter cream maybe did I just show what is this what's this it's getting there now what am I doing Steve I can't do the table what did you guys do without me I'm on scun duty let us notice that we bought this Jam in England it is Scottish fish jam and we're eating it in whales I feel like we're breaking some sort of crime here I'm doing I'm doing cream than Jam I feel like we have to we've got the clotted cream so it needs to be the cream then the jam everyone in the comments will agree if you're from Wales or UK Scotland whatever it's cream than Jam how do you spread jam on top of cream it's just going to thck clotted cream you'll see trust me trust the process I get to lick the spoon and not you Alex that's what she said these are fighting words gnies right pop on the table good work it is cream and then Jam so I was right Steven I had a debate and now everyone in the comments you what's the right way I like a like this when you've got the clotted cream like the thick cream but at home we kind of have the tin of fluffy flu cream that doesn't work oh s yeah that could be it no no no I'll have that one that's Alex you're welcome both one [Music] pims wow oh I love his little hood bought today I saw it I go everything we buy for cold does fit his big head there you go what is that's making the fire remember only Duds touch fire right you can watch from afar okay I don't want to watch far where do you want to watch then right next to him right next to them what if the Fire gets you it's okay I got a bit all right so we are a couple of British sangrias down is this a good time to play with fire this is actually the best time to play with fire let's going make a fire heavy hold that better yeah and then we can start try and I'll supervise yeah [Music] bril where the marshmallow marshmallow should I go get them yeah wait are we going to have dinner first or marshmallow marshmallow first okay who's the marshmallows for for us and who's the sausages for Alex he allow marshmallows no just sausages for me do you know that people call me sausage B Alex put on your sausage dude so how long do you it's going to take for a sausage for so long we're camping this is the only way to cook sausages does everyone want a sausage on a stick yes please just me just five little sticks a little Grill have you seen that everything everywhere all at once yeah exactly there's a universe where I live like [Laughter] [Music] this who's ready for raw sausages tonight all right let me go get the fry pan out for just in case Jess I think this is the last time we do a trip with these two I needed to make it a little bit Australian so I've made one as a sausage of Sizzle nice see sausage Sizzle and then your normal one you guys eat that yeah all the Australians are going to come thank you very much morning everybody I know we have a toilet back inside out there but we all know why you're cheering in for another episode of Stevens toilet reviews and this one right here it's reminded me of a certain something some and that concludes Steven review for the day one of my favorite differences about doing van life in Australia to Van life over here in the UK is that in Australia you can get these dirt bumpy roads for miles and miles no one in sight and here you can do the same thing except it's these little tiny narrow roads where I feel like if anyone is about to come towards us I have no idea how they're going to pass us and we always find whenever we're driving here we get stuck on the fres I don't know if it's Google Maps taking us the wrong way but we're currently again on one of those Road we're going to run into anyone it's not going to be a uh Road train here it's going to be a [Music] track all right let's go let's do it we want turbo [Music] mode quickly go there it's so chilly oh it's so cute Steve do you remember it yes we Saed that one there yeah I remember now oh this is adorable all the memories coming back here in 2018 we did a road trip through Wales and one of our favorite things we did is we stayed at a place called one cat farm and so we just had to reminisce and come back I think we stayed here for your birthday didn't we did yes and I was like oh we have to come and stay it's like these little cabins all off grid just like in the middle of nowhere and I remember the cutest bit is at the rubs and it's covered in Grass which feel like it's so UK let's go inside I see cozy beds get Bubba cozy cozy cozy cozy oh my oh it's so warm and toasty in here Perfect come in the blanket really WM so cute so [Music] cute good morning my let do it again it isn't a visit to Wales without having wel cake for breakfast Hunter and Cleo's first time trying thanks Alex yeah than they're almost like a flat dense pancake just got a pancak oh she wants pancakes of world cakes uh so everyone is it a thumbs up or a thumbs down she also gave she gave the Cornish pasties a thumbs down too wow she's going to be upsetting a lot of people the comments they going to [Music] be bye wood here and this I'm going to put this under you can put it under the bridge nice thanks put [Music] on kitty I'm back just go walk over to it it's super [Music] friendly it's going to work hey I need to cut off little pieces for you yes please thank you Daddy cutting it that's okay I like pancake andow that's a good [Music] one hello we doing sing F watch out wo uhoh go [Music] [Music] backwards I can't get down no not like that not like that how do we do it so D let take these off oh your feet are just as disgusting what are these what are these no I'm going to tickle them clean tickle them clean yeah hold on got some visitors or visit because we are in Wales you know you might remember some friends we had a little while back that we attempted to cycle Europe through that didn't go so great but my body's like what are we doing that's right it's kinging it it's Craig and Amy and they live right here in W in the window who's in the window what who is it go it's [Music] co guys now I feel like we're in Wales welc toal thank you you she was very excited to see you guys you look so cool I know look at your necklace oh my goodness I love it we one and all of arcade and mumbles you want it we got some visitors or visit couldn't come to Wales without the official ambassadors coming here special tourist how you guys doing yeah good man we need do ABCD we haven't finished the allour Moy I we both won what do you say to the winner good work good work no I'm winning no I win no I'm going to win win I won what do you say to Mom do it again British snacks want to try we got monster Munch roast beef flavored flavored baked cor snacks as well bacon rashes you guys not get these no these are the best get them in oh this smells so strong what is a shake look it's the claw of the monster oh the claw of the monster and hula hoops as well I've opened these oh there's so many and you can put them on your fingers in your oh I like that I like that flavor roast beef it's so Random cheers you need to eat ay finger cheers sorry bacon flavored Maze and rice flour snacks this sounds so C want all he snacks open [Music] yeah sorry R knickknack nice and spicy of the bacon o it's not it actually you want to try it's not twisties it's British twisties oh I like them they're nice want to try what are we making Amy Gores so s sangers or sis if you're in the grave BR feel so rude you guys are our guests teas on Sam are being made basically just hired Maids the two of us yeah can you clean up please literally as soon as we got here they were like baby one and baby two we're just like okay adults got sandwiches thank you all adults have sandwiches where a treasure treasure we need to go find the treasure more treasure more [Music] treasure that hi Captain hello what are we looking for we're looking for Cleo she the pirate's the oh no she's coming did we go away from herck quickly I'm coming a she's coming to get us let get her let get her oh my there's no way to look cool on this at all girl [Music] girl bathtubs you go in the other one I go in this one maybe it's done maybe done should we test it out oh daddy will helping let me know if it's too hot okay um fine it's fine yes it's so warm and cozy I like your size wa there red Windows there's great window I not touch the pipes you not touch the pipes and don't burn me so here one cat Farm they have probably one of our favorite experiences is that there are two bathtubs porcelain bathtubs built into this little shed the windows are gone the roof is gone so if it's a clear night you can see the stars it's it up by a fire you can add more logs into the fire if you want to if it's too hot you can put some cold water in there you can just relax and actually dad get the day it's so nice yeah dad daddy too warm it's too warm yeah just this a little bit more more water yeah of course I can and that is fine all right dads we're going to relax now that not that's not your pillow this is my pillow oh this is a nice pillow [Music] ah today is our final day here in Wales and we've gotten so lucky the sun is shining it is definitely pins weather today and so this morning we checked out of one cat Farm we've been driving through the bre and beacons it's a national park here in Wales it is so beautiful just imagine Rolling Hills waterfalls castles so breathtaking we've just parked up at a caravan Park been greeted to some sheep going to have some dinner probably around campfire for one last night yeah I think we're going to go get some dips chips enjoy our night maybe play some Mario Kart I know the the beans said that they have a projector which is so cool so we're going to project play some games oh we love whale got you you yeah uh-oh uh-oh Honda yeah you going to beat me this is a tricky level
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 106,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel vlog, daily travel vlog, flying the nest
Id: LbnkKNrrRtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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