First Impressions of Mayuko Jarvis and Joma!

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the cameras rolling remember guys it's casual Oh what the hell would you think I'm trying to advertise get mine Oh schmuck - wait which one's mine so what we're doing today is we are going to write the ball ourselves so in some ways we write three words that represent each other like each other so for example I would write three words about my yuko and three words about Jarvis and then later on we share them and then we just talk about it is this fun yeah ripping up pieces of paper that's pretty good I like and you're doing that strategy yeah like if I were you I would have just done like 18 pieces of paper Buffy hold on fix my hair hold on gonna fix my life well actually for context I want to say that this is the first time I'm meeting Jarvis in real life it's true and for my you Cole I've met her like what three times now three four times yeah no just just to give you an indication and this is the first time Mike has ever looked me in the eyes so it's like I won the lottery question what do you think about your own names SEO like if people right Jarvis they won't find you because they'll find a Tony Stark Jarvis right uh it's it's something I'm working on Jarvis on Twitter and so I'm trying to consolidate I'm trying to get Jarvis I'm trying to take that I think I think I could do it I believe myself so for me Joel my there's like Joma sports there's Joma bakery there's actually a Joma tech consulting firm or some whoa yeah I have a lot to beat it's all right on Boog Alif you right Joleen you'll never find me there's a guy who ran for Congress named Jairus Johnson and a guy who they made a basketball documentary name drivers often I saw that one yeah every time I search you I see that yeah yeah so I'm trying to I think I could do it it's just like baby steps you know it's hard what you call yeah yeah well my full name there's a character in some old anime whose name oh really same thing same same yeah so you have to like subtract the anime name interesting all right you guys ready okay so I've got three we're just gonna write it all at once yeah we're just gonna write all at once okay we gotta keep C paradigms back into June college and I should have thought this before yeah yeah wait so I'm writing words that describe your expressions it doesn't matter yeah the first impression or like now impression does it man yeah hmm this is like a final exam Javed is left [Laughter] no matter what happens in this no hard feelings right I need some more paper is they going to do a second round Leo really you gave me no hmm yeah one more I gotta think of one more wait how many guys are at now I have four more I have like a solid two for each of you good but the third one is far I'm trying to come up with a third one now this I propose this game but like I'm empty-handed I've never been so stressed in my life time lapse Garrett's gonna grow is this what it's like to write the startup series [Laughter] are you having trouble ready for both of us I'm done I'm done done all right so we finished writing our words okay are these bottles in frame some of them are I think I'm like is it I'm not sure look okay I got it I think so so who wants to go first like and then we'll just yeah who should we talk about first China okay let's do it okay so Jen and I wrote okay so I guess I'll just give it to you who wrote that maybe we could shuffle it yeah shop away now like who wrote that yeah we folded them in like the same way Michelle nervous it's about like time the truth came out really good say I'm sorry this actually wasn't for the video all right wait how do you call it like the focus group burn oh yeah it's an intervention thank you all right first word trendy poppy Milenio hey let me guess who wrote this but I guess like once I guess one I could guess theater so honestly it could be any of you but I feel like this handwriting is like kind of girly later on oh okay coach any poppy and Milania yeah so I'm guessing you wrote trendy why I'm guessing poppies because I keep saying what's poppin yeah like my first impression of you I think you sent me the video where you were like I gained 10 pounds of muscle or something let's feed that's like a millennia here yeah I'm trying to get to the millennium market bill cool all right next play should we do it all three or should we do it just all yeah we should alternate well let's do okay okay okay yes since it's easy to tell which ones are yours because you're right on the other side I'm just gonna like cheese on that one that's a good idea it's okay cuz later on we'll know who I'm just the pen color smile is too much I'm doing laughs how we both wrote the same thing my laugh is infectious I I'm surprised I didn't mention your laugh oh you did I didn't hey whoa Wow but yeah part of my personnel so how do you feel about this you can never smile too much that's you I'm kidding I I love your smile feel good about yourself and just hanging with my phone because you like everything yeah yeah that's true yeah that's the one thing about me um like y'all dating or even just friendship whenever like I meet a group of new people and if someone laughs at my joke more than I probably I like you well you're really trying to say is that you like me because I laughed at your joke yeah but my whole family makes one of how I Wow oh really so yes not so have you ever told the chopsticks Simon so I don't think I told you the chopsticks story chopstick no tell me would you like me yeah I can tell you my story about Micah's pass so Micah's grandma would Micah was going through puberty why do I do this oh wait I think I know you'll never get a husband if so uh so what my coat was like a teenager she laughed like she doesn't now her grandma said you're gonna grow out of it it's just like a puberty uh-huh and then she said that she would laugh if a chopstick look at a drunk chopstick yeah my grandma was like right now you're in this phase are you laugh at anything even if I just made a chopstick full time kind of just like this and then Mike I said the chopstick did fall later and she laughed at it yeah I laughed so much that I could ride that I remember that time very you know was like damn it grandma yeah Wow true okay here we go I'm nervous I'm not gonna lie I'm not gonna lie the truth okay Oh non-creepy a non-creepy weave so this is probably because oh wait who wrote it I okay I think it was early on that I found out about your obsession with Dragonball Z and like how you like listen to Tata and like kind of just like similar characteristics that like weebs are usually into yeah but you weren't creepy about it I also have a it's like it's not like a big part of my life and I'm like a fan of a lot of stuff yeah and it's like one tiny sect of it is like Japan stuff mm-hmm and so it's like the same like fandom I have for like Enrique Iglesias I have and say just but it so happens if there was like a stigma associated yeah yeah yeah the Japanese stuff but I do I am self-conscious about that like I I like almost don't want to like lean in to do stuff I have like I had a friend I have like framed Dragonball stuff that I like don't want to put up in my room it's like it's not balanced enough with other things so what gives the weave pressure if you I'm trying to make that my brand all right oh my god goofy that's call I think I'm goofy I mean did you were you here for when you read the card I mean you you had your first impression of Joma like what two hours ago well yeah well well it's a little bit different we watch each other's videos and we had like a facebook conversation probably like way bad day and that was the first time that I saw I saw the same video as you actually yeah but I have other words about that oh yeah goofy I I didn't expect your sense of humor and like from the immediate impression oh and I can't talk to you or yeah yeah cuz I like it wasn't until I like saw some of your more like oh okay I see what's going on yeah yeah yeah I like the baby started that sentence like I didn't like me said like I didn't expect you I didn't censor your sense of humor or something it started it started like I like a best man speech your grandma I'm a goofy on snowboard to meet you I'm ready oh that's cool oh you're watching your IQ I don't care how you still work okay for you okay you guys all went to see a script good for you this one honey calm oh it's ting yeah so this one was a first impression one because it wasn't my first immediate impression of you but having seen your morning like office routine it's like a very calming like like is like walking making tea like getting the tea Mike putting the tea down and just like getting started at work it's very different than like my which is like very like fast and loose and like I'm always like running late and worrying about the next place I need to be so I like it was mainly tea but yeah I got the calm the calm vibe like I think you're very zen person oh you can like you can just go somewhere and like chill no I just want to like hang out with my dog like sit on my couch oh my god it's very calming oh yeah that's the word I was looking for I didn't get it or even like your first video oh yeah like the chill ha like that's that's not something that I would ever make because I'm how different I am as a person I'm like you said that to me when I was in Japan because I'm a weave but not a curry and like I feel like I was like one of the first viewers of every year and I was just like huh and then I second thought was she's using the something I use in my name card this is really good I like it although when I'm making tea in the morning really I'm just like taking my time and procrastinating before I have to sit down to work no it's good yeah whoo all right here we go just picking this one feels good feels good okay there's a whole sentence here feels like I've known him for a long time I guess maybe I think like a head I just said a lot of words them and nothing okay I I haven't had a friend in high school who you remind me of a lot and so I think what I met you to have kind of like similar vibes and arms and stuff and so yeah what I met you I was kind of like oh you took my simile yeah I ate him yeah no that's really that's really kind I like that I feel the same way I don't see where there's like a kinship you know when you like meet somebody like hit it hit it off with it and yeah become friends mm-hm I think we had a thing where all like we just kept finding out we like we're into the same stuff yeah independently yeah this is a hella close to each other like like multiple times yeah yeah we set back-to-back on this first were like this yeah and they're still like that yeah good time yeah I never had that nice all right next word boo clever yay I like to be clever that's a point thing because like in the past or at least like when I was in high school and stuff I always liked to pretend like not to be smart mmm I think there was two reasons for that like one is also like so you seem less threatening or doesn't seem like it's just more friendly yeah yeah what's the second reason this doesn't matter hi yeah I picked that word for you because it was like a balance between the cleverness that is like you know thinking outside the box and also the cleverness that's like like playing the game and then like trying to not take advantage of things button but shut themselves up right now jumping up uh yeah you're like you're paying attention you're aware and I noticed that that was like one of my first impressions cool cool yeah mm-hmm okay we have four more oh this is our fourth card wow it's a lot yeah it's okay long video China motherly Oh interest yeah that's me oh yeah so so so so it's a small things like first out the first time I saw you like I emailed you or whatever I saw your Instagram you wrote a mother of cat and dog first I thought you had kids do know I wasn't sure but then also like when I want to actually met you I want that the way that you present yourself and the way that you know you kind of like nice to people and let you care about people and also let you care about the community you know I mean like your fans and stuff like that is a very motherly characteristic right Mike is looking out for all of us yeah I am yeah thank you thank you oh this makes me feel warm and fuzzy oh okay all right well now here's mine so funny I picked it all yes funny guys slash class clown it's really funny because I was really shy most of my life mhm I was just like waiting to light but it was I I think I kind of like reinvented myself in college and it was more just being comfortable more comfortable man's good but I like making people laugh yes fun yeah like I think when I first learned that you're doing improv stuff I was like no wonder yeah yeah usually it goes the other way like people like like making people laugh and then they do you know I was surprised too a shy back then yeah it was like basically just being self-conscious about everything in hyaena and then wanting to like retreat into like your little safe space yeah so that's why I was like online and internet communities and things like in your a group of friends in high school like they're really a tight-knit group or you like the club yeah yeah when I'm like really comfortable with people but as soon as there's like one person who I'm not comfortable if I was like just kind of hid behind my friend Russell he was like the more outgoing less yeah sure yeah I was I was actually pretty shy like a long time ago but that was because my French was really bad at school but then when I went to Chinese school I realized like wow I love talking to the classroom and making them laugh yeah and then once I learned French a bit more than I realized that yeah I really liked the attention and that's how I became but I'm wonderful any of us have that in common attention I think I was pretty outgoing and old but then I stopped being outgoing more absolutely mm-hmm like this is it's kind of like a nerdy thing to say but like I think the reason why I like people laugh is that you know in in a social context the easiest cue to get is if they're laughing you know it's hard to see if they're happy or if they're sad or whatever but laughing is just like very straight up you know so for me as a data scientist back that I was I oh that's a laugh okay that's good points good points and then I just see how to optimize on that I I did that because I was like because I was so self-conscious and I like really wanted to know if people liked me but it's now that was like the easiest way to know it's like well they're laughing they don't laugh at people they hate yeah after my tinder experience I realize you can alright Joe man younger than expected really yeah you thought was going on you know you were younger than I expected you to be you expected to be inside you in it but not other than me but just older really yeah because your profile picture all right so when I'm a I was like always I'm surprised for something I'm so proud of that picture actually a good thing okay I have two black and white picture one of them like this and one of them like this yeah but but yeah the first one I thought it was really good but then like you know maybe five months later my friend said oh by the way this picture sucks no my okay I made another one everything well that's so good and then now people starts like the profile everything's good but okay just take another picture are you an extra oh we're all the same age my lane yeah until May yeah that's when I get old yeah I'm gonna choose this one me is this friendly but then there is a - my first day at patreon mm-hmm when you when you start you're like in the like our little common area cafe and everyone's eating breakfast and we get breakfast when we have new people so everybody's like excited to go eat and also meet the new person and I just remember Mike I was like it was the first person to talk to me that wasn't like a person that I interviewed with and you came over with like a group of people I think and you read the first person introduce yourself with it around one of the cafe tables and I was like I think mine was like I'm a page your employer I have to welcome all the different perception like now if you did that I would see you like putting yourself out there and welcome somebody and it's like your way of being and I was like she's so nice and then and then I crossed that too because I was like no it's just the right man almost too nice but yeah I appreciate that yeah okay all right here we go now it's time for the gym all right exhausted all these genuine that's very nice yeah so so I think the reason why it's like every one of your video you end with like a very nice message and also like you put yourself out there and you're very open about like you know sometimes your insecurities and stuff like that yeah and I think it's good because like a lot of people should hear that yeah not everyone's like perfect and you should accept yourself for who you are and stuff like that and also you know as youtubers I think you should be genuine because yes you know they need to know like the truth or like you know that yeah I really appreciate that with regard to like putting myself out there I think that it it's a small price to pay for me to like put myself out there it can help other people and I have been lucky enough to have other people do that for me and so it's kind of like oh sure like I you know it's like I used to like think I needed to know the answers to things and then I'd met somebody who like taught me that I didn't and was successful like without knowing the answer is everything and I was like I people need to know like I said my whole life thinking like these things and like so yeah that's that's kind of where that comes from but I really appreciate that great Gryffindor do the way you do your dress you're very much like your house [Applause] [Laughter] okay I don't watch enough Harry Potter to make a joke about it alright let's look at the next one vane Oh bang damn like can we get the exact definition of faintness as someone who's like for themselves kind of like really into themselves not full oh yeah into themselves yeah I think it was because like again going back to your muscle video like that was the first video said I was like whoa really yeah I sent you that yeah I'm pretty sure you did or I looked you up and that was like the one those feature and I was just like oh okay okay I think all right because I think it was my latest video and it was the one that was like produced yeah yes it's all very BuzzFeed II yeah is inspired by that yeah yeah but yeah but but are you saying thing because it's about the body transformation is I think I think I'm saying vain because that was like my first impression he's our first impressions I mean like it kind of corral me a lot of people have said that was made to like it make sense i mean like i do like myself you know but yeah but before the workout thing i don't like i don't think it was out of like bennett is a vanity hispanic yeah because like i think it was just we actually know my it was because of that because I want to prove to people I can do it you know airless everyone said like dude but growing muscles are like getting a body transformation so hard I was like I'll show you you know just to prove them wrong so yeah I should I should fix that cool but hard to get close to interesting Chuck yes I guess I should explain so I I think bit I had it like a really positive first impression I was like oh I want to be Micah's friend amen um and then I talked to someone else cuz I think I one of my friends who I knew from before work was like how is you like first like couple month or something going and I said oh like I'm hitting him off with these people blah blah and then no you know it was it was someone else told me Mike is so cool but like I don't know how to be a friend and I was like oh oh maybe maybe that's how I will think about this person but then we became friends and I actually didn't have the same experience but everyone I think a lot of people at work yeah like Michael is so cool but like how it's impossible to come because like I started like a week or two before you yeah so it must have just been like there's this cool new girl but how do we get to know her yeah I mean even still to this day they're like side conversations which we like yeah mike is so cool but we can't like it she has like this bug zapper no I think it's just like how work you're like in the zone yeah yeah I had mentioned like you don't socialize so much and so I don't know how I we became friends really all you have to do is just make me laugh yeah next here we go software not damn it whoa I wanted but I want the contract - yeah so stuff where I think that goes like um it goes kind of with the genuineness you know so self-aware like when I watch your videos again like yeah you're really self-aware you know your weaknesses you know your strengths and you know how to like play with that you know I mean and then yeah it's just like because I feel like sometimes people say like I'm self-aware too but it's it's very related to just being honest you know and I think yeah you have both and then when I watch your videos we definitely get the vibe of that yeah I really appreciate that mm-hmm this is something I started hearing like in my life more recently probably has to do with like a lot of the growth and stuff that I've like been going mm-hmm I think I've always been like self-critical well I've only recently been able to like to think about like a not unhealthy way but uh yeah I was gonna say you're really introspective person yeah yeah it comes it comes from like a bad place I think originally cuz I think I just like you start it really down on myself but uh I'm not trying to focus it for good but yeah that's really cool mm-hmm yeah I think yeah I think are also hard on yourself or at least before you know I mean yeah yeah for sure for sure you thank you for who you are yeah no it's it's it's it's a journey last one boy okay it's bro II really bro II I could see why I can explain why yes yeah yeah it's I also you sent me you were like you were like here here's some of my short form copy I hear something I'm out from content and it was like the ten pounds video and I was like hmm and then it was the other video that I saw of yours just like I met this girl on tinder and now she's showing me around whatever on the way it really yeah I thought was the video I sent you no you didn't send it to your child what else does it happen all right no and then I saw and I was like interesting interesting and and then later and then I I didn't like think much of it because then you'd started putting out stuff on your tech tree oh yeah yeah and then um I think my Co had talked about how you were I talked to my co who said she met up with you and you were like working on like the startup series that's it cool cool like it seems like my code didn't get the same vibe that I got and then I had a conversation with you or you could you were like we're talking about like the Paul Brothers or whatever oh boy it seems like I always talk about cuz you do know but here's the thing like I I think I had like a long path to this but I truly believe you have like a heart of gold oh I really I really true truly believe you're like a really earnest like kind person and and I honestly like did not start there so it's to your credit it's to your credit bit like the the truth came out yeah I mean yeah III think it's like a little bit of defense mechanism to in terms of being bro II cuz I my therapist told me that I you know like I lack like I don't open up very easily I think it's a mixture of like schooling and like my personal life and stuff like that but yeah so like I'm usually much more reserved you know I don't really open up very much and then like the only thing like for example I feel like I always need to an entertainer yeah you know it's people they like ya meet on yeah and then part of my persona is being bro a you know an engineer stuff like that and then yeah I can see why you gotta make salsa yeah cuz you're saying that like when you're in school you still I got kind of like dumb yeah yeah same thing equivalent of bro yeah yeah make sense cool beer do you are a lot more approachable I feel like yeah I think thank you that heart of gold I've never had before wow I really truly like I think we had a like a long face but conversation where we were just like talking back and forth a lot like over shoulder that was my PR person okay but yeah I was like it completely changed my perspective cuz I I think I was getting and not presented version of your ever like not like oh I don't know this person I'm just gonna like put something forward or like YouTube where you are you know you're like a caricatured version of yourself yeah cool well alright my turn oh yeah so so this was the last one I gave you cuz I was getting stressed I could make into something alright so because it kind of goes with like how you're open and stuff like that because I first of all you know I was I was a nobody you were like a big youtuber ish you remember you know so like for me like yes like it's kind of like shallots like things this way but it was really nice of you to like you know reach out oh I'm sorry too you know to accept my invitation so I can have a chance of like that mm-hm and also you know when we started talking and you felt really open to my ideas and stuff like that you know and yeah that's really nice of you and I must've learn about that because like for me I always have like a guard especially when people like asked me for like oh okay can we talk about YouTube or like oh I can do you want to look at my start over something like that you know and yeah I always have a guard up and for me it's hard for me to say that oh you know let's see what you got you know and for you to do that for me I was like wow she's a she's a financial and also the fact that you know you really care about the community and stuff like that yeah same with him utterly think yeah I think the truth what is that I think I was pretty small so when you reached out to me and then I had dinner with you and then you said so much stuff that I was like I haven't even thought about this - II don't remember when I said that was valuable thank you one exact is the only thing I remember was me talking about myself and my stars if I'm like tech community yeah and then you're like you gave me advice I'm like oh yeah you should like focus on this this and this and I remember I feel like yeah that sounds like a dick saying like oh I'm nobody but you should I seemed you a good person yeah yeah yeah but you gave me a lot of advice that I was just like wow Nolan's you've ever even given me advice for you to talk before so I was just like wow this guy really knows his stuff so learn from buzzfeed alright last one okay I know which was cheesy yeah so like despite you being genuine all like that all that I did your video sometimes like ah so cheesy yeah yeah yeah at first I didn't really like your videos that much cuz indium lay off here he goes again okay all cheese and stuff yeah well I don't know I mean cuz when I look back at my videos like I remember I made like a like a travel video when I talk about well you should travel with me friends stuff I was like wow it's really cheesy it's actually kind of hard making not cheesy but still have your point cross mmm yes yeah no totally I so I am just a cheesy and sentimental person that's just a part of my personality but I also cringe at some of those things and what I think it is is not like you get better at communicating you're like point em in the way that you want as time goes on as you like make more stuff forever and I like to think oh I don't know this is true but like I I think it's kind of just like being less good and getting the point across without it being overly cheesy like yeah some of the stuff um there's like ooh like I wouldn't I wouldn't cover it like do it the same way um or I would like tackle the point with humor like something it's just like my goal is I do truly believe like a lot of the cheesy stuff I'm saying and so it's a matter of like communicating that the best to the to the audience um but it's weird though because some people really love that's right that's a thing so uh and I'm I'm just trying to be true to like what resonates with me hmm and I think I missed the mark on some of my old stuff compared to where I think I am now but it's all like it's all a journey and I have a hundred percent cheesy from ah gee yeah cool well that was the game house again hope you guys enjoyed this one who won oh we should have competitive but yeah so that was a game I hope you guys enjoy it I enjoy playing it is it okay if I go into one of my sentimental Jarvis I think first impressions are really interesting because you think you know so much about somebody from so little information we're using like all these like mental shortcuts and stereotypes and stuff to like drive our decisions which I mean it probably comes from evolution and like I don't know surviving but it can be really harmful to like let those dictate the way you treat other people in the world and this is a great example of how we moved past some of those first impressions and we're able to each other as more three-dimensional people and I think it would be great if you the viewer think about those first impressions and maybe how you've let first impressions dictate how you you treat other people and challenge those a bit well set all right well my check the other mail or yeah sure this means I explained at the Phoenix thing okay cool so this is a new channel it's a collaboration by all three of us and maybe in the future more people now it's called 1024 blog why is it called that well I just want to I just want to get a number and what's a nerdy number 10 2014 er D 2 to 10 so one kilobyte a lot anyways so yeah so I chose 1024 blocks and then these are gonna be kind of like you know videos of our personal life or videos that you know don't end up on our channel and just you know so that you could get to know us more personally mm-hmm a vlog channel if you will exactly yeah 1024 vlog channel I my first impression of that channel name is like is Joma trying to make a thousand yeah you know what we are gonna make 1024 blocks how long would it take thank you I'm gonna make 1024 blocks we all explode and I would be coy if we actually made it to 1024 block we have to have like a combined cheesy video we haven't had like a party yeah yeah rooftop 10 24 hours yeah cool so yeah thanks for watching if you like these kind of videos don't forget to Like and subscribe and yeah I hope I see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: 1024 Vlogs
Views: 59,694
Rating: 4.9231443 out of 5
Keywords: joma, jomatech, mayuko, jarvis, johnson, matt, cho, matt cho, jarvis johnson, hellomayuko, first impressions, MAKUKO
Id: rfKHel_k6D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 49sec (2389 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 18 2018
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