How to get a Software Engineering Internship | mayuko x JoMa

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so that because of that crash production yeah hey everyone what's happening it's my you go today I'm joined here by Joel ah what up I'm Joel how you guys doing so today I want to answer a lot of questions that you've had about internships everything from how to get one and what to expect during one and everything in between between us we've had a lot of internships with all of our collective and combined experiences hopefully what we're going to talk about today is helpful for you also Drummey do you want to introduce yourself and talk about what you do later I guess you know I'm also a content creator I go by the name Jonah my actual name is Jonathon mom and I've been working in tech for a while now so yeah hopefully we can shed some light on that so first we want to answer the question why even do an internship well first of all they're really important in terms of like personal development skills development and all that but for me especially I think it was really important in terms of you know meeting new people meeting new friends and I actually met some of my best friends through internships it is really fun hanging out with like people who kind of have some like career goals as you and to be able to like make something together is really fun why I think internships are really important is because there's a lot of skills that you learn for software engineering in school studying computer science but there's a lot of hands-on skills that you also have to develop in order to become a good software engineer so things like how to work in a team how does the software development process and cycle work what's scrum and agile and all those things are really important and will help you kind of hit the ground running right after you graduate from college and so learning those things during an internship is really great and you get a head start on yeah that's for sure very true like I didn't know what good was until I started my internships like because especially for my program it's like computer science program it's not a lot of software engineering the more like theoretical computer science right so I never actually learned how to like build stuff I only learned like algorithms that we never use at all yeah you know so with these internships I found use like how to build stuff you know just simple things like no jazz apps and stuff like that and yeah it helps me like have a lot more fun encoding yeah it does really get to like know and understand what you learn in school actually translates to like stuff that you build that helps people at least that's what I'm like really really passionate about and seeing that kind of like come to fruition and seeing real people use the software you make is so rewarding you know so let's jump into a little bit about our background so we've kind of set some context and so we can talk about like we went to school and kind of what was the atmosphere and attitude toward internships at our respective schools yes so for me I went to University of Waterloo are suppose a little bit different because we have to do five to six internships within your whole education - yeah so that's a lot so for us you know internships are what we call them coops and their big part of our careers so we love internships our school is known for internships because we just do so many but I yeah so that's kind of like our school so I went to UC San Diego as referenced in my other video if you haven't checked that out I'll leave the link in the description box below the computer science program was really big and it was kind of the typical for your CS program basically and what we didn't have requirements on having to do internships in order to graduate like your school did a lot of people did internships at least once throughout their four years most commonly right after their third year which is the year right before they tend to graduate we had job fairs on campus that helped students get these internships as well as get full-time jobs after they graduate so there's a lot of big companies like Google Facebook Apple as well as more mid-sized companies to that we're looking to hire soon oh so German can you tell me about what internships would have done and what companies were act yeah sure so I started my first internship at Citadel which is kind of like a hedge fund company as a software engineer and then I did LinkedIn as a software engineer and then I did Facebook as a data scientist and then Microsoft as a program manager yeah a lot of different things yeah a lot of soul-searching [Laughter] so now we're gonna dive into how to get an internship so German what's your the best piece of advice on how to get an internship yeah so I I guess for me how I think about it there's two phases the first phase is getting the interview and then the second phase is kicking ass in the interview the first phase for me is you just gotta get recognized by the recruiters so either by you know having a really good resume or getting a referral I guess and then the second part is more about acing the interview and I suggest to just brush up on your coding interview skills and there's a good book on cracking the coding interview I'm sure you guys talked about I think one thing that was really helpful for me was making friends with people who are older than me and kind of expanding my network as they start working full-time jobs or their companies they're going to usually be part of the recruiting efforts at their school to hire students so generally what are some things that you did to help you get these internships my story's a little bit different I actually want to be investment back oh yeah I don't want to be a star in general and then I did like trading competitions I started also learning Python I was really interested in finance and it was a website called in trade comm where you could you know trade about events like for example while I'm gonna win the election or not and then what I did was I made a bot that kind of like values those like events in an engineering point of view it was you know pretty cool because I made a Python bond and it worked decently you know and yeah I think that's how I got the attention of civil my first internship I guess for me as I spend in my other video my first internship I got by first working there is kind of like an administrative assistant and doing that kind of like foot-in-the-door thing where I would be not working as a software engineering intern but I was working as someone else as like a different role soon after working that role people knew who I was and like my work ethic and all that kind of stuff so when I went to apply for the internship there Eddie knew who I was and so they were like cool yeah like you have a spot in the internship program yeah I guess that's in there proof of like how networking is pretty important yeah and I know some people do hackathons some companies sponsor these hackathons and sometimes give out interviews your offer is to kind of like the wing team so that's one way I remember professors of my university had connections with companies and recruiters and so he would be able to like pick his like top students maybe not necessarily by grade but the ones that he had a connection with and the ones that he really liked and so yeah there's a lot of other ways to kind of like get noticed other than just like making a good resume instead yeah one thing to know is that most companies tend to look for interns who are in their third year because they want to be able to hire that person full-time after they graduate and so it's kind of more rare to find internships for a first and second year students but it's also very possible to do so it's just you have to find other ways of getting there because you think yeah definitely don't feel like oh I'm not qualified because of that or because oh they rejected me I'm probably not qualified sometimes you are qualified but it's just too early because they actually want to turn you into a full time right away my friend he had a team where they were competing on a Facebook hackathon because Facebook used to do used to host hackathons around schools and he had this app that allows you to turn your phone into a mousepad so you could control your computer using your phone and they want first place and because of that all of them got an interview for Facebook and then the AC interview and then he worked for Facebook as a freshman so just because you're a freshman doesn't mean that can't aim for like the top companies so now let's dive into kind of what you need to know before starting an internship and here we want to highlight what are things that you should expect just some more information about the internship itself yeah sure so I remember when I just got my first internship yeah she's a pretty excited you know your boss but then wow you know you're almost to the actual day of the internship you like oh my god can I do it is like a little bit scary I just want to tell you don't be afraid you know it's normal that you're afraid but you don't need to be because a lot of the things that you don't know you will learn you know they don't expect you to be you know as productive as a full-time employee you're an intern you're here to learn and are here to help you learn yeah I I felt that every single time before any of my internships I was like if I qualified for this like are you sure you want me the imposter syndrome settled it's so hard my head like why do they want me but yeah once you start it's like there you have the program set up for you typically so that you can succeed in such a way that you're learning throughout the whole thing you are there to learn and so ask lots and lots of questions right even things that you think are stupid questions when you ask them the whole point I think give an internship is to really just absorb a lot of information and just like every bit of it too so there's an acronym you don't know ask what it is even if everyone else is doing around maybe know it like it that's okay to learn so one question that I get frequently is do you even know anything before an internship things like programming language and like texts as Jim woody um I appreciate don't think so me because I've been working for bigger companies but big companies don't expect you to be an expert on and anguish I didn't know how to like write C++ code and then they just expect you that you'll learn on the job so for me I didn't need to like for example what happened at Citadel was I joined a team do you know C++ I'm like no and then it's okay don't worry and it just gave me a whole C++ book and then I started coding so yeah yeah they don't expect you to like be a pro at JavaScript even just like have they don't expect you to have even written JavaScript before they have a whole codebase that shows you how to write JavaScript and there's software engineers who's been writing JavaScript for a long time that are going to show you how to learn those things and so that's not like a requirement at all I think what's more important is that you show that you're willing to learn and that you know that you don't understand everything that's that's really ok so let's talk about after the internship so Jonah after all of your internship experiences do you think that they helped you to decide what you want it to do and you didn't want to do yeah definitely like especially because I try like almost everything like sovereign debt size NPM it really helped me understand what I really wanted to do and when I did software like I realized like oh I really building things but for example when I fit data size I understood like oh I really like analyzing data and then PN is more like I like you know thinking about the product and then so that helped me understand that oh I think I did it like Davis Lance Moore and I like p.m. a little bit more in software engineering so that helped me kind of like choose my career do you think that if you hadn't done this internship but maybe you like studied those concepts in school would you have had kind of the same sort of learnings oh yeah definitely not because you know the stats classes in schools are really basic and not applied at all so I would never want to be a data scientist if you know if I just learned it from school yeah Facebook really helped me understand like you know the impact that you can have using data awesome so we talked a lot about internships today and I want to thank you for being on my channel thank you for having me um where can't everyone find you yeah sure so you could definitely check me a coma I'm a very new trader I only have like one video now which is kind of like a mockumentary of me starting a startup and yeah like I'll be talking a lot about tech and hopefully I can merge tech and entertainment into what it is my channel go check out his stuff and you can always find me on Twitter and Instagram as hello and when you go don't forget to Like and subscribe if you like this video and we will see you next time see ya [Music]
Channel: mayuko
Views: 157,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: software, softwareengineering, internship, career, coding, code, womenintech, techwomen, facebook, google, linkedin, microsoft, engineering, softwaredevelopment, developer, intern, technology, techindustry, adulting, college, collegeadvice, university
Id: LuUpeVfN-wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2017
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