First Flight - Part 04

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so at this point we will return facts they try to now in the clouds see here we have to find a good area to sense we stay VFR and we'll head back there Turner microwave back so sorry the set if they turn us off but a good area in front of us if you are the sceptic 2000rpm isn't about two to three inches about mine a compass we have to push it a bit over lip flutter on the Descent maintain coordination typical with a single-engine aircraft put a scent down to about 1,600 feet today now you gotta be careful with this sitting down to low altitudes are you want to make sure that you're not going to there's a billion obstructions it'll be a problem to you so what we do is look we're looking for these numbers right here these blue numbers they called mes maximum elevation figures in each quadrant that shows us the highest obstacle and that quadrant so that all these tell us that we but we're above that altitude we should I get into hopin for the obstructions now there's a better up safe altitudes we have to watch out for things like it's been a contrasted area have to be a thousand feet above the congested area I was that referee former feet of our many residential any rural areas and then there's other other stipulations but for the most part the easy way to remember as well say do the same thing you might have to do the revenue to clear years let's begin unpressurized aircraft or 600 will stabilize the aircraft all original mixture slightly here in other sense thus we going to need my fuel at low altitudes do you know what you can notice here from imfg is that they try now is all the way out to the east of us a ways away in fact we were probably almost fear through our 40 miles away from Daytona maybe 20 miles or 20 miles with Daytona we've still got quite a bit of time to fly around and stabilize the aircraft 1600 we'll look up at the clouds to about 500 people out loud so ago don't want dogs Islanders to make sure that we're cleaning the five hundred people of clouds of this airspace here's one 500 feet 10% of the VSR gonna add the power at lower altitudes you may not need as much power as you have a high up to severe for dance [Applause] again so the ballpark figures adjusted as you need to maintain the pool but you want alright so stabilize the crews checklist set mixture burn ratio did a couple times in since we descended it about two thousand feet so far off for China quarter temple each thousand feet so again [Applause] 25 - taxi - initial contact you have information uniform I have fish you know fall information International Airport information uniform 135 3-0 observation when 23.7 visibility 1 0 few plows to 5000 temperature to 9 or 2.2 603 0 1 0 this is a person runway one-six a nuisance initech tomorrow will notice is a unified approach control frequency is one 25.8 we are approach crossmember oh we got to free us we put the cool too minik get a cool lemon again and if there's a three to one for version 1 7 off original Beach International Airport claw step there 2002 clear on I've only once approached by 1606 killer probably numerous customers on the beach don't keep it off the cover still perfect look out to the airport you want to use the APC checking space remember 50 revolver tonight to this time seven cherry twelve o'clock three months IQ from the right that's a rival briefing then without check the staff for one to turn writing two seven zero one tutoring two seven zero one two turn writing to 8:07 tree for tree fighters in life 47 turn right make sure your Olynyk and Carter protein I'm through my power so let's throw one to turn left for truth had a ton of poetry on for the 435 American airspace a position up is that they type each way up we can't descent unless they get after descent but when they first descent we have to be careful of it understand into all my beaches airspace so something we could use as landmarks when deciding went to the center once your enrollment we're gonna look for actually the Florida before a hospital that's close by that's not even a fourth through final facilities that's a good area to connect dark 182 I saw before turnin up see we see that boy I want sISTAR in front of us we'll use our craft technique watch the lens are coming for the right so we actually look like you're facing to the right slightly but uh she went straight towards the wrong way dates on a childhood 182 straight up on six there 182 day turn tower Roger continued for only one six or one a to continue all right tell us a continue which means if we continue for landing which actually be a class the descent since we did not get any out my one tip for all stabilize the approach the approach is stay straight in relation to yeah it's gonna work fine really [Music] percent like I say we're having to be about to be a bowels of the fella when two five zero eight six five zero so got direct across went off the right we have to do the five crust god technique which will try to laugh with the right wheel first never left will show axis the centerline and keep their lungs to control the truck or blimp try the satellite there's a thousand feet and we look at a distance or property Boston is a perfect we're gonna do supply a slightly more and we're actually trying to add some clouds now so eighty nine knots we looked at the limitations on our intent so below on and gents eighty nine knots perhaps ten we're gonna stop playing it down to about eighty knots now looking at with my any point which 5.4 today will be the runway numbers I'm trying to keep the shape of the runway shape right oh whoa slow down flyswatter I want six well that's not something they planned out now with a five-day try entire continue for runway one-six transition just touch the end of the runway with another proposal no breaking just yet I'm told we doctors have taxi speed over 180 to turn left onto echo 3 or November 10 at ground points on Hawaii to echo 3 drop Hanukkah we'll make sure that we tax you're thrown away and we will attack see up to the intersection and hold behind us I'd like to talk about the rent for $35 that sexy shirt ahead 435 feet of trailer I have okay so now you're back on the ramp while nursery ever lit corner a headwind welcome back on the Eagle frequencies only touch on the rap and I'm on the centerline but again go to make sure left to the right then we clear the center line does not guarantee that you want to hit anything so you always looking left to right to make sure that you're clearing all obstructions and any other aircraft I thinking we're taxing at a slow walking speed or the rap about ten seconds from nose to nose specific for this aircraft 182 parks in Charlie's al-kuwaiti and so with three rows alpha Bravo Charlie having her pocket Charlie row or to get that pockets about we'll talk about shine beer calm down all right so here's a parking spot Charlie 16 so we're gonna slowly start turning into it it's going taking a slow walking pace and at this point the white center line will go below I know so we kind of have to look just further on extend the center line out towards the green cat eye on the left-hand side what you'll notice down the bottom here is a tall arch an L shape that's where we'll Park our left we are in I can't see it from this position but over close enough what we'll do is do a shutdown checklist a shutdown checklist walking break sit power twelve orders or 1000 rpm sure they'll pull up push run in and pull the mixture all the way out that'll show up the engine once the prop has stopped we will take our initial switch into the walls and pull the mission out and we'll cover the condition right here a top navigation light off and shut down check is complete so Falcom ramping in they will do the ramp in checklist will call Eva did on Tomo back the last four hour times or Hobbs time and our tack time and they'll give us total time and apart from that will shut that will secure their cuff down we'll head back inside
Channel: ERAU SpecialVFR
Views: 14,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7BE1-dSZeEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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