Grinding Straw & Calf Care

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welcome back to the channel today is friday may 28th um today we're going to start off with uh grinding some straw uh this will be the only time i like wearing a mask dust mask that is and then we'll probably do some uh repairs on our transition barn you'll see why and mo grass yep mine grass doesn't stop you really fly adriana never really talked about it but yeah this mower deck is a six foot deck it's nice to when you have a lot of mine i'm pretty much just gonna mow grass until i'm told that they need me down there to cut bell ribs for grinding straw but you'll be able to see that process so pretty much what's going on here uh it looks like the ropes are already cut here but we'll use a payloader and then we'll dump the whole bale into a straw grinder there meanwhile i'll just stay outside and pull the bale ropes off the bale so the saw grinder won't get a bunch of bell rips and get it if that would happen railroads could be caught everywhere on the straw grinder and that would just yeah it's not going to go over well there's it'd be a stupid move to have railroads go through that so those bail ropes are already off so i don't have to worry about pulling them off i think for the first two he said so i'll be able to show you guys what's going on here let the dusty process begin [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] the wind is in our favor this time i think it helps this straw doesn't seem as dirty so that really helps so the usage of ground straw for a total mix ration also known as a tmr would be for like dry cows it's time to mow grass so this is the area that i want to mow here this bank wraps the whole way around that barn and then there's another a heifer barn back there and that wraps the whole way around and you can see it over there on the other side of the cow lane but yeah this is a chunk of grass tomorrow see you guys in about an hour and a half so i got the mowing gun my dad started uh putting the duels back on the tractor that we fixed the cap suspension on earlier in the video you're probably wondering what the heck is a dry cow if you weren't wondering doesn't matter i'm gonna tell you so a dry cow the reason we call them dry cows because we're drying them out because they're going to be giving birth again and when i mean drying them out like we're taking them off milk production and that's why straw makes a good uh feed for the dry cows there's also heifers mixed in with those cows uh because they'll also be giving birth soon so the half the first time heifers and then the cows are at the same stage and then that back heifer bar in the previous video they're also pregnant yeah says yeah a lot of pregnant females so prepping these back vaccines here you have a bottle with like a i don't even know what you'd call it let's dry it up and when the liquid mixes with it then it just falls apart and you have to shake it up though so pretty much we take this vac part of the vaccine and put it in with this and one of these bottles can do 12 calves and i'm gonna i'm doing three bottles so 36 calves so this is what it looks like when it's all mixed together it's uh the powder is absolutely gone so it's all mixed in dissolved all right let's go vaccinate calves so the last time i left off was may 10th and i finished with these two i was in the video but now we'll get down close to the end but not not that close but yeah here's the cat that likes to knock out our bucket she'll probably knock it out again for feeding time [Music] [Applause] so we uh finished with 24-16 so next time obviously we'll start with 24 17. isn't that right 24 17 yes you seem to oh no there you go i'm not that scary i gave you a shot you're not doing that all right what do you guys say for uh the vaccines no louder please that's all you're going to give me just a bunch of thank you you're welcome so now i'm going to go and scrape out the transition bar and i want to get some stuff out of the way because if i'm going to be working back there at the transition barn first off i'm going to want a cleaner second off i just got stuff to do i need to get as much done it's also friday hooray good morning 2083 you ready for some new shavings 2075. how's your morning 2078 hey 2068. i hope you're doing all right 2076. good morning ma'am 2114. dang are you okay i'm just kidding you look great hope you all ladies are having a good day you ladies better enjoy your shavings [Music] so after putting both uh back duals on my dad uh increased the stance of the front tires here not gonna lie it looks pretty bad yeah i guess another thing that came to my mind future equipment tour question mark that's up to you guys though we'll have to do that in the future though it just started to rain we're getting we're catching up on our uh much needed may rain so that's good all right around one o'clock here i'm gonna head back to the farm uh got some uh punches to bed up calves to bring out we have a good bit of hutches to bed up so i think that's gonna be taking most of the time i'm not gonna worry about mowing any more grass the grass is wet right now and there's chances of rain for the rest of the day so all right let's go bed up some hutches so i want to put strong empty hutches that are going to be for new calves i also want to bed up hutches that cavs are in also because they're getting messy and it's just if i was a calf i'd want nice clean bedding i don't know about you guys but i would so the reason we use sawdust and uh straw here sawdust acts as a i mean it soaks up moisture really nicely and the straw i mean also it helps to soak up moisture but the main purpose is is just like the snuggle factor it's cozy for the animal and they like it is betting i mean the kevs or i should say heifers in the weaning barn and transition bar whenever they get new bedding they'll start jumping around and kicking because they're well they're excited fun fact let the dusty process begin this stuff's cleaner so hopefully it's not that bad [Music] [Music] so yes there's a little bit of a mess here but i'll clean it up it's not that hard just kind of kick it together and pick it up but this stuff is a lot nicer it's not falling apart really easily and it's not like packedly tight together that it'll be like annoying to scatter and it's not dirty either so my arms are still getting irritated but that's okay uh two more hutches here and then we'll go to the barn behind here and bed up hutches i think because these here they're starting to get messy but we'll be moving them out here and probably next week because these hunches will last us we have two four six eight nine touches and that will last us i mean let's say three cabs per day only three days so all right let's finish this off and then we'll start betting up hutches so i talked with my cousin on the phone he was told me where he left off with bending our punches uh so we're starting here at the back farm now a calf hutch like this we're betting off you can tell it's messy this one i mean i know on camera you can tell it's darker this is a little lighter so i don't think i might give her some but she won't need as much same thing with uh the last one there that that one could use some definitely use some and then she's doing it you can tell darker lighter so you guys get the point and i told you why we better pledges i mean it's for comfort and to keep them clean so let's start doing this process [Music] you're welcome for the betting calf oh you're hungry yeah i can tell how about you are you hungry you're hungry too all right don't worry we'll be here in about 45 minutes time to bring out calves ah yes all right so there's definitely she doesn't have a tag so there's definitely one but is she ready to go the chart will tell the truth 663 662. what's her number wish i would have checked never mind she doesn't even have a tag on looks like someone's gone to put a tag on she has the piece to put a tag on but there's no tagline just one thing to clarify if it ever sounds like i hate what i'm doing i don't i enjoy what i'm doing i just i'm sarcastic so that's one thing you guys are gonna have to get used to um yeah so i already showed caffeine i'm gonna have to do it like i said i'm gonna have to do a video on it but uh i appreciate you guys watching i can't thank you enough for the support i'm this close to 600 subscribers 400 more to go then and then i will have a thousand subscribers and i'm assuming by then 4 000 watch hours i can't thank you guys enough so uh subscribe if you haven't subscribed and i'll see you guys in the next one bye for now
Channel: Rohrer Dairy Productions
Views: 1,092
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: P3qAJ5OG-a8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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