Amanda ALMOST Falls Off the Drill

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morning guys today first thing dad wants to go spray down on Hefner's and there's about 90 acres down there so at least with one sprayer load you can get about 80 of it done and the roundup toad only has about 15 gallon and attender so I'm gonna go and get the tote in the shed and fill it up round up to is full dad is out spraying and I am going to load the seed tender up with a box of 25 a o4s and head on over and attempt to drill that twenty acres over there and hopefully it should go very well it should because that field should be definitely drier than the to norv fields and maybe later today we'll try that north railroad field and also the north of 12:50 field it'd be great to get those 30 intro beans knocked out on that north of 12:50 field that way we can bring the planter back switch it all over the corn and finally start playing some corn [Music] so before you guys freak out and wonder why I lifted the robots up and I am messing underneath it I am working on trying to get all the stones out of here that way we don't get any stones and either the meters on the planter or the meters on the grill because that would be very very bad and plug both the meters on the planter and the drill of I don't want to have to unplug meters on the planter nor do I want to have to involve the drills so this is just a good way to make sure that there's no stones I accidentally fall off the bottom of the box and into the tender and then therefore make their way into the planter or the drill [Music] [Music] [Music] well let's head on over and hopefully get some beans grill switch fields let's jump the rail round and the end penguins means all right let's fine [Music] got to and it's soon what's road they had someone who made all these guidance line and I don't know what some of these even are that you made some of these feelings but I had a play with the offsets on this for some reason from last year that this year the offsets got changed on this grill and that seems to be leaving 8 inch gap not granite there's only a couple around stone over in another field so we were able to catch it soon enough I can hopefully get a dial down on this field basically we just want a seven and a half inch gap that way it's consistent with the drill spacing Brown around and right now it's we've aimed a 10 inch Gavin said the southern average yeah so I'm gonna when off said I need in order to get that done so we punched it in to adjust it yesterday let's entirely sure changing hopefully gives me a starting point I can adjust it from there so trying to follow it's very difficult but even still somewhat see the corn and the rival is any taller typically I would do my ed girls first but since I'm trying to get these off self-styled and I'll discipline it a little bit enough so I know that I'm not going to try and get these offsets dialed in the best I can population I'm averaging about 178 that's about 5,000 Oh so I gotta figure out which side I need to adjust here huh okay I'm pretty sure it's all something now offsets everything is population is dialed in finally and I know this is all after 17 acres 18 acres so there's literally two acres left in this field it took me 18 acres just again the thing finally dialed in was population and offsets offsets wasn't too bad this is the population piece it's just as beat in size this 23 2367 seeds per pound it's just a matter trying to get those spikes right where they need the beat so after this I'm going to move back Northfield in his Park it and find out what that means to me to do if he wants me to go ahead and keep drilling Northfield did dry out a little bit the field did a little bit also imagine since it's going to do right now I'll probably head back get a sandwich otherwise he might bring me soon the driller he'll start in north of 12:50 field again and I'll start in on that north of rail room field again and hopefully it's dry enough that we can get across pole for those if we can finally get the blinders switched over the Killarney finally get some corn in the ground I just talk but there he's on his way over to our house and he is going to bring the semi and hurt Eliezer tender over and sir plant beans on that north of 1250 field barely strident and he said go ahead and try the north of railroad field and go ahead keep on playing I guess Krampus coming over eventually sometime here and he's gonna bring me some lunch we're just gonna hopefully get Marx's done today well there goes dad hopefully he doesn't have any issues over there plant beans [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that's gonna check and see but if he doesn't think you can make another round but he's going to shuck when I get up to the end here run over and get the seat tender pull that over to the edge of the road over there and if he can't make another round or he's gonna back up but we're gonna fill he's gonna do another ground fill the wire up I should be good for I'd say another 8 acres 10 acres maybe 10 acres it knows [Music] virgeen's in on this one whatever means are left and it all we have left so just Debbie the bags up between the planner and whatever is left goes to the drill they just feel and should be able to make it from where he's at now all the way over to that West Side Phillipa seen fertilizer tenders down there for him so he needs to fill up the next five or six rounds it's down there form already there's right there the website he's probably just kind of believing that well it looks like grandpa's here so I guess that means lunch is served must be getting close to being out of beans Row two for section two is failing so that means yep number two is pretty close to being empty so time to shovel some beans over that should be able to get me up to the other end and once I get up to the other end here I'll have to bring the seat tender over and just talk her out whatever's in there in the drill [Music] what's in the drill now that should get me across about 20 20 acres maybe [Applause] the rest will just be bagged so I didn't want to put any bags in now that way I can figure out how close I can be and try and use the least amount of bags possible so since I haven't really talked about it yet what we're planning into out here not only on this field the field I did over there and what was out there but dad sprayed it about well about a week before he sprayed this field when she sprayed this field and that other field yesterday it's cereal rye grass we had this broadcast it's middle of November and I vertical tilt it I believe on the 24th that's just without looking at Operations Center Operations Center would tell me the exact date on that mom positive it was the 24th so we worked this in with the vertical tilt and it's about 12 12 inches maybe some spots out there up to 18 inches told I hate to see that we're planning into this short of ride we're just afraid if we let it go we're gonna end up getting swamped here when we get a week of good weather here and we're balsa wall is planning and we don't have time to spray and we figure by getting out and doing our burned down a pre-emerge we can kind of stay ahead of it here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well looks like they had just got done and he's leaving he's probably gonna we can swap the beers out and tomorrow if not possibly later today if he was warranted I've got about just under 30 acres left in this field as bags I like to keep the girl is empty is what I can that way I can figure out how many bags finish this and try and use at least amount of bags possible just under 30 anchors yeah so I just talked to dad and he's gonna go back dump the blinder completely out switch the beaters over to convert and whatever beans are in the planter he's going to bring over here so I could dump in the drill and use those whatever I have left we'll finish up with meds looks like somebody's here and the Gator let's say the guy dad's back dump those beans and I might have to get some fuel so Amanda took me down to the seed tender here and I'm gonna take it up to the shed and that shed is part of the farm that we're running but we don't use that shed that shed belongs to somebody I'm just gonna pull this round on the other side of the shed that way when I need beans I can just pull up there on the grass and fill up and have room to fill up with fuel if I need to fill up with fuel also [Music] [Music] I'm going to go ahead and level out the drill and plan out what I can't straight now 20.1 acres what's in the grill it's not going to give me the 25 I don't find it'll get me close but I would say it's going to give me about another three more acres that would say so right now I have about roughly 18 acres yet so let's just say they have 15 acres yet when it comes time to fill up 170,000 for the population of supposedly attempting the drop here and 140,000 because that's how many seeds are in a bag roughly either eight about 18 bags I know I don't think there's eighteen bags in the truck so I'll just have to dump it whatever is on the truck and see where it gets me and that should put me very very close and if all else I'd run back to the farm and get a couple more bags at 9:00 bring these well if I had somebody riding on the back and scraping it in I could these rounds get longer to the east here and by doing this by myself with no one riding on the back and not scraping it in if they probably only get about a quarter in the way down if even that so I'm gonna have to drive all the way up to the other and hopefully there's enough bags there if not to blind either right back to the farm and get some more when I need some later or call Amanda Grampa preferably Grampa because he would know when I would be 15 Meg's [Music] man that's gonna cut it close because I need like 1718 bags to finish this [Music] who knows you just have to see how this clients out and all else I've got those three bags on the back and if anything there was a skid of them sitting there at the farm I can run back and use I've got about 15 more acres left comment down below how many more bags on top the twelve I dumped in I'm gonna feed and we're here to finish this field if I'm going to do any at all it's kinda hard to tell but I don't think I'm going to need if anything I'm going to be like two or three but what's your guest comment down below and don't forget to hit that subscribe button and also the life but well I got about four more rounds left for maybe maybe five it's gonna be close really really close I don't know I've got three more bags yet I think I might need two more well let's hope that doesn't and the always answers her phone well I'm stuck here waiting for some bags of beans and I can't get a hold of anybody got a hold a career police but I guess he's not as willing to go get pizza but I can't get a hold a day I can't get a little mana and I can't get hold of Grima I might just have to run back to the farm and get up I gotta hold it down and he said to take the green truck in the seat under back over to our house and he will come and pick me up over to our house and we will run back and go to the farm and pick up those bags and he'll come over here and write on the back and help scrape it in and that way we can get the drill cleaned out as cleaned out as what we can maybe he's already to plan well dad's all ready to go plant some corn corns all loaded up and got the inferior loaded all whiners probably all converted over already let's go point some corn [Music] [Applause] so Amanda brought me down her and dad ran over to the farm and picked up six bags and picked a house being the brought me over and I put four bags one in each section and I'm gonna do around here and see if I need to dump the other two and if all else I'll just have a man to write and scrape it up so I really don't want to have to put more in and what I need then after this she's gonna follow me down to Hefner's which they had sprayed this morning now probably end up playing kepner's sometime tomorrow I was Amanda you better be far enough away yeah I suppose you are not really paying attention No [Music] right here just screaming yell if you fall off and that way I can hear you and has never done this before there's a first time for everything no that was 1197 t-bags alright let's head down the Hefner's and amantha's gonna pick me up down there beans down they are gonna be 27 87 teams and do 90 acres down there and I believe those are 45 unit boxes so it'll come out pretty close on how many bags I need down there that can fit through here see he's a kid alright let's head down to Hector's the way it sounds dad's going to start playing I've noticed 1197 dad wasn't sure though at the 40 on the corner which is as feel great here if that went to 1197 or that is 1077 positive without checking the blank plant back in the office that that is figured for 1077 have to I know he's got at least 40 some bags there in the back of the truck pretty sure he thought that was 1197 honestly that's not but uh concede I imagine now I'm going to end up planning this tomorrow because dad sprayed this today pretty much it's ready to go whenever so but it sounds like though dad is going to start waiting there in front of our house tonight sadly pretty awesome [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] first corn at 20:20 going into very working on getting everything dialed in right now we had a girl number one at row number four had some issues on the end furrow but we got that someone figured out and we're working on getting a depth dialed and it seems to be planting awfully neat for some reason even though it's not said that the and we're just working on getting that also dial then along with the offsets and I'm pretty sure by now we got the offsets dialed in after two rounds here so hopefully the next round or so we'll have everything dialed in well we pretty much got everything dialed in on the planner though that doesn't want to try planting the rest of that field tonight it'll just do that tomorrow morning and I am taking the green truck and the seed tender back and gonna unload the pallet and the two bags a seed that are on here and call it a night it is going on about eight o'clock right now in tomorrow we're going to plant at least that 60 acre field there in front of the house more unlikely he'll probably move down to the 40 on the corner there just south of the big irrigator field and plant that and I'm positive that goes to 10 77 I need to check on that when I get back to the farm here and I'll be planning down on Hefner's and that'll take me the majority of the day because there's 90 acres down there and I imagine I'll be running around also getting seed and moving stuff around for death so anyways thank you guys for watching as always don't forget to Like comment subscribe down below and I will catch you guys in the next video thanks for watching guys [Music]
Channel: Werner Farm
Views: 19,422
Rating: 4.942029 out of 5
Keywords: werner farms, agriculture, farming, farm, farmer, entertainment, farm equipment, farm life, john deere, farm vlog, tractor, field work, deere, gmo, harvesting, keith werner, education, planting, millenial farmer, big tractor power, plant 20, plant 2020, infurrow, fertilizer, pioneer seed, forklift, clark, 2630, 4650, planter, 8rx, co alliance, starter, soybeans, tender, 8530, drill, helena agri, spraying, 4230
Id: dm_AJY7BnJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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