First Day on the Job - Episode 7 | Low Country Cowboys

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[Music] so this is a two-year-old filly that we started back in January and today what we're gonna do is we're gonna take her for a first day out doing real ranch work we've done a lot of riding in the Corral's here and we've pinned some cows and work some cattle with her around the trans Center and she's been on trail rides but she's never actually been out to do a day's work so so today I'll be the big test she's a little bit fresh but I wanted to see how she was gonna react to all this so I didn't do a lot of warming up with her it ought to be a big adventure so you see how good [Music] [Applause] [Music] well it's late summer in the low country and it's time to wean calves on the range so it's really important that we get into the pasture at first light while it's still cool it gets so hot in the afternoon that the horses of the cattle just can't take [Music] [Music] you know not every horse can make it on the ranch Molly's got a lot going for her but today we're gonna see what she's made of [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I guess Molly didn't want to get her feet wet the important thing is is we're moving along [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know we could pester this filly until she's blue in the face with a training program but this is ranch work it's the best kind of training it's on-the-job training you know this may be Molly's first time finding cattle but it's not my first and if there's anything that I could do to help her through this whole deal it's just to stay cool and you know it seems like it was just yesterday that we were starting this filly understand she sure has come along [Music] now this is a huge pasture and we've got a lot of country to cover this morning so Molly's really gonna have to hustle if she's gonna pull her own weight [Music] now I wouldn't expect Molly to pin this big group of cattle on her own I mean we've got five other good hands all mounted on good horses but so far Molly's life spinner trail right now we're going to see what she [Music] so I asked Caroline what she wanted for her birthday this year and she said chickens and I think that's great I love chickens just one problem we really don't have a place to put chickens but we do have an old dog pin out back so Mac and I decided to take it on as a project we want to try to work [Music] max eight years old and he is all boy I mean he just wants to be outside with his BB gun in his pocket knife and helping dad on these projects and I just love it you know it it reminds me of when I was a kid we're gonna leave that pup on there because then Hawkes can't come down slide down and get the chicken Seahawks you know the hawk is well we're gonna put a roof over the back part where the rain can't come down but we're gonna leave this right here you know I just love it when I get to do these projects with Mac he gets so into it and he's learning a lot and he's enjoying himself and it really reminds me of when I was a kid [Music] I told you the wrong way you got your do you work you got to go that way you almost got it do all right we decided to use the old dog pin for the chicken coop but we've got a problem it's all grown up with weeds and brush and vines so we've got to get all that stuff cleaned out and then the second task is to get a roof put on this thing and get it fortified so that we can keep out everything from foxes the possums the Hawks the snakes coyotes and wild dogs I mean just about everything around here wants to eat our tickets [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well Mac and I went as far as we could on Sunday and Caroline's birthday is coming up here on Wednesday boy it just seems like everything that can go wrong will go wrong [Music] now one thing you got to keep in mind is that we're not out here training horses we're out here to pin these cattle in to get the calves weaned it's a big job because this is a big bunch of cattle it takes good hands mounted on good horses [Music] all right now the Sun is up and it's getting hot and when these cattle see us coming they just make a run for the brush about the only thing that we can do is just to go with them and haze them toward that Corral game [Music] [Music] [Music] well we've got the big bunch of cattle pen but as usual there are a few strays around Molly's day is not over yet I don't care how much horse training and preparation you do there's no way that you can recreate just one day's ranch water I mean starting from first thing this morning Molly had to get on the trailer jump some water go through the brush in the weeds she saw some wild animals we had to jump deadfall we had to pin a huge group of cattle and the whole time packing this monkey on her back that's what makes ranch horses so great [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I'm out there trying to clear all the brush off a Caroline's chicken coop and I must have got into a guinea wasps nest or something because one stung me right on the lip and I really just wanted to go in the house and take the day off but our birthday is on Wednesday and I just can't do that so I just got to work through it [Music] [Music] that's painful Hey [Music] Carolina names I hope you appreciate the chicken coop didn't come easy happy birthday baby I love you [Music]
Channel: Low Country Cowboys
Views: 126,351
Rating: 4.8661709 out of 5
Keywords: cowboy, horse training, ranch, ranching, colt starting, colt breaking, building a chicken coop, homesteading, penning cattle, ranch roping, cutting horses, ranch life, cowboy life, horse videos, breaking horse
Id: 50Sy-b-9VDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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