Got Flies? Horn Fly Invasion | Low Country Cowboys Episode Five

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on this episode of low country cowboys go along with us as we go down and help the guys at the cow camp fly treat a bunch of cattle then we have to come back in term a bunch of yearling Colts it's hot and we don't want to do it but it's got to be done make sure you stick around to see Matt and the kids go out and pick a bunch of wild blackberries then they go home and bake a pie all that and more on this episode of low country Cowboys springtime in the country is the best time of year I mean you got the grass growing you got the flowers blooming you got baby birds chirping around here we've got fawns foals calves you name it everything's new and everything's green and great [Music] been along about the second week in May it started raining and the temperature started rising and it rained and it rained and over the course of two weeks we got over nine inches of rain then quickly as it started it just left that's when the flies came [Music] it's like you can see the flies there's just millions up [Music] this is a great time [Music] we're gonna try to [Music] [Music] [Music] now horn flies can be a real problem with that you know they cause problems with reproduction with their eating habits with their sleeping habits and they're generally just a nuisance [Music] now we're really in a crisis with these worm flies in our calvert we can't get in there to treat them because the stuff that we treat them with is a spray that goes on their back and if we spray them in the morning and it rains that evening it just washes the stuff off so we're really having to plan this out to make sure that we get the maximum effect so that we don't have to spray these cattle quoi [Music] so the first chance we got in the weather broke it was all hands on deck every cowboy on this Ridge was on his horse and in the pasture gathering cattle so we could get him some really [Applause] [Music] now this is a dirty job and nobody's happy about doing it it's hot as hell the Flies are biting this and it's just miserable but hey when you're a cowboy the cow comfort [Music] like a dick in here are you there we go [Music] now we're working as fast as we can to get these cows and related but there's only so much that we can do at the same time as we're treating the cows we have to get the Bulls out of the herd and the Bulls are really getting upset they're just in a lot you can do with men now by the time we got these Bulls sorted off and into the alley the temperature was up into the 90s and the Flies were just super thick the pulls are really starting to get agitated and when it gets this tight it really takes an experienced Stockman to be able to handle those boy and get him in the trailer the last thing we want is a big room [Music] the wild blackberries were really great this year so we decided to make a pot we picked a bunch but we didn't have that many when we left the field I was hoping to have enough to make several pies we had just enough to make one Carol I would not stop eating them are you still eating them I mean to have in your cup Caroline so we got about a dozen yearlings we need to get them up and trim their feet today and you know if I have my choice I'd pick I'd pick a cooler day for sure but we don't get to pick we just have to do it when they're ready [Music] it's so stinkin hot all these Colts want to do is go and lay down in the shade I really can't say that I blame him we're not trying to trick her to get the halter on we're trying to teach you that it's okay that she can be soft too [Music] hey she cut see she kind of tipped her nose towards you that time now you remember what's gonna happen if she won't stand still for here a couple of weeks ago we brought all these yearlings up and Hunter and I spent a couple of days working on them we helped them to get to where they were comfortable with someone picking their feet up and just being handled [Music] and boy it really has paid off we can see a huge change in them today she remembered from the old days I'm gonna wait till she relax a little bit [Music] [Music] [Applause] and I think we've had enough about time call today [Music] [Music] I gotta go [Music] [Music] you know it's a huge relief to get all these cattle treated it's a relief for us and its relief for the cattle they're back to living their lives and they couldn't be any happier I don't think you know that's sort of a job it is not fun but as Stockman it's what we're called to do and we wouldn't have it any other way [Music] you know what you do today all right let's go have so [Music] I'm gonna do pie [Music]
Channel: Low Country Cowboys
Views: 47,410
Rating: 4.905797 out of 5
Keywords: ranch life, horse training, cattle, cows, roping, cowboys, ranching, riding horses, picking blackberries, wild blackberries, blackberry pie, horn fly, bugs, flies, insects on cattle, flies on cattle, spring rains, springtime in the country, ranch during spring, calving, trimming horse hooves, hot summer work, low country cowboys, fly infestation, country life
Id: PTEkdaG8J58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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