first day of university grwm + vlog ( & uni reveal)

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[Music] good morning oh my god i look so bad right now this is way too early for me to even function it's currently 8 16 a.m this might be like not even that early for a lot of you guys but i'm pretty sure by now everyone knows that i usually sleep really late and wake up really late but now that summer's over today is the first day of university [Music] okay so as i mentioned before today is my first day of university well technically not my first day because i've already had a few lectures online on zoom but today is the first day in person i woke up really early so that i don't have to rush when i get ready because i'm usually always running late and i really don't want to run late today i'm trying to get there at least like an hour before my lecture so i have time to like tour the place and find my class i'm gonna quickly do my makeup it feels so weird to be going back in person because i haven't been to like actual school since like last year today i have a marketing lecture which is at 11 30 a.m and it's for two hours and at 2 30 p.m i have psychology we have to take like a non-business elective so i decided to just go with like psychology because that's what most people were doing and it's like one of the easier electives but that lecture is three hours so but i am going to a business school i got into my top uni choice but it's like a really hard and competitive school so i'm kind of scared because i feel like everyone's just like so smart hopefully i get some footage when i'm on campus and like at my university but honestly i don't really know how i'm gonna vlog because like like do i just whip out my vlog camera in front of new friends or like during lecture i don't really know what to do i'm meeting some friends before class so the lighting in my room is so bad right now i forgot to tell you guys my schedule i don't even remember my schedule so i have to like keep looking at my phone so on monday i have mgmt which i'm pretty sure is introduction to business or like business management i don't even know that's kind of concerning that i don't know um what course i have because i literally have like a zoom lecture for it already and then i have a lab for accounting i absolutely hate accounting already it's so hard i don't understand anything but these are all like mandatory so and then on tuesdays which is today i have marketing and then psychology which is an elective that i had to take and then on wednesdays i have an econ lab thursdays i have like the introduction to business i have a tutorial for that and then i have my accounting lecture and then fridays i don't have class which i purposely did when i was like building my schedule because i wanted like at least one day off [Music] i still didn't choose an outfit so i'm probably screwed because it literally takes me like an hour to choose an outfit and i have no idea what to wear today it's like 17 degrees right now later it's 22 not too bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] i took those pills because my stomach started hurting usually when i have breakfast in the morning i have like an upset stomach so that was just like korean medicine for your stomach my backpack's gonna be so heavy [Music] oh my god it's so heavy i'm all ready it's currently 10 11 so i'm not late for once i don't know why i'm out of breath but here's a quick little ootd since today was the first day i was like should i wear something more like you know like should i be more like dressed up and wear something cute or just you know go kind of casual and basic and i decided to go with casual basic this colored sweater is from ariza and then these jeans are from princess paulie i wear these like all the time they're my go-to jeans and then inside i'm just wearing this like white button shirt from brandy melville because i know it's going to be so hot later and then my backpack from mooji i wanted to quickly talk to you guys about betterhelp and thank them for sponsoring this video so betterhelp is basically an online mental health service that provides online counseling and therapy services for me personally ever since i started university i've been having a really hard time mentally with adjusting to the workload and balancing uni with studying youtube instagram and my social life but with better help i can reach out to someone for help and same goes with you guys for whatever struggles or problems you're having in your life better help will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist you can start communicating within 48 hours it's not a crisis line or self-help it is professional counseling done securely online there is a broad range of expertise and better helps 15 000 plus counselor network which may not be locally available in many areas but the service is available for clients worldwide you can log into your account at any time and send a message to your counselor plus you can schedule weekly video or phone sessions so make sure to visit sarangho that's better h-e-l-p and join over one million people taking change of their mental health [Music] and then distribute that to the name of the brand you can sell a lot of that which is good [Music] so [Music] so [Music] marketing is always important yeah i have [Music] what are they looking for [Music] literally next weekend [Music] [Music] the college it's very green i know it's so green it literally looks like i'm not like some like harvard [Music] on the right [Music] so i forgot to film after i came home yesterday but i didn't want to just end the video like randomly so i thought i might as well talk to you guys about like my first day and just share with you guys like some of my thoughts the first day i couldn't get a lot of footage because i didn't really have time to like film and i just felt like awkward filming so that's why i decided to add my second day into this vlog so it would be longer and there'd be more footage i also forgot to mention but i do go to schulich school of business that's my university i forgot to tell you guys in this video and this whole video is like i'm sure like most people wouldn't even know what that school is if you don't live in canada or if you're not like interested in business i feel like i romanticized uni way too much before actually like going in my expectations were way too high i have to stop having like such high hopes for everything because honestly i was low-key wanting like a webtoon or k-drama uni experience i mean it's only been like two days of uni well in person so honestly i can't judge anything but so far uni is just like all crying and so much work i literally had so many actual mental breakdowns this whole week and like the first week of university honestly i'm pretty stressed because i'm gonna have to balance youtube and school anyways before i end the video i wanted to like unbox something that i just got in the mail i ordered this mouse on amazon yesterday literally during lecture i got the logitech pebble mouse i needed a new mouse because i've been using this ugly one which oh my god it matches like my pajama color oh that's so cool [Applause] i love how like quiet the clicking noises are it matches my keyboard cover this is pretty much the end of this vlog i hope you guys enjoyed look forward to more university and like studying vlogs because i know like so many of you guys want like university vlogs i get like so many requests to do them thank you for watching and i will see you in my next video bye [Music] you
Channel: saranghoe
Views: 276,699
Rating: 4.9886141 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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