what i eat in a highschool week part 3 (korean food + realistic)

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[Music] hi guys today i'm filming another what i eat in a week video i don't know why but so many of you guys enjoy what i eat in a week videos from me and a part three was highly requested so i decided to film another one today is monday and it's 12 37 p.m right now today i have online school which i'm so happy about because i've been going to school wednesday thursday and friday last week so i finally have online classes today i have a test at 1 15 so i don't have a lot of time to eat right now but my mom made some really good food she made which i don't really know the translation for [Applause] [Music] english [Music] so i just finished eating and oh my god this angle is so weird it's so hard to film without a tripod because like i have to think of the most creative ways to keep my camera standing up i'm still trying to get used to having short hair anyways oh my god it's currently one so i have 15 minutes left until my family studies test which is online so yeah it's in 15 minutes and i didn't even study i'm literally not exaggerating when i say that i didn't even look at my notes i'm really screwed this is the review i have right now and it's six pages i'm just gonna kind of wing it so yeah i'm gonna drink some chocolate milk i haven't had chocolate milk i love chocolate milk it just tastes like i don't know it's oh my god i shouldn't be like taking my time drinking my chocolate milk because my test is literally in 10 minutes now while i study and take my test i'm gonna have some fruit oh my god i have to roll all the way here so that you can see me now i can be in the frame so right now it is 6 12 and i'm gonna go down and eat some dinner i have makeup on right now because i tried taking instagram pictures but none of them turned out well um honestly i think it's the hair [Music] oh my god i'm scared i'm gonna drop it there's my rule it's basically like a california rule but like a bigger version i just dropped like half the fish eggs in the soy sauce by accident by the way i see a lot of comments are like your house is so quiet like how do you film basically my household is not quiet i have three other family members usually like when i film what i eat in a weeks or like just me filming in general in the kitchen they'll either like stop talking for when i film or they'll just go upstairs which in this case they're they all went upstairs and they ate dinner before me so that i could film hi guys it is currently 10 12. it never focuses but it's 10 12 p.m right now i just finished an anime and it was rent a girlfriend i decided to get some snacks because i'm gonna continue watching more anime like i always do so i have this with me this is just ice cream these are barbecue chips i love this ice cream i moved to my sister's room because we're re-watching i tack on titan i already watched it but i'm rewatching it for my sister um no comment what do you want me to say so to finish off today i want to show you guys this package that came it's from teddy blake inside there's this designer handbag wow it's so pretty thank you so much to teddy blake for sending me this it's so high quality and looks very chic [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] since the product wasn't enough i'm gonna have another pack of ramen [Applause] it's currently 7 48 p.m and i'm just having this custard i've been practically editing the whole day so this is and it looks so good [Applause] foreign right now it's 12 30 a.m i have school tomorrow but it's actually in person so i have to go to school i'm like i'm out of breath because i ran down to get chocolate milk but i have to go to i actually have to go to school tomorrow and i'm like dreading it because i don't want to wake up and i just don't want to go to school but i'm currently just working on my comp tech homework which i pretty much left to last minute good morning guys it is 8 12 a.m i'm literally like so tired today um probably because i had like five hours of sleep so i just got back from school and i look super rough right now because i just showered and changed out of my uniform already i'm out of breath because i ran down the stairs right now this is what i'm having it's shrimp tempura udon and my mom made it for me it looks so good and then on the side i'm having pickled radish with it i literally feel like i'm bookbonger right now this setup um oh my god my dark circles look so bad on camera oh my god it's so hot right now it's 4 47 p.m and i've literally just been lying down this whole time watching more anime even though i have school stuff to do i've just been so lazy lately but i got kind of hungry so i'm gonna have more of these barbecue chips and then hopefully i get like motivated to do my homework i just woke up from my nap and oh my god i'm so tired i fell asleep while watching anime now it's 7 0 8 00 p.m today was such an unproductive and lazy day i'm gonna go down and eat [Music] dinner my stuff i just came back from school i have school again tomorrow and i'm going to cry because i don't want to go but yeah right now i'm gonna go down oh my god i just realized it's october first today i have like a bit of time before my next class starts which is online i feel like i look so ugly in every clip of this video i never put makeup on anymore just because like at school you literally just wear a mask the whole time i feel like people are gonna think i'm like the laziest and most unproductive person but right now it's 3 25 p.m it's been like an hour since my online class finished so i've just been lying down in my bed again watching anime but now my sister is making products so i'm just gonna steal some from her [Music] the hot sauce okay oh my god my mouth is water [Music] this is my dinner for today it's pork [Music] barbecue [Music] i'm having ice cream now the flavor is moose trash just eating it straight from the tub good morning guys today is friday and it's 8 15 am right now i have school again literally thank god today's friday because i'm so tired of school already i just got back from school it's 11 36 right now i'm so hungry so i'm gonna go down and eat so this is what i'm having for i guess lunch it looks so pretty on camera wow but my dad made this is like a stir-fry sausage and vegetable dish i think and then i have the usual miyoko which is also seaweed soup so right now it's 4 16 p.m and i'm going out to an asian market so that's why i just did a bit of my makeup also this whole week i've just been feeling really rough i think it's also just because of my hair like ever since i cut my hair when i don't have makeup on it just really makes me feel we're both wearing bt21 socks i'm gonna get this uh this one's better no ew look at that one get the bottom one i guess we're getting cupcakes we're in the snot section now sponsors how oh my god these are so cute i'm gonna get this one [Music] we're in some like fish market thing it's been a while since i came back from the grocery store basically my family went to an asian grocery store to buy the ingredients for our dinner today i'm always showing the time in this video because i feel like in what i in weeks like it makes sense to show the time because like people are interested in like what time you eat i don't know so like yeah right now it's 805 pm and i'm gonna have dinner now i'm so excited because we're having rice paper rolls my mom and my sister did all of this i feel bad because i didn't help but these are all the vegetables and stuff that you put in the rice paper so my camera died wait i didn't die every youtuber says wait no it ran out of storage so i have to film on my phone now [Music] bye [Music] [Music] my mom made me this one it's so much prettier than my rules i don't even know how many roles it's been i'm seriously so full right now also by the way i changed into this shirt because i spilled like sriracha sauce on my hoodie so yeah i'm just gonna try this drink that i got earlier i only got this because of the packaging open it oh my god it says smoothie which literally just translates to peach smoothie but it's literally just juice it kind of tastes like healthier than i expected i don't know i was expecting more of like an artificial peach flavored tastes pretty good but it's not something i would buy again it hasn't even been that long since i had the cupcakes before i'm gonna try the mango pudding i said i was gonna finish my comp tech homework after eating the cupcakes but i got lazy so i'm back in my bed i just spilt it on my hoodie trying to open it it's so good it's 7 41 p.m right now and i'm finally gonna have dinner i've just been working on my contact project finally i got out of bed and decided to be a bit productive [Music] true [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] i'm having apple yogurt [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: saranghoe
Views: 2,955,753
Rating: 4.9620776 out of 5
Id: fz2CrxW5lgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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