FIRST DAY HIGH! Back-to-School | JianHao Tan

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get out bit it's the first day of school what already break's over no no no no no breakfast is ready we don't have time for that get in the car wait wait less talking more driving go go go oh man hello Denise what's the question to number 18 oh I really thought I had more time to do my homework okay we're here wait a minute where's the call that's what I've been trying to tell you we left your sister at home what where are you how could you leave me behind how am I going to get to school yeah you're screw waterer okay bye it feels so good to be back I'm so excited for the new Academic Year I can't wait to meet all my friends my teachers and even you Mr D oh really thanks Denise see you in PE it feels so horrible to be back I'm so not ready for this here I got to see the bullies the mean teachers and Mr Dan oh really thanks rang see you in [Music] PE hey Mr Dan I got something for you I know you think we students don't appreciate you enough but we love you oh really thanks julan see you in PE oh we don't really have PE class today but okay I'll see you oh hey Miss C my favorite principal what are you talking about I am the only principal and why is your ha ping oh I decided to change it up during the school holidays what do you think I think this is against the school rules but Sher over there has red hair what are you talking about this is my natural hair color get it fixed by the next time that I see you and also maybe you can let me know where you get done I kind of like the roots okay stop tipping around oh yeah yep sure school started already feels like I've been here the whole summer break I'm never going to take off this uniform yeah I can tell by the smell do we even wash it oh really thanks guys see you in PE oh was oh that I don't what what what does that mean yeah he's been saying that to everyone today see you in be let's go to the canteen hey friends do yall go anywhere during the holiday I just went for some stationary bicycle class with my mom come on darling work those CS me spin class at least you get to spend time with your mom I slept with some chicks what I mean was chickens chickens let me try to explain there was one here and then there was one on the side how boring check this out my family and I went to Egypt wow Egypt I've always wanted to go to Egypt wow I always wanted a family that's not Egypt Kevin there's tattooing from Star Wars you can just Photoshop yourself in the sun place with sand and then call it Egypt tattooing what are you talking about Kevin if you really went to Egypt you should have a photo of your own camo every T does it well in fact I do it ised this this is not a camel Kevin it's a bther also from Star Wars fine you caught me I went to tattoo in not Egypt okay fine whatever let's go to class you have really weird friends you know and to think I was going to show them this hey oh man sorry Vincent could you keep it down I'm really tired I just landed a few hours ago and I'm really Jack leg and my whole body clock is messed up sounds like you travel really far so where'd you go Antarctica north pole South Pole West pole I went to Malaysia Malaysia you're in the same time zone you can't get jetl from that say the guy who went to [Music] tattooine what's that a toy it's not a toy it's a lightsaber that's a fancy word for a torch light give me that I didn't forget to see what was inside thanks guys I'll do yeah we know let's go let's go mie at least now I get to see what's inside is that thing hey Ben good to see you man wo wo wo wait since when do you need glasses I got my ey Shad over the B and it turns out I needed glasses [Music] hey D look I'm wear glasses too like you does it look good do you like it Ben there AR even any lenses she's right I thought she like them nice glasses Ben what glasses I don't wear them Oh you mean these spectacles we come to the club oh my God girl I missed you oh my god Sam it's been so long I thought I'll never see you again but now we're back and ready to take on the school year do you you guys just hang out like last week you literally just posted it you wouldn't understand it's different she wouldn't understand what a [Music] hater you me oh since we lost Anna you're going to to be part of our group now okay sure what do I have to do stop talking and we don't like your name Timmy so for now your name is Tammy and we're going to have to do something about this look okay got it oh hi Crystal we don't mingle with them L paper that's good Tammy learning well hi Tex we need to go to class yeah do you need help with that okay thank you Dina since when we so close with this guy I thought you hated him I'm right here you know ever since he saved me from the fire we've been talking a lot more especially during the break but what about clav have you totally forgotten about him to be honest it's been a while since we last spoke and Tav is really friendly he brought me to the carnival during the break but you said he was cleverly from wish I'm literally still right here I may have been way too harsh besides there's nothing wrong with being friends right whatever oh hey didn't see you [Music] there Nicole late again is the first day of school oh no how am I going to get out of this [Music] so you forgot how to speak English over the break I see well in that case see me after the class well it was worth a [Music] try wa were you there the whole time yeah wow Chev didn't know you could dance it's just something that I picked up during the holidays to distract myself from my heartbreak oh everyone I got souvenirs good for you thank you baby trough my name is not even trough this is for you and this is for you for you for you t how I got you a new phone yes and Denise I got you an everiss I'm going to add this to my collection collection I have always wanted a white and black one I only have the black and white one so this completes my collection okay hurry up and sit down at B I need to get a class started Miss I did not forget about you I got you the Lou Lou oh if you insist I mean it's been some time since I've got one so in that case carry on and oh Kevin I did not forget about you that's right here you go I got you a key chain from sent what Kelly what does it say Kelly they ran out of Kevin's at the airport so I got you the closest one see thanks Abby that's very sweet of you all right see if you take five over here and then you add another two and also divide it by another eight and also maybe subtract seven you get [Music] numbers I know it's the first day of school so I'm sorry I'm late forgot to set my alarm oh still in my holiday mood okay Jui but yes yes yes I know I'll make up for it I'll stay back after school detention right I'll be there Jui do me a favor and just take a look around [Music] you Vincent it's v no I'm prettyy sure it's Vincent go find your old class ji okay okay okay can I get your order man uh and your homework what homework homework homework homework homework homework homework homework homework homework homework homework homework homework Crystal your body is in class but your mind isn't wake up [Music] what did I just say wake [Music] up the pleas what are you doing in school soly the students are not supposed to be in school until they allocated timing it's good to see you to me sh and you really don't have to worry about my allocated timing I have been sitting in school for months I mean apart from the zoom classes that we have and the occasional duration lessons outside of school I've actually been coming here every single day just waiting for school to reopen I'm so excited what are we going to learn today uh actually today is more about about getting back to the routine and getting advantes to the new procedures I mean I also have some announcements to make but wait do you just say that you've been waiting here for the past few [Music] months ah yes that happens at 7:49 every morning and no of course I haven't just been sitting here so I've taken it on myself to complete all of the homework and the worksheets over the next 2 years here you go uh Denise I don't think I have the time to mark all this you know I understand you don't have to worry about that Miss sh because I've also marked and graded all of my worksheets here I've documented all of the feedback and the comments um I couldn't really find many changes with my work but I did make some corrections on the questions because I found some types and the syllabus is also due for an update I've documented all of my proposed changes here if you need me uh I'll be in [Music] class toally for [Music] this oh yet another year in the academy how does it feel like school is never ending when are we going to graduate I know right this whole thing just feels like one big loop and when the world needed us the most we return what the team is back together boys nope never been a team cev and what are you wearing good morning students and why aren't you in uniform oh sorry huh not that uniform not that uniform then I'll go in there and make sure he doesn't come out with another weird outfit okay good much better what a wonderful day to start school again good to see you too Miss city of course class5 [Music] not again I can't do this anymore do what TR Abby I've lost everything like how she with my mom and whatever she left me I thought it' be a good idea to invest in some STS but I've lost everything STS yeah I bet to Su my L bag I think you mean stocks TR yeah I got some stocks and STS there's no such thing as St but but but I saw it on Tik Tok it got to be real right at least I stay with you Abby yeah um about that say no more sometimes when you're feeling down you just need someone to be there for you I appreciate your presence AB what yeah about it's okay Amy it's okay but you go back to class you we need to [Music] talk wow Debbie you really glowed up look at those curls I could barely recognize you yeah maybe now the boys will finally notice you Deb dear why do you look like this how can you forget your glasses Mom I'm wearing contact lenses they're great Kor context your Grandma will be so disappointed grandma grandma doesn't even know what context are and you're talking back to me now who do you think you are what do you think think you are huh I am I am I am the what I am the we'll finish this at home go to class put on your glasses and tie up your hair I have to go for a spin class with Auntie Britney now don't let me see you in those context in that weird hair again okay Mom hi Ben don't block me don't block him why you looking at he Ben hi Tiffany let me walk to class sure she a new girl she's pretty are you okay that wasn't very nice of him Ben is mean no he's not he's just trying to be helpful I think she lost her way come on guys let's go to class hi hi you here this for if you two want to continue existing then you both better do some social distancing exising yeah that's not a word you mean existing potato potassium the same thing just maintain a distance and no touching of hands I guess that's why he doesn't teach English o are you disrespecting me me go back to class both of you now Sho go back to school again good to be back all right what is this red chairs what are you going to think of next purple taable woo hey what's up H wait you look different hey who are you excuse me who are you there might be a possibility that you're in the wrong class Vincent how do you know my [Music] name pimas pimas pimas oh you guys are weird man get me out of [Music] here do you do homework homework that was homework homework my world is just falling apart now guys not I even going to talk to Mr Dan yo guys I got this follow me hey Vicki oh hi do you bring your homework I was thinking maybe I can copy your homework you know like old times but some suit B knowledge I don't my boyfriend anymore hey don't laugh it's it's it's don't Co it's okay it's down come down where's your mommy now huh want to take something open it come on open it open it come on open it open open it why come on open it you Mommy to open for you come on come on open it come on Mom open it open it hi R you look different friend why's your glasses that that with the ow me what does it matter to you kind of like the O you better did I ask for your opinion well I came to return you [Music] this what's this you gave this to me remember I hope this will help you remember your own [Music] self where this is for you really this is for me mm I spent $100 the just to get this for you that's so sweet can you take me to the as long as you want my girlfriend I will take you [Music] anywhere what is he do here we're in the same class you [Music] forget py no done why what are you looking at huh could you see but it's not even yours well you'll be you'll [Music] be [Music] [Music] he [Music] um what are you doing I've always been doing this in all my online lessons Oh okay that's cool [Music] [Music] that's a lot of things yeah I've been waiting all year to use these is that color paper yeah this year I want my notes to be super organized and color coordinate everything have to be more organized you know you want some [Music] [Music] sure okay [Music] hello Denise no contact there is a violation timeout for you you sit alone here away from the class [Music] hi hi thanks for saving the seat I actually got you something oh um I made you a sandwich is that toothpaste how many times do I have to tell your students not to make any contact do I have to say in different languages huh [Music] okay class T1 T5 welcome back to the academy it has been over a year since I last in all your faces you look different you look different you what's wrong with your hair the past year has not been easy and we will take time to get back to the way things were firstly cafeteria will be closed so please bring your own food and drinks as you all know for school to continue we will need to take extra safety precautions such as staggered timings no Gatherings after school and no more no more toilet paper uh uh sorry sorry that that's my grocery relas okay anyway to be extra safe we shall now begin with the swap test when your name is called out please come forward for the swap Miss will it hurt just a tickle I really hope I passed this test I hope you pass this test too next okay next come be fast next I have never put in yet it's okay it's [Music] okay oh okay next it's okay it's just next uh go away [Music] [Applause] [Music] next fast see okay no not your mouth no no no no no R off okay next it's okay it's very fast okay next are you okay um okay all right [Music] next see quick go come Vincent yes he is going no no I can't take this anymore I don't want to do the test I just want to go home I want everything to go back to the wheels before I I hate all these new things I hate all these plastic sheets on the wall I hate all these new procedures I hate all these dising stuff I hate that I hate [Music] [Music] everything this sucks why is everything changing just want to go home hat it vincon Miss Charley what's wrong everything's changed I just want everything to go back to the way it was you mean like a year ago before all the SA regulations yeah or like yesterday before we even had to go to school I get it vincon not everyone will feel okay immediately after spending money at home especially coming back and meeting people again don't worry okay it will take some time before you feel like yourself again you don't understand what I've been going through at home is shy trust me I do okay how about we look on the bright side you see at least when you're in school you get me your friends get some fresh air and who knows maybe you'll even do better this year I will if you study hard I'm sure you will and you see everyone has their own struggles but part of growing up it's about dealing with your own feelings and not running away so shall we go back to class [Music] now do I still have to take the test just take the test Vincent okay I don't want the school get Clos again okay hey look it was [Music] snowing okay class 25 it's really good to see all of you back here so for our next assignment I will like everyone to prepare a presentation over the weekend and you can make a poem or a song or even stories about what you've been up to for the past year okay you can also team up if you want to so the aim of this exercise is actually to train your presentation skills as I believe that most of us have not done any public speaking for the past year right it will also have a classmates know what we been up to as you guys get to know each other again and one more thing [Music] homor today will be my [Music] [Music] last we [Music] lockdown is finally over woohoo [Music] yeah [Music] yes hey shut up hey put on a mask so I heard everyone's meeting up later you coming no I'm traveling go something feels different why is it so bright yeah something does feel a bit different wait that's that orange thing in the sky always been there you mean the sun the sun is that what it's called oh something looks different today come take it out oh yeah there are people outside again hey h hey you wait you don't remember me uh Drake Bob Bobby Kendrick Kevin Kevin Kevin man you look so different it must be the M or something see you later Kendrick hey man I completely forgot the guy existed who you mean Kendrick yeah Kendrick I'll see you later Vincent Vincent By B Vish cin what are you doing oh do you prefer two hands instead no no hands don't you remember we have to keep 6 feet apart when you say feet are we talking about shoe size because I'm kind of like a UK 5.5 really in fact my feet is the biggest among my family members okay [Music] hey Denise oh oh uh he yeah um how how do you uh this is this is awkward you want to just text yes right hey jie why you dress like that like what like kind of overdressed we're just going to the supermarket well I bought a bunch of clothes before quarantine and I couldn't dress up during lockdown so right now I have the chance to wear all my pretty clothes but we're not going anywhere you just change did I what this is not a fashion show ji okay I promise this the last one I did not bring any more outfit okay okay okay that's mine what we're going to go to the supermarket right come let's go [Music] come hi ma'am can you please scan the safe entry uh yeah okay okay where's my phone wait that's my iPod so many things I just uh sorry sorry face ID again okay I got it okay thank you I'm so hungry again oh my God the 10th time I've taken my phone out today sorry have you checked into the safe entry yet I did I did I did I outside but I just need to go to toilet this is stand up protocol let just get my phone for the h 100th time today okay is this fine can I please call wait can I take our temperature mhm all right 36.8 okay great can I go now stop can you please fit it up in this St now I really need to pee um okay okay I need to go I need to sorry can I pleas SC your identity card you're joking right okay all right okay can I go now and one last thing can you please fill up this form over here okay I really need to go I promise I'll do it later I promise okay I'll be right back what again hey hi hi hi which one should I even [Music] scan so Tre how was your quarantine oh yeah you know it's good it's good you know I've been going to the fridge from the kitchen to the fridge from my room to the fridge you know grabbing some snacks and seeing Mr Laos you know say Mr Laos Mr Laos yeah you know my mom oh Trev I think youve just been stuck at home for too long no no no it's real Mr Loos is real okay relx forget it you don't understand all right I'm just thankful that you don't have to stuck at home anymore Tre what are you doing just in case we get quarantined again I need some fresh air to remember how the outside feels [Music] like what huh quarantine is over I say stay in bed hey Vince you want to go get lunch or something uh I don't want to leave my bed well you don't have to h fine fine fine help me out all right all right yeah okay you got it let's go here I miss you I miss you so much what's going on Hi V yo yo yo get on my back girl no jise I miss you I'm sorry it's not safe to hug yet before we find a vaccine we have to comply with safety [Music] measures Vicki oh my God I miss you so much this quarantine has made me love you even more excuse me hold up what do you mean love me even more no honey what I meant was that distance make the heart grow F okay so you want more distance is that it no honey I mean it's been 2 months let's not fight so you think this funny now okay you know what honey let's not fight okay let's not argue just forget about it all right let's not be so angry why are the both of you not practicing social distancing and you come on with me now and [Music] you hey Ben let's go play some basketball man n I'm watching Korean drama I mean Korean drama is good but I can watch it at home we are finally out let's go play some basketball just let me finish watching this episode s what Bo you've changed man let's go H go [Music] man hey man what you doing watching drama you want to watch to okay what drama is it hotel hotel the what the what the what hotel again love can be a remedy or a poison what does that mean who is he his name is uh I don't know stop asking me questions deby [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] CR help guys I got CR what I haven't played in so long walk it off bro walk it off can't get up help me get up I can't help you bro we can't help you man we we still doing social distancing 6 fet apart 6 ft apart I'll try my best to help you right now no what the hell that's not even helping you you can you can feel with my help my help is from here 6 ft apart so I heard Kendrick's been going to the gym lately my name is not Kendrick hey guys everyone is hanging out after lockdown how come no one told me about this wait Terry how did you know we were going to hang out today I I mean yeah Terry apparently the recommended Gatherings are groups up to five people 1 2 3 4 5 oh we're so sorry I guess we'll see you in school or something hey come on guys Terry can join us right it's not like he has the virus or anything but how can we be so certain about that because he's not dancing duh it's not like he has a tck don't even say those words Kevin can't you see it has mutated it's way more advanced now it's not just dancing apparently everything is now cake that's right and I heard that it can now spy on us spy on us what does that even mean mean yeah how do we even know this for sure well haven't you thought for one second why we are asked to wear this obviously it's not just a fashion accessory right I heard it is to avoid them from listening to our conversations and collecting our data that's right but we will not give it to them so we will put our mask on keep our heads held high not sorry I'm just checking for your kick all right they are clearly searching for something we just don't know what [Music] so about that gym membership Kendrick my name is Kevin is there a package Mr L are you stuck in this traffic again hey what do mean is not important that pushups now thank you for all the good memories and just before I go I would like to say let me speak to your manager I want to see him now have you found it yet no sir we're still looking how hard could it be to overhear a cake recipe how there's so many cake memes if no one is making them uh we can try and Google it sir go Google is there where you get your memes from how are you supposed to turn people into cakes I mean kicking to people humans are getting smarter with their mask invention and all preventing us from Reading cake recipes the only way for payback is to put them back into lockdown lock down yes lock down push the button not that button red button red [Laughter] button breaking news the citizens of titantown has been put back into lockdown what as of now the reasons are still unknown lock down again stay tuned for the latest report seriously again [Music] okay I'm out hey y oh man lock down again [Applause] [Applause] a
Channel: JianHao Tan Top Videos
Views: 449,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JianHao Tan, types of students, comedy, skits, funny, comedy sketch
Id: caKpE3WGQj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 41sec (2561 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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