"I Failed My School Exams" - Denise

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hi guys welcome back to another episode on team titan i'm denise and you might have seen me on class t1 t5 basically playing myself and today i'm going to be playing a dollar question so i will be given six minutes to answer as many questions as i can for every question answered i get a dollar now i've been waiting to play this game for one to two years i hope that i don't disappoint you guys and i hope that i get to break the record for most number of questions answered let's go if you could leave anywhere in the world where would you choose then i actually stayed there for six months because i was studying there so i missed the face a lot what is your biggest fear i'm really scared of people around me dying but i'm also super scared of cockroaches and when they fly i feel like my soul leaves my body what made you go into tutoring i just really like teaching i really like math and i like working with kids and i know that having a good teacher really helps to inspire kids i want to be that for my students say hello in all the languages you know hello that's it what makes you laugh the most nigel my partner he's super funny i'm always laughing around him what is 76 plus 49 plus 50 minus one one two five can your tongue touch your elbow have a very long time but i don't think so nope what's your first and current impression of xian hao intelligent very wise and also fiercely loyal what is your biggest rebel as a teenager i used to wear the old t1 t5 uniform the one with the piano falls so there was a period of time i wanted to look cool so i'd rip the belt off the pinnacle so that i can change the position my mother really whipped me for that shoot check mary xian hao vincent leonard ah okay i would shoot leonard i would marry chiang hao shek vincent what are your hobbies i like to read i'm always on reddit and i'm reading very random things i have the most random facts in my head what is your least favorite food didn't you girl anything with vinegar i hate the smell of it how long have you been together with your fiance in march we have been together for eight years how did you both meet with me in class we met in uni we took the same class and we were we basically said diagonally from each other first day of class we met eye contact that was what is the cutest moment that happened between you and your students i can't really choose one moment but my students they do give me a lot of thank you notes and i keep off them so every time i have a bad day i take them out to read it again and it keeps me going how did you meet sian howe we started dming each other on ig and he asked me to come down for a trial shoot then now i'm here what's your pin number zero zero zero zero who is your best friend in titan daddy i can tell her a lot of things what was your strongest subject in school strangely not math it was actually gp general paper and jc which is a lot of essay writing who is your favorite character from plus n4 t1 crystal bell i think she's very funny she's very happy what is your favorite local dish hokkien meat i like the one the rolex article that cooks the hokkien me have you ever failed your exams in school yes many times but okay it's very normal to fail that's what you do after that matters who is your favorite teacher in class t1 t5 missile if you could hire someone to help you what would it be for to manage my schedule i have a very packed timetable so it will really help what is your fondest memory of 2021 so i just opened my own tuition center and on the last day of renault i remember just sitting inside and feeling so much gratitude and feeling a lot of happiness who would you want to be stranded on a deserted island with and why bear grylls because he can help you survive what's the first thing you'll do if you get 1 million dollars i think i'll buy a house what was your first impression of vincent vincent annoying what do you dislike about your work the hours get very long and i think it gets quite tiring how do you do in university i graduated with first class honours for two degrees mom or dad mom in your opinion who is the most good looking person in titan oh my goodness this heart juhi i think effortlessly pretty when do you plan to have kids maybe one to two years i already have the baby names planned what's the most unusual food you've ever eaten i've had real meat in iceland very strangely what do you do to keep fit i try to exercise i try not as much as i would like to what is one coat you leave by i want to put the ding in the universe i think steve jobs said that which countries have you visited and which is your favorite japan indonesia denmark germany malaysia denmark is my favorite what are the three words that you would use to describe yourself i'm quite introverted driven and practical do you see yourself doing what you're currently doing in 10 years time yes puzzle situation i love it so much i plan to expand what's a fun fact about you that not a lot people know about i can move the bones on my knuckles and on both hands if you could have any super powers what superpower would you choose i want to teleport who is your favorite character in class t1 t5 i think ben i think he's so effortless his character is so funny are you a nerd in real life as well yes very much so very alike to my character in q1 t5 what's the longest you've gone without sleep and why 48 hours i think it was some uni assignment and we're just up all night how long does it take for you to get ready in the morning depends if i'm rushing 10 minutes if i'm taking my own sweet time one hour if you were the president of singapore what is the first law that you will introduce maybe equal education for all abolish streaming maybe how did you join titan reach out to me and then i went to his place for a trial shoot on a scale of one to ten how funny would you say you are ah a two two out ten what was your first job i was a server at blueworks restaurant what do you think is your spirit animal hamster uh very lazy but at night lots of energy who do you wish followed you back on instagram noah really when you're not working how you spend your free time either taking a nap or i'm watching youtube or i'm on reddit i'm reading lots of random things what is the best piece of advice you have been given keep on keeping on even when the goalie gets tough say something to motivate everyone who is stressed out you can do it don't give up what's the best pickup line you've ever heard honestly nothing no one has ever used pickup lines for me if you could eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be summer stingray i've had a really good summer stingray uh from malaysia and i could eat that for the rest of my life what is the strangest dream you've ever had once i dreamed that someone was trying to kill me and then i was hiding under the bed and i was really terrified have you ever had a supernatural encounter i don't think so i think i've been lucky enough not to but i've had friends who had what do you do when you are unable to fall asleep i like to read horror stories on this subreddit is called no sleep what skill do you wish you had i wish i could survive for lesser sleep if you were singer what would your stage name be singer me denise what was the last expensive purchase you've made oh and i paid for the renovation for the tuition center how has your day been so far great i'm here what's your phone password honestly i don't even know if it's a pattern it's like a triangle what is the last youtube video you've watched i was watching some some math video this morning what's your favorite drink from starbucks toffee nut crunch latte but you can only get it during the christmas season if you could go back in time what's the one thing that you would tell yourself i'll tell myself to work harder when i'm in jc and don't look at boys so much do you own any pets i used two but they both passed away of old age what is your dream job dream job oh i really love what i'm doing now i like teaching here's my dream job oh there was five so how many questions did i get you've answered 69 questions 69 so what are you gonna do with the 69 i think uh since we're all here let's just buy bubble tea for everyone in the studio right now so thank you for watching this episode of a dollar question i hope that you enjoyed watching it let us know down in the comments below what you want to see next remember to subscribe and also watch our latest video and i'll see you soon bye you
Views: 2,755,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: team, titan, digital, media, vlog, daily, official, singapore, jian hao, debbie, ladies first, trevmonki, baby, expecting soon, thejianhaotan, a dollar a question, adaq, vincent, tasha, titan digital media, ridhwan, danial ron, 1 dollar 1 question, kevin, class t1t5, denise, game show, jasmine, kinghao, starley, the team titan show, podcast
Id: H9OAHY-uN10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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