first day back at school.. morning routine πŸ€—

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that is so bright none of that is too early for this [Music] okay good morning everyone i literally just woke up um i'm so cold it's freezing so i'm literally freezing right now and um as you can see i just woke up i'm gonna get my cereal bring my cereal up put my curders on um i'm killing my hair don't know why i don't know why either um and i'm not gonna put any makeup on i'm literally just gonna curl my lashes and then do my eyebrows i may put some concealer on under my eyes because they're really really bad um but i don't know what i'm gonna do i'm literally freezing i'm gonna quickly brush my hair just because obviously it's very horrible right now um yeah i think i'm gonna curl my hair i may just straighten it it's currently seven no it's currently six fifty and i've mascara it's currently 6 50 and my alarm went off at 6 45 so i just laid in bed for like five minutes preparing myself to get up tired so cold i went to bed at like half nine in the end i couldn't see for ages and then i actually put my like tv off because i just couldn't sleep because of my tv and then i actually slept so it's all good i'm going downstairs i'm vlogging me we're now upstairs um i really pound camera right now i'm going to be curling my hair but i'm going to quickly just straighten it because it's a bit wavy and as i slept with it um and when i sleep i really like move around in my sleep so um i've got grapefruit juice and then some cereal i got special okay just plain but i can't eat too much cereal otherwise i get sick so i'm literally gonna eat a little bit because in mornings i can't really eat i just i don't know what's wrong with me but i need to kind of eat something to get me going because otherwise i'd just be really tired all day i'm moody um so yeah i'm just literally going to straighten my hair yeah i'm going to go watch some netflix um maybe watch some youtube i don't know but yeah i'm just gonna um see i'm probably gonna go watch some youtube now and then i'll come back to you guys and actually something good happens because right now i'm just gonna kind of straighten and then come here so yeah okay so okay i just literally um ate my breakfast and straightened my hair so it's now straight so i can cut it um just brush my water on the floor but that's okay we can deal with that it's when i get my screen if i'm gonna be the worst um okay so i'm going to curl my eyelashes and brush my eyebrows because they look a bit hideous right now um i don't know if i put products on my eyebrows because sometimes i feel like putting some of the products on it but then it makes it go black and then i just like have very dark eyebrows which is not good look um but yeah so what i do is i curl from the back and then start going forward and forward and cut it up until it gets that kind of curled look um so i'm going to keep doing that now i have one side what i'm going to do is i'm going to quickly brush my eyebrows sure i'll brush it with another brush um okay what i'm going to do is i'm going to get this and put some vaseline on there and do that okay so now i have this i'm just going to brush my eye actual eyelashes as it gives it like a look to make him actually be seen so as you can see my eyelashes literally look like that and then i just kind of keep curling it because it needs to be higher up so i'm doing my eyelashes up really long some days it looks like this where you can't really see them which is a bit annoying but it's okay because we'll put some mascara on um i don't put like tons of mascara on i don't put it on bottom either just put a little bit on my eyes and then as you can see you can kind of see it so i just put a bit of mascara on there oh no i may have to put some makeup on now because i just smudged it [Music] let's do this and then flatten it out again [Music] so as you can see i've literally just done the same this side and it's now looking like that um but obviously that looks a bit darker because that's actually got mascara on this one hasn't so then i'm gonna just go in and then put mascara on that one okay so i'm just gonna like go through so there's my eyelashes done as you can see they look like that um but i just like having my eyelashes down because i know but also basically um i said yesterday about snapping my glasses but i actually need glasses for quite most of the day now so i've got these i really don't like suit glasses but it's okay because i need them um honestly like my eyesight is so bad at the moment so i can actually only just about see my makeup brush is over there so um yeah basically i haven't made my bed um really can't be bothered to bonus which is a we're gonna turn the colors on say bye to the vlog she's going to london let's go to work bye i love you yeah so my family are going all backside uni now so georgia's going back to uni and she's moving into a new house and then robin's going to work in london which is like buckingham palace way which means it's quite a long journey and she has to leave really early and she doesn't get home until really late now so it's a bit annoying but i'm going back to dance on thursday just as i can't really deal with going to dance and going to school on the same day like i just can't do that i'm going to be using this but i've literally lost everything inside it's all in here but i'm using the benefit brow um i'm literally just gonna brush it and then just put a bit of okay and then i'll just literally put a little bit [Music] there so now i've just done both of my eyebrows i'm just gonna i really can't do eyebrows so my life i'm not very good they look awful but for me that's okay and one day i'll be able to have really thick eyebrows and actually have to do so for them but right now this one i um okay okay now i'm going to curl my hair which is a bit boring but i'm going to start from the back and then come to the front because i feel like when i start the back i actually do better and when i saw the front so i'm just going to literally pin the hair and then i'm not doing big waves i'm literally curling it like here so it's only the little bits that are going to be curled i don't want big huge curls to score but yeah so i'm going to cut a little bit at the bottom hold it for a second and then let go and then scrunch my curl and then it does these kind of curls so that is kind of what i want but i just don't want them like really big i kind of just want like low wave curls and i'm just going to carry on doing this through my whole head and i'll come back when i've done half and then come back and i've done full but i'll probably forget to do half so you'll probably see me when it's full if i remember um but yeah so that's what it does oh you just spit into two hands um okay anyways so yeah that's what it does so i'll be back in a bit okay so um basically i curled my whole head i knew i would do this but this is what it looks like so basically normally i curl my hair so it was like top so i curl it from here but i thought i've kind of love it today just as i read something different and it still obviously looks very cool but it's just a bit different um i'm going to put my actual screen from one but right now um i'm wearing this hi guys so it's now thursday so it's been like three days since i last vlogs but i thought i'd just come back and kind of tell you how my week's been so obviously i've had so many messages saying like good luck for going back to school hope you do well and stuff i've actually had quite a good time back at school and it's been better than i thought it was going to be the central distancing is really really weird so we're going to go through what my school's actually done so when you go into school you have to go to your home zone so every year has a home zone and in our school we're all separated so we're literally our year is our social bubble um so yeah so my year go to the pe place and then like year tens goes to like the tennis courts which is just down like an alleyway thing um so we're nowhere near that of years you have different times to come out and like come out of school and also um you have different times to like go to break lunch you'll literally know where your other years but your year you're literally on top of each other so yeah you're basically going to catch crona if someone in your ear has it because you're literally on top of each other's eyes no such a business in there um but you can wear a mask if you want to you don't have to wear them in lessons but you have to wear them when you're out of a lesson you have to wear them at lunch or break even because obviously you're like eating and stuff so you have to wear it then but you do have to wear when you're walking two lessons when you're just standing around and yeah it's a bit annoying but it's better to keep yourself then sorry um but yeah so basically that is all that's different from school and all homework is done online instead of like handwriting and paper because you can't touch paper and give it around so yeah it's just a bit weird and it's definitely not how i thought it was going to be they just actually came out of the rule that now you can't be with groups of six or something a bit stupid when people were like 300 kids in one year but okay okay boris you do you um yes i'm just a bit worried because i feel like we may go back into lockdown um for gcc's i regret taking drama with a i literally hate drama so if you're thinking of taking drama do not do it because i know she'll really get a drama but personally i don't like it it's very like english language kind of base and i'm not going to english at all as i can speak it but when it comes to like subjects english i'm bad so i would not recommend doing drama if you don't like english because so much of it is just wordy questions and you're just like well um but yes that is all that's actually happened um i didn't get pe which i was really really annoyed about i may pick it up next year which is good but i can maybe even pick it up this year here's what has happened and yeah thank you all for watching this video make sure to like comment and subscribe and i'll see you in the next one bye [Music] um
Channel: Ami Charlize
Views: 415,127
Rating: 4.9562106 out of 5
Keywords: stronger, gymwear, activewear, london, brighton, fans, tiktok, ami charlize, day in the life, influencer, teen, week in the life, influencer week, photoshoot, no school, home school, birthday, dog, skincare, haircare, make up artisit, fashion, vlog, essex, morning, grwm, school routine, morning routine, back to school, corona, england, back to school after lockown, lockdown, covid19
Id: tpKBmgys5OE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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