First Church Truth of God Broadcast 1445-1446 December 13, 2020 Sunday Afternoon Service Live Stream

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is never comment on the message i don't have time for it amen your comments they come in positive or negative fine my comments are made while i'm preaching amen that's when i do mind commenting right while i'm preaching otherwise than that i ain't typing nothing but there's a crook and there may be several other crooks and i want to be aware of you uh he's asking for money under my name or in the church name on youtube and uh like i said ignore him if you have any questions and want to report a scam you send your questions and information to first church at first church at i'm not a beggar i'm not on social media begging you for nothing other than begging you to get right with god [Applause] so uh i just want to warn you make you aware of the devil who want to come in my name amen so don't you send none of these crooks nothing nothing don't send them nothing they ask you for anything in the name of pastor jennings or in the name of first church of the lord jesus christ or even under the heading truth of god anything that has to do with this program and that oh amen crook there's a whole lot of names i would like to call them don't send them nothing i you know i i sound once in a while i may read the comments that under the different messages once in a while and i notice of someone keep responding to people pretending to be me and they start off saying i don't know you and then they go on saying a bunch of something else that's not pastor jennings that's a crook that's a heathen that's a devil that's one of the representatives of the devil so i want all of the truth of god followers and all of the viewers to be aware don't you sin or die they use my picture or may use uh a picture of the church or may use the truth of god logo or don't be surprised if they use williams picture they may take a picture of dan the man's it's not hard to do all you got to do is take a uh telecast and then take a still photo from it and then just photograph right from it and then make it as if they're acting no none of the truth of god followers of the truth is over the air begging you for anything i'm begging you to repent be baptized in the water in the name of jesus christ free of charge you can give this free so beware of the crook or crooks beware of the devil beware of them all of them and i want to alarm my viewers of a pastor jennings would be crook on social media trying to scam you out your money and i want you to be aware of this scam now let me just set the record straight i don't have facebook and i don't have no form of personal social media pastor jennings don't have that i don't have it don't want it don't need it i got enough thousands of emails coming from all around the world to the church site and as i say moreover this is my face and william's got my book that's the closest facebook that i'll have but uh and whenever you see the message of the truth of god preach i never comment on the messages that thousands of people that put comments on the bottom of the message pastor jen is never commenting on the message i don't have time for it amen your comments that come in positive or negative fine my comments are made while i'm preaching amen that's when i do mind commenting right while i'm preaching otherwise than that i ain't typing nothing but there's a crook and there may be several other groups and i want to be aware of you he's asking for money under my name or in the church name on youtube and like i said ignore him if you have any questions and want to report to scam you send your questions and information to first church at first church at i'm not a beggar i'm not on social media begging you for nothing other than begging you to get right with god so uh i just want to warn you make you aware of the devil i want to come in my name amen so don't you send none of these crooks nothing nothing don't send them nothing they ask you for anything in the name of pastor jennings or in the name of first church of the lord jesus christ or even under the heading truth of god anything to have to do with this program and that old amen crook there's a whole lot of names i would like to call them don't send them nothing i you know i i sound once in a while i may read the comments that under the different messages once in a while and i notice of someone keep responding to people pretending to be me and they start off saying i don't know you and then they go on saying a bunch of something else that's not pastor jennings that's a crook that's a heathen that's a devil that's one of the representatives of the devil so i want all of the truth of god followers and all of the viewers to be aware don't you sin or dying they use my picture or may use a picture of the church or may use the truth of god logo or don't be surprised if they use williams picture they may take a picture of dan the man's stasiac it's not hard to do all you got to do is take a uh telecast and then take a still photo from it hey man just photograph right from it and then make it as if they're acting no none of the truth of god followers of the truth is over the air begging you for anything i'm begging you to repent and be baptized in the water in the name of jesus christ free of charge you can get this free so beware of the crook or crooks beware of the devil beware of them all of them i want to alarm my viewers of pastor jennings would be crook on social media trying to scam you out your money and i want you to be aware of this scam now let me just set the record straight i don't have facebook and i don't have no form of personal social media pastor jennings don't have that i don't have it don't want it don't need it i got enough thousands of emails coming from all around the world to the church site and as i say moreover this is my face and william's got my and we can never thank them enough for the blessed way of holiness that's beautifully outlined for all of us and to everybody who wants to see god in peace i enjoyed listening to the brothers and sisters magnified god you know the beautiful thing the wish of god in spirit and in truth and is very beautiful when god bless you with a talent and you can use it for god's glory i know firsthand if god had not made me a preacher i wouldn't be here now in fact i'll be a multi-millionaire by now but the one thing i say about god he have a way of disturbing your life amen god will disrupt your life yes sometime when god disrupt your life it may not feel good when he do it or you may not understand the disruption but as years go on you will appreciate the disruption when i was in high school i was off to being millionaire playing for a multi-millionaire jazz club and they offered me 24 000 a month not a year 24 grand a month and fifteen thousand dollars cash up front offered me any piano of my choice of any size all i had to do was play some mellow jazz close my eyes and glory to god but instead god saved me while i was young and so i understand what a lot of young people go through when god filled them with the holy ghost when they're young and when they repent of their sins and are baptized in the name of jesus christ and they do all this young because when they get older the devil really start to work on them and convince them you gave your life to god too quick too soon and then the devil hammered on you to convince you you are missing out on so much out there well you are missing out on a lot out there but to save your soul you have to miss out on something and but the devil will try to convince you that missing out on something out there you are the loser you're not the loser because when you have gained god in your life you got the most important thing that's the only thing that cannot be replaced so when i see my beloved brothers and sisters on good tires and trumpets and saxophones and trombones and violins and chaolas and bass and fretless bass and lead and hollow box lead and nylon string and steel string and rotor strings and keyboards and organs drums and congos and bongos and hugos and what goes and use it for god's glory i'm pleased don't think because you're in church you ain't tempted to take that talent out there especially when you know what you're doing i came up and fostered so you know we had talented musicians the one thing i say about the devil he produced some musicians off the assembly line and i came up with many that are recording artists today we grew up together played music together in falsehood we had a service that went on every saturday night we call it joy night we went from church to church the church it can be about 15 organ players 20 dramas 25 bass players 30 lead players all crammed in one builder and we all would rotate to try to give everybody time and whoever didn't make it one saturday will say all right we see you in south philly next week because in falsehood you don't care about no preaching because nobody was preaching to care about nobody was preaching nothing so we came together and folks jumped folks shouted he'd done all kinds of things but when god started to deal with you and open your understanding then you start to prioritize and you realize that the most important part of life [Music] if the message of god and whatever talent that god gives you you use it to the greatest of your ability to the glory of god amen you know there's a lot of churches many so-called apostolic churches won't allow people to use their talent to the full max that god gave him but if god give you a talent use it for god's glory when you was out there in sin you gave the devil all you could couldn't you didn't you so when they come to god you don't want to ever draw back all right i got some brief announcements to um to all of my brothers and sisters in the chicago area minister etheridge the minister of the detroit temple will be in the chicago area 2855 north milwaukee avenue that's northbrook illinois december 18th from 6 p.m to 8 00 p.m at the hilton chicago north brook 2855 north milwaukee avenue that's northbrook illinois december 18th from 6 p.m to 8 p.m baptizing all those who want to be baptized in water in the name of jesus christ so you that is in north brook illinois and surrounding area you come on out and get your life right with god people just i believe that folks are forgetting based upon the requests that the calls are making the callers are making about me coming to the area and i want to remind the callers god willing we'll be in your country and your state in your village or your town but i have no control over the laws of your location of uh how many can attend these meetings we go somewhere hundreds come out and uh i have no control your city may say five and 500 may show up your city may say 12 and 1200 may show up so uh you give us time god willing we'll get to your area bring you this message in person but until then you tune in live and uh you can get the same thing whether it's over youtube or whether the webcast that you would get in person but i must admit in person you can't turn a knob and make me shut up and nor can you turn the volume down but uh god willing you give us some time we're getting in your area all right let me update you to those that was baptized in the name of jesus christ so far this week phoenix arizona 34 went down in the name of jesus christ i want to thank minister santana he's doing an excellent job throughout california and throughout arizona as well brother brandon two went down there in memphis uh tennessee and australia and i agreed all the saints throughout australia through brisbane melbourne perth sydney and through the entire continent of australia pastor mars and all the saints of god there i must say the brothers doing a good job there in australia one was baptized in sydney australia 19 in melbourne 4 and brisbane and also minister nicholas brown baptized 3 in canada so that's a blessing and i believe we have one so far i got baptized here here in headquarters all right we thank god for all of you and i thank god for my enemies glad to see you back again god bless your wicked heart we're glad to have you back that we may make you angry make you mad and the only reason why you get so angry is because the devil that's in you just don't like this message you know when i came up they had a snack called jiffy pop popcorn and uh when you bought it you know it was like a foil pan covered in foil but you got to put it over the heat move it around and when you move it around it starts blowing up that's what happened when this gospel gets under heathens they start blowing up because the gospel get onto them and they just move around they get greatly uncomfortable when i got here today and i want to thank uh brother dan for taking the 11 o'clock session um when i got here uh brother leon came to me laughing he said i want to show you something he pulled up the video somebody came here in a van and uh start and made a big flyer somebody how they want to debate pastor jennings about speaking in tongues and all this other stuff you fellas he's supposed to be a pastor you must don't have no church you got time to drive around here on sunday morning and just drive around the church and so uh he went and parked across the street on fifth street and when uh lee told me about it i laughed and come to find out i know the gentleman i pastored his brother and i pastored his sister so let me just make an over uh over-the-air announcement to brother benny fitzgerald i advise you to please come get your brother amen come get your brother [Applause] brother benny fitzgerald and hey man your brother is on the loose here in philadelphia amen he got a van he got a big sign on it yelling he wanted to debate pastor jennings and this fella was once in the name of jesus christ once had the holy ghost speaking in tongues and the things he want to debate me about he used to have so benny if you're listening and if you're not uh rachel benny's uh sister benny junior if you're listening your uncle is on the loose please y'all give the pulled man some help you you get him some help that god may uh save his soul and he can stop burning gas driving around the entire block of the first church campus there's other things that do on sunday didn't do this yeah why do you fellas want my attention so bad i mean who put a sign on a van and drive around so neighborhood folks can laugh at you that's i disagree with a lot of ministers i have walked in and many churches but not once have i ever disrupt their services i don't do that amen i i've walked in on the holy temple i walked in on church of god in christ i walked in on church of christ i walked in on african methodist episcopal i've walked in on baptists didn't have to say nothing they know who i was i didn't have to say nothing i just sat down listened amen both looking around i see no jenna that's i didn't say nothing because i don't go to interrupt your service even if i disagree with the preacher even if the preacher is up preaching something that's blatantly wrong but i will not throw my hand up and interrupt the service i don't believe in that why the apostles didn't do that no if i get a chance to face you one on one we'll talk one-on-one or in the public but if you're striving just to make a name for yourself and you're so desperate for attention that's the kind i won't give you a dime of attention i'll let you drive around to jesus come all right let's go to work in the book of pain i want to greet my brother brother williams i know you're watching this afternoon grinning at the television god bless your heart he uh williams have what you call sciatica a bad nerve and uh it act up on him he stepped out of uh his wheels and said he stepped down wrong and disturbed the nerve and uh so it has him on crutches he's in a lot of pain he called me last night you know every time he called me i have william laughing he said i don't feel like laughing he said stop patrick why you always do this to me and i told him i said rejoice he bust out laughing again so uh he's in a lot of pain but you know he says slowly and surely he's coming around and uh pray for him because that pinched nerve is no joke amen that that pinched nerve is no joke i know how that is because i have one in my right shoulder and i received that over many years ago and sometimes that thing bother me so bad until it runs down my spine and shoot down my leg and because i'm on my feet for hours see like that pension nerve just never get right but uh williams we praying for you that god may strengthen you and heal you that when you come back you have to throw your cut your crutches away and start galloping around again all right are you ready maretti i hope so i hope so too all right judah turn me ready up and give me the second chapter of the book of colossians and begin at the fifth verse to all of my brothers and sisters to the saints in dubai i agree with all of you and dubai and also in the south pacific you that are in the hawaiian islands and the samoan islands and the solomon islands crook islands fiji islands that's a lot of whistling dixie going on this morning and to all the saints that is in europe throughout all of england throughout all the great britain and germany and spain uh to all the caribbeans all the caribbean islands in canada and south america and to all of the truth of god families throughout all of africa and abroad and india and bishop johnson and all the saints there in india we thank god for all of you as well all right come on uh maretti let's dive into the book of pain and let's get ready all right in the book of colossians chapter two and that verse five oh no give him some more juice i need him to have plenty of juice turn them up all right in the book of colossians chapter two and then verse five let's have it for though i be absent in the flesh yes yet am i with you in the spirit that's the way i am with the saints abroad we're absent physically but we are with the people of god spiritually and uh that's a blessing we want everybody to be mindful [Music] of what jesus told his apostles mindful to the degree that your sound you know it takes time to get sound in this it's true some folks say i'm in the word that's beautiful but is it in you anybody can get in the word in the form of reading it but i have to get in you this is colossians the book of colossians chapter 2 and that verse 5. and begin at verse 5. all right for though i'd be absent in the flesh yes yet am i with you in the spirit join and beholding your order and beholding your order your order my desire that the order of all the churches that's by the lord jesus christ will be governed by the words of god the pulled pits the ministers the elders the deacons the mothers the brothers everybody do you hear this for though i'd be absent in the flesh yes yes come on zach what am i with you in the spirit i'm with you in the spirit join and be joined join out and be holding your order and the holding your order in the steadfastness of your faith in christ do you hear that steadfastness of your faith in christ now i don't want to be like many just been in this for a period of time the next thing you know they're out they chase money whether they chase fame whether they chase the job whether they chase a man whether they chase the woman whether they feel as though that somebody gave them an offer that was better than what god offered it gives me great joy to see a brother or sister and then 20 years later i see that same brother and that same system holding on to the same thing [Music] and regardless of what they experience they are determined oh hallelujah glory to god not to be moved away from the hope of the gospel that was preached thanks be unto god to every creature that's a beautiful thing isn't it yes it is knew each other when you had hair now watch each other hair turn silver and then some hair just fall out remember when one was 120 pounds [Applause] now they're 192 pounds eating their way through the years having all kind of experiences good and bad some that made you borderline doubt god some made yourself frustrated with god you didn't know whether to stay in church or quit [Music] some fellas though they were waiting on god too long got tired of waiting until the devil started dealing with them and say holy ghost ain't for you why been waiting five years 10 years 15 years 20 years and then the devil move on somebody to tell you it don't take that long to receive it as if obtaining it is in my control holy ghost is a gift and all i can do is be compliant with what the lord says carry on tale hallelujah glory to god i have to trust him has faith believe in him but the holy ghost is not mine to take it's a gift i have to wait on it wonderful bless it be the name of god so when years pass it challenges your stability and challenge your soundness let's challenge your faith years with god expose where you're weak and show you where you need improvement shows you what's broken in your life that needs mending shows you how strong you are and how strong you think you are you know that's a big difference you know you know sometimes you know how strong you are and then sometimes you think you know in fact i believe one scripture says let him that think he stands not him that know he stand but him that thank you stan take he why paul lest he fall for he said there's no temptation taking you but such as which is common to man but god is faithful it will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able but will with the temptation make a way lord take god for you to escape so i when i see the young people some i know since they was born not coming to church now by force you know it's different when you come because you live under that roof and your mother and father say all right let's get ready that's a big difference but now when you're coming to hear the word of god because there's an understanding now that's creating in you [Music] someone said well wait a minute i love it just a minute how can you love what you don't understand are you listening and sometimes what keeps someone from loving holiness it is because of how holiness is presented that's it excellent man holiness can be presented in the wrong way let me give you a better understanding have you ever met someone that's overzealous you can't even have a regular conversation with them without them saying hallelujah glory to god about everything it's so devilish overzealous you talk to them hey brother how you doing glory to god man i'm telling you right now i'm doing it wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait he he go on the rampage of scriptural quoting hey brother uh man you feel like going to work or the bible say if i don't work i don't eat i didn't ask you that [Applause] i guess actually do you feel like going to work so that's where all the seriousness come from being strong in god the heading is good but the explanation have been ruined by men who claim they're preachers because most churches think being strong in god is based upon how much you shout how much you speak in tongue but strong bring about or should i say stability brings about strength you know i love building i love architect i love designing being around building through the years it taught me a lot how to build and what goes into a building if i had a choice between steel studs or steel beams rather than wood what do you think i'm going to take i'm going for steel why it lasts longer it can stand against weather much better without being torn apart time tests fabric time tests the church [Music] when i came up in falsehood strength was determined by how much somebody shout how long somebody shout and it ain't none of that church today has failed in preparing me to meet god let me say it again church today have failed in preparing you to meet god listen if the word of god is not properly taught [Music] you will fail in meeting god in peace i have to add that part because everybody's going to meet him the bible said every eye shall see him but when we come to the house of god the lessons of god the knowledge of god the information of god shall prepare you and i how to meet god what do you mean meet god yes the book says he's going to present him to himself a glorious church not having a spot or wrinkle but i must be taught how to iron out my wrinkles and how to get rid of my spots [Music] are you kidding me quoting me the scripture he's going to present them to himself the glorious church not having a spot no ranking or any such thing that's good but if you don't teach me how to go about removing my spots and how to iron out my wrinkle in the fifth chapter book of my figures quickly son i want to atomize this real good i'm coming ephesians chapter 5 and uh begin about verse 23 and the book of ephesians chapter five and that verse 23. yeah for the husband is the head of the wife yeah even as christ is the head of the church yes and he is the savior of the body of the body therefore as the church is subject unto christ as the church submits to christ so let the wives be to the husbands to their own husbands and everything husbands love your wives even as christ also loved the church and gave himself forward that he might sanctify wait a minute wait a minute hear this now what happened to be done to the church that he might sanctify hold it sanctification you know the lessons of god sanctifies you to be sanctified meant to be set apart so i take the lessons of god the takings of jesus the doctrine of the apostles that set you apart for something set you apart for someone set you apart for the work of god set you apart for the using of god set you apart for the purpose of the one god all right that he might sanctify and cleanse it wait a minute he wanted to sanctify it and why listen at this that let you know when you're sanctified you're not clean yet oh i want you to focus and hear me well listen at the language of the book that he might sanctify the queen god said this is what he wanted to do to you sanctify he want to set you apart and cleanse it with the washing of the water by the word someone said i'm sanctified i'm clean no you're not you are sanctified so you can be clean that's it excellent while you're set apart you have to go through the cleansing process to better understand it is this when you go to the cleaners and they give you the ticket that ticket sets your clothes apart from everybody else clothes [Music] your clothes not only must be cleaned but they must be pressed glory take god you see being clean in god is not enough i want to say wait a minute patrick jennings what do you mean [Music] have you ever washed clothes they're clean right but are they wrinkled gluten take god and your clothes are washed they are clean but they're still wrinkled hallelujah to god on high i want you to focus on the language of the bible you see i don't like just reading this i have to atomize because many people overlook the details of it listen at this now that he might sanctify and all right that established he wanted people for himself and he gonna do something to that people that set aside for himself i want to sanctify them and for cleansing cleanse it with the washington i gotta sanctify it read that again that he might sanctify and cleanse that he may sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the war water by the world wait a minute i have to sanctify it cleanse it and you need the word to be preached now where the word of god is not being preached it ain't nobody being clean that's true now i said the word of god is not being preached nobody is not being cleaned including the preacher because the word got to clean him amen you know a lot of folks don't use a cloth when they washed they do a commercial wash just take a bar of soap and rub on them mm-hmm old dirty stinker just got the scent of soap on you when i came over we didn't call it washcloth we call it a rag [Applause] and that's what i still call it get the rag [Applause] amen someone said well i'm i'm not like that i have a washcloth you got a rag [Applause] amen i don't care how proper you are i don't care how dainty you are you bet you can wash with the pinky up you better take that rag and go to work that's right the what of god is like a rag [Applause] now read some more of this and i got to out of my just some more come on come on i'm about to call you williams come on maretti that he might sanctify and cleanse it yeah yeah waves you on my mind so stop sitting there laughing listen at this that he might sanctify and cleanse himself with the washing of the water by the word that he might present it to himself now hold it presentation is not for before cleanup you don't go get your clothes out to clean as the name ready wash press then presentation wash press presentation wash press presentation why when you present it you got to look it over make sure that the right detergent was used a year before they had washing machines and all that stuff oh grandma use the scrub board and a lot of the grand old folk some of them didn't use the scrub board they use a big stone or rock i remember i was in uh satellite west africa preaching the word of god we had to go down to a big river baptized and uh oh man it was a good crowd and and uh we came down we drove the jeeps over so many hills and we only could go back so far and we the rest we had to go by foot so when we came down there was a massive stone looked bigger than this podium and there was a woman down there with her little children and it was the first time i saw this washing her clothes on that big stone all i mean she was scrubbing the clothes on that stone and then she take the clothes and twist it and then beat it on the stone you know when you get something washed you have to rub up against something that have friction something not strong enough to remove the dirt viewers you will never get right in that sugar water junk that you get in your church never you need something strong to rub up against your wickedness it is not a snake in the world shed its skin rubbing up against cotton and when that snake shed its skin it rub up against something rough rub up against tree bark or get a stone they got to have something with friction and to remove all the dead skin off the snake you got to have sound tough strong teaching that's broken down with such an understanding you don't have to wait for the stone to fall on you you will fall on the stone all right listen you see the stone falling on you and you falling on the stone don't have the same effect bible says if you fall on the stone you shall be broken that means you're willingly give up surrender give over submit to god's divine word but then he said if it fall on you oh total different effect they said to grind you the powder amen what do you mean to fall on you in order for it to fall on you is going up against someone who's retaliating rebelling and rebelling against the word of god so god almighty will come along and take that same book that same word and beat you unmerciful listen at this now that he might present it to himself at glorious church god want to present his people to him what kind a glorious church a glorious church not having spots wait a minute not having spot what else or wrinkle whatever or any such thing how do i but that should be holy hold it right there now before he presented that's why the lord haven't come for the church yet the church is still dirty it got spots on it got wrinkles someone said what he told you why he sanctified it i said he told you why he sanctified that he might present it to himself no no no no let's go back to sanctification and cleansing verse 26 that's why that he might sanctify and cleanse and he may sanctify and do what cleanse it cleanse it with the washing of the water by the word that's why the word is here you know there's some stains that are stubborn already god sometimes that woman or that man that washed clothes you know everybody don't know how to wash clothes you put the colors together whites together i didn't always know that when i was younger i used to see my mother wash clothes so i figured you know hey i can do it but i wasn't paying attention us sorting the different colors out and i remember oh glory to god i remember i was down downstairs to the laundry room she said nikki you washing your clothes i said yes she said you know what you're doing i said yes i wasn't paying nothing no mine turned the water on i put my colored clothes in there with the white clothes and poured bleach in there yeah i just in my mind i knew what i was doing and i wanted my clothes to be really clean so i thought you know you use an excessive amount of bleach and i was causing an excessive amount of damage to my clothing so when the clothes got through rinsing i pull it out i remember this one shirt that i love dress shirt it was a beautiful blue shirt with a white collar carlos came out beautiful and white but when the bleach was done with the blue part it looked like a tie-dye shirt ruined everything then my mother came and checked on my axle what happened to my shirt she said what you mean what happened to your shirt son you're not supposed to put bleach with colored clothes you got to separate your clothes why all fabric is not the same this book here is a book of detergent cleansing solutions there are some people more stubborn than others so there's some i have to deal with scripture aggressively because there's there's a there's so much spot in the mind in their heart i got to put more scripture on him and more scripture on her why they so hard here amen and then when i open the machine of the bible see they ain't done spinning it close it turn it on full drive but they can stay in there just spinning obey god obey god always keep him in there [Applause] amen you see many think because you're baptized in the name of jesus christ and this is the teaching that been floating around the apostolic church for years because that's the kind of church i came out of if you're baptized in the name of jesus christ and you have the holy ghost speaking in tongues there is no sin in you but according to what paul preached paul didn't say that that he might sanctify him in verse in the book of ephesians chapter five and that verse 26. some bishops teach when you god don't dwell in the unclean temple ain't no bible ever told you that lie no no when you received the holy ghost god came in a dirty person someone said what if you already cleaned what you need the holy ghost for if i'm already clean why am i down there seeking god for the holy ghost i don't need the holy ghost if i'm already clean the holy ghost come to clean me up don't you hear the word of god talking that he might sanctify and cleanse sanctify it now when uh when you sort your clothes you're setting them apart colors white colors white because that's what god do be sorting so we'll take god the sheep and the goats the wheat and the dead sorting it suffering and they're using the same book to separate listen that he might sanctify and cleanse that it may sanctify and cleanse it now when you take clothes set them apart sometimes you put that detergent on the collar that's right but this is before they go in the machine huh hey man you put treatment on them some folk ain't got ring around and calling they got a highway around the couch glory to god put that detergent on the column put that detergent on that grease that stain then kind of rub it in you start treating get that oxy that spray oxy put it on there hey man that woman looking over everything if she should go over everything spray that make it short turn it around what she before she put it in the machine to want to treat it look it over and make sure she didn't miss nothing before the lord present you to himself he have to make sure you're well washed right here [Applause] why he don't plan on taking those dirty laundry into an everlasting clean environment [Applause] like god no sir and you got to remember there's only one way to get clean jesus said to cling to the word that i speak unto you do you hear this that he might sanctify and cleanse it that he may sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the water of the water by the word by the word that he might present it to himself and then after his cleanse after his wash now he gonna present it to himself that's the marriage of the lamb [Applause] that's when the husband man god presented him to himself his church church his wife his bride glorious church not what not having spots see the reason why you don't have a spot because it went through all the cleaning right here because the right scriptures was applied to the body of christ for the cleansing of his wife not having spies can't have a spot wait a minute can't have a spot know what else or wrinkle just a minute just a minute amen excellent now you got spot remover and it takes heat to knock out a wrinkle where there's a wrinkle that garment is out of place now the garment may be washed but it's wrinkled so we've got to get dried then pressed what do you mean pathogens they're stages in god before you are complete in him washed pressed presented you don't want to miss the presentation of the church not at all and when i came up to sing a song i'm packing up getting ready to go lord i'm packing packing packing getting ready to go that's all well and good there comes a time that you got to stop packing and be packed it's like somebody's standing out there waiting on the bus coming time you want to stop waiting you want to get on the bus some folks say well i'd be glad when the lord come hmm all right but what you gonna get out of it if you don't go back with them i'd be glad the lord comes that's wonderful mm-hmm but what are they gonna do for you if you don't go back with it so the church now is sanctified and clean and he's clinging it he's cleaning it up now how is he doing it with the washing of water with the washing of water by the word hold it right there let me enlarge on water water do not clean clothes without movement man i have to detail this are you listening shay water does not clean clothes without movements water is broader than the baptism in the name of jesus christ that's the water you get in your body filled on the outside but now there's water have to come on the inside which is the spirit of god for the bible says this picky of the spirit for the holy ghost have not yet been given because jesus was not yet glorified what kind of water living water that's why the word of god got to move you around shake it loose the spots hey man it troubles your mind shake it loose that dirty thought troubles your heart is troubling you it's moving your heart moving your mind moving your spirit moving your body what the god of heaven have to trouble your house why water without movement does not clean a dirty garment excellent for the power of god through the power of the gospel hallelujah lord that god had to shake you get in here amen and when they get in you you start being active making changes conforming to the laws and the precepts of god striving not to be uh conformed to the world but being transformed by the renewing of your mind so you can prove that which is good and acceptable or it's a god in the eyes of god what is it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing yeah are you sanctified today viewers you that are here are you sanctified well i go to church so the roaches roaches spend the night in church and make babies but there is no sanctified roaches are you sanctified are you set apart for god for cleansing that he may sanctify and cleanse it cleanse it with the what is it the church now he tells how he going to clean it with the washing of water with the washing of water by the world the word of god got to stare you up and got to move your glory take god got to stand you up got to arouse you got to move you toss you around you bother you and when it trouble and bother you it causes you to make decisions that you normally would not make for the cleansing of your house you don't find the t-shirt worrying about the shorts t-shirt in the washing machine you don't see it complaining and see whether the shorts is clean shorts ain't trying to figure out how clean the socks is socks ain't down there wait a minute something wrong with the pants no everything submits without any feedback when you come to god's house you don't worry about how weak one is where one need improvement where one needs to better themselves you come thank god for the opportunity to take advantage of the cleansing this is the cleanest this is the cleaners the church of jesus christ is his cleaners where you get clean and pressed you get cleaned and pressed in god's church someone said well i had the church i go to i get clean they ain't enough because of you clean but you're not pressed that's right i want to say well all god wants is clean no you don't you got to remember the event when the lord come calls for more than just being clean it's a marriage yes and then the natural that woman don't come with a wrinkle gown even though lord that god it may be clean but i have to be pressed why because a thing can be cleaned but the wrinkle appearance give it the appearance of it being dirty now do you see what i'm talking that's why he says wash washing of water by the world and what else that he might presented to himself a glorious church manhattan not having spots spot or wrinkles you don't want no wrinkles so you could have a suit and a pair of pants your pants can be clean but when they're wrinkled they have a incomplete look they don't make you look as clean as you could look if they were pressed who respect god so you not only have to be cleaned by the word but you have to be pressed what you mean you have to be strained out yeah you know glory to god when when a wrinkle is gone and it's straightened out that leg is straight now when you're iron right you have to adjust the past leg brother whether you use starch or water depending upon the material if the material calls for it you have to adjust the pants you you don't just throw them on the board and start ironing you may make the material overlap and then create a wrinkle that's right that you don't want tell what you do are you getting what i'm telling you that woman take a dress or skirt sometimes she'll put it on the wrong side amen depending upon the sensitivity of the material and she don't want to damage the material so what's she do she turn it on the wrong side and start working on the fabric from within you see the wrong side is considered what within and the heat is so strong until when she put it on the right side the right side fell in place because the iron worked from within [Applause] are you kidding me hallelujah authority god we have a gospel that'll work down with him hey man sometimes when you take that garment off the ironing board sometimes you shake it that's right detail iron look it over make sure everything is lined up brother that's a detailed honor here once he ironed one leg at a time and and then he put both legs together he wanted to make sure where the crease stop they boast out they balance someone will say that's pride no it's not that's just taking your time to make sure you're lined up right [Applause] that's all that is why you don't want one crease to come up to your belly and the other crease don't go no further than you need help you're gonna do it do it right now if you don't know how to do it let somebody else hide [Applause] amen when i was a child amen and my mother trust us to iron our stuff she wouldn't let us iron him didn't go out she said all right come in here let me let me look you over thank god why we represent that house and she look look at you my father was a very detailed man come in here gene you got your pants on yes family help me look at you boy boy take them pants off i i remember when i would eye my shirt the part of the shirt that goes across the shoulder is called the yoke and man it i just didn't know how to iron that part for the longest i would move the shirt all kind of ways until one day i think it was my father my brother he said listen after you on the rest of your shirt you take the end of your yoke where the shoulders is do it like that and then lay it back on the arms and then take the inside of your shirt and gently pull it so you don't make a double crease that way there's nothing there but the yoke and i've been yoking it right ever since know sometimes you mean well but you make a mess like the apostle paul told the church you did run well thank god you ran well but who handles it that you should not obey the truth so in order for us to get clean it takes the power of the gospel it takes the power of the word to remove spots and remove wrinkle spot can come at something spilling on you it's built on you or you fell in it spot you got into something in life or you invited something into your life wrinkle come about you made a bad decision and now a certain area of life is just out of place and now you're trying to get it back in place sometimes you got to use the right temperature you know some fabric ah man that stuff is stubborn you iron and iron and iron and iron and sometimes you got to go back to the old school get a spray bottle fill it with water spray that ring and then put that steam on it man that's all i have to do you got to apply the word of god to a thing oh yes and then take the heat of the gospel the discipline of the rule of god's word apply it to it even if it hurts you in the process there is some wrinkles that bring about pain like when jacob thigh was out of joint the thigh represent that which is close to you when they get out of place it causes pain but yet jacob kept wrestling while he was hurting why it his stamina was challenged i won't let you go until you bless me all right let's see lord i want you filming with the holy ghost you do what you're willing to do for it uh uh i'm going to wait that all right the bible says these all continued in prayer and supplication with the women who married the mother of jesus and with his brother some praying got to be done not just be baptized in the name of jesus christ and then you sit around like it ain't no holy ghosting seeking the holy ghost should be a top priority more than anything in your life if you don't have it [Applause] without it you'll come to the building but you're not in the church you come to the building but you're not in the church you want god to put you in the church the building just take on the title and the name of what's in it excellent are you getting what i'm doubting amen listen in the book of ephesians chapter five and then verse 26. that's what that he might sanctify and cleanse him and he may sanctify cleanse it with the washing of the water by the word washing of the water by the word that he might present it to himself that he may present to himself a glorious church church not having spot having spot or wrinkle or any such thing no such thing but that it should be what but that it should be holy now wait a minute a spot or wrinkle can come without you're indulging in something out there it's a what pathogen yes you ever had someone with a cup of juice and they spilt it on you that's what happened to you viewer in your church someone said packaging i don't smoke no more i got out my second relation my second marriage and i don't drink no more i'm living all i know how can i have a spot still in my life the preacher doesn't spill some false teaching on you that's right spilt that false teaching on you and it's just dirtying up your clothes dirtying up your mind and a lot of time when a spot get on a garment and that spot stay there so long that area becomes sensitive to the liquid and even that area now start to crinkle get wrinkled get out of place so now you got a spot that caused a wrinkle so you can have a spot that caused a wrinkle and you can have a wrinkle where there is no spot which one are you viewer and you that are here do you have spots that cause wrinkles or do you have wrinkles in some areas where there is no spots and not even regardless of what you got come to the cleaners come to the cleaners this is our washing machine here better give me the first captive i'm correct on the book of isaiah let me see if that's what i want isaiah chapter one i believe about verse 16 let me see that's what i want in the book of isaiah chapter one and verse 16. wash you what wash you already god make you wash you make it clean wait a minute what's going to make you clean what's going to make you clean son come on read it wash you make you clean yeah put away the evil of your doors oh that's what i'll clean you up you got to put away the evil of your doors from before my [Applause] he preach accepted be sent you got to learn learn to do well just like my mother had to teach me how to wash clothes i had to learn to wash clothes well but i had to be willing to listen to instructions yes you could have a teacher but if you're not willing to listen but they got you a good listener hey man that instructor said you get that measuring cup all right this is how much bleach you use this is how much washing powder yeah all right then wait to set second set the time then put your softener in that's right when you don't want to listen you throw softener washing powder everything and all that one time you jump ahead of instructions do you hear what the prophet said you learned that's why the word of god said around the throne there's 24 seats which set 24 elders clothes and white raiment and they had on their heads crowns of gold as i often explained you had 12 tribes of israel and he chose twelve men and made them into apostles twelve plus twelve is twenty-four so the twenty-four elders represent the prophets of the old testament and the apocalypse of the new testament and they all had on their head crowns of gold letting us know that the prophets and the apocalypse were used by the same spirit anointed by the same spirit guided by the same spirit who retake god and that's why as you can see here is the apostle paul talking about wash you and getting clean and gut but but before paul come along god damn put that message right in the mouth of isaac you were wrong when paul came along he said i told you no other thing but other than what moses and the prophet said should come what did he say learn to do well learn to do well seek judgment and glory to god seek judgment when you seek judgment you know you want to get taught how to go about doing something what is the pace you should do it in amen you just somebody said well i need to fast do you know how but i want to get right with god wait a minute how should i go about doing well learn to do well [Applause] well i'm going to turn my plate down do you know how learn i'm going to fail but what what's gotta happen learn to do well well i'm going to pray for what got to happen learn to do well what good is praying if you don't know how it's like learn i've been living with jesus disciples acts teach us teach us how teach us how to pray teach us how to do it we want to do it but teach us how so when we're done we get results do you see what i'm telling you what is that learn to do well learn to do well seek judgment wait a minute let me seek someone who got good judgment who know how to judge something rightly and the best judgment comes from the word of god and not by personal views and not by personal feelings so i'm going to seek judgment and when that happened what's the result relieve the oppression and relieve the oppressed and judge the father judge the fatherless and plead for the widow that's all that's done what should we do come now come on let us reason together come on lord take care save the lord come on let us bring it together save the lord the lord though your sins be a scarlet hold it like that so your sins be as what scarlet let me define that there was a harlot by the name of rahab and she was instructed to let this scarlet thread down out of your window that way when we come meaning to israel when we come in town we will spare your house what is scholars scotland is a bright red that which is clearly seen nobody can get that mixed up with nothing else so what does it mean when it says though your skin be as scarlet that means though your sins are stirly manifest it is clearly seen you see what condition that you're in you see how weak your mind is you see how weak your heart is you see how spiritual vulnerable you are [Applause] they shall be white as snow i'm gonna change the color [Applause] wait what what do you mean what do you mean i'm gonna change the color that means imma change the appearance you are no longer will have that sinful look hallelujah that sinful way of thinking and acting and feeling it it's going to be as snow amen you go do your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow they'll be white as snow though they'd be red like crimson no they be red like crimson you see how bold the color is why because sin is a bold act [Music] and obedient wait a minute close don't fight that man or fight that woman when they bout to go on the machine as long as you don't i don't want to get in there i don't want to get out no no clothes don't say nothing clay's clothes get tossed in the machine the problem with many of us we don't want to get clean on guard terms we want to interject our personal view our personal feeling and some is so arrogant enough to say i don't see it like that as if god's supposed to care what you see i don't care what you say about nothing his word is the rule of law or to take god and let the entire world get ready to obey it don't get sent right into hell all right if you be willing and obedient wait a minute how must i approach it willing and obesity willingly by constraint willing how willing and obedient if you be willing and cooperative when you've got someone that's willing and cooperative you're gonna get no fight out of them when they're willing and cooperative they're showing you that they're willing to participate and whatever you ask of them that's what god wants viewers when we preach by god's permission repentance having a mission of sins in the name of jesus christ they get your sins washed away holy ghost speaking in tongue like the word of god said if you be willing and obesity and cooperative you shall eat the good of the lamb you hear that what does the land mean you'll get the blessing that you want but what but if ye refuse and rebel if you refuse and hardhead you shall be devoured with the sword that same word that comforts you gonna come back and destroy you who said it for the mouth of the lord have spoken now geno jennings doctrine for the mouth of the lord have spoken not geno jesus many of you get mad at me amen like the fellow that was told that was here wanting to fight me about speaking in tongues don't get mad at me you go go to jerusalem and fight the day of pentecost don't get mad at me go to samaria when philip was down there argue with the samaritans amen argue with the italians when peter spoke the word and the holy ghost hallelujah fell on all of them that heard the word amen go fight with them go fight with john disciples why apollos was that corinth and paul pastore the upper coast stopped off in episode to find certain disciples and ask them have you received the holy ghost since you believe they say we haven't heard whether they've been the holy ghost how are you baptized under john baptism paul said john preachers should believe on him that come after him and that is on christ jesus when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus and paul when he laid hands on them the holy ghost fell on them and they spake with tongues if you be willing and obedient you shall eat the belief i know i know there are things that god said in the bible that's hard certainly it is it's hard it's tough amen you may not be ready to adapt to that yet but don't run from it don't fight it ask god help you to give into it yeah amen amen there are things in here you don't want to do some folks say i want to do everything that god said i ain't bit more pain you know mine than a duck can tap dance because he is high off joint that's right if there are things in that bible you didn't have to do and still be saying you wouldn't do it am i right [Applause] amen amen amen what is that if you be willing willing and obedient willing and obedient willing and obedient goes together like faith that works willing and overwhelming and cooperative you shall eat the good of the lamb he promised some benefits he said you will eat good what do you mean you'll be prosperous hallelujah glory to god you'll be prosperous but you got to be willing all of you stubborn hard-headed rebellious things that's fighting the truth of god listen listen save your energy buddy save your energy you're not you're not bothering me because you i don't believe what you preach okay all right that's fine you may not somebody will your false prophet call me whatever you like i don't lose sleep you're on the devil that's all right that's all right i'm going to come back the next week and preach the same thing you're an antichrist amen call me whatever you like i'ma come back and preach christ i don't believe god sent you that's okay you may not believe i'm black but i'm still that in other words fighting the one that god sent to preach this is worthless it don't amount to nothing the word of our lord abide it forever devil trick you make you look at me don't look at me i didn't write this this was here before i was born i only been in the world 57 years about two more months to be 58. i want to say you think you're going to see it i know i am i'm going to see it i'm going to say it and i'm going to be preaching the word of god god be my helper and i have his help amen but uh blaming me as if i wrote this what makes these fellas fight and rage because the word of god they don't want to be washed dirty dirty spots and wrinkled preachers and the ironing of the scriptures is giving off too much heat fall amen god wants you to watch the purpose of washing the clothes is so you change your appearance and you look better than you did purpose of getting clean bible cleansed by the word is that it changed your life the word that god said you could be better than you were in the former life but even though those clothes are clean they got to be pressed even though you're getting clean there's some wrinkles there correctly and you got to get pressed that's why it takes hallelujah it takes a hard gospel yes gotta press gotta press your feet why there's some places you still want to go there's some place listen how many here wish they can be saved and tell the truth now don't lie how many here wish they can be saved and not give up the club raise your hand don't give up the club see that amen amen how many here which they can be saved and still hold to the sin of your choice [Applause] everybody now you see what i'm talking about now the bible says a good man stepped his order by the lord for he directs his path until that man come under the tutelage of god satan directs his past so now god had to modify his steps there's a song we used to sing order my steps how do god order your steps he changed the way you walk meaning he changed in order to change the person walk you have to change their mind they don't go where they used to go somebody said well i no longer go to the party i'm out of the world what part of you is out of the world your body is not the only part that's indulged in the world where you in the world body is there mine is there heart is there because if the heart wasn't there you will not love the deeds of the world and if the mind wasn't there the actions of the world would not constantly weigh on your mind and you would not plan for indulgence or if it's in your mind you plan for indulgence it's in your heart because your heart is emotionally attached to what you want to indulge in and then the body act out what the mind take and what the heart feel that's why god wants the whole thing to serve him the whole thing that's why you need the holy ghost see the baptism in the name of jesus christ wash away the singular sin that you inherited from birth and wash away the sins that you committed but now you need some fire that on the inside to burn up desire will hunger against god are you listening amen holy ghost is needed how do you god it's needed the holy ghost is needed and the holy word is needed because even after you have the holy ghost you got to have the word that backs that fire you got to have the world that constantly pushed that fire in you to keep it blazing excellent then you see what i'm telling you the word of god must constantly preach hard fair to keep that fire in you blazin why without the word you will start diverting diverting because i don't care how long you stayed away from any form of sin that devil brother the devil a man or a woman can stay away from cigarettes for 20 years and out of nowhere the devil bring that taste and push it right in their mouth and they'd be like what is this i haven't smoked in 25 years devil's trying to entice you through that's taste you see like the facebook facebook ever sending a lot of folk to hell trying to walk with god and then uh miss lucifer didn't reach out to you you ain't seen miss lucifer in 35 years and she don't reach out to you and now you like next thing you know he come loose lucifer you invite her to your place and you like girl you you look better now than you did was in school and she coming to you smacking gum you like [Applause] you like oh no miss lucifer got you now miss lucifer got you now or or bro or brother or brother satan see online next thing you know how that thing work you inbox somebody yeah is that how it works messenger mess they message you and you message them and then they come up friend if you want to i don't know how it works but but if if if you come up friend you accept them here come mr mr lucifer here come mr devil mr aberdan the greeks call him avadon and the others call them napoleon so mr abaddon and you like wait a minute that that can't be aberdone oh my god he was a skinny thing in school and now abba dawn all on his website [Applause] just pose on the website and you like oh jesus the devil was working no he ain't you're working hey the devil that pulled that up you pulled it up [Applause] no that's you working so facebook and internet years ago before i was born the late bishop johnson used to preach against television i understood why it was a new thing and but if in it if he was living in the internet hit oh my lord he'd probably throw a hand grenade at it internet is worse than television radio telephone everything that's why it's called world wide web web me one who get tangled up and then that have tore up marriages broken up homes broke up relationships wrong men sitting in a closet in a room in a computer closet black as night all you see is the light from the computer and they're looking three and four in the morning wife come out henry henry he turned that thing down [Applause] amen [Music] that's why we tell saints if you got a facebook page none of your past photographs of your sick foolish hellish life should be on there none of them sanctified sister that got a web page to have your head covered why are you exposing yourself to the public have your head covered no deep cut backs no deep cut fronts none of that stuff out no no no not on your page in underwear [Applause] youtube brother your facebook page shouldn't be in your t-shirt and your old dirty draws page shouldn't be with your wig on from the past or your present wig lipstick and earrings and all of that folly that mess off your face your facebook clean up wash you make it clean put away the work says the evil evil of your daughters from before my eyes cease to do evil what cease to do evil it learn to do well stop it that goes for you mothers in the church too you facebook with your lips all red and powder on your face and you got your 97 year old eyebrows arched 80 years old with fake eyelashes and the eyelash is so heavy you can't even open your eyes get them weights off your eyes what is that come now let us reason together come on come now i want a reason with you clean your facebook up if you holy and sanctified nothing should there shouldn't be no gossiping on your site it shouldn't be no backbiting on your site there shouldn't be no tattletailing here said on your site there shouldn't be no backbiting about nobody and nothing on your side holy book says happy is the man that condemned not himself in the thing in which he allowed like that old crook trying to pose as pastor jennings whenever we webcast and people comment and some old fraud get on there and say beloved i don't know you use my name dang patrick that's an old crook that's on his way to hell the sooner he get there the better amen amen go back to the fifth chapter of the book and be for you so i can knock off back in the book of ephesians chapter five back to the second chapter of the book of uh colossians and begin at verse five real quick back in the book of ephesians chapter five in that verse clean your sights up now clean them up i don't care who you are i don't care if you're so saved until you shine that night until someone thinks you have your own personal eclipse every evening you better come on back and clean that stuff up and do it like the word of god says all right in the book of ephesians chapter five and then verse 26 that he might sanctify and cleanse it and he may sanctify it and clean it up with the washing of the water by the water by the word that he might present it to himself no this is detailed so beautifully yeah he's going to present it to somebody else to himself where the other two gods gonna be viewers where the other two at present it to himself he gonna present to himself a glorious church hey he only got one judge one body one people those people may be meeting in several many many different locations of the world still one body glorious church one tree glorious not having spots god is not going to tolerate nothing or wrinkles [Music] back in the book of colossians chapter two and that verse five be quick well though i be absent in the flesh yes yet am i with you in the spirit and doing and beholding your order and the steadfastness of your faith in christ yes as ye have therefore received christ jesus the lord yes so walking in him wait a minute if you received him what should you do so walk ye in him sometimes young people get together as a grouping go out for dinner and all that stuff that's fine wonderful enjoy yourself but don't be in no restaurant acting like a bunch of sinners all loud until you the loudest nuts in there somebody said but i want everybody to hear the word that's all right you ain't got a blast the truth of god or no restaurant and you ain't got to be blasting it in your car until you can be hurt five blocks down you ain't got to do that let everything be done decently and in order this way amen all right as you have therefore received christ jesus the lord you receive christ jesus the lord so walky in him then walk in them rooted and built up wait a minute you have to be rooted now having roots and being rooted on two different things every plant that's in the ground have roots but every plant is not rooted if you put a seed in there and god quicken that seed after this dye and a stalk come out of there you can pluck that stalk right up and see little roots the stock have roots but the stock is not a root that so you can pluck it up very easily but if you get a tree that's been out there 20 30 and 40 years you can't pluck that thing up easy like that why because it rooted all right rooted and built up in him the term rooted let you know you got to be in god for a good length of time rooted you have to be in god be in the church and follow the teachings of god for a long length of time and what happened and built up in him oh in order for me to be built up in him i have to be on the receiving end of the lessons of god and then apply those lessons to myself and established in the faith established in the faith and what god believed as you have been taught as he had been instructed abounding therein with thanksgiving doing what abounding with thanksgiving any man spoil you through philosophy wait a minute what did this happen beware let's get out let me mess up viewers i want to close out with this god willing viewers beware you know when you see the word beware that's a warning someone got on the house beware of dawg you still going to jump the fence that's true you still going to jump the fence sometime my wife gave my food she said all right gee no it's hot sometimes it smells so good i don't listen that then when i put it in my mouth you'll think the anointing came over she said what's the matter got the spirit god what is that beware look how unless any man support you there's any man through philosophy that's what have happened in the churches and that's why you're so fragile and disconnected from god you ain't been spoiled by the word you've been spoiled by philosophy things that fear it i suppose i think history is good but when it contradicts the word of god history is not good at all amen all right be real less any man spoil you through philosophy through philosophy in vain after the tradition of men after who the tradition of men you see there's men tradition then there's god's tradition what you mean god's tradition you know when there's a tradition you do that thing over and over and over uh god's tradition is speaking in tongues when you receive the holy ghost that's why everybody that received it going to speak in tongues everybody you're gonna find it taking place over and over and over and over god's tradition is when you get your sins washed away everybody gonna do the same thing repent of your sins go down in water in the name of jesus christ that's a worldwide tradition established by god that you're going to do over and over and over so you got the tradition of men and you got god's tradition which is what's outlined in the bible for everybody to follow men tradition totally opposite from the book it sounds right it sounds convincing and a lot of you folk go after because you see a crowd following it you know like in a few more weeks satan's day will take place satan's day is called christmas satan's day you said that's jesus birthday that's not jesus birthday it's not even an ounce of the scripture that told you jesus was born december 25th that's the lie the devil told and all you so called christians i don't care what you call yourself baptist methodist catholic pentecostal episcopalian non-denominational whatever you want the claim to be that's getting ready to celebrate so-called jesus so-called birthday on the 25th of december i see all of you got your houses all lit up like a bunch of lit up heathens you're of the devil let us remember uh christmas is a spell from hell that makes you feel well remember that christmas is a spell from hell that makes you feel well and you feel well too oh you feel so happy and just jolly you can see all the christmas commercials out here people walking around singing the salvation out of ringing the bell just bringing them bell decked the halls with boughs of follies you will be in hell and jolly yeah oh yeah and hell you go yes you will [Applause] yes you will so if i got them you watching me now and you got lights on your house and you got a reeves on your house and little dirty plastic deer and a ugly old plastic statue who you claim is jesus and old foolish statues of someone you think is married and a bummy looking statue you think is joseph you are legal yes you're not a christian you are heathen amen you hear what i said you are nothing but a heathen under the spell of the devil that's why you're so happy this time of year oh yes you got your second wife and you buy your first wife a gift anyway normally you wouldn't give her nothing you're happy that's the devil in you come on uh ready let's have it beware unless any man's sports boys the philosophy in vain deceit after the tradition of men and after the rudiments of the world and not after christ all right let's close out of acts 238 what did peter say then peter said unto them repent and be baptized all right all right you looking heathens heathens heathens heathens and hellions you apostolic now the nomination of pentecostal i don't care what you call yourself if you deviate from what that word says you stay home stop going to church not wasting your time going to church save your gas money go to hell free don't go to hell broke if you're gonna go go free save your money don't pay no preacher to lie to you you repent of your sins now get ready to go down in the water in the name of jesus christ and let the great god of abraham isaac and jacob fill you with the holy ghost speaking in tongue of the spirit of god give others anybody want to be baptized the right way in the name of jesus christ stand on your feet if you want it wonderful give that a standing go right to the back now without a standing go right to the back go where they go all right we'll be back god willing at five o'clock god be our helper you tune in again i want my enemies amen you come on back so i can see you put a thumbs down at the five o'clock meeting you'll be obedient now and you better be obedient and come back i want to see your thumbs down so i can know the devil with that all right let us all stand under him that is able to keep you from falling and present you father for the presence of the glory with exceeding joy but only wise god our lord and savior jesus christ to him glory and power both now and forever brothers and sisters amen you
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 71,144
Rating: 4.9050303 out of 5
Id: 0fkqMfa1tR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 50sec (6650 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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