First Aid Hacks That Should Be Illegal

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Lotus-9 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2022 🗫︎ replies
- I cannot begin to guess what is worse. 5-Minute Crafts or Troom Troom. Watch this reaction video to find out. Huge thank you to ShipStation for sponsoring this video. - My head, not these meteor storms again. - Meteor Storms. - I have one idea, You will need a cabbage. - You'll need a cabbage. I, I was ready for everything, but cabbage. - Apply the cabbage leaf to your forehead. Since ancient times, cabbage has been known for its ability to pull out the pain. - Now that's gotta be one for humor. Why do we have doctors, when we should have cabbage? - My friend's motto. What is natural is perfectly okay. She can pull a handkerchief out of her pocket and blow her nose, like no one is around. Here's a life hack. Take a speaker and turn on your friend's favorite song. Turn it up louder, louder. And while your friend enjoys the dance and here's nothing but music, quietly blow your nose. - Pain, did they say to make music real loud and then blow your nose? Because your friend is such a judgmental (peewoop) that they get mad at you. If you blow your nose because it's natural. The hack here should be, get rid of your friend. This is so painful to watch, but you know what's not painful coming to see me on tour. Boston, Philly, DC, New Jersey, I'm coming for you. Link down below, come see me, come laugh, come have a great time. - Do you know what it feels like when your legs fall asleep, it feels so bad. - So bad. - To fix your neurons. - To fix your neurons. Do we realize that the issue is a circulation issue? - Touch your nose and the tip of your tongue. It's not funny, stop laughing. You'll barely even notice your pins and needles going away. - Okay, so leg falling asleep happen for one of two reasons. One, is you're putting pressure on the nerve and it can cause pins and needles, tingling sensation. But it could also happen as a result of blocking blood flow. If you close off your hand circulation by doing something known as the Allens test, blocking off both of these arteries here. You could see your hand get pale and then you could feel pits and needles. This here is just a distraction method for you to not feel the pain for that given moment. But remember, pins and needles as soon as you stand up, they do go away after a short period of time. It's not like, it hurts forever, not that big of a deal. - My leg is so awake. - So awake. - Oh no, did you get bitten by a snake? The snake bite needs to be cauterized immediately. - What? - Luckily, I have matches with me. light a match and blow it out. - What! Is there some kind of disclaimer on this video saying that this is not medical information. They better, because I'm about to sue them - And her heart rate might increase, panicking will only make things worse. - Your friend is panicking, cuz you just burned her. - Barbara Is feeling pretty sick. - Sound effect are lit. - Take a cold can of soda, place it in the bend of your left elbow and hold it tight and prepare a bag just in case. Well you never know, but it won't come in handy because your nausea magically disappears. - Magically, it doesn't. I mean, it's something to try and if it works for you great but medically there's no real explanation why this would work. Other than a cold object, in your antecubital fossa. Might feel good, if you're overheated but if you actually have true motion sickness that won't really solve it. Remember motion sickness happens because of the inertia of the force of the crystals and the fluid that is in your semicircular canals, inside your ears. And as a result of you constantly swaying and that overactivity, the excitation of the neurological area. You start feeling nauseous and putting a cold can here does not solve that issue. - You might be in danger even in your own kitchen. If you get distracted for a second, the cabinet door hits you on the head. How painful. - How painful. - Whoa, you have a bruise over half your head. - That's the biggest bruise I've ever seen from the slightest tap of a kitchen cupboard. - Thank goodness, I have a friend who thinks of everything in advance. You will need a pad and a syringe. Inject the pad with water, put it in the freezer. Cover your friend with a warm blanket. Attach the cold compress to her head. This ice pad is so unusual, but the life hack really works. - Ice pack, not ice pad. - Your friend will probably feel like poop while you're sitting there waiting for this thing to freeze throw some water in a bag, put it on your head. That's it, You don't need a pad. What is the purpose of the pad, other than for your YouTube thumbnail. Back to Troom Troom in just a second. But first I want to talk to you about ShipStation. Look, if you ever had to ship anything before. I don't need to tell you how frustrating it can be. But thanks to ShipStation shipping will become the easiest part of your online business. Even if your business is off to a good start this year. That doesn't mean things are any less busy. Which is why you need ShipStation, order management and shipping software designed to make retailers life hassle free. From the dashboard you could easily import orders from Amazon, eBay, Etsy even your own website. And automate just about every shipping task, even from your phone. They work with international and local shipping companies around the world, like FedEx and UPS. And you even get access to discounted rates that are reserved for fortune 500 companies, without any of the contracts or commitments. 98% of companies that use ShipStation for a year. Keep using it for as long as they're in business. And it's now available in Australia, Canada and the UK. ship more in less time, just go to, to get a 60 day free trial. Remember doctor is spelled out. That's two months free of no hassle, stress-free shipping. All right, let's get back to the Troom Troom. - Have you been scrolling through Instagram for so long that you have pins and needles in your foot now? - Oh, yeah. - Ouch, I can't feel my legs. Rubbing them, Didn't help. They still feel terrible. - Stand up, miracle hack. - Cut a lemon into slices. - They just keep giving you activities to do. Feed it to your dog, collect your dog's poop the next day, bring it to your leg, Apply thoroughly, followed by a cleansing pattern. - Lemon juice will help quickly relieve muscle spasms. - What the hell? They started with one thing of misinformation that was ridiculous. And they just started throwing more stuff on. - By the way, if you get leg cramps a lot you might need to eat less sugar. - What, who wrote the script? I feel like this is like one of those AI things where you just plug in a bunch of words and then ask it to give you medical advice and this is the medical advice it gives you. - The plans for the evening consist of putting on a comedy on Netflix and have fun. But there's a problem, hiccup. When you laugh, the air gets in your stomach. - If air gets into your stomach, you burp, you don't hiccup. - You need to breathe in a paper bag, inhale, exhale. - Nope, just eat a spoon full of sugar. That's actually a hack. If you're not diabetic, God, I gotta warn people about that. - Okay. I know another way. Make such a move and raise your head as high as possible. It worked. - She did not raise her head as high as possible, she lowered her Head. - And how do you cope with hiccups? Write about it in the comments. - No - kids love candy. Oh no, he choked. That's very dangerous. - Is he swimming? - You are going to need the health of a second adult. - Oh my God, this gotta be a joke. Imagine you're actively choking to death. And then your loved ones instead of helping you by doing Heimlich maneuver. They just shake you violently, upside down. - I hope what's that smell, is it coming from me or did these flowers rot? No, everything is fine. Oh, that's it. It's your friend's feet. - This is the most bulling induced video I've ever seen. - The baby lotion will solve the problem. Apply it on your feet and put your socks on. Well that's much better. - Or Wash your feet. Life hack, bathe. If you smell, bathe. - Do you think only pool water can get into your ears? You are wrong about that. - Who thought that, who had that thought? who wakes up and goes only pool water will go into my ears. Rain water, no, shower Water, no, how dare ti. - Try a simple life hack. Clamp your nose with your fingers and try to blow the air through the clamped nostrils. If you are lucky, the water will flow out naturally - Just hop on one leg with your head tilted. But make sure your feet aren't wet when you're doing it. And the floor is since slippery, so you don't fall. Ideally hold on for something, for support. - How wonderful it is to come back into the world, of pure sound - Pure sound. What is impure sound? Can someone define for me, down below - something got in my eye. What could it be? Ah, it's an eyelash. How do you get rid of it? It's so uncomfortable. Blink. Should I take out the eyelash with my tongue? - I swear, I, I thought that whole story was a myth. I did a whole video on it. - You just have to rub your eyelid towards your nose. Pull out the eyelash with a Q-tip. - Her friend, wanted to lick her eyeball. Do you have friends that wanna lick your eyeballs? - You can never enjoy yourself on a road trip because you get car sick. Just use our next life hack. Take a roll of adhesive bandages, cover your belly button with a piece. You will also need matches. - Light it on fire. I can't imagine where this is going. - Bite a match between your teeth and go on a road trip. This little trick will get rid of your nausea, so you can just enjoy your trip. - This is the most arbitrary and random thing I've ever seen. Would be quite dangerous if the airbag goes off and launches that match deep into her throat. Stop giving advice that could actually harm people and is most definitely not useful. This is trash. - Burning in the throat and chest. Not this heartburn again. - Heart attack. Oh no, take this Teddy bear and just relax. - The most delicious remedy is almonds. If heartburn occurs, you should eat five to seven nuts. A couple of minutes. - You're nuts. And your heart burn will disappear. - No, It won't though. That's not how nuts work or a heartburn. - You are just a magician. - No, you're not either. You're actually of those things. Oh, you are nuts. - Oh, look at my bruise. Yeah, it's stunning. - Is that CGI bruising? - But Barbara knows what to do. You have to use soap, leave it for a while. Now. Gently remove the soap with a cotton pad. The soap removes inflammation and helps with bruises. - God, I really thought there was to be something I could say medically about this. But like, do you honestly think soap removes bruises. A bruise is actually blood that has formed underneath your skin. How does the soap penetrate your skin, wash out the bruise? Like, I mean, it's just so ridiculous. Click here to watch a video, where I play a game with my sister. It's the only time she's ever bit on my channel. Do you even know what she looks like? Click here to find out. Also, don't miss on your 60 day free trial to ShipStation. By visiting and as always stay happy and healthy. (upbeat music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 9,445,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, dr mike, drmike, dr. mike, mikhail varshavski, doctor mikhail varshavski, mike varshavski, troom troom, five minute crafts, 5 minute crafts, crafty panda, crafts, hacks, first aid, first aid hacks, first aid tricks, health hacks, danny gonzalez, doctor reacts, snake bite, headache, motion sickness, car sickness, tampons, hiccup, hiccup cure, choking, heartburn
Id: Gf50BB8rQLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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