Firewatch [1] - A SOMBER BEGINNING (Day 1)

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hey guys it's John and welcome to my playthrough of fire watch this is a brand new game that came out this week and I meant to start it on Tuesday when it came out but I failed so we're gonna start it now new game and I played a couple minutes just to test the recording settings like always so we're gonna save over this game data now that it really matters I'm not gonna use up all four slots but uh anyway I'm walking into this like super blind I don't really know anything of than the e3 trailer that I saw last year I think it was e3 this game is available on PC and ps4 only I believe and it is $20.00 on PC so I assume same for ps4 Boulder Colorado 1975 you see Julia she's about your age late 20s laughing with well-dressed professors and grad students from nearby cu-boulder you Henry are out drinking with your pals you approached her okay so this is where I stopped earlier you are drunk so we can ask so what's your you know major or we can say you you're pretty I think this is a better icebreaker but both of them aren't great so we'll just go with this one you slow the word major and it smells like Coors you give an awkward smile evolutionary biology she says and I'm a professor cool you reply what's yours she asks she sniffs the air toxicology was that a burn you asked she says definitely worried she hurt your feelings she asks you if you want to split a cheeseburger one week later you are Julia's boyfriend this is an odd way to start a game okay here we go now we're in the 3d world click to use objects okay got backpack I'm guessing that this is our truck sure let's go in so much orange in this game already you date for over a year she drives you absolutely nuts it's great you move in you share an apartment near the school with a view of the mountains you to drink beer is out on the deck you drink beer just about anywhere life is good Julia wants to get a dog there's a scruffy undersized beagle Julia's in love she wants to bring it with her to class there's also an intimidating but gentle eye and German Shepherd nothing bad could happen to Juliette while walking this dog it's badass I'd go with the German Shepherd personally yeah I'm a big fan of German Shepherds will name him mayhem they have hip problems but you know great dogs overall mayhem is an excellent dog he loves wrestling with you in the park and goes with Julia on her runs even though he's too big to bring to school Julia loves him all the same mayhem is a friend child and pet all rolled into one 1979 you talk out on the deck it's summer 9:30 p.m. and the heat still radiates off the off of the high desert what do you think about kids she asks em kids they're not very smart or good at much I'm saying if you and I have some a couple little idiots so I can say that would be pretty good or one day why rush I'd say that'd be pretty good it's gonna happen come on in that case we should probably get married yeah I would like that you say hell of a proposal man these kids are going to be screwed up enough it's probably for the best that their parents are hitched you say she's absolutely right it's the first step toward a successful marriage tell her she's right that's an old man joke I just told okay thoroughfare trailhead okay hello there you're in their country learn to live with bears do not forget to check in thoroughfare Trail is not recommended for in experienced hikers and no fireworks right because that could set off a forest fire that'd be bad nineteen eighty it's a Thursday night and Julia's four hours late she doesn't call you're worried and getting angrier by the minute she walks in after you've gone to bed she's not quite drunk but she's clearly been having a fun time you fight when she gets between the sheets you get mad or you ignore her huh let's ignore you don't touch each other all night why did mealy I didn't mean like in a malicious way but the next thing you feel guilty for being so angry I asked her about her evening she says it was great you hold on to a tiny pill of resentment you make some coffee and go to work this is not what I expected so far I will say that 1981 Julia still loves to draw she draws plants from her research she draws all the places you go she draws you you pose and flex like he-man you frolic like a Victoria's Secret model we're gonna go for he-man I think you look awesome this is a very orange game I like it though looks good two forks fire look out okay eight more miles still 1982 during the summers you and Julia and joy walking mayhem at night there's a festival in town it brings in folks from faraway places one of them tries to mug me with a knife mayhem runs away there's a dog barking outside that was perfect timing Mae me Moo [ __ ] did it dog Julia yells she gets flustered and has trouble speaking when she is stressed you confront the attacker so we can either scare away or beat his goddamn face in let's scare them away I'm not really sure what that entails kind of a vague description of what happens but let's do it you reach into your pocket like you've got a gun and threatened to kill him you manage to scare all three of you he runs away Julia asks to take a different path from that day forward you say okay you don't want to go that way either from then on you walk by the river 1984 plans to have kids get waylaid by work Julia gets offered a job at Yale Yale is in Connecticut 2,000 miles away it's a great job associate department chair she wants to move you absolutely do not so he can convince her not to take the job or agree if she commutes back and forth 2,000 miles away that's a hell of a long commute on the is not fair to convince her not to take the job I don't know I what exactly is holding you here why don't you just move it's easy for me to say though I guess I have a job that I could just go anywhere for it's fine ah I guess this is the better option you ask her if she'll commute back and forth you don't want to move to connect it she says that'll be hard but she'll do it if you won't move you tell her not to pass it up if it's what she wants she agrees she flies back to Boulder three times each semester three times Julia is sent home from Yale on paid leave after having an episode she lost it on a colleague for borrowing books that were important to her research she didn't remember she had happily loaned them to him just two days prior she was found crying in the stairwell you say that maybe you guys should talk to someone about it you make macaroni and drink wine and try to forget about it okay let's talk silly about it come on after seeing multiple doctors and having many tests they are worried that Julia might be suffering from early onset dementia she is 41 you both decided to keep it a secret for now this is a heavy game already damn huh does it say cold man nice just one letter removed from Coleman Oh penis well I wanted to read that but I didn't Mayim is getting older he's got silver hair down his back and slows down at night you and Julia walk him to the bar to see your friends and it feels like nothing has changed Julia goes back to the University he tried to make me cry Firewatch how dare you should have had face came for this 1987 Julia's affliction gets worse she can't remember things in class her research is in shambles she drives her car to the next town over for no particular reason and has to be brought home by the police she is devastated she has sent home on permanent medical leave some days you get the Julia who calls you a dope and your unborn child children little idiots other days you get a stranger she pulls you into bed to make love after five minutes she gets into a panic bleeding her dad is at the door you tell her family they are crushed and begin to make trips to and from their home in Australia to visit her home in Australia that's interesting for a while your friends come by with little things to brighten the day she gets worse 1988 my birth here you spend your days following Julia around the house you count the seconds between the two weekly visits from Daniel the nurse he suggests that Julia could live somewhere else somewhere with 24-hour care a home it's just with you for a couple months you decide to move her into a full-time care facility or you're determined to take care of her by yourself I feel like feel like this I don't know it's tough you know it's tough making major life decisions for a stranger that's not like the person that's not you I don't have all the details you know Wow I've got big big like Team Fortress 2 hands didn't even notice well hello there can i patch you oh he does not seem happy to see me all right her family agrees with your decision you find a fantastic place in Boulder and move her there you see her every day then every other day you go out to the bar with your old friends it's not the same you get the feeling that every wife tells her husband if you ever put me in a home like Henry did I will cut your balls off you slowly decide to not see your old friends that much 1989 Julia's sister Susan moves to Boulder to be close to her she visits her every day you go with her some of the time Susan buys you an old typewriter urges you to use it if you won't see a therapist you won't you've always really liked Susan months go by mayhem dies oh you know just on the side there your dog is dead Julia doesn't remember him when you tell her ah sometimes it takes her a minute to lock in on you in the back of your mind you believe it's because you see her less and less and seeing her less and less makes her forget you more you think summer is coming and you see an ad in the paper for a job you take it Firewatch everybody not a sad game at all so far yeah playing this game and unravel at the same time is like I don't know what what is this stuff exactly I I get what it's supposed to be I think but I mean I don't get what this is supposed to be I feel like it's not supposed to be there okay anyway but yeah what am i hopping over oh this that was very far away I wasn't aware so um yeah playing this game and unravel at the time same time is um well I am emotionally fraught at the moment it's the best way I can describe it is by basically not hi turn on the power is this it that was quick hello two forks our where is that hey there Delila come in contact sewers oh this okay I just sing Plain White T's I apologize hold left shift to activate radio select dialog hello um hello wherever this is it's Henry right yeah I'm Delilah yeah that's what the guy said on the phone so what's wrong with you excuse me people take this job to get away from something so what's wrong what's wrong with you that's a great idea go ahead look I just hiked for two days so I don't really follow whatever it is you're doing right now you take a stab at what's wrong with me fine then can I sleep forever sure honey okay now go ahead I don't really follow that conversation wait I can reply but I have a time limit okay um you're probably just rebelling against a mom who wishes you had given her grandkids by the sound of your voice at least 15 years ago you come out here and it really grinds her gears and you love it can I sleep now well she also says I [ __ ] immature men but in my defense who wouldn't want a 28 year old with ambition and energy its prior in his belly in bed me I'm going now just a second now it's my turn okay good night bye see I don't know anything about you but nine times out of 10 folks out here simply got dumped look that it closed tonight goodnight welcome to the job Firewatch okay Delilah I'm not convinced you're real she's probably not real I guess good afternoon you probably slept like a rock anyway there's still a few hours of daylight to get some work in I can see what your desk so call me when you're ready wait I want to look at all the good stuff that's what I want to do I don't want to pick up the radio just yet don't look at the photo Julia how do I look at it can't I can't do anything well you know telling me to call you when I'm ready and I can't do anything else I Michael just call you right away so here we go Hey sorry guess I slept in you got a relaxing what 14 hours of sleep yeah Jesus I guess it's what six 6:45 whoops don't worry about it that hike puts everyone out of commission for a day or two but now that you're up let me quickly get you acquainted with the job there's a thing in the middle of your room with a round map on it do you see it locate round thing this okay yeah I see it this is the Osborne fire finder invented in 1914 by WB Osborne you use this to spot you guessed it fine what the [ __ ] what is it nothing um you you use this to [ __ ] me it got language lady out your West Bay Singh window are you seeing what I've seen West what which way is less fireworks uh this way this is West I need you to confirm do you see them oh yes I do whoa that's not legal right ah no you need to get down there right now and stop them fire dangerous through the [ __ ] roof is that really my job your job is whatever I say it is the closest Ranger is like two days away go down there and set him straight like kick the [ __ ] out of them sort of straight no no no no Jesus know what I'm not a cop it's not like I've got a rulebook over here just make sure they don't do it again take their [ __ ] alright fine don't feed anyone a knuckle sandwich get going you'll probably need a rope to get down the shale between you and the lake if I remember right Oh in the supply box on the way the code is one two three four it's actually bad for all of them okay secure chuck that's me sarcasm okay so M to read map gotcha okay so cash 306 is that that it wait there's 303 which one did you say because there's a lot of caches I supposed to go west though and that's that's uh this way so I guess we'll just go along this path and it's whatever one is along this path logic there's no cash along the way though oh whatever point seven miles to the west let's just go over there let's just go beautiful game honestly like the graphics are you know they're not it's not the really like a high level of detail but the feel of it is nice I don't the word I'm looking for is thank you for telling me about the space bar thing again so wait oh this is the West I'm an idiot I got Weston East mixed up there sorry about that you guys I swear in real life real life is this it yeah this is it I'm non videogames I'm actually really good at directions but I don't know just when I get into them like when I played Cole at I don't know what happened something happens like my brain just doesn't register a bunch of stuff that it should that normally does okay copy the information now what am i I am doing my methyl what was that so let's just dive bombed me was a butterfly or a deal with whoever sitting off fireworks we're gonna deal with them so was this let me look at this Ron hey man guy couldn't take it so I locked up his lookout and put some stuff in the box found one of those bars you liked hiking into the park but let's get [ __ ] when I'm back Dave okay oh you can press Q to read I understand okay I can read it just fine 1986 dude let's take the granola bar people just stuff these things with old food that's how you get bears I'm at the cash box that's all we can say about it okay I'll take it it's fine granola bar eat hold II can I eat it how old is this thing oh this thing is probably super old it's several years old it's probably fine cuz it's granola but I'll put it back in it's fine don't need to eat it I can see some adverse effects coming from that okay so gotcha we'll just keep going that way this way rather wait this is to the west okay Oh we'll just keep going this way then that's what I meant obviously was that I heard something oh well that's nice thanks for telling me that I could jog okay we're getting close I can hear them I think or am I on the on the map I constantly check there might be all the way out by the lake dam oh here we are here we are attach rope to hook shale slide it's steep okay hey I did it let's hope this rope is here when I get back did you break your leg Hey what the hell's wrong with you my rope snapped coming down the shale slide you didn't break anything did you no I think I'll make it be careful for Christ's sake we're crisps sake okay uh old climbing gear huh let's uh this seems like a radio topic hey there's a tie off point off here just a little way from the shale slide you ready to get back on that horse huh I can't go any further is what I'm saying that had South down to the creek but you should be able to get to the lake just by continuing west without any you know mountaineering all right so long summer you can explore later okay so we're continuing this way are we report meadow it is a hell of a nice camping spot down here by the lake I haven't been down there in years but yeah jonesy Lake area is perfect so uh I'm staring at the big outcropping down here but I'm not quite sure where to look for our pyrotechnicians maybe keep heading west toward the lake okay I'm pretty sure it's this way oh look at the beer cans mmm Red Eagle brewed in Wyoming cleanup are we wait really I get cleanup I can clean these up that's cool this actually isn't taking that much time either and I'm doing my part okay uh so no um yes is correct okay hey there's some backpacks here they left their packs tied up here don't [ __ ] with them the last thing we need is some hikers filing a report about harassment okay gotcha I understand oh look they decided to have a campfire - you know the color coded the fire danger signs in case people were illiterate but I guess that doesn't take into account just plain stupid does it probably don't need this in my life right now they left half a bottle of whiskey decent stuff drunk pyromaniacs [ __ ] great save for later yeah probably not I was saying if we could pick it up or clean what where exactly is he putting these when he's cleaning them up bomb the fireworks they didn't even try to hide him okay done and uh I'm gonna stomp this out so is it done well I put out their fire man I would have named that forest fire something good - yeah I can always restart it uh I think your first instinct was the right one okay two pairs of clothes I left the clothes out to dry it looks like two people they're naked won't that be exciting look they're obviously still there so tell him off and then head back I found a bra a nudie pyromaniac remain professional oh okay what there are panties how much I don't want to say that word again why cuz you're 12 I think we can go without examining that one there's a boom yes there are two naked ladies out here can you handle that come on I like naked ladies same as anyone but there's you know - yeah I know this will be tough for you but try to pick you tongue up off the ground and do your job okay I found them in the lake skinny-dipping yeah enjoy dealing with bad don't pull any more [ __ ] or you're [ __ ] all right don't Retin us yeah who the hell are you creep he's just one of those lonely guys who likes to boss people around why do guys think it's alright to just a stare at girl you're naked hey just so you're aware I confiscated your fireworks also setting up fireworks out here isn't just stupid it's illegal yeah so is stealing [ __ ] that's so [ __ ] bogus you're gonna pay for that can you just get out of here you are gross you're just some sad man out the woods oh no clothes we could have gotten I bet they're not over there anymore where's that music coming from okay it's done hominis hopefully there won't be any more trouble good thanks for going down there this correct is the correct way feel like I'm going the wrong direction okay I'll just go this way following the stream where am I on the map no okay well I probably should actually go back the way I came I would imagine all right we'll uh we'll head out this way I suppose hey I'm back near that big rock outcropping but not sure how to get back fine west back towards the lake and then turn north towards the canyon north oh so I'm supposed to go towards the canyon all right fine all right I got this okay right here pears pears pears yes what what the hell I'm doing a crossword and I figured out the theme it's homonyms pears pears pears the clue is couples peeling fruit ah anyway hope you're having a good afternoon thanks hey I'm gonna head back to where I was I guess cuz there's probably a way over there I just don't know exactly where to go so I'm like meanwhile I found a path earlier oh good oh good okay so back at the canyon now I'm up here and I'm guessing we're gonna run into something interesting up here Ron I was just gonna be a boring trip back right I'm a little look out for anything at this point a bear you know could fight off a bear probably that that type of thing I got a crush on you what is it what is it I was I was drunk last night when I welcome you to the job mmm well you're not the first boss to be guilty of that I know I just I know I can get a little pushy you know putting you on the spot about why you're out here and stuff and you thought it was a good idea to get into your love life I guess you'd call it yeah um anyway I'm sorry alright sorry the Game Capture wasn't going look sorry it's fine I'll keep that sort of a thing to uh to a minimum anyway let me know when you get back to your lookout okay well that's embarrassing I use an open broadcaster to record everything and there are some great things about it and there's a few things that aren't terrible things but like if you forget about them they become terrible I don't know how to describe it but it gives you a lot of control over what you're recording sometimes a little too much you're by storm yeah I heard some thunder yeah I've got eyes on a storm out to the north well that's bad right because of the lightning it just means we'll be busy hurry home and try not to get hit by lightning okay I got hit by lightning when I was 9 years old so I'm safe it's not gonna strike twice all that well there was an old lookout named Roy Sullivan who got hit by lightning seven times I don't like the sound of that yeah well if it makes you feel any better it wasn't what killed him what killed him suicide would you believe so we would stop getting hit by lightning damn hey another cash cash eh oh no everyone pronounces it differently okay six four seven nine why was it okay what we got in here let's copy the information on the map that sounds good defend our frontier danger bravery the great outdoors hey a flashlight I found a flashlight there's one in there great well the sun's gonna go down soon so if the batteries still work you're in luck ah okay they work and yeah I get the sense that not everything in here is useful in the boxes why's that I don't really know what I'll do with the deer horn firstly they're called antlers and secondly stay out here long enough and you'll get creative hmm well I'm not gonna take it with me no no no no put it back in the box come on what the hell is wrong with you put it back in the box lis okay after toggle flashlight it's not much point to it right now are we gonna go into the cave what's in this cave down here in Thunder Canyon Thunder Canyon hey I didn't name it but in the cave I don't know rocks NFS tells people not to go too far in there it's pretty dangerous so so I say [ __ ] you're a grown man you could go where you want well and this also goes back to go caving with someone back in Colorado she loved it might be great to explore it sometime of summer well that could be fun obviously be very careful it doesn't seem bad danger whoa seriously it's completely fine in here damn it uh shouldn't mess with people like that Gate to cave 4 5 - this cave has gated off it's to stop smokers from dying without getting the keys from the Forest Service office first makes sense oh no Debbie says she lost him like three years ago so maybe its mysteries are locked away for good ah damn well I really wanted another one this one's so close to home and convenient though sorry Hank I can't go in there that's the way back isn't it I thought it was anyway don't fall and it's nighttime it's gonna get cold I guess ok so where are we exactly let me take a look oh no this is this is correct oh this is the way back some reason I thought you had to take cave for five to back but I guess not I guess we're fine ooh what's that there's some guy out here giving me the creeps they're creeps wait he's looking at you is he doing anything else I I don't think so Henry there's there's something I something someone should have told you about this area what is it it's outside come on the whole thing and people come and go as they please it's it's it's madness yeah yeah okay I get it look I'm bumping into someone in the middle of nowhere it's part of the fun for the bunny that's that's kind of the first sign of something going down I think cuz you know you know that something's up with that guy let's see if we can sprint to where he was he was right up here wasn't he looking down at me hmm there's something down there I had the option to drop down I was thinking about it I was mulling it over in my head as I was going up I wasn't sure what to do um yeah sure well maybe don't drop deputies that was really far was this it's just okay Wow it just kind of goes around like that huh well ah cool glad I wasted my time then hey I got to explore though you know it's this games about exploration so we're getting close you think probably getting pretty close catch your breath man catch your breath all right how's he gonna be at the top that weird guy trail closed sign so mine the sign dude I don't think you're suited for this job well that trail isn't closed anymore oh really yeah I took care of the black path it was back-breaking but you know anything for the service well thank you anytime what okay so I guess uh that flashlight on was this thoroughfare fire lookout they are tooth point I guess that's where I was bear tooth point and what was that what kind of reported there's a little radio sign what's this the hell is this thing I don't think there's any fictional character I hate more than forest burns Henry as an employee of the Forest Service that is treason yeah well he really freaked me out as a kid she inspired me to spend the bulk of my 30s keeping the wilderness safe a shrink would have a field day with you Thanks I guess he's like uh you can prevent forest fires that guy who's this generator is all the power I've got out here yep it doesn't go through much gas and well you don't have much in the way of electronics so what about my hair dryer oh I'm sorry you might just have to make peace with frizzy locks I could never so it's just the outhouse then in terms of going to the bathroom yes you could go wherever you want well number one at least and full disclosure I pee wherever I want as well well a little too much information but I guess I did bring up the outhouse so you know was that heard something you guys hear that I would like to report the vandalism someone broke in a mic it just they wrecked the place through my typewriter out the window [ __ ] holy [ __ ] um oh look the Forest Service know what happened my [ __ ] sheets are gone they stole your sheets that's just me yeah it sucks the place is trashed they took did they take the picture what can they do about it well they took the picture is the fourth oh they didn't okay do you have any idea who would have done this I don't know who's out here I mean I don't know either I've never had a lookout be a target for violence great I can't believe someone would do this I mean I worry about bears and fires and that's about it and now I've got to worry about - who knows what out there okay in the morning I'm gonna call my friend Patti who works the desk down in Cody they keep a list of everyone who's officially been in and out of the trailhead since forever and see if we can get a list of names we won't get much but at least if anything else happens so we can refer to it and see if anything comes up Thanks I need you to feel safe out here well too late for that just point me to the Forest Service weapons cache and I'll feel safer than the Pope in his little car yeah someone made the choice years ago that leaving people with infinite amounts of alone time and a gun was kind of a bad idea grenades I'll see what I can do thanks Delilah are you real
Channel: John Wolfe
Views: 72,036
Rating: 4.9569893 out of 5
Keywords: Firewatch, Firewatch Part 1, Firewatch Day 1, Firewatch ep 1, Firewatch gameplay, Let's Play Firewatch, HarshlyCritical, Firewatch intro
Id: 6cubS2_vEyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 18sec (2838 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2016
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