CUBE ESCAPE [Rusty Lake] - Birthday / Theatre

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hey guys it's John and today we are playing Cuba scape birthday this is the eighth game in the cube escape slash rusty Lake series if you haven't been keeping up with the series thus far there's a playlist in the description that has all the games in the series that I've played up to this point in order there's only three videos worth because I played multiple games per video we'll probably play two in this video birthday and theater and then I'll go into rusty lake roots which is the next game and succession let's go ahead and get started rusty lake 1972 all this picks up right after or hotel feel different I can't feel my body anymore I see my memories captured little cubes okay thanks Dale don't worry Dale we'll get you out of here but kind of seems like you're already on your way out hey a black cube 1939 okay so my birthday this is a bad memory seems pretty Pleasant so far look there's his parents hi check the mail darling that was my birthday won't you check it how about you son I would like some cake well you know maybe when it's your birthday I'll serve you some cake all right buddy 1 4 2 5 9 6 ok knowing these games we probably have to match symbols with the numbers typically how that goes I'm just gonna go ahead and open my present disappointed to say the least not Nintendo like I wanted like I requested ok so I'm turning nine years old dad wants some cake mom wants me to check the mail there's the matches that's right turn the water neat just go run and collect items for now there's nothing in the fridge that's not good hello mr. rabbit what are you doing here kind of odd see screwdriver knife so we got some items so far see oh oh screwdriver for this okay we got a cable rusty like theater I'm sorry what wait okay wait what this is like a little puzzle right here okay let's do we do all we match them up like Tetris okay the seams Oh No I'll have that works I guess oh oh no no no wrong one okay I'm gonna pretty good this so far and would have put that over there but you know that's just gonna be the trash heap over to the left the discard pile if you will okay I don't think the blank ones will count all they do so the things counting down I've got to get a certain number of pairs we're playing very well so far gang hmmm wonder when I get the end of this hope it's good kind of an easy game though oh oh right there one left come on give me a triple woo baby a triple there we go coming soon wait this little thing there the lake it's a record okay why is it still say screwdriver oh because I've got it equipped hey grandpa drink I mean I was planning on it I don't think I need to be told oh you want to drink that's what this is that's this is all about I'm going to put a cube here I don't have one yet sorry all that you touch you change is that what's gonna tell me okay wait alright let's cut dad some cake you need to slice oh okay let's see oh I see well let's try to cut it down the middle like that and then those are pretty healthy pieces wait how come some of them got lit oh this is you have to cut it a certain way okay that's really ugly also those are lit what that's terrible cutting ooh strawberry filling oh well dad I got I got you some cake so there you go but eat up sure it's good what is a key that's a needle what who puts a needle in a birthday cake I know all right some people these days people are strange these days ah weird rabbit man still looking at me out there so what I got got a lot of stuff Oh check the mail right right right thanks where'd the envelope go screwed all the way over here Dale Vandermeer and I took the stamp swipes that dear Dale congratulations with your ninth birthday today will be the darkest day of your life but the past is never dead have a look at your present it could turn your day around yours sincerely mr. owl so mr. owls been out he's been out for Dale's blood since day one when that day one whatever nine times 365 is damn I didn't know that they had a past the stamp though wait hang on check it out look at that I told you guys you have to match up the symbols so whatever that symbol is it's six I guess cool Wow did I do that with the needle we'll take the balloon okay yeah grandpa wants a drink I got to finish my errands ice ice okay well I hate to tell you this there's nothing in the freezer so we got to fill up something with water put it in the freezer maybe a balloon I think that would only succeed in making a balloon I never try to make ice this way I don't think it's gonna work out cool we got ice cubes because of course we did hey these are the only type of cubes we've seen that are not supernatural at least I can assume those cubes are not gonna skate glass music I do have a record actually man you'd think it was grandpa's birthday oh let me get this gum off of there no needle well I actually have that too let's get some kevin mcleod up in here royalty-free Oh grandpa's got the moves oh we were sitting on this dude yeah good he likes the music let's put this right there okay so that's nine we got two of the cymbals so far what next I doesn't want anything else want some gum okay nice okay I'm glad I could help you anything you want he doesn't want anything so she's the last person that we got we still we don't have the needles still yeah I'm just gonna scrape this bubblegum off your face hope that's cool let's i intrusive what okay I pick this rose happy birthday to you happy birthday yeah hi what happened indeed Oh Oh they're all dead thanks a lot mr. rabbit I don't feel bad about killing you in hotel now he's still Rocking it's that battery Oh got a key the cat survived cat doesn't seem to give a crap about what just happened oh this is open I had no choice this substance from one of my past lives is my only chance of escaping this state forgive me mr. rabbit is this the same mr. rabbit that went on to become a prestigious magician I will send musician I don't maybe he he likes music who knows okay so the ovens broken right let's um it's open it's a fly see we got a kettle obviously fill it up with water and then we'd probably boil it because that tends to be what you do oh uh right what gas tube let's just slide it anyway okay so I got the cable and I got the gas tube so mr. rabbits not out there anymore he was right there we can draw okay I guess it's ready let me just take this boiling water with my bare hands I think we gotta catch that fly when I have boiling water for umm what do I have boiling water for okay straight bullet went into the cabinet we got a mousetrap hmm maybe we put the fly on the mousetrap not exactly sure okay wait wait wait wait hang on put the battery there we're supposed to power this thing up the cable the cable doesn't go here cable gasps ooh okay so this is like the main objective we're trying to build this thing did you have anything in your pocket you have anything on your pocket ah he does Ott's ah and that is rusty lake hotel dear Dale congratulations with your ninth birthday your friend Harvey there's the two stamps we need Thanks okay this right there and this right there ops us a 1 9 6 6 is a code for something that we haven't unlocked yet that's still boiling I wonder if like there's a timed element to it ok hang on mm-hmm that's what we do now I just got to wait for it to go back and land on the same spot and then it'll get stuck and the gum then we could put in the mousetrap will we do with the boiling water boiling water okay maybe we put two I don't know what what shape were we supposed to draw there oh I'm pouring the boiling water on the I'll be honest I wouldn't have thought to do that that was an accident got another battery so we're powering this thing up a little bit more cool it's at half power and now I have nothing except for matches screwdriver and knife one nine six six is a code that I have maybe it goes sucker oh you shouldn't have done that I'm gonna put you in the mousetrap which doesn't make a lot of sense but there you go buddy yeah don't don't go after it cat I think it's supposed to be like a mouse or something that gets caught in it do I just what do i do until it's time ah fish you want the fish that's right give me a key it's what always happens isn't it oh my god so it instantly ate the fish instantly shat it out and a key was present feel like the timeline of this game is a little bit unbelievable globe requires a code it's probably one nine six six but let's try something the secret code that we got from rusty lake hotel wait wasn't it that 1894 okay hey it's harvey is a person now while the corrupted Souls are escaping [Music] fly free Harvey fly free okay so is that just showing like the end of like what happened after so is it showing the future I guess it makes sense like a crystal ball hmm 1966 that's the actual code rusty lake 1966 so this is six years prior deal with your past damn only then can you truly become who you are meant to be yeah thanks what's this give me that okay so that this goes into the mysterious device and we got it somewhat powered up we got two other things we need to get though two other things I think I've done the never everything on this screen maybe not these flags look like they do something [Music] can we exchange them oh oh I I click to drag okay okay yeah we got this is what we do this is the missing piece 2 4 equals 1 times 3 okay well 4 times 3 equals 12 so I'm getting one piece from each set huh wait what what's going on here it's like okay wait wait it's like one color from the previous one I think [Music] goes to be yellow so like that works right green into red into blue oh it's way more simple than I thought it's one two three four five six now one two three oh okay I was trying to lead the colors into each other like you do in that one cube escape game with the book bookcase puzzle that's what I was trying to do okay bolt mmm does the bolt go in here no it does not oh it does okay so still got two more things I need to put in here I mean I don't think the knife or the screwdriver are one of them hmm am i doing it right it's the same like three panes okay so that was right and that's the piece of glass we need I saw the shape and I was like that's it because I've been looking for something that fits that shape okay no there's just one more thing we need there's nothing in this box this substance from one of my past slides is my only chance of escaping the state oh my god okay neato [Applause] thanks for giving me this magic blue cube producing machine for my birthday what great timing it's time to go back in time guys that's what the blue cube means here we go in the clock if I could [Music] all right I had to turn back time I grabbed open the chest okay he's got a new clue this time how was your grandfather doing know why I just talked to him actually happy birthday to you oh you're on hopeful aren't you open the chest Wow let's not open open the chest see oh wait oh I get this item and got a pistol ah to begin I don't know how to use this thing okay you want it maybe your grandfather Oh grandfather's gonna save the day I am ready okay so he's gonna shoot the rabbit he's gonna shoot mister a birthday to you happy birthday so rude interrupting my birthday song there he is wide me kill me what happened well hopefully mr. rabbit got shot how did you know I went back in time how did you know you died how did you know what why is it mom saying anything how do you know she's in shock why you grandpappy boom I like grandpa he's cool boom like how he's still used to standing at the ready with that pistol okay well looks like oh he didn't kill him there he is what's going on [Music] Harvie and there's the black cube turned to white okay and we resume our ascent back in the hotel the end that's cool I like that one we got a little back story with Dale what why was mr. Al messing with them from the tender age of nine seems a little early maybe there's something special about Dale that we haven't realized yet all right well we're not done we have one more cube escape game left in this video this is the next game in the series and we're gonna start it now [Music] cool it starts right where a birthday ended the lake is changing my memories my past isn't what it seems to be I will let the cubes guide me your remaining very calm about this Dale but okay alright let's check out another memory where's my black cube there it is scintillating commentary 1971 the theater cool rusty lake theater program an introduction by mr. owl the Lady of the lake the signs the fish and the parrot an intermezzo by mr. crow remember the seasons in the mill interesting wait wait wait remember the seasons laid the lake the mill I wonder if they're gonna be callbacks to previous games okay well we'll just hang out here c d e f g a b got it so there's gonna be a piano puzzle at some point Bloody Mary one vodka one Tabasco two blood I'm not familiar with that recipe I think that's what we served mr. deer in rusty lake hotel and then here's a circle with symbols on it locked cool here's the theater looks like it's not Showtime yet all right here's the shining esque bar give that man a drink okay grandpa what do you want you look like you've seen all sorts of crap what's this in your pocket it's her dear Bob as you know I have not been feeling well for a while now I will be staying at this lake I told you about I'm sorry this didn't work out perhaps we'll meet in another life okay weirdo so it's like it's that woman from seasons leave me alone I just want a drink well what do you want but eating you alone I just want a drink okay well we'll make you a screwdriver two vodka orange juice of course I've made I've made a square driver before we'll start with the orange juice and it'll mix in the vodka we also got Tabasco here tonic gin so we might make a gin and tonic at some point and yeah not really sure what that is there we go pour that got ourselves a screwdriver where we give it to them okay here we go here's the piano okay we'll come to this one when the time calls for it a 8 want you to drink your sorrows away buddy okay give me a key or something okay here goes key screwdriver actually thanks for that and we took the cocktail glass okay let's check this out looks like there's pictures here here's a corrupted soul trees fish mr. crow and her okay oh we got a sliding puzzle here okay okay so we just got a guy that seems easy enough oh my gosh easy give me a challenge Thanks okay this looks like this is a little more crowded I think this might be what we're looking for push that up push that down right there does that move over there there hmm there we go move that move that up that back actually hmm Wow there we go move these down if these over move that up okay that was I was overcomplicating that one kind of the same thing here mm-hmm move that down then over move these down that back that back that that hmm not quite what I'm looking for [Music] move those up I guess behind it and then okay wait I know what to do we need that up there okay I got it I think yeah got it got a plug and a plunger so the plug goes to this thing screwdriver on the plug put it in cool that puzzles recycled from seasons hello mister owl you look different welcome to the theater of your mind my name is mister Oh and this evening I present to you six plays sex the present in the future It's Showtime all right thanks Harvey for kicking things off quickly senator I almost said presentation but then I said like I'm gonna say presenter leak it's mrs. peacock okay or what what are you gonna do okay we got we got a fetch stuff for what can you play the piano I can let's do it dead face so this is obviously they're referring to keys I haven't played piano in years just give me a second d e a D F a c e okay I thought I'd to do that the first time but I guess I did it incorrectly hello what are you doing [Music] so you got not very good piano dead face okay so we got a key we think the key unlocks this door was locked earlier okay we opened it up I checked the cabinets a heart because of course there is a cocktail glass and we got a plunger so here we go we're gonna find a turd or something Oh charming great perfect I think we got all the items actually we probably only have three don't we see do we need to make another drink that you want detective oh you know I'm a detective you want detective okay what that man looks like you could use another drink okay so we're gonna make another drink we've already made a screwdriver should we make a different drink is there another recipe it's the Bloody Mary but I don't have blood yet so see if I've solved the piano puzzle I mean hmm doesn't quite make it the Hat goes there ha can I use this item here so cocktail glass not for this part oh hey Dale hang on buddy what will piece you back together hey go one of why we're moving him off to the side oh he's not quite perfect what's going on what's happening to me okay wait this gives us a code Square target butterfly hmm other target reticle scope I don't know what to call it okay so that goes to this cabinet see if we didn't have the right symbols yeah square target butterfly skipped over it like an idiot I'm an idiot shell okay this is the lat this is definitely the last one that we needed they don't quite match up do they okay see that one goes there okay that looks balanced to me I'm a fire in my laser flower and that's the first play I like this this is cool though sigh okay we just have to rearrange these see this looks like it's over on this side that looks there bring up these bring them up come on okay let's connect those that's that's pretty good and we bring this over nice where the music go huh oh oh this this goes over here and then that's right there house is easy didn't do it perfectly but okay so this these are a new set of four symbols so we got target all the way through target not all the way through cube lamp post as well I'll call them okay so let's get it on there cube and then gimme that one Harvey Wallbanger to juice one of that thing and then one vodka all right yeah we got we got make this man a drink - juice Galliano okay vodka we made it the Harvey Wallbanger world famous drink here you go bud drink up so I wonder if he's the husband of that woman from seasons if it makes sense what are you doing well we got our blood the play Mary anything else we'll take you out we'll take that lesson what happened okay wait what's happening here we got a symbol there now all we got symbol there too okay there's gotta be ah my eye itches there's gotta be a puzzle involving those symbols the fish and the parrot okay oh this with the flowers for put in here neat oh the water oh well we didn't want the wire to go into the fish we want the water to go into the flower okay so it goes there it goes that way let's do yeah this should go to the flower right we're gonna give us seeds bird seed okay so we want bird seed to feed to Harvey let's go backwards that should be it eat up Harvey outta key please okay black egg egg goes in the pan and then that no oh yeah that is right like a bear goes in the pan and we got a worm bait for the fish so this is actually nope mmm oh there we go this way and and yeah give the worm bait time time to die and have a keen your stomach or something come on that's it that's the whole plate die not get the item I need it for the next one or into Mitchell bye mr. cross one two three it's like the monkey puzzle from [Music] which one was that case 23 I can't remember honestly okay three one mr. crow your plays easy get together uh-huh always looking just pathetic mr. crow honestly I was expecting more remember remember the seasons okay [Music] Oh Oh duh okay so tree was right behind her and then the moon is in the upper right let's try to recreate it this is a lot like recreating this is peacocks photographs right right oh but where is it on her person the window remember what happened I did I'm not asking you that okay so it comes right up to her wrists basically so maybe up a little bit there we go we got it oh these are just freewheeling okay we need help with this puzzle you gotta hit that man looks like you could use another drink this is where we make the bleh marry all right I understand oh yeah and we got more symbols the more plays we complete the more symbols we acquire so that's the Harvey Wallbanger we don't want that Bloody Mary vodka Tabasco and two blood vodka Tabasco and then one two okay there we go pour it made a Bloody Mary and this this oughta do it for you I think Buster got a screwdriver a Harvey Wallbanger and a blade Mary what don't do it great let's go inside your head because you know this is what was gonna happen wait cube uh okay so we're gonna go back into his brain with a code later okay but there was a fork in the road whoa does she is he's thinking about her so there are four cubes though that are like therefore you know digits and the door whatever I can't think right now wondering if the cubes go to the frames they do okay so we're supposed to match these up seems pretty basic and they do little satisfying click thing this is that okay well all about this one I have no idea I is there a fifth cube in his little tiny brain - to what oh oh you can scrub it - okay so this is the code for the door inside that guy's head great - for a little flourished thing plus is 8 so 2 8 and then seven right seven - eight seven - eight and then heart is five seven to eight and five and then we don't know what this one goes to I guess we're gonna find the final cube in this door right here okay so this was - this was five this was eight this was seven oh it's a black cube oh okay so we finally found a bad memory wait we hmm the weeks so we basically just extracted a black cube from him so is he gonna turn to a corrupted soul that seems to be what happened he has a bad memory associated with her face no not that one you idiot did he kill her the mill the mill are you ready for the final play yet his memories belong to the lake extracting them caused a corrupted soul one of the six stages [Music] the mill oh wait hang on these symbols match the ones on the windmill blades oh what's happening here oh we saw him in the police station in case 23 yeah he's a corrupted soul for sure and you need some privacy to poo I get it this might be for the windmill so we got sway we've got crow wait so that's red red for corrupted soul pink for crow blue for fish orange for forest white for her green for whatever this is or yellow green it doesn't matter okay so wait so we got yellow on the top we got yellow pink red so it's hang on it's this no no it's just by trial and error we get that your mind is reaching a higher state of consciousness you are learning about your past and your future not learn much to be honest what do you mean become now continue your journey okay um what do you have to say nothing mr. crow doesn't have anything to say it's locked what do i oh oh okay oh the elevator okay let's go then Oh bye bye whoa to be continued no that can't be it [Music] alright guys that was cube escape birthday and Fiat ah so actually next on our to-do list isn't a cube escape game at all it's rusty Lake roots is the next one that I'm supposed to play so whenever I upload the next video in the series it's gonna be rusty like roots it's probably gonna take me a while to make cuz I think that game is a couple hours it's longer than rusty Lake Hotel from what I understand I already have it downloaded and ready to go but that's next one I'm gonna play and then cube escape the cave and then rusty like paradise so just a couple thoughts before I leave so I was recommended that I play you know case 23 and the mill after hotel and so that's the order that I put them in the playlist even though I played Hotel first like overall but after playing birthday in theater I guys say I think the order that you should view or play these games and I can't rearrange my playlist to do this because in my case 23 in the mill video I reference what happens in hotels several times so it's just gonna have to be this way but I think I would do the first four games the first four cube escape games then case 23 and the mill then rusty Lake Hotel then cube escape birthday cube escape theatre that's the order I would personally recommend them to be played and viewed I'm not really sure why I was recommended to play case 23 and the mill after hotel it seems to me like case 23 in the mill perfectly setup hotel and then birthday and theater kind of I mean they take place right after Hotel Italy make sense to play them right after Hotel sequentially and I didn't realize that until I played these but it seems like that's the intended order so whatever my playlist will be slightly out of order kind of irks me but yeah these are good games you can tell the progression of the series in terms of how it looks and feels it feels a lot smoother in these later Cube escape games and it did in seasons and the lake much more polished they are recycling puzzles but the story is kind of connecting and it I don't really so much mind the recycled puzzles because it kind of plays into the interconnectedness of everything within this world that they've created which what is this world what is rusty lake his memories belong to the lake now all that you touch you change there will be blood the past isn't past or like it's not even past camera I can never remember that quote a lot of recycled quotes make me think that this is a place beyond time and space sort of a limbo purgatory like realm if you will and I think that what we're dealing with here like presences like mr. owl and mr. crow seem to be spirits of the lake if you will it's been visualized more than once mr. crow as the boat man makes me think of Charon the the boat man of the underworld if you will and then it would seem that mr. owl is intended to be the overlord of the underworld or you know I guess Hades would be a good metaphor and analogy whatever you get what I'm trying to say and so I think Dale is dead and whoever that lady is she's dead and so is Bob and when they when they lose their their memories right when their memories get taken from them they become corrupted Souls they become not themselves anymore and somehow Dale's avoided that I think I think but he might be on his way I mean he's talking about how the lake has his memories now how long until he becomes a corrupted soul himself but well I'm not really clear on is I guess the overarching goals and priorities of mr. al seems like he I mean at the top of rusty lake hotel he was sipping wine and thanks from a cigar box look at all these cubes I've accumulated and it's it's unclear exactly what the purpose is maybe we'll find out in future games or maybe we'll never have that answered for us and it's just up to us to interpret for ourselves think that's interesting as well so yeah yeah I'm enjoying this series a lot actually it's it's far more than just simple flash puzzle games you know escape the room type of stuff you can't play them like that but I think it's more enriching to play it with the overall story in mind so I'm glad I decided to play these and I'll see you guys in the next cubicle ash trusty late video think critically [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: John Wolfe
Views: 203,993
Rating: 4.9611721 out of 5
Keywords: Cube Escape, Rusty Lake, Cube Escape Birthday, Cube Escape Theatre, Cube Escape games, Rusty Lake games, Cube Escape Birthday walkthrough, Cube Escape Theatre walkthrough, John Wolfe
Id: DnyDUOA_qto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 2sec (3482 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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