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all right today we're giving you guys a tour of the transmission room here at fire Punk and kind of standard procedure of what happens when you order a transmission at fire Punk and what we look for so behind me you'll see the transmission room to start with we I start all of our transmissions with a core a lot of people think when they're buying a brand-new transmission we're going pulling brand new parts off the shelf or just assembling a new trans unfortunately we don't have that luxury because the there are no brand new cases brand new valve bodies some of the core parts there's only some aftermarket companies that have made some replacement parts that are common wear areas but there are no brand new leftover parts that we can build from so we'll start with say a core like what we have right here that is a core that a customer shipped in and where we'll pair that core down and run it through the parts cleaner and we'll build it to the next one I'll show you around so when we have a core comes up here on the teardown table and we flip the thing upside down dump all the nasty dirty fluid out we've got a table here the trade runs runs everything to the bucket and we'll discard of that and then Austin is our teardown guy he'll disassemble the transmission [Music] when we put when we tear down the transmission cord we'll put everything in the cleaner and we will clean all of our your hard parts the case the drums everything except for your wearable parts obviously we discard because we're going to replace that anyway but once they are all clean we bring them over onto a cart over here and this is what you see would be this is all the wearable parts are all they stop core parts of a transmission so you've got your your overdrive piston support and you've got your Pistons you've got your drums the parts that we are planning to reuse that are not upgraded so to speak so it's a case obviously and that's why it is so important when you guys send yours for in we're not looking for a good working transmission we're just looking for a case that's not cracked we're looking for a pump that's not destroyed because if it's not rebuildable and then we obviously can't use it for the next bill so after we have a core torn down and cleaned then basically every transmission is built to order so if a 2006 four-wheel drive is ordered then we will get obviously the work order form comes through processes on to build build date on the on the schedule back in the transmission room Matt Williamson as we referred to his nibbles he does he stacks all the cases so he'll take a clean core from like that oh six four wheel drive or whatever's ordered and then he will assemble the transmission based on whether it's a tow master with stock shafts or a street track with a billet input setup or a comp three with all billet shafts [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and every transmission has its own build sheet so as we assemble it we have the name of the customer we will have the input shaft end play the direct drum clearance what parts and pieces were used maybe any notes that we had to replace the reverse drum because out of the core that was bad or something like that that's just notes that we have on file so that when if say say guy runs 12 under horsepower for four years and it comes back for a refresh if there's any notes on the original build or any weird where that we see will pull the original build bait build sheet and see what the clearance was and gives us a way of kind of tracking the parts and pieces what what has worked the best in the past few years behind me you'll see we kind of have a lot of core parts and pieces these are transmissions that we've either bought and parted out and we've put parts on the shelf or just spare parts that we bought from suppliers so we try to keep spare drums planetary sets pumps all your normal wearable parts in the transmission we try to do keep on the Shelf so if they come into a problem we can just turn around grab the right part put it back together it keeps us from having to wait on a supplier to send in parts then along with billet shafts we try to keep all standard sized billet inputs oversized billet inputs along with that we have to have machined pump stator supports to fit the larger shafts and along with if we do a big output shaft we try to keep the transfer case output shafts in stock as well so it's kind of a battle for us to keep all the parts in stock all the time because sometimes in a week we'll ship a bunch of parts out that people assemble their own transmissions and we're kind of robbing some of our our normal stock out of so we're always trying to keep an extra ten fifteen parts on the shelf so that we have stuff in stock if you guys need it if you guys ever need just random parts or pieces we're willing to sell them individually if you're doing a build at home yourself okay here behind me we've got a bunch of selective snap rings thrust washers Torrington bearings all the parts and pieces as we're stacking it together and our clearance isn't right we can just come over here grab it off the shelf and get our clearances right and makes it easier when we when I first started doing transmissions I would measure something figure out I didn't have the right part in stock and I have to wait a day or two to supply it for our supplier to ship something in but now we keep everything in stock and we it makes putting transmissions together seamless and we can get accurate the first time Matson Sonique does all of our eval body builds he will it's the same thing and with the transmission we don't have a brand new bow body case that we can pull off the shelf and build so we're relying on using the cores that we get sent in and we remanufacture them when we're working on on these valve bodies sometimes you know these could have come out of a truck that has you know 200 300 thousand miles and as the valve is moving the bore they tend to wear the valve will wear and the bore world will wear so that in order to make sure that everything will work correctly we have this vacuum test bench we can actually put the valve into place try to pull a vacuum where the valve sits and we can tell if there's too much clearance there or if it's still within spec and good to go normally we'd want to see it at about at least 15 inches so we're down here at about 9 so this one will need to want me to put an oversize board [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we oversized this board we have a nice fresh bore surface a new valve it's about 15,000 larger than the original one and let me show you again here we'll do a vacuum test again and we'll show you the increased vacuum and a much tighter tolerance between the valve and the bore now so now we're about nineteen a half inches of mercury prior we were only nine so we're way above our recommended fifteen inches so now the board is good to go we shouldn't have any of the problems associated with a leaking throttle valve [Music] [Music] [Music] the bow body really is it's like the engine to the transmission it really has to it controls all of your fluid flow if the bow body is not right you'll have converter problems and you'll end up burning up a clutch and it's not going to hold power this is our bow body test machine this is a good way for us to verify if we have internal leaks in the valve body and it doesn't tell us everything that we need to know like it does in the truck because there's no cooler or converter flow so to speak it doesn't simulate that but it does we can turn line pressure on we can set line pressure and we can see if the governor pressure solenoid is working correctly a lot of the valve bodies that are problematic will end up on here and we diagnose the issues here on the bench before we even put it in the truck and it helps us save some time with dropping the pan and pulling the valve body in and out 10 times because nobody likes training food dripping on them all the time so this has been something that's been good for us in learning to diagnose someone through our problems and fixing some of these worn out now bodies the trains that you saw spilled today this is actually going in my quad cab I've had a transmission in that truck for I don't know six years or more and more but this was something that we wanted to test the Matt sander oversized it's actually solid input shaft it's a new design that a lot of people have have it having some success with and we're looking forward to seeing what it can do I always before I promote this and sell to a customer I put it in my own stuff and we'll beat on up for a season so by end of the summer if I have good results in the quad cab you're gonna see this oversized shaft available here at fire pump this is a solid input you see its machine here but there's actually no fluid flow so it's a solid shaft and it uses a different torque converter lockup flow it's bringing lockup in on the outside of the state or support instead of on the inside so we're kind of excited about it we'll see what it does and what kind of keep you in the loop here on the quad cab as it does we're gonna be racing the 670 index this summer like we normally do with OD SS toe into the track so it's gonna see a lot of abuse and a truck that weighs seventy seven hundred pounds and has the capability of making fourteen on our horse so we'll be keeping you in the loop on seeing how this chef does and hopefully we'll be able to market this and have a better product for you by the end of the summer you
Channel: Firepunk Diesel
Views: 33,650
Rating: 4.9630198 out of 5
Keywords: Cummins, Dodge, Race, Truck, 4x4, Firepunk, Fast truck, Race Truck, horsepower, fast, pro mod, pro street, odss, rtds, rudys, 47RE, 47RH, 48RE, 68RFE
Id: ZzBi1Z0gKQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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