Exploring The Best Dead Games You've Never Heard Of

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today we're exploring six incredible games that all have a couple things in common they either have small communities or they're almost entirely dead will probably be decorated maybe 2014 it's 2020 bro I don't think it's going to happen well 4 years later and it still hasn't happened apart from a couple newer games most of them are a number of years old and if they aren't already abandoned their golden days are definitely long gone from this standpoint yes the game was successful but what really failed with this game was the potential and hopes of all of the followers it [Music] had the other day I was going through a list of games I've already played and tried in this series looking for games that had been updated and this is one of them what I didn't know last time I played this game was that a YouTuber actually founded it all right operation harsh door stop is out blue Drake 42 created the devel vment Studio that have made operation harsh door stop and so far it's been a massive success it's coming up to the 1ear mark and the reviews are almost 80% positive today I played harsh door stop again but this time the game felt a lot smoother and also looked like it been given a bit of a facelift after a few minutes of downloading mods for the server I joined I spawned in the desert alongside about 40 other people and had a very hard time getting started hello a teammate I don't know if that was a teammate oh we won we did somehow win this first game though and then the next map was more steered around trench warfare obviously that means a lot of respawning and also a lot of grenades okay this gun has either no bullet drop it has inverse bullet drop there we go there is no chance we're dying here no shots it's safe to say that the second round probably wasn't my favorite map of the three I played purely because I spent about 90% of it getting shot from kware this second game was more of a test and I tried out about five different guns before realizing the actual problem is just myself and we then we lie down is that a grenade wait [Applause] what oh that that's my bad sorry I oh no the third game was back in the desert though wait that's not a bandage is it oh it's just a smoke grenade okay thank that's a bandage two dead three dead holy okay there's one behind here oh here he is he's dead one more there's a guy right here dead I honestly have no idea how even after 5 minutes no one thought to check why their teammates were just falling over after they passed behind this specific barrier but I guess that's probably a language barrier thing because the large majority of the players I found were Russians and they didn't really want to speak English if I'm being honest I know for a fact I could not do something as complicated as making a realistic game especially in 2023 but blue Drake and whoever else is on his team have done a pretty good job and it definitely has by far the biggest community of any game in this video remember though as we go on the games will slowly become more and more obscure I want to quickly thank today's sponsor honai star rail honai is the new multiplatform space fantasy RPG by the makers of genin impact which I kind of hoped you'd heard of by now at least I hope so in 20123 honkai was voted the best game on Google Play and App Store and recently won an award for the best mobile game at the game awards honai star rare two new beautiful characters were also just introduced ran may an ice type character and then Dr ratio my favorite character and yes that is actually his name Dr ratio is incredibly handsome and he's also an imaginary type character a lot of stuff is happening in the Hong Kai world like the stellar and Hunters blade and Kafka all returning in the 1.6 update and if you log into Hong Kai on the 17th of January on PC PS5 or any mobile device you can grab a copy of the very very handsome Dr ratio and you can also use the redemption codes on screen to get yourself 50 Stellar Jade for completely [Music] free I've explored a couple Red Orchestra 2 mods but I've never actually played the base game itself until now nice try this Bugatti guy with his taunting man I can't take it while I'm sat here on zero points and zero kills Red Orchestra 2 was released in 2011 and became one of those games where some players stick around for thousands of hours similar to hard stop this game is all about huge player vers player fastpaced war fights hello hello how you doing Bugatti I'm good I'm just defending this East Side I need a c Cleanup Crew up here okay I also got my first kill pretty early on for a change have that we did lose the first game though even with my one high impact kill and the second round wasn't that much better I died a lot this round and at some point my entire team started beefing in chat so you could kind of tell this wasn't going to end in a win the third round though was on a completely different map called Apartments which I was told is a remake of the classic Red Orchestra map danik no princess this time I was actually on a team with the princess fella and Bugatti who were both on the other team before so there was zero chance we lose we have 2 minutes and 160 tickets what what are we doing time to push it boys I agree are you 15 minutes and four kills later the axis won the game with some fellow called Gilbert Gates getting 40 [Music] kills thanks thank you valis it's honestly impressive how good some people are at this game especially when you compare it to my gaml commander ORD the charge we will charge for the [Music] [Applause] emperor man this is epic the reasons Red Orchestra 2 never really reached the heights of games like cod or battle field is likely a lot down to its launch when it first came out it definitely didn't have as much hype and I saw a few people say that hardware issues and in-game bugs on release were a big factor people were just turned off by the game before they even had the chance to buy it and try it out for themselves eventually a few months after launch most of the bugs had been fixed but by then everyone seemed to have moved [Music] on whenever I'm not making videos I'm either eating an inhuman amount of protein or watching a lot of bold men one of which is fitmc in 2020 Fit made a video covering Minecraft's actual oldest server Minecraft online I'm talking about Minecraft online which is technically the oldest server in the history of the game normally griefing is against the rules in order to protect all of the historic buildings at spawn but for 24 hours this past week grief protection was turned off and it was total Anarchy the video covered Minecraft online's 2020 April fools map where a purge took place for about 24 hours before being reverted but this is where I found Minecraft online it's pretty debated which Minecraft server is actually the oldest since it's literally only a matter of minutes between the creation of each server but Minecraft online is definitely at least one of of them Minecraft online was created by slow Riot within literally an hour of Minecraft multiplayer being released on the 4th of August when I was looking into Minecraft online I didn't actually realize that the builds have never been reset so a lot of them are almost as old as the server itself so this is Glenn fit and it was founded in 2011 it has since been expanded by a group of players known as Glen team and is the largest town in the whole of Fredonia Jesus I saw a lot of these old builds on the servat tour that I went on all of these Villages I was exploring are made entirely in survival and some of them were made over 10 years ago in a town over 10 years old I found a recreation of the notra dam I want to see that notra Dam de Glenn [Music] fit you know that's pretty close to the original I'll give it props and in a city called Newport I visited the Newport Museum this Museum was created by a player called nightst 9 all right I'm looking for a museum called Newport Museum owned by a by someone called night Stak 9 it collects pretty much everything you can think of and it's also home to one of the most unique Minecraft entities I have ever seen oh yeah this looks like the museum built designed by r9q and darker fly collection oh collection ction of night Stak 9 infinite cake oh my God I thought oh my God yes where is this villager yeah invulnerable villager apparently they found this guy at the bottom of the ocean and that's all the information I have this is the Invincible villager around 8 months ago the players of Minecraft online found a Fletcher villager in a mine cart at the bottom of the ocean when they recovered it they realized the fell didn't take any damage now it's obviously likely that this was spawned in by an admin at one point but no one really knows and today it's just sitting in the middle of the Newport Museum alongside hundreds of other rare Collectibles while I was exploring the museum I also found out that you can actually break blocks but since no griefing is the number one rule breaking literally just one block can get you banned what do we got uh I didn't mean to do that sorry um I didn't holy I thought I was going to get banned man holy you can just break stuff okay I'm getting the out of here a lot of people say the moderation is a big part of why they don't play Minecraft online but as far as I saw unless you're acting like a literal child you probably wouldn't actually get banned there are some places where griefing is technically allowed obviously your own plot of land but also the farm where you're free to take any and all food you want as long as you replant for other people no I can just get food a someone's eaten it it's honestly a really cute community and that's probably thanks to the moderation and how strict they are someone called fasal actually got banned while I was online which took the banned accounts total to 4 9,269 which is probably a record somewhere I also saw a really old build of capture the flag and then ended off in a Sandstone village where I found a sign from over 9 years ago will probably be decorated maybe 2014 it's 2020 bro I don't think it's going to happen oh 4 years later and it still hasn't happened should I leave a sign Ry games there we go I'm I'm going to leave some more signs oh my god look these signs date back to 2020 nice Farm also made some new Farmland where is this Farm oh right games whoops I need to stop clicking that button apart from right after that 2020 fitmc video where the server hit its 120 player cap for the first time in its history the player count has stayed pretty stable and today there's usually around 15 to 25 people online if you do decide to check Minecraft online out for yourself please do be respectful of all the [Music] regular [Music] usually all the games I look at are a few years old and often decades old but boundary has been around for less than a year and it's almost already hit rock bottom it went from over 2,000 players average in its first month to just four players average in less than 5 months on the 28th of December 2023 though they released another big update and that's brought a few players back and there were around 25 online when I logged on what's up man hello I didn't even know this game had to push a talk no neither I just found it yeah no one's speaking just got my first kill in the game nice nice hello uh sorry we was supposed to talk either oh you guys like all new to the game or no no we played it before we came back for the update oh okay cool boundary is a team based tactical space FPS which means zero gravity firefights I didn't really know what to expect when it said zero gravity FPS but it was actually pretty good the only thing I couldn't really manage was the whole looking around thing bro what the is going on I don't know my orientation alert enemy ahead thank you I love this combat it's actually really smooth I'm sure you get used to it when you play enough but when you find yourself upside down while also being chased it's a little disorientating alert enemy above above where is above what is above I also couldn't really tell if the game did have any regulars or loyal players that have played since the beginning and never really left but pretty much our entire Lobby was new people or people just returning for the latest update y'all got any tips for this game nah man I'm new I don't know anything I'm new as well my second game trying to figure it out we're all boundary is a pretty good game but its biggest problem is definitely its price tag 20 quid is definitely a little too much when you're probably not even going to see more than 20 people it definitely deserves more players though and there's probably only one thing that could save this game boundary's future probably relies on if the developers decide to actually bite the bullet and make boundary free to play even then though the future of this game is definitely uncertain but I wish the developers luck because boundary is honestly too good to die this [Music] quickly Mis created was one of the more popular surv games in the world when it first came out 5 years ago today after years of no updates or any development news the player base is extremely small and there's usually only one or two servers with anyone on them miscreated is basically a combination of rust and Daisy and the old Survivor game that's now shut down called just survive I knew the map was going to be empty but I didn't realize it would take at least 40 minutes before I found anyone why do I hear something hey I'm friendly don't worry I'm friendly this is your home NOP no I do not live here I just found this place are you alone yeah I alone I I don't speak English I Russian oh PR you R is this base no no I'm poor I have no money okay okay I looted at least 40 houses and military tents and came out with a grand total of about three helmets and some shotgun shells on my way to a big city I then ran into another player and from friendly hello hello don't worry I'm I'm friendly I'm friendly I'm solo okay I think this guy was also new because he didn't seem to want anything to do with me even though all I had was a shitty little Hammer before he slowly ran away from me I managed to ask him where he was from and again he was from Russia hey man where you from oh my God look at those bases he's really staring at me I think he's going that way I don't think he really wants to be with me after he ran away I didn't see anyone else for another half an hour and eventually ended my run by eating some raw chicken and logging off in the middle of nowhere miscreated is definitely not what it used to be and watching videos about toxic Clans and big raids back in its Golden Days shows that it could have been something incredible people were getting irritated that nothing was done to help the storage situation it kind of seemed like the thing that they added was more or less a temporary solution and while it did seem like lots of new stuff was being added it was the same issue that the devs had much earlier in the development cycle stuff was once again being added but nothing was being improved to keep players playing this created was becoming crammed with tons of pointless additions and the basis of the game remained the same every sale would introduce lots of new players but players were leaving throughout this entire time the game could easily attract new players with the sales but nothing was done to keep these players playing because of this you can see various spikes and then drop offs right after the spike it's unconfirmed whether the developers are actually officially done with it but they did recently shut down the official servers for good so I think that's a good sign this might be the end I also just realized while writing the script that I played on a server that called itself official so that probably wasn't actually an official [Music] server [Music] King theal [Music] win Battlefield Heroes was a cartoon game created in 2009 by Dice and easy Studios on the 14th of July 2015 EA announced that they'd be closing off the servers for Battlefield Heroes forever even though the community was already pretty small people came together to restore Battlefield Heroes and as a result Rising Hub was born I love how this game looks man none of this yellow War filter kind of lost where everything is rising Hub is created by volunteer developers from all around the world who wanted to bring back Battlefield Heroes so that it's playable to whoever wants to come back it took me a while to get Rising Hub going but eventually I managed to join a server the controls for this game are are not easy and it doesn't help that I never played the original Battlefield Heroes at all this was essentially a team based Capture the Flag game mode with cars and extremely hard to control planes I tried using a tank instead and that also didn't go great yeah let me up let me up let me up let me add him let me add him oh that's a teammate I don't really know what I'm doing to be honest get me up this still me this is he going to pick me in fact I didn't get a single kill in the first game and instead spent most of it being bullied by the enemy and my teammates my team did win the first game though with my help and then I joined a different server to see if my killing luck would change and within about 2 minutes I actually finally did it oh I got a kill to be honest I don't care another one holy I'm going to roll man someone I got the last kill I'm pretty sure these guys just had better gear because there's no sh I was this bad then again though I'm pretty sure almost everyone else had played this game in the past and probably for quite a few years about to get another kill there we go for sake of course all of these games were recommended by you guys so if there's any game or mod or server you want to see me explore let me know over on Twitter or in my Discord I hope you guys all had a great holidays Happy New Year and obviously thank you for an honestly incredible 2023 by far by far the best best year of my life subscribe
Channel: Rye Games
Views: 251,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rye, rye games, top 8 new games, top 10 games, top new games, best new games, open world games, top 10 new free games, best new free games, survival games new, dead games, exploring dead games, exploring strange dead games, survival game, terrible games, old games, dead games 2023, old steam games, realistic games, best realism, operation harsh doorstop, boundary, miscreated, rising hub, minecraftonline, minecrafts oldest server, 2b2t, oldest server
Id: bvOeWOq6CKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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