Fire In The Sky // Benjamin Deitrick // Shiloh Fellowship

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all right good morning good morning let's all stand up you at home shadow fellowship online family stand up join us today even if you are in your jammies join us anyway that's the beauty of being online just saying just saying are you excited to be in the house of god today i'm so excited for my family our tribe we're together amen oh my gosh god is good and we're going to declare who he is and we are going to submit to him right and we're going to declare today that we will arise amen we will arise the veil is lifted i'm surrounded by your glory [Music] completely on and i will arise lift up my eyes [Music] a day a new season [Music] [Music] i know the best and i will arise [Music] is [Applause] [Music] for your love has helped me [Music] [Music] is i hear your calls [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] your glory surrounds me no boundaries your glory surrounds me oh no limits no boundaries [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift up my eyes i hear your call i abandon all [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh jesus no limits no boundaries and it's in your glory god it's in your glory god yes [Music] [Music] no boundaries [Music] i'm breaking through [Music] i'll follow you i will [Music] it's in his glory it's in his glory everything is found in his glory it's in his glory there's no limits there's no boundaries [Music] your glory surrounds me [Music] no boundaries your glory surrounds me [Music] surrounds me god no limits no boundaries your glory surrounds me no boundaries [Music] surrounds me singing [Music] surround me your glory surrounds me [Applause] [Music] lift up my eyes [Music] i'm [Music] church just remain focused to the lord right now remain in the glory of his presence as i was sitting there i was reminded that we today we find ourselves in the embrace of our heavenly father as i look around the room and as i i think about the times that we have shared and how some even some difficult times have fallen upon us even as a group as a church as a society uh in the atmosphere do you know that all that can change the moment you find yourself in the embrace of our loving father it is his glory that surrounds us this morning it is it is not just a decree that we're saying today but we're establishing in the glory right now his presence and we're saying to the atmosphere around us you have to go if you're not for jesus you have to go worry doubt fear you have to go uh complications health restrictions you have to go in the name of jesus disappointment you have to go in the name of jesus because for me in my house i'm surrounded by the glory of god as for me and my heart i'm surrounded by the glory of god so right now we're going to shift into an atmosphere of glory and i just want to sing this for 30 more seconds and i want you to give god everything you got in you and begin to decree and establish right now that you are surrounded by the glory of god that i am surrounded by the glory of god my house is surrounded by the glory of god my life is surrounded by the glory of god let your praise [Music] no ring [Music] [Music] no boundaries [Music] me [Music] lift up my eyes i'm breaking through i won't look back i'll follow you i will arise we rise in praise we arise in your presence god we fix our eyes on you we fix our eyes on you and there's a place in his presence and this has been a walk pastor francisco talked about of humility in this season it's it's a humbling it's a bowing down to god and we're saying god shake we can't be shaken break with heavy broken off our lives god shake we can't be shaken so the unshakeable remains the kingdom of god is at hand oh we thank you god to shake what can be shaken this town shaping can be shaken gone and break what can be broken off my life shake it god shake it god shake it god shake it so i believe in partnering with god in the season and singing into it and agreeing with it amen so that's what we're gonna do this morning we're gonna sing shake [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like moses [Music] that's right [Music] see the nations change like daniel [Music] [Applause] [Music] like [Music] i want faith to move [Music] i want faith [Music] see the nations changed like daniel that's right [Applause] [Music] broken we sing it [Music] to move again mountains breathe on me breathe on [Music] breathe [Music] broken i want faith to move the [Applause] [Music] mountains [Music] i [Music] breathe on me [Music] [Music] [Music] is the mountains [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] i want more [Music] pouring down that empowering spirit the grace the grace that empowers breathe on me breathe on me pour out your spirit breathe only breathe on me breathe on me this is our heart cry breathe on me this is what we need breathe on me that's what we want breathe [Music] jesus [Music] 12 26 and 27 that's what it talks about the unshakable kingdom but it also says that our god is a consuming fire he's a consuming fire and we want him so consume it all god consume it all burn up all that chaff as we confess just burn it with that all consuming fire and all consuming fire [Music] we humble ourselves [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yesterday [Music] i want more i want more i want more [Music] foreign [Music] the king of kings and the lord of lords we humble ourselves before you jesus jesus jesus we humble ourselves jesus jesus [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] the most beautiful [Music] the most beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] is [Music] god [Music] see it again [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] sing his name sing his name sing his name sing his name yeshua yeshua yeshua there's power in the name yeshua there's power in the name yeshua would you just take 10 seconds to call out the name of jesus jesus jesus let's take 10 seconds to just worship the name of jesus jesus i want you jesus i need you yeshua yeshua [Music] oh yeshua [Music] [Music] yes [Music] jesus jesus jesus i feel like we're just supposed to welcome jesus right now just say jesus come in jesus come in jesus walk into the room jesus jesus you know when someone knocks on my door and they want to come in i make haste and i open that door and when i see my friend on the other side i embrace them and i bring them into the house and i say have the best seat in the house and i say man can i get you anything how may i serve you how can i how can i be with you in this moment and i just feel that's our welcome right now that we would open the door to our heart that we would rush jesus right in and we'll say lord take the best seat in the house my hearts right now jesus you can have it all jesus welcome jesus we welcome you jesus into this house this morning thank you jesus whoa thank you jesus whoa [Music] hey derek you got something come here let's prophesy let's just prophesy for a minute there's people that need something in their life today let's prophesy in the name of jesus pastor desiree i feel like god has a word through you this morning also [Music] let's just lift our hands to the lord this morning speaking of singing the holy ghost worthy is the lamb come on something's gonna break in this morning worthy is the lamb [Music] we sing words sing that with me [Music] we cry [Music] oh [Music] father we thank you i just hear the spirit of the lord saying that this is a season to come near to him i see in the spirit that there's a doorway opening for you and the doorways called humility i hear the lord saying that it is a time to draw near and to listen for many have presumed and many have ran and many have gone ahead and many have thought that they knew my ways but the lord is extending an invitation to you and he's saying now is the time to come near come and buy wine and milk without money come unto me come unto me and listen and as you listen you will live and i will show you things that come for does not my words say that my spirit will show you the things that come and does not my words say my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts so i just sent in the spirit this morning the lord is wanting a response it's a posture of listening it's a posture of humility it's a posture of knowing we haven't gone this way before i also hear the lord saying there's a spirit of cleaving a spirit of cleaving cleaving unto the lord cleaving unto his word hallelujah and man of god i uh i got permission from pastor and i know you're the speaker this morning but i just heard the lord saying to you that you've been so faithful and what i was seeing in the spirit was that there's been resistance in your region i saw principalities and powers that have been resisting you they don't want to acknowledge the position that christ has installed you in but i hear the lord saying that as you return home you're going to notice a new freedom the lord said you've been you've been faithful on the road but it's been like a battle at home it's it's been like a rock at home it's been like hardness in some ways but the lord is saying you have prevailed you've prevailed with god you prevailed with uh his favor and you're drawing that unto yourself and i hear the lord saying he's wiping the reproach away there's been a spirit that's been assigned to you to harass you and it's been like the just junk from the past that it's it's colored the lenses of people's eyes towards you and there it's like something that has followed you and the lord is saying once and for all i'm cutting it off i'm cutting it off i'm cutting it off i'm cutting it off those principalities won't resist you anymore that you're going to walk in the stature and in the grace and i hear the lord saying that you're going on on a journey and uh the journey is a spiritual journey and your ministry is going to shift you've been strongly prophetic and you'll you'll remain that way but there's coming such a strong element of laying foundation i hear the lord saying you're not just gonna inspire you're not just gonna prophesy but there's an apostolic grace that's gonna come upon your life and god says i'm gonna give you grace to form christ and people for yes the lord has said unto you that that you have begin to see the gaps and begin to see some of the uh the needs in the body and and you've even said the lord lord do i have your permission to do this the lord's saying yes you have my permission lay the foundation lay those truths inside the body of christ as you know to be for you shall be one of many hats and of many graces therefore do not fear for a new grace and a new season is coming upon you where there's not going to be resistance in home there shall be great freedom and you've prayed out you prayed to god for mighty men like david had mighty men god said i'm sending them your way you're gonna you're gonna have you're gonna have to raise them but they're gonna understand what it means to be loyal they're going to understand what it means to be fathered they're not going to look at your age but they're going to begin to look at the grace and the wealth that i put on the inside of you says the spirit of grace that is absolutely amazing and to go along with what derek is saying there listen if you need that grace that empowers right now uh i just feel that not only along with the spirit of prophecy that's in the house but it's the testimony of jesus that's in the house and jesus died so that we would be free he absolutely is welcome you into freedom right now and he's healing you right now and i just feel like if you need that grace right now if you find yourself in a season of of just adversity or maybe even difficulty or or or you just find yourself in a place where you're distracted maybe you find yourself in a place where you you don't even know if you feel jesus you can grab that grace right now you can pull it down over your life and you begin to experience jesus right now the love of jesus over your life right now in the name of jesus is this camera on are you on ben right now in the name of jesus let's switch to this camera i just feel like our online family you're watching right now and you're saying i can't feel god in this season and i'm calling you out right now but in this way that i am rebuking that evil spirit that spirit that's speaking to you and is telling you that you cannot feel jesus and in the name of jesus i call you out of the desert and into the living waters of jesus christ receive healing from jesus right now in the name of jesus do not give up press in with your faith begin to call on his name and see if he won't be with you he absolutely will he's running to you now in jesus name receive god receive jesus receive the plan of his word for your life in jesus mighty name pull on that grace right now yeshua yeshua yeshua yeshua pull on it now [Music] yes [Music] thank you jesus just say thank you jesus thank you jesus say it again thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus god you're so good jesus you're so good thank you jesus thank you for your ministry this morning jesus thank you for your spirit this morning jesus thank you for touching our souls in the name of jesus [Music] lord whether it's the face of adversity or whether it's the season of plenty lord our hearts cry back to you is jesus you can have it all you can have it all yeah jesus you can have it all you can have every part of our being every part of our our hopes and our dreams jesus lord that our eyes would be set upon you on this season lord like no other lord that our hearts would be loyal that our eyes would be loyal to you king jesus source that we would seek the source and not the sign and if this generation will be lovers and seekers of christ and that we will pursue him with a passion that does not die and in the generations to come they will say of this generation they were lovers and they were seekers and they were pursuers of the one of the one because their eyes were set upon the one their eyes were loyal their hearts were loyal so father we say this day you can have it all you can have it all you can have it all you can have it all come on sing it you can have it all come on church you can have it all you can have it all you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can oh thank you jesus god you're so good [Music] do you got a praise in you for jesus today because he is so good come on church we serve the champion of all champions the conqueror of all conquerors the victor of all victories jesus christ the king of all kings would you praise his name oh lord we praise your name give him a shout give him a praise don't hold back church [Music] [Applause] yeah that was real cute well maybe you didn't hear me i said jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're getting there benjamin forgive us we're getting there come on man all right all right that was real cute that was that was better that was better i'm really proud of you but i think he deserves more because we got more right i want to worship more so so with your best with your loudest with your with your most would you just praise the name of jesus on the count of three ready one two three [Music] [Applause] oh man that feels good look at your neighbor and get my high five or a social distance fist bump i like this one better thank you jesus you know while we're in this uh while we're in the spirit of worship and we're serving the lord go ahead and have your seats it's a special day for us here today at church because uh there there's a special moment special times yeah come on chris i'm searching my mind and looking at you too you're trying to give me the cue there thank you so much everybody give chris a hand pastor chris laura it's good man i want to share something with you really quick you know we've come to this place where where our church is just growing so beautifully in our our community is just so wonderful would you look at your neighbor and just say man you're just wonderful you're you're just wonderful yeah you're just wonderful the online family you're just so wonderful you know and we've come to a place in our in our ministry where uh we just believe that as god is moving us into the house revivals or home fellowships and and what he wants to do that it's just a season where we're called to multiply and call some or commissioned some pastors in the house today and so we have the special privileged church of commissioning some new leaders in the house today and we want to bless them today and i'm so proud of them and i know that you are too and even as you're inside of this as adam is still playing a little bit and you're receiving ministry from jesus you can also celebrate with us that god is doing something amazing in the house and it is our honor to be able to present some of these people to you today or all these people to you today not they're all here today so we're gonna present some of them to you today but right before that we do have a message from patricia you know we love patricia here at in the house and we honor our leadership and she's a great apostle she's an amazing leader and she uh you know we were on the phone today and she said have an amazing time uh blessing and commissioning the leaders of the church and i said patricia wait we want to hear a word from you we want the blessing from our leader and so she prepared a special uh little uh something for our commissioning pastors today so media team would you please play that good morning shiloh um i'm so sorry i couldn't be with you today i'm actually at rob winters church this morning celebrating their fifth anniversary so we're excited for them but this is a big day for shiloh because we are um commissioning and blessing lay pastors to serve you and i just want to congratulate each and every one of you and your willingness to serve the lord and to nurture and to to care for the body and it's such a privilege to be able to serve the lord and lay down your life for the sheep and so i know that it's going to be a very special time i bless each and every one of you as you step into this new mandate and i know that um our whole church is going to benefit because of your willingness to serve god bless you all yeah come on let's give her a hand this morning in the first service we stretched our hands out to phoenix and we say bless rob winter's church today in the name of jesus our family away from you know from from here but over there our brothers and sisters in christ and so father we bless that church right now and we bless what patricia's doing in the name of jesus and we say fire in jesus name amen but what a special time and what a special privilege so i want to call some people up for you uh this morning and introduce them to you uh you know them already but would you do me a hand and just give them a hand and congratulate them for the good things that they're doing uh aaron king where you at man come on up aaron king formerly aaron king now pastor aaron king genevieve shenton where are you genevieve yeah genevieve come on up here [Music] carl and kenda whitback come on leo and andrea shishmanian come on up here come and stand on this side with pastor desiree [Music] and where would we be if we didn't re-fire a little bit so bill and lynn reeve would you come on up here yeah give him a hand guys these are amazing people yeah yeah come on over on this side and uh and yeah we're going to get some oil we're going to anoint you here in a minute but would you just gather around the pulpit here and i know it's just as best as you can just get close because i want to talk to you just really quick as we commission you today i feel a charge from the lord as we say this and i'm going to read this because i'm emotional and i get emotional on these things because i consider it an honor to serve jesus [Music] it is an absolute honor to serve jesus and it is a complete honor to serve you listen to what i'm saying i am honored to serve you thank you for allowing me to be your pastor thank you for the honor of serving you in the house thank you for trusting me and for trusting the call of god inside of me we have an amazing opportunity to call these wonderful people into pastorate today this isn't an ordination but it's a commissioning they're working towards their ordination some of them are already ordained god bless them they're amazing they deserve it but here's what's on my heart today to share with you as our community grows we have a need for pastoral care in the body in this day and it's an important role in the church being a pastor at shiloh is being someone who loves god that loves his statutes loves his commandments and trust in the lord always leading others to jesus if i could give you one piece of advice today would be to lay your life down to love and serve like jesus did the examples of jesus in the bible although powerful are full of love for the people all around him he wasn't quick to judge or correct even though he did those things but he displayed them in love love with the father and with patience and grace and understanding and victory he believed in them all the apostle paul also helps us see what key characteristics should be displayed in those that are called to serve in the church in first timothy 3 he teaches that those who desire to be overseers in the church desire a fine thing today you desire a noble thing god bless you god bless you thank you i received that she said in you he teaches that those who desire to be overseers desire a fine thing must be above reproach have a good godly marriage be tempered self-controlled respectable hospitable skillful in teaching not over indulging in worldly ways not being bullies but gentle not con contentious but free from the love of money and the love of the world and of good reputation just to name a few things in fact i want to encourage you if you want to know what it is to be a good leader in the church go and read first timothy 3 and 4. apostle paul puts down for these young leaders timothy and titus some really good ways on how they can see and i along with patricia and robert and pastor desiree and pastors dustin and heather williams believe that these people standing before you today we trust them and we believe that they carry these characteristics and it's exciting to lead with them in this day god bless them god bless them and so i'm going to call pastor desiree up pastor destin pastor heather and we're going to anoint them today for the work of the lord amen hit me [Music] someone's getting gooey today that was a little much or never mind you can never have too much right let's be real who wants more of jesus come on yeah we have fun together this is awesome but it is an honor and a privilege a privilege today to commission you before the people and to the work of the lord and i'm going to have pastor destin maybe if you can start on this side and then i'll switch with you dustin and heather come on this side and pastor desiree come with me on this side and let's just begin to commission them right now so so before the people of god today i will ask you this it is is it your desire to serve the lord your god all the days of your life is it your desire to serve the people of god and always lead them to jesus yeah it is is it your desire before the people and before the witness is here today that you will be committed to living a godly life righteous pure and holy unto the lord as best as you can with the spirit of the lord as your god yeah come on then you're ready in jesus mighty name so we anoint you in this the name of the son the father and the holy spirit to preach the gospel to be sent out as lay pastors in the community and in the church and to bless the people of god in the name of jesus andy you have been waiting for this there's not been those who have always believed in it but in the name of jesus this is a healing moment for you because you are called the lord in the name of jesus leo you are called of the lord good and faithful servants you will be and good and faithful servants you are in the name of jesus lead the people in the ways and in the love of the lord in jesus mighty name we bless you into the work of the lord be strengthened this day by by the spirit of god and know that you are called to lead a generation in jesus mighty name amen amen thank you jesus it's truly an honor to serve the lord aaron where oh aaron was busy catching people in the name of jesus double portion father in the name of jesus father i thank you for this man i thank you for my friend i thank you for my brother in christ father i thank you that you're going to help him bless him and lead him in the ways that he should go father i thank you that he has anointed in this hour to preach the gospel that he will not hold back and i just see in this day that you're going to be infused with a grace and with love that you have not known before in jesus mighty name amen amen well hey listen here at shiloh we love to celebrate so would you do me a favor and as you uh as you as they make their way to their seats would you come on up and give them a couple hugs and celebrate them because today they have been commissioned before god and before the people and celebrate them yes lord come on up church come on up give him some hugs [Music] that's okay and let's uh quickly make our way back to our seats because we got some business to attend to uh this morning i'm going to go ahead and move forward as they're getting their hugs and some love really quick i want to share this with you as we as we prepare to receive ties and offerings in the house the first unto the lord the first and the best unto the lord i want to make a quick decree with you whenever i give i look for the decrees and the promises of god in proverbs 16 3 it says this that if we commit our ways to the lord then he establishes our plan if you commit your ways to the lord then he establishes your plan god wants to know the way in which you're going to do something so that he can partner with you and bless it isn't that amazing god cares about the way i think about things i do things how i operate in this life he absolutely cares you know jeremiah 29 11 says that he has plans for me but in this context he's saying i want to be involved in the plans that you have i want to establish your plans because i care about what you care about i care about the the debt that you want to cancel i care about the financial blessings that you want to step into i care about how you want to reach your faith projects i care about everything in your life and more and so we want to honor god with the first and the best today and it is our privilege and our honor since we're on the subject to give him the first and the best someone who is embraced by the love of the father knows that inside of that embrace inside of his promises inside of his word that we are protected and blessed and that's who we are shiloh we are people that know the father we are people that know jesus and we absolutely want and desire relationship with him so as you prepare your tithes and offerings today just go ahead and take a look at the screen here there's five ways you can sew here at shiloh today and as you prepare your ties and offerings i want to decree a blessing i'm going to pray over them in a second we're going to pray together and give this to god there's different ways you can sew here online family look at your screen there's also an added measure for you if you are watching online we also have a mailing address my favorite version or way to give is texting the word c to the phone number seven three two five six it's absolutely uh safe secure and fast it's like you're running to the front to give your ties and offerings at the speed of light i never ran so fast in my life father we bless these ties and offerings today father over them today we decree in the name of the lord jesus christ that you are in everything that we do that we choose to involve you and everything that we do and we bless you father and we thank you as you bless the work of our hands and you are faithful to establish those things in our life we give to you a sacrificial gift today father a gift worthy of praise and glory and honor and with cheerful hearts in the name of jesus amen let's go ahead and give some ushers would you please serve the people in the receiving of the tithes and offerings adam thank you so much for playing you're amazing but if you keep playing we're going to be in a three-hour service so with all the all the love in my heart i dismiss you kindly in jesus name i've never dismissed someone so gracefully that's not a get out yeah yeah that's not a get out that's i'll see you later in jesus name well hey patricia isn't here today but we blessed her earlier and we know that she's going to have an amazing time today but we do have a guest speaker in the house and i want to take just a quick second to introduce him and he's going to come up and i just want to just know you have your time and uh and so please share with us because we are hungry to receive what god is doing for us today and uh worship was a little extended but we're going to give the man of god the time that that he needs to to properly give us the word and feed us what he has a benjamin is quickly becoming a good friend of mine and in faith i'll just even say we're going to be real close in jesus name and uh benjamin i love your heart for god i love your heart for the people i'm excited for your future i can see that god's going to do amazing things and i love the prophetic word that my friend derek gave to you i second that in the name of jesus and i'm so thrilled that you would come to our church today and speak to us and bless us with the word of god so with all the love in our heart we are ready to receive what god has would you please come come on up and take your time and share what god has in jesus name thank you god bless you thank you my friend thank you so much pastor it is so good to be with you all and i just have i have known about patricia since i joined robert stearns bishop robert stearns at 17 years old and so i was with bishop stearns for 10 years and during that 10 years we had patricia in for many conferences and times of fire fire tunnels all kinds of stuff and in new york and other places and kept kept that friendship and so i just saw honor patricia king and all that she is to the body of christ a general in the body of christ and amen amen and i just am so enjoying getting to know pastor desiree and pastor francisco and i'm getting to know their family and just their hearts and i honor you guys and it's an honor to stand here and to serve the church that you're leading and so thank you so much for the privilege it's a privilege to be here and then just you know when you got emotional i got emotional you know because like i love pastors i've pastored for 10 years in october of last year apostle barbara laid her hands on me and commissioned me as an apostle and so brother ott your word really was very confirming to me because i went back and forth on that like is this necessary is this god is this not god whatever you know and the lord really confirmed it and so your word was very confirming because one of the things apostles do is they lay foundations and i have had that resistance witchcraft resistance lots of resistance in the region and so thank you for that word brother and good to meet you in california and to continue our relationship so thank you so much and so it's an honor to be here our service is just about wrapping up and we're here with you but before i go any further i just want to invite adam mckinley adam come up this is adam mckinley he's an awesome awesome young man that serves with us i've known adam 15 years and adam and i served together at eagle's wings and then he's been with me at shekinah for seven years if i'm not mistaken i always embellish pastors always embellish you know and so but i think it's seven years and uh adam is just an amazing young man words of knowledge just flow out of him he's a prophet and i just wanted to see if there was anything he had to give and i checked with pastor and he said it was okay and so adam anything you have to share just greet the people well awesome um it's such an honor to be here like really it's such an honor to be here i just sense the reality of jesus in so many ways um that is rare you know when i go to churches around the world what you guys have here i just want to say is extremely special and you know i can get emotional i just sense the potential of jesus so strong in this place and what he wants to do and i just want to encourage you guys in whatever way as the word was coming out that you have areas that you're like i haven't given my all to jesus i'm telling you he is so worth it he is so amazing and he can do so much more with our little life than we can do and so i just felt that really strong you know as we were driving past the church this morning passed it we drove past the road i felt the wind of refreshing just hit me in the car and i'm like what in the world like where are we and that doesn't happen everywhere you know like an angel came and started refreshing me in the cars we're just driving past the road you know and we come here and it's like the living realm of his glory and refreshing and grace you know there is just no ceiling so i want to encourage you go for it the potential is just beyond you know you try and reach for it as a profit and see how high you can go i couldn't reach it you know what i mean just so high and so i'm just so excited for you guys and i'm excited to be here but i just had two quick words that i felt one if you have digestive issues would you stand for a moment anybody with any kind of food allergy or a digestive issue yeah awesome thank you jesus yeah lord we just say we curse any out food allergies or digestive issues in their bodies right now in jesus name and we command in the name of jesus complete healing complete restoration and complete wholeness in all of these bodies to glorify you and to give testimony to how awesome jesus is we just command that blessing over these bodies in jesus name amen yeah i was with a gentleman who had celiac and just randomly i was like you know jesus can heal that prayed for him the next time i saw him he was like i just had so much taco bell you know so god is awesome and he does these things and uh so yeah the next one just really quick i don't want to take much of apostles time uh does anyone have a neck pain issue on the right side is what i felt like there was a sharp pain on the right side in the neck so you amen lord we just bless his neck right now in jesus name we command that pain to go and we just say lord receive your glory in his body in jesus name amen well god bless you guys amen awesome thank you adam hallelujah well it is so good to be here as as pastor said my name is benjamin dietrich i'm 37 i've been in ministry now 20 years uh some of the first of that ministry was really learning what ministry was all about my first ministry assignment was that i was head of the snow crew that was my first ministry assignment and that was in buffalo new york or it snows every day from october to april i mean not not exaggerating and uh loaded and unloaded trucks painted houses learned what ministry was all about there with bishop stearns and then about 10 years ago apostle barbara yoder many of you know who she is she invited me to come and my wife and i to come and join with her and so we did that about 10 years ago i was an associate then the executive and the senior pastor and now i'm i just call myself the the visionary of the church because that's my role and we've ordained pastors just like you guys did and and it's just awesome to see every part of the body functioning and that's what it's about it's not about a title it's about a function and so i've had a word on my heart for the body of christ and i i should tell you too i'm married very happily to my better half who's who might be watching right now her name is tara and then we have three little girls my three little angels that have transformed my life made me softer and better and nicer and more patient faith joelle is eight lily grace is seven and sophia loretta is one and a half she's my little bear and so i love my kids i just i'm a father i'm a daddy i love my girls and uh and so it's awesome to be here with family people and to be among the family of god here in arizona and i just want to say too the bass player you were rocking it i i'm a drummer you know i used to play semi-professionally professionally i'm a drummer and so she just rocked it she held it down she was in the pocket and i love that so i had to say that so the word that i'm carrying for the body of christ and that the theme that we actually have our entire church on i want to share with you this morning and if you would turn with me to nehemiah chapter 4 nehemiah chapter 4 and the word i have for you this morning is thriving in adversity thriving in adversity we're not just called to survive what has been in 2020 and what would be moving forward we're called to thrive we are overcomers we are those who god always leads to triumph in christ jesus our destiny is victory in absolutely every scenario whether on this side of eternity or on the other side of eternity we always win if you're a believer in jesus if you're submitted to him if you're serving him we always win and so god has called us to thrive and not just to survive and i believe that we're in a moment as a body of christ like nehemiah and the people of israel found themselves in the book of nehemiah and so let's read it here in chapter 4 starting in verse one but it so happened when sanballat heard that they were rebuilding the wall that he was furious and very indignant the devil doesn't care until you start doing something he has nothing to say he takes no you know notice he could care less until you start moving until you start doing something i'm telling you if you're experiencing resistance in your life it means you're doing something and so you need to just lift your hands and say thank you lord opposition is confirmation and i'm not backing up or giving up or shrinking back i put my hand to the plow and i am moving forward and so he heard that they were rebuilding the wall he was furious very indignant and then there's always this spirit he mocked the jews the mocking spirit just like goliath did with david and we see all throughout scripture verse two and he spoke before his brethren and the army of samaria and said what are these feeble jews doing will they fortify themselves will they offer sacrifices will they complete it in a day will they revive the stones from the heaps of rubbish stones that are burned now tobiah the animite was beside him and said whatever they build if even a fox goes up on it he will break down their stone wall hear o our god now this is the words of nehemiah hear o our god for we are despised turn their reproach on their own heads and give them as plunder to a land of captivity do not cover their iniquity and do not let their sin be blotted out from before you for they have provoked you to anger before the builders so we built the wall now what is the context that they are building the wall in the words of sam ballad are not just empty words we have to pay attention to the little details in scripture it says sand ballot was there with his brethren the army the army and so his words were not just empty words it wasn't just some heckler you know standing up in the back of a comedy club heckling the comedian it wasn't it wasn't just empty words it wasn't just empty taunts there was an army that was connected to these taunts there was an army that was connected to this mocking spirit that was coming against the people of god and so it says but verse six it says so we built the wall the subtitle for this message today is just hashtag okay if you're watching online put it there hashtag build anyway build anyway build anyway in the midst of everything that's going on so it says so we built the wall and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height for the people had a mind to work i love that they were they were absolutely enlivened in this work now it happened when san bala tobiah the arabs the amorites and you see everybody else who joined them of the ashdodites heard that the walls of jerusalem were being restored and the gaps were beginning to be closed that they became very angry and all of them conspired together to come and attack jerusalem and create confusion confusion what do we see in our world today what do we see in the body of christ unfortunately what do we see in our families what did we see i went to thanksgiving with a really peaceful you know family and in a really peaceful context but i was hearing from my friends at thanksgiving that literally the thanksgiving tables were divided somewhere on this side somewhere on that side you know this one stood up and accused that one that one stood up and accused this one what is that it's confusion confusion and so it says they came to create confusion nevertheless we made our prayer to god and because of them we set a watch against them day and night say day and night then judah said the strength of the laborers is failing and there is so much rubbish that we are not able to build the wall and our adversaries said they will neither know nor see anything till we come in their midst and kill them because the work and cause the work to cease so it was when the jews who dwelt near them came that they told us ten times for whatever place you turn they will be upon us so what is that that's intimidation it's fear and that's what 2020 felt like to many of us whatever place you turn we will be upon you if you turn this way there's virus if you turn that way there's economic downturn if you turn that way there's political upheaval if you turn that way there's division in the body of christ biting and devouring the body of christ and so they literally tried to intimidate the people of god 13 therefore i positioned men behind the lower parts of the wall at the openings at the gaps in the wall at the openings and i set the people according to their families with their swords their spears and their bows and i looked in a rose and said to the nobles to the leaders to the rest of the people do not be afraid of them remember the lord great and awesome and fight for your brethren your sons your daughters your wives and your houses and it happened when our enemies heard that it was known to us and that god had brought their plot to nothing that all of us returned to the wall everyone to his work and it goes on but it's such an important passage of scripture for where we're at right now because god is calling us to be positioned on the wall you know i don't know your political preference i don't really care your political preference i don't want to get into that i feel we've got to take a step back from that as a body of christ and we've got to number one love each other and number two we've got to focus on unity the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace and where the unity of the spirit and the bond of peace is we become watchmen on the wall but when we divide and when we bite and devour one another we get out of position so much of life is positioning so much of the work of the lord is positioning what did pastor desiree and pastor francisco do today they positioned people along the wall the bible refers to it as that's the hebrew phrase watchmen on the wall and i don't know how many have ever been to israel but when you go to israel it's not a wall like we have a wall that's maybe this thick or maybe a little bit bigger it's a wall that's wide enough that you can run along it you can walk along it and stand along it and so the lord wants to reposition us and the way he wants to position us is as families families you may not have a wife or a husband and children you may live alone but i'm telling you no matter what your context of life no matter what context you are in you are a part of a family the shekinah family is with the shiloh family this morning we are a part of the family of the body of christ and so i want you to let go of the lie that you are alone because the lie that you are alone will cause you to get out of position cause you to get off the wall and god is wanting to move you in to position strategically for such a time as this to thrive in the midst of adversity i want to give us the first key this morning there's just a few keys that i want to give us and that key is that we have got to look up look up if you're positioned on the wall and you're looking at your feet and you're simply just watching where you're walking those runners that ran along those walls that ran along the walls that are still there today in jerusalem those stones are worn down those stones are slippery you know they're very dangerous actually when they're wet but they didn't look down and watch every little step that they were taking they weren't focused on their feet they were focused in front of them and they literally ran with messages on those walls we have got to look up we have got to get our eyes off of an insular selfish focus my four and no more type of mentality and we have got to look up not only out in front of us to refocus our eyes and our sight but we have got to look up psalm 121 let's read it together i will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth he will not allow your foot to slip he who keeps you will not slumber will not sleep behold he who keeps israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the lord is your keeper the lord is your shade at your right hand the sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth even forever more we need to look up we need to look to the skies because if we will look to the skies we will see hope is kindled there i love to show at this point when i share this message with the body of christ a picture or a video of an eagle flying out of the sky and this eagle is an eagle that is on an island called literally snake island it's an island called snake island that is in the region of indonesia and this this eagle flies off of his nest and he flies down to near where the water is and he sees a snake moving in the water he flies down and he grabs this snake by the head and literally flies back up into the sky this snake has enough venom inside of him to kill the eagle if the eagle is bitten by the snake it's actually very dangerous for the eagle but literally that which was meant to destroy the eagle that which was meant to literally take him out it becomes food for him because as you watch this video he takes this thing up into the sky which is not natural for the serpent the ground is natural for the serpent this water was natural for the serpent but the eagle doesn't fight the enemy on his domain he takes him to an atmosphere that he is unknown to he takes into an atmosphere that he is uncomfortable in he takes him to an atmosphere that literally he can do nothing and so you see his head thrashing back and forth and all of this but before he knows it he started to be pecked apart he started to be ripped apart and then this snake which was meant to destroy the eagle literally becomes food for the young eagles in the nest in the irie and i'm telling you that is what will happen to us if we will look up if we will get our eyes on the lord if we will get our eyes on the position that we are in in christ jesus i don't know about you pastor but i'm seated just like you're seated right now jesus isn't standing on his throne jesus isn't worried jesus isn't frightened he's not an anxiety about everything that happened in 2020 or what's going to happen in 2021 he is seated at the right hand of the father and the bible says we are seated there with him in heavenly places that is our reality our reality is not bound to this realm or bound to this earth my hope is not bound to this realm or this earth my hope is bound to that eternal reality that is in heaven where i am seated with jesus at the right hand of the father and the bible says far above all rule and authority power might and dominion in every name that is named not only in this age but of the age to come i'm there with him and you know what happens sometimes we get out of our seat we get out of our seat and it's time for you to sit back down time for you to sit back down and to lift your eyes to the lord i'm telling you god wants us to thrive in adversity that snake venom can kill the eagle so he is an adversary to the eagle adversary is described as this it comes from the same latin root word adversarius it means to turn toward and in an antagonistic way as if to face to challenge and oppose isn't that what sand ballot did in the scripture that we just read his face wasn't even turned toward the walls of jerusalem the walls of jerusalem were burned with fire it was rubbish it was literally a heap of burnt stones he wasn't even thinking about that but as soon as some work started to happen in the house of god as soon as some work started to happen in jerusalem he turned his eyes and he looked he had a vision of what could be a potential threat to his power and his force and so that's what an adversary means it means to turn toward in an antagonistic way adversary also means one's opponent in a contest conflict or dispute an enemy an opponent a rival a foe an antagonist adversaries can be situations they can be climates they can be people they can be structures our enemy is described as an adversary himself in first peter 5 and verse 8. the scripture says be sober minded be watchful that's what we're talking about today get in position i'm telling you i call your spirit to position right now i call your spirit to position you are not a being of mind will and emotion we wrestle with our mind our will and our emotion but you are an eternal spirit being i wish we could get a glimpse of eternity i wish we could get a glimpse of what is beyond this realm that the dry dead raincoat and cloak of this existence this current reality and see what is beyond this reality we live really different if we were living for the eternal and we weren't living for the temporal but i'm telling you i call your spirit man to attention right now i call your spirit man to be positioned on the wall i call your spirit man to be ashamed for you to be watchful for you to be sober for you to be vigilant and the bible says it's because of this because your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour now if he's seeking someone to devour it's true that there's those he cannot devour if he has to seek for somebody to devour then there are those that he cannot devour i want you to lift your hands and say this with me i will not be devoured hallelujah you can put your hands down that is our declaration the root word in the greek for adversary here is also an opponent but it also means a prosecuting lawyer and an attorney for the eagle his adversary became his food and i believe that this is a word for us as we move into this next year 2020 really rocked a lot of people it rocked their faith i know some people have actually literally lost their faith in jesus christ because they believed this or that prophet and i'm not judging the prophets i'm not judging the prophets the bible says in matthew 7 judge not lest you be judged that's the word crino creno in the greek i just know it off the top of my head you can check it out and test me but i'm pretty sure krino and it means this it means to condemn it means to sit in a seed of judgment like a judge and condemn so jesus said judge not first corinthians 2 and 15 the word when it says the spiritual person makes judgments about all things it's the word anacrino and it means to examine so i believe we're in a season where we've got to examine some things but let's examine them for the building up of the body let's not examine them for the condemning of the body but i know people who have literally lost their faith because a prophet said this or a prophet said that and it didn't happen and that didn't translate into oh maybe they missed it it translated into i am losing my faith in jesus christ i'm telling you we need to mature beyond that we have got to mature our faith was never in the word of a man our faith was never in the word of a finite imperfect individual human being of which all of us are our faith is in the unshakable kingdom and foundation of the lord jesus christ he is the rock he is the cornerstone he is the one that we look to he is the one that our hope is anchored in and it is a sure hope a sure foundation i don't understand everything that happened in this past season i don't need to understand everything that happened in this past season i am clinging on to jesus and i believe that that which was an adversary for us in this past season is going to be food for us in this next season the bible said to the israelites when they were going into possess he said to them do not fear them do not fear the giants because they are bred for you they are bred for us the two spies said the other spies saw that they were going to be devoured they were like grasshoppers in their eyes but the other one said literally they are bread for us they are bread for us now i want you to try something because all of that has to do with perspective why did ten spies see that they were grasshoppers in their eyes and the other two spies saw that they were bred for us that's a big difference isn't it i want you to look at me from where you're sitting right now you can see me you know see this little you know goatee that i just saved my my daughter sophia likes to pull it out you know so i keep it really short i'd love a big manly beard like pastor francisco but it gets pulled out by my one-year-old right now so but you can see me you can see different dimensions in my face all of that now stand up just stand up how do you see me now it's different isn't it it's totally different your perspective has changed therefore your vision has changed now if you i don't know you can you can rebuke me later but stand up on your chairs [Laughter] if you can't that's okay but stand up on your chair if you're able to and now look how different is that than even standing up that's an amazing difference you can go ahead and sit down it's all about perspective it's all about perspective the bible says in numbers 14 9 only do not rebel against the lord and do not fear the people of the land for they are bred for us their protection is removed from them and the lord is with us do not fear them when our perspective lines up with god then we will possess we will possess but you know the way we possess we possess this first before i can possess anything else i've got to possess this pastor i've got to possess this because if i don't possess this if i don't rule over even myself i can't rule over anything else and did you know that god is teaching you and training you and raising you up to rule and reign with him not only in this current life but in the age to come the kingdom age to come where there will be a new heaven and a new earth and we will rule and reign with christ we are in training for reigning we are in training to rule and reign with the lord and we are called to possess even now we are called to possess and have influence and have a an impact in every place that god has called us to and so the word of god is true and if the word of god is true then we can thrive in any season in any circumstance no matter what no matter what and that doesn't always look like the blessed life that we've kind of peddled in america how many know what i'm saying it doesn't always look like the mercedes and the cadillac and the big house and all of that in fact i i personally um if if i had that kind of uh revenue and if i had that kind of you know uh increase in my life i'd probably start giving some of it away you know because god blesses us to be a blessing he doesn't just bless us to continue to get fatter and fatter and fatter and fatter and fatter and fatter you know we can get so fat where we can't even move you know like and god's calling us to give that away you know but it doesn't always look like that kind of blessed life even though i'm not against blessing i'm not against uh the blessing of the lord that maketh rich and he adds no sorrow to it so don't misunderstand me but it's what is the purpose of the blessing and god gives you blessing as a thing to steward god gives you blessing as a thing to literally be a master over like the parable of the talents what if the one talent person had done what the two and four talent person had done or five talent person had done his identity would have changed from the one talent guy who hid it in the ground he would have then become the two talent guy because there was the one talent guy the two talent guy the five talent guy the one talent guy because of fear because of fear to possess because of fear to increase he hid it in the ground he hid away what god gave him he hid away what god entrusted him to steward but if he had not done that if he had done what the others did he is his identity would have changed and he wouldn't have been the one talent guy over here he would have then become the two talent guy and what would have kept him from becoming the four talent guy or the eight talent guy or the 16 talent guy see that's how i view the anointing in god we don't all start with perfect circumstances in our lives we don't all start with perfect circumstances in you know this walk that we're called to in the christian walk but if we are faithful with god with god has called us you know and what god has given us then we will literally learn how to steward that and our perspective will change from a selfish perspective to a kingdom perspective god wants to change our perspective he wants to change our posture he wants to change the condition of our soul and how we live now even in adverse challenges determines our eternal condition you say i don't know about that let me read it to you first corinthians 3 for by the grace god has given me this is a living word for us in this season by the grace god has given me i laid a foundation as an expert builder and someone else is building on it but each one must be careful how he builds for no one can lay a foundation other than the one already laid which is jesus christ anyone builds on this foundation using gold silver precious stones wood hay or straw his workmanship will be evident because the day will bring it to light it will be revealed with fire and the fire will prove the quality of each man's work if what he has built survives he will be receive a receiver reward if it is burned up he will suffer loss though he himself will be saved but as only as though through the flames so how we live now lives on maximus decimus meridius commander of the armies of the norse you know said it this way what we do in life echoes in eternity you know if you've ever seen gladiator that movie you know what we do now matters as we move on and god has called us to thrive he has called us not just to survive the definition of thrive is this it means to grow or develop well or vigorously that's how i feel about this church and in fact pastor francisco there's a word for you there's a word for you right now i saw as i looked at you this hand over your head and it was pushing down upon you it was like this adversarial opponent i feel like it's some sort of witchcraft thing and we know we don't focus on the devil but there was this hand pushing down on you you know how it would look if there was this hand that was like over like a crystal ball or something like that and they were doing that sort of thing that's what it looks like right now in the authority of the name of jesus i break that hand and i break every finger the thumb the fourth finger the middle finger the ring finger and the pinky i smash it and devour it i break it now in jesus name i kick it to the curve in jesus name and i say that you are moving into a season of breakthrough you are moving into a season of miracles you are moving into a season of thriving you are moving into a season where literally you're gonna see signs and wonders and miracles manifestations of power that testify to the calling god has placed on your life in the word of the lord that you are preaching i say thrive pastor francisco i say breakthrough pastor francisco i say move into a new dimension pastor francisco because the lord has called you and every contrary voice and i see them i see the voices in the spirit we say we shatter the voices and the words of the sand ballots and the tobias we shatter the voices and the words of every curse and hexan of x that has come against you and i say in the authority of the name of jesus the attack is over the season shifts and you move into plenty you move into breakthrough in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah so here's an example of that word the new baby thrived it thrived it prospered it flourished i feel like i'm talking about your church it prospered it flourished it literally it grew there's growth involved there's flourishing involved in this now let's juxtapose that to survive and i want to say to those that are here and those that are watching there is no condemnation for where you find yourself today if you say brother i'm just surviving okay you're talking about thriving i'm barely surviving you might be there and you might be saying brother i quit a long time ago you know i'm just here because i like pastor francisco or pastor desiree you know or i like the worship you know but but literally in your heart you're feeling dead you're feeling absolutely void of power you feel like you've quit a long time ago so i say there's no condemnation but let's juxtapose thrive to survive survive is this it means to live or exist to sustain or keep the life you have albeit by a thin margin it means to cling to life it means to pull through to outlast i want to tell you that is not what god called you to do god said the kingdom of heaven is like this he said it's like a little yeast and that little yeast starts as this tiny little element in the dough but then what does it do it takes over the entire dough he said the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed it starts as the smallest of all seeds how many have ever seen a mustard seed it's so small that if it rolls off your finger you'll probably never find it again it's it's so small he said it's like a mustard seed it starts as the smallest seed in the garden but then it grows into this tree that literally takes over the entire garden god has not just called us to maintain god has called us to advance god has not just called us to keep what we have but i'm sorry most of the church in america at least has done that we're trying desperately to cling onto what we have and keep what we have when god is saying i'm breaking every box i'm breaking every hindrance i'm breaking all of the old paradigms all the old systems all the old structures and i'm doing a new thing what if the apostles had stayed in jerusalem and simply clung to or maintained what they had they would have stayed in the upper room and been really fascinated by these new tongues that they were praying in you know they would have kept it in the upper room and they would have just wow this is the promise of the holy spirit this is the power of god that was prophesied what if actually when that happened this happened they knew a pill pillar of fire they knew a cloud by day what if when the holy spirit came at pentecost it says there was divided tongues of fire to them what if it was the pillar of fire that appeared and that pillar of fire broke out into the tongues that literally came and rested rested on each one what if it was that wouldn't that be amazing but what if they had just kept that there and said we're going to maintain this this is revival brother you know we're having revival meeting nothing like this has ever happened before what if they had made it maintained and stayed in the upper room no god said go out go out and literally 120 people turned into 3120 people and they baptized them in all the mikvahs around the temple in jerusalem what if they had only maintained what they had the gospel never would have reached you or i i'm of german scottish british all kinds of descent i don't even fully know you know but i was a heathen i was not a part of the jewish line the jewish lineage you know i was far away from god but the gospel came and found someone in my ancestry the gospel reached europe and asia and north and south america the gospel reached but what if they had just maintained what they had the gospel never would have fulfilled the purpose that god had for it and so we are not just to maintain what we have we are called to life and life abundant john 10 and verse 10 i have come to give you life and that more abundant so as i close three things i want you to hold on to and just take them like this in front of you just hold on to them number one i want to give you this don't focus on feeling better in this season sometimes as charismatic we're really really focused on feeling you know oh the worship just didn't hit it today you know i just wasn't feeling it you know yeah oh i know they just couldn't hit it today they just didn't reach the anointing today you know i just i don't know what's wrong with them you know i'm just not sure what's going on yeah they must really need to pray more they must need to fast because you know they just couldn't you know i wasn't feeling it i love what francis chan says someone came up to him and said i wasn't feeling the worship today and he said no problem it wasn't for you [Music] wasn't for you it's for him you know and so we can be really focused on feeling don't focus on feeling your feelings can deceive you your feelings can lead you astray your feelings are in the realm of your soul when you were saved your spirit literally was regenerated there's a whole theology around it but it was regenerated when you came into christ you were delivered from the kingdom of darkness and brought into the kingdom of the son of god's love literally that part of you and that is the part of you that is living that is the part of you that is eternal i'm not going to take my feelings with me on to the other side of eternity i'm not going to take this body with me onto the other side of eternity i'm not going to take how i look with me onto the other side of eternity i'm going to take the eternal part of me which is the spirit of god that you can access any time you need to access because christ lives inside of you the hope of glory colossians 1 and 27 and that is the crown that god is crowning his people with we saw a false crown corona we saw a false crown descend upon the world in 2020. in 2021 god is crowning a people who literally will know colossians 1 and 27 and who will access christ inside of them the hope of glory and so don't focus on feeling better focus on being strong focus on being strong the bible says in ephesians 6 10 to 20 finally say that with me finally be strong in the lord and in his mighty power put on the full armor of god so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes and you all know the rest but i want to tell you what that word finally means it means from this moment forward from this moment forward and i want to tell you whatever state you are in today you can finally you can finally from this moment forward you can make a choice to literally take this precious gift of time that god has given to you and say my life is going to be laid down for jesus christ i love what gandalf says to frodo you may not like that series but i love that series frodo says you know of the ring he says i wish the ring had never come to me gandalf i wish none of this had happened and gandalf looks at him like what you know and gandalf looks him and says so do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide all we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us what to do with the time that is given to us and so from this moment forward you can finally and decide that you are going to live laid down as a lover for jesus christ and serve him with all of your heart john g lake said the call is not son give me thine head thine intellect sun the call is sun give me thine heart give me your heart that's the guy that he held the virus in his hand and they watched it under a microscope and the virus dissolved in his hand i'm believing for that i'm believing for that this this is the season that we can access that in no great thing was ever done without first there being a great challenge and so we've had great challenge but i'm telling you that is our moment to arise that is our moment to shine that is our moment literally when we access the supernatural power of god number two shed a civilian mentality shed a civilian mentality you are a soldier you're a soldier you're not a soldier with guns and violence you're not a soldier of the violence of this world jesus said if my if my kingdom were of this world then my my disciples would fight you they'd get out their swords they'd fight you but he said my kingdom isn't of this world and so don't you know don't go that route okay that's not the the kingdom revival that god is looking for okay but the kingdom revival that god is looking for is that we shed a civilian mentality and we get up every day and we say reporting for duty reporting for duty master commander of the army of the lord of hosts god of the legions of angel armies reporting for duty whose side are you on joshua said he said neither neither i'm on my side who's on the lord's side and so shed a civilian mentality second timothy 2 and verse 4 and the number three as i close find your sound find your sound in acts chapter 2 and if the worship team could come if that's okay with the the pastors if the worship team could come but the lord wants you to find your sound in acts chapter 2 it says that there was a sound say a sound as of a rushing mighty wind i thought of it as a child growing up you know and i even sang that song i grew up in a mennonite church believe it or not if you'd hear my testimony you'd say that's crazy you didn't grow up but i did you know on the day of pentecost a rushing mighty wind and we see it on our flannel graph and that's how we know it you know but it's like a rushing mighty wind blew into the upper room and baptized all of them but it wasn't a wind it wasn't a wind that blew into the upper room read the scripture a sound as of a rushing mighty wind what does it sound like what does it feel like for a sound because the word says that the sound filled the whole room where they were sitting and this is how i want us to end today i want you to access your sound i've been to 35 nations around the world i've laid hands on thousands of people around the world i'm not going to lay hands on you today unless your pastors want me to i will obey them but i'm not going to lay hands on you today because you don't need someone else to lay hands on you you need to access what is already inside of you and so i want you to stand with me and we're going to begin to release a sound this morning because it was the sound that literally filled the whole room it was a sound that birthed a new movement it was a sound that birthed the movement that literally turned the world upside down and the ekklesia the legislative bodies of cities in rome literally shook and quaked and were terrified when they heard that peter james and john were coming they said those that turned the world upside down are now coming here that is what we need that is what we need we need a people baptized in the sound of fire we needed people baptized in the sound of the lord we need a people baptized in colossians 1 and 27 and i'm telling you god wants to crown you today god wants to take that quit that you've had in your heart and he wants to turn it into an overcomer god wants to take that disappointment god wants to take that cynicism that has slipped into your life because of things that didn't happen the way you thought that they were gonna happen or that people said were gonna happen and god wants to take our weakness and replace it with his strength and literally baptize us in the strength of the lord that in a time of adversity we would not say this has come to destroy me but we would say i was born for this moment to overcome then there's a sound that is about to crown me with overcoming power in jesus name hallelujah god bless you [Music] no boundaries let's sing it surrounds me [Music] surrounds no me your glory surrounds me god no limits no boundaries no boundaries [Music] [Music] i hear your calls [Music] [Applause] is lift up my eyes [Music] i won't look back yeah thank you jesus lord we receive your call today father and we lift our voice as one people in the name of jesus and we thank you god for the message today father we receive your anointing we receive your word from the man of god today father and we say yes lord remove the boundaries remove the restrictions in our minds and in our lives and allow us father to introduce others to you jesus father we want it for your glory and for your name in jesus mighty name and the people of god said amen well hey listen up we're gonna uh man i'm like amp now like try to give announcements when this is happening yeah good luck pastor all right really quick as they as they huddle down here is i want to make the altar team available to you today so that god can break witchcraft assignments and assignments of the enemy off of your life because i feel that there are those that have uh restricted voices because the enemy has had a field day with you but that ends today that ends now in the name of jesus so uh as the usher team or altar team begins to make their way up here i want to just give you a couple of brief announcements uh victoria davis why don't you come on up here today and talking about deliverance and talking about freedom and victory we have a guest coming this week uh just so that you know i don't want you to miss this beautiful opportunity there's an extremely limited amount of spaces left but do you guys remember ruth hendrickson she's coming to help us we we have been developing a team of with the missha group that's an emotional healing and deliverance team we feel that as the word says that you will prosper as your soul prospers and we want to make this available to you uh this week i believe on saturday is actually this is victoria davis she's going to be taking your names and numbers in the back of the church later and and so if you want to sign up you can i think there's only like six spots left five spots four spots left yeah and so uh it's just been people have been signing up and so you'll be a to by our group who is training and developing the gift of emotional healing and deliverance to to serve you we want to raise this team up so that they would serve the body of christ well here at shiloh and even to our online family that's coming soon but she'll be here this week to continue their training and then also to be available to minister to you so if you want to be a part of that come and see victoria davis just after the service and come and be a part of what god is doing he wants freedom for your life and you can have it now do not wait in the name of jesus and so uh say hi really quick hi beautiful i felt the spirit of god all over that that was amazing so come and see victoria after the service you're and you'll get to more information from her and and uh worship team let's where's my little boom where's it at man hit me jacob listen we're back in it if you need prayer today do not leave the church today without allowing god to minister to you now so come on up now in jesus name oh also house revivals this month we have uh as we develop our home groups we have lots of meetings the addresses are in the back the bulletins in the back the books are in the back everything you need is back there grab it take it there's free books back there receive receive receive in the name of jesus so if you need prayer come on up and our online family if we can connect with you and pray with you please reach out to us at prayer alter team we want you to receive the blessing too and as you go remember this god loves you with an everlasting love he really really does see you again next week god bless you church come on up i believe you're here not by chance but by divine appointment i believe the lord is drawing you right into him and he is making you aware of him and his presence and his surroundings he loves you so much so much so that he gave his life for you so that you would never be separated from him he loves you so much he he knows everything about you the number of hairs on your head your dreams your desires what you want in life and it all matters to him he loves you and so if you feel that tugging at your heart and you want to make him the lord of your life repeat after me jesus i pray that you would just come in and that you would forgive me of my sins and that you would wash over me with your love and make me new in you if you said that prayer for the first time welcome to the family of god and congratulations he has such amazing beautiful plans for you if this was the first time that you have said that prayer or even the second time and you just felt that pool to rededicate your life please email us at info we have a free gift for you a book called the good life and we want to bless you with that thank you again for joining us and remember god loves you with an everlasting love he really really does you
Channel: Shiloh Fellowship
Views: 599
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 8fIwvgLDbb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 25sec (6865 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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