Fire Emblem Engage Wave 3 DLC FULL BREAKDOWN! Gameplay, Skill and Inheritance Analysis!

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hello hello humans and welcome back to another Fire Emblem engage video today we're talking about the new wave of DLC that dropped which is Wave 3 and with this the last of our emblem bracelets and DLC Heroes we still have one more wave coming after this with the DLC story expansion so we'll see what that brings in terms of the new classes it's going to add which I think it's going to have but for now let's shift our Focus to the new emblems krom and Robin and Veronica I'll start off with chrome and Robin because I honestly feel like these guys are a little bit less interesting and by that I definitely don't mean they're bad I just think there's less to really do with them at Max Bond level Chrome gives plus three strength five decks and four to speed making it a great offensive all-rounder bracelet and in terms of proficiencies it gives access to sword and Tome he comes with three engage weapons in the 11 Sword thoron and the Falcon the 11th sword here is worse than your standard issue one that you can get in the base game and the Falcon is the falgin there's not much really to say here but thoron is interesting because instead of it having three range it's one to two range and it's much lighter than the other Thunder tomes letting you double it also has something like 14 might if I'm not mistaken so a pretty decent option all round in terms of skills we have four base skills and to engage ones so let's start with the base ones Chrome has a skill called surprise attack which if a unit attacks from avoid terrain this doesn't allow the enemy to counter-attack this is really good on a lot of different units and anyone who's a ranged unit like coverts or even mystical units for reasons I'll get into later rally spectrum is a skill that works basically like violets engage instruct skill when it's on a leader and it gives all adjacent allies plus two to all stats and when upgraded it gives all allies within two spaces plus three to all stats but you can use this on any unit and it'll give that effect instead of being confined to the dragon bonus that Violet has brute force is an interesting skill since it increases critical hit damage from times 3 to times 4 and I think this will unlock Pinette or any other crit based builds to take them to even further beyond the level that they're normally at with the wacky Vantage builds if you so desire last but not least is what I think is the most useless skill charm this skill increases chain attack accuracy from 80 to 90 it's certainly nothing Earth shattering but I guess it's an okay added bonus on an emblem like this one moving on to Chrome's engage skills we have too the first one is called other half this one causes Robin to join the battle and perform a chain attack before you attack but it also gives you magic plus 10 while engaged on both phases which is absolutely massive keep in mind this is a visible blue buff so it won't go over the overall to plus 20 cap that you can get but it's a very nice boost to magical based units who already have a high base magic to take them again even further Beyond on dragons this skill lets Robin chain attack twice and on backup units the chain attacks are guaranteed to hit and on Covert units they get an extra plus one move while engaged which is probably the nicest part of this sync the second engage skill is the engage attack Giga 11 sword this skill is kind of interesting because it's a Magic based attack that hits resistance but it uses your physical attack for the calculation and only a sword can be used for it it's kinda nice against those pesky High defense enemies to give your physical units another option without having to rely on their magic stat instead unfortunately this feels like it cripples Mages in return to kind of balance it out as they'll barely be able to make use of it and would probably be better off just attacking normally luckily it changes based on class so in the dragon class you get extra flat damage added on based on half the unit's strength which is extremely powerful and flying units get the discounted version of this which is extra damage added on based on their build stat which is still kind of nice especially if you're running this on someone like an ivy or a griffin Knight or whatever and of course I did mention the mystical units earlier so we can't leave them out basically like dragons they get bonus damage based on half their magic stat but since the initial damage is based off physical I don't really know if this really compensates for that you might just be better off normal attacking to be honest especially if you double in terms of the skill inheritance we have here the only thing really of note is brute force in my opinion but at 1500 SP it's quite the cost investment to get on your units who already might want quite a few other skills surprise attack is 3000 SP at base so that's kind of out of the question in terms of its usefulness and the stat boosts and sword guard skills are absolutely not worth it generally that's just a rule of thumb with with skill inheritance you don't want the the base stat boost in the guard or the damage skills charm is pretty cheap at 800 and it could be nice if you're running a gimmick chain attack Squad but other than that I'm not really impressed with the SI selection that Chrome has to offer here I guess rally Spectrum plus a 2000 SP can be pretty good on a filler unit but outside of that skip the SI here just it's not worth it overall it's a pretty good bracelet for offense and I actually think this is one of the Fantastic ones for Mages or 11 sword based Griffins because of the flat plus 10 magic while engaged and the plus 4 base speed at Max Bond level to let them double surprise attack once again is very nice to let these squishy units do their thing without being countered and they also get some nice Support options with the rally skill also a little bit of an honorable mention for covert units as well with the plus one move and nice addition to their offenses as well but outside of yunaka who already has the crit one in avoid terrain to help synergize with Brute Force I don't really see archers making too much use of these combos or the magic and physical hybrids personally I'm not really a fan of hybriding much myself anyways so I think I'd stick this on my Mages and call it a day now as loathe as I am to give anything the Fire Emblem Heroes related any credit whatsoever let's move on to the more interesting unit of the two Veronica in true gacha fashion this unit is all about random abilities stuck on her for reasons that absolutely make no sense but it is what it is at Max Bond Veronica gives plus five to Magic plus four to Res and plus six to luck making her a nice magic boost support unit in terms of proficiencies he gives access to staves and tomes Veronica like Soren also has three emblem weapons but one of them is a staff in Fortify Plus which heals not only the HP of all units within seven spaces but it also cures their status effects making it quite a nice utility staff here though I think I like zorins a little bit more personally outside of that she has access to hild skelf and I'm hope I'm not butchering that name but this is her personal staff which is treated like a tome in this game and it prevents the foe from counter-attacking kinda like how krom's surprise attack works but without the being limited to avoid tiles lastly she has her personal Tome ellivagar which nullifies stat bonuses on the enemy for a single turn after combat I'm not entirely sure where this would really be useful but it's there if you want it I guess in my opinion having said all of that Veronica's weapons really aren't that important since her real power lies in her support and utility capabilities so let's talk about her skills like krom she has four base and two engage skills the skill I'm really excited to talk about is her first skill reprisal which adds 30 percent and later on 50 of the HP you've lost to your attack stat just to clarify your attack stat is not your strength or your magic it's whatever it says physical attack or magical attack up towards the top of the stat screen that's what it's adding on to so it's flat attack it's not exactly flat damage because let's say an enemy has 30 defense and you've got 20 physical attack then you're adding on 40 to that you're not going to be doing 40 damage you're going to be doing 30 because your physical attack goes to 60 and the enemy has 30 defense so the subtraction between that one is 30. regardless this is actually really really strong and if you have a unit with very high HP well the potential for this could get quite crazy making it a potentially stronger option than wrath in some instances I know a lot of my videos are kind of talking videos so if you normally just listen to me talk in the background about things like this that's fine but I'd like just a minute of your time to draw your attention to the footage that's going on on screen right now my genre has a killer ax equipped which gives him about 63 physical attack against all of these enemies but just look at the damage and he doesn't even have wrath so the crits aren't even consistent this build can easily swap his pair up skill for wrath and you've got an absolutely Unstoppable monster at your hand especially if you just give him something like a forged Tomahawk and focus on increasing its hit rate because of Vantage and the flat reprisal stacking the damage that you're going to be outputting here is going to be so crazy that you're most likely one-shotting every single enemy in the entire game I highly doubt that there are many things that will survive a hit from that if your HP is low enough and if you're really worried just put a silver gray axon or an ukhan vasara and Forge them anyways I do think this is a sleeper offensive capability for this Veronica that also works on Mages she already gives them an extra base 5 magic for equipping her so that's giving them a little bit more of a head start and lots of enemy resistances are pretty low in this game until the very end unfortunately magic classes have much lower base HP so it's a bit of a balancing act I guess they probably designed Veronica around you equipping her to a Magic based unit and didn't think about the physical ones I would honestly just go with physical for her and really stack your HP as high as possible it's very very fun I do have to say though that the one drawback of reprisal is that it costs a whopping 5K SP to inherit and 6K for the upgraded version so it's highly likely that even with her SB boosting skill that we're gonna get to later you're not going to SI this on anyone in a single playthrough if you want to use this combo you're going to have her equipped and it's only going to be on the one unit anyways enough about reprisal let's talk about book of worlds this skill is kind of wacky and it was very confusing to me at first until I figured out how it works so I'll try and be as precise as possible while explaining it so that it makes sense for you guys book of Worlds has five different levels and it increases its level whenever you use the weight function at the end of a turn you can increase it multiple times per turn if you wait then dance then wait then goddess dance then wait then dance then wait again that's basically level four it has a total of five levels so you won't be able to Max stack it in one turn in a second turn to do that and each level adds an effect that you get once you end up doing an action other than weight the level immediately goes back down all the way to zero I'm gonna put the different levels displayed on your screen for your reference but I'll also talk through them as well level one basically gives you the ability to freeze a foe after you initiate on them after combat level 2 does the same as one but it lights the space below the enemy on fire after combat level 3 adds 10 damage post combat to the previous two level effects level 4 restores all damage dealt during combat as HP which is really nice in addition to all the previous effects and last but not least level 5 also heals adjacent allies equal to damage dealt during combat along with all four previous effects this skill would be really busted if it was just the way it is but the fact that it resets after any action other than weight helps balance it out and the freeze effect on level 1 alone is good enough to make it serviceable anyways in addition to all the stuff that Veronica is giving you on the side speaking of things on the side Veronica's third skill is a level boost this operates exactly like Roy's but it only gives you a maximum of three levels instead of four and you get one per enemy that you kill however unlike Roy's you don't need to be engaged to activate it and you just keep the Boost until the end of the entire battle which is insanely good and if that wasn't enough it only costs 300 SP to inherit which makes it an even more cracked early game skilled inherit that will immediately elevate your power level and if that wasn't enough let's talk about Veronica's fourth freaking skill SP conversion look I hate to call things broken but let's call a spade a spade this skill actually just flat out breaks the game and the SP economy throw everything you know about SP gain out the window because it's all changing now this skill adds a flat 20 SP to your gain every time you kill a unit and that's that and you want to hear something even more disgusting it only costs 300 SP to inherit which means every unit in the game will have access to it immediately I don't know what more to say about this this game is shattering and there are no two ways about it you'll easily get your return on investment with the skill very quickly in about 15 kills and it'll enable every unit in the game to inherit Cantor before chapter 10 if you so desire there's one very small drawback to this or maybe it's medium tier drawback is that you need to get to level 13 bond with Veronica in order to inherit the skill and I've done the math for you that's 3400 Bond points from 0 to 15 or 1 to 15. however that works if you're using the DLC you get 5000 Bond points just for existing and by the time you get Veronica I'm pretty sure you'll have like another five thousand so you can probably do this on three units right off the bat welcome to a world where the DLC has now officially trivialized the game because nothing before this even compares to SP conversion and that is just a fact I don't even know how I follow up those four skills to talk about her engage skills because compared to what we just talked about they're kind of mid but for the sake of completion I'm gonna do it anyways actually I take that back her first skill is contract which is basically dance but it doesn't let the unit that was danced to move again and you can't use it to dance sea doll dragons give plus two to strength magic defense and resistance which isn't a huge huge deal and backup units chain attack when that Ally attacks again and covert units give the Ally 30 hit and avoid so you're basically just dancing your unit and then that unit can't move anywhere but they can attack or do whatever any other action they want to do the skill is fine it's balanced by the fact that you need to be adjacent to the unit to do it and the unit can't move again but yeah it's another dance it's a top tier skill automatically honestly the way I play I'd rather the unit with Veronica be doing reprisal Shenanigans but this is fine too I guess the last skill she has is the ultimate gacha mechanic and its summon hero it's very self-explanatory you basically do the Fire Emblem Heroes thing and you get a four-star unit you really don't want most of the time but on the odd chance you summon something good it has the chance to be any emblem hero from the game except Ephraim for some reason when you do summon an emblem hero they come with their entire kits active as well as their weapons they don't have the engage skills and they have stats that seem to scale according to the user's internal level I'm not quite sure exactly how this works yet so if you do let me know in the comments dragons summon a quote unquote more powerful hero as an added effect which I assume is just more stats but I wonder if it has a higher likelihood of being a five-star emblem hero instead of the generics that you can get otherwise Cavalry are the only other class that synchronizes with this and the hero they summon gets one extra move that's fine I guess that's pretty much it it seems to be a one-time use thing but I haven't tested how it works say for example the hero you summoned is still alive and you engage all over again and try to summon another one like do they just disappear after the turns are up or do they disappear in summon a replacement or do the two stay on the field at the same time let me know in the comments if you know the answer to these my initial impression of Veronica is to use her on a juggernaut for enemy phase nuking and power but she definitely has a lot of funky utility and can go on a support unit as well class Synergy really doesn't matter for her here at all so even on dragons she's not that strong so just let your imagination go wild and have fun with her otherwise that's pretty much it I think I'm gonna follow this video up with a full emblem tier list and comparison now that we have everyone together and I can talk about how they hold up so if that's something you guys would be interested in then feel free to let me know otherwise I'll catch you all in another video very very soon peace
Channel: LinkKing7
Views: 59,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chrom, Veronica, Wave 3, DLC, Fire Emblem, Engage, Fire Emblem Engage, Fire Emblem Switch, FE17, Ivy, Gameplay, Review, Positives, What Engage Did Right, LinkKing7, LinkKing, TheLinkKing, Mekkah, Faerghast, Zeshado, Alear, Mechanics, Music, Fire Emblem Engage OST, Engage OST, Fire Emblem Engage Guide, Forging guide, SP Gain, Choops, Game Review, Complete Review, Spoiler Free, Yunaka, Meme, Analysis, FE Engage, Tier List, Maddening, Best Units, Classes, Builds, Jean, Gameplay Analysis, Biden, Trump, Obama
Id: OYco5-jViSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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