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make it like you care welcome back to another video on the fp45 which we are doing with the tank Museum and World of Tanks we have now got all of the oil for the suspension the engine the gearbox the air cleaners the final dryers everything like that now we are going to fire this tank up pretty soon for the first time so this will be the first time it starts of course be rude not to start without the exhaust pipes on it just just once and going to see some nice Flames coming outside so what we'll do first is I'm just going to fit the new water temperature sensor which I think I've got a new one somewhere in the SP we go and have a look um I want to just make sure that all the gauges and the DS and the dashboard are fully working I know the water temperature sensor wasn't working before so we'll put a new one on we'll put the fuel and put the engine oil in and hopefully flash her up so first job before we uh fill it up with oils and Waters is we need to fit the new water temperature sensor and the reason being the original one on the tank that's been on there since 1947 this end is snapped now I don't believe you can rejoin this wire this cable cuz it's like special for heat and stuff and we want it to be accurate so fortunately we have a load of brand new genuine genuine ones gauge made by Smith probably not working so we shall go to the kettle now and check that before we go to all the effort of fitting it to realize that it is a Smith gauge and not working right we now going to try the temperature sensor before we fit it that's working well definitely going up is it mhm right now we know it's not a waste of time fitting that right so this is the dashboard I've taken it open this is the gauge that's faulty so I'm going to have to unscrew that thread the new cable all the way hold down the hole down to the back to the engine so it's going to be a bit of a fiddle it is taking me ages but that is the water temperature that little wire goes all the way down there down there around there all across there all the way to the dashboard we've now filled the gearbox with oil we've filled the engine with oil and the air cleaners we've got some batteries fitted we've got some temporary fuel system fitted with nice nice new pipe we're obviously not going to run it off a 20 L Fuel C because that will Lo run this vehicle for about 10 minutes that is all but it's enough just to do a quick test before we go any further so without further ad let's see if this thing's going to start and there's no exhaust pipes on so it's going to be very loud right we are now in the cockpit and turn the isolator on new gauge fitted ignition on going to give it couple of pumps of throttle and now we're going to start it the first start now we can get out and breathe right well that was a pretty good first start they don't normally start that well do they no that's a very non Centurian thing to do so it started well but what we want to do now is fill it up with water we haven't actually filled it with water yet um so we're going to fill it up water now and antifreeze and then we're going to run it until that 20 L Fuel can is completely out we can get the engine up to temperature make sure the whole temperature is working check for leaks fingers crossed there aren't any but if there AR we'll fix them and we'll show you I got my cherry that would have been disaster rfic anyway now it does splutter andart a little bit and that's because we are running off a Jerry can on the top there it doesn't have the right fuel pressure that's why it's a little bit uh splutter but we're having a tank made for it and when the actual fuel tank is fitted in the front the weight of the fuel and the fact the tank will be in a better place will actually push it into the engine and'll actually run quite a lot better probably sound like I'm talking rubbish but you'll see what I mean when we get the tank fitted which might be next week who knows what we're going to do now I've just checked it for oil in the engine and just to that back up and now we're going to start it up quickly I'm going to try some of the gears I'm going to try first gear I'm not going to go like mablin no traps on but what I want to see is make sure the Rockets are going around this one and that and then I'm going to try and steer I'm going to make sure this one stops and then then we know that when we fit the tracks before we do any more we know that it all works let's hope there's no leaks it's what we're going to do for a start we're just going to fill it with normal water straight out the tap so no need for the doors filter R it up a couple of times get up to temperature hopefully there'll be no leaks and then if there aren't we'll turn the tap at the bottom drop a load of water out top it up with coolant run it again should be fine excuse me bless you thanks for that vital piece of information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right well see is such a amazing success what I think we do now is drain the final drive oils and change them to fresh and then we We'll add the oils in the dampers bus there so we'll drop them in a second and then we'll get the new oil shouldn't be pointing with an O and we'll uh we add the damper oils then we're all ready for the tracks which are outside tracks and then we'll talk about what we're doing with the turret so let's get the Dr I don't think I quite need bar as big as that right what's going to come out hopefully no nothing major m nice well it's not awful but it isn't exactly golden either is it yeah and there's not too much Metals filings I thought there'd be more but Centurion final dries as a rule we're very very strong I've never know one to fail so uh yeah we'll treat it to a bit of a service definitely think it needed that can you get me a r please that's the inside final drive just filling the pumpy thingy up the pumpy thingy with the with go very gold look how gold that oil is it'll do another 77 years I suppose before it's changed wonder how when that was last Chang I can't imagine it was on the Forefront of their mind what the final one on the old caring new oil this is the most prehistoric way of filling it I suppose this is how they would have done it just b l no doubt this some where there's the proper tool I don't have [Applause] it not going to go too crazy with that right onto the other side well again not the mintiest but I didn't see any pieces of tooth fall out which is what you look for when you're dropping gearbox or final drives you always look for a tooth to fall out and then uh then you pretend you've never seen it [Laughter] right well in a minute when I clean up that mess the Jack will kill me for that we have now finished topping up all the suspension that was the last one to do and I've made a right mess I made a mess on one as well but we don't want to back about that anyway let's show you what we've done with the turret come this way so originally I did say that I was going to do a video taking this can you just stop making a noise trying to speak can you turn the icon on it's very hot in here so the heat has been inside this turret all day and is like an oven in here right so this is a Traverse no no no it's not this is the elevation gear box that works the G obiously up and down it's the original one and we believe that we can repair it so I took it all to pieces I was going to video that but it was pretty simple there's the top casing there obviously the handle that you grind it turns this shaft and the tank Museum managed to find the original Shaft that we were missing so just got a piece there that I should get our engineer to make up and then that will connect to that and why we took it to P main is to clean it you see it had grease and it is clean but it's gone all like the oil's turned into like hard a the only gritty so we going to get that Thor a thorough clean out new oil the other thing we needed to do was take this out which is the big thread so as you turn the handle it turns this whole thing and this that on a bearing and basically it's just a simple screw and that screw is on the back of the bottom of the gun so as you turn it it just lifts the screw up or down so simple but we need to know the the sort of thread so the engineer can make a new screw to fit on the back of the big gun outside because we don't have that I don't know where that ended up and then hopefully T Museum will be able to find as I think it's just a normal Centurion elevation handle I thought I had one but I can't seem to find it and that will be the elevation sorted we have the seat that's been done uh Traverse gearbox is going to be a bit of an issue we don't have the original that is all we've got to go off but in my space Department basically in the stingy Nettles I have a standard Centurion uh Traverse gear box so with some little adjustments and some brackets hopefully we can fit a normal Centurion Traverse gearbox so then you'll be able to S going left down right and of course being a standard Centurion ring it should fit it's just whether we can make it fit there and I don't want to change the turret whatever we do I want it to be reversible so it'll always be so if we wanted to we could try to find the plans I'm not sure if they've got the plans for the original um Traverse box but if they if they're listening tank Museum have a look for the plans for me and we'll see if we can't get that remanufactured in time but it doesn't have to be done this minute so yeah that's the uh that's the turret so things are going good there we're still waiting for the bits of metal that we set off to the engineers to come back and then we can wear the rear ground anchor on which is out there so in the next video I'd like to think that we should be putting the tracks on First and we shall then be maybe fitting the turret we won't be fitting the guns obviously we're missing a few bits here but we could fit the turret on onto the hole which will be a big moment uh We've also waiting for the fuel tank to come back so hopefully next week there'll be lots happening but uh anyway thank you all for watching and we will see you again in another video TR you in bye oh oh and that hatch he's repairing I forgot about that another job
Channel: Mr Hewes
Views: 99,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pedro, Fv4005, Rolls-Royce, V12, Engine, Oil, Tank, World of tanks, Mat Armstrong, Gearbox, Army, The tank museum, MrHewes, Project, Busy, Fire, Shitbarn, Doombarn, Hesh, Heshbarn, 183, History, Workshop, Tools, Snapon, Milwaukee, Welding, Batterys
Id: mLZTZjvzpcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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