Firaaq {HD} - Naseeruddin Shah - Paresh Rawal - Deepti Naval - Best Hindi Film- (With Eng Subtitles)

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At least respect the dead Go Have mercy, Allah! Saina? No. It's not her Uncle Uncle, come here What about this one? A Hindu cannot be buried Uncle Have you gone crazy? Stop it, Uncle - Let go off me I'll kill them all Everything is destroyed Leave me What's the point of killing the dead? Wish they weren't leaving tomorrow, isn't it? How long did you want to hide in their basement? Didn't Sameer Saheb shelter us all of last month? lf you had your way you'd go with them to Delhi Yes, I would. You are so... They took a big risk Safe across the bridge, in a huge house... what's his risk? You forget that he paid for this rickshaw But we've repaid his entire loan What have they done, Allah! They've burnt it all Everything is destroyed I told you to get a new lock So it's my fault? Sister-fuckers! Mother-fuckers! You won't get away What will we do now? They burnt it all Where's this from? Henna - What? From the henna jobs Don't lie You haven't taken a henna job since Nazo was born I didn't fully repay Sameer Saheb What? Why did you do that? Think you're too smart! You don't care about the house You weren't going to repair the sofa before Eid ? You want a sofa? Here... sit! I told you again and again let me check on the house. But no! what if they'd killed you? That would have been better She forgot the salt again Get the salt Wish these riots got over Then the vegetable seller would come Or else we'll be stuck with onions and potatoes Where is your mind these days? No one's knocking! She's gone crazy I'm off to Ritesh's place School is closed, but shouldn't you be studying? Then what's this schoolbag for? This is an astounding statement of the security situation... in Gujarat Especially the remote areas which are away from the media gaze These English channels are bloody liars when Hindus are killed, these pimps keep silent You'll see, the whole world will give it to these Muslims What will happen, Sanjay bhai? I told you. Settle it with a bottle of Black Label... then you didn't listen Now you want my help What if they come with a warrant? No report has been filed They can't shit a warrant out of their arse Stop eating or he may leave We'll be back by eight. For once cook something nice Are you leaving? No I like to stand by the door twirling my scooter keys Hurry up There's a vegetable seller down the lane Buy something fresh What? Lost again? Please... swords... They'll slaughter me Open... open the door They'll kill me They'll kill me You fix everyone's instruments for free But this TV will not get repaired till I die But you can hear it all! TV is for watching lf you learn to listen... you'll know more about the world I listen all right... to the crackle of the TV. And to your snoring lf you listen carefully, even there you'll hear the sound of music But you don't have the brains for that That is true Because I have no brains, I wasted forty years slaving for you Stop fiddling with that. Prepare for the morning gathering So where's the sweet for tomorrow? See it's full You call this full? For the few who'll show up, it's full! You'll see tomorrow, more will come Every Friday... you tell me to lay the carpet, rearrange furniture, get things Like a fool, I do it all Saturday morning, who comes? Only your student, the doctor Wake up, Khan Saheb, open your eyes In such times, listening is not enough Why are you worried? If more come, three can be broken into six How will I pursue my music without Khan Saheb? I'm really feeling guilty Forget it Now we've decided I just wish we weren't watching this CD today Really? I feel finally there will be some closure We are leaving this city, what more closure do you want? What good is it now watching the store being looted? Listen, what time have you called the movers? Pick-up's at 8 am tomorrow While talking to them... it finally hit me We are actually moving You always have a delayed response to everything Don't you? Watch out! Are you blind or what? Did you want to kill us? Shit, we just had it serviced Please... it's you who were speeding Is it okay, Sameer? First you hit, then say okay? You... Sameer bhai, forget who's at fault We both know when women drive it means trouble It's the first time... First or last, I'm the one who'll have to pay Look, it's all smashed It's too little. Go snack at Mehta's Okay Let's go. No point arguing It wasn't my fault, I swear I know, love. It's okay. Sit Saw that? Fault was ours, but I made them pay That's being smart Quite a cream cake, wasn't she? Kavita, hurry up Give the phone to the Inspector Happy to meet your Anu aunty? Hi, Sameer - Hi. The CD isn't here yet Raman's been waiting for the last two hours Typical! So who has my CD? Sir, the payment was discussed. Now why the fuss? You are selling me my own CD? It's cruel to imagine these children recounting those horrors But activists here are saying the option may be just as bad What did you hear? They beat, stripped, raped, slaughtered and burnt everyone Was your daughter also there? - Yes, she was Will the servant boy return or not? Don't know Anwar bhai was sitting outside here Poor man, was a cripple when he opened the railing they stabbed him They also grabbed the girl standing behind him They screamed, "Kill them!" ''We don't want Muslims in India'' They used swords, petrol, chemicals on us What's wrong with you? Go slow They even used water pistols to spray petrol Some were well armed with rifles As I wear a sari and speak Gujarati... I was spared Shut the TV and draw the curtains We cleaned walls splattered with blood They dragged people out, poured petrol to burn them... Sister, I beg you, please... open They will kill me Open the door These bastards, burnt it all Left nothing Do you think it was Mehul's gang? They've been against you ever since the tolnaka fight Would he go this far? What is it? Nothing, just a pendant Ask your friend Jyoti She'd know for sure Why? Just because Mehul is her cousin? Where are you going? To Munna's I'll be back by ten Listen Be careful Good heavens! Good heavens! Now get up What kind of medicine am I taking? Listen, phone Subhash He'd be at the hospital now. Talk to him at night Want to speak to Shafiq miyan? I want tablets, not a talisman Suffer then! lf I get your special sherbet... I'll suffer better God bless you Muslims are being slaughtered Doesn't that bother you? People are killing people, that bothers me, Karim miyan Listen... bring down that harp I want to give it to little Maya Khan Saheb... not one student of yours is Muslim. Has that occurred to you? God knows! Perhaps they don't value music anymore It's not that There is not one Muslim living within a ten mile radius with your tablets you sleep in peace, while I stay awake all night Why? What's there to be scared? Sure, why should we be? In the eyes of Allah all are equal Here Hindu-Muslim live happily together! Go, see who's come Welcome You'll live a hundred years! I'm going to meet Joshi bhai Thought I'll stop by How is he keeping? He sleeps a lot That's good. Take this snack Greetings, Khan Saheb - God bless you How are you today? Absolutely fine I heard that the pills make you sleepy He's jealous! Because he lies awake all night worrying for his life ...and mine too! Listen - Let me This is for your daughter, Maya Khan Saheb, how can I take this? It is from your childhood So? It hasn't aged as badly as me When I bring Maya, you give it yourself That's fine I better go - God bless you Is his pressure high? Is something bothering him? You know, Doctor saheb... only you were there for the last three music gatherings How do I tell him why others don't come? God be with you. - God be with you. You know, I just can't get over it How did they know that Sameer was a silent partner? Because Big Brother's watching What? Didn't you read? They've got databases of all Muslim-owned businesses? Yes, but... apart from some bank papers and legal documents... Sameer's name shows up nowhere Forget it, Ketki I don't want to think about it Let it be I promised Sameer I'll learn to make tea from you See, now it's the last day! He's quite a tea addict So are the rest of his family In fact his father says Muslims are allowed more tea... because they're not allowed alcohol But Sameer drinks And I've never seen him pray or anything like that Really, he's so not a Muslim! But he is, Ketki He is Somewhere on a list in big bold letters is Sameer Arshad Shaikh I wasn't joking when I said Big Brother is watching Tell me honestly, Anu Do you ever regret marrying a Muslim? - No When we got married I knew it wasn't going to be easy But this last month has taken that to a totally different level What do you think? Delhi will be any different? Your brother stays there In the U.S. of A. His life is hardly a picnic So what you're saying is, no matter where I go... I'm basically screwed? What I'm saying is, this is your home. Just screw the rest Easy for you to say lf a Hindu fundamentalist kills someone, you don't have to hide But if a bloody Jihadi throws a bomb anywhere in the world... we have to hang our head in shame What? 'We'? I don't know when 'me' became 'we' Tea is ready Coming Buy more In such times you never know No, it's too expensive Can't you see? Running like a maniac Does it hurt? Are you hungry? Come with me You're a Muslim, aren't you? What's your name? Mohsin Here, eat this Aarti? Coming Is the servant boy back? Eat later, okay? Come No, he sent a part-timer Where is he? Come Go to him Don't be scared, he can barely move Come here Go What's your name? ...Mohan He's so small, what work will he do? Come Go wash these Amen! Father did so much for our community Yet so few are here Yes, my child Had he been an ordinary priest, more would have come Well, I'm glad that you came He never goes anywhere... but insisted on coming here It was my duty to come Don't worry Allah provides for all of us Father was just like you A meagre pension... stuck in a house ready to collapse And for everything, 'Allah will provide'! lf you need anything... don't hesitate to ask me We better leave now Please eat before you go The medicines hardly leave room for food God bless you One look at us and he sped away Who'd want to take two old men? Amazing how you choose not to see! Mirabagh Society? What happened? - What else? He refused He may not want to go in that direction Which Muslim would go to a Hindu locality these days? Why would he risk his life? You always see more than there is to it Wait here, I'll go look for a rickshaw How much for the mishri? Twenty rupees a kilo Twenty a kilo! Leave it then Be happy that it's available in such times Khan Saheb, come I asked you to wait there Come, sit Go Twenty rupees a kilo! What? Mishri Now you know the prices these days? And you wanted to help Sakina bibi Had she asked, what would you give her? Your old sitar or the useless TV? Stop! Stop! Why stop here? Where are you going? Where's the shrine? Where are you going? - Wali's grave was here? Careful You almost got hit. what are you doing? Wali's shrine was here A mob razed it during the riots Keep quiet! You can't remember anything I know I forget, but... Wali's shrine was definitely here How can it just disappear? It's on a different road, let's go Sit Sit Muneera! Jyoti! I can't believe it It was worse I've been cleaning for hours Do you know who did this? No I was at my aunt's Good you were not here When did all this happen? Don't think about it. what's the use? Some food I hid it from my mother So you knew the kitchen would be this bad? No Not as bad as this Give - Keep it outside I have a henna job tonight will you come? What? Are you crazy? Muneera! Listen You need the money now A rich family The bride and six-seven women, that's it! Five thousand for each of us! Five... Really? Then what? There's a price to marrying in such times Oh God! I'll keep this outside But henna... What? - I have no henna Don't worry, I've enough for both of us So you thought even about this? Sure! Am I not your best friend? Then tell me, who did this? I told you I don't know I was at my aunt's Forget it lf we go for the henna, when will we return? Hanif will be back by ten - For sure by nine Come on... people have been raped, killed, burnt alive, for no fault of theirs Anu, there are always two sides to a coin lf those people hadn't started this violence... things would not have been this bad No offence, Sameer I can't believe you're justifying this madness Tell me... when your maid ran away with all your jewellery... you didn't go and torch the whole Chhara community, did you? Guys, please, come on You are leaving tomorrow And can we change the topic please? In any case, we too have had our own share of loss A loss that's covered by insurance! Let's go we've got tons to do Sit, guys There! That must be Raman Hail to the Goddess! we're collecting funds for the new temple It's okay That's all? Such a big house and such a small heart The Goddess will not be happy with so little The Goddess will be, but you won't That's true - Name? Sameer Last name? Desai May the Goddess bless you with more wealth And you too! See, Madam After marriage you didn't become a Muslim... but your husband has just become a Hindu And that too... with your surname! You don't know how many times I've silently thanked his parents... for naming him Sameer Actually, I didn't even know Sameer was a Muslim name... until I met you It's in Arabic It means a companion who talks to you in the evening And stays quiet the whole day Too scared to open his mouth There were so many of them. They were all shouting They burnt my mother and also my brother They even killed my little sister, my uncle, my aunt You saw all this? Some even came with swords They made my aunt naked and killed her... but they didn't take off the men's clothes Where were you? I was hiding inside a garbage bin Then? Then Yusuf uncle took me to Shahpur camp But I want to go to my father Where is he? I don't know when they came, father had gone to the market Maybe your mother got saved. was she wearing a black scarf? No, mother always wore a sari Come here My name is not Mohan, it's Mohsin In the kitchen Mohsin and outside Mohan. Okay? Please say something Say what? Is there anything left to be said? Bhai, I really didn't know Then you should've found out, idiot Had I known of the police report... we wouldn't have stood there like fools But Barot told me - Hell with that Barot! This bloody new DCP is looking for suckers he can nail One or two will do. The rest will go scot free I know everyone's names Oh God! Idiot, in such matters you can't be a witness You know that in rape cases they lock you up for seven years Now because of you, I'm stuck Get some water You say there are cases of rape. That's not true What violence? All women are safe In that society, all are safe So... was it fun having the fruit? It's okay, you can tell me I wasn't the only one Are you getting water or digging a well? I'm scared Don't worry No one comes to the kitchen You sit... sit here quietly Nothing will happen I swear They didn't think twice before killing my young girls They dishonoured them How can you 'dishonour' those who have no honour? And you have honour? I meant... Come in I don't really enjoy violence I'm leaving. Are you coming or not? Mohsin Oh Allah! Who is it? Munna Who? - Munna Hanif bhai Sit Munna just told me about your uncle May Allah keep him safe we couldn't protect him when they came, we didn't realise the mob was so big we somehow got Uncle out And ran towards Nanapura crossing But the police said go to Pethipada Road There, a bigger mob... with trishuls and swords... waiting for us. Mother-fuckers! Allah! I don't know what happened I was holding uncle's hand... and then I don't know Stop it, Lala! I've buried more dead than you've seen alive Make the kid sleep inside Look, how scared she is She doesn't leave the baby even while cooking She takes him even to the toilet! What's the point of living like this? I'm going to kill them You were safe across the bridge so you can say that You don't think we'd want to kill those bastards? Then come, let's do it Who all will you kill? First will be Mehul Mehul? I'll show him what it means to wake up in ashes Wait They are back, sister-fuckers! Hanif Come on, topple it Sir, what are you doing? Who's in uniform? Who's wearing the uniform? - You, sir Then why are you asking questions? lf you like asking questions... come to the police station you'll get all the answers Spill it. what are you waiting for? Saw that! How they take care of us? We fill up water to put out fires And they, come and spill it I can't take any more. I'll go mad Listen Do you still have it? Suleiman's pistol? Go on, who will he tell? lf I had it, wouldn't I have protected Uncle? Suleiman took it back Bloody hen-pecked husband... ran away to Surat I need a weapon. Just for tonight Have you even seen a pistol? Don't know if the pistol is there But Altaf's uncle has the key to Suleiman's shop Are you thinking what I am thinking? Yes, get it and bore a hole right through my head Have you gone crazy? - Yes, I have All my life I baked bread in a bakery was that so wrong? Was that so wrong? I want a pistol Where is Haleem's Khadki? You run home there's trouble ahead Go now You, come here What's the hurry? Why are you running? Because they're stolen berries! Ask him his name? - What's your name? Mo... Mohan Mohan! We know of the Mohan who stole butter... but this one steals berries Give... give... In Saudi Arabia, you know what they do to thieves? Chop their hands off Hang them upside down and thrash them Look how scared he is - Where do you live? There, he says Then why are you here? Run before your mother calls the cops Go See how he ran. So scared! This is sick! Look, how she's got a Honda waiting for her Fatso, show us your face lf that was visible, the police would have bled her for lakhs Stop! Stop! Rewind Pause The bastard who rammed into our car! What? Didn't you note his number? No. I did something even smarter I gave them 800 rupees For damaging our car and for looting our store! Great, Sameer Shaikh. Brilliant! Stop it It's not your fault Of course it is Can't you see it? To begin with, your store was looted because I am your partner well... yes But I would not have had that store without you Right! You wouldn't have had that store without me And now you don't have the store because of me See it this way Anu was with you, so you had to pay those guys That's our system we live in a country like this Didn't I have to pay? 10,000 for a CD that belongs to me? That too just five minutes of it It didn't pay because of Anu was with me I paid because... I was scared Sameer, come on... I'm not going to let you play the victim now, please Stop it What would you know about being a victim? Have you ever had to change your name? Before praising a Pakistani player, do you have to think twice? Do you ever have to worry about someone stripping your pants... check your... - Hey, come on. Don't over react. Don't overdo this. Did you go through with strip search? - But I could be. And that terrifies me. Sameer! scared at some point of time Of who you are? Sameer! You can thank my parents a thousand times for naming me Sameer But I can feel the burden of that name Really? what happened when the donation guy asked your surname? Then you should have said Sameer Shaikh. why didn't you? Because I have no balls, okay? I'm shit scared! God! what a wimp I've become when the going gets tough, I decide to run You know what? We don't need to go to Delhi Yeah Let's not go to Delhi Seriously, Anu Can we reconsider this? Don't do this to me Please don't do this 15 days ago you give me a million reasons... why this move is good for us I hated the idea, absolutely hated it Then I began convincing myself You just said how bloody scared you are Do you think after hearing this, I would want us to stay here? The point is you are Sameer Arshad Shaikh And that will change nowhere we have our life packed in boxes And the movers are coming at eight I want to go home When did you return from your aunt's? This morning When did you go there? Don't remember I told you, I don't know Quiet! wear this, or you'll catch a cold lf I could lay my hands on those bastards, I'd kill them Muneera Now try and look better. It's a wedding house You look fine, so that should do They know me. Come Tom tana na na Tanum dere na? What's after that? I lost you there It's because I lost myself Suddenly, I remembered the first time I went to Wali's shrine October... ...1960. It was a full moon night It rained all day, which was unusual So Panditji and I decided to sing Raga Malhar at the radio station He insisted on dropping me home On the way he suddenly stopped his scooter at the shrine There he started reciting wali My beloved's lane is like the holy city Therein resides my ascetic heart After a day's rain and bathed in moonlight... Suddenly, I felt something stir at his grave Do you know what it was? A rat! In the dark, In the dark, all three of us lost ourselves in Wali's words Nobody moved Not me, not Panditji, not Lord Ganesha's rat Pamphlets had been distributed in villages that said... 'Sarkhej is mini-Pakistan. Finish it off Truckloads from villages attacked us Wali was originally from the south But he loved Gujarat so much... that this became his home Every time I passed the shrine... I stopped by to pray When I read in the papers that his shrine was destroyed... that's when I learnt who this great poet was I knew it I knew we were on the right road Turn your thumb up What were you doing at this hour? I was cutting pumpkin to make you both some pudding All because of this stupid television How do you switch it off? We'll have to go to the hospital A few stitches will fix it. Let's go Don't waste time. Come, let's go You stay here. I'll take him Come, Let's go Take care That's nice Now it feels like a henna night Hardly! Remember Sonia's wedding? Just for the henna night, there were 50 people I don't want to remember Aunty, Vineet and his friends did a fab dance Really? - Just like Shahrukh! So you guys also dance Oh God! I'd so many plans These bloody riots have ruined everything But there's nothing in our area It's all the same - Aunty, let's not take this too lightly Actually, that's true. Yesterday I got an email from a friend... that had a list of all Muslim rickshaw numbers to be avoided I find these Muslims damn scary. what if they kill you? Anyways, forget it please Let's just have some fun What are you doing? Manasi, come on, let's dance - No, it's just getting done Come on, Aunty Are you sure you didn't see anyone break into my house? lf you ask me ten times, you think I'll say I did? Hanif said you'd know everything Listen, Muneera we both know... Mehul and Hanif don't get along But that's never come between us why start now? You started it I think Mehul's gang did it You never know In such times anyone can do anything Everyone take a break and have the snacks And give those two some tea Give her to me No, it's fine Muneera! Stop it Why isn't mother serving us today? Son, your mother's gone mad Are you crazy? What the hell are you doing? Morning you opened your mouth, now you've shut your ears I'll give you one whack Altaf will meet you at Suleiman's shop I can't leave Zehra alone Who's that? It's Ghogha What are you doing here? Come home Ghogha What? What's he saying? That he likes Preity Zinta The Uncle who got killed, he's his son Let him come with us - How will he go without me? So you also come Yes, come Okay lf the woman next door sits with Zehra, I'll come It'll be good for me to get out Come soon Is he always like this? - Yes, since childhood Ever since he hurt his head Does he know? What? That his father is no more? How would I know? Hanif, since when did you start smoking? Recently, out of tension Quick, get in we must come back soon Let's go Lucky! Keep three bun omelettes ready. I'll be back soon Some people carry on like nothing's happened Because they can And we can't That's why we must leave Come... Sameer Saheb Seeing you after ages Lucky's night is now double lucky Two bun omelettes, the best One with chillies cancelled Correct! - Very good Should we get it packed? It's getting late No, please have a seat, Madam Come, let's eat it here, nice and hot Sit. Lucky, what's new? These bloody riots have flattened my business I can't ask the shopkeepers to give me a special riot discount Don't worry whatever happens, your omelette will remain a hit You don't know... to be here I have to feed the entire lot for free. That too all alone where's your help, Chhotiya? Since the riots began, he's been missing I pray for him everyday Listen we'll be fine in Delhi A fresh start is always a good thing Yes whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger Sameer Saheb... if those Muslims didn't begin all this, the city wouldn't be burning Violence is in their blood we are taught to be tolerant. And they, to be Jihadis Then Chhotiya also must be a Jihadi? What? Chhotiya and Jihadi? He wouldn't hurt an ant But Chhotiya is not like them I've known many Muslims. All bloody fanatics I am... a Muslim Stop it That's a good one No, really I am a Muslim Will you stop it, Sameer? Saheb These days it's dangerous to even joke like that You never know when Sir, today what would you like? Omelette, scrambled or boiled egg? Come on, wind up There's going to be trouble tonight Also you two Let's go A minute, Sir. Just finishing In such times you can't indulge like this Stop licking your fingers and go Sir, we're leaving In fact, we're leaving the city for good He loves Lucky's omelette, so for the last time What's your name? I'm Anuradha Desai. He's my husband, Sameer Tell Mr. Desai not to act too smart. Now get going Give this to Chhotiya when you meet him Let me clarify I'm not Mr. Desai I am Mr. Shaikh Shaikh? Then why did you lie? I didn't My name is Sameer Shaikh And she's my wife, Anuradha Desai Now I understand... why you're so cocky Get going - We're going Go straight to Pakistan And you, shut your shop now Why did you do that? Because it felt good Bloody good Yusuf Uncle Mohsin? what are you doing here? Come... careful You said father would come to the camp But he didn't How did you come here? I ran away from the camp Crazy! At night, never roam around like this Sit here I'll drop you in a bit Uncle, give me Suleiman's keys I know who wrecked Suleiman's shop They are going to pay for it I can't understand... why you guys act so smart? Those who have died, are they going to come back? Give me the keys Wait! Before you go, drop him at Shahpur relief camp I can't go there right now - In Allah's name, have a heart He's become an orphan Hurry up Come, he'll drop you to the camp I'll be there in the morning With my father? Yes Drop him to the camp first I'm so scared Don't worry we'll reach soon License? - Open the boot Go ahead Don't worry, bindi is there on your forehead It's so late. Hanif's going to kill me I'll handle it Come ahead At this hour? Sir, we'd gone on a henna job License? - Sure... I have it And she? Both of us went Okay, go - Thank you Mohsin, get in Come Be careful of the glass Sit here. Sit here quietly Who is it? - It's us. Open Munna? - Open Where the hell were you? We left the rickshaw near Lal Darwaza and walked - Oh Allah! Who's this? - What could I do? Yusuf Uncle dumped him on me. I've to drop him at Shahpur camp You... what's your name? Where the hell is that pistol? First let's clear this mess. Then I'll look for the hidden safe Suleiman was a rich bugger What's the use of being rich? He ran at the first sight of trouble It's better than living here in fear True Of course you'd say that You too ran away wonder how you slept among those Hindus And you slept better amongst the Muslims? Look, he named his shop Parimal what good was it to keep a Hindu name! Couldn't you have done something? weren't there weapons anywhere? where they were, there was curfew all the time when you're scared to even breathe you don't think of weapons Sure you do, I thought of guns, pistols, bombs But what I most thought of, was my mother I could do nothing My pores still smell of the dead I still dream of their dried blood, the burnt flesh - It's been so long. Where the hell is your hidden safe? There is no safe here. He is just bullshitting Found it! Ghogha! Is it real? Yes, it's small but real Careful, might be loaded - Open and see Shit, it's empty! They broke open locks, destroyed our homes Most families have only one surviving member... Thread is all it took It's okay, leave it No, I'm fine. I'll do it It won't be needed There'll be no gathering tomorrow What do you mean? You were right I was wrong It's pointless... pointless Khan Saheb lf you lose hope, then what happens to the likes of us How can just seven musical notes have the strength... to stand up against such hatred Wait here. Let me see Jyoti, what happened? Say nothing, just follow me Just come - Tell me what's going on? The police say there are weapons in your house - what? Come What weapons? Softly, others will wake up Look, stay here till the search ends Sit Put Nazo here Need anything? Instead of weapons, they should look for those who burnt our house? Softly, Nazo will wake up You still won't tell me? Enough now, stop it Change, if you want to By keeping quiet, who are you protecting? Me or you? - God! Forget it It's easy for you. It's not your house they burnt You're still burning, what about that? Tell the truth that you were there. I won't tell Hanif, I swear My pendant... My pendant... What? What did you say? The gold pendant My grandma gave me. I dropped it somewhere So it was you in my house? Hanif found your pendant So you saw it all How could you do it? Did Mehul force you? What? Tell me. Did you bring kerosene from my kitchen or yours? All we found was one bullet That too oversized I'm telling you, it'll fit You were right Now what'll you do with this pistol? What I've wanted to do all day. Get that mother-fucker Mehul to taste some real fear And then what? - Nothing. I'll go home Or what's left of it what if a mob comes to your house to take your little girl? Then what'll you do? - I'll kill them all How? That one bullet you would have wasted on Mehul lf anyone really needs the pistol, it's me You saw how the police behaves But they didn't burn your house - You know I have a pregnant wife Wait. I brought the keys, fitted the bullet So I have the first right It was my idea to get a weapon. what did you all do? And you? Spent the month, hiding happily - Happily? Hidden in that basement, scared to even Ask me what it is to be scared lf there is anyone who deserves the pistol, it's me It's always about you from the time I've known you It's always me, me, me Shut up, you haven't suffered like him Do you know how I've suffered? Because my hands don't smell of the dead... doesn't mean I've not suffered The keys were with Yusuf Uncle, not you lf I was there, he'd have given it to me You just called him a hen-pecked husband! I did, so? - You are no less? Meaning? - We know who wears the pants in your house In fact, you can take the pistol, Muneera is like fifty bullets! That was our only bullet Father! Don't be scared. Come Shut up What's he saying? He's saying he'll handle the police So let him go - Are you mad? They won't get a word out of him Go, keep them engaged Careful - Let's go Careful - Let's go Hanif, I can't leave Ghogha behind Wait! - No, you go Run Come here Come Where did the gunshot come from? He can't speak But he is able to hear. where did the gunshot... Sir, wait. Let me ask where did the gunshot come from? Let's go I can't leave him like this - Nothing will happen to him Are you crazy? He is a child Boom! - Exactly Not a bomb... gunshot Don't look down, look up. He is making a fool of us They've caught him. Hanif, take the kid and run Saheb! - Someone's there Put him in the jeep Please leave him, he is my brother. He's innocent Run! Stop, you bastard You Muslim, stop Hide here I'll be back Who was he? A bloody Muslim. Where did he go? This way There's still time Why are you up so early? What happened? I just realized something What? Every single box in this house is... packed with my fears So what's the point of moving? What do you mean? Just what you said I am Sameer Arshad Shaikh And that's not going to change anywhere Nowhere But, what if tomorrow we're scared again? It's possible But this is our home So let's screw the rest Sorry for the delayed response Aarti... where's the tea? Aarti... Want to play?
Channel: Shemaroo
Views: 9,195,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firaaq, naseeruddin shah, Paresh Rawal, Deepti Naval, naseeruddin shah best films, paresh rawal films, top paresh rawal films, bollywood films, hindi films, hindi movies, bollywood movies, superhit hindi movies, comedy movies, triller movies, shemaroo, old hindi movies, hindi songs, firaq film, firaaq full hindi movie hd, firaaq movie full, best hindi movies, firaaq movie full hd, shemarooent, deepti naval movies, naseeruddin shah movies, hindi full movie
Id: vaX43EeCkxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 35sec (6095 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2015
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