Deadline: Sirf 24 Ghante {HD} - Irfan Khan - Konkana Sen Sharma - Hindi Film-(With Eng Subtitles)

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Accidents, achievements, progress and success. At times victory, at times loss. These are the things that make headlines. Those headlines that take birth everyday. At times the headlines that gives the feeling... ...of somebody's lost identity. At times the headlines that take a person to the peak of success. Today we have with us in the studio a person who... ...has created a special place in the society... ...with his own work and capability. He has the credit of saving millions of lives. Along with that India's greatest heart hospital project... ...yes, I am talking about none other than the famous... ...cardiac surgeon, Dr. Viren Goenka. Welcome to the studio, doctor. Thank you. Thank you very much. Firstly heartiest congratulations on our behalf. This time the greatest honour, National Medical Association... ...has given it to you this year. How do you feel? Who doesn't like honour, success and fame? I am delighted that the Association considered... worthy of this honour. Thank you. Doctor, now there is a basic perception... ...that whatever case comes to you, golden heirs... is believed that it is already successful. So many open heart surgeries in a day... ...and apart from that so many cases in a queue for you. And on the other hand, your dream project. India's biggest heart hospital project. How do you take out the time? The same way how a student takes out time for his study... ...and a player for his practice. No matter what the field is, to reach to the peak... need to work hard. If you are dedicated then the destination is not far away. Wow, doctor! There must be some inspiration... ...behind your energized attitude. What is that inspiration? People say that there is a woman... ...behind every successful man. There are 2 in my case. One is my daughter and the other is my wife Sanjana. Welcome! Congratulation, Dr. Viren. Please. Okay. Come on! It's okay. I know that you are going to get the award. You are all over on the TV. Don't try to act like a hero in front of me. What do you mean try? I have gone bald only slightly. Otherwise... Look. - You have gone bald only slightly? You have only a few strands of hair left. What did you say? What did you say? Come. Let's have dinner. Come. - Okay. Celebration! Wow! Thank you! Cheers! Cheers! - Cheers! Your maid is not well? She is fine. I told her to rest for a day or two. I will manage on my own. It's no problem. Oh by the way! Your Ani has made a list for the birthday. List? Why? Oh my God! Such a big list! 200 big balloons. 100 small balloons. Streamers! What is this? - Glitters. Glittering cafete. Her spellings are terrible! She has made one spelling mistake. Chocolate ice cream, wafers, return presents. Going home presents. And what is this? Tattoo? What is tattoo? Ani! - You are still not asleep. I forgot to write the birthday cake. I want a big chocolate cake. Okay! You will get a big chocolate cake. Papa. - Chocolate! So first we will go for shopping tomorrow. Sure. But your papa is going to Delhi tomorrow. Your papa is going to receive a great award, dear. Honey, I will take you. - Yes. Mummy will take you. Buy whatever you want. So... so you won't be present for my birthday? Of course! How is it possible that papa won't come? I will return after 2 days. Come on. Give me a kiss. And go to bed. Okay. Goodnight. Yeah! Mama, yes! Yeah! Mummy! Mummy! Ani! We collided! Yeah, mama! Shoot him! Shoot him! Move the bag! Move the bag! Now... here is your pastry. - Pastry! Yes! Ani, had fun? Now you have to go home and do your homework. Okay? Okay, mama. - Good girl! Let's go. Hi, Sanjana! Hi, Diya! How are you? - Nice. Good morning, aunty. Ani, how are you? - Fine. What are you guys doing here? - Birthday shopping. Yes! Your birthday is on the 22nd, isn't it? Yes. Advance happy birthday from my behalf. - Thank you. Not like this. You will have to come home. Of course! I can't miss Anishka's birthday cake. Please sit and have coffee with me. - No, no, no. Please, no. We have to go. Actually we have already eaten so much. And it is late too. See you. Bye. - Bye. - Bye. Welcome, sir. Good morning. - Vey good morning, Dr. Goenka. You have given a great honour to our hotel. Okay. Because of you all great doctors... ...are present in our hotel today. So then where is my cut? Your keys, sir. Thank you. This is 1001. - Right. Thank you very much. Come. My child is tired. - Yes. Want to have ice cream? Yes, mama. First I will keep my toys in my room. Okay. Hi, Sanjana. Diya here. When I met you I forgot to tell you that Viren... ...was going to give the blueprints of the hospital site. Maybe he didn't remember. Please call me when you receive my message. I will come to pick them come. Bye. Hi, Chingli. How are you? He is Abu Prasad. Hi, Abu Prasad. Ani, you are taking such a long time. Have you started playing? I am serving ice cream for you. Come on, now. Hurry up! Hurry up! Take her. Take her. What are you doing? What are you doing? When she will regain consciousness... will mollify her. Okay. It will mollify her. - Fine, fine. Half an hour. - What? Call after half an hour. As per the plan. Now go. Go. Ani, what are you doing? Come soon. The ice cream will melt. 'We are saved' 'More fun' 'Get off! Get off! Get off' 'And more surprises than ever before' Ani! Mama thought that you are in the bedroom. And you are watching TV here. And that too so loud. Oh God! The child is not at home. What... what do you mean? I mean she is fine wherever she is. Anishka! Anishka, where are you? Anishka! Anishka! Did you check? Are you assured now? Now you can worry. Where is my child? Where is my child? You can't kill me. Shut up! Where is Anishka? She is with my partner. And he has a cell. If he doesn't receive the call after every half an hour... ...then he will kill your daughter without any hesitation. Don't move! Look, Mrs. Goenka. As long as I am fine, nothing will happen to your daughter. What do you want? I want to return your daughter. We need money. This is our business. We have abducted many children before too. And all of them are safe and sound with their parents. Because I gave them the right to live. Their parents did what I told them to do. For your daughter, you will do what I tell you. Do you understand? Is that clear? If you feel assured by keeping this pistol with you... ...then keep it with you. But remember one thing. If you shoot one bullet, 2 people will die. Me and there.. ..your daughter. People say that there is a huge distance... ...between attempt and success. At times it doesn't take a moment to cover this distance. And at times even the whole life is not sufficient. But Dr. Goenka has covered this distance very soon. His name comes 4th in the list of... ...11 famous cardiac surgeons in the world. Countless open-heart surgeries. And result 100%. That's why National Medical Association... ...has given this young doctor the title of Young at Heart. So ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Dr. Viren Goenka. Oh God! So many awards! Trophies. Great! Fantastic! Great! What success! But there is no space here for the award... ...that doctor is going to receive today. How much money do you want? To return my daughter! I have created the space. Now keep the award here. Congrats. Thank you, eminent doctors, ladies and gentlemen. When so many doctors and surgeons gather together... ...people think that it must be a serious matter... ...or some complicated surgery or operation. But this is not the case today. You all considered me worthy of the honour. In my happiness, in my success... all have come to participate. I feel very proud. I am delighted. And I want to thank all of you with the bottom of my heart. Thank you once again for bestowing this honour on me... ...ladies and gentlemen. Thank you. Thank you. Why don't you tell me who are you? A bad man. I know that your husband is a powerful man. He will use all his contacts. He won't accept defeat so soon. Don't worry. It won't take much time in our operation. Within 24 hours. 24 hours! What do you mean by 24 hours? Seeing the case and the situation... ...I am giving the time period. It could take less time too. It all depends. On how much your husband loves your daughter. My daughter will die in 24 hours! Our victim dies when we want them to die. My daughter has asthma. She can get the attack anytime. And if the medicine is not given on time... ...then my daughter can even die! It's good! You are a doctor's wife. You have given the correct medical reason. I am speaking the truth! She has severe asthma. If you don't believe me, then open the drawer and see. Open the drawer! She... she can get an attack by anything. Dust and dirt! Tension! I hope your partner doesn't smoke. Damn it! Does he smoke! Shut up! How did we forget to find out this thing? Hello. Why did you call so soon? Kabir, listen to me. Give me the phone! No! Kabir, check whether the child is breathing or not. One minute. One minute. She is. But it is very slow. Look, listen to me carefully. This child has asthma. And you know how important it is for us... ...that the child should remain alive. Yes! Kabir, close all the doors and windows when you reach the spot. And look, the child shouldn't run. If she became breathless, then she can even die. Okay, Kabir. Keep her away from dirt and dust. If she has any problem in breathing... ...then give her strong coffee, please! Caffeine calms her. Krish, should I do what this woman is saying? Yes, do it. And if there is any problem, call me. And you won't smoke! Understood. Yes. I won't smoke. I won't smoke. Yes. Okay. I definitely think so. - All right, doctor. Okay. Dr. Shetty. - Okay. Goodbye. Dr. Goenka. - Yes. My keys are not working. If you don't mind, can I call from... ...your room and ask for another key? House phone is there. You can ask for the keys. Right. Must be feeling good. - Sorry. What? So much of success and fame. Though it is not difficult for you. But at your age, it is commendable. I was floored when I heard you. I am really flattered. I am sure that my wife will be happy to hear that. Why don't you call her? Oh! You tell your wife everything. Why don't we do something that she doesn't find out about? One sec. Just hold it! You are tying at the wrong place. You are pretty and beautiful. You might have countless admirers. But not me. Good night. In those countless people, nobody will be Anishka's father! What did you say? You... Your daughter has been kidnapped 3 hours ago. If you want that nothing should happen to her... ...then quietly let me enter your room. What the hell is this! I am going to call the police! Oh shut up! Get inside! Keep the phone down! Keep it down! If you tried to call the police or anybody else... ...then your daughter will die! You and your whole family is on target, doctor. My one partner is with your wife right now at your home. The other partner... is with your daughter at some unknown place. And here I am with you. Give me your cell. Come on. Who are you guys? What do you want? Relax. I will tell you everything. First I will make a call to my partner. After that my phone will ring after every half an hour. If because of some reason I didn't answer the call... ...or if I said that there is a problem... ...then I am sorry... your daughter will be shot. Where is my daughter? At such a place... where even if the police tried their best... ...still they can't reach there within half an house. Definitely not! What do you want? What? It is not my work to decide that. What do you think? You think you will get away with this? You guys don't know whom you have trapped. Will you guys escape? Now when I have even seen your face. We are not playing this game for the first time. And till now nobody has complained to the police. Do you know why? Because at a time only one of our partner is in front of a person. Like how I am in front of you right now. If you complained about me in the police... ...then the police will start searching me. But my other partners... whom you have not seen... ...they will kill your daughter. Our second unit, second batch. Hello. - Where are you? At the spot. Everything is fine. The child is asleep. I... will call you after half an hour. And you won't smoke. Okay! Mummy! Where is mummy? Mama! Mummy! Where is mummy? Hello! Wow! Dear! I want to go to mummy. - You want to go to your mummy? Where is mummy? - Mummy has gone out. And she has told me to take care of you. She told me till the time she doesn't return... will stay with uncle. I want to go to mummy! No, no! Don't cry. Uncle is there to pacify you. So what if mummy is not there. I am with you. Mummy! - Look at this! Look at this! The sparrow flies like this. - I want to go to mummy! Mummy! Fishes swim like this. - Where is mummy? Look, dear. Don't... don't... - Mummy! Keep quiet! Keep quiet! Mummy. Mummy. Mummy! Look! Who is she? Chingli. She is Chingli? Hello! Hello, Chingli. I want to go to mummy! Where is mummy? - No, dear! No! Mama told me that when you wake up... ...I should give you this doll. Take your doll! Your doll. Look, Chingli has come. Chingli has come. - Mama! No, dear. Don't cry! Don't cry! When mama comes and she sees such red eyes... ...then she will scold uncle. Do you want uncle to be scolded? Do you want uncle to be scolded? Tell me. Hello. Where are you? In doctor's room. - Is everything fine? Yes. It took some time to control him. He is a doctor. But he is not so straight. Give him the phone. I will tackle him. - Phone! Hello! Hello! - How are you, Dr. Viren Goenka? I want to talk to my wife. - Why not? Talk to him. Hello, Viren! Sanjana, are you fine? - Viren! Just tell me are you okay? They have kidnapped Ani! I don't know where is she! In what state my child will be, Viren! Nothing will happen to Ani! Okay! Nothing! Just get a hold on yourself. Okay! Don't lose hope! Sanjana! Are you listening to me? Are you fine? Enough! Don't talk so much! You will share your sorrow. He will share his sorrow. It will increase the sorrow. I do hurt others. But people's eyes, their tears affect me. Hello. Come to the point! What do you want? How much do you want? Where do you want it? When do you want it? You will get it! Hey! Hey! Talk to me respectfully! Talk to me respectfully! I am the pilot of the flight in which your family is seated. But I will not spare them! I will kill them! Scoundrel! Sorry. - Talk to me respectfully! I want to say that it was not right... ...for you to keep my child away from home. She is an asthma patient! Asthma! Please understand that she needs... ...her medicine after every 4 hours! If she didn't get her medicine... ...then anything can happen to her. Say it clearly that she can die. Look, that's why I am telling you. If she... No, no! You don't have to say anything. I am the one who will talk. Now you just listen. Now I am the doctor and you are the patient. Check-up, testing, ailment, treatment, cure. I will do everything. I will treat you, doctor. I am ready to do whatever you want. For me nothing is greater than my daughter. For every father his children are everything. Do one thing. Arrange for 1 crore. Your deadline is... 24 hours. Hello! Call him again. I want to talk to him. Sorry. Now you can only talk when he calls. After half an hour. Good evening sir, may I help you? Yes doctor Goenka here. Please don't transfer any calls to my suite. Yes sir. Please, yes thank you. Your cell. Don't talk any nonsense with any one. Only arrange for the money, clear. Hello, Hello, Makhija. Viren here, hi. Listen, I need for a payment. I have to do it know. In cash. Yes soon. Thank you, Makhija. An elephant and a mouse were friends. Once the elephant asked the mouse. Friend, how old are you. The mouse got shocked and asked. You are asking me my age. First you tell me, how old are you. The elephant said, I am still 6 months old. Even I am 6 months old. But nowadays I am not well. What happened, didn't you like it? I am feeling cold. You are feeling cold, wait I will do something She is feeling cold. Here comes the blanket. Hello. What? Okay, yes I understood. Yes. Yes. What happened? What happened dear? What happened? There is dirt. Where is the dirt? In the blanket. Here, I threw away the blanket. What do you want? What? What? My medicine. - Medicine. We'll go to mummy. We'll go to mummy. Right now. Right now. Coffee. Just a minute, wait just a minute. In a moment. In a moment. I am brining it. I am bringing it, I am bringing it. Tie this. Tie this. There is darkness outside. You cannot see in the darkness. Uncle is here. Uncle is here. Take it. Take it. Take it. I will die. Don't say like that dear. Don't say like that dear. Here have some coffee you will feel relieved. Very good. Very good. What happened? What? What? It is very hot. No matter, drink it you will feel relieved. Hello. - Is everything okay there? Give the phone to the doctor. Hello. I am taking your wife on a long drive. Long, long, long drive. She was getting very bored. She said that take me out somewhere. So I am taking her out. Have you arranged for the money? It will be, soon. Hurry up, otherwise the daughter will die because of you. And I will be the sinner. I said that the arrangement will be made. I am taking the mother to see the daughter with the medicines. What do you mean, with medicines? Did Ani, have an asthma attack. Relax doctor, so many heart attack cases come to you everyday. You are scared of a small asthma attack. You don't know that pain that daughter feels. If something happens to her, then... How valuable is life, we know that more than you do. Anyway, we can only make a deal for a live child. You will not give us anything for dead body. Have we arrived? - Yes, yes. After sometime my partner will come with your daughter. Give him the medicines and then back, okay. This is in my hand. And its target will be you. The child will surely cy while going back. Console her, console her properly. Like you had consoled her while... ...taking her to school for the first time. If you will try to act smart in any way. Then I will not have any hesitation to shoot you. Mama. - Ani. Mummy. - Ani. Ani. Ani. Mama. My child, are you okay? Mama, I had an attack. My child. I did not have the medicines also. And buffer was also not there. I thought that I would die. You should not say that dear. Mama has come with all your medicines. I don't want to stay here! I don't want to stay here. Where did you go leaving me here? Don't say like that baby, I have come now. Open your mouth, baby. 1, 2, 3 very good, now breath. Once again. Now there is no need to be scared. Mama is there with you. What happened? What is happening to you? Something is happening to you? Krish, that child could have died. She had an attack. I got scared seeing her condition. Now, now we have come with the medicines. Once we will give the medicines... ...everything will be okay again. Okay, okay, everything will be okay. Krish, the matter is not as simple as you think. You did not see with your own eyes... ...that how she was suffering. - What is the matter? What is the matter? Do you want to leave this? Did I say that? No, did I say that. Dear, have some water. The man, that is there with you. Is his name Kabir? - I don't know. What will you get by making these innocent people suffer? Sometimes to get ourselves noticed. We have to attack somewhere else. When these shrieks will reach there. Only then will we get noticed. Everything will be okay after that. Okay, everything will be okay. He did not hit you, did he? No, I want to go home mama. My child we will go home, in a little while. Wear some warm clothes okay. Where has this man kept you? In a cottage. - Cottage. Is it very far from here? - I don't know. Now get back to work. - But Krish... Okay, okay everything is okay. Come on, the time to meet is over. Now come on. Mummy, you have not come to take me along? Yes my child, I will take you along. In a while I will take you along, I promise you. I will take you along. I want to go with you mummy. Take the kid away. Come on dear, come on. - I don't want to go. Please leave her alone, please. I beg of you. - Come on. We will have to go right now. No, I don't want to go. Leave the child, please leave the child. Leave her. Leave her. I won't let her go. I won't let her go. Listen to me, listen to me. I am telling you calmly, I am telling you calmly, isn't it? Now if something will happen to you in front of the child. Then the child will not like it. Do you want to hurt the kid? No go, go dear go with uncle. Come on, come on. Mummy! - Leave me, leave. Mummy! - Leave me! Mummy! Mummy! Do you want to die by my hands? Mummy! Mummy! You are hungry since morning. Do you want to eat something? As you wish but I will eat. I want it today, no today. Yes tell me Krish. Are you alright? Yes I am alright. Krish that girl has Asthma How could we forget to find out such a big thing? We made a mistake, now there is no problem. Everything is okay. You don't worry, there is nothing. Everything is alright now. Nothing should happen to her. Nothing will happen to her. You give the phone to the doctor and see what I do. Yes. Phone. - I will talk to you later. Hello. Hello doctor. Talk to your half dead wife. Sanjana. - Viren. Why are you crying? Viren... - Sanjana what is it, please just tell me. Is Ani okay? She is in a lot of pain, Viren. She had a severe attack. What? I... I gave her the medicines but... She was crying like mad Viren. I begged in front of them that, please she needs... Let me be with my daughter, but... They did not listen to me. Please just give them whatever they want. Give it to him, give the phone to him. Hello. I have made the arrangement of one crore. Tell me where do I have to bring it. Slowly, slowly, slowly. You are in a lot of hurry. Do you do all the operations like this? The one crore is for returning your child. And right now the life that I gave her, what about that. What do you mean? I mean that, I have given the medicines the child. I saved his life. For that one more crore. You first said one crore, I have arranged for the one crore! Now you are asking for one crore more! What the hell is this? This must have happened with you also doctor. To treat the patient's heart, you opened his body. And found out that his lungs are also bad. Then don't you add the money for the lungs, don't you? Or do you just treat the heart and stitch up the body again. And leave the lungs to rot again. Even our hard work has been doubled now. The bill increased. Two crore is a very big amount. It is not a joke. How will I arrange for so much now? Hold, hold. There is a doll in my hand that belongs to your daughter. You must have bought it today. This doll also sings. Listen to her song. I don't want to listen to any song. What is all this nonsense? After sometime she will stop singing. You will have to say yes before her song ends. I am doing it, I am doing it! I will make the arrangements for your money. Are you listening to me, are you listening to me. What? I will make the arrangements for your money. Okay. Sorry, I am sorry. But I never saw a scared doctor before. I am sorry. Do you believe in God If you do then stop believing in him. Sins and goodness, fruits of your deeds. As you sow so shall you reap. All of that is nonsense. What wrong have you done to anyone. You are a doctor, you save peoples lives. People consider you as God. Then how is God in trouble today? Have some, you will get some courage. I am telling you. Here, drink it. Drink it, drink a little. Bastard! Who is it? I don't know. Who could it be at 11 o'clock in the night? I said that I don't know. If this is your some kind of a trick. Then you know what will happen. This is your problem, how will you handle this. Go. Sanjana, I am really, really sorry that I came so late. But it was really very important. Give me those blue prints. - Yes. Blue prints. Actually I was sleeping. I am sorry darling, but I had left a... ...message on your mobile in the morning, but you did not reply. But what can I do, tomorrow on the site all the engineers are coming. There is a meeting of all the supervisors. I need the blue prints urgently. And they are at your house. Please give me. I will see. Hi mom. I am at Viren's house. I will just collect the blue prints and come. You don't worry. Okay bye. You. I am Viren's friend, I am Krish Vaidya. Hi. - Hello. Hi. I am Diya. - Hi. So, even you are a doctor. Actually, I am Viren's friend. Family friend. I am an architect by profession. I am designing Viren's hospital. - Okay. You said that you are Viren's friend. I know all of Viren's friends. Almost everyone. But I never met you. My bad luck. What do you do? I do a very bad work. I am a social worker. A social worker. Will you have anything? - No thanks. You did not tell me that how you know Viren. We were together in college. But Viren was educated in London. He did study in London. But when he was here, I was with him. Then he went there. Isn't it? There is no need to tell a lie. I will tell you who he is? He is my friend. Your blue prints. Thanks. Diya, don't tell Viren anything please. Don't worry, I understand. Pick up, pick up. Pick up the phone, pick up. Sir, your phone sir. Hello. - Hello, hello. Mehra-ji, Viren Goenka here. Who is speaking? Can you hear my voice? Hello. - Who is speaking? Doctor Viren Goenka. Oh, so late in the night only the patients call the doctors. What is the matter doctor? Actually Mehra-ji, I am in Delhi. And the work of the hospital has stopped. It needs clearance from the ministry. No I need a big amount. I need it by tomorrow morning. One crore. Doctor sir, really you need this money to give in the ministry. Or have you got a call from somewhere else. No, no there is nothing like that. Believe me. Trust me. Doctor sir, I feel that there is no need... give so much money in the ministry. You tell me the minister's name and I will talk to him. Delhi is like a home to me. The thing is that, the kind of a problem this is. That I cannot tell you on the phone. You come here, then we will talk, okay. Thank you. Hello, Shri Chand-ji, I need your help. Goenka here. I want to mortgage my bungalow. Now it's here... Hello dear, you should not cry child. Uncle... Okay tell me, which of these medicines is yours. Tell me. Look. Batra listen! I have always helped you! Now I need it! There is a reason! Just do it! You just... you just do it! Then hell with you! I can't do this! You understand that. I can't do it. Sitting here outside the city, within these four walls. I cannot arrange for such a big amount! Is everything alright? Did you find the medicine of the child? And what had happened to your voice? - Nothing. Did you smoke marijuana again? I can understand it clearly from your voice. You won't mend your ways, right? Remember once a child has died... slipping from your hands from the terrace. Neither did we get the money nor the child. You said that, no child has ever died from your hands. Didn't you say that? Don't you people fail in any of your operations? Kabir listen to me carefully. If anything goes wrong with the child this time. Look, whoever you are she is my only child. Whatever needs to be said, I will say it. And what is this only. Those who have 3 or 4 children. Don't they love their children? Okay listen, the doctor will explain to you... ...that how do you have to give the medicine to the child. Okay. Hello. - Hello, yes say tell me. Look, she needs medicines in every four hours. Two tablets from the bottle, then a red. And then a yellow. Give her the medicines only after she has eaten something. Did you understand? - Just a minute. I will bring the medicine box Yes, the name of the child is written in the bottle. Two from these. And yes... I found this. One from this. And two yellow. Not two yellows. Two from the bottle, one red capsule and one yellow capsule. You idiot. What is your problem Kabir? Why can't you understand? Two from the bottle, one red capsule and one yellow capsule. Understand? If you still did not understand, then ask the child. Okay. And why did you call him an idiot? - What? Your daughter is with him. He is mad, and on top of that he has smoked marijuana. If something happens to your daughter. Then don't tell me. Yes Kabir, just a minute. Say sorry to him. You called him an idiot. Sorry. - For what? I called you an idiot that's why? It happens, it happens. In bad times, you should keep the mind more balanced. Understand. Watch this! Why are you looking there? I am not looking there I am thinking. What? - I had told my mom that... ...when I grow up I will become a doctor. But now I will not become a doctor, I will become a police inspector. Why? - To shoot criminals like you. Until you will become a police inspector. Till then I will go to Dubai and settle down there. Give the phone to the doctor. Hello. Doctor sir, I asked your wife to eat something but she is not. I am getting very worried. Did you eat something or not? Where do I have to bring the money? Which money? I have arranged for your two crores. I had said three crores and not _o. What the hell you are talking about! You said two crores and I have arranged for it. In all this tension your memory is not helping with you. I had said three crores, three. You mean to say that I am saying wrong. I don't know that. But I am saying the right thing. If you want the child, then arrange for it. What is all this you are doing to me! I have arranged these two crores by mortgaging even myself. Now where will I arrange for one more crore? One more crore! That's impossible for me! That's impossible! Three crores seems like a very big amount. It will look very small now. Remember this doctor, when the first time... ...the nurse gave your daughter in your hands. Remember the first time she opened... ...her eyes and looked at you. Remember when you caught her finger and taught her to walk. She was about to fall and you caught her. Remember the first time she called you papa. Now she must be telling poetry to you. When you get upset, then she must console you. Now if I turn such an innocent child... ...into a slab of ice and send it to you. Then will that be more heavy or these three crores. Doctor. Okay. Okay. Doctor, there is very little time for your deadline to end. You move fast. You drink a lot of cigarettes. Yes. Why? It is my habit. It is a bad habit. Why don't you go to sleep? I am not feeling sleepy. And I am also feeling hungry. Even I am feeling hungry. Let me see if there is anything to eat in the kitchen. Just a minute. Anishka, will drink some soup? - Yes. Which one? - Tomato. Tomato, tomato. I am going to the bathroom. - Okay. What have you mixed in this? Death. 10 minutes. You only have this much time. Your BP will rise to such a high level... ...that all the nerves will explode. You are going to die. I have the revolver. If within 10 minutes, I don't give you the antidote... ...then you will die. Now you will do what I want. Pick up the phone! Pick up the phone! And tell your partner to bring my daughter back here right now! Pick up the phone! Hang on! Hang on! Here it is! Come soon, Anishka! Warm soup and spicy snacks is ready. He... he is not answering it. Kabir, answer the call. Answer the call. Anishka! Anishka! Mobile! Anishka! Anishka! Anishka, where are you? Kabir, answer the call. You must have dialed the wrong number. No. I am not lying. I called Kabir. Then why is he not answering? Anishka! Anishka! Anishka! Where are you? Anishka! Anishka! Anishka! Anishka! 'Welcome to messaging service' The call is being transferred to the voice mail. What? What? The call is being transferred to the voice mail. My breath... my breath... You don't believe me? Listen to this. Listen! 'To hear your message, press 1' What is happening? Where is my daughter? What is happening? Where is my daughter? Please... please. Where is Ani? Open the door! Open the door! Your daughter won't live! Open the door! Open the... My breath! I can't breathe! No! No, please! Hello. - Mama! Mummy! Ani! Ani, where are you? I don't know, mama. I ran away from there. I am in this jungle. It is very dark here. Mummy, please come and take me. Listen to me, Ani! Listen to me! Listen to what mummy is saying! Okay! Ani! Yes, mummy. No, Ani. Listen to me. You run. Run as quick as you can. Go to the road. And ask help from any passing car. Tell them that you need help! Okay! Ani, run! Run! Mummy! Anishka, what happened? Mummy, help! Mummy! - Anishka! Mummy! - Anishka, what happened? Mama! Leave me! Leave me! Give the phone to my daughter. - Mummy! Keep quiet! Give the phone to my daughter. She shouldn't have run away! - Leave me! Your daughter shouldn't have run away! - Leave me! My daughter! Tell your partner... to leave my daughter. Tell him not to harm Ani. Otherwise I will shoot you! Just tell him! Just tell him to leave my child! Kabir... - Yes. You know what you have to do if I didn't call within 10 minutes. Now it is your helplessness to keep me alive. Agarwal, write whatever you want. Make any documents that you want. I will just sign it. Just keep it ready. It is my guarantee. Thank you. I really appreciate it. Thanks. I have given you the injection. You will be fine. Please... please... whatever I did. I didn't do the right with you. Please! Please call Kabir! Please! Please save my daughter. The time is over! Please! I am really sorry! Okay! I am really sorry! I am her mother. What could I have done? I am sorry. Please... please... please call. Please! Does nothing affect you? Does pain, sorrow... tears mean anything to you? For the past 18 hours you have made our life hell! Why? Why? We never wished anybody ill! And how had that child harmed anybody? My husband gives life to others. He is a doctor! No! Your husband is not a doctor. He is a murderer. The money is arranged. Tell me where do I have to send it and to whom? Bring the money in this hotel. When the money arrives, you will go down. Collect the money quietly and get back here. Okay. Here? In this room? - Any problem? And listen. Don't try to... - I know that. I know it. - Good! No! No! No! No! No! Please! Please open the door! Please open the door! Please! Please open the door! Excuse me. - Sir. If someone comes and ask for Dr. Goenka... ...then I will be right here. Okay. Sure, sir. - Right. Thank you. Excuse me. - Yes. What is Dr. Goenka's room number? I want to meet him. He is there. He is waiting for you. - Thank you. Dr. Goenka, Agarwal-ji has sent me. - oh! Hello. This is for you. Thank you. - Welcome. - Thank you very much. What... what the... Hello, Rana speaking. Rana, Viren here. 'The famous cardiac surgeon Dr. Viren Goenka's 8 years old... ...daughter's kidnappers have escaped with the ransom of 3 crores' Look, Manish. Right now I am standing... ...outside Dr. Viren Goenka's house. He is one of the most famous heart surgeons of the country. Her daughter was kidnapped yesterday. And a ransom of 3 crores has been paid to get her released. In spite of that the daughter is missing. I think Dr. Goenka has arrived. Excuse me. Move! Move! Sir, please one question! Move back! Move back! Please! One moment! - Please no questions! I don't want to say anything! What drama is this! Go away! Go away! Get lost! Sanjana, I know what you are going through. But if you didn't co-operate... ...then how will we solve the problem? Nobody but you can tell us about that kidnapper... ...and his appearance. Please speak out! We will make his sketch. We will find him. Sanjana! Don't worry. Don't worry. I know... I know that you have been through hell. Okay. I know what you have been through. I am here now. I promise... I will bring her back. I will bring her back. Okay! Rana. You know what has happened. By now they must have escaped with the ransom money. I don't know. But we don't have any information about Ani. I don't know whether my daughter... I beg you, Rana. Just... do whatever you can. Use your power! Bring her back! - Viren. Rana, I want my daughter back! We won't get Ani back alive. Are you all right? What are you saying and about whom? Are you in your senses? Nothing will happen to Ani! Okay. Just get that clear. Nothing will happen to Ani! Are you sure? The man who has our daughter... ...he is not only a kidnapper. His name is Krish Vaidya, He had come to your hospital a few months ago. Do you remember? Doctor! Doctor! Where is the doctor? Where is the OPG, nurse? There! What has happened to him? Is the child allergic to anything? No. - No. Any reaction to a particular medicine? - No, no. How did this happen? He was playing and he fell down. What is the problem, doctor? We received a call from the school... ...that he fell down while he was playing. Nothing like this has happened before. Nothing! Doctor, turn him. Dr. Rane, his pulse is decreasing. We will have to shift him to the ICU. You guys fulfil the hospital formalities. I think the situation is critical. Do one thing. Go and call Kabir. Go. - Krish. Nothing. Don't worry. Don't worry. Prateek Vaidya. - Yes. Age. - 7 years old. Address. 102, Shiv Jyoti... Yari Rd, Versova. Sister. - Money. - Yes. That... That's it. Doctor, now at least tell us what has happened. Look, we will be able to say only after we receive all the reports. But... - I hope it is nothing serious. He will be fine, won't he? We are trying our level best. Now only Dr. Goenka will be able to tell you more. Of course. I am working day and night. Of course. It is a massive project. The order is given for the equipment. As soon as we receive the equipments... the construction work will be done. - Good morning, doctor. Morning. Wadha sir, thank you. Thank you. But there is some difference between a doctor and a builder. I can't think totally like you. I will... yeah, I will call you back. I need to discuss something important. Yeah. Thanks. Bye. He is the one. - Hello. Yes, Dr. Viren Goenka here. - Listen. No, I told you. It is impossible. I cannot do it. That's right. Dr. Goenka. - Tell me. Sir, I am Krish. My son Prateek... I am his father. He is admitted here. He has been admitted in the ICU since yesterday. We have been told to get medicines and injections. But we don't exactly know what is his problem. So I just want... Do you doubt this hospital or the capability of the doctors here? No, this is not what I mean to say. So just be patient, just be calm. We will take care of everything. Okay. - Okay. You will be given all the information. Come. If you find out... Good morning, sir. - Good morning. Good morning, doctor. Sir, these are the reports. All the tests have been conducted. We just got all these reports. Are you with Prateek? - Yes. Get these injections. We don't have the stock. You will get it at City medical store. I have written down the address. These injections... right now... You stay here. I will go with Kabir. The other one. Let me see that. Sir, he is unconscious since a long time. Have you done the other new test? - Yes, sir. - Show. VST. Ventricular Septum Defect. It means there is a hole in your son's heart. Hole? But how is this possible? He never complained about anything. Nothing ever happened to him. Normally this is not noticeable. The child seems fine and normal. But when the problem becomes severe... ...then it reveals itself. We have to perform an open-heart surgery. We will have to close the hole. A machine will be used. It is called a pacemaker. It will control the functions of the heart at a regular rate. But we must perform this operation immediately. Okay. Doctor, is there no other way besides the operation? Like some medicines or injections. - No! There is no other way out! Okay. So carry out his operation immediately. Meet, Mr. Sinha. He is my secretary. He will explain all the details. Okay. Hello. Mr. Subhash, tell me. You are inviting me and I won't come? This is not possible! Just a minute. Go and meet Mr. Sinha, please! Okay. He will explain everything to you. - Okay. Please go. What happened, Krish? What happened? What did the doctor say? Tell me. They are saying that there is a hole in Prateek's heart. I will plan this operation. The operation, the hospital bill and the pacemaker... ...the total cost will be 5.5 lakhs. 5.5 lakhs! And the doctor's fees will be 2.5 lakhs. From that he will take 2 lakhs cash before the operation. As soon as the money is arranged, tell me. Papa, what is all this? What has happened to me? Son, nothing has happened to you. You just fell while you were playing. So we brought you to doctor uncle. Doctor uncle is going to give you power. Look at these huge machines. All of it is providing you with power. You will become powerful! You have become weak. You don't drink milk. Mama runs after you and you don't eat anything. After coming here... you will become disciplined. You will become fit. Then why is mummy crying? Just like that. Mama is like that only. If anything happens to you then... she becomes worried. Do you remember when you had... ...hurt your knee mama got a fever? Mama is like this. You have long commitment with our publication. But officially we can't bear the entire... ...medical expense of your son's operation. It is not that we won't do anything for you. We have done something. Here is a cheque of 1 lakh. You can keep this. You will get 55,000 for this. I am ready to work for my whole life in the theatre with you. I will sign any contract that you... ...make without even looking at it. But please help me out right now. Dear... we are not traders. We are actors. Right now I don't have the capacity to do much. But keep this. Thank you. Sinha sir, I have deposited the hospital money. I have a request. I am arranging for the 2 lakhs cash. You don't stop the operation. I am arranging for it. Sorry. It is not in my hands. I can't help it. These are all feeble excuses. Can't you see the work has been going on since a year? I have not left any dearth from my side. All installments paid on time. What is this? What? Sorry, sir. If the labour problem was not there... Then use more labour. Pay them double! I cannot extend the inauguration date any further! 10th Feb is the final date. Excuse me, sir. - Yes! Sir, I want to talk to you for 2 minutes. Why have you come here? This is not my visiting room. I don't meet anybody here. I know, doctor. But I need to talk to you urgently. I told you I don't meet anybody here! Sir, please. I said I am busy now. Just go! Go! Just leave! Do you guys understand? - Yes, sir. I hope I have made it very clear! Yes, yes. Yes, yes. It has to be sent today. Send the cheque for 12 lakhs. - Sir. Then send postdated cheque! Sir, sir. - What? What? Sir... - Okay. What is your problem? Sir, Sinha sir was saying that your operation fees... ...I am arranging for that. It will be done. I just want that the operation should be done on time. Then talk to Sinha sir. I have spoken to Sinha sir. He said to talk to you. You handle... I have told you! Why are you troubling me? I am not troubling you, sir. My son's operation is to be performed. I am only saying that I have deposited the hospital fees. Only your fees... Don't discuss this with me! I can't do anything! What do you mean you can't do anything? My son's life is at stake and you are... ...saying that you can't do anything. What kind of a man are you! You call yourself a doctor! What kind of doctor are you! You are constructing such a huge heart hospital! And you are saying you can't do anything. Do you have a heart? When you have the money... ...then the operation will be performed. Prateek! Prateek! Son, open your eyes! What have you done with him! Prateek! Come with mama! Please get up! Please! Tell him! Tell him to get up! Prateek, please get up! You have been unjust on him. You are responsible... for that child's death. He is taking his revenge from us. How... how can I be responsible for his son's death? I receive so many cases. This too was a case. The fees of every operation... that is what I had asked from him. Now if he couldn't arrange for the money... then what is my fault? I should have performed the operation just like that? In every field, in every profession... ...everybody takes a price and work. Life and death is not connected... any other profession, Viren. That's why this is called as a noble profession. Excuse me, sir. Please! Please! Be patient, please! You guys know that my daughter has been kidnapped. It has been around 30 hours. Still... we don't know anything about her. The man who has my child... ...he had come to me a few months ago. For his son's treatment. He didn't have operation money. I didn't perform the operation. That child died. These hands that save lives... when they started cutting... off from my emotions and feelings... ...I didn't come to know. When capability converted into ego... I don't know. When I made a noble profession... ...a common profession, I don't know. I just was running after fame. I was running after it. Today I am standing in front of you all. But I am gradually losing everything. I have lost everything. Everything! I beg you! I apologize. To every person who paid a price for my heartlessness. Krish! Krish, wherever you are, I hope you are listening. I hope you are seeing and listening to this! Don't punish my child for my crimes. Please. 'The defiance of a doctor's profession' 'Atonement on his deeds' 'Dr. Goenka's plea to the kidnappers' 'It has been nearly 2 days since Dr. Goenka's daughter's kidnap' 'But the police have still not found any strong clue' 'Disclosing the reason for the kidnap... ...Dr. Goenka today told the media... ...that this is the result of some personal tiff' 'A few months ago, the main plotter... ...Krish Vaidya's 7 years old son died in Dr. Goenka's... without receiving the treatment' 'Dr. Goenka, who regrets his deeds... ...apologized to Krish Vaidya in front of the media... ...and appealed for his daughter's return' Sanjana! No, no! Don't worry. She is asleep! Ani! Ani! - Ani! Papa! Papa! Papa! You... where did you find her? Your money. - Money! Listen... who... who are you? Papa! He is Kabir! My best friend! Friend? - Yes, papa. Kabir! I think Viren, think about it once more. Unnecessarily you are being sentimental. I am serious, Rana. I want to withdraw this case. I don't want to file any case, or any complain. I agree that their way of doing it was wrong. But their aim behind this whole act... I have felt that. Fine, if this is what you guys have decided... ...then for me the case is closed from today. You will have to fulfil some formalities. Thanks, Rana. - Welcome. Thank you.
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Keywords: Deadline Sirf 24 Ghante, Irfan Khan Movies, Konkana Sen Sharma Movies, Sandhya Mridul Movies, 15 Minute Edit Extended Trailer, Bollywoood Musical, 15 Minute Movies, Full Movie HD, Bolllywood Action Movie, Hindi Hit Moives, Best Hindi Movie, Top 10 Movies, Tamil Movie, Best Hindi movie, Top 5 English Movies, 2014 Hindi Movies, 2013 Hindi Movies, konkona sensharma, rajit kapur, deadline sirf 24 ghante full movie, irfan khan new movie, art movies hindi, best hindi movies
Id: Xd7RmBN5YWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 53sec (6053 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2015
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