Katha {HD} - Naseeruddin Shah - Deepti Naval - Farooq Shaikh - Full Hindi Movie (With Eng Subtitles)

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He is asleep. Oh God! Naughty boy! - Granny, tell me a story. I am tired of telling you stories. I have already told the Ramayana, Mahabharata.. ..now which one remains. - Only one story. - Which one? That of rabbit and tortoise. So once there was a - rabbit. And there was a - tortoise. - Yes. One they both decided.. - That they will race. Listen to my story. Listen to my story. Granny, this is a wrong story. The tortoise wins the race. That was a different story. These days the idle, naughty, cunning rabbit wins. He can influence people with his smart way of talking. This is no era of honesty. Come on, bowl. Out! Out! No ball, not out! Kids, play carefully or you'll hurt someone. No one will get hurt. Rajaram, you returned early today. - Yes, granny. I came by taxi from the station today. My job is made permanent today. - Really? Good! Rajaram, this won't do. You'll have to give us some sweets.. If I bring sweets for the whole Chawl.. ..my full salary of a month would be finished. Congratulations. Looks like we've broken something. - We're gone! I've told these kids a thousand times not to play here in the ground. Haven't I told them? - Then where would they play? Can't they go out? There's enough place there. Auntie, please give us our ball. - I'll get it right now. What is this? She has cut it. We will see her.. - We will see the fat lady.. Here's the ball. Because she doesn't have a child herself.. ..this witch always irritates the innocent kids. Who did that? Who hit the ball. You'll not play here from now on. Give me the ball. - Ravi! Permanent. Uncle. Oh Rajaram? Come. - Is there some good news? Please, switch on the fan. - Yes. Uncle, there's good news. - Give me some water. - Water? Uncle, do you know what happened in the office today? The newspaper was here. I kept it here. Where has it gone? Here it is. - Yes. Uncle, do you know what happened in the office today? Keep it. I'll get it for you. Here. Will you have some? - No, father. Anything else? No, nothing for the moment. If I need anything, this is there. Ok, uncle, I'll move now. Hey Rajaram! Come here first. And sweeten your mouth. All right. - Have you brought the sieve? Leave. Aren't you ashamed to do that in the daylight? Why should I be ashamed? You are my newly wedded wife. It tickles me. Come here. - No. - Come on. Bravo, son! May you progress like This! Here, sweeten your mouth. Granny, I want to become a head - clerk. I will fulfill this dream some day. - You sure will, son. These are the medicines for Babu. And this chain. Has his fever cured now? - Yes, long time back. He will now go to the school. - No, I won't go. See? How naughty he is! I'll teach him a lesson. Mother, father, there's good news. My job is now made permanent. I have seen a dream. That we have a house in the city of flowers. Give me the ball. - Go to your mom. - Give me. Come, come, come. Mr. Rajaram, mother has asked whether you have extra milk. Yes, there is. A little. Doesn't matter. Thank you very much. I have told you many a times not to call me Mr. Rajaram. What can I do? You have such a personality.. ..that I feel like calling you mister. Oh! Is this new? - Yes, it is freshly made. Rajaram P. Joshi. - It's not P. It's Purshottam. The full name did not fit on this plate. Sandhya, my job has become permanent today. - Really? Wow! I had thought that the day my job is permanent.. ..I will get a nice name plate of mine and hang it on the door. Rajaram Purshottam Joshi. And, and I had also thought of something else. The day I have a permanent job, I will.. tell you.. that.. Why didn't you get your name written in English? Because we are Indians. Why write in the language of sirs? There is an impressiveness and awe in the language of sirs. There's no.. awe in me.. .. then how would it show on the plate? Sandhya, I.. was asking.. That if we.. Sandhya. Do you have a hammer and a nail? Yes, I keep everything in the house. Don't know when you might need what. I'll get it right away. Here. Give me the hammer. - Here. Here. - Yes. Hold this. It is a matter of joy, that you are inaugurating this name-plate. Here. Take it. Wow! Rajaram has got a new board! Yes, my job is permanent now. - Really? Hey look! - There's some stranger over there. Hey! Vasudev. He is Vasudev, my friend. How are you? Vasudev. Great! Where were you all these days? Where is your luggage? It's coming behind. Where were you all these days? All of a sudden.. Where were you? I'll tell, let me breathe at least. Come, come. Here? - Yes, that's a new board. Come. It looks very new, doesn't it? - All right. You can go. Come. That's my ancestors'. Doesn't work since the time of my grandpa. Good. So this is your palace? - No, it is a humble house. Will do for a few days! I'll manage. You? - Oh! It's you! - I had left something behind. - Sandhya. Come in. She is Sandhya Sabnis. Lives in this same Chawl. Room no. 14. Hello. Wow! A lotus in the mud! Wonderful! Well, congratulations. That.. how did you know? Strange! By the way, it's not fixed yet. It is 100% fixed. What is fixed? - That I have come to your Chawl, in your room. That is why I congratulated you. What did you think? Oh! So you will stay here? - Yes, I've come back to Bombay. Come back to Bombay? When did you leave it? Don't you know? Didn't I stay in Delhi for 4 years? How would I know? Did you ever contact me in 4 years? Since the day you failed in the inter exam.. ..and ran away from the college, I haven't seen you. You never remembered me. - I did. - Never even came to meet. I've come now, pal. And not only that, I've come to stay together! What? To stay? - Yes, I want to be famous again in Bombay. What? You know how difficult it is to get a space in Bombay. Or else why would I stay in a chawl? Till I get a place my worth, I'll stay here with you. I will sleep here on the floor, like your paying guest. And I will give you.. Rs. 300 every month. Shame! Will I take money from a friend? No, you'll have to take the money. We have to be very frank. No! I can't take money from my old friend. Then I'll leave. - No, wait. All right, as you wish. Yes. Then it's decided. You'll get Rs. 300 every month. 300 rupees? Sir, there's a money order for you. - What? Money order? - Yes. Who is it from? Did you hear that? Rajaram has sent money. Really? - 300 rupees. - Count it properly. I am telling that after counting. He writes that, you two buy something nice for yourself. Really? - Do this. Buy yourself a sari. No, I have enough saris. We'll do this. We'll buy another calf. It has been my wish for many days. Hey! Where are you lost? - In my village. I posted a money order to my parents. They were very happy. Don't you ask for tea at your place? Tea? There's no milk, pal. - Then arrange for that! It is such a big chawl! Can't you get milk from somewhere? All right. I'll get it. All the best. Hey Granny, can you come here? - I can't. Get the saris for me. Mrs. Motwani. Naughty cat. - Curse you! Drinks away the milk everyday. I curse you! I have to feed someone else's pet! Either I will stay here in this Chawl or that cat. Listen! - No, leave me.. You're really shameless. - Come on. - Stop it. Here, child, have this. - No. The doctor will be angry. Granny, can I have some milk? Son, I have used all the milk to make the Kheer for Munna. Take the Kheer then. - No, you have it. Are you a guest of Rajaram? - Yes. My name is Bashu. - Oh. - Yes. Hey! Is this lovely, beautiful child yours? Beautiful? - Yes, see the brightness and the aura! He has taken after his mother. Doesn't even wipe his nose properly. Wow! What pomp! Who is it? Rajaram? Come in, son. Uncle, I need some milk. - Is it? Why not. Son, just put some eye drops in my eyes. - All right. Put one drop in each. - Okay. Good! Bravo! That's it. Ok, now help me sit up. - Yes. Be careful. Okay. - Here.. And that fan, switch it off. - Shall I? Uncle, can I take the milk? - Sure, why not? There is a phone for Rajan. - Okay. Rajaram, see what's on the radio? Must be some songs. Ok. - Put on the Vividhbharati. "Let me go. Don't stop me." - Increase the volume. Will that do? - Yes.. Rajaram, will you write a postcard for me? - Yes, I will. It must be in that drawer over there. All right, come here. It has been many days since I wrote to someone. - Is it? Sit down. Write.. Take the pen. - Here's the pen. To whom? - Long living, Yamuna. This light.. - A lot of love from father. Will you eat some Churan? - No. - I'll have some. Give me that bottle. - Okay. Yes.. Long living Yamuna.. - Long living, Yamuna.. A lot of love from father. Milkman! I got the milk, but had to work hard for that. Uncle always holds on and makes us do his work.. Now put it away carefully. Sit down, pal. Be comfortable Don't you want to have tea? It will come. - Will come? - Now I have come, that will come too. Sister-in-law, why did you bother yourself? Doesn't matter. Wow! It is just like nectar, Sister-in-law. Rajaram, then return the cup. - Don't worry, Sister-in-law. - Okay. Here, pal. You have some, too. Drink. Who has come? Who has come? Who has come? Who has come? Who has come? There is hustle and bustle and pomp. The fire crackers are cracked. Who has come? Who has come? The sun has shone in the dark of the Chawl. Who has come? Consider it to be a gem in an earthen pot. The royal rose has spread good smell in our courtyard. A stranger from fairy land has come. The prince has brought happiness in his bag. The beautiful golden flute plays.. He might be some magician or a cheater. He might be some magician or a cheater. I don't care? What have I to do with that? Who has come? There is hustle and bustle and pomp. The fire crackers are cracked. Who has come? The sun has shone in the dark of the Chawl. Who has come? Who has come? Who has come? Who has come? Dear, why do we need to eat here? It would be a waste of money. We are celebrating. We've met after so many years. Amazing. Waiter. Relax, friend. You eat non-veg, don't you? - Yes, of course. You order, anything. Still, tell me what will you eat? One egg curry! - Egg curry? One egg curry, please. And one Murg Masala.. ..one Mutter Paneer, one Kali Daal, one Raita and 2 Naan. Well-cooked. - Yes. Will you have green salad? - No, the salad. One green salad. - Anything else? Get this much first. - Okay sir. Vasudev, how much food have you ordered for! Not Vasudev! Now it is Bashu. Be stylish. Bashu. Ok, tell me, Bashu. What did you do all these years? Ask me what haven't I done? Earlier I was an officer at the reception staff of a 5 star hotel. What pomp I lived in. Wow! Reception staff? It must be a job with much responsibility. Obviously! You know, all the Biggies come in 5 star hotels. Including foreigners. - Ok, what did you do after that? After that I was in a film unit, in the direction department. Ready? Make up ready? - Yes, ready. Hey you red hat! What are you doing there? Don't you see? Get him out of there. Standing there! - Come, Tinu. - Sorry, sorry. It is a tense scene. With some Emotions. - What are the lines? That of suicide. - Right. Now I don't have any other option than suicide. - Wow, lovely. Let's go. Come on. You upset me without any reason. Yeah. - Don't bend! - Start sound! - Rolling. Camera. - Clap. You stupid! Give a clap. - Yes. 42 by 0.. What is this going on? I can't work like this. - I'm sorry. It's pack up! - Listen.. - It's pack up! - What happened. - Help! You silly fool! You are fired! You'll be surprised to know that despite living in Bombay.. ..I've never seen a shooting. Not even that for television. It must be very exciting. - It is so boring! And the attitude of the stars on top of that! I just left it. - Then? - Then I got something very interesting. Advertising and publicity. Yes, brothers. This is a herbal oil. It will grow hair on the bald heads. This is my guarantee. Come, try it! Rupees 5.75! 5.75! .. ..No time to think. Extend your hand. I have heard that there is a lot of glamour in the ad world. Yes, don't ask about it. Ok, Bashu, you did so many different jobs. Why didn't you stick somewhere? Spirit of adventure. A restless soul of an artist! If I am bored within 4 days, I say goodbye. I don't wait at anyone's place. Even if they woo me thousand times. Naughty, cunning, loafer! Get out! Get out! If you show your face again, I'll get you behind the bars. - Out! Really, Vasudev, you are very lucky. But anyways, you shouldn't have left the studies halfway. You can still study for B. A. Yes? - What are you doing after being M. A.? I am doing a job, of a clerk. And now I am even made permanent. Which company do you work for? - Foot print shoes. Who is your boss? - Dhindhoria. He tries to be strict in the office, but actually is very naīve. Recently a man got away scot-free after cheating him. He was his wife's relative. That is why he had given him the job. He stole 50 to 60 thousand rupees and escaped. What? Is your Mr. Dhindhoria so foolish? No, he is not foolish. He just believes people. - I see. And then he is too much occupied in playing golf. Golf? - Yes, golf. Get us some toothpick. Rajaram, do you have some money? I have forgotten my wallet in the bathroom. I have Rs. 40. - What will 40 do? The bill is for Rs. 78. I thought that as you are inviting.. - Ok. Doesn't matter. I'll do something. Sit. Waiter, get two Is Mr. Adranwala there? Yes sir. It's me. Good evening, sir. Yes, we have had the lunch in that restaurant. The taste is really good. The Murg Massala is quite good. No, no, sir. It's not spicy at all. I think if we request them, they might even lessen the chilly. Because our delegates are all foreigners. There are 500 of them. Yes sir. Yes sir. No, sir. I haven't yet talked to the manager. No, sir. What I am thinking is that we should also try.. ..the other 2 restaurants we have on our list. Yes. No, sir. You have trusted me, now you relax. Yes, sir. Our delegation will be completely satisfied. Yes sir. Thank you sir. Rs. 1 for the telephone.. - There is no charge for the phone. Thank you very much. - By the way, how did you like the food here? Food? Very good. - Yes, but have you paid the bill? Yes, I am going to pay it now. - No,.. ..this is not done. You are our guests. No, how is this possible? - It is our good fate that you came here. Have you eaten our special Kulfi? - No. Philips, get the special mango Kulfi on sir's table. - Right away, sir. Your restaurant is really good. It's been such a pleasure meeting. - It's our pleasure, sir. Listen. - Wait, the water will come just now. Five sixes are thirty, five sevens are.. I'll wash clothes. Nothing's sure about water these days. We will fill it for the kitchen too. Don't make so much noise, pal. Rajaram! - Give me the bottle, granny. - Yes. Give it to me. She kept the bucket first. - Stop him. Stop him. Vasudev! Bashu! Wake up. Why are you making so much noise? It's morning. Get up and have tea. Make it fast. I'll miss my bus. You go, I'm coming. You make a very strong tea. Very Indian. You smoke cigarette so early in the morning? This is not a good habit. - You might not have ever smoked. Why not? Do you take me to be a small kid? I have smoked many cigarettes. I have even drunk beer. At the farewell party of D'souza. What big deal is beer? On each birthday of mine, I buy a big packet. Nice and imported. - Pal, you turned out to be very smart. A big carton is fixed for your marriage from me. - Ok. Footprint Shoes. Oh! These are brand new. No, I've got them from the company on half the price. And these are secondary goods. I got 20% discount on top of that. No one ever knows that it is a defected piece. "A red beauty is walking on the ground.' "She looks so beautiful.." Where are you going? Take this. If you wear a sandal, wear 'Footprint'. Useful for every moment. A shoe must be like this. If you have to get beaten, it should be 'Footprint'. A shoe must be like this. Useful for every moment. A shoe must be like this. Yes. Jolly good film. Very well made. Congrats. - Thank you. You too. - Thank you very much. Yes sir, very nice film. - It's a lovely film sir. - Yes. Well, Mr. Joshi, what do you think? Sir, I found this film very childish. Childish? - Sir, it will mock our own product. Obviously you know more about price than about art. Well Mr. Mahadevan, you order the print. - Yes sir. - Shall we? You are very frank, pal. You are a naughty boy Mr. Joshi. Mr. Vasu! - Come, Sister-in-law. - I am unable to open this. You are unable to open it? - Yes. Wow! - Eat it. He is calling you. You call me and I don't come. There's no such.. Uncle, you give me some, too. It is a fund for the blind relief. Child, haven't you gone to the school yet? We are roaming around on behalf of the school. But, child, I don't have change. Master! Come in. - Do you have the newspaper? No, Azam has taken the Loksatta. - All right. Master, give something to this young social worker. I just gave her upstairs. - No, give her on my behalf. How much? - The thing is that I don't have a change of Rs. 100. What to do? - Ok, let me see. 25 paisa. - Master, at least think about my status. Give her some note at least. - Note? Oh! Yes, I have 1 rupee. Now this is better. - Thank you uncle. - Never mind. Master, don't forget to take back this one rupee from me. What does a rupee matter? - It doesn't? All right, forget it then. You don't think of family at all these days.. You can fall in a well and die, but don't marry. Is anyone home? - Who is it? Rajaram P. Joshi! Is anyone ill at your place? Yes, I am a patient myself. - What is your illness? That of heart. - Heart patient. And who are you? I have come for a survey from the municipality. How many people live here? - We are only two. You don't have kids yet? - No. And I don't even hope for that. Oh! Do you have coriander leaves? - Yes, but it's dry. Come and take it if you want. You know, I have a Besan Laddoo in my lunch box. Cross the road carefully. And don't be late this evening. Elder bro and sister - in- law are coming. Last time you had escaped by making an excuse of going to the dentist. Get 1/2 kg lady's fingers when you return. No, get one kg. My sister- in- law should not feel that I am a miser. And listen, come soon. They come, eat and go. Don't know why I am so hospitable to them. If you go to their house, they don't even ask for 1/2 cup of tea. When I went the day before yesterday.. ..she showed me her Hong Kong saris for 2 hours. She has at least 200 saris. And I don't even have 20. And listen. Have a look at the.. ..New Sari Emporium, and see if there is a sale on. I had seen a very beautiful sari over there. Violet. Don't forget to bring the brinjals. Also bring a gourd. This much.. No, only this much. This much. And he's gone.. You are a courageous man. - Yes? What did you say? I said you are very courageous. - Really? Just a minute. Please. Good idea. Necessity is the mother of invention. Really, necessity is the mother of invention. I'm getting late. Look, don't cry. What is there to cry for? Smile! It would be so dull without you. Even I will feel that. - Take care of yourself. I am scared. - Silly! What is there to be scared of? Ok. - Ok. Is this mister going abroad? - No, he is going to the office! He is going for the 1st time. I mean, after the marriage. Oh! He is coming. Which room do you live in? - 36. - Is it? There is only one house in this Chawl with TV. Do you want to see? TV? At this hour? - No, I mean my house. This is our TV. It is imported. Oh! That is why you have kept it behind curtains. There's no program on now, that is why. - I see. - Come. If you want to drink cold water, come to room no. 36. This is a folding table. Our life is flexible. See this. Partition. This is my son. He is a doctor in Canada. - Wow! He arranged all this. - Really? He hasn't forgotten the Indian culture despite living in Canada. He keeps calling us, to settle down there. But one who lives in a Chawl once, cannot leave it so easily. It becomes like a joint family. Mister, is this room of yours lesser than Canada? Shall we have tea? But it's too hot. Shall I make Lassi for you? It will take only 2 minutes in my mixer. It must be imported. - No, wait. Sir, open the table please. Open. Here, sir. Have chilled beer. - You live with pomp. Cheers. Can I call you back please? Bye. - Divya. How are you? Hey Urvashi! - Yes catch! Bowled! Shall we go to the canteen? - Now? - So what? - Come on. Leave me, Mahesh. Hi. Why do you work so much, Mr. Joshi? Get my betel leaf. Did I ever ask you, why do you work so less? I wish you would ask! Ask anything! Mr. Joshi, I am unable to do this statement work. You are an expert. Please, do it for me. It'll take only half an hour. Look, I already have so much work here.. Please. Ok, keep it there. I'll do it in the lunch hour. I'll see during the lunch time. Here, son. Eat. - But this is too much, granny. Lord! Is it too much? Youngsters like you should eat much. Eat. - Ok, if you insist. - But the butter is less. Munna's father does not eat the Rotis without butter. - I see. It is so tasty! What happened, child? Why did you stop? I remember my mother, granny. She loved me just like.. So hasn't she come to Bombay? My mother is no more! - Dear Lord! Take some more butter, son! Sometimes God becomes too cruel. No, God is very kind, granny. I must have done something in my last life.. So you believe in God, son? - Very firmly, granny. - Really? You might laugh, but I am so fond of reading religious books. Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gita, all.. Here, son. Take this hot one. - Wow! - Eat. You are just like Draupadi. - Draupadi? Not Draupadi, son. Like Kunti. - Yes. Granny! Your clothes from the laundry.. Put them over there, child. Come. You have some, too. No, my mother.. - Silly! She ran away! What is this? - Apple! A for apple! What is that for? - For eating. No, I cannot eat it. I am allergic to apples. Looks like you are allergic to me! Sandhya! Yes, father. Don't go anywhere on Sunday morning. Some people are coming to see you. - What? See me? How many times have I told that I don't want to marry this way? What's the hurry? She has just become a B. A. She will find a boy of her choice herself. This is a good thing these days. We didn't have such freedom in our days. So what did you lose? And where will she find the boy? In this Chawl? Why not? Isn't Rajaram a nice boy? He is so decent. He has a job, and that, too, permanent. My life partner will be impressive. Aren't they ashamed? They move ahead by pushing others! Behave like humans and not animals! I have been standing here for 1/2 an hour. And auntie has been standing even before me. But they move ahead by pushing others. That is why our country is so backward. Yes. - There is no humanity. No respect for others. No common sense. Bro, stand in the queue. We have been standing before you. Come on. Move. Brother. Come in the queue. This is not the way to wait for the bus. We have been waiting for 1/2 an hour. Bro, come here.. You came after us. Please get in the line. Madam, you come here. - I am in the queue. There's place over there. I'll show you. Come in a queue. - Bravo, son! Come everyone. Come in a line one by one. Don't worry. There will be place for everybody. Slowly ..come on. You cannot make horses out of donkeys by hitting them, son. This is a common thing here. - Don't worry, aunt. I'll get you in the bus. I told Vengaskar to improve his batting tactic or he will regret. Then don't come to me crying. He followed my advice and got selected. Wonderful! I had to teach Sunil many lessons. Do you also know Gavaskar? Of course. And Vishwanath? - I introduced him to his wife for the 1st time. Move ahead. Did you buy the ticket? - No, give. Where do you want to go, aunt? - Um, to Mantralaya.- Ok. Two. One for Mantralaya and one to Churchgate. Take the money out sir. - Aunt, get down fast. From here. Don't push. Who is pushing? You are coming in the way. Do you want to get down? Move from the side. How are you kids? - Go uncle. Give me some space.. Aren't you coming up? - Make the tea. I'll be there soon. Uncle please continue.. Do you know Pataodi? - I don't know Tiger personally. But Sharmila told me many a times to come.. ..to her home, have lunch, etc. But I don't have the time. I have so much problem with time. I don't have it at all. What do I do? He had gone for just one thing. He hasn't come yet. I had told him to get the Papad. He'll want the Papad himself for the dinner. He just wants excuses to get out of the house. He has the habit of fooling around. He has such a good wife. But he doesn't care for her. He will cry if one day she leaves him. I don't say much. If I speak up one day, he'll be surprised. Bashu, tea is ready. - Coming, buddy. You know, one day an American, a Russian.. ..and one Indian were passing by a girls' hostel. Now all three of them betted on one thing. - Yes. He got it.. How is it? They're laughing so much. What did you tell them? That's not for you. You make a very strong Tea. Very Indian. These Samosas are very nice. - Samosas? He has sent.. that, one who lives above you. - Master? - Yes. Has Master sent the Samosas? - Yes. What for? - Eat, if he has sent. Enjoy yourself. The people of your Chawl are good. - Is it? Go. Your oldie is ringing the bell. Doesn't he have a relative? Yes, he has. A son and his wife. But they return late. As it is, everyone is a relative in the Chawl. But your relation seems to be closer. I'll tell my mom. Go and tell her. Sissy. What boring clothes this man wears! He was unable to find a word for the crossword. Your wardrobe is very anemic. You see white everywhere. What is this? - I only have 3 shirts. So if all three of them are white.. ..people don't know how many you have. Buddy, you have to do many things to impress girls in office. Don't talk about the office. - Improve yourself, Rajaram. Bashu, why do you have so many keys? What are these for? Dear, only one of them is useful. That of the attaché. Others are for fashion. Style, you know? Sudarshan wheel. Bashu! - Yes. - I.. I need some money. Money for what? - That.. I had given for the bill that day. Rs. 40. My money order will be here. Just wait for two days. Hey! Have you thought about getting a job. - No. Wish you were a graduate. I would get.. ..you in my company.. - Hmm! Move aside. Look, Bashu. Listen to me. Study for B. A. It will help you in finding a job. - A job is not looked for. It falls from the heaven. Hey you're locking her door from the outside. Samosas. Two. Three. Four. Pick it up, miss. Don't be shy! No problem at all. Consider this as your house. Did you like the Samosas? - Yes, they are hot and nice. It would be nice if I could have tea with that. If you want tea, madam, it's ok. Get up, and make it for yourself. And make some for me, too. You know where the stove is, the tea and the milk. And yes, make it light. I drink light tea. I'll make it right now. Is Rajaram Purshottam Joshi at home? - Yes, he is. Give me the Samosas. Hey! What is this? Sit. They are a bit burnt. But still.. Liked them? They are tasty. It would be nice if I could have tea with that. There is. I'll get the tea for you. First class.. first class tea! Excuse me, we are closing the shop. Do you want to buy the book? - Yes, I want to buy many books. For the library of my club. You have a very good selection. I'll come tomorrow morning. When do you open? 10 o'clock. - All right, I'll come at 10:15. - You are welcome. Thank you. A for apple. A for apple. A for apple. Where are you going, my nightingale? You? - Yes, me. - Get out of my way. What are you doing? No! No. - Dear.. - Did it hurt you, dear? Great stuff.. - Hot stuff.. Aren't you ashamed? Don't you have bros or a father? - No. Come on. Catch him! He has run away. Where has he gone? Where is he? Where is he? He outwitted us. - Urvashi, go there. - Yes boss. Divya, here. Yes boss. Sheila, here. - Yes boss. I have cured many like him. Rajaram Joshi.. Mind you! Don't touch me. Hey! Apple! Eat it. Eat.. - No. Eat! - No! - Eat! Have it. - Adam also had it. Great! - That's it! - Salutations. Oh! This body! This youth! Come close, dear. I will all yours. Come on. - Leave. This is not good. Help! Help! Stop! Help! Help! Stop! Stop! Stop, you paperboy. I've received an extra one. Oh. Fantastic! Wow! What a shot! Wow! - Thank you. - Very good. I'll show you a pretty shot. Let's see. How's that! - Brilliant! Brilliant drive! Thank you. - Thank you very much. Great, very good. There you are here. - Congratulations. Thank you. - Very well done. Let's go to the hall and have a glass of beer. No, please excuse me. I am in a hurry.. ..to go home. Why? What happened? You are defeated here. And I am defeated at home. But I enjoyed the game. But next time, I'll beat you. - Yes, keep trying. Excuse me sir. - Yes? Forgive me, but I have been watching your game for 1 hour hiding there. Yes? - Beautiful! Thank you, thank you. You.. - Bashu. I am one of the great fans of this game. I think this much introduction is enough. We get to see very little of this style and precision in India. Do you live in a foreign country? Yes, good old England. Actually, my friend is an editor of a sports weekly over there. He wants to do a photo feature on the amateur golf in India. If you don't mind, can I shoot some of your snaps? Mine? - Yes, in action. Okay, it's all right with me. - So kind of you. I'll be delighted. - So kind of you. All right sir. Thank you. But why don't you have a drink with us? Meet my family. Hello, child. - Hi Papa. Hello. Good game darling. - Not quite. Sit. He is Bashu Bhatt. An expert of golf. - Really? And this is my wife Anu. - Greetings! - Anuradha Dhindhoria. Miss Jojo Dhindhoria. - Hello! And this is master Toto Dhindhoria. - I see. Is your whole family present here? No, I have six more at home. What a wonderful game your husband plays, Mrs. Dhindhoria! Butter! Jojo! Behave yourself. - Naughty girl. Sir, there's a trunk call for You in the manager's room. Ok, I'm coming. During holiday too. Excuse me darling. Excuse me. - Sure. Look after the lady. - My pleasure. By the way, you look like her elder sis. No one can say that you are her mother. That's because she is not my mother. My mother is no more. But darling, we are like sisters, aren't we? Of course, sister-in-law darling. Jojo. - Sorry. Excuse me. - Sorry, sister-in-law. Why do you flatter everyone? You are a very bright girl. Now you are trying that on me? Poor boy, he was left behind. - He is a lovely dog. Jojo. Good boy! Not Jojo! Toto! I am Jojo. But this is a strange name, Jojo. My real name is Jayjaywanti. - It is no less strange. How come? When I was born, the Raag Jayjaywanti was playing on the radio. My mother loved classical music very much. - Do you? No, I like disco, pop and film music. Then you must be fond of Hindi movies. No, not much. But I watch them sometimes. You are a very patriotic girl. Who is your favorite hero? Guess. - Kumar Gaurav? Sanjay Dutt? Kunal Kapoor! Shashi Kapoor. He's so handsome. So mature. I like mature people. Baby. - Baby. You called me baby? Oh I'm sorry. Miss Dhindoria. Forgive me. I took long to come. No, we had a nice time. - Really? That's all darling. Thank you. Well, cheers. - Cheers. Mr. Bhatt, what work did you do in England? I was working with a shoe company. Bishop shoes. Publicity and Sales Promotion. Very surprising. Very surprising. I also get my shoes from England. And that, too, from Bishop. Actually, I am in.. - Excuse me, sir, for being rude. But this craze that we have for imported goods.. Now look, don't we get good quality goods in our own country? See this. My shoes, they are 100% Indian. Footprint shoes. - Footprint shoes. Mr. Bhatt. Are you working somewhere these days? Oh no sir. I'm taking it absolutely easy. - I see. It is a coincidence that.. Mr. Bhatt, I have a request that.. - Yes, tell me. The thing is that, one.. Come in. Sir has called you. - Right. Come in. Good morning, sir. - Good morning. Come-come my boy. Sit down. Alright, evening. Bye! So how did you find the atmosphere here? The atmosphere is very good sir. But I feel I will take some time to learn my work. There is a lot of difference between.. ..the working systems here and in England. Yes, there is a little difference. But don't worry. You are a young bright man. You will learn everything slowly. Thank you sir. Mahadevan? - Yes sir. Send Joshi in please. - Yes sir. Well, I hope you will like our Footprint shoes. I'm sure of it sir. Come in. Joshi, come in. Come sit down. Joshi, this is Mr. Bhatt. Yes, I know.. - How do you do Mr. Joshi? It's a pleasure meeting you. Mr. Bhatt was in the same business earlier. But not here, in England. He has just returned from England. That's right. - This is Mr. Joshi. He is one of our most diligent and hard working young men! Really? How nice! How nice.. Joshi. - Yes sir. Explain everything to Mr. Bhatt about.. ..our operations, methods and procedures. - Yes. Let him get the feel of the dealer distribution network. One second. Sorry. Hello? - Sir, Mr. Kulkarni on the line. Hello? - Is this Vicky? One sec. one sec. That is all. - Ok sir. All the best. All the best. - Thank you sir. Tell me Vicky. The job you had told me about.. Yes. There's a good candidate for that. No, I'm sorry. That post has been filled today. We have a gem of a person. What's this tale of England? It would be better if you don't ask me these questions. Understand? Let's go. - Rajaram! Rajaram, aren't you going? No, go on. My work is pending. Mr. Bhatt is in too. Wait. This is surprising! - Didn't I tell you, that a job falls down from heaven? But I don't get it. There's no doubt, that you are a bit stupid. You don't have any qualification. Not even a degree. But.. I have a job. How can this be. See? It has all happened in front of you. Brains, personality, a bit of fate, and amateur golf. But what you are doing is wrong, Washu. How long will you carry this on? - As long as it can be. One day you'll be caught. - That day I'll bid him goodbye. Who wants to stay here for good anyways? Footprints are permanent? No way. - It's here. - Come on. Move. Get in. Get in. Go. Mom, will another bus come? Did you see where they halt the bus? That silly man.. The bus stop is here. But they stop the bus over there. Nonsense! Bro! Come in the queue. I have been standing before you. Special news! There's an emergency operation.. ..of a 14 year old boy at the Bombay Hospital. Blood group O Negative is needed immediately. O Negative blood donors are requested.. ..to reach Bombay Hospital as soon as possible. Special news over. - My blood group is O negative. My blood group is O negative. I know that. O Negative is needed in the hospital. Not everyone has that. It is a rare blood group. Taxi! Wait! Where do you have to go? - Bombay Hospital. The taxi is not vacant. - What do you mean the taxi is not vacant? My blood group is O negative. Come, move fast. We don't have much time. Take me to Bombay Hospital. Be as beautiful as your mom when you grow up. Excuse me ok. O God! Oh God! Bhausaab! Bhausaab, what are you doing? Give that to me. No, how can you pick up my bags? They are not too heavy. You'll lift it with us around, won't we feel ashamed? You are sweating. So, Bhausaab, shall I leave now? - No, how can I let you go? Without coming inside? Come in. - No.. - Come in. Okay then, come. Take the packets. Sit down. Bring us some nice coffee. With Elaichi. - I am making the Sabudana Wada. Good. Bring them hot. Why are you bothering unnecessarily? Not a problem. Sandhya, bring cold, fridge water from Tatya's. No, tap water will do. Strange! You got a good job as soon as you came. My uncle and other relatives are angry with me. They say why do I need to do a job? Come and handle your estate. Please, have it. What were you talking about the estate? That.. my grandpa was the.. ..court minister of the royal family of Indore. That's it. Why did you leave England and come back? They say it's very good there. To tell you the truth, Bhausaab.. ..there's nothing like our own country. - Wow! Many of my friends have settled there. And married English girls. Even I got many proposals. Yes, of course. You must have got them. But I decided that I shall marry only an Indian woman. A good home bound girl. Literate, like B. A. and stuff. Average looking, having good character. And can make good food. Sandhya has made these Sabudana Wadas. Go! Wow! Had a nice time. Have it. - Why do you bother? - It's ok. Bhausaab, the one thing I missed.. ..in England, was Sabudana Wada! I love them. Even Rajaram loves Sabudana Wadas. Whenever we make it at our home, we count him in, too. Wow! Ok, Bhausaab, shall I leave now? Yes. This was a nice program, so homely! Come again, please. - Yes. Listen, take this for Rajaram. - Sure. Silly! How can you ask him to do the work? We'll send it. - Shall I leave? - Bye. - Bye. Okay, that's it. Sister. Just a minute. Just hold on please. There we are. That's it. Thank you very much. Mister, coffee. - What was the need for that? - Biscuit. Mr. Rajaram! Oh! It's you! - Sabudana Wadas for Mr. Rajaram. - I see. Miss Sabnis, come. Please, come in. Don't be scared. Come. You sit here. Sit. I don't bite. Ok, tell me, why are you so shy? You don't talk or do anything. You still seem to be living in the previous century. Dear, the century has changed. Haven't you heard about women's liberation? No? I am quite liberated by the way. I mean.. I talk to people. It's not that I don't talk. You can ask Rajaram. So you do talk! With Rajaram. And why not to me? Have I done any crime? No, it's nothing like that. - So, talk to me. Like a 1982 girl. Come on. Talk. I am waiting. What are so many keys for? - Wow! Intelligent question. Very intelligent question. This is the key to the vault of Reserve Bank. This is the key to the safe of Nizam. This is the key to the jewelry box of Hema Malini. And this is the key to the country charity fund. And this little, sweet one, this is my heart's key. That's it. Sandhya, you? You are late today. Where have you been enjoying? Just like that. I brought this for you. - What is it? Mother has sent Sabudana Wadas for you. - Oh! Good. What was the need for this? Ok, now that you've got it.. I'll wash my hands.. - Shall I get spoon for you? - No, it's ok. Here, take. - No, you have it. I've already had hot ones. I was the guest of honor at her place today. Oh! Where did I put it? Granny, tell me what happened next. I won't tell you a story today. - No, today. - Tomorrow. Tell me today. Not tomorrow. - No! No! - Today itself. It is time to go to bed. Ok, listen. You want to hear a story, don't you? - Yes. Ok, first go to the bathroom. - But I don't feel like. Yes, you do. Go. - No! - Go. No! - Or else you'll wet the bed in the night. Go. You're very naughty. Here. I've prepared your report. I've written the details. Now you read it once. Why do I need to read when you have prepared it? Read it. - Now only the boss will read it. I'll extinguish this one. Sir, the report of south zone that you wanted is ready. So soon? - I sat awake and did it last night. Wonderful. Remarkable. - Thank you sir. Would you care for a drink? - Yes. All right. Can I have some ice? - Sure. Hello. - Excuse me. - Hello. Hello. How are you? - Fine. - You? Very well, thank you. I hope you didn't have trouble looking for the house. No, we've been here before. - Oh, yes. But you must see the new paintings of mine. - Excuse us. - Okay, okay. Excuse me, sir, the Makhijas have called up. They won't be able to come. Doesn't matter. Vinod, I wanted you to meet Bhatt. Hello. - How do you do sir? - Our new recruit. - Is it? Very good. - Hello. - Hello, how are you? Very well. - Hello Jalal, how are you? Hi, Vinod! - Hello ma'am! - Nice to see you. Jalal, that was a great film you made for us. - Thank you very much. Please come in. - Bhatt. - Please come. Hello, Sebi! - I just finished my film. - Hello, how are you? Come, come. - Greetings. - Greetings. Yeah, right. - Please sit down. Well, hi. Hey, how are you? Nice to see you. - Very well, thank you. What's happening? - Your drink sir. - Thank you. Thank you very much. - Cheers. Hi, Arabella! Hello Jojo. - This is Angelo! This is Jojo. - Hello. - Thank you. She's a charming doll. She's very pretty no? - Auntie. - Hmm! - Yes. What do you say in Italiano? - Mostabella. Yes, mostabella. Hello. - Hi. This smile of yours is wonderful, lady. - Baby? Who can dare call you a baby today? But what was the need for so much of jewelry? Your eyes are enough. - This is my mom's jewelry. See. Wow! Was your mother also so beautiful? - Come. Come! This is my real mother. She must have been very affectionate, right? She was a terror! You should have seen her while she got angry. Papa and I used to hide. - I see Then she would say herself, come out. The volcano has doused! How is it? - Very striking. By the way, there's a lot of resemblance, isn't there? That same forehead, same cheeks, same eyes. And also the same nose. Hello Papa. - Hello darling, how are you? - Chaya, my little one. Jojo. - Greetings. - Oh! She has grown up. - Hasn't she? Cheers! Why don't you come to our place someday? Um, she has called us on Wednesday. Wednesday, what's the date? - 4th. I said, greetings. - It is already midnight. Where were you? Half of my life has passed. Where were you till now? You are wonderful. Come, show me your beautiful terrace. Let us go far from this cruel world. And what about my guests? You are forgetting that I am the hostess. And you are forgetting that I am your guest. And you are not looking after your guest. Come. Let's go. - Let's go. What are you thinking? I am thinking that how lucky is my boss! - You are very frank. Are you angry? I'm sorry. But I am not saying it. This Wretched thing is saying it. But it is telling the feelings of my heart anyways. Give Mr. Motwani the tea without sugar. He is diabetic. What is the need to announce about my diabetes in public? Peace! So brothers and madams! I am.. Doctor. This Tatya won't call any woman sister even by mistake. So brothers and madams! - Wives! - I am glad to say that.. ..once again the annual day of our Chawl is approaching. This year, too, we will Celebrate the.. ..annual day by presenting a drama from our own Chawl. Stand up. - Claps! The unity of our Chawl, and not only the unity but togetherness.. Unity and togetherness mean the same! I feel that.. - I think that we should.. ..do an old musical and follow our cultural traditions. Enough of the cultural traditions, uncle. Why don't we do a religious play? Enough! - Now we should be a bit modern. That's it! - Every era demands something new. Today's demands are new. Today's problems are new. - Yes. So what do you feel the drama should be based on? Go on. - I think, Wild Pigeons. - What? Seductive nights! - My God! - Great. Honeymoon! - Sit down. It's not honeymoon yet. I feel that if we.. - Mr. Deshpande hasn't got the coffee. Last year we also had biscuits. - But I was the secretary then. But I think that.. - Listen. - Sure, go on. Isn't there a play on the Queen of Jhansi? It wasn't a drama, dear. It was a movie. Where were you when the movie was made? Shall we arrange for a devotional songs program? But, Sister-in-law, we had that program during the Ganpati festival. Now we'll do that next year. - Me! - Next year. Next year..- Now next year. Now we want such drama that has enjoyment and.. ..along with that also entertainment. What are you saying Tatya? But yes, it should also have a message. Because it's necessary. So, are there are any suggestions? Ladies.. brothers.. Me! I'll tell you. Vijay Tendulkar.. Vijay Tendulkar has written a play. It contains humor. Some light romance and a message too. Which one? - 'The birds come.' - Oh. I truly tell you, you are beautiful. I swear by my mother and father. I swear by you! If I am lying, may my tongue be cut. If I tell the truth, I may eat ladoos (sweets). Your wedding.. Just look at yourself. No, no! Not in the mirror. Smile.. Glow.. Be a part of a flower. Be a part of a flower. Be a part of a flower. Even if you want to roll your tongue. You are lovely. You are lovely. Lady, you look wonderful. Breeching, be reaching, covered by beauty. Sweet little bird. The bird of love. Have you ever seen it? Thin beak. Long feathers. Deep eyes. Deep eyes! - He forgot it. He forgot. Deep eyes, ugly feet. Ugly feet! But still they lovely. They attract my mind. Entrance it. Do you know why? Tell me. Do you know? Do you know why?! Rajaram.. You know. - You know.. Heart is full of love. - Heart is full of love.. Love of life. - Love of life.. And for his mate. - Love for his mate.. Love full of strength.. - Love full of strength,.. ..dances and sings in a cage. Love makes everyone beautiful. - You are beautiful. You are beautiful. - You are surely lovely. Let love.. - Let love enter the depth of mind. Put love into.. - Put love into yourself. Let yourself flow in the river of love. Laugh.. - Laugh, sing, and smile. Not just from the surface But from within. And then see whether you are beautiful or not. Then.. - If you.. - If you want something.. ..then get it through love. One on this cheek and another on this one. Oh! - Oh! Madam, you are really lovely. Madam, you are really lovely. 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are dainty' 'You are like gild' ' Like tender love' ' Like the colors of the rainbow' It is like wings of the wind. 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are gentle' 'You are beautiful' ' Eyes are like the river' ' Lips are like shells' ' Eyes are like the river' ' Lips are like shells' 'A moon-like forehead' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are a fire' 'Gentle' 'Gentle' 'The thorns on your body' ' Increase the thirst' ' Enfolding drape' 'You are very sleek' 'You are beautiful' 'You are a fire' 'Gentle' 'Gentle' 'The intoxication dripping off your eyes' 'Your are lips are singing silence' 'You are a magician' 'You are the beat of every nerve' 'You are beautiful' 'You are a fire' 'Gentle' 'Gentle' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' ' I am beautiful' 'You are beautiful' ' I am beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' 'You are beautiful' ' I am beautiful' 'You are beautiful' ' I am beautiful' 'You are beautiful' ' I am beautiful' 'You are beautiful' ' I am beautiful' 'You are beautiful' ' I am beautiful' 'You are beautiful' ' I am beautiful' 'You are mad' 'I am mad?' 'Yes, you are mad.' ' No, you are mad.' 'You are beautiful' ' I am beautiful' 'You are beautiful' ' I am beautiful' 'You are beautiful' ' I am beautiful' 'You are beautiful' ' I am beautiful' ' Have the drink of mania' ' I am flowing, hold me.' ' Have the drink of mania' ' I am flowing, hold me.' 'You' ' Beautiful' 'You' ' Beautiful' 'You are mad' 'You are mad' ' No, you are mad.' ' No, you are mad.' 'You are mad' ' Beautiful' 'You are mad' ' Beautiful' 'You are mad' ' Beautiful' 'You are mad' ' Beautiful' What is that? We will find out right now. What is that?! - It's a girl. Uncle. Uncle, uncle. Will you come with me? Not today, friend. Hey - Hey! Vasu. Vasu! Don't hang this here. Why? We both stay in this room. After all, I have some rights as a paying guest. But Vasu this is a Chawl. Kids stay here. Respectable people stay here. What would people say about me? They will say that Rajaram has improved. Here it is. - Come on! Didn't I tell you? Hey! Come on, get lost! Rajaram. Rajaram, I had some work for you. Come in. Come, there near the window. Yes, tell me. I wanted 40 rupees. I want to get a present for my husband. As a surprise. Tomorrow, we have our wedding anniversary. Anniversary? - Yes. Tomorrow it will be 1 month. Oh! I see. I'll get it. Oh yes. Congratulations. Sorry, I don't have money. It looks like they have been spent. I'll arrange them by tomorrow in the morning. Its alright. I'll get them from granny. Ok. Vasu. - Did you find out? I am responsible. I have done the theft, my lord. But I am not a criminal. It is this cruel world which forced me. That's enough. Stop your nonsense! Why did you take 300 rupees from.. ..my cupboard without asking me? I have just borrowed them, friend. I will repay them as soon as I get my salary. Salary? Cheque? Money order? I have been hearing that from a month. All I am doing is hearing. You said you will pay me 300 rupees.. ..for being a paying guest. Forget about that. At least don't take money from me. From my cupboard. Why didn't you lock your cupboard? I never lock my cupboard. I am against locks. If I could, I would break all the locks in the world. Locks mean that a man doesn't trust another. You are really innocent, friend. You are not fit to stay in this world. A man doesn't trust another. You shouldn't be so trusting. Now look, your friend has cheated you. Forget about the world. Every man isn't like you. Some are also like me. Friend, you are extremely shameless. I have to clear all my payments of this month. I have to pay bills. From where will I get it? Get it from your home. What are your parents for? Wire them a telegram. That's all. No. Never! Sister, is brother here? You have a telegram. Listen, the postman has come with a telegram. Is everything alright? Its Rajaram's telegram. He needs 300 rupees. 300? Why would he suddenly need it? I don't know. Surely there is something. Otherwise he doesn't send a telegram like this. But how will we get money at short notice? Sir has called you. - Ok One minute, sir. Will appreciate an reply. Yours faithfully, etc. May I come in sir? One sec. That's all Kamla. Sit down. Yes sir? Mr. Bhatt hasn't come today. No sir. He hasn't come. - Why? I don't know, sir. Yes. Maybe he has gone for market research. Today it has been one month since we met. Yes. Today we have our anniversary. We should give each other something for .. ..remembrance. Right? No Radha. How could I take that? No. No, I won't take that. Now I will.. Jojo! - Leave! - Jojo! Really Radha.. Until when will we meet in hiding? But what do I do? I can't control my mind. You are not mine. I decide everyday that I will forget you. Bashu, I won't be able to bear that. The ball went into the water. But what right do I have to meet you like this? Bashu, I am ready to take a divorce. Photo.. - Yes, photo.. Oh! Why are you standing like soldiers? Lets have a pose. Oh! Ok. - One minute. Hey fatty! What are you doing between the girls? Get lost! Go away! Come on! - Hey! Out! Out! Now.. - First class. Ready? 1, 2, and 3! Jojo, I'll take a first class photo for you. Smile,1, 2, and 3! Radha, we shouldn't hurry. I won't do any such thing will shock Mr. Dindoria. He won't be shocked. We are not crazy in love with each other. He married me because he needed a.. ..beautiful wife in society. And I accepted him for status. We don't have love in our relationship. Hey! There is ice-cream! Yes. Yes. - Wait for me! - Come on, friend. Wait. Wait. Watch out. Catch! Throw. What? I too won't be able to live without you. But we shouldn't hurry. You should have faith in me. Isn't it? Hey! Oh! Oh no! Catch them! Catch them. Here. Listen. Rajaram has come. - Here. Hey. Brother, sister! Come in. Just.. Come, Mr. Rajaram. Rajaram, you have been staying.. ..in this Chawl for 10 years. What? - I mean, you know us from 10 years. Yes. - Tell me, do you have any complaint against us? No. Who told you that? No! Have you ever heard us defame others? What are you saying? Our Sandhya has become 21. - 22. She has also passed her BA. Yes.. I know that. She knows how to cook, stitch and clean. She is gentle, cultured and obedient. Yes.. - She is also good looking. She is beautiful. What I mean to say, Rajaram, is that.. ..the home she goes to will be filled with happiness. Isn't it? Actually, we are thinking about Sandhya's marriage. Don't you agree with what we said about Sandhya? Brother, is this something to be asked? A girl like Sandhya.. - Good! So Sandhya has passed, right? Brother, sister, I.. How do I tell you? I too was.. For a long time.. I didn't have the courage. One minute. Alright, so its fixed. You will talk about Sandhya. - Talk? To Vasu. - He will never ignore what you say. There is no chance for that. Rajaram, just tell him. - Yes. It will be a great pair. He is a good boy. He speaks so sweetly. - Crazy woman. He is cultured. On his coming, the Chawl has become lively. He has stayed in England but he hasn't left his culture. He isn't disrespectful. The day before yesterday, he said good morning to me. He said it with a lot of respect. He is a diamond. It is our luck that he came in this Chawl. Did you ask Sandhya? We asked Sandhya. I'll tell you a secret. She likes him. Otherwise, would today's girl listen to us? It wasn't so in our times. So, you will talk to Vasu, right? Give me the sugar. Here! Alright, we'll leave. - Ok. 'What happened?' 'What happened?' 'What happened?' 'In our own courtyard.. 'In our own courtyard.. ..fireworks are being displayed!' ..fireworks are being displayed!' 'What happened?' 'What happened?' 'The clarinet will be played.' 'The clarinet will be played.' 'The bride will be dressed up' 'What happened?' 'What happened?' 'Find an apartment, brother, there's an engagement.' 'Find an apartment, brother, there's an engagement.' 'The bride is from this house, the groom too, belongs here.' 'The bride is from this house, the groom too, belongs here.' 'The bride is from this house, the groom too, belongs here.' 'What happened?' 'What happened?' 'The almighty too, has played such a game.' 'The almighty too, has played such a game.' 'He has got the groom married to a mynah' 'He has got the groom married to a mynah' 'What happened?' 'What happened?' 'What happened?' 'What happened?' 'What happened?' 'What happened?' 'What happened?' 'What happened?' Mahadevan. - Yes sir? I have got a letter from GRJM and company. Good, the letter's come. - Yes. They are canceling the orders. Cancel?! - Mr. Bhatt was going to meet them last week, right? And they say that he didn't come. Strange.- Please send him the moment he comes in. Thank you. Yes. It's alright. This letter has arrived sir. Its urgent. Any messages for me? Go in quickly! He is very angry! - Hurry up! Where were you? The boss asked for you 5 times! If he has called me, its ok. What's the problem? Vasu! - What is it? Relax, friend. What is your problem? You...! That was very bad! What will you do now? What should I do? - You have lost your job! Yes. - What will you do? I'll have fun, friend. I'm a free bird. Did I have a job earlier? I told you, the day I get bored, Goodbye! You are engaged to be married at 10. This is real disturbance! Going out with a girl in India would mean.. ..that we have a rope on our neck called marriage. It's a big bloody nuisance! Why did you agree then? You should have refused. I have only agreed, right? Agreeing to and actually getting married are different. What do you mean? Look Vasu. Vasu, listen to me! I have been looking and hearing this from many days. Your lies have no limit. I was quiet in the office. I was hurt but I still remained quiet. If you do something to Sandhya.. ..I won't be a silent spectator. - Ok. Cool. Cool it, friend. Will you have a cigarette? Take it. Take it! I think he'll be late from office today! Come on, Mr. Motwani. - Where to? Shivaji Park. There is a conference. No. I have to help my wife in cooking. In cooking? - Yes. Why? She helps me too in washing dishes. Hello, Sandhi. - What's going on? Here, take some hot Chakli (fried snack). It has just been made. - Wow! Wow! Sandhi! Its great. Take care of me in the same way after marriage too. Today I did a lot of shopping. - Really? And look at this. It is cloth for your suit. This is somewhat middle-class. You should have taken me together. Well, its ok. When will your parents come? We'll buy other things with them. They should come in 2-4 days. And where will they stay? - Taj. My parents' room is always booked at the Taj. I had given your ring to be made. You haven't given mine yet. - No.. It is here. - Let me see. Where is its box? - Do you want the box or the ring? Its really lovely. I'll keep this. Not now. After the rites. The rites. Ok, eat these. I have made them. Ok, I will. The Chakli is great! Wow! If we would have hot tea with it, we would have enjoyed it. Madam, if you want tea, get up and make it yourself. Give some to me too. There is milk, sugar and tea powder. And make it light. I drink it light. 'I didn't ask you for anything' 'I didn't ask you for anything' 'Give me, today.' 'These eyes that have stayed awake for a 100 years.. ..a boon of sleep' 'I didn't ask you for anything' 'The surrounding fragrances' 'The same footsteps' 'Getting startled, again and again.' 'The same restlessness' 'The same bond of your arms' 'The same burning in the passion of your gaze' 'How much more will the bonds of your love, pull me?' 'How much more will the bonds of your love, pull me?' 'Leave me, give me back my pride.' 'I didn't ask you for anything' Will you put this too? Listen! Will the Pedas (sweets) be less? Give one to everyone, they'll be enough. Keep an eye on the kids. Hurry up. Our guests must be coming. Wow! My-my! Its such a lovely gathering. - Come in. Listen. Take this ring. Hasn't Purohit come? He must be on his way. - He has a triple seat. Its not a joke. We have wooed him with difficulty. We gave him rupees 10 extra. Everybody these days.. Come in. Come. - Come. Where is the groom? - He will be coming soon. He has gone to take his suit. Its edges were pending. These tailors are all the same. They always keep something to be done. - Sit down. Come, Radhabai. Well, brother. Sandhya has had her lottery. She is lucky. - But your in-laws haven't come. That's very strange. They couldn't come by leaving their business. We are all going to Indore next week. Really? - Through a airplane. Really? - They are sending tickets. But has no relative of the groom came? We asked them. He said isn't this entire Chawl present? Wow! - It means that all of us are from the Groom's side. Wow! Well-said! Purohit has come. Move. I have to get them engaged and go ahead. For another marriage. Now call the boy quickly. Get him. Vinayak, go son. Hey! Rajaram has come! - Rajaram has come! Rajaram! Hey Rajaram! Listen, come straight here. I'm coming after changing My clothes. Yes. Come quickly. Friend, this story is finished here. Now I can't take any more. I will go before the stars. Give my love to Sandhi. She is a cute girl. Vasu. This story is finished here. Now I can't take any more. There are other worlds beyond the stars. Brother, he didn't go to Sadguru tailors. What are you saying? He didn't give the suit to be stitched. What do you mean? And brother, he took his red suitcase.. ..and left a long time ago. Yes. Savita saw him. Yes. - What are you saying? Rajaram! Rajaram! Hey Rajaram! Do you know where Vasu is? What do you mean? Where will that scum go from this city? The whole colony is sitting here. Will he disrespect me? There hasn't a man been born who can cheat me. My daughter hasn't fallen on the streets. She is one in a million. A million! I will send him to jail! Respectable people stay here. Where will he run away? I will find him even in hell! I won't leave that broker! He hasn't seen my anger till now! What does he think he is? But mother, we didn't get pedas? Be quiet! Naughty boy. They were going to go to Indore in a plane! Yes! The plane has left. Now what will happen to my daughter? How will I show my face to people? Why did this happen? Who will marry her now? I will. I will marry Sandhya. If you agree. Rajaram, I said it earlier too. We won't find a good boy like you. Rajaram, do you agree to marry Sandhya? I mean all this.. We agree. So, it's fixed. But I want to talk to Sandhya first. Rajaram, I can't agree to this marriage. I know. That is why I wanted to know your opinion. Don't think that I am exploiting The situation. Exploiting? What benefit could you have by taking an rejected person? I have been looking at you, Rajaram. You don't leave any chance of helping anyone. Even if you may have to bear a lot of trouble through it. What is the use of this goodness? I don't want my home to be based on someone's sacrifice. Its not sacrifice. Its love. I love you Sandhya. This is a lie. If you love me you would reveal it earlier. If you would love me, you wouldn't let.. ..someone else snatch me in this manner. You wouldn't have been looking silently. Sandhya, I tried to tell you numerous times. But you weren't ready to listen. I was always Mr. Rajaram for you. If only you would have Said this earlier. Perhaps.. perhaps, all this wouldn't have happened. Maybe I would have seen you differently. It isn't late yet. Sandhya. No. Its too late now. - How? Now I am not worthy.. You mean you and Vasu.. - Yes. You are.. you are now. No. I don't know. Maybe. My decision hasn't changed, Sandhya. Mr. Rajaram. Rajaram. Grandpa, Gopal, doctor, uncle! Uncle, granny, Sumaka, Bhagvanti.. ..Sarla, there is an engagement! Come, come on quickly! Yes. Come on, there is an engagement! Now her engagement is with Rajaram. Is that so? - Yes. The hero has changed. But I ask you, where has that creep gone? There is no need to cry. She will go from this room to that one. Come on. Hey! So the tortoise won after all! Yes son. The tortoise won. What a win it was. Granny, I wanted a little milk. Milk? I just made it into yoghurt. Should I give you some of that? No. I don't want yoghurt. Wait! - No. First leave my hand. What will happen? Sit here. - No. - Someone might see us. - So what? We've got married just now. - No you go. You are a coward. And you are too much. Someone may see us. So what?
Channel: Shemaroo
Views: 1,641,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Katha, Katha Movie, Naseeruddin Shah Movies, Deepti Naval Movies, Farooq Shaikh Movies, Sai Paranjpe Movies, 1983 Hit Movies, Bollywood Movie, Shemaroomovies, ShemarooEnt, Full Length Hindi Movies, Hindi Hd Movies, Full Hindi Movies, Hindi Subtitled Movies, Best Bollywood Movies, Popular Bollywood Movies, Old Hindi Movies, Evergreen Hindi Movies, Classic hindi Movies
Id: nLos9zq0FhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 32sec (8132 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2015
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