FINNEAS How To Be A Producer

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there's no wrong way to write a song but you know once you're able to identify those things you're able to identify a lot of commonality in music [Music] and how do you go about creating your songs no yeah it's all you know different every time i i started making music as a 12 year old uh you know i didn't know how to produce or anything so i would i knew a little bit of piano i was sort of a remedial pianist remedial guitarist so i would play the two three chords i knew and you know make up words and melodies over that and that was really how i wrote everything for the first five or six years like that was the only way and then i started you know bands with my friends in high school and then it was a fun you know we i'd have a great drummer and he'd play a beat and that would maybe inspire like slightly more rhythmic lyrics and melody and that was exciting and then as i got a little bit older um throughout high school i was like trying to figure out how to produce and so that was the other thing was was making little you know instrumental loops with midi tracks and writing over those because they do they do inspire different things i think it would be hard to write you know an incredible rap over you know something with no rhythm at all to sort of play off of and and it can be done and great rappers do it but you know it's it's more typical to write you know more rhythmic lyrics over rhythm so yeah yeah i read that you went on a production course with your mum was this an afternoon or a a week-long experience our mom um does write songs she never uh you know made a living out of it really at all but wrote songs as kind of a hobby and um when we expressed a little bit of interest when we were young she sort of was like well you know there's no wrong way to write a song but let's let's talk about song structure you know let's talk about what a bridge is and what a rhyme scheme is you know once you're able to identify those things you're able to identify a lot of commonality in music and then you can break all those rules but it's cool to know them and understand them but there was never any production but you know in terms of songwriting it was really fun it was and it was cool you know she'd sort of be like because i think sometimes as a songwriter you feel a lot of pressure to like express your innermost you really bury your soul and she really instilled in us a kind of a like yes but also you could just write a song that's made up that's about something else and uh i remember one time she was sort of suggested that we write a song about like a plot of a tv show you know but you put yourself in the shoes of some character on tv it's very liberating and i think about the sort of scope of our career now and i think like oh that's one of the reasons like doing something like the james bond song felt so natural to us was because we'd sort of had this like childhood of an awareness of writing about somebody other than yourself you know and it takes the pressure off sometimes as soon as you're not going through a heartbreak and it's like writing a song about heartbreak would be inauthentic if you were like i have to feel it you know yeah yeah totally but it sounds like you know that whole uh part of growing up you were surrounded um that by a millionaire of of creativity but also discussion of music discussion of songs what they're all about both yes within your family but also with your friends yeah and you were clearly somebody who was who was gripped by it i was obsessed with music yeah from the time i was about 10 11. i mean i listened to music growing up constantly but then you know i mean yeah i remember having this little stupid mp3 player like when ipod was getting big i couldn't afford an ipod so i had like whatever the thing that you'd and then i'd like load limewire songs onto it which isn't stealing so i'm saying it on this um show was you know it was file sharing it's different thing um but uh i had some stupid little mp3 player with it had no screen so you just kind of like be like blind shifting through songs so i was really obsessed with that as a as a kid you know under 10 and then when i was like 11 12 i just got so obsessed with sort of like a deeper understanding of it and listening to songs and understanding what about it was you know sounding cool to me and why it made me feel a certain emotion you know it's always been like so exciting to me yeah [Music]
Channel: Tape Notes Podcast
Views: 74,621
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Id: v1jfqd2Dt-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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