Joe Rogan: Rick Rubin explains the IDEAL STUDIO SETUP for CREATORS.

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how much how important is the Ambiance and the the setup of the studio it's really important the the one of the one of the things that's most important is the feeling of like um I'll use the word like a protected space where you feel like you could be very vulnerable and it's okay you know a place where you could be naked and it's okay so the the safety of the environment if you if you feel like you're going to try something and someone's gonna tell you that was no good that wouldn't feel like you want to do that again so part of it is the like the head space of less people around no audience um literally it's it's set up similar to this where it's it'll be you know the producer and the artist one engineer and nobody else and if it's a band it's just you know it's just this group of people the least amount of people not friends hanging out not anybody watching um so there's a sense of where we're there to work you know we're there to really do something um but we're also there to play and it's free and there's no um there's no expectation that it has to be good and we try to have as as far of a like no feeling of deadlines or we have to do this by this or this is going to be the first single never any talk like that it's it's more let's let's have fun make music let's see what happens and then down the road we'll look back on it and see if there's anything good there then in in terms of the physical location you want to you want to create a space where it feels like a place you want to hang out and it's a good feeling and um sometimes we'll do something like on the first album I produced with the Chili Peppers we recorded it in a house instead of recording it in a recording studio because they had made four albums prior to that in recording studio and they had told me none of those experiences were good not necessarily because of the studio but it was just an interesting point they had four studio experiences they didn't like any of them what can we do to do something different than that so we rented this big mansion and we recorded blood sugar Sex Magic in this house and it was very a different experience for them so instead of it feeling like the fifth album after four bad experiences this is the first time we're doing it in the house and it was like an adventure just now we were uh a few months ago I was in Costa Rica recording a new album with The Strokes and we rented this house up on the top of a mountain and set up the band outside so they're playing it's like they're doing a concert for the ocean on the top of a mountain it was incredible and we did that every day playing out and I'll show you videos later on and um they didn't want to leave it was like best experience so it's in a way adding the adventure element especially for someone who's done it multiple times you know if you're if it's your first time your chance to go into the big professional Studios really cool but if you've done a bunch in a big professional studio what else can we do that'll spark the feeling of we're doing something new and different um
Channel: JRE Notes
Views: 332,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE EXPERIENCE, Rick Rubin, Studio, Creator
Id: bV4QzmR78cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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