Finishing Up The Long Driveway!

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well I brought the trailer this morning it's time to start uh taking whatever I can home probably grab the Sheep's foot compactor today and the grapple and get it off this job site so I got two trucks coming this morning I got a little scared on the way here about halfway here the road was just covered in uh rain giant puddles on the side of the road I was like oh my God I'm gonna have a mess here this morning luckily looks like it just came a little bit of a Sprinkle so even this sticky clay right here uh is not even wet so that's great that is perfect so I'm gonna let the two trucks come here this morning pull down the path back in here spread this out I'll go ahead and put a base down and then probably this will probably take about five loads here maybe six fill that in a little bit let's see how it works get this done and then take off to the front and put the stone down for the entrance up there and that will be all the uh rock that I need to finish this project up for now like I said until he doesn't know exactly where he wants to build the house out up there house is going to actually face this way which is why the driveway is coming in backwards here that way the back of the house is overlooking the field and the pond and everything down there and kind of like you know kind of like a lake house where you have the nice scenic view in the back back there so that's the plan but until he figures out where is that exactly the house is going to go and the road to the shop over there um we're just gonna dead end it right here for now that way nothing has to be dug up if plans change a little bit so all right let me wait on the trucks and get this spread out [Applause] first truck is here second truck's coming around the field there so I'm letting them use the Old Farm path that way they're coming in and facing the right way to go out the new Road so that truck weighs around 70 000 pounds and uh barely left the tire print so I feel good that my clay base is solid we put six to eight inches of stone on top of that it won't go anywhere [Music] I had to watch out for the tree branch up there we go a couple passes with the grader that'll be knocked down let the other truck back in right here and run it out to uh where the pipe is and load number two so this truck can carry uh two more tons the quads can legally carry around 40 I mean uh 20 tons 40 000 pounds and then uh the Quinn axles five axles on the back can carry around 22 23 ish pushing it so that's the reason for all those extra axles [Music] and now it's time for me and the little grater to work for a few minutes well that's knocked down got about a probably a 40 minute wait 45 minutes before they get back I'm gonna take that excavator and cut that little pile of dirt out throw it up the hill take the Dozer finish dressing that up and then uh go ahead and get the excavator out of the way I'm done with this we're done with it right here I do have to run around the pond and fix a couple little washout areas I'll probably do that tomorrow I'm gonna take the skid steer and try to get some of those big blobs of mud off the undercarriage before I have to uh shovel all that off and uh haul it to the next job [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign excavators cleaned off pushed that dirt up there they dumped two more loads that's four there I'll probably get them to dump two more right through here that'll finish that off and uh finish grading that in and roll it in got the rake on the skid steer I'm gonna go ahead and start dressing up all this clean up the borrow pit area and they should be back by then thank you foreign thank you can't even tell there was a borrow pit here so there's a borrow pit that goes from like right here to like I mean we took like 80 or 90 loads out right there beside the trees for the building pad and then I cut out like another 40 or 50 loads or something right here I can't remember there's a lot of dirt it's probably like 150 truckloads of dirt dug out right here and uh I'll put back grate it out save that topsoil to put on top and like it was never here so the truck should be back here any minute I am working on grading the entrance out here to the paved Road that's where I took all the trees down unfortunately it does appear that the cable line and phone line was the one that goes to the neighbor's house even though it's 20 foot on this side and I had it located and uh there was no conflict they even painted okay on the ground but well they've been wrong a time or two so uh Unfortunately they have not had any phone or Internet for the whole entire weekend but uh they are coming back out tomorrow to fix it she said so it happens all right well let me make this last pass wait on the trucks and go ahead and put some Stone down and make this look nice and pretty [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so the entrance is completed now got six loads of stone up here just finished grading it out got it blended into the road nice and evenly there I'm gonna go get the uh roller and roll all this Stone in and then come up here with a skid steering the Ruckus rake dress these edges up and then the road will be 100 percent completed getting it all rolled in that's where the old road used to go not anymore got the little berm graded out [Music] I'll just put the rake back on the skid steer to get it ready for tomorrow I'm gonna leave a little bit early today got all the stone put down and I'll get here first thing in the morning and grade all the edges out wreck them out with this and then go around the pond and that's pretty much a wrap for everything all the stone is put down we put another 256 or seven tons out today which got it all the way to the power right there where the Dozer is so once the house is done probably another well it's going to go to the building too so a few more hundred feet probably another 400 feet to the house there and then if they want to do a path over there to the shop figure that out but I'm going to load up the roller I don't need it anymore and take it back to the house along with the grapple over there so that should make a nice full load for today come back tomorrow for the trailer and probably take the skid steer and the uh bucket and this is leaving Wednesday this is gonna be about a month before I need this so it'll probably sit right here and then all that stuff right there gets to go to the uh really good Farm
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 91,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: volvo, excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, long, reach, super, boom, off, road, dump, adt, site, truck, loading, mud, dredging, pond, lake, silt, removal, heavy, construction, equipment, mill, dam, rock, stone, wall, spillway, overflow, muck, golf, course, land, clearing, tree, borrow, pit, dumping, dumper, tractor, loader, dozer, crawler, swamp, beaver, busted, failure, overgrown, cleanup, grading, bucket, stuck, 220E, cat, drain, tile, pipe, install, building, dirt, topsoil, hauling
Id: 7NZqbAN_F94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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