FINISH THE LYRIC CHALLENGE (Random Encounters Edition!)

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hey guys and welcome to random encounters first-ever game show I didn't agree to be here what's going on we're doing this today in honor of our 8th birthday which is actually today so we're gonna be celebrating all day including a livestream later which you guys should totally come to on today's a game show we're playing finish the lyrics I know you think you do I see a lyric thank you hopefully this key will be really simple we're gonna use only at random encounter songs and I'm going to start a lyric and they're gonna tell me what comes next I've been with a channel for eight whole years now Nate had to take a break in the middle so I didn't write all the songs no that's another great advantage I have so I should be able to win this easy-peasy hands down do you have an advantage Nate I think his advantage is also that I decided to get role to you oh I have easier question thing I don't like the sound of that who wants to go first hey Nate your first one is I wish I could make her grin all she wants are things back the way they have been I wish I could make her grin all she wants it's back the way they admit nice job one Lita mate all right you think you can do as well as he did oh definitely easily that was really smooth on his part it was pretty smooth but I can be smooth - AJ your first one is hurry guys I think I'm losing ground hey guys I think I'm losing ground why's my closet making pirate sounds they're like it's from snap the musical don't reward him for that everybody knows that Nate your second question is I found the next notebook on the desk before long it's like I know that it's like I'm a brain fart is going on I know it's from Baldy if I sing it can I sing it for ya the next note book on the desk before long muscle memory oh my gosh I feel so stupid make something up what Ryan's sweet father thinks oh my god that's before long I sat in his office and flaky you're gonna really kick yourself when you are already I get more angry each time you answer wrong I found the next before long I get more I reached an un zero well it's way beyond the time limit it's like we got awesome reactions from you all right AJ how could one resist this how could one resist this perfectly pristine eco-friendly pen de cuisine daddy did it all that you're missing one word oh I have to do eisah yes I have you all the Hobbit : echo friendly patent-pending bendy ink machine how could one reason is perfectly busy [Music] patent pending that's what it is okay good whoa neat your next question is will I beg your pardon wrong way he made that one easy I think that's the record holder now for how fast somebody answered I'm very impressed you're gonna answer this one just as fast right oh yes definitely all right so your third question beware I mean I could think of like beware my deadly magic that would be correct if it was from that song not from that song another time where we say beware I know I've written it a few times oh no oh no oh no I need a hint the hint is icing it all right so the songs you've done our song of the slugs senpai noticed me beware the bin butch envy you did at my own little nightmare which I don't think it's in that one either I was even trying to think if someplace in the extended version of a me roses song excuse me where and I'm like ah that one doesn't even have a whole video all right so I'm gonna make up a line it'll be like beware my dirty hair it's in the shower drain right there it's my own little nightmare is it yes it's the start of a line anyway [Music] all right so Nate 3aj to be easier question this is great you ready me as I'll ever be my name is knuckles yeah that's my name I don't know why I'm singing this is lame I'm called knuckles yeah that's my name I don't know why I'm singing this is lame AJ your next question is but it only took a couple magic missiles this one say mr. spaceman cowboy other truck and brain except a couple of magic missiles oh wait bring that giant Dino down the size it's like coming into mine right now is that right we took a couple good to bring the jack Joe down that's right I thought it was the mother-tucking brain I'm like but as soon as I said it so we stand for two three oh no right Nate hold on honey here's some shoes I want to say it's from honey puffs it is from honey pop but what comes out your eyes cuz they're great for gouging out eyes hold on honey here's some shoes regality yeah that's one of those songs I didn't I said like nothing in that song I just stood there and made faces like you made a pretty good face at that line - your turn let's see if you can tie this up you might get crushed or burned or hit with a fish Vegas Western written by a who you might get crushed or burned or hit by that's right for Mario maker I mean it's from our Mario maker sauna Nate you ready for your next one where I lose got a little cash and need to read a chart my maps are more than got a little cash and me to read the charts my maps are more than good the priceless Marge oh I see now don't you wish you had that party hat on I think was so uncomfortable this is the green suit was pushing it that we couldn't godling a green one just think of that and like a ring around my head you did AJ even red here is better even red here oh wait wait wait is this a Pokemon no it's not it's from Pikmin this from Pikmin and oh this is three of them singing darn it who the gears are turning man ah even red here is better suited for survival then carrying bombs your one word off what yep it's not suited listen it is a suit I already lost cuz I got it wrong so now it's better fashioned for survival man better fashioned for survival the suited for survival has that like alliteration going on there which makes for like a more fun tongue twister isang why would I do better fashion for survival - become a better writer I I would write that differently today Nate we're gonna kill off cuphead we're gonna make him pay his debt to the devil was coming due today [Music] I'm barely singing that song it's true I said one line all right AJ yeah you ready I'm ready still you seem nice but years in you think I could you know remember more from eight years in alright give me a hint John Morales sings it oh oh sands in faints on her tail still you seem nice you may slip once or twice Who am I to judge or blame so you seem nice you may slip once or twice Who am I to judge or blame yeah wow yeah I should have gotten that alright me quantify this mayonnaise Stefan agle the cheese quantify this mayonnaise for bagels jeez excellent well done Oh all right AJ yes what do I have that could leave a trail to guide me outside the woods Toyota can even show the gun inside the woods Oh Monica oh we know that's been kissed or a grocery list or this art no one understood yeah what do I have I can leave a trail to guide me outside the woods how about a note let me guess most realist or the sort no one understood thank you for the easy way this is the last round what this is the last one I have a chance to catch him now I think I've lost my questions your question is mr. Wright please do desist disrupting Court we get the gist no need to constantly insist objection mr. Wright please do desist disrupting Court we get the gist the constant now he's just showing off hey Jay this is your last question your chance for redemption every day I'll train one level at a time well let's not go B's fastest eat a smokey one in my hip I'm trying to think of which part of the song is that every day I'll train one level at a time I won't sleep or rest unless I hurt my spine [Music] well done oh I'm sorry I totally skipped a question for both of you because one can count Nate the one that I forgot for you is I just saw granny and I hope she's dead but if she isn't then she'll come cut off my head very close how much the commenters are just gonna be like she might cut off my head I'm like are you sure the one that I forgot for you AJ is I've noticed that your friends face a most abhorrent end card and will soon plummets to their summits and will soon plummet from their summit if left alone but I noticed that your friend's face at most plummet from their summative left alone yes there we go well from Super Monkey Ball musical that's dr. bad mood like the David King he's every job these were hard we had some that were really obscure to between like tingle like Samus I feel like most of the time a lot of the problem was like a single word so if I just counted correctly the score was seven to eight teenagers favor what alright guys well thank you so much for watching us play this silly game if you liked it go ahead and like the video and comment and let us know how many you got right and also show up to our livestream later today we're starting it at 4:00 Pacific Standard Time and we're gonna go for a couple hours and announce the winner of our battle royale hey give me a favor and wage one extra battle rail against that notification Bell down below because I guys they want to see us all take out her anger on it all right guys you ready to be absolute out of here yeah there are a slew doubt to do it you can meet us alright [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Random Encounters
Views: 3,409,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, video game, gaming, gamer, music, song, singing, aj pinkerton, random encounters, nathan morse, gwen pinkerton, finish the lyric, lyric, challenge, game, birthday
Id: pQmtXfSOxkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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