Finding Your Voice

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have you found your voice are you sure you even know what finding your voice actually means we'll explore that topic next on this week's Dewey's director hi I'm bill due east from voiceover revolution comm and build Elise comm and one of the questions that I get asked most frequently is can you help me find my voice or how do I find my voice and usually the way that the question is asked leads me to believe that what most people view as finding your voice isn't really what it actually is for instance when most people talk about their voice what they're asking me to do is to identify what they are best at in other words is it when they talk with high energy or is it when they talk with low energy or with love and compassion or with power and strength and to them that means voice and I I totally get it because that's the way that I used to think but this video is to challenge the what you think about it it's to change your paradigm of what your voice means because once you truly discover your voice it will change everything about your voice over business and your voice over career so I challenge you to think this way not in how should I sound what's my voice what sound is it you know do I sound friendly do I sound confident your voice is the way you feel about things it's your opinion it's your point of view it's your perspective it's your attitude it's the accumulation of your life experience that you put into making judgments on things and deciding how you feel about things quite frankly it's typically a harder process than most people think but because the truth is this if you have not found your voice in life there is no way you can find your voice behind a microphone what I mean by that is that many of us throughout our life really struggle to to to be to express our voice as a matter of fact if you're not sure whether you found your voice or not you probably haven't and you might even want to talk to a therapist about it and I mean that in all sincerity because finding your voice meetings really coming to terms with who you are and how you feel and what you think not how other people think or how other people want you to think or feel but how you honestly truly think and feel about certain situations because that my friends is authenticity it's not about sounding like the guy or the girl next door oftentimes authenticity is confused with sounding friendly or sounding casual or again being the guy or girl next door authenticity is being bare-naked raw you and of course I mean that in the figurative sense it's allowing us to have a glimpse of who you are in that few seconds that you speak into the microphone if it sounds complicated if it sounds hard frankly the journey to get there is pretty hard and it's something that I continue to have to work at every day but if you really want to play at the highest level if you want to be as competitive as you possibly can then it begins with a journey to discover your voice not the sound of your voice this voice what you really what's that dialogue in your head what is it you say what does it you think what is it you feel in certain circumstances and when you begin to bring that to the microphone it changes the paradigm it changes the way that you approach the task instead of how should I sound to how in my case how does Bill Dewey's function in this context how what I think about this how would I feel how would I communicate to this audience that is authenticity and people know authenticity when they hear it it's hard to fool people into believing that you're authentic when you truly are most people the radar will pick that up relatively quickly finding your voice means that you are no longer a chameleon changing your colors to blend in with whatever group you happened to be talking to and those of us who have a background in marketing we are notorious for being chameleons because we don't want to offend anyone and we want everybody to like us but to be a true voice talent voice artist you have to learn to express your point of view your opinion your attitude regardless of who it is that you're talking to of course you have to read the script that's put in front of you but it's your is your it's your essence that's being communicated through that script frankly finding your voice takes a tremendous amount of courage because when you're playing the part of the chameleon and you're rejected well that aspect of your personality is rejected when you are being authentic when you are speaking from your voice then you are being rejected if they don't like you because that those are your thoughts those are your opinions those are your attitudes so going down the road that I'm talking about it's a big challenge it's scary and it does take a tremendous amount of courage but the one thing that I can assure you is that as you begin to move down this road which is really finding your truth your truth the way you see the world and not being afraid to allow yourself to express that which will be reflected in your voice over work you will see a huge difference in your life and in your work so again if um if it's something you struggle with and you're not even sure that you found your voice in life that's where you begin and maybe just begins with a simple exercise everyday of stopping and evaluating circumstances and really begin to ask yourself how do I feel about that how do I truly feel not worry about what other people think not trying to create a mask for other people so they perceive me in a certain way but how do I really think and feel about this and if you have a hard time identifying that you may need some professional help to get there and I don't mean a voice coach I mean really a therapist because once you find your voice and you can express it freely and without reservation and without fear of what other people think and you are truly on your way to finding your voice behind the microphone and that will make all the difference yeah I wish you great success thanks for checking out this video you liked it give it a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed I hope you'll subscribe and share it throughout social media for your other voiceover friends to find as well talk to you soon take care
Channel: Bill DeWees
Views: 32,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vo, voice, voiceover, voice=over, voice over, voice over jobs, voice talent, voice actor, male voice, voice over training, voice over business, Bill DeWees
Id: Kqz4T2dg6so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2016
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