How EARL Can Increase Your Voice Over Income

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hey how are you doing bill Dewey's here from voice - over - training org asking you do you know Earl if you don't know Earl you need to get to know him because Earl can make a significant impact on your voice over income but before we get into that let me take just a second to introduce you to build a wheeze myself in case you're new to my website which is voice - over - training org or perhaps you're new to my to my youtube channel voice over expert maybe you're new to the voice-over industry in general so let me give you just a brief bit of background on myself I am a full-time working voice over talent actually coming to you today from my studio in my home where I record you've probably heard me on radio and TV commercials in addition to that I record a lot of audiobooks a lot of corporate narration and true as a matter of fact in addition to that kind of stuff I do a lot of in-store commercial work for instance if you've been in the hardware department of Sears browsing the the lawnmowers you may have stopped by a video kiosk where I have explained and demonstrated the features and the benefits of one of the Sears riding mowers if he walks strolled through a Best Buy and the electronics department or the TV department specifically and stop by one of the kiosks - to see the features and the benefits of the latest and the greatest LG Electronics you perhaps have heard my voice there as well as many other places and on hold for different companies training narrations I mean you name but if it falls under the banner voiceover I have probably done it and recorded it at some point in my career so I am a full-time working voice over talent but in addition to that I am a high-performance voice over talent and performance coach and many people do ask me well if you know if you're such a successful voice over talent and and I do make a multiple six-figure income as a working voice over talent why is it that you would even bother as a voice-over coach well I do believe the old saying that we're not what we do but we do what we are and by that I mean I have a deep passion for training and teaching and coaching and mentoring and actually I have a I have a formal background in education as as a college professor also prior to working and voiceovers I was working for a corporate training company where my job would be to to go into two fortune 500 companies and help to create high performance learning environments for for their employees so in addition to having the passion to do it I actually have the the academic and the business credentials to help people learn to operate in a peak State for peak performance and high efficiency and and and I'm using that applying that within the voiceover field to work and coach other people to be successful in their careers and success is defined differently for different people but for most of us it's simply maybe it's a very basic level it's to be able to support ourselves and our families and if you if we can just get to that level at least for most voiceover talent I think most will be very happy and so that's what I do and certainly I want to work with voiceover talent to achieve their their peak potential whatever that is but it's a very minimum helping you to create a consistent income that you can support yourself and your family so you can do this professionally not just out of love or as a hobby and certainly we do it because we love it but we do it as a job do it as a career choice do it something that that we know we can build and depend again to support ourselves in our family so again just a very briefly that's my background so let me talk to you about Earl as I mentioned at the beginning of this particular video Earl can make a huge impact on your voice-over business on your voiceover career and you've probably figured out by now Earl is not actually a person but rather an acronym and so let's talk about what the four letters of Earl stand for and how you can use those and you can implement them in your voiceover business to make a huge difference to help you create and generate a substantial income as a performing voice-over talent let's talk about you first of all the e in Earl stands for engage before you do anything else as a voice-over talent you have to engage the process and this is the one thing that many people actually where they fall where they stumble where they falter they KITT they don't engage enough to be able to sustain themselves to to deal with the many trials and tribulations and the the hurdles and the difficulties because you know let's be honest it doesn't matter whether you're getting into the voice-over business or you're becoming a plumber you want to be a corporate executive it doesn't matter there are going to be obstacles that you have to face there will be learning curves but you have to work through it's no different in voiceover a regardless of whether it's a dream and a fantasy fantasy of yours or not there is real work involved in pursuing this or any other any other career so engaging the process he engage that works on two different levels one there is the emotional engagement in other words you mentally and emotionally have to own the fact that you want to be and you are committed to becoming a voice over talent a lot of people think about it a lot of people talk about it fewer people yet really emotionally attached themselves to the point where they will hold on regardless of what happens so first we have to emotionally attach yourself and engage in the process that you're committed secondly is the physical act because wanting and wishing and hoping and even being emotionally committed doesn't mean anything if you're not willing to put feet to that and to actually act on that and so engaging the process first of all it ask you just to take an inventory have you committed yourself mentally emotionally to the process because certainly that is involved that is necessary secondly are you putting feet to that commitment and actually doing the work necessary to allow you to move forward in your voiceover career and in your voiceover business so that's the first step if you're not doing that then the rest of it really doesn't matter you have to engage the process a the second letter a means awareness once you've engaged the process and you begin to to contact agents and prospective clients you'll find out that your biggest challenge is to create awareness of yourself and this is the big marketing dilemma and maybe and I suppose this is probably having a background in marketing and in business has helped me in this area as much as in any other and that is if you've worked in marketing or business you understand that your biggest challenge is simply to get noticed that people can meet well there are so many things that compete for people's attention and just to be able to get somebody's attention just to have you show up as a blip on somebody's radar is can be a pretty big undertaking so the first process or the first step in the process of becoming a successful voice talent once you've engaged the process is to create awareness to find ways to allow your prospective clients to know that you exist that you are there and are there are ways to do that and and those these are things that I talked about in more detail on some of my programs but there are ways and if you have a background of marketing sales you already are familiar with many of these techniques and processes but you have to create awareness you have to let people know that you exist that you are there so that's the second step that's the a and Earl the are in Earl is relationship once you've created awareness you will soon learn that maintaining awareness is another job altogether so you can be engaged in the process you can say hey I'm here to agents prospective clients and they may acknowledge that you're there but the next week the next month certainly the next year they will have forgotten about you in the sense that they are busy with other things there's a lot of other things competing for their attention they have a lot of priorities so once you've created awareness you can't be fooled into thinking that that's enough because what happens is once you once you become a blip on the radar you begin to go back under the radar again and you must find strategic ways of making sure that you market yourself so that you begin to create a relationship so it's more than just awareness that there's constant awareness and you actually begin to engage in a relationship with your clients and there are different ways that you can do that strategic ways that you can do that again that keep you within on the radar a blip on the radar the screen of your prospective clients and that begin to create a relationship where it's not just you saying hey I'm here but it's them beginning to say hey I acknowledge you're there and you know what I think I have some work that you may be suitable for coming so let's stay in touch you begin to develop a relationship that relationship may involve you actually doing work for them or may just begin with a conversation a dialogue that continues I have people that I've literally engaged and kept the dialogue going with for years before they ever ever hired me for a job on the other hand I've had others who have hired me on the spot so you never know exactly where a client or prospective client is in that cycle of the buying cycle or or you know of using a voice-over talent you never know so it takes a lot of patience but you have to be purposeful and strategic and making sure that you nurture not only your awareness but a relationship with your prospective client because when it comes time for them to hire a voice-over talent you want to make sure that it's you that they think of that it's you that they hire so the next step fourth and final the L and Earl is loyalty once you've engaged in the process you've committed yourself once you've said hey I'm here you've created awareness once you've begun to create a dialogue and have nurtured a relationship with a client then what happens and this is the most exciting part and this is really what took me from a six-figure income to a multiple six-figure income in my voiceover career is in creating loyalty with your clients in all honesty I really didn't understand the power of this until this past year I understood how to to engage how to get on the radar I understood how to cultivate the relationship but I didn't really fully appreciate what the power of the loyalty of that relationship would do until this past well it's been the past year or two when my income instead of slowing down has actually accelerated and has grown faster than it did in the earlier part of my career because what's happening now is that clients know and they understand that they know they can trust me they know what I'm capable of they know that I deliver what I say I will deliver they know that I'll do what I say I can do we have not only a relationship but there's loyalty now I have moved beyond and this is what will happen with you over time you'll move beyond a commodity and a commodity is where there's you know there's a bunch of being a voice-over talent makes you a commodity there's a bunch of us and it's easy to pick one over the other because we're commodity you know there's not a whole lot that may make or seemingly make you more special over somebody else or may make me seem more special than another talent you know if they don't use me they'll use somebody else but what happens over time and you create a relationship and they get to know you they begin to trust you they know you'll deliver they know your person of your word that you'll do what you say you'll do then there's loyalty now it's not so easy for them to say you know what instead of using you I'll use somebody else it's no you know we know this person we trust this person we've worked with this person we don't want to take the time and the effort to nurture and grow a relationship with somebody else we want to use them and so you become the first person that client goes to when they have a job when that happens something very powerful happens you begin to get consistent work and growing amounts of work from your existing clients as you continue to cultivate these other new clients so when you engage when you create awareness when you develop a relationship and then finally you build loyalty that moves you beyond the commodity stage to being a valued and a premium service for that for that particular client then you are really on the fast track to it's not only growing your income and and sure it's great to make good money as a voice over talent but you know this is it's such it's so gratifying to be self-employed to do something that you love and that you're passionate about and it may be above all your family to know that you're doing this for real because you know you know what it's like you know your husband or your wife says now you're going to do what for a living well you know those all of those doubts all of those questions all of those raised eyebrows they kind of fade away in the distance once you've gone through the process of Earl and you've allowed Earl to help you to grow your business so follow those four steps and it does take patience and it does take determination it does take commitment but you will see a significant growth in your voice-over career in your voice-over business as you take those steps now if you have a lot of questions about okay how do I go through this process and you know admittedly it's easy to list force steps to success right it's another thing altogether to actually execute those and there's a lot of stuff that goes into all of this all of the steps of building a voiceover career and a voiceover business and that's why I want to invite you to my next voiceover playbook seminars my playbook is essentially my marketing plan it's what I do step by step what I've done over the past six plus years to grow my voiceover business my voiceover career to where it is today and I'm happy to say that it continues to grow quickly you know I haven't stalled I haven't stopped it you know it's it went to six figures multiple six figures it keeps going from there and I I love teaching people what it is that I do the steps that I take the strategies that I implement exactly you know the details of putting you know meat on the bones of what this looks like on a day to day on an hour-by-hour basis so I want to invite you to my next voiceover playbook seminar well we'll sit down actually in my studio and in my my Learning Center which is just outside of the Chicago what's in the Chicago area just outside of Chicago and we'll do it for it's an entire day it's a nine-to-five seminar it's only eight people so the first once those eight seats are filled it's it's what we're done with that one you'll have to wait for the next one to come around probably let's see probably sometime in the in the in the winter or spring but it's coming up October the 20th and right now I do have an early bird registration special that will save you a couple hundred dollars on the price if you want more information you want to get your seat reserved or you just have questions about it drop me an email at voice-over expert at voiceover expert at this voiceover playbook seminar is going to answer the question of how do I do this I want to be a voice over talent I don't want it to just be a hobby I mean maybe you're starting from nothing and just want to make sure you have the right information so you don't spin your wheels and waste your time and energy and money or maybe you've been trying to do this for a while and it's just not working out as you expected or maybe you know you were successful 10 15 20 years ago and you've stalled out and you don't understand why what you did back then doesn't work anymore now well the marketplace has changed that the rules rules of business engagement have changed you've got to know how to market yourself in today's in today's business environment to be successful so these are the kind of things we'll be talking about you'll walk away with a very solid play by play plan a voiceover playbook for your success so again if you want more information on that which is coming up Saturday October 20th simply drop me an email at voice-over expert at hey good talking to you and talk to you soon
Channel: Bill DeWees
Views: 9,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Voice Over Expert, Bill DeWees, voice over training, voice over marketing, voiceover
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2012
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