Create your first Voiceover Demo Reel with Audioblocks

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what's happening boo junkies Mike delgadio here back with another video on home studio setup for voiceover one of the first things new voice actors want to have done is get a demo so they can start to book work but demos can cost several hundred more than a thousand dollars depending on who and where you have your demo done plus you can encourage studio expenses and so forth so in order to earn the money to pay for your demo you have to have a demo so you can advertise your wares so it helps to know how to make a demo and today we have the good folks at audio blocks which is a royalty-free music warehouse of sorts that has lots of great music that we can use to create our first homemade demo so that we can earn enough money to have a real demo done so let's go over to the control room and let's make our very first demo here we go [Music] audio block says one of the largest stock audio libraries with over a hundred thousand tracks loops music and sound effects this month audio blocks is also launching a new collection featuring hundreds of new fantasy and sci-fi inspired tracks these now all come included with the subscription they're giving away seven days of audio blocks so you can try it out and explore this new collection for free go to audio blocks comm slash future or click the link in the description box below to start downloading and get started so I thought I'd just take a quick second and just go over some of the features of audio blocks before we get into making the demo the first is audio blocks it's really cool it's got a lot of different genres and moods of music so you can choose like happy alternative rock or epic classical music or you know lots of different variations then you can add things to your own album so there's tracks at your liked tracks that you're interested in I've been keeping track of mine in an area called demo so all the ones I was going to use in my demo I just use the album feature you can see your albums in your profile just click on your your little avatar there and you can see the songs that you've saved inside your demo they were all categorized right there so wherever in my control room part where I do my video editing and so forth so let's just go through how we would do this first let's get our project set up so we're going to probably need three tracks for this so when in Reaper we'll just insert a new track and we're going to call this the the vocals track and then we'll add a music bed track and maybe we'll add a track for special effects sound effects something some something like that we may need more we may need less it's going to depend on what you're trying to add and how many layers you need to add so let's just start we'll start by adding one one vocal track in and we'll see how to turn this into an ad well look at some of the different processing that we need to do we start with the ads from my media explorer so we'll start with this this one and this one now these were ones that have slates and everything like that so I'm going to trim these up so we just get the audio tape we don't need to hear the hi they're just you don't need to hear my slates and stuff so I know where these are so I know that that's one take and I know that's another take so let's just take a quick listen with a Mitsubishi Electric zone comfort solution you can create multiple chains of comfort for any personality in your okay so we've got our we've got our vocals in there the first thing I'll do is I'm going to normalize these so they're nice and loud they're loud enough so we right-click on the item item processing normalize items and all in normalize does is it turns up the track until whatever the peak is until it's just just shy of clipping until is 0 DB and we can see that there's a point right here where that's touching so we've got that normalize then we'll do the next item will normalize that one also so that way the tracks are nice and loud the next thing we'll do is we're going to drag in one of the music beds whichever music bed you think goes best with your particular sound so we'll just drag that in there from the media Explorer and now we'll trim these up and we'll see how that matches up underneath and we'll get it to start the same with a Mitsubishi Electric known comfort solution you can create multiple shades available for any personality so the first thing I hear is actually kind of go that I picked these out because the mood and the tone of the ad they sort of go together but if we listen to the music it is too loud for the vocals they sort of compete with each other with a Mitsubishi Electric tone comfort solution you can read so it's the music's too loud for the vocals it just doesn't it doesn't match up now you might be inclined in the beginning to start messing with the levels to make the vocals louder or the music bed quieter with a Mitsubishi Electric zone Comfort salut but then during the during the empty parts the music is too quiet so we'll reset those and the way you would typically do this is with a little bit of sound engineering now we're not going to go into a huge amount of sound engineering during this demo but one of the common tricks that people use is called sidechain compression and that is when the vocals are being heard you want to turn down the music automatically and you don't want to have to you sort of adjust the volume back and forth and automate that all the time you can actually have the the da W take care of that for you with something called sidechain compression so what we do is we go over to the effects browser and we type in and we'll just use the compressor that's built in with Reaper and we're going to drag that on to the music bed remember a compressor turns things down it turns down the loudest part so it turns things down and what we're going to do is we're going to tell Reaper that the vocal chain the vocal tract is what's going to control how we turn down the music bed so we create what is called a route or ascend from the vocal track and I'm just going to click on this route button and drag it and you see it creates like a little audio jack and we're going to plug that in to the route now what we do here is we take a send from audio tracks one and two and we're going to send it to new channels on the receiving track and it's typically called 3 & 4 so 1 & 2 get sent 2 3 & 4 on the receiving track now I'm going through this very quickly what I'll do is I'll add a link in the description to kenny joyas reaper mania where he has a really great tutorial on sidechain compression and he'll walk you through every single setting I'm just giving you the basics on on how you would do it here so then we go back to our compressor and we say that we're going to use the detector input of that that auxiliary input that exhilarate left and right from the vocal track and what we should see is that with a Mitsubishi Electric Mazzone comfurts you can create multiple shades of belem for any personality in your home current we can see that the compressor is compressing down the music bed for a as as the voice gets louder the music bed gets quieter and then as the voice gets quieter the music bed gets louder so everything stays sort of nice and even and you can adjust the threshold and the attack and the release and the pre compression all in Kenny's video will show you all of that stuff so we'll just uh I'm just going to make a couple of settings here and we'll do a test with a Mitsubishi Electric zone comfort solution you can create multiple shades of velvet for any personality in your home for instance the zone when you want to keep it really cool another zone that's pretty cool that's not cool at all please don't handle okay so we have a good preliminary take at it now what we'll do is we need to tighten this up so we need to tighten up the audio so it moves nice and quickly there aren't a lot of breaks because we don't want anybody getting bored during our during while they're listening to our demo so let's just make sure that everything is nice and tight so we'll make sure the audio with a Mitsubishi at right at the right moment with a Mitsubishi with a Mitsubishi Electric's upgrade so there's a there's a little bit of a pause here for instance so we'll add a couple of splits and we'll make sure our ripple editing is on on a by track basis right here make sure that it's got the single track and we're just going to prom for instance ozone tighten that up like cool another zone because we only have 59 seconds worth of audio so we need to make sure it's nice and tight we're going to need to make sure that all of this is nice and tight so let's just take one more lesson with a Mitsubishi Electric zone comfort solution you can create multiple chains of government for any personality in your home for instance zone when you want to keep it really cool another zone that's Marty or the zone that's not cool at all please don't handle much science fiction collectible okay so that's a that's a good first start we might need to still mess a little bit with the with the music bed but that's essentially the process we are going to put a vocal track and then we're going to add some additional we're going to add the music bed underneath in our audio blocks music bed so what I'm going to do I'm going to go and drag some more in and you'll watch me work but I'll accelerate through it until we come to another point where it makes sense to talk about what we're doing ok so now we've got our second one added in and the thing I want to show you here is the transition so you can just crossfade as you drag between these two you can just cross fade and that helps with the transition so it's not quite a jarring transition from one clip to the next and that's just by cross fading dragging them on top of each other that will help prevent a click and smooth out the transition between the two don't handle us science fiction collectible @ca headphones you know I am NOT always on you so you can hear the two ads near two different types of delivery to two different musics but the crossfade helps marry those two together so now in this case what I'm doing is I'm adding some sound effects maybe we will not have a music that under this one just to create a little variation a little switch this one's got sort of a funny voice to it so to switch up from the two kind of serious ones that we've done before we now got a silly voice to to break up the monotony no music so we'll we're just gonna try and break it up and this one will just use a couple of the sound effects hello I am an official sounding scientist and I'm here to attempt a comfort experiment we're going to recreate the way your home central air system works right here in your car break up the air as high as it will go and put it on full blast in your fate so we probably want that sound effect to be a little bit louder break up the air as high as it can go put it on full blast in your face it was good at first right okay so that'll be so now we've got a sound effect so we're going to transition away from the music we've got some sound effects and now for the next clip maybe we'll bring some music back in yeah okay so I've got my first draft here but it's almost two minutes long it's way too long so the next thing I have to do is I sort of have to just ruthlessly edit this down until it gets down to one minute and that's going to make it feel tight it's going to be hard to make certain decisions about the parts that I want to cut out and what I need to do but that's what you got to do you got to really get this nice and tight so this is where your ripple editing by track and bye-bye all tracks you're gonna have to really just mess around with the editing and just get it as tight as you can you're going to be looking for every last second without ruining the delivery you have to try and just make some really tough decisions about whittling it down so that's what I'm going to do now and I'm going to see if I can get it down to one minute I have to cut this in half based on what I have here and I've already cut the ads way way down so I still need to cut them down a little bit more so here's one of those decision points so the the funny voice ad is 18 seconds and really for the funny voice it should be much shorter so I'm just gonna have to just cut a bunch of this out and hopefully it will still make sense so I think I'm going to cut in Fredericks parent we're going to recreate the way y'all home central air system works we'll just right moves on and on so I'm going to just try and cut this middle section out and just try and edit this until the sound effects are still there because I like the sound effects I want the sound effects to be there but I need to make it as tight as I can make it so even see these some of these gaps I'm gonna take these gaps out hello I am an official sounding scientist and I'm here to attempt a comfort experiment break up the air as high as it will go and put it on full blast in your face yes so maybe I'll just take that much so now it's nine seconds that's a little bit better we may still need to cut it up a little bit more but we'll keep going okay so as you can see I'm making a making some tough decisions cutting out some big chunks trying to collapse everything down and I've gotten for 39 seconds out of it and I still have another 21 seconds I've got to get out of this out of this demo and to get it down to the 59 seconds so round 2 the most important one is the one in the beginning so I'm trying to keep that one as intact as I can and maybe do a little bit more editing on the later ones because fewer and fewer casting directors the later it will get into the demo so fewer people that are going to last I want to try and keep my best ones as perfect in the beginning my good long clip in the beginning that really showcases sort of my natural voice so that's why I'm going to try and keep the one in the in the beginning as intact as I can and make some harder edits as we go along okay round two of editing is done we've got another ten seconds out so I still have nine seconds that I've got to cut out of this baby for you it's like a greasy greasy all right we're there fifty nine and nine hundred ninety eight one thousandth of a second so we're right there we're 59 seconds 59 seconds which is just where we want to be okay so what we're going to do here is we're going to add a little bit of mastering to it to just try and make sure the whole thing sounds cohesive at the end and this is very subtle this is just to try and smooth out any rough spots in the mastering thing so mastering is at the final end of it to just try and capture to just try and clean up everything so if we're making significant changes that means we need to fix things back in our edit I usually add three effects to mastering the first thing that I add is EQ so we just add the EQ and it's actually really similar to my typical mic EQ the first thing I do is I roll off everything below like 40 or 50 Hertz that way in case there's any weird plosives there's any rumble that exists we just roll all of that off it's going to make it sound nice the next thing I do is right in the midday stright in my voice I take a little tiny bit out now I've already taken some out in the mic EQ I'm just going to take it out here also in case there's any competition with the music bed between my voice I just duck it down just a little tiny bit and that's just a general Dee mudding that I find pleasant and usually pretty effective and usually that's it that's all I do so we'll move on to the next one the next one is I add compression compression so the compressor we remember turns down the loudest parts so what this is going to do is this is just going to equalize if there are some clips that are louder and some clips that are quieter in this the compressor is going to turn down those loudest ones just so it's all nice and in a row and this is actually we keep it pretty simple here too so we just keep this these settings actually pretty good as a first try you might listen to it a few keys if you look at your waveform and you see things moving around then you would you would go back and you would adjust your compression settings then the last thing is I want to then raise the volume of the whole thing to be just as loud as it can be so that nobody has to turn my demo up right because louder sounds better so I add a limiter to it so I'm just going to add the master limiter and this is one that will actually listen to so the first thing we do is there's two sliders that we need to worry about here the first is a threshold and then the limit the limit is what how loud will the final result be and I'm going to put it right almost up to zero so like a half or a third of a DB let's do a half a DB below clipping and then we just hit play and then we start to listen to when we'll move the threshold slider until it's loud enough and if we hear distorting or clipping or sounding weird then we'll back it off a little bit so we'll just start at zero absolutely we'll move through it it's solution you can create multiple shades of comfort for any personality and what we're doing is we're watching these two meters so this the initial meter the the premix meter and the threshold the after one will stop it from clipping but it should be really close to the top solution you can create multiple shades of comfort for any personality in your home for instance zone when you want to keep it really cool another zone that's pretty cool more or less at all please don't that sounds like if I go up to eight or nine that sounds starting to sound a little little messy so it looks like for solution you can create multiple shades of comfort for any person a fixture this you and a friends like first class pretend give back to the families who accept the Eaton parks famous soup salad and fruit bar okay doing six and seven that sounds about right so then that only happens after all of the our initial edits are done and then it turns into the output and that will do the mastering sort of all happens at once so now we'll render it and we'll take a listen now we can see here from our stereo waveform that everything is it's not peaking it's not clipping it's got some some little bit of dynamics to it there's a little section that's that quiet sex net that a sort of that emotional down one we have that one down a little bit more but it's got a nice full robust waveform without clipping without being over-the-top so we'll open this up in an audio player and then we'll see how it sounds with a Mitsubishi Electric zone comfort solution you can create multiple chains of comfort for any personality in your home for instance zone when you want to keep it really cool another zone that's pretty cool normal that's not cool at all please don't handle the science fiction collectibles at TA and Petro we know time is not always on your side that's why we make it ultra convenient to grab and go when you're in a pinch hello I am an official sounding scientist crank up the air as high as it will go and put it on full blast in your face I remember when I turned 14 and my parents let me paint my room my bedroom must have changed color of a fixture this you want a friend flight first-class to Vegas then you go to the I art radio music festival named for the police radio code 1033 the Utah 1033 foundation is honored to provide financial support and give back to the family to accept great risks so that we may have safer communities welcome to Eaton parks famous soup salad and fruit bar a delicious meal is whatever you want to make of it that actually sounds for a first pass I'm real happy with the way that sounds and that's pretty much the whole process pick your clips get them in the right order get the music bed under it and try and create some variation between the delivery the sound the emotional content to just try and display your range adding in those there's nice audio as royalty free audio from audio blocks you can really create a little practice you can create a really good demo that will help you get the gigs so I hope this helps now go record a bunch of stuff make a demo so that you can record something amazing
Channel: Booth Junkie
Views: 148,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vo, va, voice over, voice acting, voiceover, voiceacting, voice work, voicework, vocal booth, home studio, microphone, acoustic treatment, soundproofing, reaper, cad, cad microphones, tlm-103, e100s, mhk416, mkh 416, 416, neumann, sennheiser, audioblocks, royaltyfree, royalty free, demo reel, Rode nt1a, nt1a, audio blocks, royalty free audio
Id: y87zIteR4u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2017
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