Finding Your God-Given Purpose

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[Music] if you have your Bible today turn with me to Genesis chapter 1 beginning in verse 26 feel like the last three weeks we've been starting in Genesis chapter 1 so again I'm taking it easy on you wrote these Genesis is at the very beginning so if you don't know where it is just start turning you'll be fine the name of this morning's message is called beware of the woods look at your neighbor and tell them beware of the woods that's pretty good I want to take a moment like I do every week to glorify the name of Jesus this sermon this message it's not about me it's not about a band or a church we've gathered and assembled to lift up one name and that's the name of Jesus Christ which is the name above all names so before I read to you from Genesis chapter 1 beginning in verse 26 I want to tell you a story really quickly how many of you guys remember when you were in kindergarten and the teacher would get you to all sit around like indian-style on the floor in a big circle and you would go around taking turns telling what you're gonna be when you grew up anybody remember that some of you might still do it I don't know I mean but but I it's amazing how even as a young child we have an innate awareness that we were created for a purpose and we're always searching to find out and to discover who we really are and who did God destined me to be and so I remember one day I was playing this this game having this conversation with my cousins we were like really little elementary school and we're going around and my grandma's house and we're talking about what we're gonna be when we grow up you know and everybody's trying to one-up the next person and so one of my cousin's is like I'm gonna be a policeman and we're like okay cool and then the other one is like I'm gonna be a chemical engineer I'm gonna be a scientist and we're like whoa I don't even know what that is but cool sounds like you get rich doing that and then it came to me and I was like I'm gonna be a stand-up comedian alright I was shooting real high okay the bar was real high okay and clearly that didn't work cuz y'all only laugh at me not with me so I was totally misguided even as a child but we got to my last cousin his name is Steven Steven is a joker but anyway we got this Steven and we asked him what do you want to be when you grow up and he says this I want to be a trashman and we're like what he gonna be a trashman you know nothing no hatin we're not throwing shade why do you want to be a trashman he says because they get to ride on the back of a truck all day that's awesome all right so I thought that was pretty cool pretty intelligent pretty good logic but anyway this point the whole moral of that story is to tell you that we are designed and we are created even from a very early age to be obsessed with our purpose to ask ourselves the question Who am I who did God create me to be when God breathed the breath of life into me what did he have in mind and he sees my end from the beginning god what did you purpose for my life and the reality is is that many of us have grown up but we've still never answered that question many of us might be 25 35 40 maybe even be 75 and you still don't know the answer to your purpose you're still asking the question Who am I and what was I intended to do many people in our world today find their purpose they seek purpose through their career through climbing the corporate ladder many people seek to find their purpose through relationships maybe even through their children some parents still are living vicariously through their children yo you're gonna do that you're gonna play major league baseball cuz I got cut from junior high but you're gonna make it right so we're like living vicariously even through those around us because the truth is is that all of us are still trying to discover and answer the age-old question why was I created what is my purpose some people find their purpose or they seek it in the ministry some try to acquire great sums of wealth to fulfill their purpose and while all of that is nice and good and I'm not here to preach against all those things but the truth is is that none of those things are your ultimate purpose you were created and designed for something much higher when God xinyu the Bible says that you are fearfully and you were wonderfully made god never creates anything or anybody without a purpose a specific function to be lived out in the earth and this morning I want to talk to you about what your purpose really is because the truth is is that if we get our life out of alignment and we seek purpose we seek fulfillment we seek our identity in other things it will lead to confusion and frustration and we will look at life and be disenchanted because it is not what we believed or hoped it could be turn with me to Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 and I'm going to show you that God actually in the very beginning tells you point blank what you were created for he tells you very plainly Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 and God said let us make man in our image and after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God he created him male and female he created them verse 28 and God blessed them now watch right here it is and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth Genesis chapter 1 tells us that when God formed man from the dust of the ground and he breathed the breath of life into man the first thing that God declares and demands over creation over mankind as he says be fruitful and multiply now that's what I say to you guys about every other Sunday cuz you need to be you married folk need to be fruitful and multiply and pop the kids church alright TLC needs some more more kids back there to take care of Plus or what cuter than the cutest member so okay but when we hear fruitful and multiply that's what we we think populating the nursery alright but it means so much more than that God when he looked at his creation after his very image and likeness he declares over them he speaks to them be fruitful and multiply this is your highest purpose this is the highest form of the human experience this is what you were made for above everything else you were created and designed to be fruitful and multiply look at your neighbor with a little attitude and tell him you better be fruitful and multiply tell him like you mean it you better be fruitful and multiply alright turn with me really quickly y'all are saying way more than that you're saying way more than that all right turn with me to John chapter 15 beginning in verse 1 now I hear you when you read that passage be fruitful and multiply you're like ok great but that's kind of abstract that could mean a lot of things right it's a metaphorical terminology that could be interpreted in a million different ways and you say well preacher I need more direction than that I need more detail than that well glad you asked here we go John chapter 15 beginning in verse 1 I believe this is a continuation of the very same theme be fruitful and multiply John chapter 15 verse 1 I am the true grape vine and my father is the gardener he cuts off every branch of mine that does not produce fruit and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they'll produce even more if you have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you remain in me and I will remain in you for a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me yes I am the vine and you are the branches and those who remain in me and I in them will produce much fruit for apart from me you can do nothing anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch that withers and so I want to read right there from John chapter 15 so when God says over creation I want you to be fruitful and I want you to multiply he's not just talking about have a lot of babies and populate the nursery he's actually saying something far greater he's saying that the only way for you to be fruitful and for you to multiply it's to be connected to me as the source of life all the days of your life when God is looking at Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden he is saying to them you were created to know me and to make me known in the earth your highest and greatest function on planet Earth is to be connected to the source all the days of your life the greatest purpose that you will ever fulfill in life is not being known by man but being known by God we were created to know him and if you're thankful for a relationship with Jesus I just wish somebody would get hype with me and bless his name hallelujah we love you Jesus there's only one way to be fruitful and that is to be connected to the source Jesus said if you abide in me you will be very fruitful his word we were created to know God being connected to God is the main event the highlight of our life and the Bible actually says something else is pretty epic in Genesis 1 after it says be fruitful and multiply the very next thing Genesis 1 tells you is that when you are fruitful and you're connected to the source then you will have dominion over the fowl of the air the fish of the sea and everything that crawls on the earth it's metaphorically saying when you are connected to me you will be in position to have dominion over the air the sea the land you are the conquer you are more than a conqueror through me who loved you and I have already overcome the world and if you're in me the same spirit that raised me from the dead is alive in you you want to be a conqueror you want to be successful you want to have dominion in the world you want to be a great person you want to leave a great legacy behind it starts with connectivity to the Father and in him in relationship with him flows dominion over the things of this life Dominion flows from connection now you might be thinking back to the title of this message called beware of the woods you like well how does this make any sense glad you asked there are three hazardous things to your purpose and to your fruitfulness that I want to warn you about on this Sunday morning there's three things that are hazardous to your fruitfulness and to your purpose that I want to warn you about number one if you're taking notes things that you need to be aware of in the woods number one beware of bearing branches beware of bearing branches now I know you have no idea what I'm talking about but you will in a second remember what we just read in John 15 it was a metaphor Jesus said God is the gardener he's the vine dresser I am the vine in other words Jesus is saying I am the source I'm the trunk of the tree I'm the base on the vine and you and I are the branches that sprout out from the vine we are the branches that sprout out from the source and we are the ones that are to be fruitful but if ever a branch becomes severed or disconnected from the source if ever a branch becomes separated from the vine it will become barren and I want you to know something there's one real deep and profound characteristic of a barren branch a dead limb on a tree it eventually falls and it does damage to those nearby I'm gonna preach to you so you get it in other words if you ever you're the branch right look at your neighbor and say on the branch you're the branch if ever the branch becomes disconnect from the vine if ever you fall out of fellowship with God if ever you fall out of fellowship with his church if ever you fall out of fellowship with the Bible if you ever become disconnected or severed from the source you will become a barren branch you'll become an unfruitful limb and unfruitful limbs barren branches when they die in decay and they get all twisted and snarled up they almost always come crashing down they fall to the earth and they wreak havoc and damage and calamity to everything in its path nobody falls from grace just out of the blue one day randomly you don't just fall into this deep dark sin and temptation out of nowhere no no no the fall had started long before it was ever manifest in your body before the sin ever came to the surface it had begun many many many weeks months even years before this connection precedes the fall if you ever separate yourself from the word if you ever separate yourself from fellowship with God if you're ever disconnected from the source you will eventually fall and cause damage to those who are around you but I want to remind you Jesus said in John 15 the key to being fruitful is abiding in me did you eat it did we read that jesus said if you will abide in me I will abide in you and you won't just be fruitful but the Bible says that you'll be very fruitful now I want to just answer your question how do I abide in Jesus by the way real quick this concept of abiding in Jesus is not real it's not a real hot topic all right it's not very flashy it's not very exciting a by you don't like hey what are you doing - I'm abiding right now like nobody said so like abiding is not it's not hot it's not cool it's not in it's not the end thing to be preaching but since when do we care about that but anyway I was supposed to be funny and you know it was but the key to abiding is really simple you ready there's three ways and it's gonna blow your mind I'm serious you're gonna be like tweeting it it's gonna be crazy all right number one how do I abide in Jesus how do i buyed in the vine number one you study the Bible real profound alright notice I didn't say read the Bible I said study it the Bible does not tell you to read it it tells you to study it to show yourself approved there's a difference between reading it and studying it all right because you can read a newspaper you can read the Charlotte Observer but it goes right in one ear and out the other or in one hand out whatever but anyway I'm called to study all right number one how do we abide in Jesus how do we abide in him we abide in his word number one that's how we do it study the Bible number two we pray I know I told you this would be deep you pray you pray how do I abide in Jesus how do I be connected to the vine how can I assure that my life will be fruitful stay in his word if you stay in his word his word will remain in you there's an old saying that says sin will keep you from the Bible but the Bible will keep you from sin real old not original but it's true the further you get disconnected from the source you slowly begin the full study the Bible number two prayer now look prayer I don't know what has happened over the centuries that the church has heiped prayer into this light scary why I don't know what we've made it this extreme formality where we have to talk to God in the King James Version just talk to God just have a conversation with your Creator he can hear you he can see you and don't play games with him be vulnerable be Oh and be transparent with him he can handle it right where you are and I just want to reiterate this point prayer is you being vulnerable having a vulnerable conversation with God and the more open you are to God the more transparent you are before him the more breakthrough you'll experience in your life I remember early on in my Christian walk I used to talk to God as though everything were 75 and sunny even though there was chaos happening in my life I would only talk to God about the good things the pleasantries all the nice things but that kept me from breakthrough God can see the unseen areas of your life he can handle the truth but when you confess that he you talked to him transparently experienced breakthrough and fruitfulness follows and number three how do I abide in Jesus how do i buyed in the vine the local church yeah it's convenient for me to say that because I'm a preacher alright but it's the truth the local church is part of abiding in the vine it is so I don't know about that I can serve God from my couch or whatever okay well I just want to remind you of a nice thought the Bible calls the church the body of Christ I know mind-blowing so if you separate yourself from the body of Christ might have a little bit of a problem don't think all right that's just free all right I'm going to show you another verse about being connected and abiding in Christ in the local church Psalm chapter 92 verse 12 this is amazing Psalm chapter 92 verse 12 the righteous shall flourish like a palm tree he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God those that are planted in the house of our God they will flourish in his courts in other words you cannot be fruitful if you are separated from the body you got to be connected real fast I was talking to somebody this week giving them an illustration some of y'all like to church hop some people like to like treat church like a restaurant where we going tonight I'm gonna go to we're gonna go to this restaurant feeling next you know I'm feeling Italian where are we gonna go this Sunday well what are we in the mood for okay well listen the church is not there just for you to be a consumer the local church is here for you to be a contributor and if you're going to be fruitful it has to go both ways you have to be able to receive and contribute to people clapping about that but that's our oh by the way when you clap at this church you are not clapping for me I don't deserve your applause but we do respond to the Word of God here but I love the single clap y'all are messing with me I know you are but here's the example I was telling this person we treat church like the flavor of the week well I like that preaching today well I had a rough Saturday night so I'm gonna go over here to this secret place today I mean I don't know but it's kind of like this it's kind of like this it's like you plant a tree and then you next Sunday you dig it up and you go and you plant it over here and then next Sunday you you dig it up and you go and you plant it over here and then after a while you just keep moving it around you do the same three you know get a nice healthy blend there um but then you start looking at the tree and you start getting frustrated because it's not bearing fruit once cuz you got to leave that thing planted you got to let those roots grow down you got a that tree has got to be planted in order for it to flourish in the courts of our God so a vision Church in your style if it's not your thing if you don't get whatever here that's okay go find somewhere where you can and get planted be committed be steadfast be stable and in that commitment you will flourish in the courts of our God that's the word it's the word and by the way fruit is a natural byproduct of connectivity to God it's a natural byproduct real quick while we're still on this we need to beware of barren branches we need to beware of being bearing and unfruitful ourselves a tree doesn't have to try to be fruitful it just abides and a lot of things not here is I hear people say all the time well I'm trying to be a better person I'm trying to quit smoking drinking and running women I'm trying I'm trying you know it I hear people all the time and they're like I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying to be a good person I'm trying to be fruitful I'm trying to be the nice to the secretary work because I'm under tree but here's the deal you try and striving straining proving yourself I don't know that might just be part of the problem because the tree doesn't have to try to be fruitful it abides and produces fruit naturally in other words your willpower will not be your deliverer you're you setting up your mind well I'm never gonna drink again I'm never gonna smoke again okay were you trying and all that willpower is no match for the sin around you it isn't what is a game breaker a game changer is abiding in Jesus abiding in his word abiding in prayer fellowship relationship community with God and abiding in the local church those three things are a game changer in your life and can bring transformation and breakthrough to you let me just tell you it's like this some people and and I'm telling you churches we are so bad at this we always want to treat the behaviors we want to trade the symptoms we're like you better stop cussing better stop smoking better stop drinking and then we we create converts that live like they're going to give like they're fragile right and they're old Monday I'll go stop cussing huh I stopped drinking Gus stop I got it I got and they're focused on stopping the behavior it's like trimming the leaves and expecting the tree to die listen you you're the behaviors the sin all that that's just the manifestation of what's happening in the heart you've got to deal with what's right here not on the outside and what you have is not a sin problem you have a source problem you are not connected to the true vine the true source so here here's what let me just break this down for you instead of y'all wandering around Monday through Saturday beam I cannot do this I cannot do that I got a cut better not no no stop instead of that why don't you start stop focusing on the sin stop focusing on the sin and start focusing on Jesus because because the more you focus on him the closer you get to him the more you become like him and the more you become like him the things in your life begin to change in him the old things the former things are passed away and in him all things are made new is that the word I just wish out somebody new somebody knows what I'm talking about I'm convinced that if we would focus on Jesus and drawing as close to him as we can everything in your life would change you can't be connected to Jesus and not be fruitful you can't jesus said if you're if you abide in me my word abides in you you will be not just fruitful but very fruitful anytime Jesus says vary he means it alright turn with me to galatians chapter 5 because we're talking about all this fruit and stuff and some of you are still like okay what does that mean fruit be fruitful that's abstract I don't get it okay look if you take notes if you whatever you do like you should write you should write this verse down you should memorize it write it on the mirror your forehead I don't know just you should never forget this verse Galatians 5:22 because this is the fruit that I'm talking about the Bible says by the way that you'll know a man by his fruit you won't know a man by his words coz talk is cheap people say oh yeah I love God I love Jesus love you talk is cheap you'll know a person by their fruit the fruit that they bear what freedom I talking about glad you asked elations 5:22 but the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control there is no law against these things these are the fruits of the spirit they cannot be manufactured they cannot be faked you can try to fake it you can fake nice you can fake peace you can fake it for a little while and fool a few people but it will never be a lasting peace it'll never be a lasting self-control it'll never be a lasting kindness because who produces it Galatians 5 says you don't produce it it's not you trying hard it's not you focusing on being a better person and says the Holy Spirit produces these fruits in the lives of those who are abiding in his word and fellowship and in the church that's where the fruit comes from and it is not you who try harder to produce it he produces it through you all right so we need to be fruitful people and by the way the fruit of the Spirit a tree does not produce fruit for its own consumption a tree produces fruit for those who are in close proximity you ever seen an apple tree eat its own fruit if you do you should catch that on Instagram or something because that would be worth a lot but anyway of course not God is not asking you to be fruitful so that you can be happier and just like it's great no he's asking you to be fruitful because there's a world that is lost severed from the vine that is desperately looking for hope and if they don't see it in you they may not see it anywhere else and before people care how much Bible knowledge you know and out tight with Jesus you are they want to see is there loving you is there peace in you is there kindness in you is there goodness flowing from your life because you can say I love Jesus but with your life tell a different story and that's turning the world off it's because we're not abiding in him he's not the priority of our life he's not the purpose of our life he's just an accessory we add him on there oh yeah god bless my plans bless my career bless what I've already created give me to heaven now you're gonna do that right we treat him like an add-on to our life but friends he's no add-on he's the source he's the giver he's the purpose and the highest form of the human existence is found in knowing Jesus in your life if you're thankful I just wish you'd praise him like you believed it hallelujah that was all point one don't worry you will beat the Baptist's to the steakhouse I promise you will number one the number one hazard just to recap it although I've talked about it for 20 minutes now is beware of barrenness beware of bearing branches make sure that you're connected to the source because if you if you are baron if you ever get disconnected from the source you are definitely in position for a fall know that number two there's only three so don't get nervous number two the number two thing you need to be aware of in the woods I'm not making this up this is a real point beware of the suckers I'm out here I'm not even kidding listen I'm not here making this up this is a real thing there is in forestry there is a term called a sucker alright and it is a small sapling that grows near the base or the trunk of a tree and it is a low-lying parasitic organism that robs the tree of its nutrients I'm serious it's called a sucker and there's like a bunch of them and they like cluster up together and they like a lot they grow they're like little saplings that grow at the base of the tree and they literally Rob the tree of its nutrients and as I was describing that some of you were thinking of somebody in your mind it's like yeah that's a sucker I need to be with them but in life there are a lot of suckers there really are social media is a great is an epic sucker all right sucks don't don't eat send me an email it's part of the sermon what I'm saying is that social media is a time drain it steals your joy it robs you of your fruitfulness because with every scroll you're hating your life more within every scroll you're like why am I not at the beach what why do I not have that car why do I not have that much with I mean seriously social media is there it's a low lying parasitic thing organism that is stealing your joy stealing your life and listen I'm not preaching against all those things our churches on Facebook our churches on Instagram and if you don't follow us you should there's a plug but what I'm trying to say all of these things in moderation are okay but moderation is the highlighted bold and double underlined word because when we allow social media to control us now we're living our life through that lens it's slowly robbing us of our joy slowly robbing us of our peace some of y'all that maybe don't have you know all the social media apps maybe you sit in front of the news all day right and that can be a low lying pair cynic organism that is stealing your piece you just watch it wave after way that way and every ten minutes they say the same exact thing over again you just get a little more depressed with each wave life is full of things that are here to suck the life and the joy and the peace and the fruitfulness from you some of you are in negative relationships you're dating somebody and you know they're not right for you they're not even a believer they don't even follow Jesus but oh they look good so I'm gonna keep on with it and it's draining you it's robbing you of your peace it's alerting your convictions but you stay with it anyway toxic relationships or people are negative to you always cutting you down always belittling you always doubting you always tearing you down these are suckers all right the little saplings some of y'all are surrounded by haters and critics and they say one thing to you but in your mind you replay their negativity over and over and over and over again so much so that you believe it and it's robbing you of your joy and your purpose we've got to disconnect sever ourselves from the things that are sucking the life and the joy out of us habits addictions they cost way more than you could ever imagine these drug addictions these perversions these things that we get wrapped up into they start so small and seemingly insignificant that we hardly even notice them or are guilty by them but then they eventually grab and they grab the nutrients and our joy and they grow up to choke the life out of us jesus warned of this they take all of your money they take all of your time you can't even be the father the mother that you want to be to your children because you're consumed by an addiction that is ravaging your life all of these things are here to rob us of our purpose in Matthew chapter 30 excuse me and natthew chapter 13 Jesus gave this warning let's throw it on the screen really fast I want to show you this Matthew chapter 13 beginning in verse 24 here's another story Jesus told the kingdom of heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field but that night as the workers slept the enemy came and planted weeds among the wheat and then slipped away you know what Satan wants to do in your life he doesn't want to do what you think he wants to do he's not gonna show up and announce that he's here and try to destroy everything know what he wants to do as he wants to sow some tears and in amongst the wheat he wants to gradually silently slowly rob you of your joy rob you of your peace robbed you of your identity draining the joy from your life one thing one distraction at a time the Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength and when life takes that from us we become weak let me remind you really quickly that your freedom from the things that suck and drain the life out of you will not be obtained by your own self-denial in your own will although you should be an active participant in your deliverance the Bible says in John 15 - that the gardener God is the Vaught dresser and he is the one who cuts away the branches that do not bear fruit he's the one that will set you free in Jesus we found freedom and in him alone third and final point this morning that your name in beware of the woods number three beware of the water spouts beware of the water sprouts is what they are now again that's another weird term in forestry but here's what it is it's a small vertical limb that grows off of the existing branch but it's not connected to the source it lives off of the off of the branch very sounds very similar to the sucker but it's a little bit different a water spout is not an herb water sprout is not from the ground it branches off from the very branch itself and it appears to give life it appears to be fruitful but actually its source is the branch not the vine and there are people who are in the church but not of the church there are people who are living off of somebody else's passion people living off somebody else's faith well I'm a Christian because grandma was grandpa was my wife is I'm interested in this girl so I'm gonna go to church and check that out you know if you allow your source to be anything besides him if you have a motivation for doing this Christian thing and it's anything but knowing him you might just be a water sprout sucking the life and the passion out of other people around you with no real connectivity of your own I want to read you the scariest passage in the Bible enclosing never a good way to end a sermon but this is our intimate today Matthew chapter 7 verse 21 I'm gonna read to you I'm serious this is the scariest to me this is the most frightening passage in all of the Bible hands down and I believe it describes a water sprout Matthew chapter 7 verse 21 not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that does the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name have we not cast out devils and done great wonderful works in your name and then I will profess to them I never knew you depart from me you who work iniquity that's one of the scariest and most profound pastors in all of the Bible but this morning you will do is really good to look deeply into it these people this story is taking place in heaven before judgment seat of God and these men stand before God and they plead their case they say but we prophesied in your name in other words we preached the gospel we prayed for the sick and they were healed we prayed for the demonic oppressed and they were delivered God we did your ministry we did the works of God we went to church we sang the songs we gave to the church and he says to them depart from me you who work iniquity for I never knew you in other words there's a profound reality in this passage God is not concerned about the things you do so much as he's concerned about your relationship with him if you know Jesus you have all that you'll ever need if you abide in him he is the Prince of Peace he is the wonderful counselor he is the friend that sticks closer than any brother he is our Messiah our refuge our friend our provider if you have Jesus you have all that you'll ever need but if you do the works and you put up the religious facade and you go through the motions but you never know him you are in danger of being eternally separated beware of the woods beware of the lack of fruitfulness beware of the lack of connectivity in your life but here's the good news as I read this sermon up the Bible gives an amazing promise it says that any one who would seek me you shall surely find me if you seek me with all of your heart you will find me it says I will draw near to those who draw near to me and if you knock on the door it will be opened in other words all these metaphors all these faith see eloquent passages they're basically saying to you if you really want me you can really have me if you want to know me I'll show you my glory if you want a friendship I'll be that friend that sticks closer than any brother and while everybody else looks at your life and judges you and labels you and doesn't understand you I am the God who always sees I am the God who always perceives I've been with you in every circumstance of your life and I've been waiting for this moment where you would turn from the world and you would turn to me if you'd be connected to me you will be fruitful you will be saved you will be a blessing to those who are around you and that is the main event of your life it's the highest form of the human existence if you're in this room today and you're ready to say I need to be connected to the source I'm gonna ask you to do something bold I'm gonna ask you to stand up in the middle of this room from your seat and by standing you are saying I want to be connected to the source I want to be know I want to be a friend of God I want to know you Jesus if that's you I want you to stand up to your feet all over this place and I will not beg you I'm not gonna plead with you but if that's you I want to invite you to do that right now with everybody's eye open and everybody looking around can we give the Lord praise for this stay standing those of you who are standing I want to pray this prayer with you father as we stand in this room today we declare our love for You Father were sinners who have fallen short of your glory forgive us have mercy upon us we believe that Jesus Christ is the savior of the world the Messiah of humanity and father today we want to be connected to you we want to abide and you we want to be fruitful we want to be known by you and make you known in the world help us to be fruitful and abide in you all the days of our life and we confess you Jesus as our Lord it's in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen why don't y'all give the Lord praise and let's all stand to our feet all over this place and let's worship Him and let's bless his name this morning [Music]
Channel: Vizion Church
Views: 3,053
Rating: 4.9499998 out of 5
Keywords: finding purpose, God given purpose, how to find your purpose, be fruitful and multiply, teachings from Genesis, teachings from John, the book of John, the book of Genesis, how to find your purpose with God, staying connected to Jesus, purpose, vizionchurch, god, jesus, life, vizion church, tyson coughlin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 38sec (2678 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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