Vision: Make a Difference | John Maxwell

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[Applause] no God find freedom discover your purpose make a difference because here's the deal if you don't know that has the vision for your life not just for our church but for your life you may fall for the earthly counterfeit that code insurance we believe that our church must grow larger and smaller at the same time to create community together well good afternoon covenant church come on would you help me welcome all of our campuses makini crossroads polieville all those on line come on one Church say hi everybody come out one church many locations one house with a few rooms come on we're growing god bless all of you so great to have you with us today and I couldn't be more proud of the Miller family at both cassius and his brother Calvin way Cassius mentioned that they were homeless back in 96 97 and when they found a home through some government support here locally in Carrollton they also found a church [Music] now just two young middle schoolers and they came to a youth service gave their life to Christ now are both very successful in business Calvin recently moved to New York and is taking a pretty high as an accountant and get a consultant and both graduates of TCU successful young men and they found a church they found a family they found hope a good job Church come on good job we're proud of the Millers all they're doing proud of our small groups being the hands and feet of Jesus come on there's nothing better that's what it's all about now before we go to the word I want to just encourage all of our campuses there on location both on the cub live app and here in print we have your prayer books available we have the adult versions blue pray first and we also have a version for your kids and my 10 year old Bella has approved that you said it's pretty good so we know it's good for your kid so you checked it out first in advance we start 21 days of prayer tomorrow in person and every campus from 8:30 to 9:30 but if you can't make it in person well stream it on live online for you as well or you can just pray along with us how many know you've sat down to pray before and you're like I'm gonna pray for 20 minutes and like 20 seconds in you're out of stuff to say like you're like sometimes you just need a little help can I get an email like something I just need some instruction so there are a great amount of direction and prayers from Scripture we taught on one a few weeks ago on the tabernacle prayer and so thanks to our team who designed it who printed it who bound all these stapled and put them together just for you and you say well how much they cost they're free you couldn't buy it if you wanted to because you already paid for it right you already gave say why I don't go to covenant and I didn't pay anything yet I go well didn't thank the person to your left or right they probably paid for yours and say thank you self and thank you neighbor right so they're available for you make sure you get yours before you leave today but we are so honored so grace and so blessed today to have pastor dr. you name it he's got the title called and known as the leader on leadership we believe that Jesus was the greatest leader who ever lived and his teaching on leadership is not just relevant for Sunday morning it's relevant for Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and and through men like John Maxwell Jesus's change in the world right whether they know it or not and we are honored to be a part of what he's doing and and are so grateful to have him here with us so I'm not you're like get get off the stage let him come talk right we're here for so hey would you help me come to church welcome John maxvill for the word today come on [Applause] thank you thank you you may be seated good afternoon so good to be here whoo was worship amazing is it like this every week let me tell you something when you folks go to heaven you're gonna want to come home on the weekends ha ha ha that was great worship oh my goodness there's no place like this place anywhere near this place so this must be the place huh I I'm so glad to be with you my name's John I'm your friend on the count of three give me your name 1 2 3 nice to meet you hi this is I'm having so much fun being with you today this is such a delight I last night Chad and I who's with me on our staff and our chief of staff had had dinner with Stephen and Erica and we had the best time this young man has such great leadership potential and I mean he's truly one of the great young leader pastors in America you do know that don't you huh I mean just fantastic and and so we just we had time to get acquainted last night and I've talked with Eric oh my gosh Stephen you married way above yourself yeah you know when I lived in Georgia they had a term for that you outputted your coverage you really did my gosh he says this they just are such a beautiful couple and and I'm so excited within 30 minutes I'm you know I'm making sure he's got my phone number so so I could mentor him and pour my life into a kid like that my gosh I I just you know I so I'm gonna I'm gonna do my best to help him okay and so if he did get any better tell him to call John he's just growing so good and your church is growing so good it's it's such a vibrant place to worship and and you know your little anointing there and talking with us with the worship team it was all good I was saying man keep on keep on preaching I don't have to preach today I'll I'll handle that any day I mean that's that's just good stuff I want to thank you for you you financially help equip my nonprofit organization that trains leaders around the world we're the largest leadership training organization in the world we've trained 6 million liters in every country and thank you but it's you you you financially give to us and help us with that and I want you to how grateful I am and now we're seeing transformation of countries we literally have 22 presidents of countries that have invited us in to help transform their countries and and we just recently last Easter weekend the king of Saudi Arabia asked me to come and I went to Saudi Arabia and spoke to the through the whole royal family plus the leaders of that country for three days about transformation how to how to change their country and I talked to him about values and how that it wasn't the Keens edik that would transform a country it's the values of a heart and it's all biblical stuff and and I'm in fact I'm leaving here going to the airport I'm flying to Kenya on Tuesday morning I'll be with the president of Kenya who's asked me to come to Kenya to do transformation in that country and and what I want you to know is you're part of that ministry you're part of that Minister so you know on Tuesday you can say yeah you know John's one of our and he's talking to the president today and we helped him get there packed he probably wouldn't have gotten there if it wouldn't be for us and then it because we are part of we are part of a team and and I teach these leadership values but they're all biblical principles Stephen when you were talking about Jesus the greatest leader well all I do is just teach biblical principles I I was the largest lumber broker company in the world and so I'm teach them leadership and and so secular totally secular company and one of the vice president's race Hansen John he said your materials amazing we've been writing this stuff down all day it's so good it's so solid they said I've never heard anything quite like it they said would you mind wait where do you get your leadership material and where do you get your leadership knowledge and resources and information and I smiled and I said you don't want to know and he said what do you mean I don't yeah I said I do want to know a spot against it you're gonna have to trust me on this you don't want to know now I love dealing with the secular business world because when you tell them they don't want to know you drive them crazy and so now they're all said no no where do you get your leadership material I said well you're pressing you're pressing me I said okay I'll tell you but I said when I tell you you're gonna be disappointed I said everything I've taught you today I got right out of the Bible and in elbert and I said I told you I'd disappoint you I told you that I said I'd no I see you got a cocktail hour at 6:30 this evening I'll be there if you have any question about God I'll just hang come and see me I went down at 6:30 and from 6:30 to quarter to 8:00 the line never stopped people wanting to know about God this it's a it's it's a where to be salt light folks try to be salt and light and we're doing really we can really make a difference in our lives and so thank you for giving us that I just asked Chad who's our chief of staff I said 10 how many people that you understand 90% of my time is in the business secular world it's not in the church at all or with Christians and I asked him I said how many people have come to Christ through our through our company that this year again almost all unchurched people and so this year just this year alone sixty-six thousand people have come to cry sixty-six out and and and I have a I have a personal vision and goal that by the year of 2022 it's just four years down the road just not too long that we will be the most evangelistic organization this is well I believe by 2022 it's possible we can reach a million people year to Christ and so we're at it and you and you're part of it so thank you thank you very very much and also I'm also excited on October the 12th you're gonna be hosting right here and l2l a conference now that's called live to lead I've been doing this for 17 years and it's a business day this is the time to go bring your business people non-church you know just kind of out of it bring them here and they're gonna go they're gonna we're gonna blow their mind we have Daniel pink number one author in the business community today will be one of our speakers we have Carly Fiorina who was the CEO of hewlett-packard who's a wonderful friend of mine she's gonna be one of the speakers I'll be one of the speakers of course I founded this thing you know they have to let me speak huh I'll do some leadership say but but there we got another speaker I'm gonna tell you about but I can't tell you about it to you fasten your seat belt so go ahead and fasten your seat belt click that sucker okay fascinating in fact look at the person beside you make sure their belts fastened because because when I tell you who the speakers if your if your belts not fastened you'll fall down and I don't want to have to do a healing ministry here today because we're also going to have that day Tyler Perry yeah this is a kill it unbelievable business day all you got to do is go out the business community and say Daniel pink John Maxwell Carly Fiorina Tyler Perry they got it they'll lie enough to be here and the tickets are free but you there will be a way for you get two tickets pastor Steven I'll tell you that but I'm just here to tell you you're in for a huge there will be people come to this church who have never been to this church and they'll get in this environment they'll say this is that bad place at all and and many it's a great it's a great outrage I'm so so excited about that okay okay now it's time it's time to teach okay and I want to talk to you about how to make a difference how to make a difference let me ask you a question how many of you would raise your head right now and say John I would like in my lifetime to make a positive difference to myself and the people around I don't even want to make it how many of you want to make a difference okay look you look around all these come on get them back out here for a moment if somebody didn't raise their hand they have other issues because all of us all of us want to make a difference all of us won we were created to make a difference God God gave you spiritual gifts to make a difference in your life God gave you passion and and we are to be our brother's keeper and I want to talk to you about how to make a difference and I want to talk to you about my journey my 4-step simple journey and making a difference because every one of you it will apply to you you're gonna you're gonna learn something right now this is gonna be applied the rest of your life so look at the person you're seated beside and say you're about to learn something go ahead and tell them that you're about to learn something look right back at him and say why do you think I brought you here you see my journey on how to make a difference was when I was in my 20s and my assistant I was a pastor I started off pastoring she gave me a Christmas present it up and the title it was a book in the title the book was the greatest story ever told now I love to read I thought oh my gosh this is a what a title the greatest story ever told I with great anticipation opened up the book and when I opened up the book all much to my surprise all the pages were blank I looked her I said well it says the greatest story ever told she said turn to the first page I turned the first page and she had written a note for me Dear John your life is before you you fill these paces with your dreams with your hopes with matters of your heart you write your story and make it the greatest story ever told I took that book home with me and then next morning I wasn't a writer at that time at all next morning I started my writing my first book and this was for me and the first words on that black page the first words I put on that blank page was I want to make a difference because that's exactly what I want to do I want to make a difference so as you start to take this make a difference journey in our series that we've been doing on vision and this is the last of the four as you start to make a difference journey the first step one is I want to make a difference it begins there it's already in your heart it was sought in your heart when you were created I can saw ever being in the fourth grade and walking across the campus that can't meeting my father was an overseer for about 250 pastors and he was so greatly loved and he made such a difference in so many leaders life and I would hold his hand and it was fourth grade I kind of wanted to go to lunch and and it's only a three minute walk across the campus but for my dad it was a thirty minute walk because he'd stop and pray with people and encourage people and believe in people and love on people and I would watch people coming and just I could tell how much they adored him and loved him and I'm in the fourth grade and I'm saying when I get older I want to be just like my dad I just want to make a difference I just wanna I just wanna I want to add value to be one I really I just want to make a difference so when you think about it when you're making a difference your spirit is high your your morale is high you you almost said you feel good about yourself and you feel good about others I wish you could I wish you could meet my dad he's still alive he's 96 and he'll be 97 in November and he's an incredible man when my mother died we I'm the middle child three of us children we put to him and ask him to go to an assisted care place he was still dry he was in great shape but but but we just wanted to be close to medical help and they were building one very close to his home and and so he said yes and so he would go over and visit them while they were building it and you don't say well I'm gonna be here you know I've got it and I'm gonna be I'm gonna be here and Eco verb in everybody knew him everybody knew him and and so one day we're having lunch he said dat Johnny said when they when they move us in I'm gonna be the first one to move in I said that's nice I said why do you want to be the first one he said well son think about it for a moment there's gonna be a bunch of old people there never entered his mind that he was old he said it's gonna be a bunch of old people there and he said I want to be the first one moved in so when they come and they're kind of fearful and anxious about this new place they're going to I could meet him at the front door and shake their hand and say my name is Melvin Maxwell I'm going to be your neighbor and it's going to be okay I'm gonna make a difference I'm gonna make a difference at that front though and he did and and then and then you know after he's in a few months I'm talking to him again he says you know I'm the chaplain now here that's good how'd you how'd you become chaplain he said well there wasn't any you said I looked around there wasn't any chaplain and so he said I just raised my hand to make myself chaplain and he said I'm the chaplain down so here's the chap named back up you know I'm seeing him old and and he started it they talked two minutes let him start a little Church and they got him gave him a room there the sister cared he filled first service up and so he had a second service filled that one up and then he had a nice service and filled that up but I'm having lunch again with him another time and he said he said son were packed out he said she said we're packed out he said he said III don't know what we're gonna do I were packed out like what he said I'm looking into satellite right now I mean I I I'm looking at satellite he's 93 and he's looking into satellite come on beside me through he he another time he told me I love this he said he said I named my church so you know I'm with my dad I'm always fastening my seatbelt so that's good dad I said well what would he name the church we said first of all son let me give you the context he said they're all hold their own he says if there's just old people son you don't want to pray do you realize how old those people are they're old and he said I think and they kind of my church he said that you know they're near death he said I call my church the First Church of the last chance and that good first church last chance hey you better get in now you're going soon baby you're on a fast slide down there let's go I always encourage you people I asked him one time I said dad how do you know people need to be encouraged oh he said son that's simple if they're breathing he said if you're breathing you need to be encouraged he said so I encourage everyone's son son if they're breathing they need to be encouraged he said now let me tell you this let me give you him if they're not breathing don't waste your time you don't need to courage to if their dad don't you know don't do it but if they're live if if if they're living I want to me different I saw him the other day in the last year to have he worked full-time as a chaplain until about a year and a half ago and they fell they broke six ribs then they had a stroke and so he's in a wheelchair and over the light over the last year I've been walking with him and he'd be in the wheelchair and and he called me close to him and for a while a stroke it really really affected his speech and and and he it calmed get me real close and he get real close in the whisper Amir he'd say son I'm coming back I'm coming back he's 96 I'm coming back I said dad you got a 96 year old body in a 26 year old will I'm coming back in the last six weeks eight weeks he's now out of the wheelchair back at the Walker back to walking Eddie Eddie so so we're out to lunch the other day and in our dinner we're and he said you know I really want to eat this ice cream and so I I mean I got him a big thing of ice cream I mean that big I mean when you're 96 you can eat anything you want don't let anybody put that stuff on you hello you don't have to do that birdseed anymore and so you got this big thing of ice cream we're just talking he just have the time of his life and he looks at me said son he said I've been praying and God has shown me now listen the greatest opportunities are still before me to help people he's 90 said the greatest opportunities are still before me to help people I want to make a difference step to doing something that makes a difference you take that passion of wanting to make a difference and then you say okay what can I do what can I do that will really make a difference and you take that passion and you match it up with your giftedness your spiritual gift what is your giftedness that God has given you because you see to find your purpose your passion will take you there almost all the way but your strengths your giftedness your abilities it'll take you there all the way get because God created you with your gifts to fulfill that purpose is this a beautiful thing and that's what's so beautiful about small groups because so many times in small groups that's where you find your gifts and that's where you'll find your giftedness and people began to talk to you about things that you do that are effective and good I want to make a difference doing something doing something that makes a difference but put point three with people with people who want to make a difference oh I you see what is it one is too small of a number to achieve greatness I wrote a book called the laws of teamwork and one of them also teamwork is the law of Mount Everest and the law Mount Everest says as the challenge escalates the need for teamwork Ellen in other words if you're gonna climb Mount Everest you don't do it alone I mean if I if I told you I'm leaving here I forget the president in Kenya I believe in here I'm going to go over to Paul and and and I got my shorts and I got my sneakers and I thought I'd spend that you know I think I'd spent the first couple days next week I think I want to just run up the top of Mount Everest and plaintiff like well you look at each other and say the man is an idiot you don't run to the top of Mount Everest and you don't do it alone nobody's ever gone up to the top about it it's you see it's too big of a deal it's it's too big of a mountain it's too hard you can't you can't get it up there without the help of someone else you see now if you want to climb a Texas Hill first you got to find one you can climb a Texas Hill by yourself are you with me huh you can do a Texas Hill but you can't do Mount Everest so when I love it when people come to me and say well you know ha you know I'm a self-made man and always looking at her so I'm so sorry that's too bad so what do you mean why it's too bad yourself made because if you've made everything yourself you ain't made much [Music] what-what-what's too small of a number once too small of a number to achieve greatness you see you do it together that's what's a value of coming together to church and coming it that's that's the value of small groups you get in your small I mean where do you not blessed with that video of that group and they're going out there and here's somebody was homeless and now they're small group they're gonna take food to the homeless and by the way when they go out and do that in Dallas they're not are gonna take food to the homeless they're going to encounter Jesus oh my Jesus said hey if you feed people you feed me are you with me if you visit people in prison you visit me come on if you clothe people you clothing I run the people all the time and I say well I'm just trying to get close to Jesus and he seems far away well of course he's far away - you ain't doing what you're supposed to do go out and start meeting people loving people ministering to people carried for people sharing people at the moment that you start doing that you meet Jesus because he said every time you do that you meet me so every time I give somebody a hug I'm hugging Jesus and you're not close to him you need to get alive I want to make a difference doing something that makes a difference with people now now there's got to be the right kind of people with people who want to make a difference you got to be careful there's a bunch of people they're not doing anything you understand that they're not the ones you're hang around with you want to hang around people who want to make universe in the beginning I just thought I would do it with people so I try to get people together and cells people I caught together they didn't want do anything have you ever met anybody like that it's awful hard to hit the ball and drag charlie hit the ball and try and Charlie hit the ball and dragged Charlie hit the ball and drag Charlie after a while don't you just want to hit Charlie what am I saying I want to make a difference with people who want to me a difference if want to put a thousand to flight to puts ten thousand to flight talk to me talk to me to will put ten thousand this any folks that's caught that's that's called Jesus math it's a higher math than what you and I were taught in school I want to make a difference doing something to make a difference with people who want to make a difference number four before I give you number four are you learning something okay okay just check-in just check-in learned a long time ago don't teach people who don't want to learn it's too close to lunch by the way whenever you're listening to a speaker and it's about this time and you think they're gonna go on and on and on and you're a little worried you're getting a little hungry and you're thinking does he realize what time it is will he stop do you think we'll get love I'm gonna help you out my name's John I'm your friend look at the speaker these fat like me you'll break for lunch absolutely he's skinny you're in trouble pray just pray you're in you're in real trouble I want to make a difference with people what makes it doing so at a time at a time number four at a time when it makes a difference Wow and the time is now make every day your masterpiece the secret of your success the secret of my success is determined by what we do daily and we've missed this all the time I wrote a book called today matters the reason I wrote the book today matters is because today matters we over-exaggerated yesterday we just think we were amazing yesterday we weren't just trust me of course when you're my age 71 you don't need to worry about it you forget the other day I was in a car and Margaret looked at me she said John we're forgetting everything I said we kind of are aren't we she said let's do a plan I said what your plan she's it she said you remember who we are and I remember where we're going hey Ellen it's working it's really working you got to divide it up a little bit you got to divide it effort we we over exaggerate yesterday we overestimate tomorrow oh yeah Ultima you know I'll get to that tomorrow oh yeah oh yeah I'll do that too oh yeah oh yeah tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow by the way good intentions are worthless worthless folks when are you gonna fall out of love with good intentions they're with us good intentions are worthless unless they lead to good actions nobody ever had their life changed by somebody hoping thinking good intentions are not enough so I'm gonna give you in closing I'm gonna give you five things that I do every day to add value to people okay and this is going to work this is going to work for you and and by the way this is eat you every one of you can do this every one of you can do this so look at your neighbor and say even you can do this good thing all right even you because there are five things I do every day every day you just change it John what do you mean by every day I don't want to go too deep on you don't want to go over your head I mean every day number one every day I value people and you say okay when you say you value people I mean who do you value everyone and you say what do you mean by everyone everyone Jesus created everyone what part of everyone do we not understand look at you look at look at pers your seat beside him say jesus loves you go ahead and tell that jesus loved you look it look back and say jesus loves me yeah i does look back at him and say Jesus loves people I don't even know yeah that's good oh one more thing look em say Jesus those people I don't like hey let me tell you something he loves people you don't like he really does if you look at the life of Jesus in the Gospels the one thing you come after reading Matthew Mark Luke and John is that man valued everybody and the only people who didn't like it religious people we've got to make a decision are we going to start connecting with people or are we going to keep correcting people we're okay my name's John I'm your friend so every day I value people one number two every day I think of ways to add value to people every day I think of ways to add value to people about a month ago I was talking to Stephen on the phone about me coming out here he said you were going to be in this vision series and and he's telling the the the message that wouldn't be preached by the time I got here would be I want to make a difference I said well could I preach that message for you and he said well sure if you want sighs I want to I want to what who or what am i doing before I ever got here monthly before I'm thinking of a way to add value to you add value to him I mean I could have said no I just I got I got my little sugar sticks I'd rather preach no i've never preached this before I developed this message just for you today it's all yours it's it's the Covenant message nobody else gets it they don't get it now it's very simple what why because I think of ways of adding value to people number three every day I look for ways I look I look for ways to add value people and let me say you see what you anticipate mmm-hmm so when you anticipate of adding value to people you start seeing ways to add value to people just as if you you know most people most people they don't get up in the morning and say how could I add value to people most people get up the morning say who's gonna add value to me we're all selfish are you with me and if you don't think you're selfish outside of the fact you don't think if you don't think yourself east let me ask you a very simple question the next time you're in a group picture when you see that group picture could I ask you a question who is the first person you look for in that picture [Applause] come on now hey and if and if you look bad you say Oh terrible picture bad picture right here come on do it again dude Ian get come on Chris come on do it one more time yeah and if you look good in the pictures at Oak great picture great bigger send that to you that's why an adding value to people you have to be intentional because it's not natural the selfish nature of us is who's going to do something for me today but that Jesus that created us and empowers us and saves us he wants us to add value to every day every day I value people think always that value people look for is that value people therefore I do things I every day I do things that add value to people every day I do things that add value to people every day every day Margot I have five grandchildren they call mom Margaret me me they call me papa Margaret picked the names for the first grandchild she said what were the grandkids gonna call us I said I have no clue it's not really been on the top of my agenda well she said I've been thinking about it she's I wanted to call me Mimi why should I let I like that but she said I don't want him to call you PP I said I agree with that - I don't either one we call me PP so they call me Papa they call me Papa I love that name every year I ask God to give me a word for the year and my year word this year his father and I just want to be a father one I want to be a they've got great fathers but I want to I want to be a spiritual I want to be a Steven for you at an Erica I want to be a spiritual father to you I want to I want to oversee and love and care for bless yeah what I want to give I want it I want to give all right I want to be a want to be a Papa and so James who's was nine at the time because I'm asking them all time okay how we're gonna add value people cuz they know this they know this listen trust me they they know this lesson and James who is nine said I know what I'm gonna do Papa mister tomorrow when it would go to school I'm gonna open doors for everybody and I'm going to not only open doors I'm gonna smile and say have a good day next evening called me said pop I had a great day tell me about it she said I opened 47 doors today for people and I smiled 47 times it said have a good he's nine years old he's already got it figured out I know people come on now it's already got it figured out I know people I know people there 79 and they haven't figured it out every day value people think of ways that value people look for a set value people do things that value to people number five every day I encourage others to add value to people oh yeah that's what I'm doing with you right now I'm encouraging you I'm encouraging you to add value to other people I've privilege to one of my businesses to have a coaching company called the John Maxwell team some of my coaches are here today we started six years ago we now have 20,000 coaches in 142 countries of the world fastest-growing top coaching company it's it's and you know what we and we teach them every time they come they come every six months to Orlando and we teach there all of our new ones where they come in the John Maxwell team DNA and right at the top of that list is we value people in fact I tell my coaches you are people of value that add value to others that's who you are your people have found you that add value to other if you don't value yourself you will value anyone else that's what Jesus said you got to love yourself so you can love your neighbor love your neighbor as yourself and we teach that and it's so exciting I've got twenty thousand that they're my legacy they're they're them they're the legs to my legacy I got twenty thousand legs running around I do go into 50 thousand it's a movement mmm you want to know I've never I've not done this but you all know how to be a John Maxwell team coach just go to John Maxwell team comm you know we'll put you on it that you don't want to do this unless you want to climb we're all climbers we're not sliders so if your slider don't go there please please please you'll mess us up your name is Charlie we'll have to drag you around old every day I do those five things value people think of ways that value people look for ways do things and encourage others to value people and you can do that every one of you can start today because today matters amen bow your heads with me would you please on all of the campuses I want to thank you for allow me to communicate to you today and I'm gonna ask the pastor's on all the campuses to come forward because now I'm gonna ask one last important question before we wrap this up because we're talking about making a difference and I've shared with you might make a difference journey and I know it's resonated with literally thousands of you today but but let me just talk to you for just a moment about the person that can make the biggest difference in your life his name is Jesus he loves you so much he came to this earth lived here died on a cross resurrected on the third day to provide a relationship of forgiveness and salvation to every person that hears my voice he can make a difference the greatest difference in your life with every head bowed and every eye closed I wonder how many of you not only in this auditorium but the other auditoriums also I wouldn't how many of you just raise your hand and say hey John I know you're right and I want to have a relationship with him and you just raise your hand up real high all over the auditorium and by raising up your high you just say John I'm gonna raise my hand because I want you to pray for me in a moment I'm gonna pray for you while you're in your seat that that that you'll begin this relationship with you but in all the auditoriums and in this one too would you raise your hand right now if you just like to know God in the person way oh my goodness raise them up high raise them up high I just I just like to know them I see your hands up in the balcony being raised over on the sides I just like to know just raise them all high for me real high just for a moment keep them up there for me I'm looking at them because I want to I want to see you so that I can pray for you in a moment now that you that have the right you raised your hands right now I'm praying for your Lord Jesus you see the hands that have been raised and more important than the hands that are raised visibly you know the heart that longs to have a relationship with you and you said I stand at the door of your heart and I knock and if any person hears my voice and opens the door you said you would come in and these that have raised their hands there right now say Jesus come into my life as my Savior coming into my life as my friend I want today to begin a relationship with you I want you to make a difference in my life so I can make a difference in the lives of others I pray God right now you'll hear that prayer and you'll answer that prayer in the name of Jesus and everyone said amen thank you for letting me pray with you thank you for letting me be here today god bless you [Music]
Channel: Covenant Church
Views: 99,002
Rating: 4.8474574 out of 5
Id: eV7c7MGWzNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 55sec (2575 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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