Feel Like Giving Up?

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[Music] second Kings chapter six beginning in verse 24 look at your neighbour help me preach tell him buckle up because it's about to get wild up in here alright this is one of these verses that I'm about to read to you that you're gonna scratch your head and you're gonna ask how in the world did that get in the Bible okay and so this is one of these verses that is troubling it's violent it's a little bit disturbing and but I truly believe that this book is inspired I believe that it is infallible I believe it is the Word of the Living God from start to finish and I think every page every period every exclamation point is divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit and today as we leaned into this wild text I pray that it comes a life to you that it changes your life and it brings inspiration anybody excited to approach the word today let's approach it expecting and believe in God to do great and mighty things in our life 2nd Kings chapter 6 beginning in verse 24 sometime later however King Ben Hadad of Arum mustered his entire army and besieged Samaria as a result there was a great famine in the city the siege lasted so long that a donkey's head sold 480 pieces of silver and a cup of doves dung sold for five pieces of silver one day is the king of Israel was walking along the wall of the city a woman called to him please help me my lord the king he answered if the Lord doesn't help you what can I do I neither have food from the threshing floor nor wine from the press to give you but then the King asked what is the matter she replied this woman said to me come on let's see your son today and then we will eat my son tomorrow so we cooked my son and ate him and the next day I said to her kill your son so we can eat him but she had hidden her son when the King heard this he tore his clothes and despair and as the king walked along the wall people could see that he was wearing burlap under his robe next to his skin father as we approach your word this morning I pray that it would come alive to us I pray that you would give us eyes to see here's the ear and hearts to receive what your word and what the Spirit is saying to the church I thank you that the Bible is alive that is sharp and a light and an active alive Lord and it touches us and I pray that today that we would lean into it with expectation and that you would speak through the power of your Holy Spirit it's in Jesus mighty name we pray and everybody said amen this is one of the most disturbing passages in the Old Testament this is the story of the Samaritan woman and I want to paint this picture just in a little more context for you so that the magnitude of it actually sets in where we pick up in 2nd King 6 the city of Samaria is the capital city of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and during this time there was a great war between ben-hadad the aramean king the heir Mahon's are another way of saying the Syrians so the same Syria that's in much conflict and violence today was still in conflict and violence many many thousands of years ago as well as we pick up here in this scripture we see that the entire Syrian army has surrounded the city of Samaria on every side and they have engaged in a violent war strategy where they are literally starving the city of Samaria from the inside out where we pick up is that the Syrian army has literally cut off all supply routes all trade routes into the city there are no there's no longer produce there's no longer food from the farm filling the marketplace of Samaria literally they are starving them they are killing them from the inside out and the situation had become so dark and so grim in the city that they were literally selling a donkey's head for two pounds of silver and even more disgusting and outlandish they were selling a cup of dove droppings for two ounces of silver that is so gross and nasty but that's how dark it was and if you think that's bad it got even worse in the city where they became so desperate that they even began to turn to cannibalism and mothers began to turn on their own children that is the story that we read in second Kings six this is violent this is detestable it's an awful situation but I truly believe that from this text today the Holy Spirit is going to speak to somebody's life today and I believe without question that I have a word from the Lord to share with you continue reading with me in 2nd Kings chapter 7 beginning in verse 1 so we're gonna skip down here just on the same page want you to watch this vanalai she replied listen to this message from the Lord this is what the Lord says by this time tomorrow in the markets of Samaria five courts of choice flour will cost only one piece of silver and ten quarts of barley grain will cost only one piece of silver the officer assisting the King said to the man of God that couldn't happen if even the Lord opened up the windows of heaven but Elijah replied you will see it happen with your own eyes but you will not be able to partake of any of it now it's vitally important that you piece together the timeline from second King six and second King seven because this is absolutely profound and I pray that it resounds deep within your soul in the middle of this famine surrounded by the Syrian army on all sides the economy is stopped to a grinding halt these women turned to cannibalism and this woman sacrifices the life of her own son today planning to take the life of her friend's son tomorrow now I don't know if you caught this but literally the very next day after the Samaritan mother had sacrificed her son the prophet of God Elijah spoke to the kingdom of Israel and he said surely by this time tomorrow there will be grain in the markets of Samaria there will be a bountiful harvest and surely by lunchtime tomorrow this famine will break and give way to a feast now let this timeline sink in for you because what the Bible is literally telling us is that the samaritan mother took the life of her son 48 hours before the famine turned into a feast in what seemed to be her darkest night she lost hope and she gave up only to realize that the day after tomorrow everything would change and a miracle would open up in the land and God would provide and that famine would become a feast and I wonder this morning is there anybody who can identify with the Samaritan woman in your life you feel surrounded by every side the enemy has cut off everything into your life you battling depression battling anxiety you're failing to see the hope of keeping on and you're looking at your life and you're wondering you're contemplating giving up you're contemplating throwing in the towel you're you're contemplating aborting your future well I've come today with good news from the Holy Spirit to tell somebody today that your famine though it may last for a night there is joy that is coming in the morning and your famine is about to break and give way to the Feast of our God miracles and the power of God are alive in the church today and I just need somebody to believe today that he is the same miracle working God today he is the same God yesterday today and forever he is your deliverer he is your healer he is your miracle working counselor there is nobody like him and he still has the power to save heal and deliver if you believe the words coming out of my mouth I just wish you bless the Lord with me I came today for those of you who are thinking about giving up on your dreams you're thinking about giving up on your calling you've suffered one too many disappointments in life and you've grown frustrated you've grown weary in the process you wonder if God still loves you if God's plan is still available to you I want to say to somebody today don't give up because your breakthrough is right at hand this woman who took the life of her son and aborted her future she was 48 hours away from the breakthrough can you believe how she fell the next day when everybody was feasting in the marketplace when the economy was surging again and while the entire city around her rejoiced she was broken and in despair knowing that she gave up just hours before the breakthrough my god somebody needs to hear me today do not give up don't give up on your marriage don't give up on the relationship of mending it with your family don't give up somebody needs to hear me today your breakthrough is coming don't give up don't give up don't give up on your spouse don't stop praying so many people so many saints neglect the most powerful tool in their arsenal which is prayer because they prayed one too many times and God didn't answer their prayer when they thought how they thought he should well let me let you know something real fast God God often answers our prayers in unexpected ways sometimes the answer to the prayer you've been crying out for shows up in your life in such a way that you couldn't even recognize it until later I want you to know that you serve a God who is faithful you serve a God who is six closer than any brother he will never leave you he will never forsake you don't give up in the moment don't give up some of you you're able to encourage everybody that you come into contact with you're able to love and edify and build up everybody around you you're able to wear an expression on your face that would give the illusion that there's no pain inside of you you're able to encourage and bless other people but inside you're dying and inside you're about to give up on yourself on the inside you can't hardly cope with your own life and when you look in the mirror all you see is disappointment and broken dreams and promises well I've come with a word from the Lord to tell you don't give up now don't quit now don't give up and abort your future right now that's what the woman did when she took the life of her son she aborted her future God still got a plan for you and what is coming is greater than what was the only way to fail is to quit there been many times in this church over the last five years it's five years old it didn't even grow by like literally a single person it grew negatively for like the first three years and I was like about to quit I was about to give up I despised it sometimes it was hard it was treacherous it was painful and there were many many days where I felt like giving up many many days where I felt like my gift would be better served somewhere else in some other church in some other capacity but I read through my old Bible school notes and one simple line said the only way to fail is to quit keep going on keep believing keep pressing on because God will bring to fruition everything he promised he will not be early and he will not be late but he will show up right on time your deliverer is alive he is a miracle working God don't abort your future because you're stuck in the crisis right now losing hope is a dangerous thing when we lose hope our life quickly spirals out of control but I want to show you in this text today that as this Samaritan Mother was about to abort her future about to give up the life of her son God was at work outside the gate look at your neighbor and tell him God was at work outside the gate I know it's a lot to say but you can handle it y'all are smart you're sharp people God was at work outside the gate now there's a message for you to understand if you keep reading in second Kings 7 you will see that simultaneously as the mother was fretting as she was worrying as anxiety was overwhelming her in the middle of her depression simultaneously God was at work outside the city gate of Samaria and he was stirring up for lepers for outcasts that sat on the city gate and he was stirring them up to be used to bring a miracle back into the city but the reality is is that God was working in the unseen realm of her life and oh if she could have just seen God's hand at work in the middle of her situation she wouldn't have given up where she was and I just came to tell somebody like so I wish someone would have told this mother God is at work in the unseen realms of your life he is at work beyond the gate you can't see his hand you can't sense his deliverance but I just came to tell somebody God is at work outside the gate you can't see it you can't feel it but God is at work in your life don't give up right now don't give up he's at work in the unseen areas of your life and I promise you if you could catch a glimpse into the spirit and see what God is doing in your life you would rejoice and delight in the fact that there is no enemy that can even compare to your God he is greater than your adversity he's greater than your famine he's greater than your addiction he's greater than your marital issue he is greater than the insecurities and the troubles that you face turn with me really quickly to second Corinthians chapter 4 verse 8 I'm gonna read to you from the King James Version a lot of these and Dal's some of y'all get tripped out by it but you're welcome second Corinthians chapter four verse eight we are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed but not in despair we are persecuted but not forsaken we are cast down we are not destroyed that's a word for somebody you might be facing trouble all around you today you might feel overwhelmed the lies of the enemy maybe crashing down and pressing down on your soul today but I want to remind you of the words of Jesus come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest do not grow weary in well-doing for in due season you shall reap today the Holy Spirit is preaching to somebody don't give up look at your neighbor help me preach and tell them don't give up don't give up now listen Elijah and the Samaritan Mother they looked at the same circumstance and they drew two very different conclusions I want I'm gonna say that just one more time because I needed to set in for a moment the Samaritan Mother and Elijah both looked at the same famine they both looked at the same enemy they both looked at the same empty marketplaces and one of them drew the conclusion that there was no hope and the other drew the conclusion that there was hope one of them said I need to give up the other one said I need to hold on one of them said it's not gonna work out for me I'm gonna die I'm gonna take my life into my own hands and the other one said I'm surely gonna live because this promise has not been finished in my life I'm gonna yield my future into the hands of Almighty God your perspective is powerful and how you see the situation can determine life from death the woman when she sold the situation she was provoked and gripped by fear but when Elijah looked at the situation he was moved by faith in your life it's not a matter or a question of if storms come if Trials come if difficulties come it's a matter of win and when they come you will respond you act and your attitude will take one of two demeanors you will either act out of fear or you will act out of faith which one will it be the choice is yours the choice is yours but I need somebody to hear me right now that you are overwhelmed with anxiety you are gripped by fear with the situations that are facing your family facing your life and I just need to bring the Word of God to you today that says he has not given you a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind can somebody bless the Lord with me that fear is not from the Lord he has given me a spirit not a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind Elijah had a supernatural confidence that this woman did not have Elijah's confidence when he looked at the Dammann his confidence was not in himself his confidence was not in his own ability to strategize and to work his way out his confidence was in the Lord his confidence was in his Redeemer and many times in our life when we find ourselves in a valley we try to work our own way out we try to solve our own problems we try to take matters into our own hands but be careful trying to work out your own way be careful trying to take the situation into your own hands thinking that you got it that you know best because when this Samaritan mother tried to take control of her situation she aborted her future but when Elijah said I know who you are you are faithful you are Redeemer you are the Prince of Peace you are my provider I have all that I need if I have you I will surrender it in to your hands today should be the last day that you wrestle with anxiety and fear and worrying about things that you cannot control farm it far too many of you have allowed the enemy to grip your life with anxiety worrying about things that you cannot control when you worry about things that are beyond your circumstance you rob yourself of the present worry robs you of right now it gets you fixated on what might be could be in half the stuff y'all worry about never even happens in the first place can I just get a witness can't anybody know what I'm saying but you got a choice to make you can either operate out of fear or you can operate out of faith and by the way I'm most gonna slip this in here for you real fast when you can't find hope in anything around you you can always find hope in one place and that is in the presence of God Almighty you might not find hope at your workplace you might not even find hope when you come home you might not find hope in your career in your bank account you may not be able to draw hope from anything in the world but I promise you there is one place there is one well that never runs dry there is one place that you can always go to and you can always find refuge there is one person and his name is Jesus Christ he is the Prince of Peace come on somebody he is the Prince of Peace and I just want to share this with you real fast he promises in his word then I will give to you a peace that surpasses all understanding meaning that you can walk through the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil you can walk through the difficulty you can face your Giants and I will give you a peace within your soul that does not make sense I will give you a peace that is e illogical irrational I will give you a confidence that will cause you to endure to be anchored in my presence no matter what you face in your life I'm trying to tell you this book is alive this is either the truth or it isn't and I'm Tay I'm here today to tell you that this is the truth he is the way and peace is not just a thing it is a person and peace is in Jesus Christ and in him alone in him alone he is the Prince of Peace remember that Elijah and the woman looked at the same famine and drew two very different conclusions I believe the Holy Spirit sent me here today to tell you it's time to look at your same old problem and it's time to draw a new conclusion today it's time to look your same old habit your same old addiction your same old issue and start to draw a new conclusion today then no longer am I gonna look at that and be gripped with fear worrying that I always struggle with it for the rest of my life being fearful that it will interrupt my destiny and change the trajectory of my life no today we will look at our same problems and we will choose to draw the clusion of the conclusion of Elijah and say I will not look at this with fear but from this day forward I will look at it with faith this will be the last day I worry about what I cannot control and today I will give it to the hands of God I will no longer try to manipulate and control my own destiny but today I will place it in the hands of God Almighty today is the last day that I live with the same old conclusion today I will be moved with faith I will be set free in the person of Jesus Christ and I will experience the miracle that he's destined for me I'm not giving up now I'm not giving up now he's brought me too far to give up now there is power in your perspective if you have your Bible turn another place with me 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 beginning in verse 3 this is one of my favorite passages in all of the Bible this passage has probably made more of a profound impact on my life than maybe just about any other one that I can call to memory and I pray that it it touches you and changes you as well your perspective has the power to direct your life you can either be governed by fear like the woman or you can be governed by faith like Elijah but I can promise you one thing that in your trouble in your darkness and in your despair the enemy will whisper to you lies to steal to kill and to destroy the I promise you that in that city of Samaria in the middle of that famine the enemy whispered to that Samaritan mother and he said you need to just abort your future you need to give up what good is that if you do nothing then both of you die but at least if you take the life of your son Dan then you'll be able to live just give up this situation has gotten as bad as it could possibly get just give in just surrender just just give up the enemy is as a master of deception he whispers into our life that you'll never be a success that you'll never make it you'll never amount to anything that you should just give up you'll never realize the potential that God has for you he'll whisper to you and say God doesn't love you you're not really a believer or else you wouldn't even be in this situation he'll whisper these lies and this deception he will whisper it but I just need to remind somebody that the devil is a liar and if he says that you can pretty much Bank that the opposite is the truth but he will whisper he will whisper into your mind he will plant seeds of doubt and discouragement he will plant seeds that cause you to even question the sovereignty of God but I want you to watch this second Corinthians chapter 10 verse 3 for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought into the obedience of Christ I want you to understand this morning that the battle for your soul the battle for your peace the battle for your endurance the battle for your destiny is in your mind look at your neighbor help me preach tell them it's all in your head the war has been won on the cross of Calvary but the battles still rage and the battles don't take place in the world around you they take place in your mind in your conscience in your sub-conscience this is the battlefield of the Spirit and this is where we must operate not in flesh but by spirit before you ever give up in your life but for a husband ever gives up on his wife he's first imagined it time and time and time again before a wife ever has an affair on her husband she's imagined it time after time after time see sin is not just instantly produced in the body sin is first conceived in the mind we first conceived it we first think about it we first entertain it in our thought pattern and if we continue to give life to our thoughts if we continue to entertain the lies and the whispers of the enemy to give up to throw in the towel that it's not worth it that we both might as well move on if you listen to the lies and you give them attention and focus they will eventually manifest through the behaviors in your life this woman in the city of Samaria did not wake up one morning and decide to take the life of her child she had conceived it it was premeditated she had thought about it before the enemy had whispered to her he had lied to her he had convinced her that there was no hope but I'm gonna tell you something today the enemy has lied to many of you and told you that there's no hope there is no future give up you're never gonna see the promises of God realized in your life and I need to remind you that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of every stronghold and the casting down of every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and the battle for my soul is not in the physical realm but it is in my mind and today is the last day I entertained the lies of the enemy today is the last day I premeditate me walking out on my life today is the last day I entertained the thought of giving up on my calling because today I will cast down every thought and every imagination that exalts itself against the word of a holy sovereign and perfect God if with me I just wish you'd praise him like you mean it if you can win the war in your mind you can win the war in your life if you can subject and cast down every imagination that exalts itself against God's holy word you can live a life of freedom and a life of victory and no you may not be perfect on this side of glory but you can walk in victory you can walk in triumph through the power of the Spirit of the Living God your eyes may tell you one thing but the Holy Spirit says another your circumstances may tell you that there is no hope but I want you to know there is always hope in the person of Jesus if you have your Bible look another place with me 2nd Kings chapter 7 beginning in verse 1 we're gonna read this passage again I know you may be sitting here today and you hear this and maybe you want to believe it every part of you wants to believe it but it just sounds almost too good to be true that God is a miracle-working God he's a provider he's a deliverer but there's gonna be a break to the famine in the darkness that you're in there's something inside of you that so desperately wants to believe it but your mind and the realm of your logic says this is foolishness and this is nonsense I want you to watch this right here 2nd Kings chapter 7 verse 1 Elisha replied listen to the message from the Lord this is what the Lord says by this time tomorrow the markets of Samaria 5 courts of choice flour will cost only one piece of silver 10 quarts of barley grain will cost only one piece of silver the officer assisting the king said to the man of God that couldn't happen even if the Lord opened up the windows of heaven but Elisha replied you will see it with your own eyes but you will not be able to eat of any of it now I know we read that in our recliner in our metal chair whatever we're upgrading those soon I know you read it and you're just like okay there's gonna be an end to the famine but you gotta you this the magnitude of this has to set in the city of Samaria is surrounded on every single side the trade routes have been shut down there is nothing to buy at the market there are no there's no food at the threshing floor there's no wine in the press the king himself has nothing the people are suffering they are panicking they are in desperation mode they're turning to cannibalism and there is no sign of the Syrians relenting not even an ounce and from the middle of that chaos the prophet Elijah lifts his voice and says by this time tomorrow there will be more than enough in the city of Samaria the markets will be full everything that you need will be supplied every ounce of grain every ounce of wine everything that you need will be here by this time tomorrow the King's official called him on it and said that's foolishness that's nonsense that's illogical insane it cannot happen Elijah but I need you to know this morning that the word of the Living God always sounds like madness when you first hear it the Word of God almost always sounds like craziness when you first hear it some of you are afraid to agree with that point but the Bible agrees with it first Corinthians 1:27 for God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise there might be some part of you today as you hear this word you want to believe it but when you think about it you say the theological God can't restore my marriage God can't restore my job God can't bless me anymore God can't do this like there it just can't happen it sounds nice that the darkness is gonna give way to light it sounds nice that he's a miracle-working God it sounds nice that my famine is about to give way to face but I don't believe it it's illogical it's irrational I just want to say to you congratulations because you have set the stage for the miraculous power of the sovereign god of the universe to show up in your life when the darkness is the darkest the light shines the brightest in obscurity in chaos in darkness in impossibility that is where your God thrives because the greater the unlike Ness the greater the UH the greater the more impossible it is the greater the glory he receives because when God shows up and works in a supernatural way in your life there's nobody else that can be glorified nobody else that can be praised nobody else that can receive the credit nobody but him do you believe what I'm saying to you I know it sounds like craziness that the family is going to turn into a feast I know it sounds like craziness that light and hope is around the corner I know they sounds it logical to believe that God could work a miracle in your life but I just need somebody to know today that he's still a miracle working God with life-changing power and I also want to give you a warning real quick to all the doubters and all the haters I just want you to know that doubters never pur take in the miracle of God just ask the gatekeeper ask the King servant he said now I don't believe that Elijah that's foolishness that's nonsense there's no way that that there can be harvest where there was a famine in 24 hours there's no way it Elijah said you'll see it with your own eyes but you won't partake of it doubters don't partake I wonder this morning what is your doubt keeping you from I wonder what is your doubt separating you from today because the doubt of the Kings assistant the gatekeeper caused him to see the miraculous hand of God but to be distant from its blessing that was the same assistant by the way who got trampled under the gate when the city opened up and they ran out to get the harvest so fYI it's not good to doubt just just say no to doubt alright one last thing today second Kings chapter 7 beginning in verse 30 excuse me beginning in verse 3 look at your neighbour album tell me it's about to get real y'all sound like you halfway believe that alright grace will give you grace miracles follow movement sick in Kings chapter 7 verse 3 now there were four men with leprosy sitting on the entrance of the city gates why should we sit here waiting to die they asked each other will starve if we stay here but with the famine in the city will starve if we go back there so we might as well go out and surrender to the air may an army if they let us live so much the better but if they kill us we would have died anyway so at twilight they set out for the camp of the air man's and when they came to the edge of the camp there was no one there for the Lord had caused the air maeĆ­n army to hear the clatter of speeding chariots and the galloping horses and the sounds of a great army approaching the king of Israel has hired the Hittites and the Egyptians to attack us they cried to one another so they panicked and ran into the night abandoning their tents their horses donkeys and everything else as they fled for their lives this is incredible incredible now I told you a few moments ago that while the mother was inside the city contemplating giving up and surrender that God was simultaneously working outside the gate what I just read to you is the unfolding of God's hand as he worked outside the gate in the unseen realms he raised up for lepers unlikely characters and as they set there on the gate they decided should we go back into the city where there's a famine and die there or should we at least go out to the Syrian army and surrender there maybe they'll have mercy on us if they kill us we would have died anyway but just maybe there's hope and I want you to see this that as the lepers were filled with faith and hope as the for lepers gone off the city gate and started to walk toward the Syrian army the Bible says that God literally magnified their steps and as they moved their miracle followed as they walk towards the Syrians the Syrian army heard the sound of a mighty army approaching thundering chariots raining down on them and as the for lepers moved their miracle preceded them and dispersed their enemies and the Bible says that the lepers took the plunder of the Syrian army all of their gold all of their silver all of their horses and donkeys all of their flour all of their food and provision and then the lepers went back to the city of Samaria and they said come on down for the Lord has provided he has proven himself faithful the words of Elijah are true there will be a feast in the market of Samaria this day the point that I want to draw from that message is that miracles follow movement help me preach tell your neighbor miracles follow movement if the lepers had stayed where they were everybody would have died but because the lepers were filled with just a glimpse of faith and they started to move their miracle followed you say well I don't know if that's biblical well glad you asked you might remember that as Moses stood in front of the Red Sea as Pharaoh's army encroached behind him God literally says to Moses what are you waiting for start moving and my miracle will follow you he said Moses lift up that staff over that Red Sea I just need you to move Moses so that I can move through you if you will move my miracles will follow you and as Moses lifted up that staff that sea began to part and the winds began to blow and the Hebrews walked through on dry ground you might also remember that on Sinai Peninsula Moses had to move again and strike the rock so that the water could gush forth you might remember a man named David who had to pick up his sling he had to start working what God had given him and as he moved in obedience to God's miracles followed you might remember a man by the name of naman who was stricken with leprosy and he came to the Jordan River and the word of the Lord was dipped down in this water seven times naman you have to move in order for my miracle to follow your movement is the evidence of your belief your movement is the indication of your faith and when you move and you act on your faith I will respond and I will answer you does anybody believe what I'm saying today do you believe it Joshua had to walk around jericho seven times for those walls to come crashing down you're looking at your darkness you're looking at your famine you're looking at your marriage and you're saying god I need a miracle I don't see any hope I don't know if I can keep doing this I don't know if I can make it another day I'm not to give up I can't do it today is the day that you get up and start moving the Bible says in mark chapter 16 verse 17 that signs shall follow them that believe faith without action faith without works is dead but if you will start moving God will meet you where you are this is the word of the Lord your miracle is waiting for you to move father I thank you for the power of your word I thank you for the beauty and the simplicity of the gospel I pray that right now that your spirit would resound within our souls that you would stir us and you would move us God to a place of desperation where we serve you we believe we don't give up father help us to finish the work that you've called us to our Lord we love you and we give you praise it's in Jesus mighty name Amen I want to remind you of the character of your God he is not just the author of your faith but he is also the finisher he takes great pride and delight in finishing what he started he wants to finish your calling he wants to finish your marriage he wants to finish your situation he's a finisher you are the masterpiece of God there is nobody that can take your place do not give up now do not give up in the waiting he has a destiny for you that only you can fulfill and if you will move in obedience he will perform the miraculous in your life for some of you listen for some of you all the movement that you need to break free to get unstuck and some of you just need to start praying again some of you need to be interceding again some of you have stopped praying prayers have grown dormant in your life and in your household start praying again start interceding again and as start moving you will watch God show up in your life for some of you it's time to start serving it's time to volunteer it's time to be a part of the church the local church it's time to start getting in the game stop watching from the sidelines and get involved in help us win souls and make disciples and as you move in his kingdom he will move in your life for some of you it's to start that business that dream that's always been inside of you but you've never had the courage to do it you're always waiting for the perfect time in the perfect moment let me break the ice and tell you that perfect day will never come it's time for you to start moving on what he's put inside of you and as you move he meets you some of you today God is gonna move in your life I believe this with everything inside of me why don't you stand to your feet all over this place if you're in this room today and you need God to show up in a miraculous way in your life you need God to heal your body you need God to give you a job you need God to heal relationships in your life you just need a miracle you're in a dark place and you just need God to move and show up in strength in your life I'm gonna open these altars right now and I want to encourage you and invite you to start moving start moving towards the front of this building and I'm gonna pray with you and some of our leaders are gonna pray with you we're gonna pray over you but as you move in response to the Word of God the movement triggers and inspires the miraculous do you believe it today it's the word of the Living God so as we sing and as we worship these altars are open if you need prayer for healing in your body if you need prayer for your finances you need prayer for a job a relationship to be mended and restored I want you to come forward today and I'm gonna be right here I'm gonna meet you right where you are and let's move so that God can move in our life let's worship and bless him today [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Vizion Church
Views: 4,794
Rating: 4.8473282 out of 5
Keywords: Tyson Coughlin, sermon, message, preaching, good preaching, sermon on 2 kings 7, sermon about 2 kings 7, sermon on 2 kings 6, sermon about the 4 lepers, message about the 4 lepers, sermon about losing hope, sermon about not giving up, i feel like giving up, im about to give up, about to quit, best sermons, best preaching, youth speaker, best youth speakers, best preachers, conference speaker, best conference preachers, vizion church, vision church
Id: uslV2bbrmQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 5sec (2765 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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