Finding Phantom Crystals at the Wegner Crystal Mine!

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[Music] hey guys we're over here at wner crystal mine today we are at the Phantom pit and we just got here it's about A4 after 10 and we've got about 4 hours of digging the Wagner crystal mine is located in Western Arkansas just south of Mount Ida which is about halfway between Mina and hot springs if you'd like to see more of their grounds and what their gift shop looks like I'll add that to the end of the video but for now let's load up in the back of the truck and make our way back to the digging area we start out on a pave road for the first couple of minutes then it quickly turns to gravel we'll drive through a couple of small watery areas which makes for some interesting bumps there's also an occasional Branch or two that you might have to duck after you make it through the gate you're going to come up on some pine trees that's when you know you're starting to get close to the tailings area he said that he just uh redid the whole uh pit area over here and so uh we're going to get our hands filthy and get in here and have some fun so right off the bat there's a rock right here with uh some Phantoms I don't think I'm going to keep it it's it's got a lot of damage it's a big rock uh with uh just a little bit of stuff not enough uh quartz points for the size of the rock sometimes you can find uh this blue shell um which can be teasers because you're thinking you're going to be seeing a a blue crystal from The Phantom so we haven't had Rin over here for a good solid week or so uh and the uh pit was just turned up yesterday or the uh tailings piles over here was just turned up yesterday so everything's covered in dirt kind of hard to see and we got a lot of uh clumps like this right here that aren't uh as easy to break down but um we get a good rain over here soon um we should be able to find all kinds of wonderful Pieces Just sitting right on the top right now it's just a little bit bit hard to spot um because of no rain and freshly being turned up so I just moved this big rock right here I saw some quartz points right there they're broken so I thought maybe something underneath it would be there so I rolled it over and I saw this right here how cool is that look like maybe a little bit of damage right there on that point so here's a look at that piece after I got it all washed off now the thing about the Phantom mine is that you aren't guaranteed that you're going to find a phantom it's just that the chances are higher that you'll be here because this is where they're more popular or more uh plenteous um and digging see for the most part I try to keep uh the sun in between or the where I'm digging at between me and the sun uh that way when I'm pulling stuff down like this I can see uh the reflections uh the sun sparkling off of the crystals so we go off of a the shine usually my rule number one is that the sun is your friend and to find the shine rule number two I usually go by is the shape um cuz this dirt there's no straight lines in it so if you find something with a nice clean smooth line your chances are pretty good that that's going to be a crystal so we find the the shiny look for those Reflections and find the shape and also the color um cuz the crystals uh the clear ones will look like black uh glass buried in the dirt and and the more clear the crystal is the darker the color of the crystal when it's buried in the dirt for tailing stigs the main tool that I use is just this little pick I can scrape stuff with or I can use my three uh prong cultivator tool and that's pretty much um what I use when I'm here at a tailing stick Che you out this Crystal right here I think that's really really pretty it's on a really huge Rock but that sure is pretty it's got a lot of damage around there but couple of those points are nice it's got a little damage on it but I think it's going to turn out pretty nice here's another one right next to it it should be really pretty so this one did turn out pretty nice after getting it washed off I found a little quartz cluster right here um digging right down in there where you see where my shadow is looks like there's a few faces on uh both front and back side so hopefully uh it'll turn out okay yeah there is some damage on this piece but overall I'm very very happy with it it turned out much better than I thought it was going to be here's a little better detail of some of the points on that plate here's a quick look at the back side of it it has some more damage on it but there are some good points in there still just pulled up this little cluster right here we haven't been finding a whole lot today um he turned up a lot of the material yesterday but we haven't had any rain in oh good solid week or so here and so a lot of this stuff is just packed clay from being turned up that's been packed um for Lord knows how long and so you get all these like chunks of packed clay and you don't know what's in it and it just takes a long time to go through it all all right let me know when you guys see It Isn't that cool sticky ball that's not it there we go right next to it check it out it's got a lot of damage on there but it's got one good point I think it might be a phantom also man that's pretty yep definitely hanging on to it so here it is after I got it all washed off with some water look at that Phantom in there isn't that beautiful got a few points right here and there's something else poking out I hope it's a point well it's broken but it's pretty sh man that's a nice big one too it's got some rehealing on there that's cool so after I got this one here all cleaned up I noticed at the base of it there were some inclusions down in there giving it that Phantom like feel also at the top where there's some damage there's also very pretty rainbow all right so I'm digging here in the wall and I pulled some stuff down just like that and I saw something roll out here we [Applause] go let's do that swipe looks like it's got a good tip on this one nice so here's that piece after I got it all washed off turned out to be a little bit more milk than what I'd hoped but I'm still very happy with it here's old Max he's joining us today a 2-year-old great Bane beautiful little double terminated it's got a little bit of damage but I think it'll clean up really nice all right I uh was clearing off some stuff saw that face did a little swipe man it sure looks pretty let's see if we can move it out I'm guessing it's just a single point I see how big it's going to get oh it's buried in there pretty good it's not wanting to come out at all it's bigger than I thought check that out that sure is pretty it's got a little bit of damage on it but man that is a pretty Point here's a quick look at that piece after I got the dirt washed off of it it even has a really pretty rainbow at the top of it too working this pile a little bit more right where that piece came down I just pulled um this one here out so after I clean this one off it turned out to be a little bit more milky also it's still a nice big piece though same pile I just pulled out a piece right here I had to come down here to the sunlight so I could see it check that swipe out it's got good Clarity on it nice big piece reheal base so after cleaning this one off I saw that it has a really pretty rainbow in it as well man look at that same exact same exact spot right up there where I was digging this is the back side of the tailings area got a nice little drop right over that uh edge of all these uh clay piles right here it's pretty area out here check out this Phantom I just did a swipe on it it's got some damage off the top but man here's a little more detailed look at that piece after I got a lot of the dirt washed off of it all right so let's get back to the digging area and see what else we could [Music] [Music] find [Music] sorry [Music] well we got about a 10-minute warning um we're going to go ahead and call it quits and get everything packed up it's going to take a a good little bit to get everything carried back there to the truck um so let's go home and take a look at these things see how they turned out after we get them cleaned up our guide and driver for the day took us down by the pit area before we headed out let's make the drive back and head home and see how everything turned out here's a quick look at my finds from yesterday all this in about three and 1 half hours or so of digging uh give or take I got one big giant uh cluster right here with some pretty points on it I'm I'm going to cut off a lot of this base uh this right here has points on this side and I think a few other areas as well uh this one here has a few faces on it so this is that piece that I showed you a little bit earlier in the video when cleaning these things the before and the after always amazes me you never know what's going to be hiding underneath that dirt what I'm probably about most excited is this one right here I think this is going to be a blue Phantom uh cluster right here after I did a preliminary wash with some water here's how that small plate was turning out I was very very happy with it I'm going to clean this one up a little bit more but in the meantime let's look at a few of the others and then we'll come back to this one a little bit later in the [Music] video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you guys so much for watching I hope you have a wonderful day God [Music] bless that quartz right there is probably about two and a half close to 3 feet wide that thing's huge look at those beautiful Phantoms look at that these things are amazing look at this one right there that thing's huge kinds of towers check out these giant quartz pieces over here man that thing's huge I don't think I'll be able to fit through this aisle way right here I'm going to zoom out for a sec man I still can't get over the size of that thing right there that's probably six to 7 feet wide from there over to there good solid uh 6 and 1 half or so feet tall from there to the top she got these blue Phantoms oops got those Phantoms these things are huge got tables and tables full of product out here she got some of this wav light really cool stuff for
Channel: Joe DadBod
Views: 3,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crystals, Quartz, Wegner Crystal Mine, Phantom Crystals, Mt. Ida, Arkansas Rockhound
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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