Finding Overlooked Victorian Artefacts 😍 | Hunting For Treasure | Salvage Hunters | House to Home

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so the stone Branch was sold yeah okay okay hello Drew Pritchards Architectural Salvage expert Drew Pritchard is leaving his hard-working team behind in Conway to follow up on a connection he's just made with an exceptional Country House in Scotland it's a five-hour drive Northeast to just over the English border to duns in barrackshire yeah today T you're in for a treat are we we are going to manderston to meet Lord Palmer okay as in Huntley and Palmer biscuits you know I'm keen on a biscuit yep you look like it [Music] my name is Adrian Palmer and I'm the fourth Lord Palmer of reading and we are on the Terrace of one of the most beautiful houses in the United Kingdom it's often referred to as the spawn song of the great classical house it's called Madison and we've got 109 rooms at least 100 too many and 56 Acres of Immaculate Gardens Anderson House was built by Lord Palmer's great great uncle and is worth roughly 250 million pounds today it was designed in 1903 by Leading Scottish architect John Kim Ross Lord Palmer inherited mundiston in 1978 and he opened the estate to the public for the first time a year later I think one of the things that our visitors do appreciate is the fact it's still very much a family home and lived in and we try not to make it to like a museum but an awful lot of the things in the house are reproductions from an earlier age albeit but of course there are now reproductions 100 years old that's beautiful Lord Palmer hey very nice to meet you drew Hello nice to meet you hello I'm T hello well thanks for having us here I can't say it's not impressive very beautiful it is rather unique wow oh my word look at this oh wow that's really beautiful it feels nice doesn't it it's got a good feeling about it doesn't feel austere or cold now it's pretty Grim in the winter I can tell you do you Retreat to one room well yeah it's totally live in what we call the smoking room yeah you know it's really beautiful so what I mean I've got a rough guess but what um period was this built in what year was this section built in uh this was built in 1993 to 1905. and when the architect John King Ross asked my uncle how much he could spend my dear fellow it simply doesn't matter and architect's dream come true that's yeah wow look at this my word when they came to design the ballroom Kinross said to my great great uncle who what what sort of Decor should we have in um the ballroom we said okay we'll have my racing colors and if you look up over the door you will see his racing colors Primrose and white and they offered it awfully fortunately it wasn't his brother's racing colors which was sort of chocolate brown it would look horrible yeah that wouldn't look very good but what is really incredible is the curtains they were woven in Paris with Gold and Silver Thread and they looked as if they were done literally yesterday wonderful what a room [Music] oh it's gross it's beautiful and I I love this from particularly um The View and at this time of time of the year that's that's beautiful through there look at the colors amazing absolutely staggering manderson just blows you away it's hard to get across just how good everything is we're not talking about things that well that's quite a nice example you're wandering around going that's the best one you can buy that isn't a finer one than that that's as good as it gets it just goes on and on and on and then here you'll see um silver staircase that's the only one I've never seen one well you won't ever this is the only one in the world that's remarkable it is it is very very lovely every now and again you see something it just knocks you off your feet and that is really what a piece of work the only two things really um I didn't like about it in the house to the public is one is having to take the stair carpet up in the summer and secondly is um the greasy hand Mark yes if it's a hot day yeah on the actual Brass Rail wow good but look at the big Rose out there look beautiful today it's got a lot of Firsts in it and I think the biggest first is I've seen a silver staircase and I'm not just talking about a staircase that's been painted silver we're not talking about one that's been nickel plated to look like silver we're looking at a in some areas solid silver staircase with a bronze handrail it's the only one in the world it's the only one in the world so I believe there's some areas upstairs for us to have a look at yes yeah we could have a number up says the attics yeah if you can be kind of not touched um this is the original carpet it's amazing how well it's lasted it really is it's lovely just it's just a big family home okay let's go up into the Attic here we are coming up to uh where all the maids left Etc yeah and you see all these bells here and one of my grandmother's greatest tricks was to do this I can see her doing it because it was yesterday that's great so this these are so that's very Grand isn't it would that bin for the head butt or something yeah no no no no only female slept up here okay yeah the butler slept downstairs we're now in the roof of the building we're in the servants quarters and pretty Grand servants quarters if I have to say so this was the ladies made run and then um her actual sleeping quarters uh were here I see God it's so untouched isn't it yeah incredible and you know quite a grand fireplace it is I have never seen servants quarters with marble slipped carved Adam asked fireplaces with ornate wallpaper it's unbelievable that's the original paint incredible absolutely incredible how in touch this place is well you know the hierarchy of the but the ladies Maiden cook they were very very important people okay so what's what's next are all these rooms full of bits [Music] I always say next generation are going to have hell of a good good time here finding yeah you can have a hell of a one hell of a good um sale couldn't you win where's this from I've seen something similar downstairs in there that has been here all my life um I didn't really know it's been brought up here because the Fabric's gone on it would this be something you'd consider selling yeah I think so really okay what sort of figure do you think you want for it any ideas oh I don't know no I'd have to uncover it a bit more to be honest with you to give you a proper value is that okay yeah remarkable thing this is what I think it is this Branch Window Seat is made of painted mahogany and has a watered silk embroidered cover it was made in the early 20th century once it's been reupholstered and repaired it could fetch around 1 200 pounds [Music] a good looking piece in terrible condition and it's had some Naf repairs underneath so the whole structure is not so great but it's a good size it's original it's Country House fresh and I can sell it 18th century would have been worth four thousand we did 19th century 1200 um 20th century 400. that's uh it is what it is so I can't sell it as anything other than that [Music] so that would be where I'm at really I think you know 400 pounds is probably you know what it's worth to me it's just to turn as a profit what do you think [Music] a salvager Drew Pritchard is at manderston house in berrickshire just made an offer of 400 pounds on this early 20th century window seat but will it be enough to tempt Lord Palmer what do you think do you want to think about it um yes please yeah okay well let's think about it and let's let's carry on Drew when I move on but I'm going to miss most of all really is the garden particularly at this time of year it does look really rather special um and that band career to Dan runs in a couple of weeks time will be just completely a carpet of move and of course it reflects into the league wow this is so beautiful we basically got three Gardens we've got our Woodland Garden which is through the trees there then we got the Terrace and then we got the formal partels gorgeous yeah you're gonna yeah I'd miss this as well wonderful next Lord Palmer takes them down to the basement to an old storage area [Music] amazing this fridge I think was made in 1930 and it still actually works whereas if you think of a modern fridge today I mean they didn't last 10 minutes they don't my parents have got a motor driven one there in in the basement of the house and it works really it works beautifully silk I got some really nice mint and tiles in that one as well that chimney piece so and those they're remarkable those radiators aren't they never I've had thousands of ridges I've never seen anything like those so these are out of the house obviously so wow yes I do I wow they're incredible before my time these are amazing these handmade nickel plated radiators were custom built for manaston house in the early 20th century they're worth around 600 pounds each I mean these are radiators that's all they do they're just designed to give out heat and they are things of utter Beauty and the quality is just mind-blowing what are you going to do with them I do I've just never seen the like incredible well if you ever want to sell those give me a call I didn't make an offer on them because I was literally just doing that I was like oh my God look at those they're lovely well Drew um what do you think of everything you've seen and it is one of the most lovely houses in Great Britain it is it very much is um there's lots and lots of things I'd like to buy but they're obviously in the part of the house but nothing much just for sale so I think it's down to those few items so we've got the window seat up in the roof uh which we went what did we go on that I can't remember I think it was 450 450. if we could make that 500 then that would be a definite yes okay we'll take that see I'll give that a big tick um and then we had the um there's some those radiators down there we didn't even discuss price on those and they will polish up they will polish yeah yeah it's beautiful yeah no they are lovely and I've spoken to our plumber today and he said no we will never use they'll never use again okay so they very much would be for sale right so I think what would I pay for each of those how does 600 pounds for the three grab you could we do a tiny bit more um yeah I really like them so how does 700 for the three right okay well I think um I really like them I think they're a bit different they're unusual yeah anyway they make a lovely um flower vase or whatever or all sorts of things I'll I'll think we'll sell them as radiators actually no I'll go and watch you do it that's normal it'll be fun with the radius we'll go we'll go and crack off foreign Lord Palmer and the house was wonderful actually privileged or what I get to wander around here and buy things [Music] bought three radiators today they're really beautiful Exquisite actually the pattern and the design of them they're only very small they're diminutive in size if you're doing a really Swanky bathroom in your London apartment you're gonna want one of those aren't you and I think you will pay handsomely for it grew was yeah I think we had quite a good Brad pool uh yeah now I um yeah on balance I thoroughly enjoyed it I am I have to admit fairly exhausted done right we're done thank you so much very very nice to have met you I hope you've enjoyed it how could I not look at it it's beautiful but thanks very very nice cheers bye [Music] very heavy those radios look heavy oh yeah glad I didn't lift those yeah yeah it looks glad yeah he was a great guy he was he was a proper proper proper proper proper full-on Lord yeah any letters in his house yeah towards the end of the day Lord Palmer are you sort of really warmed up to us didn't he I think he did yeah if he didn't know what to expect first and he thought of course that's all right they're not that bad you know they're not as bad as everybody says they're probably counting the family silver now [Music] the next day Drew and tea continue their stay in Scotland as there's another location nearby that Drew is Keen to visit it's a short 50-mile drive to Edinburgh so Edinburgh Edinburgh and it is Edinburgh has been the capital of Scotland since the 15th century two of the most famous landmarks are Edinburgh Castle which sits proudly above the city and the Victorian Gothic Monument on Princess Street built in honor of author Sir Sir Walter Scott today we're obviously a guy called Marcus Pickering who runs a thing called Summer Hall which is an old Veterinary College that's been turned into an Arts Center and Brewery and also a gin Distillery there I'll go for the Gin you can have the beer both if you drive back my name is Marcus Pickering I am the managing director of Summer Hall one of the largest Arts venues in Europe the building used to be owned by Edinburgh University it was the royal dick vet veterinary school a lot of the rooms like the room we're in now have been left just as they were when the university left I think what we would like to see from Drew today is we would like to see him find something that we thought had no value we thought it was useless and for him to turn into something quite special well there's the the lovely front entrance summer Hall huge that's a Whopper but uh tradesman's entrance for us too I'm afraid so around the back as ever cheap seats ah Marcus yes true it's really true how you doing good to me it's me well look thanks for having us you're welcome well you know what we're here for we're here to look through what was left of maybe I think the old veterinary school that's right that's really what sort of piqued my interest and wanted me to come here yeah but also that you make gin we do make wishes right follow me let's see it first stop is an old Anatomy lecture theater used to teach dissection techniques right so oh wow look at this the lectures used to carry out from here and you you hung a horse up on this and the horse would be lifted into the uh into the air and then swung into the middle of the room and all the students would stand up there and watch as they dissected the horse it was all to help animals rather than uh yeah anything else exactly [Music] we store a lot of old junk junk lying around the place lighting and bits of tires and stuff yeah full of rubbish full of junk um but the light fittings are they're modern unfortunately but not old ones but the type that I like are just a bit too new yeah they're the right makes just age-wise but they're pretty good likes these you know yeah if you want to use them yourself well we were thinking of reusing them on the stairwell up to um some offices around there yeah these are all these are these are new these are these are less than 20 years old all right are they yeah they're way less these are these are this is good stuff okay so we'll probably use them again yeah it's fine you can use that again for sure but there's nothing in there old it's all new all reproduction stuff even the lighting which is good quality but new and no use to me go on let's go next one next one so is this more older pieces you have here um yeah I mean if you want old we've got bones I'd like to see those okay because there was would they be horse bones they're every animal Under the Sun oh any skulls yes I think so all right here we are the uh the bone store oh yes now you're talking a shoulder bone yeah it could be collarbone of some sort yeah what's that one there that is um uh it's hips I think super beautiful isn't it cool look at that that's a fox little dog fox old bones vertebra skulls particularly teeth jaw bones can look incredibly sculptural that would still look cool on a wall no that I like that well that one was something that I'd quite like the look of actually just mounting that yeah and it looks a little bit gruesome a little bit like a mask but it's not 100 and what I'm looking for today has got to be 100 [Music] thank you good professors sounds like a bang why were these in here [Music] these are of Interest they're quite smart aren't they yeah they're all right aren't they what letters have you got svi FBI these white and black enameled letters date back to the 1930s they would have been lit up and used to advertise a shop or product and could fetch around 100 pounds to me there were 30 quid for the loss but there would have been a lot more if they'd had a lot more or they spelled a word but yeah okay uh don't think about it with noise come back to them yeah yeah okay let's do that ah okay so this is known as the histology lab histology right okay what is histology no idea no not me that makes technology I should imagine that makes three of us yeah I do I'm just not saying just keeping that to yourself foreign [Music] they're nice what these have got is just the nice sculptural shape to the seat which fits your backside quite well these Oak work stools date back to the 1930s and would have been used by students every day in the labs now they could be used in bars and restaurants and would fetch around 80 pounds each [Music] very funky nice splayed tapering leg I want them all what every single one I've got buyers for these coming at me is would this be something you'd be interested in getting rid of these strangely the owner of Summer Hall um counts them on a daily basis on a daily basis yeah almost daily basis he loves these and we do have about 40 of them top salvager Drew Pritchard is in Edinburgh at a former Veterinary College okay so this is known as the histology lab histology he wants to buy a job lot of laboratory work stools these are right up my street but there's a hedge the owner of Summer Hall he loves these but I can speak to him well see if he wants to what would they be what would you think that would be worth um I'll take all of them at 25 pounds each right okay if he was prepared to sell me four six ten or 40 I'd buy as many as I could right okay I will speak to you never know okay worth a shout gotta ask see what happens yes no black white that's it I want them fingers crossed Summerall Distillery uh where we make the Gin oh this is great looking did you build this yeah we did we built it from scratch oh that smell yeah nice smell it gorgeous I pumped the fumes into the room before you came are you able to work in here and sort of you know we drink a lot of tea drink tea is a supplement my new favorite room which is the Gin Distillery which smells absolutely Heavenly the gas has come down there it goes through that which if you look inside of it oh does that cool that's full of water yeah that's condenser so it's full of water and it comes out of the little parrot being there in fact that's yeah remnants of remnants of gin in there has been washed down but um there's a hint of gin in it so this is where you'd lie that out yeah anybody who builds a gender story is somebody I want to know carry on let's see some more it's a big old site [Music] you're up to you I'm cute a pub great your own Pub our own Pub brilliant I should imagine this sort of a full gin tap in here actually there is gin on tap as well as other products of course available hey it looks great very cool look to it I really like it love the bones on the wall I've seen this too that's super and all those skulls I was looking for yeah it was a good one they're on the wall yeah great honest people that's all full what should we go through here like the fire stools you've got there as well uh it's good room in here what's this one we call it the green room for a want for a better name cool huh I really like that yes that's just two of them is that and I don't know where the other one or there might even be three of them where did you get those from got it from a friend of mine there they're barber's shop that's correct yeah Barber Shop um African barber shop that's it and I think they're great pictures like this were originally used in Africa to display the latest hairstyles this one dates back to the 1950s and could be bought as a quirky item by a modern barber shop or simply as a design piece in a home it's worth around 500 pounds seen them before never owned any always admired them and liked them for their real naive quality that they've got they are for sale I can really can you find the other one yeah yeah I don't know where the other one is now roughly where it is in this building must be somewhere must be somewhere I'd love to see the other okay what would you want for them uh I can find out what we want for those I can find that in in minutes let's do that okay I'd love to know all right so then hopefully we can have a try for your gym yeah yeah problem at all today's a good day today's a good day foreign [Music] good what'd you think excellent smooth good nice good tasty good so early just off the phone to find out where the other two Barbers shop pictures are yeah so there's three all together okay and they're available what would you like 150 each that's going to be too much tell you what I can do I'll do the three if they're the same size as that one yeah do 350 end of great thank you very much also there was the letters yeah oh really they can go yeah cool uh stools Stills probably not really no none at all I just think that if you break up a set it it's it's just not as uh as good for us okay fair enough well you know my best stands if it ever comes up again great okay yeah Cheers Cheers thanks very much cheers tonic water you can have a tonic water party [Music] here we are right the other two I haven't seen they're actually from a mobile traveling uh a mobile traveling hairdresser in Africa okay foreign Hall today is not what I expected I've walked away with some shop letters and some African hairstyle paintings you know you just can't make it up that's what I love about this job it's been very good yeah he's found a lot of bits and Bobs around the place that we didn't think anyone would have any interest in so all good it was very very good but no thanks you're welcome thank you very much cheers nice to meet you Cheerio bye-bye foreign [Music] the next day back home from Scotland first off the van at the Madison purchases Carl I need a trolley mate okay coming I have a heavy duty one oh what do you think of that no I'll give you that car you've never been up to see Lord Palmer of the biscuit of biscuit Fame we like Lord we like Lord Palmer very much why he's a proper gent he is look at these look at everything in the house was money no object and these were made for the house I just think they're a bit exceptional to be honest with you look at that pressure relief valve missing from there yeah get one of those uh pressure test them for us yeah full polish full polish actually let me follow something look at this look at that oh my goodness you can't look at that gorgeous right this is from the house as well [Music] that's very elegant isn't it yeah it's very elegant um it is a window seat yep watered silk uh gold embroidery uh the frame's a little bit iffy a little bit doesn't need much but it does need tightening up and it'll go fairly quickly it's cutie yeah it's cutie go very quickly if I sit on it right let's get rid of this one straight away Carl gets to work on the radiators uses an industrial sander with fine wire wool to polish them [Music] oh that could be nice and the window seat is quickly sent over to Craig the upholsterer for repair start by taking these tacks out now [Music] he takes off the old Silk cover we need to remove this and we've got that to our stage we need the top cover and Staples the new material onto the window seat once the material has been tightened and secured it's ready for the final step [Music] where we're going to got it all fully upholstered and we're going to fit a scroll braid so let's braid now gluing on we'll run around all the edges where the fabric meets the wood and cover all the Staples [Music] completed it's off to a Larry to photograph for the website foreign [Music] Drew's off again this time with his friend and colleague from the Antiques trade Rob black [Music] three-hour Drive Northeast to Yorkshire near the ancient Market town of Pickering so where are we off to today dude we're going to a trade call that I've not been to before a guy called Luke Arnold or Luke J Arnold he's um uh youngish guy um dealers based on an industrial estate it's got a little unit down there okay and um sounds promising I'm hoping for something a bit different well I'm Luke Arnold and I'm an antique dealer dealing unusual weird and wonderful wacky sort of bits and pieces be nice for Drew to come and see see what I've got I would hope there's a good mix there'll be something here for the Drew today right this looks like the place that's the one yep let's assign that Luke J Arnold Antiques and Interiors don't you know cool [Music] hello now then nice to meet you how are you good thanks good to meet you all right good to meet you John brilliant thanks for having us nice all right much appreciated God tidy yes very tidy it wasn't like this a week ago but it's the Chinese antique shop in Britain yeah nice and tidy are we all right to have a look around just have a Wonder that's going to give us the tour yeah um so so what got you into doing this then I've been doing it since I was a kid really yeah yeah I like the weird and wonderful and the wacky I basically I like I think I like everything you've got that's a good start yeah brilliant I like all look at that it's a big sort of coffee bean bed oh God wonderful stuff God I I had them where'd you get that from did you buy that off to me I did I bought it at the auction I wondered if you'd recognize it you've probably had it 20 years now I'm gonna have it 20 years as well oh my god you bought it no not at all no it's an incredibly good and astute purchase on your part I I really like to be surprised in the business and to meet Luke who I don't know how old he is but I think I'm assuming he's a lot younger than me um Annie's one thing which I really like which is Brave and he's having a go and he buys what he likes and whenever you meet a dealer like that you find good things these are these um ceramic with tin lids so um a pair of larger ones yeah and then a set of far smaller ones ceramic ones very nice tobacco jars is that a glaze don't wear tobacco jars with original hand-painted decor and Tin Lids came from a factory in London in the Victorian era with very little restoration they could fetch one thousand pounds and I've always been lucky with them and I like them I like buying them and I haven't seen that many stoneware ones together for an awful long time so we're gonna have a go at those how much are they um 250 for the big pair and really 300 quid for the set of four they've actually stamped underneath with the London maker so but I mean that's about to buy yeah so we're looking at 450 for the lot so we're looking at the 550 for the love brilliant thank you very much did I just get my maths right on this no you didn't get your math right Adele didn't I no 250 250 yeah and 300 550 550 and I paid 450.50 that's all right okay I ended up getting them all for 450 pounds for the lot um I should have tried a bit harder I think but uh he's a good guy and uh everybody's got to turn a profit I want him to make a living out of it so I can come back and buy from again well it's just good bits everywhere look there's sort of like see that sort of rusticated mirror there that's that's interesting that's right it's got a new plate in it which one are we looking at there's oval the oval one on the back um I don't know really a bit too sharp bit sharp isn't it this large English oval guilt wood mirror with unusual rustic design was made in the 1820s foreign with minor restoration it could fetch around three thousand pounds what are you looking at for that one two grand [Music] it's cracking over isn't it yeah and now you're gonna make some money a thousand pounds just can't I know there you go I think that's fair [Music] it's got mileage in it doesn't it it has absolute death would be 17.50 not really [Music] Salvage Hunter Drew Pritchard is at Luke Arnold's trade Warehouse in Yorkshire he's just paid 1 000 pounds on this early 19th century oval mirror but Luke is Holding Out for a higher offer 1500 pound for it honestly I would have to get 17.50 really really I really really have to get 1750 to see a profit I mean I'm asking three two retail [Music] what do you think in that mirror am I just am I just falling in love with it and going wrong I can see exactly why I like it I really like it I just don't think I can pay 1700 quid for it no I'm 250 or am I just being stupid I've been looking at something that's just really good and I should buy it oh it's all good decision yeah I'll take it in the end I just thought what am I doing messing about to be so stupid just buy it that's what it's about it's a cracking item stylish and original and that's all good Okay so we've got it upstairs not really there's a bit of a back room it's not your office that's my office so that's where the good stuff is no this is one thing immediately strikes me as soon as I walk in it's lighting and lighting is something we love to buy and there's a cracking Georgian Lantern of large size you've got all of it yeah I think so I think so don't have a look yeah well hang on how much is it before we go go mad 150 let's have a look shame it's not all that yeah this Georgian hanging lantern with copper body and Lead detailing would originally have been used as part of a Street Lamp back in the 18th century with cleaning and polishing it could fetch around 800 pounds I'm the best come on I want you to make corn with it I want to break profit but not a massive one 120 120 sold thank you very much no you're welcome thank you send me a job there okay there's a lot of work left in that it'd be nice when it's done yeah I come up well so we just strip all the paint off it gently and that's ready that's ready to go cracking item [Music] coming to North Yorkshire here we're actually in a pretty I would say wealthy area so Luke's buying in a wealthy area as well that's good that means they bought quality in the first place and the items I bought from Luke all are that I buy an awful lot of lighting and I like to buy it unrestored I want to do the work to it so it gets just right the lantern I bought from Luke will need a fair bit of work actually because there's nowhere to hang it either so we've got to make that attachment to it but good original and rare to find with the glass it's a nice back as well so it's untouched [Music] and managed to sell a few bits and it was great to let Drew in and see what he thought to my place and my stock but yeah a real nice guy to deal with I hope to do some business with him again Luke a pleasure thank you very much it's really good good to see you very happy great to see you thanks very much good luck cheers thank you [Music] best purchase of the day that mirror nice thing isn't it yeah just got a really cool look to it cool I'm pleased with that I can't wait to get it back to the shop and get it photographed [Music] I went to see a young lad called uh Luke Arnold um dealer literally just opened his Warehouse um and we got some good things we did Lantern top of a lantern nope all of a lantern oh wow you know they all work we're always getting off with them yes and they've always missing the whole thing yep but there you go look wow the lantern spectacular I just thought he had the crown I had no idea he had the original uh Bowl underneath that is really rare um if that was damaged to have that glass blown it's it's prohibitive you couldn't have um restored it that way oh I've got my hair what do you think a little bit of a different careful restoration yeah it wasn't the cheapest mirror in the world but because something's a bit different you've got to pay out for it it was 1750 pounds I think it's worth two eight to three two yeah it's really different it is the mirror I mean spec acular I loved it I absolutely loved it but it's straight against the black wall in the photography room I'm clean to see what it looks like okay yeah look at that doesn't that look good happy sorry good fantastic all right cool definitely cup of tea is [Music]
Channel: House to Home
Views: 86,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: House to Home, antique dealer visit, antique discoveries, antique market discoveries, antique restoration projects, architectural salvage, arts center visit, attic exploration, auction house finds, damaged house restoration, derelict gems, distillery exploration, hidden gems, historic artifacts, interior design inspiration, overlooked treasures, property interior insights, rare antiques, salvage restoration, treasure hunting, weird and wonderful finds
Id: 9ZOsi8jim8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 43sec (2803 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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