Early 1900s Antique Octagon Side Table - Salvage Hunters 1709

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for the next stop the boys are traveling 85 miles north where they've been given exclusive access to another Private Collection this time it's a restorer and dealers start at his home in the Peak District right so we're in Derbyshire and we're off to see a guy called Tim who runs a business called beautiful things he's been collecting his whole life started restoring years ago and uh he has some stuff at home so we're going to go see him there first but I believe he's got a retail outlet as well so ideally we're going to go and see both today located eight miles north of Derby belper is a thriving Market Town it is thought that it was once known by the Anglo-Saxon named Bradley which the Normans renamed Bowl repair or beautiful retreat in the early 19th century this area became the Cradle of the Industrial Revolution when jedediah's drugs built the first cotton Mills here in 1780 it is in one of belper's Old Mills that beautiful things is located but the boys are starting their visit 15 miles north of the town at the home of owner Tim cross foreign [Music] ex-engineer now retired last year to fulfill my dream of restoring and flying and selling antiques my dad was my inspiration and my dad always used to love restoring furniture and things and I found myself in a position where I'd pick that up from him and it just came from there and then naturally I I sort of fell into Antiques and and my love of all old things so invited to join to you really because there's quite a lot of stuff in in my workshop that I haven't worked on yet and I know he likes to buy something that he's doing it'll work so you know I think it's gonna be quite exciting there you go it's the place yes I think anyone in hello how are we doing Tim hi how are you doing yeah can we come and have a look yeah yeah you find the place okay yeah no problem well I say no problem it's the middle of nowhere okay so you Workshop yeah yeah so this is where the magic happens I restore um better carving French polishing and that sort of thing all right love working with wood they're more in there lots more in here there we go lots more in here lots more in here so this is this is my main storage area where some of it is stuff that's ready to go in the shop they just haven't got space in the shop okay a lot of it is waiting for restoration that's okay that's that's yeah well you've got it if you can restore it yourself that's where your money's made you know yeah you know you're adding value all the time today we're coming to see a guy called Tim who runs a business called beautiful things but first we're coming to his house because this is where the unrestored stuff is this is where you know he does the bit of magic that makes things salable so um yeah Keen to see what's here well you know I'm in the mood I'm in the mood to buy all the time I'm always after things that uh I'm prepared to take stuff that needs work I've got my own restorer in the house so we take stuff as is I'm not bothered really and there's a table there yes that table there the diagonal one yeah can we take this off yeah sure [Music] all I've done with it to be honest is giving it a good decrease and then refinish polish it's difficult to see in this light being honest with you I just need to sit outside here watch that spandrel there's a spandrel coming off it just watch the loose bit yeah make sure the spaniel doesn't run away as I'm poking around to stick my head around the back of an old chest of drawers and I recognize something that I buy regularly which is a side table or occasional table it's one of the most useful pieces of furniture like a chest on chest like a good desk a side table is just useful all the time dating from around 1900 this mahogany octagonal table is in the aesthetic style an artistic movement the belief Beauty in everyday life was essential some elements will need attention such as the spandrels crossing between the legs however it has enough original features including the casters to make it of Interest sympathetically restored it could be worth around 400 pounds [Music] what do you want for it uh only a 5 from 150. there's work to be done there yeah I'm afraid it's too much money make me an offer [Music] Drew and T have got exclusive access to a dealer and restorer's private collection in the Peak District so this is where the magic happens I restore French polishing that sort of thing and Drew is interested in a table that's in need of major restoration too much money make me happy 100 pounds that's it yeah okay deal yeah deal fine all right you can get a lot of tables that look like that and some of them are sort of 1500 two and a half thousand pounds and they look very similar but the quality is better you get that look but without the big bucks but you don't get the quality either it's going to have to be repainted it's gonna have to be sanded and then polished waxed and there's some other bits that need doing to it 395 so it's not a massive profit in there that's why you've got to buy those cheap got to buy them cheap because there just isn't enough money in that one after loading the table on the van Drew and T head down to belper to visit Tim's showroom in an old corn Mill so is it all of the building so it's just one floor on the first floor at the back okay so we we have quite a big area big building yeah four stories [Music] right so this is yours then this is this is beautiful things oh you've got quite a large place yes yes that's a large bit how long have you been here uh two years two years well it's working then isn't it if you've been here for two years it's working yeah I mean making as much as I was as a employee person really yeah so uh Tim has now brought us down to his retail unit which is in uh Derwent Mill Antique Center it's very well laid out colorful lots of lighting stained glass windows decoration all sorts of stuff I really like this oh now tell me about this it's more I know I call it the candy bars I I happen to really love that as well it's just the way it catches the light you know the fun of it being candy shop reminds me of them Dr Zeus Cat in the Hat yes this is what it is what he'd have at home Dr Seuss's flower of ours one thing immediately catches mine surprise surprise it's a piece of red glass as usual um this one is a Murano tall stem device with a uh a flash of opaline glass across the surface particularly nicely turned probably looking at it um late 40s early 50s good quality no chips no nibbles no repairs no cracks nice very nice the tiny Venetian island of Murano was established as a Bastion of glass making from the 13th century its isolated location meant that the secrets of the industry could be kept hidden and the risk of fire from constant burning furnaces was kept to a minimum in the 20th century the Murano glassmakers embraced Innovative new designs This Tall red and white striped vars was handcrafted in the mid-20th century it could be worth up to 300 pounds how much have we got on at 95 yep how much would you take for that today uh I'll let you hope 75 that's very good of you I'll take that thank you fantastic that's rather lovely I really like that I really really like that that's Fab 95 Tim knocks you down to me at 75 Happy Days buy that all day long for that it's just got it it has it all because it's a piece that will stand alone you can put a plant in it if you want but you really don't have to it's great looking whatever you do with it can we have a look around the rest of the mill while we're here yeah is that all right because there are any more dealers here yeah there's 38 of us on total right okay well that's going to take some time isn't it yes I knew it was an antique sense but I didn't realize it was this big so uh what have we got here so this is John he's uh he's my neighbor John Hier how you doing hiya how are you doing nice uh can I have a quick look around help yourself so very traditional yeah have you got um yeah sure oh good room it's almost like Cathedral sort of style roof I do love these things I mean they were turned out by the tens of thousands but I just really like them pair of coromandel elephant book ends Circa 1960. they're all right it's just checking for damage and missing and then obviously you don't want real Ivory which they're not no which is great one's wood one's bone as far as I remember there's no damage or anything like that no surprise surprise spot a couple of uh elephant bookends they're in beautiful condition they've not been messed around with too much you know I I like them I've always bought them I've got this thing about buying things with elephants on somebody else must have done because there's thousands of them out there and those two little pieces over there inexpensive stylish particularly well made nice Timber highly original everything you want really in a piece yeah got all the toenails all their eyes you've got 150 on them what can you do if anything you don't have to give me any you don't have to give his money off you know that thing no invite you to yeah uh I to you it could be 125. yes thank you yeah I love those marvelous thank you very much no you're welcome thank you so what it is about elephants always elephants always we haven't brought any of them for a while though I know asking 150 paid one two five find a little bit of trade discount goes a long way when you buy sort of 20 30 things in a day and I need pieces like that as well as you know 20 000 pound tables I do need smaller pieces you know if you can't afford one of the really top bits you can have these and there's nothing wrong with them the quality is still there it's like a sort of gateway drug into the Antiques world came out to see Tim but uh ended up in an antique Center I mean you can plan all you like in the anti experts and say right today I'm going to drive to there and I am going to buy this not gonna happen not gonna happen you can drive there but you'll probably not buy the thing you thought you were going to buy this stuff does not appear by Magic you have to go and look for it but it's worth it when you find that that wonderful thing spending the day with Joe and T today he's been fantastic you know learning from one the masters of the of the business it's been amazing and uh yeah yeah I hope he comes back again like oh that was all right wasn't it very good so we bought a vars from Italy two elephants from the East yeah I mean strange odd yeah different from a lovely town in Derbyshire yeah for a time from a mill in Derbyshire yeah and then meeting Tim obviously going to his house I mean we've got one table more of an icebreaker really you know it's sort of [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] some elements will need attention such as the spandrels crossing between the legs however it has enough original features including the casters to make it of Interest sympathetically restored it could be worth around 400 pounds what do you want for it uh only a fight for 150. there's work to be done there yeah I'm afraid it's too much money make me up [Music] Drew and T have got exclusive access to a dealer and restore his private collection in the Peak District so this is where the magic happens I restore French polishing that sort of thing and Drew is interested in a table that's in need of major restoration only about for 150. too much money make me nothing 100 pounds that's it yeah okay deal yeah deal fine all right you can get a lot of tables that look like that and some of them are sort of 1500 two and a half thousand pounds and they look very similar but the quality is better you get that look but without the big bucks but you don't get the quality either it's going to have to be repainted it's going to have to be sanded and then polished waxed and there's some other bits that need doing to it 395 so it's not a massive profit in there that's why you've got to buy those cheap
Channel: Antiques Shop
Views: 8,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antique, vintage, retro, Antiques Hunter, Antique Store, Drew Pritchard
Id: sDgnMWmRqck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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