Finding Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the Bible by Dr. Ali Ataie

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Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato and welcome to another they tuned our lecture we often find that we start late and people usually describe it as being Islamic time and I'd like to make a correction its Muslim time versus Islamic time Islamic time is precise and being always on time Muslim time is like peoples of color time so when you are invited at 6:00 you know that's actually the invitations for you to show up at 9:00 and inshallah you eat attend right so this is just to get us on the right footing this is an exciting lecture that we have finding the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Bible an inquiry into surah 7 157 158 verses we're really honored to have such a wide breadth of specialties and expertise among our Zaytuna faculty dr. Ali Alta is definitely one of our beloved faculty in here he's been involved in interfaith activities for over 20 years he spent some time in Yemen is studying Arabic and Islamic theology we ask Allah subhana Allah to alleviate the suffering and pain on the people of Yemen considering how beautiful the country and the people are and we also ask allah subhanaw taala to alleviate the suffering of people in syria as well and we could go through other countries as well but he's been to see he's been to Yemen and studying Arabic and Islamic theology dr. Arata holds a PhD in Islamic studies from the Graduate theological Union and an MA degree in biblical studies from the Pacific School of religion in Berkeley just for point of reference they - Ana College purchased this building from the Pacific School of religion which is our partner institution at GTU across the street doctorate is degree in in biblical studies he was the first Muslim seminarian in the over 150 years of history of the school to earn this degree so he's definitely was exploring areas that are not part of the Muslim DNA field so he's definitely outside of the Muslim DNA fields again for those who don't know Muslims usually studies to two majors we have Muslim MDS and Muslim engineers so definitely he went even beyond intellectual genetic mutation to explore areas that are considerably outside the fields of Muslim majors he is certified in Arabic Hebrew and biblical Greek and is fluent in Farsi here's an important description for a yachtie he describes himself as an Iranian Sunni who reads Hebrew and loves chicken tikka masala so without Alford without further ado Salaam sure touristy welcome dr. Ali Atta a to the stage Salam aleikum [Applause] Salam alaikum o too low so I'm not dr. Elliott ie but I'll be doing the opening recitation shala don't belong Amina shape wanna regime veena at Verona a soda Bo me a magenta una home a toga nan de la vida de una Womack to Bernard Infiniti one in de la fere did wanna home October 1971 Eugenia Moonbeam my roof yet mortal wound in my roof even man in moon Charon amoeba well you had any morning he MORTAL KOMBAT [Music] if Wellborn someone a wooden Latika Natale him fell Athena a man will be he was a woman I saw what about know what I wanna know ego more than emotional oh yeah sue in Arizona law LAN come in so long Aaron come Jamie honey ladira home one kasama what you are you know in love why here what you mean it so I mean who belong here or a smoothie in bill Oh me letting me know belong here I can imagine what below letting me know belong him I can imagine him what Kunta tattoo so Duncan one who love him and to those who follow the messenger the unlettered prophet whom they find mentioned in their Torah and gospel he enjoined them to do good and to forbid evil and makes lawful to them the good things and unlawful the impure things and he believes them of their heavy burden and shackles that were upon them thus those who believed in him and who honor and support him and follow the light which has been sent down with him those are the prosperous say o people I am Allah as messenger to you all he to whom belongs the Dominion of the heavens and the earth there is no god but he he gives life and causes to die so believe in Allah and His Messenger the unlettered prophet who believes in Allah and his words and follow him that perchance you may be well guided Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah smell ar-rahman ar-raheem so de la città muhammadin wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi marine this is the first time i'm using technology so you know my students know me this is inshallah we'll be ok I'm kind of a techno peasant so we'll see how it goes in sha Allah Ta'ala we are gonna take a break obviously for mother to prayer at 8 o'clock now before we look at actual verses from the biblical texts we have to set the table as it were with respect to our methodology and when we do look at actual biblical verses we're going to focus almost exclusively on the Hebrew Bible and not on the New Testament and that's just because we don't have enough time in Charlotte island maybe next year or something I'll do a lecture on something related to the New Testament comparative Christology or crucifixion and the Quran or something like that Muslim understanding or reading of the Gospel of John so early Muslim exigence prompted by this ayah ayah to sorta took out off I number 157 quickly scanned the Bible the Tanakh the Hebrew Bible which is called the Old Testament by Christians and the New Testament Gospels the canonical Matthew Mark Luke and John and they found nothing explicit no explicit mention of the prophets of the Lhari Salem anywhere therefore according to a mamata body for most exigence for most exigence the qualities the qualities that identify and describe him sallallahu Salem as a prophet a true prophet what Jewish theologians would call a Miffy Emmett these are mentioned in the Torah and in the gospel the general qualities of a true prophet and he fits the description others concluded no there must have been specific references to the prophet sallallaahu salaam and imam Atteberry also mentions that the position that the eyelid kitab the people of the book in here kita maybe means Bible the word Bible means book the people of the book specifically the Jews must have removed all references and descriptions of the prophets of Allah asylum from their scriptures and this is called tariffs and nuts let's see if I can do it ready bismillah subhanAllah textual alteration or corruption and then a few Quranic ayat or passages were cited as evidence of such corruption or Chowdhury for example Surat Annisa ayah number 46 min 11 aha do you have a phone and Colima i'm mederi according to one translation from the jews are those who displace words from their proper places or al-baqarah verse 79 for whale Allah Lavina Yakubu nalchi tabi ad him through Maya who loom in film or Hulu have them in ended Allah until the end of the ayah woe to those who write the book al-kitab the Bible with their right hands or with their hands and then they say this is from God now interestingly there were early Christian scholars who made the same claim about the Jews the early church father an apologist Justin Martyr who died 165 of the Common Era who's the father of logos theology he says in chapter 72 and 73 of his famous treatise dialogue with Truffaut the Jew he claims that Jewish leaders removed references to wood wo OD they removed references to wood in the from the books of Jeremiah and the Psalms and the Greek Septuagint not the original Hebrew but it's Greek translation wood for Justin Martyr being a reference to the cross a symbol of the crucifixion so according to some early Muslim exegetes certain Jews corrupted the text according to certain early Christian exegetes certain Jews corrupted the texts or at least it's very popular and semi sacred Greek translation Imam for Adina Razi a towering figure in Sunni Islam finds the claim that the Jews were able to successfully remove all of the quote-unquote Muhammad in passages from the Tanakh simply untenable given the fact that at the time of prophet sallallaahu salaam the Tanakh had basically reached a level of toate or multiple artists station so how can they possibly pull this off he wanders all of the Jews on the entire planet now one might point out that the ben asher Masoretic hebrew text did become the standard text of the jews starting around the 12th century of the Common Era and that probably has a lot to do with none other than my mana DS endorsing that text so ben asher did gain ascendancy over other massa retic vocalizations or vocalizations that would eventually be used by people like ben Hayyim in the early 16th century but when you compare the two textual traditions then asher and ben Hayyim there are some variations in wording but the vast vast majority of differences are differences in what are called the new quote in hebrew or vowel notations vowel pointings the bottom line is the Hebrew Bible that was existent in 7th century Arabia is basically the same as the Hebrew Bible used today in the ayah in question that the prophet sallallaahu Salem is mokuba under whom fatuity what injeel that the prophet sallallaahu salam is described in the torah in the gospel that is with them in the seventh century and there have been no major evidences of some sort of major redaction that was done to the Tanakh after that point the differences between the textual traditions of ben asher and Ben Hayyim are very very minor now there are several Muslim scholars who did not confirm that the Bible had been the text of the but the text of the Bible had been altered at all at least not in a significant way rather the meanings of the text right had been altered or corrupted or concealed or ignored this is called Tarifa looma ani exegetical or interpretive alteration or corruption this seems to be the position of imam arrazi himself and perhaps even the position of imam ghazali this what I call textually affirming approach to the Bible is no better exemplified but the great Damascene scholar Imam Ibrahim Ibrahim our Al Bukhari who died 1480 who used the Torah as a primary source of exegesis of the Quran which is called an epidural and he even did a an Arabic dia tessarin as a harmony of the four canonical Gospels of the New Testament so Imam al bukhari in his tafseer a surah 2 out of 157 will actually quote specific position or ayat of the Tanakh that he believes are references to the prophet sallallaahu salaam for example and will talk about this one deuteronomy 1818 he quotes deuteronomy 33:2 psalm 118 and even goes into some New Testament passages the Paraclete passages of john 14 and 16 he believes to be references to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so for these are Lama for these are Lama the Quran does not argue that the text of the Bible was rewritten or replaced with false scripture but rather that the text has been ignored or forgotten or concealed or misinterpreted so mean alladhina hadoo you Haroon at calema i'm mawari another translation according to Gabriel Sayid Reynolds at Notre Dame from the Jews are those who shifted the meanings of words from their proper contexts in other words they've misread the text not altered the text now the point of tonight's lecture is not to examine both Muslim approaches to the Bible whether it's textual alteration or textural affirmation and to make a case one way or another that's a lecture for another time the point I'm making now is that if we're going to find the prophet sallallaahu salam in the Bible let us for now entertain imam bukhari and assume that the text of the bible is sound with this said a cursory skim of the Bible will not do we need to look closer we need to be more sophisticated now according to the Quran Jesus of Nazareth peace be upon him is the Messiah is Alma see how mushiya Christa's the Christ in the Quran chastises the Jews for not accepting him as such now the Quran claim that the Jews by enlarge failed to read their scriptures properly with respect to the prophets of Allah T Sydenham echoes what New Testament authors said with respect to Jesus peace be upon him 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse 14 Paul says about quote the children of Israel he says but their minds were closed even until today the same veil remains over there reading an Ignacio reading of the Old Testament he continues it is not lifted haughty and Cristo Kitab gate I for only in Christ is it lifted in other words reading the Tanakh the Hebrew Bible with Christ in mind this is a proper reading an egg gnosis of the Old Testament Christ is the key whereas Augustine said the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed while the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed so with respect to asylees salam jesus peace be upon him both the quran and the new testament appeal to a proper reading of the Hebrew text so giving an example according to the New Testament Gospels is according to the Gospels when Christ was crucified his disciples were in total disarray absolutely in shambles because if Jesus was the Messiah how could he die a dead Messiah for them was oxymoronic it's like a four-sided triangle this is how they understood their scriptures by scriptures I mean the Hebrew Bible the tainha they were Jews now in Luke chapter 24 two of Jesus's disciples were walking to a town called Emmaus and Jesus saw them and started to walk with them and this is after the passion narrative and resurrection Luke says that their eyes were restrained so that they did not recognize him the Greek term here big eNOS coal means to know something very well to understand something to know something at an intimate level to have madatha or to recognize recognition to understand something you already knew but at a deeper level so Jesus says to them o foolish ones and slow of heart to believe and all that the naveen the prophets have spoken ah not the Christ who have suffered these things and enter into his glory they're probably thinking suffered the Messiah will suffer and then Luke says and beginning at Moses and all of the prophets beginning at Moses Deuteronomy so Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy then all the prophets Jeremiah Isaiah Micah Ezekiel so on and so forth he expounded to them the Scriptures the things concerning himself and the Greek term here for expounded is D remain aoo which is a combination of DI preposition which means through or by means of and had remain auo which is where you get the word hermeneutic from so jesus interpreted to them through an interpretation he interpreted the scriptures taught petit yahoo the things concerning himself then Luke concludes and says then their eyes were open kept igano son out on and they knew him they understood him they recognized him ah it is Jesus so what did Jesus actually say to the disciples Luke doesn't tell us but early Christian exegetes imagine the conversation to have gone something like this do you remember the Passover lamb of Exodus 12 Leviticus 16 do you remember Psalm 22 la ilahe lama sabachthani this cry of dereliction do you remember the suffering servant of Isaiah 50 in 52 and 53 he was smitten and afflicted a man of sorrows they were all pointing to me oh now we recognize you so according to Paul Matthew Mark Luke John and Jesus himself a proper reading of scripture entails accepting that Scripture is polyvalent it has multiple levels of meaning scripture for them and early christian exigence and church fathers was or ocular Sibylline prognostic predictive in other words it pointed to the future matthew alludes to the hebrew bible some 80 times in his gospel oftentimes he preface 'as by saying this was to fulfill what was spoken through the Prophet whoever that prophet might had been so for early Christian exegetes scripture that is to say the Hebrew Bible was predictive in three ways a straightforward prophecy a typology or typological exegesis so is straight forward prophecy obviously explicitly future a typology can be implicit is implicitly future and an allegory which can be implicitly future and we'll come back to these terms inshallah now if you study the history of Sunni exegesis or tafseer' you will notice that Sunni exegetical methods were inclusive they were integrative they were interdiscipline turd disciplinary initially the Sunnis or proto Sunnis they used a hadith corpus but then they incorporated things like philology which is the primary method used by the Methuselah Imam as a machete and then they incorporated things like mystical exegesis or to wheel a Sufi method this idea that there that the Quran has a vow ad or exoteric aspect as well as a botany a an esoteric aspect why were the Sunnis like this because the goal was to have thumb of this ocean as Imam al-ghazali refers to the Quran and if utilizing different methods facilitated this deep understanding or penetrating insight to dub or into the Quran then they would use that method of course within the framework of Sunni theological orthodoxy no less than Imam al-ghazali says enemies cattle and war well ilk irani the here on ma botton the Quran has and exoteric and esoteric dimension and for cazali it is imperative that both be acknowledged so in the Makati quota hadith latet halal mela iike to abate and fee he called the angels don't enter a house that has a dog and he would argue that if the east so tarik aspect is denied for example you simply say that simply means a dog period and that's all it means he said this leads to literalism and then he says if the exoteric aspect is denied right if you say no it doesn't mean a dog at all it means something like doglike qualities this is also wrong according to him the exoteric aspect is denied then you fall into the dangerous waters of eisegesis so exegesis means to pull out from the text eisegesis means to read into the text something that isn't there some scholars refer to this as hermeneutical of waterboarding that you torture a text long enough and it will say whatever you want some refer to this as chasing leprechauns with respect to tafseer the apparent sorry with respect to the law here the apparent aspect of the quran there is a rule of tafseer when defining a word in the quran the meaning of that word must fall within normative semantic parameters and this is called Ahad according to the hadith an acceptable semantics range insofar as that as that definition doesn't conflict with the plain meaning of the text and it is understood by its initial audience in this case horatio arabs living in the hedge as in the 7th century imams Erica she said the exigent must choose the most prevalent meanings of words primary definitions and not utilize vague or obscure definitions as used by poets not to use definitions hidden in the deep dark recesses of the Arabic lexicon I'll give you just an example in the Quran Allah subhana WA Ta'ala tells moosa alaih-is-salaam it be Asif al bara strike with your staff the ocean and that's how the Arabs understood it it makes sense immediately they would understood it like that it makes according to the context if somebody comes along and says no you know baharat doesn't mean ocean it means the nobleman so God is telling Moses take your staff and strike a nobleman of bani israel then this would break the rule of tafseer or breach it's had it's prevalent semantic range so it's not about possible meanings it's about prevalent meanings when dealing with the quran waha or apparent aspect now according to the hadith that is quoted by imam so you'll see antibody every verse of the quran also has a Matla or a point of ascent and this is taken by scholars to mean a deeper or higher meaning so there's a horizontal aspect to the Quran horizontal aspect corresponding to the the prevalent meanings of Arabic words at that time and then there's a vertical aspect right higher meanings how these meanings may not readily be known but their existence should be acknowledged the polyvalence of the Quran should be acknowledged another example Imam al-ghazali says again again God and Moses that a loss of Hanna what Allah says to moosa aleihsalaam i lake take off your sandals imam al-ghazali says well what do you think that means exactly what it sounds like take off your sandals and then he says something interesting he says yeah but there's something deeper here he says the left sandal represents the dunya the right sandal represents a akhirah strip yourself of the two worlds and focus exclusively on me on allah subhana wa ta'ala not that the word na means world but it represents the world so some might call this a tafseer Billy Shara and this is in Sunni tradition so these are insights given by God himself to an exigent or a reader as divine gifts however the exigent must not insist on the absolute correctness or authority of these subtle insights must not be dogmatic rulings or creedal articulations are not derived from these these are things just to think about okay gettin close so let us entertain the ghazali and paradigm that there exoteric and esoteric dimensions to the quran the Haruna Barton this is how early Christians viewed the Hebrew Bible and were thus able to find Jesus in the Hebrew Scriptures perhaps we can find the prophets of Allah dicen them in the same way as stated earlier for early Christian exigence scripture was a racula it was predictive identifying Christic typology z' in the Old Testament was of paramount importance typology or typological exegesis examines Old Testament figures and events as prefiguring or foreshadowing figures and events in the New Testament for example Paul says in Romans chapter 5 verse 14 he's doing a comparison between Adam and Jesus peace be upon them and this is what he says about Adam he says he says Hoss Eston two paths to melon toss Adam who is the type of the one to come Adam is the type the foreshadowing of Jesus who is the anti-type one of the most popular Christic topologies in the Old Testament is in Genesis 22 this is called the akhada passage The Binding of Isaac which is related to the word ikeda beliefs that bind us so here Clement of Alexandria Origen of Alexandria Augustine of Hippo they say very interesting things they say here Abraham whose name means father of many nations the father he takes wood and he puts it on the back of Isaac his son his beloved son his only beloved son according to Genesis 22 and he has a March up a hill and he's going to sacrifice him so these Christian exegetes they say this is exactly what God would do to his son in quotes a sort of dress rehearsal of the crucifixion so with typological exegesis the the here is the actual concrete historical event which is the binding of issac whereas the botton let me just check the time here yeah one minute whereas the botton is a foreshadowing of a future person or event something pointing to the future Agustin referred to these two aspects as history and symbol or we can say type and anti-type another very famous example of typological exegesis amongst early Christians will end with this and then we'll take a break Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 where it says where Isaiah is speaking to a king named a has and he says to the king that the Lord Himself will give you an oat which means sign it's the same as the word ayah he says hey neigh ha ha ha behold the young woman will conceive viola death bein the carrot shmore Emmanuel a young woman will give will conceive and give birth to a son and shall call his name Emmanuel which means God with us now Justin Martyr actually mentions this in chapter 84 of his dialogue with Truffaut the Jew his Jewish interlocutor Truffaut no doubt responds that Emmanuel is actually born in the very next chapter Isaiah chapter 8 he is the son of king ahaz justin responds periphrastic lee yes Emmanuel been a has is also a to pass a symbol of Christ been a has is the concrete meaning the hidden meaning points to Christ in the future the virgin birth of course Jesus himself saw what had happened to Jonah as prefiguring himself Matthew and Luke record that Jesus said peace be upon him for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale so shall the Son of Man referring to himself be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth of Jesus himself according to the New Testament in ages and typological exegesis he identifies himself as a Noah hid ik anti-type okay it's a good time for a break I know this is a bit long-winded but I have to set the table when I come back in Charlotte - Allah will talk about typology in amongst Muslim exegetes and then we'll get into some versus actual verses of the Hebrew Bible so let's break for a prayer so I'm I think so I was talking about type and anti-type or typological exegesis Muslim exegetes have been known to dabble in typology some mentioned that for example the Pharaoh is a to pass or a type or an illustration of the Antichrist a powerful world leader who oppress the people of God claimed divinity be opposed by a prophetic hero and then eventually dies epically they also mentioned that Joseph Yousef I'd a Saddam is a to pass or type opposed by his brethren in this case the flourish forced to leave his city of Mecca given political power in Medina eventually given power over his brethren and then he forgives them in fact the prophet sallallaahu seldom he seems to have seen himself as a josephine anti-type of sorts he said at the conquest of Mecca lot F Arriba alaikum alone this is quoting Surat Yusuf Ali Saddam so somebody might say well what's your Delisle what's your proof that we can engage in this type of typological exegesis well it seems that the prophet sallallaahu salam himself seems to have thought in terms of typology now typology while being a popular method of interpretation among early christians is not popular among Jewish exigence similarly typology is much more prevalent among Shia exegetes than Sunni exegetes although the latter do not reject this method completely one of the reasons could be that both groups were trying to prove their theological positions in the face of an overwhelming majority that did not accept their positions in the case of the former the Messiahship or christ hood of jesus peace be upon him and in the latter the Imam ate in other words appealing to the acknowledged polyvalence of revealed scripture provided these minority groups with a strong argument for their positions none other than the eponym of the jaffrey school of thought of jaffa resada radiyaallahu anhu oral DA is reported to have said that scripture has four levels of meaning there is the expression the left which is gathered by the alam the laity then there are allusions ashot that are known by the earl imam of a serene there are subtleties Lata if that are known by NB a-- and alia and then Hakka realities that are known only to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so I just want to look at a few brief examples yes okay good of typology amongst the Shia and the first one I didn't put on here it's hadith of Safina this hadith that's also in Sunni books where the prophet sallallaahu salam is reported to have said method liebe ATK method is affinity newer man rocky bahasa Khadija woman de Halawa NF Akkad Halleck that the similitude of my family the prophetic house is like the Ark of Noah whoever embarks upon it is saved and whoever rejects it is doomed so the Ark of Noah which is historical according to Islam or Muslims is a symbol of the prophetic house in other words the prophetic house is a Noah hid ik anti-type but the flood at the end of time will not be of water although there will be floods but rather a deluge of sin and immorality at least according to the Shia exigence another example surah 2 NB a-- i in number 73 which is about the family of Ibrahim alayhi Salaam she are exigent to engage in typological exegesis they see in this ayah a prefiguring or foreshadowing of the if nourish our Imam on the 12 Imams but now whom I Emma and we made them Imams yeah do not be a marina or Ohana he lay him that they are given aha which is a type of non prophetic revelation they also point out things like the word Imam is mentioned exactly 12 times in the Quran right the last example very very interesting example I wanted to give you a mama Tabata by enemies on so this is from what's known as the Quranic acadia passage so remember that we said clement and origin and augustine they all see in Genesis 22 the biblical al-qaeda passage The Binding of Isaac a typology of Jesus Christ the Hsia see in surah surah 37 a typology of Imam al-hussein so verse 106 they point out in the hidayah la la la Wilma bean right God stops Abraham from sacrificing his son indeed this was an obvious test Bala waffa waffa waffa waffa Dana who be VIP in our theme and then we ransomed him with a with a great sacrifice and Amitabh Atteberry he quotes here yo mama so UT why is the sacrifice so evene it's because the RAM is paradisio gabriel brought a ram from paradise he said that's true that's on the waha but the Botany meaning is a foreshadowing or typology of the martyrdom of imam hussain and then verse 115 why not Jana Huma waka ama whom Amin al carbee Levine why not Jana who MA right that we saved them both and here the context as Moses and Aaron which according to the Shia exigence here are in a low e types right a mad Terada an takuna meanie Beeman's ility Harun me no Musa later land a beer body is hadith of the prophet sallallaahu seldom mentioned in Sunni and Shia books that the prophet sallallaahu saw them say this said to say ali karram allahu wa ja are you not pleased that you are to me as Aaron is to Moses except there is no prophet after me so he points out here you have been at right inverse 106 is something interesting 10 verses later you have the word Kaaba Karbala right on the 10th of Muharram and then you have the praveen the great sacrifice in the middle of that the last example I give you this is an example of allegorical exegesis so there's a difference between typological exegesis and allegorical exegesis allegorical axes exegesis has an abstract concept attached to a concrete image and the hidden meaning or the abstract meaning is privileged over its literal sense whereas in typological exegesis both the concrete and hidden meanings are equally important so an allegory the hidden meaning is more important CS Lewis's The Lion the Witch in the wardrobe that's not a true story I hate to burst your bubbles it is a religious allegory Aslan is Christ right Superman doesn't exist or does he know doesn't exist it's an allegory it's a it's a Christic allegory believe it or not and the founders that the inventors of Superman were to Jewish men go figure The Wizard of Oz the Scarecrow represents the agrarian past the Tin Man the technological future we need to forge ahead with the courage of a lion she was interesting here Mohammed Baca read my jealousy as she exited he looks at this the first four verses of surah 2 shams OMC well do haha Altamira alert allaha wa nihari the jela were laid either Yasha by the Sun and its light with a moon when it follows it by the day when it manifests it and the night when it envelops it that's what it literally says but the hidden meaning takes precedence over this according to Anna jealousy the chumps is the Prophet sallallaahu Selim the light is his pure unadulterated teaching the pure Sunnah the true Sunnah the moon that follows him is Ali the Naha are the Ummah the Imams that manifest the true Sunnah in the Leila Bonnie umeå who envelops or persecutes the true sunnah of the prophet sallallaahu no ok all of that was in trouble had to be said so far so good with the technology I'm going to reach for my Hebrew Bible so at this point I'm gonna do my best in mitachi Oh Christy my best imitation of Christ and instead of going to Emmaus let's take a trip to Medina that was working all night on that so beginning with Moses and all the prophets I will attempt to expound the Tanakh the things concerning the profits of the lottery system do I know for sure that these are describing the prophets otherwise no I don't know although who are them right but something interesting again just think about so the first one here this one I would consider to be a straightforward prophecy explicitly future so the context is that Jacob is on his deathbed and he gathers his twelve sons around him and he says to them he says to them gather yourselves together so that I might tell you what will befall you in the latter days the Hebrew is a hadith I mean literally the Occident I am in the latter days right as the Mormons would say the latter days in the prophet sallallaahu said I'm he's and I was Sarkoja attained right he said the is the hour the eschaton and I are like this meaning that he is the first major sign of the saw or the eschaton so Jacob he begins to prophesize about his son so about Reuben about Simeon and Levi and then he gets to Judah and Judah in the latter days is the eponym of the entire group of bani israel the jew the bani israel collectively are known as yahudim the jews so this is what he said what's going to happen to the Jews in the latter days the Hebrew says lo Yasur shavette me who da he says the shavette which is the King's staff or scepter will not pass or depart from Judah meaning the Jews Omaha admit been relieved nor the legislature or law from between his feet literally meaning from his seed or progeny Ida Kiev ushi low until the coming of someone called the Shiloh Villa yet to have a meme and to him shall be the gathering of all nations right so this is interesting it seems to say that prophecy so what is what does the King's staff represent the scepter according to the New Testament it seems to indicate prophecy so Matthew 21:43 and 44 Jesus is reported to have said to the Pharisees have you ever read in the scriptures and then he paraphrases the psalms psalm 118 the stone that the builders rejected the same has become the rosh pina the main Cornerstone this is the Lord's doing and it is wonderful in your eyes therefore I say unto you that the Maluku that ilaha Syriac for kingdom of god prophecy shall be taken away from you and given to a nation that bears the proper fruits who is this rejected stone if not Ismael ideas Salam as dr. winter says the outcast the ethnically impure son the rejected son is finally chosen there's a hadith in Bukhari and Muslim it's in the schemata Lilly mama Timothy the prophet sallallaahu Salam is reporter have said Anil hashiru lady Yashiro nasu allaha de Maya I am the gatherer upon whose feet all of humanity will be gathered so it seems like this this prophecy of Jacob is referring to the vocation of the prophet sallallaahu salaam as the chef here while musa far as the one who's into the one who intercedes on the yama yama and whose intercession is accepted and then below yet to have a meme and unto him shall be the gathering of everybody all peoples this idea that this sheilo and this is a Hippolyta mana this is the only time this word appears in the entire Hebrew Bible it's very very mysterious what is what sheilo mean jessenia says that the root is sha la which means something like peace or tranquility and he will actually translate this as the peacemaker and then he also GC Nia's Hebrew Chaldea lexicons at a New Testament to the Old Testament he also says that this could be a reference to someone in Isaiah chapter 9 verse 5 that we'll talk about as well but this person is universal I Lamia right okay and obviously many Christian exigence believe that this is a reference to a side a sanam and we can certainly talk about that the next one I want to look at is probably the most famous one this is in Deuteronomy or devarim and this is the fifth book of the Torah or the Hamish Pentateuch what have you and this begins is very interesting the beginning of this has very unconventional syntax the first word why is that interesting is because Biblical Hebrew is not inflected some philologist believe that air archaic Hebrew was inflected there was inflection yeah Rob like sometimes you know we say mostly moon mostly man mostly min depending on its case ending in a sentence right if it's nominative accusative or genitive Hebrew is not biblical hebrew is not like that so word order is very very important in hebrew you have to follow falmouth rule and if there's a break in this unconvince in the syntax and it's unconventional like it is here then there's very strong emphasis being made so a prophet what a prophet Navi appeal ahem negative uh I am a prophet God is speaking to Moses a prophet I will raise up from their brethren right and who are the brethren of the Israelites well other Israelites in Deuteronomy chapter 17 God commands the Israelites to pick a king from their brethren and they pick King Saul who was a Benjamin Knight it also says in Deuteronomy that the the descendants of Esau brother of Jacob and the Jacob i'ts and don't like each other but that's not the point is that the are Arabs and in Deuteronomy chapter 2 it's God says to the Israelites you're going to pass through Edom the land of your brethren so ah hey hem could refer either to fellow Israelites or to Arabs that we have to keep reading come out come out who is going to be like you so here we have the type of logical aspect of this verse right that this prophet to come is going to be like Moses Moses is the type and this prophet is a mosaic antitype now what's very interesting is when the prophet sallallaahu sermon received the initial revelation on javelin or he went to war up up in ofall who is a Christian scribe there's a hadith in Bukhari that says that waraqa kana yep - booo al-injeel Valera bol ever Anya that waraqa used to write the gospel in Arabic and in Syria core Hebrew and so he explained to waraqa bin nawfal what had happened to him and waraqa said something interesting he said a Jacaranda Musel Akbar the great Nomos right the great law or Sharia of God has come unto you Komachi la Musa just as comma is the same particle used in 1818 Deuteronomy it's possible that what Allah had this verse in mind when he was giving this advice to the Prophet sallallaahu synonym Allahu Alem just as it came to Moses you were going to receive the great law what's also interesting is in the Quran you find a common juxtaposition between Musa al-salaam and the prophets of Allah - you saw them this technical term in Semitic rhetoric is called para taxes according to Michelle Kuiper's I promised I'd give him a shout-out there you go Abdullah where are you for example surah Muzammil in our salah la cumbre salon Shahid and Ali Khan common aerosol na kama aerosol allah fear allah rasool allah that we have sent unto you an apostle to be a witness again you just as we sent to Pharaoh an apostle so we have this juxtaposition between Musa al-salaam and the prophet sallallaahu seldom but I think the greatest similarity between the two prophets that cannot be denied is that both prophets received a comprehensive law code Musa al-salaam received the according to the Orthodox a written and oral torah from which halakhah which is Jewish law is derived whereas the prophet sallallaahu salam received the quran and of course his normative ethos or sunnah which is the source of islamic sharia no other two prophets at least in the Abrahamic tradition come close to this similarity now we keep reading so this prophet will be like moses and it's and then it says vanity deborah him it called a shots Avenue and I shall put my words into his mouth and he shall speak everything that I command him or another way of translating that is that whatever he speaks is only by command right and of course we have the ayat in the Quran when as me either hawa model Asahikawa misawa hua my anti-coup Anil hawa in hua Aloha you you ha a lama who Shadid alcoa at the prophet my aunty who you antique who is a federal Midori it's an imperfect tense verb usually it's negated with la but here it's ma which means never that the prophet sallallaahu salaam never speaks from his desire or Caprice everything he says is why is revelation ok now what's interesting also is this this prophecy is carried into the New Testament period in John chapter 1 in the New Testament we were told that Levites sent messengers to yahia Elias Salaam John the Baptist who was baptizing people in the Jordan River they want to know who do you think you are so they say that him suit is a who are you to John the Baptist and then John says the author of the Gospel of John the Evangelist he says that John the Baptist did not deny and he confessed and he said okay Amy aigoo ha Krista's I am NOT the Christ so then the messengers asked him who are you then are you Elijah according to Jewish theology the prophet Elijah where Eliyahu was carried up into heaven on a chariot of fire according to the book of second Kings and that he will come again just before the Messiah he will be sort of the herald of the Messiah so then the messengers from the Levites asked John the Baptist are you Elijah and he says Luke a me I am NOT so then they asked him a third question so the Jews the New Testament period were waiting for three great luminaries this is how they understood this verse they asked him a third question and that question is how prophet a say sue are you the Prophet right the question is not are you a prophet the question is are you the Prophet and the Prophet if you have a cross-reference in your Bible it is reference to Deuteronomy 18 18 the Mosaic anti-type right so there's three distinct lines of prophecy the coming of Elijah or should say the second coming of Elijah the coming of the Christ and the coming of the Prophet so I would say that really only in Islam do these scriptures find fulfillment right in Luke Jesus actually says John the Baptist is Elijah John the Baptist didn't know at that time but he comes in the spirit and power of Elijah not a literal reincarnation obviously Jesus is to Christ so who is the Prophet I'm aware that in the book of Acts Jesus is identified as being the mosaic prophet of 1818 Deuteronomy but there seems to be some incongruence here because in the Gospel of John clearly these are three distinct lines of prophecy all right next one there's only six of these I hope I'm not boring you stiff as long as I'm entertained it's really all that matters so this one is from Isaiah it's a very interesting book by the way Isaiah's prophesizing and this one again is taken by Christians to be a reference or a prophecy and a typology of Jesus so a typology because perhaps the immediate references to King Hezekiah right it's probably describing King Hezekiah but there's something under the surface foreshadowing someone else to come possibly so this is what it says it says he says ki-yay lead you lad lah-nu in the Hebrew it says for for a child will be born to us and this verb you'll add is actually a pool perfect it's fairly Mahdi it's in the past tense but it's translated as future because according to Williams in his Hebrew grammar he's often times that he says often times in the Old Testament God will use a past tense verb to emphasize something to come in the future this is called the prophetic past for example God let me know when we find this in the Quran in our tanikella thou art in our past tense we will give you kotha or we have already given you kotha so it says a child will be born and then it says bein neat on lah-nu a son will be given vat veha misra alamo and there will be some sort of symbol of authority upon his Shem upon his shoulder now at this point Christians have an interesting translation for the rest of this pursue or this verse this ayah if you will they take this next verb via kora which means to call as passive so their translations are invariably and his name shall be called wonderful counselor mighty God the eternal father the Prince of Peace that's how they translate it but if you look at the actual vowel pointings here via Cora it is clearly in the active voice and clearly there's a subject to her and the direct object here at least this is my contention so why do Christians tend to translate that way because it says mighty God right and Christians of these Trinitarians believe that Jesus is essentially God but there's a problem here it also calls an eternal father and the father and the son are separate and distinct hypostatic entities so even a Christian reading of the text has some in my opinion theological problems from a Christian from a Christian standpoint but a better translation in my mind is that taking the verb as active and the wonderful counselor meaning God the mighty God the Eternal Father which means the rub Abba means rub shalt call his name Prince of Peace Amira Salaam of course the business of the birthmark or symbol of authority on the prophets Shem or cat if right this is mentioned in multiple sources bejita the monk according to serie knew about this this Hatem between his shoulder blades salman al-farsi apparently knew about it there's actually entire chapter in the Shema la vie mama Timothy da Booma Javy hot amanda Bua bein a Katif a salat-u-salam the whole chapter on this birthmark on his shoulder blade which is an indication of his authority as a prophet what's also interesting is when the prophet sallallaahu salam entered into medina abdullah bin salam who's a rabbi at the time he said that the first thing that the prophet said first of all he said are off to a new idea who lazily what she kitab i recognized are off to reckon we cognize i recognize his face was not the face of a liar and then he said that the prophet said yeah you han nas ashes Salama or a team of trauma or siedel or ham or salut bilal when a Sunni an Ted who Ginetta D Salam o people spread peace share your food maintain ties of kinship pray in the night when others are asleep and you shall enter paradise in peace so it begins with PC ends with peace that's the Inglot what brighter additions will call the inclusion of that entire statement it's about peace almost as if he's identifying himself as the prophet of peace or the sorrow Emira Salaam the Prince of Peace okay that one usually ruffles a lot of Christian feathers it's okay we can have a nice discussion any of my teachers are Christian I love them okay there's another one this is a also in Isaiah this one doesn't not leaned a lot of commentary I would consider this also straightforward prophecy as well as a typology I think the immediate references to people at that time I think the lesson is something like whether one is learn it or unlearn it in order to be guided by God one must approach God's word with sort of his openness and a teachable spirit right but there's interesting verse 12 here so this says the need 10 and this is called a perfect with Vava consecutive so this is explicitly future Vineet on how safer allah shallow you da safer and the book the book the revelation scripture safer al-kitab the book will be given to one who does not know letters and a motor-car ah na z and it shall be said to him cut off of it and he shall answer law yaad aati say for I don't know a book I am unlettered manna Bihari moving on almost done aha Isaiah 42 this is very interesting again I would consider a straightforward prophecy and possibly typology maybe the immediate reference is to Israel that is personified as a servant of God so this is a long chapter I'll just give you some highlights it says hen a birdie at the mockable be fairy that's enough she behold my Abdi whom I uphold right and this is the primary title of the prophet sallallaahu Salam in the answer panel area so Lobby IBD he abdomen ohhohh Tabarrok and Latinas l4 Khanna Allah Abdi he in the profits of the lolly sidin would hear these ayat he would begin to weep that Allah is calling him Abdul so here behold my AB the same word in Hebrew whom I uphold my chosen one and whom my soul delights and of course the prophet sallallaahu Salam is al Mustafa he is al Mustafa al Mokhtar it continues 'no Fatih Russia alive I shall put my rule upon him a spirit of Revelation mishpat Lagoo him Yahtzee he shall bring law and order to the the are Gentiles the word in Arabic for Gentile is only right so nabi l owe me a lavinia to be una Rasul and Nabi l owe me those who follow the apostle the unlettered prophet the Gentile prophet these are possible the motherly prophet all of these meanings are possible all these meanings are prevalent and then it continues well oh yes Miyabi hotz colo very interesting he will not raise his voice in the marketplace there is a hadith in the Shema our mother aisha radi alotta and her she says about the prophets allah wahda salem because again nobody knows the husband like the wife she says well a Sahab and fill us walk that he didn't even raise his voice in the marketplace it continues now we have Lt fat in the Hebrew text we have sudden change of person now God is speaking directly to this Abba to this the servant of God and he says the techni for attend cup the buried arm I will give you as a covenant of humanity so this prophet is again this is a Lamia he's universal well yeah you Hannah's in near rasul allah here economy and surat al-a'raf 158 the ayah that we heard one of the ayahs that we heard at the beginning of the event the aur ghulam it says as a light of Gentiles nor ulu mean a light of the Gentiles this is a construct phrase mode off mode off aleyhi construct noun absolute noun just skipping around she ruler adonai shear ha - sing unto the Lord a new song a sacred song in a new scripture a new language possibly continuing ah who will sing this new song according to the text it says the islanders the Gentiles right the the IAM the islanders the the Gentiles and then it says cut CMT shave ke Darrell and the villages that kadar inhabits kadar who is kadar kadar is the second son of morality Salam according to Genesis his name is mentioned 8 times in the Hebrew Bible GC Nia says the rabbi's call all of the Arabians universally by this name and Lashon Haider Lisan Ojeda is called is used of the Arabic language the Jews refer to Arabic as Lashon idol the tongue of Kedar so this evidence in his new song who will the islanders the Gentiles and the Arabs another proof text of this Ezekiel 27 21 it says out of they call in as sea a tidal Arabia and all the princes of Kedar and then it continues here Isaiah 42 your own new Yoshi vase Allah let the inhabitants of the rock sing what is the rock of course Alcatraz just check I'm just checking to see if you're still awake good you're paying attention no not maybe I mean we are we are entertaining typological exegesis anyway maybe I'll go to Alcatraz and sing and fulfill the prophecy no this said ah this is very enigmatic nobody really knows what this means some believe it's miss Ella is just sort of what the Bible calls a generic sort of house of God a fortress a tabernacle of God of some sort some Satan's Petra in Jordan there is a mountain in Medina called Salah by the way there's a mountain in Medina it's mentioned in the hadith although Adam continuing with this Isaiah chapter 42 they will be greatly ashamed those who trust in carved images those who say to molten images at Tim eloheynu you are our gods so this servant this evide stands as a bulwark against idolatry and then it continues to call him FD my servant my Lackey my messenger it calls a mashallah mashallah like the perfect or sound one ever I don't I Abid Allah so that's 42 last one this is in the song of songs there's many more we can look at but again no time there's a last one I'll talk about and again this is just just some some of it the song of songs is called the Ken tecum Kenta coram in Latin it's called the Song of Solomon as well in Hebrews called sheer Hashim Sheeta Hashim which is a way of forming a superlative in Hebrew meaning sort of the best song right over the best eulogy something like that this is probably an allegory I would say so what we have here is really a dialogue between a lover and his beloved looks like a man and his wife you know one of my teacher said marriage is a living parable from mystical union with God at least is supposed to be inshallah it is allegory possibly for the relationship between God and Israel according to Talmudic rabbis or God and humanity according to Maimonides christians believe this is an allegory of the love between Christ and His Church right there's a book by roger ailes worth who is the president of the Illinois Baptist Association that's called he is altogether lovely finding Christ in the song of songs but anyway chapter 5 verses 10 through 16 we have a physical description of the beloved a physical description so this is what it says door deed sava Adam my beloved is literally white and red white and red in the Shema l the prophet sallallaahu salam is described say dialysis up yada musharraf which is something like a white mixed with redness the Hebrew continues Daigle Amira Vava chosen amongst ten thousand which is something like saying he's very very special or oh sure kitten paws his head is like gold meaning his intellect is fantastic the food so Tov totally Maharaja arrived his locks are wavy and black as a raven can a shadow who lays a bee jardín wallace often is hadith in the Shema el the prophets of the Larsen's hair was neither straight nor curly but wavy and what's interesting here this word enraged Beit Arab this is the same word for Arab and it's translated as Raven here now this word appears in the plural in the book of first kings and it says that when Elijah was in the wilderness the translation almost all translations except for one say that the Raven came and gave him food and drink there's one lone translation I found Farrar Fenton died 1920 the Holy Bible in modern English who translates it there as Arabs that the Arabs came and brought food and drink to Elisha and many rabbis accept this translation and say that this is an indication that towards the end of time Arabs and Jews will come together under the banner of the Messiah but here so you could translate here quite naturally his locks are wavy and black as an Arab almost done Nana continues to describe his eyes his cheeks his hands his countenance verse 16 he says oh mama sucking his mouth is sweet the cool o Muhammad I'm he is altogether desirable zod Vaziri this is my beloved and this is my friend Banu Theodosia lime o daughters of Jerusalem so we have this word here so this is poetry right it's elliptical it's indirect that's the nature of poetry so we have something like an echo of the name of the prophet sallallaahu salaam this might relate to its esoteric aspect so poetry is not gonna give you the answer for example we have a sort of clue as to the name of the Messiah in Psalm 20 verse 6 David writes Italia daddy Kiyoshi ado Naima Shiho Yano Mishima Oporto bill woof ya Shah amino David writes I know that God saves his Messiah he shall hear him from his holy heaven with the saving power of his right hand yes yah yamino the name of the Messiah is Yeshua the one saved by God right that's how poetry works all right I am done she's not gonna say I'm it's almost 9:00 I took so much time sorry about that but we'll try to take a few maybe one or two people aren't tired you can get out and leave if you want and I was drunk you don't throw fruit at me any questions or comments anyone has a question there they can just go forward now to the Q and a mic which is at the front left salamualikum' thank you for this informative lecture what is the context of the song of songs you know like most exits will say that it's an it's an allegory so it's it's presented as a dialogue between a lover and his beloved and her beloved right some say that it's describing Solomon and Solomon is describing one of his wives right in that case we would probably say allegory or typology but usually and this book is quite controversial it actually almost didn't make it into the Hebrew Bible canon in the first century the Council of Yavne but most rabbis would say that this is really describing this is really an allegory for God and Israel is describing their relationship and at times the relationship is quite intimate but of course this type of parable you know this the marriage parable is controversial but so it gets the point across that Israel is very beloved to God so that's the sort of immediate meaning of it yes sir I mean oh yes now I was wondering if you could talk a little while a little about the verses in John yes and the paraglide the I met I have to go away come on to you yes masha'Allah he threw me a softball I think I can handle that one so the verses were about the Paraclete passes the passages in John this there's a few ways can go about dealing with this John 14 and John 16 if you read those texts it seems at times that Jesus is talking about a human messenger to come and then at other times he identifies the Paraclete as the Holy Spirit right and the Gospel of John by the way is known for double entendre or sort of double meanings so both of them could be true now what's interesting is that Jesus in the first John the First Epistle of John is called Parakletos Paraclete right which is evidence that a human being can be called Paraclete and then and then also in first John it says it says believe not every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God for indeed many false prophets have gone out into the world so it seems like in the johanan community the author of these text the word spirit and prophet can be used interchangeably in other words the Paraclete seems to be a spirit of true prophecy maybe that's how we can do what these texts now yeah there's a condition I believe it's in John 16 that I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now but when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will show you all things it is expedient for you that I go away for if I do not go I think that's John 14 actually if I do not go the Paraclete will not come unto you right so that's an interesting verse that the coming of the Paraclete who or whatever it is is conditional upon the departure of Christ and clearly if you read the New Testament the Holy Spirit was active in the world before Christ made this statement right and of course Catholics have a response to this whether it's good or not I don't know but they have this idea of the Holy Spirit that precedes eternally but is sent in economy the Holy Spirit comes and goes in economy in the temporal world and this sort of explains the apparent contradiction here in the text as far as any etymological similarities there is an opinion that para clay toss is a corruption of para clue toss so the eight it used to be a oops Alon and it became an eight there's no manuscript evidence of this there's a great article written by I when I say Sean Anthony Ohio State where he says that probably the first person to make that claim it seems like it came from an Italian professor named Bonacci I believe from La La Sapienza University in Italy that that had a clay toss with an eighth is a is a mutilation of Perak Lou toss again there's no external evidence of that the other question is this is Greek so what did I lay Salaam actually say in Syriac now if you look at the peshitta which is the Syriac translation of the greek unfortunately it says it says Parekh later they just transferred transliterated the greek term he knew tell you who was a Christian scribe who translated a shion's dia tessarin into Arabic so Syriac into Arabic he rendered the Arabic as Aleph are a cleat right we don't really know what he said however in the 12th century at st. catherine's monastery some lectionaries new testament lectionaries were discovered here we have an actual Syriac term for Paraclete in its muna hama muna Hama Mona Hama so this is from the root Nahum Nahum so according to the brown driver Briggs Hebrew English lexicon Syriac does not have a Hamada root there's no root in Syriac like ham ham Adama do it doesn't have that it has Nahum which might have subsumed that root Allahu Alem so there there could be an etymological correspondence right Elohim but interestingly para clay toss means intercessor that's what it means para means to be next to someone in clay toss Callao in greek means to call somebody so the Paraclete is someone you call in distress right seems like Jacob and the sheilo it seems like a silly Salam is also prophesizing the sheilo here the the the intercessor and of course the prophet sallallaahu Simmons name on the yamaha yama is ahmed so it's more Ahmed Lisa Lisa Lamas quadrature said in the Quran he doesn't say his mo Muhammad sallallahu Salam is mu Ahmed and this could be a straight superlative meaning his name is the most praised rather than his name is Ahmed it's a superlative Allahu Alem meaning the name of the Prophet Muhammad is mostly praised or it's an indication that on the yamaha yama this is his actual name Ahmed Allah Adam yes sir so Mike I would imagine that a Christian scholar would characterize some at least of your characterizations as reaches when I look at I skimmed a book by the Baha'i community claiming that bahá'u'lláh is foreshadowed in the Koran for example is there a clear criterion by which one could distinguish you know reaching in the text versus straightforward foreshadowing or is there any sort of comparative book that goes through and sort of makes the case that a particular prophecy is really prophetic and not a reach and vice versa I'm wondering if there's a book or a resource that could go through and say for example like some some of the things that you mentioned sound extremely convincing and I think to just to dismiss it as a reach is simplistic but I would also say that some of the things for example the other to reach right yeah yeah well that other faith communities have have taken you know once after the Prophet SAW said limit law reaches in my mind that I'm you know biased as a Muslim so I'm wondering if there's something there and it goes through I would say that important I mean we're looking at isolated verses right yep I think it's very very important to look at the look at the totality of the text and of what we can ascertain to be the original teaching of that would be where that prophet might be so with the case of baha'u'llah I mean there's multiple hadith where the prophet sallallaahu Salaam is characterized as being the final prophet right right so what do you do with all of that right well you can say well the early Lama you know they corrupted things as so on and so forth yeah but there are texts that are difficult to deal with so what I can do I'm prepared to deal with the entire biblical text I don't think there's necessarily anything in the biblical text that cannot be reconciled in one way or another with the Islamic tradition now we actually have a way of dealing with apparent contradictions between the Bible in the Quran and this is intimated in the Quran itself if you take that approach that - - the nose that there's that there's corruption in the text right and according if you read someone like airman right for example it's very clear that there is definitely corruption in the text although his method can be called into question at times so I mean it's interesting that Christians might characterize this as reaching and they do you're right it's very interesting to me because for a Christian to go into the Hebrew text and to draw out the deity of Christ from a Hebrew text wow that's difficult low-key I know the Elven lo ich many times in the Hebrew Bible indeed I am God and not a man indeed I am God and not a man God is not a man right but they've managed to do it now if you ask a Christian well why do you believe that then the Christian response is well this is what is stated in Scripture like Matthew Wright he's quoting these things from the Old Testament in Matthew was inspired by the Holy Ghost so that is the Word of God so what I'm showing here this none of this is binding upon us to believe in any of this right this is just an illustration I'm making so there's a difference between something revealed in a scripture and something that a scholar is simply sort of proposing right so I think the short answer to your question is I think we need to look at the totality of the tradition and deal with other problematic aspects that people tend to ignore we don't want to engage in what's known as salad-bar hermeneutics shall walk by pick up what we want right so yeah yeah I mean I mean taking vicarious atonement deity of Christ Trinity from the Hebrew text that's that's quite a difficult task I think much more difficult to what I'm doing because Islamic theology and Jewish theology I mean you can read the thirteen principles of Maimonides and pretty much go yeah sounds pretty good obviously people use that there's no prophecy there's no profit greater than Moses but as far as his theological understandings of and as far as the the oneness of God we're certainly in agreement with that yes said Oh Michael well I apologize I was a little late so if these questions have already been answered in the first part I'll go back to the video so the the ayah that mentions Maktoum ananda home fatality will injeel i've heard many people use this as a not this particular other ayat that are what is the end home are we saying that all of the text the canonized text what are we looking at so that's one part of the question you know do we consider the apocryphal text as part of that material I know they don't obviously and then the second part of that would be here it mentions specifically the Torah and that's supposed to be the first five books and so we did jump into some of the non first five books and I'm curious if that's just natural as part of the evaluation of it and the third part possibly to the question is how early does this go I mean how far back can we go to find documentation of Muslims you know talking about here are the texts from you know their scriptures maybe people who converted from Christianity or Judaism is this something in our modern you know few hundred years that this research has been done or can we go back a thousand years and find people telling me about it apparently you did miss the first part no so Mack Tobin and Don Vito rot so we said that in the home seems to me what they have with them at that time what the Jews and Christians have when this ayah was revealed McCubbin that there are descriptions now again what are these descriptions are they sort of general qualities and the prophets fits the descriptions or are they specific references that's a difference of opinion but and whom seems to mean that in the translation that the sister read was a good translation whom they find mentioned in their Torah and gospel the one that they have the one that they're calling Torah and gospel there seems to be some things that are preserved that seemed to point to the prophets of the latias of them as far as Torah goes the word taurah the word Torah is a very very in precise word right so yes the first five books are called the datura they're also called himesh the entire Old Testament is called cateura share be ki Tov the written Torah so rabbis use the word Torah for the entire Old Testament in addition to the Cortana in fact the entire Old Testament the Tanakh as well as the Gemara and the sorry Mishnah in tomorrow which is the tongue would you put these two together they've written the Old Testament and the Talmud and that's called hot Torah min hash ninja maíam the Torah which is from heaven so the word Torah can mean the entire corpus the entire corpus of Jewish sacred texts because rabbis at least Orthodox Judaism believes that the Mishnah in the Gemara are inspired by the Ruach kaduche that rabbis are being inspired to write those things that's sacred texts so the word Torah as they understood it and to whom could mean a lot of things not just necessarily the first five books and then the last the question I mentioned earlier that at the top of my lecture that initially initially Muslim exigence would sort of do a cursory reading of the Torah and the gospel right with limited knowledge of you know Greek and Hebrew and Syriac and biblical history and things like that and on the surface they concluded that there's nothing about the prophets of Allah to use of them so then you have this idea of Terry fulness and there's some moronic ayat that can be interpreted to mean that indeed there's corruption of the text of what the Jews and the Christians call the Torah and in the end the injeel but upon further inspection later after imam Autobody you have exigence going into these books and saying wait a minute there's there's something more to this right and so end of authority wedding Geel that is with them there have been no major reductions to the Tanakh since this ayah was revealed so in the home still is in effect as it were so there's something in the Bible today that seems to indicate the prophet sallallaahu said is it these I don't know Allah Allah this is my sort of guesswork if you will let probably yes hello we'll take one more question from the microphone and then one question from one line to conclude the Son of Man alaikum what it was no I was a Christian and going through some of the passage you actually asked a question I don't know how Christians answer this part which is John how it is supposed to be the Holy Spirit coming - coming - like coming after Christ that leaves right so in our discussion with my parents I came and I told them how in nowhere in the New Testament Jesus says I am God and then I put them on the spot when I said if Jesus was God who was he praying to in the Mount of the Olives and then they came up when they said they came and they said when he was talking but I don't know how that translation and I mean and this goes back to the when Constantine called all the 12 tribes and they decided what books to stay in and and and put the Bible together and also a lot of a lot of it is lost in translation when Jesus is when he's talking and he says that my father and so that's kind of like him saying that's where you know that's where they came back with that statement Jesus himself said that he was the son of the Father therefore his God and or that there's or that the three he also mentioned the three I don't I don't know what passage it is on the Bible but I I remember reading it so how how did that come like where I'm trying to clarify my question so with the translations you know we need to go back to Aramaic yeah how did how did the father part came to be okay that's a good question so it's interesting these terms Father Son Holy Spirit these are all he Bray isms these terms are used in Judaism and we must not disconnect them from their roots now these terms were what's the right word appropriated co-opted by early Christian scholars and redefined or rithi Allah gize in the form of a triune deity right but the terms themselves are found in the Old Testament in Isaiah for example one of the prayers of Isaiah is Adonai Aveeno you are the Lord our Father and you know Jews don't believe that anyone on earth is a literal or pre-eternal son of God right that's a Christian belief the term is there so you can say that even in the New Testament right there is no explicit verse in my opinion that says that these three are one I mean there was something in first John 5:7 that was removed it's not found in the most ancient Greek manuscripts so you have the terms again father son Holy Spirit well those are terms also found in the Old Testament so the ingredients if you will of the Trinity is in the Old and New Testaments but I don't think the doctrine is there you have to you have to you have to engage with the patristic s' the early church fathers as to how they are interpreting these terms and verses in the New Testament right so these are Hebrew Hebrew isms I mean Jesus prays he teaches his disciples how to pray in Matthew Alvin dvash Mayo in Aramaic our Father who art in heaven our Father all of us right who is who is this this father so Rumi says he says you know don't you know that that father means a Rob and it didn't means Abdur right that father in the biblical text it really means Lord right the one who is the one who's close to you the one who takes care of you right come out up by a nice of the arrow this is a dua we make for our for our parents Yama chimera by a nice Allegra have mercy on them as they raised me up in stages that's your rub right so this is a this is Maja's this is figurative language that is thoroughly literalized by early prototypes christian church fathers and now the father is the literal father he has a literal son and literal does not mean begotten of the flesh it means that he's a pre-eternal they share an essence right so but I agree with you the fact that Christ in the New Testament worships the father I mean the father is greater than the Sun in his hypostasis or person that's what Jesus says the father is greater than I but they are essentially equal so if they're essentially equal does that merit worship of the Father by the Sun if they're essentially the same person I don't think so but even if you read Paul Paul says in Romans chapter 8 for as many as are led by the Spirit of God these are the sons of God and he uses the word hooyo which is what's used for Jesus we owe to Theo that the Son of God so according to Paul this is figurative language now what makes Jesus Monogue an ace-high us what makes him the one-of-a-kind son which is oftentimes translated his only begotten son but ma no gayness means unique one of a kind Sun why is Jesus the unique Sun is because he is Murcia he's the Messiah and there's only one Messiah that's that's what arias said I think we need two areas got a bad rap you know my students in my comparative theology class every 15 minutes I go miss skiing areas vichara I think he was right about of course arias is totally reviled for the last 16 centuries by by the proto Orthodox and the Orthodox but the way that he interprets the text is very interesting I mean the father and I are one this is John 10:30 and porin Christian Jew Trinitarian exigence they say see right here this is you know this is oneness essential ontological oneness but area says look at the context you know I'm pulling verses out of you know there's no apparent context that's why I'm saying we have to look at context and in the context of John chapter 10 it's very clear that this oneness is a unity of purpose and intention not in ontology I think that is quite a stretch miss keen areas thank you if I could it close with a question from online and we can close it out thank you so chaplain Rafaela Benton WA asks in the Quran chapter 2 verse 79 it literally states well what may be translated as that they quote write the scriptures or book with their hands then they say quote this is from God to barter with it a little price so woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn is this not to be understood literally how can it be limited to only quote miss or misinterpretation or misunderstanding and then the last question was can the same standard of applying hermeneutics to prove Muhammad peace be upon him in the Bible also be used to support claims of Jesus's peace be upon him divinity according to Christianity thank you excellent questions I'll start with the second question the second question has been done Giulio bisetti sani a Franciscan Catholic wrote a book called how I call it the core the core the core on with the key the Quran in the light of Christ where he claims that the entire Quran first he thought it was a satanic inspiration and then he changed his mind it's a little bit better now that it's an actual revelation of God but it's a Christian text and at the that only a Christian can actually understand the Quran that everything in the Quran is pointing to the deity of Christ so my response to that is yeah you can do it good luck you know well that's a hulu Salathe what do you do with that don't say three in Tahira Lacombe in nam Allahu Allahu Ahad laka Daka fara latina Khalu in ilaha who Alma C herb no Miriam so good luck with that so so what I'm doing with the Bible is a little bit different historians will tell us that very evidently there was always a Unitarian strain within Christianity Unitarian an airman would say the original Christians were ed via Knights and these are just basically Jews who believed in Jesus as the Messiah the the Aryans believed in the Gospel of John they didn't believe in the ontological sameness whose Hama you see on between the father and the son and they review the Gospel of John my point is there's always been a Unitarian understanding of the biblical text New Testament but no one in the history of platonic exegetical history has ever said you know what I think the prophets of LaLaurie Salaam is a divine incarnation or I think the Quran or to claim that the Sahaba actually worship to Jesus that's the original Creed of the Sahaba good luck I don't know if it's gonna work out for you it didn't work out for Giulio bisetti son but so I see that that was that would be the difference the other question about pho a lowly ladina Yakubu Nell kita woe to those who write the book with their right hand yeah this is a verse that is used to as a proof text or Delisle that there has been two honey than us that there has been corruption of the text of the Bible but you can also examine that verse in light of attempted scriptural alterations made by scribes for theological reasons that certainly there were attempts made by Christian scribes to change the text of the New Testament and as time went on these fabrications of the text were eventually weeded out I mean one could make that that claim as well I mean there was a I'm not gonna mention his name but there was some Egyptian scientists who thought he was a prophet and he started printing for ons he removed two verses from Toba or what did he do did he corrupt the Quran then no because there's a strong world tradition and the the allah subhana wa ta'ala is providentially guarding the quran with his father and with his scholars the scholarship of the ulema right so i think there's a way of interpreting that ayah to mean something like there have been scribes who have tried to alter the text of the bible for their own personal gain but they were unsuccessful right and this has been going on I mean just read Airman's book misquoting Jesus I think there's a section in there where he talks about proto Orthodox alterations to the text Gnostic alteration set attacks marceia night alterations to the text dosa tist alterations to the text and these things over time with new discoveries and scholarship have been weeded out of the text attempts were made I think I'm tired so just like Allah here [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: Zaytuna College
Views: 58,767
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Keywords: zaytuna, zaytuna college, muslim, islam, quran, koran, religion, comparative religion, prophet muhammad, prophet muhammad in the bible, bible, judaism, hebrew, greek, christianity, catholic, education, liberal arts, ali ataie, interfaith, scripture, Zaytuna College, Islam, Muslims, Education, Christianity, Bible, Quran, Prophet, Messiah, God, Allah, Tanakh, Torah, Psalms, Corruption
Id: hfLJmJSrppY
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Length: 101min 5sec (6065 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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