Finding Crystals at Ron Coleman Crystal Mine!!

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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] hey guys we're over here at Ron Coleman mine and we are going to go looking for some crystals today it rained a little bit last night they dumped a couple loads yesterday and they did a few more on Monday the day before that so I have my second son here with me who's getting a sandwich at 8 30 in the morning let's go have some fun and see what we can find so what we're going to do right now is go to take a detour um we're gonna go and try to find the most recent piles since they dumped some yesterday and they dumped some the day before so we're gonna go and see if we can find the recent aisles hopefully we'll find some good stuff still left in there one of the benefits about bringing uh young Sons with you so what I like to do when I'm not digging at the piles I don't really like to go up top I like how my son's doing right there because all that does is just pack the dirt down and make it harder to dig into so I like to come uh from here at the side and dig into it like that right there there's a lot of this orange peanut butter clay in a lot of these rocks going through here so I'm gonna guess that there's some uh going to be some good crystals in here somewhere my son is guessing that this is going to be a cluster right here but I'm not sure I'm not really seeing anything there's a little bit of a shine there but we'll see we'll keep it anyhow so they just did one dump and it's a really super mess I'm not able to film too much because my gloves are just filthy my hands are filthy and I have to keep taking them off to grab the phone bringing another looks like they're bringing out a fourth load foreign here's a quick look at that last Crystal after I got it all washed off nice one oh wow well my hands are filthy from all this stuff so I can't keep taking my gloves off to put my so I just put the GoPro on my head this turned out to be a very nice cluster both with milky and clear points on it large and small your YouTube channel yeah Joe dad bought yep go dead boy that's dead right here I uh like I said I got six kids and I'm a tight Wad and when they were little they wouldn't eat all their food and I'd be like all right come on bring it over here old dad will take care of it and then next thing you know I can't tuck my shirts in anymore is Ron Coleman considered the best sports mine in Arkansas well it depends on it's a it's they got the zip line they got the best bathrooms they got uh well I'm a dad of three teenage daughter so that stuff's important you know it's like half of the thing and so you gotta yeah but uh you uh you pay 25 here they give you a bag they drive around offering drinks and stuff like that no other place does that and uh they have a rewards card you pay five times your six time is free then you pay your seventh time and your eighth dig is free and so yeah so when you guys go back there if you if you guys haven't gotten a rewards card I highly recommend getting that none of the other none of the other mines will do that that's nice the tour is supposed to be really nice I've never done it say one of my uh things that I like to do when I'm digging I like to start kind of at the bottom and dig into it because if I start at the top and dig down I'm packing the dirt down making it harder to dig into it you know yeah that's kind of so just kind of if you start at the side this way you're you're looking out instead of looking down and hunching over you know and your your back won't hurt as much by the end of the day but you can find some really good stuff here at this location it's this is one of my favorites yeah yeah I would collect as much as possible and then go through it at the end and just select your favorites you know what I mean especially because everything is see what I like to do is kind of till it up a little bit and then I rake it down that way I look at it when I'm when I'm knocking it Loose from the pile I'll look at it then and then whenever I'm scraping it past me you look at it from a different angle and sometimes you can see things like well because like the sun's right here and if I don't catch it here I might catch it over here you know and uh so that way I give it two quick looks before I pitch it it's broken yeah but well look at that yeah that was sheared off yeah honey by the big rocks is actually good because if there's something on the Rocks they're going to break off and if they're gonna or if there is something that breaks off of them they're going to be right there by the big rocks you know here's a look at that Crystal after I got it all washed off and once again Ron Coleman knocks it out of the park with amazing Clarity and it's even got a rainbow on the back too it's not in his style is there a point on that side yes that is where the point is yeah here's a look at that Crystal after I got it all washed off I got some nice long ones too it's got a good point on it yep yeah we got some uh this has been the most productive pile that we've been at so far today can you tell the guys back there in the back if you see them just tell them thank you for dumping today it's peanut butter clay right here is what you kind of want to look for that's that'll be where you'll find oh that's a good indicator for finding some crystals I don't know if that's one or not it looks like one oh yeah it is but uh okay yeah if you find some peanut butter clay like that right there yeah yep that's a good indicator because that's that's getting close to where like pocket material is and uh I mean you'll find crystals in all this kind of dirt but if you find that peanut butter clay like that uh really keep your eyes peeled is my camera still running out there is the timer thing still going uh yeah okay I'll be including my face oh yeah there we go see some nice long ones in this uh section over here here's a look at that Crystal after I got it all washed off it's got a little bit of damage on it but overall it is a very nice piece here's an example of one of the Clusters that we've been pulling we've been finding some really good stuff today they dumped I think three maybe four loads um and we've been finding some really good stuff so far here's a quick look at that piece after we took it home and got it all washed off here's one of the small clusters what they look like when they're covered with a clay so you kind of have to wipe them off a little bit see when they're nice and dark when they're in their clay you know they're going to be clear so there's an extra window right there and an extra window right there check out this double Terminator piece my son just pulled out really really nice it's got some extra crystals here on the back side of it beautiful beautiful piece it's like a bunch of little small ones right there all right it's a couple minutes after four o'clock uh we're gonna head home and take a look at all of our fines we'll get them washed up I got a lot of stuff not on camera unfortunately I had to use a GoPro and had to strap it up on my head my son said I have a a suntan on my or a sunburn on my forehead I've got like a a band across there but I can't tell so I apologize about uh just having a GoPro um so I probably dehydrated I apologize I apologize about just having GoPro footage uh and not cell phone footage it's just uh it's been raining off and on and it's just been a real soupy mess really really wet and so having to take the gloves off put them back on and getting stuff all over my camera or all over my phone I was just gumming it up and wasn't working too well so so I just put a GoPro on my head but I got some footage pulling out crystals um but we got a lot of good stuff today Ryan Coleman is one of my favorite mines here in Arkansas for 25 I always get my big fee worth the crystals today we got quite a bit of stuff they dumped a few loads today they dumped a few loads yesterday and they dumped several loads the day before that and primarily what I worked today and my son was just loads that they dumped today my face is filthy thank you Ron Coleman for such a fun day hey guys we're back here at the house I just finished cleaning a few of these things up so let's highlight a few of them and take a look at them see how good they look here's that double terminated Crystal that my son found it's only been washed off with water and that's it [Music] there's a key right here this penetrator Crystal turned out to be one of my favorites of our finds I just absolutely love those rainbows they're in between the two crystals [Music] notice the two side by side extra windows on this piece right there and right there out of all the crystal mines Ron Coleman has some of the best Clarity on their crystals this is a nice double terminated piece with some re-healing on the bottom side of it aside from the rehealing there's plenty of extra crystal growth attachments as well some of which are double terminated this is a very interesting penetrator Crystal and I just love the clarity on this thing as well check out those extra windows speaking of excellent Clarity check this Crystal out it even has some gorgeous rainbows inside of it I also found out that it has three extra windows side by side one two and three [Music] we found quite a few double terminated crystals on this trip and this is just one more lovely example of one it has some very interesting re-healing all throughout the piece now I didn't know it till later but this piece actually holds a little surprise check out this extra triangle it looks like the tip of the crystal grew right into it and then fell out we found several smaller clusters as well here's an example of one of them here's another double terminated piece what I like about this one is that it has some scepter like qualities to it here this is a nice Long Point with great clarity on it one of the things that make it unique is the curvature in it too check out this penetrator cluster right here this is actually one of my favorites it has some rehealing on it but every one of these crystals is double terminated really really cool here's another unique double terminated piece please speaking of unique double terminated pieces check out this tabby here's one more fun double terminated piece [Music] we got close to 200 points altogether it'll take way too long to go Point by point so I'm going to gain a few of them on my hand at a time just to highlight some of the quality of these crystals here's another small cluster with great clarity on the main Crystal s that we found even had inclusions in them I like this Crystal because instead of having one flat main face that most crystals have it's divided into two let me know which crystal is your favorite in the comments below [Music] thank you all so much for watching have a wonderful day God bless
Channel: Joe DadBod
Views: 5,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ron Coleman, Arkansas Rockhound, Crystals, Quartz, Double Terminated, Rainbows, Rockhounding
Id: zlQ-JaCjhWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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