Finding Catfish - How To Find Catfish - Finding Blue Catfish

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hey folks I'm dieter milhorn and if you want to know what I do to find fish you're gonna want to watch this video today I'm going to a reservoir I fish regularly but I never fish at this end of the lake so it's like fishing new water [Music] as you say right there folks a lot of bait there's a lot of fish mixed in there that's gorgeous I'm gonna bet money that's some catfish stacked in there yeah we got the wind blowing this way up here into this Creek a lot of bait there's a lot of birds around here this could be the perfect storm for for drifting and water temp and it's nice alright guys so here's the system here's the spread I've got 8 rods out I've got 6 of them on the bottom various configurations of the hookers terminal tackle line rattles the demon dragon style rattles and also some drift rigs with no rattles at all equal number of each and I've got 2 rods that are straight down underneath the boat suspend it around 20 to 25 feet where a lot of these fish seem to be suspended fishing all gizzard shad today fresh gizzard shad and that's kind of the plan there's a lot of bait a lot of fish in here we're just gonna see if we can find a couple hungry ones we got a small one I'm one of the drift Rick's not sure with drift rig it's on it's all Santee style drift rigs and I'm using that 20-pound Malloy monofilament line 50-pound AMD leaders try to get this sucker around my drips on these small I should there's some circle hoods I use I think I got one button up there catch it on the losers real obviously the real doesn't have anything to do with catching the fish for angling right there folks that's poor angling it's funny that's one that was hung up she was almost looking like it got bit which is entirely possible if you get the sinker snag I'm gonna reel over to it and see what happens that's what I get through this thing more I feel something I think I'm gonna have a fish on here rush Paul but I think it's out yeah I think it's a fish was on a snag hookers terminal tackle and rattle see what happened right there was I was getting them to the bank and getting ready to pull all my lines in one of my lights got hung up I was kind of going up on a little point there and getting up close to the bank getting ready to real stuff in one of my rods folded over picked it up till it was hung on something let it sit there got the rest of stuff in loosening up the drag and just let it pull off line I've got a few shots of it it's just shown how smooth the drag was on it and got the rest of the stuff in I was going to get that one started cranking on it and thought I felt a head shake took a minute finally felt it it felt like it was snagging a fish had got and hit the bait while it was snagged probably what happened was the sinker or snap swivel got hung on something and it basically anchored it up so yeah I ended up getting the fish and put it in the boat and gonna make another drift through here it's a lot of bait a lot of fish in here I'm not sure if that's necessarily a good thing sometimes it's great to see all that stuff that it can also mean that fish may not be biting especially us an abundance of food around so we're gonna make another pass through see what happens then maybe get fish away from this on the fringes and I see if there are more hungry fish in that area if I've tried to give you a little on the boat tutorial here seems say this red line is where we ran up the river that's a point that comes out under water point so that water is a lot shallower up here up here this is the creek channel came up here looked around reset and then came back over here sort of my drift I made the first drift all the way across picked off a couple of fish got that last one oh right they are about that pedaling they start slowing up there kind of a long kind of slowly sloping point that comes down over here got that one somewhere right in there as you can see where I circled around with the boat when it was hung up and I picked off the blue there so maybe we'll zoom in here a little bit I could tell you that some of these fish the blue especially was hanging somewhere right here on this point that could be some info we'll see what happens as we go across right now we're right here we're going to kind of make a parallel drift across here most of us at the end of the deeper part of this deeper Creek part of the creek channel is sort of birds older but kind of on a good line right now to go all the way back over here which will give us a really long trip all the way across here and should let us know if these are biting fish in here or not that's a just can't fun to lose the bigger balloons anyway small right I'm just happy to be catching fish I'm also happy that I'm fishing these shores for the first time this year I've got a pretty rough winter I'm a little bit I don't think winter is behind us but it's nice to be in shorts flip-flops pretty little channel bear rig with no rattles and a hooker terminal tackle circle so yeah when you pull up into a place like that you see a lot of bait a lot of fish a lot of arches it can be good it can be bad it's hard to tell you just have to fish it there's no way to know in advance you got to fish it and see what's working what happens is that baits been there for a while fish have been there for a while forage fish have been there fish can feed up they can eat and they may just be hanging around waiting for the next feeding cycle there's always one or two fish that are gonna hit pretty much no matter how much you're eating there's always one or two stragglers that are late to the table or early to the table so you kind of have to fish it to see what's going on but a lot of times you're better off reeling up and moving away from these fish getting on the fringes of it and sometimes the bigger fish are not in the middle of the fray of all the stuff a lot of times they'll shy away from it sometimes they are but if you're not getting hit there's no point in fishing it and fishing and fishing it sometimes you're better off going to the friend just moving away from it there's something in this area that's holding the fish and usually there's going to be some feeder fish somewhere around staged up maybe on points maybe on some humps waiting for these schools of fish to move by and then they'll feed folks I'm coming up on my last hope on this trip that's this hump right here hump out here on the middle of this big flat in this Creek when we picked off that one channel cat coming across here so I'm hoping maybe there's something right here on the fringe of that hunt one of the really tough things about this late February early March time period especially when it warms up it's figuring out exactly what the fish are doing it feels like spring starts to look a little bit like spring you can come out here in shorts that is a good fish yes there there yes there yes finally got hooked up on the decent like a decent fish coming right up on the edge that hump that I showed you not a monster but it feels like a blue at least this time got a hump here I'm working near this one got a hump here I'm working near that's well this one here get this even smaller he respects good fish nice blue and that one if you're keeping score came on a bear rattle really big hood and a drifting stick this is the not dissented ones just one of their regular ones mate have one on this rod it went slack and went back tight yep he's there right around that hump that I pointed out again small fish but we'll take it hey guess what came on one of the Senate drifting sticks with one of the diamond dragon style rattles a little double action on the rattle there finish I think that's just a jig to can't fish them a little move move I started bumping it around we'll take them any way we can get him snap my wine thing get him over here without breaking well I didn't finish up as strong as I wanted to caught some fish today put ten fish in the boat but man just couldn't just couldn't close it up here at the end of the day with a big one huh the bike started to wane for whatever reason and it's been tough to pick a fish off here in the last couple hours but it's the way it goes little experimenting here on this lower end of this Lake and we'll take off we got blessed to catch what we caught so I hope you enjoyed this video hope you learned a little something coming into spring a lot of good fishing ahead so I'm staying optimistic if you like the channel please hit subscribe and hopefully can get some more get information the videos we have coming up and be sure to hit that little Bell simple that way you'll be notified when any new videos come out look forward to seeing you on the water
Channel: Dieter Melhorn Fishing
Views: 41,533
Rating: 4.8203125 out of 5
Keywords: finding catfish in new areas, finding catfish in new lakes, where to find catfish on a new lake, finding blue catfish, Finding Catfish, where to start finding catfish, Find Catfish, finding catfish on sonar, how to find catfish, finding catfish on a fish finder, where to start looking for catfish, best way to fish a new area, where to find blue catfish, catfishing videos, blue catfish, fishing for catfish, Tips For Fishing New Areas, cold weather catfish, how to catch catfish
Id: ojRBv2uYY-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2018
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