Find The HIDDEN FRUIT In 24 HOURS With My GIRLFRIEND.. (Blox Fruits)

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so this right here is my girlfriend and she has a chance to win 300,000 roblux but she has to find this fruit and of course I'm going to be the one that's hiding the fruit she has exactly three different rounds to find this fruit each round that she finds the fruit she's going to win 100,000 Robux so yeah I don't want her to find the fruit at all because that's a lot of Robux I'd have to pay out as you can see I have a wheel with every map on the first seat and before every round I'm going to spin this wheel and whenever it lands on that is the map that I have to hide the fruit on and guys before we start I just want to announce that I have a reaction channel right here called Fon reacts and that channel is literally about to hit a million subscribers it's insane so if you're not subscribed to Fon reacts you should definitely go check that channel out all right jilda are you up for this challenge I'm up for any challenge okay I'm ready all right I wouldn't be too sure about that I know how to hide fruits really good do you do you really put me to the test I'm putting you to the test all right get get out your X-ray vision get out your laser eyes because remember there's a lot of Robo on the line oh trust me I know I'm going to win all of it all right we'll see about that but anyways let's go ahead go pick out the fruits and let's go hide it are you ready to see what fruit you got to look for yes sir I'm ready show me what's the fruit all right here we go hopefully it's not like a bright fruit I want a really hidden fruit oh jilda are you ready to see it uh let's see let's see boom bomb fruits okay this is actually so perfect cuz this fruit is literally black and red so this can be hidden pretty good oh my God you know what I'm going to find it so really are you sure about that like look at this I can hide this anywhere listen I'm positive okay I'm going find it oh okay all right let's see what island I'm going to be hiding this fruits on please be something good oh my gosh underwater wait underwater it's going to be so easy to see this bomb fruit underwater heck yeah let's go baby all right jilda you're going to stay right here I'll be right back I'm going to go hide the fruit okay good luck we officially underwater right now and we have to find the perfect spot okay wait a second can I hide it in here no way this going to be so easy what this is the best spot wait she has never finding this let's just go like right here drop it right here and perfect wait wait where did it go where's it at wait a second oh okay I picked it up okay I thought I lost the fruit for a second okay this is perfect drop and perfect oh my gosh guys he is not finding this fruit at all yes my Roo is saved she is not winning 100k this round what's going on jilda how you doing good so did you hide it I hid the fruit and I just want to say do you want to give up now because there's no way you're finding this fruit listen I am not giving up okay I haven't even started all right so are you ready um yeah but can I ask for any hints or no you want a hint I mean listen there's water to my left and there's water to my right which water is it we're going underwater Oh how am I going to breathe okay just stop we're going underwater right now all right here we are jilda 3 2 1 go go find the fruit okay um if I was fton where would I hide fruit um let's go in here here uh-oh don't get too close to that guy he will kill you oh my gosh you're right actually yeah I don't think you would be that dumb to put it in here remember what fruit it is right it's a bomb fruit yeah yeah um why are you following me because I'm just watching you I want to I just want to see if you're close or not okay can you tell me if I'm close or not okay fine you are not close at all I will just say that I'm cold not you are very cold yes but that's the only hint this is for 100,000 robblox I'm not going to give you a bunch of hints jilda where are you going what are you doing I mean it's water I'm checking duh all right come on where the heck did you even put this I don't know just know it's in the perfect spot yeah yeah whatever is it up here how am I uh um okay this place is huge come on now it is not that big stop yes it is am my hot or cold J you are very cold you are nowhere near the fruit are you kidding me oh yeah I forgot to tell you there is also a time limit and the clock is ticking wait what you didn't tell me that how much run run run wait uh wait uh wait what I nothing I thought I saw something wait how am I supposed to know when I find it like it's going to pop up in your inventory down here hold on give me one second I'll be right back guys she literally just ran across right here and she did not pick up the fruit oh my God if she would have got the fruit that would cost 100,000 Robux for me oh thank goodness she did not find it she's still running over here she is not smart all right J I'm back sorry about that oh never mind I thought that was it I just want to let you know you were very very close to it you're lying not right now but you were okay I'm go uh-uh so I was let me step back you have one more minute no um J that's a wall why are you staring at a wall come on now run J the run run J the run the clock's ticking is it in here in these bushes I don't know is it I don't know I can't see it I don't know uh goodness I suck yeah I don't think you're going to find it did you hide it in here am my 3 2 1 done first round is finished jilda do you want me to show you where the fruit was oh my I'm scared I'm so scared all right let me show you where the fruit was at do you see this bush right here no way you're a ly look look right here it's going to light it red that's the bomb Pro you see it no way it's oh my God are you kidding me all right drop the fruit okay it's time to hide it again drop it to me all right thank you jilda all right first round I have one so now you owe me 10,000 Robux I don't have 10,000 Robux I'm just kidding okay I'm joking I'm joking wait okay jilda it is officially round two what are you going to do different are you going to find the fruit this time yes honestly the first one I was just you know testing the waters get it the waters oh my gosh you're not funny anyways okay okay um don't lose this time remember if you every time you lose you're losing out on 100,000 Robux I don't have 100,000 Robux so the every time you find the fruit I give you 100,000 oh you're right oh my gosh all right let's go ahead spin the wheel let's see the next place I'm going to be hiding the fruit oh okay we got sky and we're actually already here which is funny okay perfect so let me portal you out of here so you don't see where I'm hiding it hey stay here okay no cheating all right guys it's time to hide the fruit again again and she is kind of a blo frots noob so she doesn't know that sky is really like multiple Maps look we got a map up here right here down here but I'm not going to make it too hard on her okay so I'm going to put it right over here oh my gosh yes I'm going to hide it right in here she's not going to find it okay let's take out the bomb fruit drop it right here and perfect oh my gosh she's never going to find it there's no way okay jilda I'm back are you ready to look for the fruit um I hope so I hope my luck is better than the first try so yes I'm ready okay and do you think you're going to win this time um hopefully all right 3 2 1 boom Oh My Gosh okay go go go jilda go am I getting any hot or cold hints jilda I'm not giving you hints okay this is for 100,000 Robux that's a lot you didn't even show me how the fruit looks like it's the same fruit the bomb fruit oh oh also I want to show you something come over here by the edge okay are you going to kill me or something no look there's different Maps so uh yeah good luck trying to find the fruit what what yeah I'm sorry wait where'd you go oh you're all the way down there yeah how do I go to the other ones J look for the fruit come on yeah you know what I'll give you a hint okay okay the fruit is up here up here okay the fruit is on this map right here on this map okay yep right here okay so let's see if you can find it what do you mean here this is such a small wait is it in the CL I think I found it I found it no way no dang it I gave you too much of a good hint no you didn't this is yes sir oh my gosh I have to give you 100,000 Robux no way give me the money all right congratulations jilda you won round two okay jilda the last and final round this is your last chance to make another 100,000 robox are you ready I'm ready that second round give me confidence listen this time I'm not giving you no hands I'm not saying hot or cold I'm going to make it super hard this time okay fine whatever so let's go ahead see what map we're going to be hiding the fruit on please be Lava I want the lava map no Okay this not a bad MAP all right we got desert all right so you stay here don't move I'll be right back all right not moving staying right here okay guys the bad thing about desert is the map is not big and there's not a lot of places you can hide a fruit so this is actually be very hard for me okay where do I hide the bomb fruits bro this is the worst map to hide a fruit on what the heck oh wait a second wait a second wait can I go in somewhere no is there like a secret spot I can go inside of cuz that would be perfect oh can I hide it right here there's no way right wait can I Bop no it falls no don't go in the water Oh I thought the fruit was going to go in the water okay I guess we're just going to put it right here oh my gosh Let's cross my fingers I really hope she doesn't find it because I don't want to lose a lot of robloxx again all right jilda are you ready I am ready to rumble all right here we go once we spawn in the map you have to start looking okay okay okay okay 3 2 1 go Goa go go jilda go oh my God oh my gosh look for the fruit look for the fruit oh trust me I'm going to look for it oh wait okay wait I have it in my hand uh how the heck did you already find it wait what I did not expect to find it this quick what I didn't even notice I had it are you serious yes sir oh my gosh I'm going to go broke
Channel: FoltynPlays
Views: 210,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Foltyn, foltynplays, roblox, roblox gaming, family friendly, foltyn family, foltyn family roblox, foltyn roblox, roblox foltyn, no cursing, blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, roblox blox fruit, roblox fruits in blox fruits, blox fruit roblox, blox fruit, find the fruit blox fruits, blox fruits find the fruit, foltyn find the fruit, find the hidden fruit in 24 hours with my girlfriend
Id: i6Lq1zt4ns8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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