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today I want to find out which sea has the best devil fruit what I've been told is the higher level the sea the better the devil fruits you'll get on average here's the rules for how we can test this in each SE all of my accounts have the devil fruit Notifier and access to the blocks fruits Gater the second and third sea also have the factory raid and the pirate raid but they won't be able to do those raids to make it fair for the first seat and at the end of today's video we'll hopefully get a clear winner and hopefully it'll be the third seat if you'd like a chance to win any permanent devil fruit of your choice make sure you're subscribed with the notification Bell turned on press like and leave a comment down below with your username on today's video I'll pick a winner if we can get more than 3,000 likes let's start with the first devil fruit roll for everyone come on geta I can I roll one good fruit across all the accounts in today's video the ice fruit that's a pretty average start for the third SE how about the second C I'm in a chair come on come on let's go boy o magma now that's probably actually an average start that's probably about the middle store that I'm also going to eat a light fruit on this account just so I can get around a little bit easier the second C is huge and and then account number three can't actually roll but I don't want him to miss out so I've moved another alt account of mine over here and we're going to roll with this account which doesn't have a lot of money but it should be fine the spin fruit that is a garbage start for the first SE let's go boys our first devil fruit has spawned I'm excited to see what the total values are at the end of this 1,000 away from where I am right now could be no this way okay it's whatever that is oh that's Port Port yeah okay cool and it's up the giant Hill here which is fine I've got a D fruit up here before rocket fruit so so not a d fruit ignore what I was saying the second SE I wonder if I should have done them in the other order n we'll do it in descending cuz everybody cares about the first sea so it should be the last one for watch time looks like we're probably just going to one of the little trees over here in the uh the graveyard I see a devil fruit is bouncing up and down is it but oh it's the spring cuz it can't be the rubber it's the spring fruit man what a start for the third and second C all right how about everybody's fave the full hockey level one let's go in this direction oh it could be literally right there it's under a tree over there at pirat stter there's no real way to hide this one so can you get in the chair guy I'm just going to look straight down straight down until we crash into the land come on boys give the first C the W that it deserves I just saw something oh it's also a spring fruit okay what a start boys what a start Fruit number two boys it's the weekend which means they're spawning pretty quick what 150 there we go all I had to do was pick the right Island you know it's not that hard bro just go to the right place and it looks like our fruit is B where is it oh oh every time I see the rocket fruit move I'm like it's a good fruit all right cool so backto back rockets on the second SE account 500 in this direction I think it's behind the big wall over here right near the Coliseum that's how to describe it this way oh okay no I'm man just go to the right place bro there's a devil fruit is that the ghost or is that the smoke that looks like the smoke fruit wow all right what a start what a start to my journey boys let's go back for the first sea let's turn this boat around boys and head I think we're going to Pirate Village oh maybe not that's not fast enough that's also where am I going here we go okay oh Marine starter yes I got a gravity fruit over at Marine starter the other day so pretty excited come on first SE this is the opportunity to really pull ahead did I get backto back rockets in the third sea backto back Springs in the the first see what is happening all right my alarm has gone off so it looks like it should be time to roll a devil fruit come on game let's get something oh the spin what weird start It's oddly disappointing right now for everything every sea as well let's go second sea which I think is winning with its one magma fruit so far Boom the flame all right still bad and finally one for the first SE this guy has a little bit more money than the other accounts so the light fruit that's not too bad all right boys our next lot of devil fruit are up eight hundo going down in that direction all right well that's great tree but how about H I think the tree yes easy boys okay down this way no this oh ooh a the ice fruit I got so excited I thought that was blizzard a man 1,000 come on bro I don't have the portal fruit I have to fly all right we're awfully close wait that probably means it's over D I haven't gotten a fruit over here in so long man second C I haven't been here in ages and you give me a a rocket fruit come on dude 200 oh it's snow snow Island for the third account on the first sea I am yet to really get anything impressive I know I was just starting it's just the start of the video but For Me 3 hours have already passed all right okay it's jungle it's behind that bush right there I didn't see anything colorful on the way over I'm going to spoil it a little oh it's the Falcon 300K value it's all right I hate it but it's all right well I missed the last devil fruit and I think it's time to roll again which is so sad that could have been the one man every time one despawns I just assume it was the kitsun I missed it come on good devil fruit please oh the qu our first legendary of the video nice that's a big W for the third SE all right here we go back where we belong let's do all R come on dude 400k give me the what didn't I roll the flame fruit just before Here We Go the real account I hope that this one has enough money to get through the whole video come on dude something good for the first SE the sand fruit that's kind of mid devil fruits are spawning every 45 minutes now that's why I'm missed the last one looks like we're going down in this direction it's still a th000 from great tree a I should have gone Hydra it's still a, from great tree so we have to go Hydra Arena yeah I should have used the portal the other portal it would have done it oh down this way oh yep I see a devil fruit I don't know what it is yet oh wait wait wait wait wait wa wait do something devil fruit it's either the chop fruit that could be the mammoth that could be the mammoth oh no what I I thought that that was the tusks and I thought maybe it had a tail that I didn't remember uh th000 for the next account looks like oh we're going probably to ice what's it called the like the Frozen castle whatever that island is oh is that the devil can devil fruit spawn there I didn't know they could spawn right here wait that's a chck why does this keep happening to me that's a chest the devil fruit is in fact over here I have a tiny brain and that's the smoke fruit all right first SE I'm very sad now I think it would be nice to get something good we don't even have a real boat but it looks like it's over here on Marines so I guess we could just beam tackle and then jump yeah that wasn't too bad at all actually and I got a gravity fruit last time I was here let's turn this off so we can uh put our hocky on you know get extra lucky with a little peeky peek around the wall little peeky peek around the wall for the come on bro I don't see any explosions yet I see a smoke fruit oh no it's a rocket fruit yo 3,000 in straight that direction I want to say chocolate LM no all right reset trick if you guys don't know you reset really quickly and your world warp is up faster than if you had you know waited for it h let's go Turtle Mansion three let's go this that was just a guess to be near the other portals down in this direction oh yeah it's up on that hill right there let's go Quantum Leap portal Dash this button for our first mythical devil fruit the sand fruit let's go how about this guy where he going that way wait a minute I go to the cafe I think that this might have spawned on that little island oh no wait it's all right there oh okay it's not on the little island that I thought it was on oh yeah being a mink is awesome could it be oh there it is and that is a rocket no a chop just as bad as far as I'm concerned just as bad we' still got a pretty big chance that the first SE could win this like honestly all it has to beat is a quake fruit right now looks like we're heading straight to the Jungle oh no devil fruit ooh ooh that's a phoenix fruit that's 100% it is it's a phoenix let's go I'm fairly certain the first seed just pulled ahead should be time to roll another devil fruit boys doing this on a timer makes me realize how often I should and do not roll devil fruit the ghost fruit yo that's not too bad that's nearly a mill value how about the second seed done absolutely nothing pretty much all video second C come on bro the chop fruit all right cool you continue to do nothing this is my favorite thing about the second SE is you can like put it on the shelf and finally for the first C can we get some even little something decent like another light fruit not bad another devil fruit has spawned but actually I don't need to use Roo I have the fragments I'd like to just oh I'd like to be a rabbit please there we go okay that's a big upgrade if you're a devil fruit farmer like me okay we're not on Hydra looks like we need to go out this way and oh it is chocol land time we're not quite in the right place but we are close boom loving my mink already it's such a buff to your movement speed all right under this tree is wait I get back to back sand fruit ooh 110 for this guy okay easy game let's go this way oh we I didn't even realize but we also have mink on this account for oh oh just the ice thought it was Quake or blizzard that was two really really fast ones although I've been really lucky so far none of these accounts have really had to go that far although the main account on the third sea has had to go far but it's cheaty cuz he's got that portal fruit all right looks like we're on Marine Ford pretty easy I've been here a lot today actually considering I've gotten the gravity fruit twice here you would think maybe this island would give me something good wait can I store this one yes the next devil fruit has spawned 1,300 going that way this could be an overshot oh sixo oh it's on like the edge of Hydra I'm dying I'm dying I'm dying I'm dying get the boat get the boat usually I wouldn't do this but I think it's like just here so it's kind of worth just grabbing a boat okay it must be like up one of these Hills over here or something all right keep going up keep climbing oh I was I predicted it yes it's the worst one but we've done it boys Okay the third sea is absolutely destroying today let's store that gravity fruit my fifth one up next is the worst of the Seas so far the second se's really got to pull it together man because right now you're embarrassing yourself oh I see a devil fruit in the distance and it is the second C continues to be mediocre and our first C account the one that I know everybody wants to win it's only 200 away I think we've been getting really lucky the first SE really hasn't had to travel much at all we've pretty much just been on these four Islands it is rare to get a Middletown fruit but that might be what that's what this is it is a oh it's a Middletown spin fruit just on my way back to roll devil fruit again I should be able to do the ging now come on let's see if I can get lucky with the spike fruit that is nasty and for the second C let's run back let's get ourselves man the second C needs to work harder bro this is your time man this is your time cuz you are running out of chances come on the rubber fruit oh also mid and our first sea guy what are we going to get come on zeis do the first sea a favor bro magma yo that's not bad that's a mil roughly pretty much a mil basically a legendary all right good stuff 1,100 or nearly 1,200 this could actually just be castle in the sea but if not it's probably I think it's cake maybe not actually Cake Land maybe peanut land ooh close ice cream land no I would have guessed that next oh never mind it would it's probably Cake Land same spot as earlier yeah just around here for ooh the light fruit nice and then 155 M for the secondy man they've all been really close today usually devil fruit grinding is significantly more painful than this I see a fruit there I don't see what it is is that oh it's also the L fruit nice oh and three 304 for the first SE where is there it is this means I probably go into the desert right yeah right under this Cactus right here something good for the oh I see it I'm going to look down I didn't fully see what it was teleport 1 meter the ice fruit that was not I didn't see it at all I was literally looking at this part of the cactus I thought it was the top of a devil fruit 630 for the main account down in this direction oh oh it's probably great tree yep and it's the great tree it's like really close as well boom boom is it wait is it not under there where is it oh it's over here and is wait is that another sand fruit why are you why are you so popular today man oh yo 3,300 for this account okay oh I know where it is it's not actually that far away the numbers going down it's so confusing for new devil fruit Notifier users but where it actually is is it's inside the haunted ship here we go 3,445 we go through the door and 68 easy boys it's probably silly that they can spawn up here but oh let's go dude yo I often get a rumbles here boys that's sick the Phoenix fruit boom all right I've only ever gotten Rumble fruits in here like as for legendaries I've gotten trash but the only other legendary I've ever gotten was Rumble and now it's Rumble in Phoenix let let's go to what appears to be the sky boys 800 away yo that's a devil fruit under the tree for once this is very rare how dare it be a rocket fruit that's so frustrating I never get fruits down here it's going to be a rocket get in the ocean idiot all righty boys 1,600 let's just go wait a minute let's just go to Turtle yeah all right it's a new day and it's also time to roll devil fruit plus find a devil fruit but I'm going to guess that the third sea is in first place so GG to the third sea although if you get trash like the bomb fruit then maybe the first sea will overtake you let's head back to the mansion boom it's also time to roll come on bro I've haven't rolled a Mythic devil fruit in a while I would like oh that's the spike fruit up next is the second sea who I think is probably in last place let's roll our fruit can we make some progress the light fruit again I have gotten a lot of light fruits for this sea and looks like with a th000 away we're probably going to Skull Island easy Skull Island Boys it's not under the tree that it's usually under so oh yeah yeah yeah okay I know where it is travel up over here sir down in there it is is that a that's also a spike fruit o six hundo in this direction I got to teleport back to Middletown there's no fast boat on the desert inra 460 from Middletown I'm going to say it's Marine Ford pretty easy Marine Ford fruit here we go hucky on so that people know how cool I am under this tree come on bro let's get something wow what I got three Spike fruits this morning okay my day is starting off awesome and rolling for the first C come on dude if I get another Spike fruit I'm going to freak out of the rocket okay 1,100 for the third SE I wonder if we're going to grab ourselves a second m thick old devil fruit I'm almost at the point where I should have made it a little bit harder for the third sea to like travel around or something cuz this game easy looks like we're probably going to chocol land 200 we overshot it oh we're going to the exact same spot as I found those last few fruits there are other places on this island that you can spawn devil are you kidding me am I someone at the Blox fruits admin team trolling me right now 1,100 for this account as well but I can teleport on this one it's amazing oh the core I'm not allowed to I'm not allowed to do the factory because of the first se's limitations that's the worst all right where's our devil fruit down over here oh under this tree no oh no wait it can spawn in the middle here and it is the bomb fruit wow I guess sometimes in this game you just get unlucky looks like we're oh we're probably going to like could this be magma this could be magma just reverse my way out of there and yeah all right we're going to magma I do not get to go to this island very often here we go it's back over here behind this building I have gotten many a legendary here I got my first blizzard fruit ever right where that rocket fruit is right there see that rocket fruit one time one time that was a blizzard fruit it's just not this time 109 boys so lucky I wish I gotten the countdown on video it started at a th000 and it just got smaller and smaller until wait where am I going until it was at 100 looks like oh I know where we're going to like this tree right here oh yeah there it is that's a it's the ice fruit that's I mean like the ice fruit's not bad but because it looks like the blizzard fruit it's always disappointing and 1,000 for this guy again man good thing I got that Mythic fruit in the third sea cuz all the other Seas have been pretty mid right over here on skull Islands it's so easy at least to get to this island I just shoot straight with the light fruit cuz I can't it's unawakened I can't turn oh this one's up the back here as well oh under under this tree oh the bomb I actually I didn't know they could spawn under this tree I don't think I've ever seen that I'm learning new things every day boys a that's sky that might even be upper Sky all right we finally got one of those like long distance fruits in the first sea so we can Flash step up here jump beam tackle we're going to make it regardless be got a little Dash in anyway and then I think we can do that 135 oh man this is as far away as a devil fruit can be in the first SE it is almost never worth it when I come all the way up here so we're going to go around this way go over the uhoh uhoh okay I've made it I'm alive oh oh uh I mean that's he's going to kill me man he nearly killed me the ghost fruit is okay that's worth like I think it's 940,000 or something it's nearly a million I haven't moved a muscle just in case it spawned here I got unlucky it very rarely works out let's go sea castle oh 900 man I thought it was going down in that direction okay it's probably sea turtle which would be perfect nice cuz I'll be rolling a devil fruit soon use our speed up race ability ah dude The Mink is so good for this oh this devil fruit is under a tree just over here I know exact oh I was about to say I know exactly where it is yo why so many Phoenix fruits today what after my trading video a couple of days ago it's sad but also exciting to get Phoenix fruits cuz I know now they're really bad for training I only have three all right 1 1,600 basically we're definitely teleporting back it's still 500o away okay I think I might know where this is I'm guessing yeah it's on that tiny little island which I hope I can yeah I can see it from the shore good cuz uh getting here when you can't control your light fruit is not easy straight shot across the ocean I see a devil fruit there it looks like it's probably Garbo but that's fine I'm fairly certain the second SE has just decided to yeah the second SE has decided to lose how about the first SE has it got anything to offer I don't think think that that is Sky but I'm going to be really upset yeah 400 it wasn't the sky good oh I don't know where it is though it might be like Coliseum in this direction yeah so prob it has to be the Coliseum right I don't even think that 400 m would get us to the lower of the sky oh yeah it is 100% like under a tree over here even though I can't see it anywhere if I can't see it from a distance oh the rubber's okay that's not too bad I should have been able to see that it was just on the perfect angle behind thate all right I'll take the rubber it's all right it one day it will be a Mythic right when we get rubber gear five and then I'll have five new Mythic fruits yo the big 2,000 why am I even I guess this is where I spawned a big 2000 is that like do we guess Port yes a dude I'm so smart this way up this little Hill here all right cool we didn't have to climb the massive Hill to get ourselves the oh is this some sort of joke why do I why I keep getting this this devil fruit let's also go back to the mansion because I've been asleep for a little bit and roll ourselves the devil fruit come on don't if you give me the spike fruit I'm so done what wa wa I have not rolled I don't know if I've ever rolled a leopard fruit wa all right all right the third seed definitely winning right all right second SE you've got some insane work to do if you want any chance to to catch up two mythics for the third seed finally the third seed dominates the way it's supposed to I think maybe this devil fruits over on these two islands here maybe over down here oh there it is under that tree was that the ice fruit again cuz I oh oh Diamond man Diamond has that shine to it it gets me every time let's roll our devil fruit can we backto back Mythic roll second C come on the Falcon fruit the second sea you don't deserve our dedication and finally the first sea we're going down oh okay if I go to Middletown I think maybe it could be like Marine Ford or Marine starter oh maybe it's like pirate Village yeah I think it is I think it's pirate Village nice okay we've gotten good fruits here before it's behind this tree right here come on dude I don't see a quake explosion or anything what is it what is it what that's the spike fruit what is up with the spike fruit today man almost forgot to roll for the first sea come on redeem that Spike fruit I went from Spike to leopard in the third sea let's go the spin fruit I don't know why I bother
Channel: Magicbus
Views: 185,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magicbus, roblox, blox fruits, blox, fruit, devil, one, piece, roblox one piece, best anime games, best one piece games, free devilfruit, noob to pro, starting over, funny video, roblox noob to pro, anime, anime noob to pro, funny moments, simulator, dragon fruit, demon fruit, blox piece, leopard fruit, latest update, storage, race v4, race awakening, roblox blox fruits, new fruit, rubber gear 4, update 20, update 20 part 1, update 22, dragon rework, dragon rework blox fruits
Id: PQD2e4bfeNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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