Find Profitable Items To Resell Using This New eBay Research Tool

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learning to check comps is a very important skill to learn as a reseller because it's going to help you make better sourcing decisions so that you can ensure that those items you're picking up at the thrift store are going to be profitable for you in the end this is a skill that I've been trying to get better at myself because I know that it's going to play a huge role in helping me reach my sales goals for my reselling business this year and to get better at doing coms and to do it more consistently at the thrift store I've been using this very cool tool by eBay it is called Product research in today's video I'm going to be talking all about that tool I'll show you how to use it and I also have some pair of shoes here that I left out so that we can go over some comping examples too thank you to eBay for sponsoring today's video before we get into the demo of the tool let's take a little bit of time to explain what checking comps even means that way we're on the same page checking comps in short means to research an item before you buy it to resell to research you're going to look up comparable items on reselling platforms when you're looking at those comparable items you want to make note of the listing price of those items and you also want to check the items that have recently sold and check out what price those sold at too analyzing that information the listing prices and the sold prices is going to help you determine the market value of the item you're considering picking up to resell so once you know that the estimated market value of your item and you know the price that the thrift store has on that item you will have a better idea of what your profit potential is on that item and from there you can decide whether it's worth picking up or not to see all of this in action let's talk about eBay product research some of you may know this tool we're about to talk about as terapak product research that was the name it had before but moving forward that's not what it's going to be known as eBay has rebranded and made it even better now it is just called Product research and like before it is available on the website I'm also using that a ton so in a later video I want to get into that and how I use it to price my items but now product research is also available on the eBay app and that's the version we're going to be going over today you can use product research on an iPhone or an Android phone just make sure that the eBay app you have installed is updated to its most current version and then you should be able to open up the app click on the selling tab on the the bottom right hand side you're going to scroll down a bit then you will see this section called Product research that is where you will tap and then you can start searching any products that you want to do research on the first comp example I want to go over are these TAA tennis shoes I bought these on half off day so the price on these was $7.50 the first thing I do when I'm looking up comps is try to get the precise style name of the item I'm researching often times you can find the exact style name inside of the label sometimes you'll have to type in the style number to find the style name or you can try typing in relevant keywords in the eBay search bar to try to find your item but often times the easiest thing to do is to use this camera option up at the top right all you have to do is snap a picture eBay will bring up results of shoes that look similar to them scroll through here and find an item that looks just like the one you have tap on it and from here all we have to do is copy the title go back to eBay on the selling tab scroll down to get to product research again click on get started and you can paste the title there from here I just like to delete all of these extra words and try to keep this search as simple as possible to begin with I can always add or remove more words later and here we have all of this information let me explain what all of this means at the very top we have some filters you can switch it from 90 days to 6 months you can search within the last year or last two years usually 90 days is okay that is enough information to help you make a decision but sometimes when we're switching from one season to another you may want to look at historical data for much back than just 90 days for example when we move from say summer to closer to Winter you want to search back farther so you can see coats that sold last year in Winter and you can get better data the next filter is category so right now I have a set at all categories but since these are women's athletic shoes I'm going to go ahead and select that the next filter here is condition always make sure you select the appropriate field here just so that you can get more accurate data if the item you're looking at sourcing is new with tags then you want to select that so that you're not getting lower prices here on eBay your item is used go ahead and select pre-owned that way you're not getting false High averages when we look at the numbers if you scroll over you'll see another filter that says format here you can choose between auction best offer accepted and fixed price I'm going to check the bottom two because those are the prices I want to look at I don't sell items via auction so I'm going to leave that one unchecked once we select all of those boxes we see at the very top what the average sold price for these pair of shoes is we could narrow down even further by adding the word black in the search bar that way it shows me just black shoes we could also add the size if we wanted to just to narrow down it's up to you how you want to do it sometimes I'll narrow down and I'm not getting enough results so then I'll make it a little more General you'll just have to play around with that title to get the precise results you're looking for below the average sold price we have the sold range we have the average shipping so on average how much did sellers who sold this exact item charge for shipping then we have the percentage of sellers who gave free shipping for this item and the total sellers who have sold this item in the past 90 days then there is a spot where you can click to show Trend details and this will just give you a visual representation of the average sold price if you want to see it more in a graph format and the setting that I find most useful when I'm using this product research is the sort option I like to go here to sort and sort the items by date sold most recent I like to do this because then I can see how often often the item has been selling recently right below each of the shipping prices you will see a date so these shoes here sold on May 22nd May 15th May 13th May 8th April 25th so they are really selling consistently month after month from what I can see here today is May 30th so I can see that even within the past month several have sold so that right there tells me that there is demand for this item because it is selling consistently and then at the top I can see that the average sold price is $234 so knowing all of this information right here I decided to go ahead and pick these shoes up at $7.50 and my hope is that I can get them sold for at least $25 I know that the price here says $23 as the average sold price but I'm hoping that with the right keywords the right pictures the right presentation of these shoes I can get at least a couple of dollars more so that is why I decided to go ahead and pick up these shoes after doing this research next example I have here is this pair of animal print UFO sandals they are women's sandals and they were about $10 at the thrift store again everything was half off I'm not really that familiar with this brand yet I have picked it up a couple of times in in the past but I'm still learning about it so anytime I find it I do comps to make sure that the item that the thrift store is asking for is going to work for me and it is going to leave enough room for profit so I'm just going to go back to product research and type in uu's zebra women's wait are they women's or men's so they are unisex I'm just going to leave the gender out and just put slides and see what comes up with that so there are no results I'm going to go ahead and just put animal print sandals sometimes what you put in the search bar the first time is going to give you the results and you are going to have enough data to make your decision but sometimes you're going to have to play around with the words you use in the search bar to make it more general or to make it more specific depending on what you want to see and the type of information that you're getting scrolling through here I can see one animal print slide right here but it is not the same animal print but I do see the style name they used it's called OA so I'm going to go ahead and add that to the search bar up here so after adding that I'm getting a little bit more specific results down here I can see by the pictures all of these slides do look just like the ones I have they're not the exact print but they look just like it and they are animal print so I'm going to leave it at that and then just go ahead and set the rest of the filters the 90-day filter I'm going to leave it as is I'm going to go with women's sandals if these were larger sandals I would probably look at both sets of data for men's and for women's to see what they're selling for in both markets but I'm going to go with women's for now condition we're going to go with pre-owned and again for the format I want to just look at Best Offer accepted and fixed price so there we go at the top I can see that the average sold price for these sandals within the last 90 days is $342 then I'm going to sort these by dates sold most recent to see how often these are selling I'm looking at the dates right below the shipping information so we see May 27th the 23rd the 20th the 19th the 19th the 14th the 12th so they are selling a lot even within just may so that right there tells me these are in demand people are looking for them and buying them and the average sold price is about $34 even if we just look at the prices down here on the recently sold item results we can see it is sometimes it's as low as $25 but more often it is more in the 30s even if I sold these at $30 and I take off a 20% platform fee just to be extra generous in case I have to pay for promoted listings or people decide to use a coupon then I would be left with the $24 and since I'm only paying about $10 for this my profit potential is about $14 it could be a little more if someone decides to buy them outright without a promotional coupon or without promoted listings but at least I have a general idea of what the profit potential is $14 is good enough for me so that's why I decided to pick these up the next example I'm going to show you I don't actually have those shoes here with me because they are a pair of shoes that I decided not to pick up after doing the research using that eBay tool so I wanted to throw this example in here just so that you can see what bad comps would look like these are by the brand Crocs and they were also $10 at the thrift store so it's taken me a little little bit to try to figure out how to search these sandals to get those exact sandals and my results here on eBay anytime I add the style name nothing comes up but if I just put Crocs white green wedge sandals they do come up it is mixed in here with other sandals that are similar but not the exact style when that happens I can just scroll through here and take a look at just the sandals that look exactly like the ones I'm researching right right here I see one pair that sold for $4.99 on April 22nd so a little bit over a month ago right below that we see one that sold for $19 then we see some that sold for $16 so looking through these search results for one I see that they aren't selling for that much the highest one is this oldest one which was for $32 but aside from that the rest were in the $15 to $19 range and even if we see the average sold price at the very top it is $19 so knowing that that's the average sold price knowing that the exact style isn't selling very consistently and the item was $10 at the thrift store after platform fees that doesn't leave me with that much room for profit so after doing that research that is an item I decided to leave behind let's go over one more example of a bad comp of shoes that I decided to leave behind right here we have a pair of men's running sneakers by the brand as6 these were $15 at the thrift store after looking through these search results I can see that they are called the frequent Trail Scout running shoes so I can just tap on that and go ahead and just copy this title so that I can paste it into eBay product research I'm just going to delete the extra information such as the model number and the size and just leave the first part of that title I copied I will go ahead and select my category from the options that eBay is giving me here I'm going to go with men's athletic shoes and here we have the results we're going to go ahead and add the rest of our filters I'm going to add the pre-owned condition and we're going to select the format best offer accepted and fixed price so here we see the average sold price is $20.35 for these shoes I'm going to go ahead and sort them by most recent looking at the search results I can see they are selling quite a bits so they are selling often enough but not at a good enough price for me to pick them up at the price that the thrift store was asking for them they were asking for $15 on average I could probably get anywhere from 20 to $25 and again that's just not that much room for profit so that is why I de decided to leave those behind let's do one more example here of shoes that I do have it is these black slipon shoes by the brand SAS Comfort shoe brand and they were $850 and according to this search I can see that the style name of these SAS Shoes is called Bliss so I'm going to type that into the search bar and I'm going to Select Comfort shoes from the category list so the average sold price right now is 6674 but if we select condition and select pre-owned we see that that price went way down so that right there shows the important importance of always selecting the right condition so that you're getting more accurate results here from eBay we're going to go ahead and select the format as well which is only the bottom two options and and then we can sort by most recent so now we have all of the information we need to make our decision the average sold price for these shoes is $32.30 scrolling through these results and looking at that date right below the shipping price we can see that they are selling pretty consistently and looking at the price of each individual listing we see that they are selling more often than not closer to the 30 $34 range or so so after looking at all of that information I felt pretty confident picking these up because they are in great condition the price was low enough and according to the eBay results from product research there is potential there for me to make a pretty good profit on these over time eBay will be adding even more features to this mobile version of product research eventually we will be able to see the Selter rate of items and even more graphs and data so I'm pretty excited about this tool I think it's one that I'm going to be using every single time I go out sourcing because I love how plain and clear it shows all of this data I hope you found this tutorial helpful let me know if you have any questions about anything in the comments down below thank you so much for watching this video and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Sandra The Mom Boss
Views: 15,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sandra leon, sandra the mom boss, how to source, reselling tips, reselling selling tips, ebay, ebay terapeak, pricing tool, how to check comps, how to check comps reselling, how to check comps when selling on poshmark, reselling research, reselling checking comps, what is checking comps
Id: HdqlbQVC-kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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