Find out WHY Latinos & Brazilians are finding their ROOTS in ISLAM

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the piece welcome to the Dean show if you haven't subscribed already subscribed right now we have an exciting show for you today you know the fastest-growing ethnicity in America are the Latinos Brazilians included in this and you know what way of life they're gravitating towards when we come back we have our next guest is going to fill us in on why the Latinos I love in this way of life provides the answers to why you've been created where you're going when you die and that's satisfaction that you're looking for in the heart that's empty it fills that void and the tinos have figured it out and it goes back to their roots that's right so when we come back here in today's show we got an exciting episode I'm going to answer this question don't go anywhere this is the pin you know this is the things of the theme this is the you smell like ooh mati consider what everybody cats I think we gave it away I was opening up I said you know left it as a guest gets which way of life but people are looking at you maybe think you know we with the greeting maybe people figured it out with the beard or how they maybe though so what is it what is this way of life that when Latinos Brazilians included when they look back to their roots like the African Americans they want to connect they go back they want to figure out their heritage they go back many of them like Dave Chappelle went back to Africa and Kunta Kinte he's calling on God Almighty Allah and they figured out this is our roots Islam Latinos same thing here same thing you know it's a beautiful thing a lot of Latinos what they're doing now is they're they're rediscovering the roots they're reading about Islamic Spain and even for myself you know doing some research you find that Muslims dominated Spain for seven hundred eighty years almost eight centuries and you look at your name then your name like Medina last names like Medina even Guadalupe like my last name Alvarez but banal casada you start asking yourself where these names come from and and a lot of a good popular thing to do nowadays can trace your lineage a lot of people doing that with those DNA tests of stuff and people are discovering you know a part of my heritage traces back to Spain and it only makes sense right because the Spanish when they came to to this part of the world to colonize they had Muslims with them you know we see in Columbus Columbus came when with ships that were originally owned by Muslims right and they had Muslims on there who were guiding them directing them to come here and so you people are starting to rediscover the fact that masha'Allah there's muslims or all part of my heritage is from islam and it starts triggering i can interest to want to know more about what is Islam so it's a beautiful thing there the people are rediscovering reconnecting with who they are how many so Latinos are the fastest growing ethnicity in America correct then statistics showing and in the census they are they done a study and they're finding out that Latinos are the fast this growing population in America and the beautiful thing is within that they are also the fastest growing population within Islam many many Latinos are leaving their former former religions primarily Catholicism for whatever reason and they're connecting with Islam and I'm glad I had the opportunity to research it myself and there's numerous reasons why they're reconnecting or they're they're discovering Islam so it's definitely amongst the Latinos Islam is the fastest growing religion yes and you actually you look back into it you discovered all these things you also came from a what background my family is originally from Ecuador Ecuador yes South America but they were they were of the Christian faith yeah my actually my parents are were Catholic Catholic and they raised me as a Catholic and I'm do that they live after studying instead of learning about Islam they've also been braces lamb suit yeah we spoke we had your story you know some time ago and so you went through this journey yeah and how you do you feel the more you look into it the more Islam is providing all those answers those deep questions that people really seek out the purpose what's the purpose of life you know why am I here in this world fills that void in the heart absolutely I mean as the majority of Latinos they're raised Catholic like we said and they're taught the belief in God their belief in in God that he's one that he is the creator and he's a Supreme Being but then there's something else within that that kind of throws a tangent that the belief in the Trinity and the Saints and how do you kind of correlate every single aspect of that religion and still make sense that it's much you know there's it's monotheistic and for myself in many Latinos it doesn't make sense so when they when they're introduced to Islam and the fact that Islam actually incur or actually teaches true monotheism meaning worshiping God alone there's no other associates no not nothing else with him no other partners they start telling themselves what I was taught originally as a child through Catholicism this is the true implementation here another example is the Virgin Mary she's depicted as a woman with a veil when you look at any other religion in America you rarely would see that except in a Muslim I practice with the Muslims with the Muslim women wearing hijab and as a matter of fact my grandmother would tell us that when she used to go to church in a quadrant they were required to wear a veil and so when she saw that my mother started wearing a veil she started seeing that wow this is the truth this is where they truly practice that which they taught you know there's so many other aspects of Family Values islam teaches and encourages family values for example when allah mentions and worship allah alone and be kind and be kind to your parents and don't ever raise your tone towards them and show them mercy the way they showed you mercy as a child in the quran mentions this and families in the team of families are very very close i mean your neighbor is great is taught to be your cousin you you you basically treat them as your cousin you bring them in syria and so when they see that the family values especially in this time where society is trying to remove family values you mean it's very rare where my families now meet at a table to eat in islam it encourages that that love and that respect and that admiration for each other in the family so when that ino see that that's part of islam they're drawn to that i mean there's so many other things language only other so many things that you can talk about that that reads the reason why i Latinas are starting to discover islam as the true way of life you know and another example with language it says that statistically it said that about 4,000 words originated from arabic and in Spanish words originated from Arab for example like I'll hold on I'll cotton they can in Arabic for example algebra algebra algebra there's so many things like even when I discovered like where my name came from Guadeloupe a part of it is where the valley and Lupe which is a language for a wolf it blew my mind I was like wow this is who who we are and many people are doing that and it's just an amazing feeling when you when you find that connection yeah so really it's just going back to the to the original way original way that's it the pure organic original way when you go back and you look back to your history the Latinos look back it links back to Islam absolutely absolutely mean and it makes sense you know as we mentioned Muslims were in Spain for so long they left their influence if you if you ever vacation in Spain you see messages that are now have been changed to churches because of the change in in the government but they're still there their influences are their Arabic writing is all over the wall so when they're rediscovering that their ask themself the question okay well where else what else is there if maybe my ancestors my great-great-great grandfather's when Muslim then what is it about Islam that you know that that um that the reason why they practice it why why is it that they did that so I want to ask myself and many people are doing that and you're coming into Islam we got a lot more to talk about this is an awakening of the mind and the soul so we can really be upon the truth and we can really get that peace that we're all looking for and we get the purpose in life why we're here and we're discussing the fastest-growing ethnicity Latinos and the way of life that they're drawn to because it's in their roots it's in their history we'll be right back with more hearing the Deen show don't go anywhere please subscribe to the DCO follow us on our official Facebook and Twitter pages in the links below please also help support the V show by making a donation in the link below back here on the Deen show and we're talking about the Latino roots I say Brazilians included they're included in his bunch right yes cuz they're one of my favorite groups also you know we train you also train the Gracie Brazilian Jujitsu yes and we have a lot of really nice people there also Latinos the Brazilians and I went to there was actually interesting picture health grace you've heard of him yes people are seeing it right now he's actually in atho and he's in front of a mustard and it says he's seeking the blessings of God yeah and I've gotten a chance to talk with him he's a fabulous individual and some people's faces you know they just lights up it's like the fitrah inside that God is placed in all of us right that spiritual chip and when God's name is mentioned you talk about the pure natural way because Islam is just it just makes sense worship the Creator not the creation you're not worshipping any of these sayings dead people in the ground doing these strange superstitions weird stuff that push people away from religion right correct so they get drawn into this do you also have this experience absolutely and this is one of the reasons of a big reason why Latinos are embracing Islam you know there's a it's that direct connection there's no no in between there's no intermediary you know there's no asking other people for help and you know for example confession and stuff like that so many Latinos when they discover the fact that it's just you and God and you can ask him for whatever help you need you know you can ask him for forgiveness and it's just direct your forehead on the ground and that's it that's what people are looking for Latinos are a big part of that because they have that sense of faith they have that sense of faith from their upbringing and the fact that they discover that they don't there isn't any need for hierarchy you don't need to be a scholar or or a leader of a message or of a mosque to have that direct connection it'd just be me and you the normal guy having having that direct connection that deep-rooted connection it's a satisfaction to the soul for sure that definitely that definitely connects now did you also some people have a an infinity now they are deep love for Jesus peace be upon him and they don't know that it's a pillar of faith to believe in Jesus but now can you distinguish because people are group they grow up in the Latin countries believing that he was God literal son of God right what do you say about this when when I'm talking to Latinos and and we're speaking about Islam you know letting them know about Islam and we bring up the topic of Jesus because they ask how do you what is your relationship with Jesus well how does Islam view Jesus and we simply tell them I follow Jesus example more now than I did before I love him more now than I did before and then when they ask you know how is that possible and we share with them the the story of Jesus from the Quran from the Islamic point of view and they see that there is a correlation with what they know it's a it draws that man a draw it's an it's an attention-grabber draws them in and one wanting to know more and especially when we explain to him explain to them the fact that we believe that Jesus was a messenger and prophet and we clarify from our point of view the the understanding of of this this concept of the Trinity Trinity as Muslims we don't we don't believe in that because we don't associate Jesus as part of God or one of three we believe him as a man who came with this message just like all the other prophets and messengers and for the mind it's simpler to grab it's just an easier concept to understand and they begin to because they already had that love for him they realized Muslims also have that love and they actually play the part you know and so they begin to draw more into into that aspect then and learn more about Islam there was a famous football player a soccer player that just accepted Islam and he gave his thirteen reasons of why he became Muslim and he said Islam actually guided me well he actually what he said exactly what was it that Jesus led me to Islam that's what it was Jesus led me to Islam so then he gives examples when Muslims see each other they greet each other how Jesus greeted with peace BMT right example you gave of his mother Blessed Mother wearing the veil yeah and more so the worship of only God alone that's also in the Bible but then someone says why don't I just follow the Bible and just leave off the things that I don't like from there and stick where I'm at but when it comes to the work the way I tell people and I had this comfort especially with a co-worker the other day is there's no doubt that even even Christian scholars will say that the Bible historically doesn't is not a proven fact it's not it hasn't been preserved just the way the way the Koran was had many authors and sometimes sometimes you don't even know who the author's name was so for someone an individual to take that book and say this is an authentic book it's very difficult to and no Christian scholar will admit to that fact they say it's just divine and divine inspiration divine words it's it's something for the soul but we don't want just something to have that that's based on faith we want something that's concrete - that's based on facts and with Islam you get best of both worlds it's a matter of having faith but you also have the factual point that gives you that charity that this is a religion from God and it has been preserved and a big example is the story of Jesus the story of Mary Moses and all these historical figures that you find in Latino religions whatever faith they follow they find that and they begin to ask themselves well let me look into Islam and Hum do that many many are accepting Islam is the updated version now updated it's just the continuation it's as you some people say it's it's the last chapter right it still it's the last end of it and it's a clarification for those questions that many people have the common person will ask themselves you know well what about what about the Trinity how do you explain that and if you're left just with with someone telling you what you just have to believe for me it's hard like you can't just i can't just believe if and though i used to tell myself if this is god's divine word his his religion the religion everybody supposed to follow universal religion the why is so difficult to understand why isn't it just clear-cut when you look at Islam I mean it's you know one plus one is two two plus two is four it's clear it's the way it is and and many people who give themselves the time who open their minds at hearts to it they will understand that fact it's the way of life that has no more updates to it it's been you know you get the phone the iPad keeps updating updating and if you want to go back to a prior you can't even use it anyway but it's long I don't want of you it's the seal the sealant that's it but and it's it's a beautiful thing and you know one one great thing is from many Latinos is that there's a balance you know a lot much is in the Quran that verily we have made this nation a balanced nation so there is no need for you to be a specific title have a specific title like for example a priest or a nun to have a level of religiosity you know there you don't have to go to extremes and abandon the world to be very religious no Islam it teaches us balance and for Latinos when they realize wow I don't have to be extreme in my belief I just have to worship God alone and do what he has commanded my five prayers my fasting pay with I can the charity make Hajj you know if I can make the pilgrimage if I can and then that is enough for people and they begin to realize that because of that balance they want to embrace that that's that's a true way of being able to connect with Allah and I'm sure you're starting to have infinitude to this it makes sense absolutely it makes sense as common sense worship the Creator not the creation deep love for Jesus but he was a mighty messenger and never ever did he say in any version of the Bible worship him or take him as a literal son of God he was a servant of God calling people to worship God that's it we got some more to talk about with you on the Deen show you're not going anywhere are you I'm not going to be right back inshallah don't go anywhere please subscribe to the DCO follow us on our official Facebook and Twitter pages in the links below please also help support the D show by making a donation in the link below back here on the DS show now we originally started talking about the roots the Latinos have roots in Islam yes African Americans have roots in Islam humanity has roots in Islam because the first man who was created Adam he was neither Jew or Christian but he submitted himself to God Abraham he didn't submit to anyone in creation heed me here in any of these religions but when he was told to do what submit to the will of God that's Islam isn't is that what I would it is absolutely so let's go back a little bit to Spain where now you had the Muslims they were actually the super powers of the world yes and can you take take because most people is a very amazing topic and many people don't know about you know the the comfort that use and Christians and humanity was really you know a different level at that time right you know it's um historically and we know as Muslims that after after the the death of the Prophet peace be upon him many of his companions took it upon themselves to start propagating the message of Islam and they took it to all the four corners of the earth and not too long after his death in about 70 80 years Muslims took it to Spain and it was led by a man named Tariq Evans yet and he took that it took Islam to Spain and with the purpose of course of spreading Islam and we know Islam beside Islam is peace Islam is surrendering to Allah and when you see the the impact that Islam had in Spain 780 years of governance and the amount of contribution that Muslims made to that society I mean medicine agriculture irrigation engineering I mean you have everything that came from that education universities during that period when when other other ethnicity or other religions were in the Dark Ages I mean you had a society flourishing and the people who were within that society also benefited Jews and Christians that were living within that society they benefited from that as well and they lived amongst the Muslims for almost eight hundred years in peace benefiting from those riches that Allah had provided them because of the faith that they were establishing there and and even after the the Caliphate or the diet as they felt for whatever reason you know they the Christians they came they took that over still you find it that fronted an and Isabella when they send Christopher Columbus to the Americas they sent them with Muslim ships ships that were owned by Muslims Muslim navigators using Muslim tool Islamic tools Muslim tools that were for for navigating and when they came here they came here with Muslims so what happens if Muslims also were here with with Columbus and whoever else was here obviously they began establishing their cost their culture and their customs etc so Islam has you know dipped his hand it did its hand in everything or humbly that by Allah's will and that's one of the beautiful things and many people don't know that many people don't realize how how impactful Islam was for 800 years and the level of peace that it brought to anybody whether you're a Jew Christian even or not even non-religious you didn't have any denomination and Muslim it's an amazing thing and when people realize that they can see true Islam at its essence you have some Latinos families because it's spreading so quickly they end up seeing their daughter who was out there being promiscuous she was at the nightclubs she was doing all sorts of things maybe the Sun also and you know what they really didn't raise havoc now she came home and she don't want to live that life anymore she don't want to be used and abused by men she don't want to be speed a sex object sex toy and now she's covered her modesty they see this as something strange she's they see her bowing down her head five times a day and now they start to you know correlate the two and they see like look Muslims my daughter oh my god how do you say oh my god in Spanish adios adios what's going on terrorist Oh what's happening here right yeah have you seen this absolutely and it's and I think it's just of is do more for to negative information that is fed through medias you'll find that many many Latinos who embrace Islam they go through that and for example and when I told you it before I said when I accepted Islam was do a difficult during of difficult time the nation went through a difficult time on 90 love and my dad was the same way my dad he said you know why convert now Muslims are being harassed why go through that and many women who go who embraces them and are leaving those old lifestyles of fun and games and amusements and drinking and partying all that stuff to a life full of peace and and the fact is that they embrace they embrace it fully covering themselves the parents here they tend to not understand it and more so is just a lack of Education and I think it's a great opportunity for us to share with them and teach them about Islam but no doubt that you find that there you know and but it is what it is and I think just a great opportunity for so a good example to a true story is where this actually is happening and in one case particular the daughter starts wearing the modest dress right her character starts getting better she's not coming home late at night anymore and she's developing herself to be just a better human being because that's obviously what islam teaches now we know that there's a lot of temptations out there struggles so she starts to slip up she starts going back to summer for old ways and she ends up taking the hijab off you know she was at peace when she was practicing praying now whatever happened she kind of drifted off the parents now are actually they're not Muslim but they're begging her to go back right to where she was and she kind of stuck in between two worlds now you know this the the lifestyle that's calling but she's miserable now yeah right she's very unhappy and obviously because you know when you leave the medication for the soul when you disconnect your heart from his maker become sick again if I'm sick again yeah yeah but my point here was the family now in the beginning how do you say that again oh my god adios adios yeah they'll oh my god but now they've seen it in action Islam in action the right way yeah they want her back where she was in Islam you know and it's it's interesting that you say that it's because in the beginning when when they reject her wanting to be a good righteous Muslim is because of those things that are on but then when they see her falling back into those into the wrong path of it um Latinos in general they know what's right and what's wrong even just general it's a general rule in humanity we know what's right and what's wrong lying is wrong stealing is wrong we know that from just our own natural disposition that is wrong and that si knows the hard part is they don't want them to leave their cultural you know upbringing I don't want you to be Muslim because then you're going to break the family ties but in reality actually Islam closes them and it's just a matter of they think that they're not going to be able to be part of that that that social spectrum again a big issue uh you know they don't want to partake in that fun or anything like that and it's and it's amazing how a family member or a family members when they do see them slipping they like put the back on check to put to get back on the right path you know and again I think the most important thing in this opportunity for the sister and for the family is to have other Muslims that see non-muslims share with them about Islam you know teach them about Islam so that a situation like this doesn't happen you've seen families take a kick their kids out because they embrace Islam but it's an opportunity for us to open those doors of communication educate people about what Islam is and hopefully make sure that you know things like that don't happen yeah your organization before we cut out tell the world a little bit about what you do in your organization how they can get a hold of you if they want you to come out and speak at an event for Latinos oh we started a small nonprofit organization it's called habla moses lamp and we have we've been doing this for quite some time focusing on increasing the resources about Islam in Spanish so everything we do is strictly in Spanish from translating articles providing articles videos classes like we're doing here at the at a local Masjid and even offering books for children one of our biggest projects is creating resources for children Latino children and as a matter of fact during Ramadan we had a great campaign raising some funds through donations we were able to send children's books to about ten countries ten Latino countries so that they can have those books for their Eid and so this is one of the things that we're doing small little tasks that we've been we've embarked on and if they want to know more about it they can visit our website at there you have it the routes that we want to go back to the original routes we talked about african-americans going back to Africa their roots Kunta Kinte he called on the Creator Allah and that religion he was upon was the submission and surrender to the creator of the creation now we talked about look the Latinos fastest-growing way of life in the world is Islam and they're a part of it they've clicked on common sense tells them this more so the heart connects to this that's right and what stops most people from really taking the matter seriously look if you end up somewhere on the moon you want to know why am I here what am i doing in this world just taking all the material things that are out there and just piling up money money and at the end it's like a Monopoly game think about it you're chasing all the money but at the end when the game is finished that money is worth what it's worth nothing you leave it all behind so it's time for a spiritual awakening you've had all the fun and games and toys of this world but the heart is empty Islam fills that void void that's right and you got one shot to get it right and you can't just do it like Burger King your way it's God's Way it's the creator's way we will install I'll see you next time subscribe if you haven't already continue to tune in to the D show we'll see you next time until then peace be with you
Channel: Digital Mimbar
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Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, Find out why Latinos & Brazilians are finding their ROOTS in ISLAM, deenshow, deen show
Id: WxVMg4gpS44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2015
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