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oh my goodness me sorry I just saw something never seen one of these before is that what I think it is so after three years we are back in New York City 62nd Street in Manhattan at rest Aficionado and we're gonna go see our dear friends Eddie and Vadim and see what goodies they got let's go [Music] oh this is different wow this is one of those security Chambers you trust us huh [Music] wow this is amazing completely different welcome back welcome back she you renovated we did yeah last year we did a full renovation amazing yeah it looks beautiful thank you absolutely beautiful thank you sir thank you sir it's been a while you're in a magazine now we do we do we started uh this year something new for us how often does it just come out oh we're probably gonna do it twice a year okay first question is why don't I get it you did you did no I didn't you get too much mail at home I want to subscribe so you've got lots of beautiful things but we've got to start with this what is this what is it nbnf does it fire no it doesn't I wish it wouldn't that's huge that is so cool amazing though may I hold it absolutely fully functional clock wow so what does that do load it load it and shoot just in case someone comes in here it's 12 o'clock boom oh how cool is this beautiful now it's gorgeous yeah they make nice pieces how do you wind it look at this oh I love it I can see this traveling home with me it could go on the plane how much is it uh this one's around 50. put it back the reason that I can't buy it is I don't think I can put that in the plane with me I might get into trouble I think so yeah it's art you can take art with you anywhere you want can you imagine going through TSA well I just bought this clock that's beautiful I think I found the perfect table for you oh that is so cool do you sell these we do we do okay how much is it this one is 50. 50 000 I know fifty thousand it's pretty cool I'm not fully functioning too fully functioning twist this it's got these guys this one needs to be well this comes out plugs in no way a lot of windings a lot of threads plugs in over here says quartz yes that's so cool I've seen two things I want two things this is an RN mode I know but it's the table I don't care do they make other brands uh any brand you want actually yeah do you have any other brands we do we have a little AP in the back uh I'll take the AP but I feel heaviness can't move it you can't move it yeah it's like one of those tricks where you pick up a bar of gold if you can pick it up you can keep it you can give it one hand this is amazing thank you sir purses Birkin she sell these two we do we do we started selling them a lot out of uh New York and then we opened up another just secondhand uh Hermes Boutique in Miami called Maison oh for real yeah and it's a Thai right next to uh our watch store very popular right more popular than watches probably just as popular as watches just as popular as watches but you know it's new demographic because she's probably what 80 90 000 yeah beautiful piece I say peace bag yeah so we instead of having pieces scattered throughout the store we decided to dedicate a full story just to the secondary uh a secondary handbag Market yeah hello I've seen these in pictures I've never seen one in person very rare quite limited I think only a couple were made that would explain why I've never seen one in person look at that yeah how gorgeous is that beautiful piece no beautiful I mean class and the big question is how much is it this one is 190. not borrow for retail very close to real considering how limited it is so this is more or less in retail just slightly over slightly over beautiful piece right yeah I love that can't see you wearing it no but but it is beautiful yeah it's very subtle isn't it it's very classy even with the diamonds beautiful but these brands are legs the ambient Ambient apps uh Jaegers pressure on speed of that second hand I guess it's a second hand do you see that pull that out what's it doing why is it going so fast it's like Adam after a couple of beers wow so this is a split second one button Chrono right with a very fast whatever that is tell us in the comments what that is you guys know what that is [Laughter] that's the one I knew we were gonna skip over that's the one I knew I knew it was coming sorry I couldn't resist but I mean who cares what it does it's cool that's a nice piece beautiful piece sure it's a ton of value and not expensive right yeah I'm gonna guess 38 000. yeah you're right so it's 34 000. I wasn't far out you were very good yeah it wasn't far out okay never seen one of these in person either you don't have one yet no so this is the leopard dial the yellow gold eye of the tiger eye of the tiger and these are not inexpensive huh no uh this one is uh 350. 350. that's not that that terrible for this watch it's a lot of watch it's a lot of diamonds a lot of watch for it that is absolutely dial is stunning beautiful beautiful watch can you see me wearing that I can 100 what are you wearing now Michael I'm wearing Jacob that's a nice one and that's yours yeah this is mine that's your collaboration version that's beautiful bracelet wow the bracelet's stunning huh beautiful amazing very heavy love it thank you love it we're trading no no I can't you can't no can't that's my personal baby this is gorgeous absolutely this is actually probably my favorite uh of all the recent daytonas that came out really yeah I love this one I have the rainbow with the same bracelet which is also the factory five everyone with the factory par there yeah those went crazy for a moment and then they they at their Peak they probably touched 900. more yeah maybe they went over a million didn't they yeah well they were asking over they were asking yeah they're asking what they said I paid 180 for it did you yeah wow yeah but when I bought it you couldn't give them away no you wanted it yeah but now they just no they went through the roof they went through the roof yeah oh my goodness me sorry I just saw something that I didn't believe I saw is that what I think it is which one are you looking at Mike the Tiffany Patek yeah the Six Million Dollar one that saw the auction yeah the first one sold for a six oh that's crazy you've never seen one of these I'm sure you have an allocation already Michael I wish I did I wish I did how many of these did they make uh 170. okay so this watch was what like forty five fifty thousand dollars less fifty list is about 48 48 yeah and now this is what are you asking three million how much is this one uh like 2.7 5 watch I mean it's beautiful but do you see the value the Rarity is uh people go crazy for it the hype right the hype this will probably go up or not it was recently sold in an auction again also around three a little over three with the hammer yeah never seen one of those in person I mean very few people say the hard part about this is that you know you can't just get one walking in to Tiffany right they make you spend probably three four million in Jewels before you before you get an allocation do you think that Tiffany had any idea that that Watcher was going to sell for that much money listen but there there's a certain group of collectors that needed in their collection and they could afford it and they can afford it if you can afford it why not it doesn't it sucks it does it it's like anything else it's excess in life listen okay you're paying you know it's 2.7 million three million four million for a fifty thousand dollar watch but if you can afford it and you want it it's immediate gratification rather than going through the the hustle of getting through Tiffany and never get one million getting on a list and maybe not getting it and having to buy you know x amount of millions and jewels see it again I gotta hold this thing only because this is like the Unicorn isn't it you just you just can't get this watch you can't see it and as you know we see a lot of watches never seen one of these before that's the elusive what do you call this the rainbow diamond I'm assuming more multi Sapphire 37 millimeter amazing so so your store in Miami do you have the same type of inventory or what do you carry there similar I mean uh there's a few pieces that we have of double so we'll have one here not that Tiffany right you don't have two of those unfortunately right uh but we have different types of inventory there and we we ship if there's a client here that wants something that we have in Miami we ship it here or vice versa and Rumor Has It yeah I'm gonna be shooting a video in your new Boutique they just opened a new Boutique in you ready for this Beverly Hills yes how exciting is it in Waldorf Astoria Hotel yeah amazing and we're going to shoot a video and uh I can't wait to have you there can't wait to see it it'll be a Flagship Boutique for us gorgeous fully rebuilt it's taken us what six months in the process right we've been telling you that yeah because we were actually going to go in I think it was November yeah right and then it was December and then it was yeah it became yeah January and that's fantastic and they're so exciting congratulations to Miami Beverly Hills New York yeah next what do you think I don't know where should we go let's get Beverly Hills up and running yeah you've got so many beautiful pieces so let's watch here turbia on the Royal Oak tourbillon I had that watch I was probably 10 12 years ago and nobody was wearing watches of that size it was enormous because that's 44 millimeter yeah for back in the day yeah and everybody said why are you wearing like Big Ben on your wrist so I sold it and gosh I wish I hadn't because it's worth a lot more now than what I sold it from yeah they had a good one after that they had a good one they really do they really do but even still the 40 41 millimeters are still the the Crown Jewel for Royal Oaks got 39 millimeter 41 millimeter that's still the go-to people still go to the 44s but so what do you what do you find the most popular item is what do people ask for the most what brand well obviously Rolex you know still right and they pump out a million watches a year so people still want and you still can't get one they get a million watches and you go to the boutique and they say sorry correct uh so Rolex is always going to be number one um AP is Big right they 50 000 watches a year right so there's still a big market share um but Paddock you know listen I think paddock's everyone's dream watch right my paddock's the goal uh so you go through the you go through the cycle you go through your Rolex and then maybe you'll get an AP along the way if you want that more modern then you move on to this and then you get the paddock yeah and then listen people that want to go one step up sometimes they'll get an RM for a daily but RM won't be their first watch their wallet is always the first so no matter what don't get me started on our rent do you still have your VIP room in the back we do we do we change it it's the same no a little different now yeah of course come on back oh there's my watch table what do you call it um look at that Adam that's the Royal chronograph also functional also this unscrews and this is how much also 50 Grand yeah they're all around the same price range it's amazing that is beautiful isn't it that's cool I can actually see you having one of these in your house am I wrong yeah I'm wrong more bags yeah a couple more bags yep we still have a couple of bags here again the majority are in Miami right now but we will have them in Beverly Hills too alcohol of course because you knew Adam was coming Adam requested it usually we don't have it but Adam requested um are you gonna do something with me I'll do it what about you always always we're going to do Boost what about a little little shop tequila yeah tequila yeah Michael so explain why does it have to be a shot why can't you take your time and drink it nice and gently yeah you can I just personally I'm not really a big fan of the taste of tequila just to get buzzed it just gives you a night and it's it's the the the what's the ceremony of doing it okay that's just fun you should join us no what about better job Bailey's do you know what I want I don't I don't know what I will do I will have you ready for this whiskey yes oh yeah you've been you're gonna have a little bit of a McAllen I bought myself some of this at home I told you right yeah I don't know why the audience right now are gonna be shocked I I didn't say I drank it but I did buy it okay so I bought it like maybe six months ago a few bottles actually and so far I'm on bottled one and it's about so far down I haven't exactly been hitting hard that's not what you told me the last time he's lying I'm not when we were in Vegas you said that you'd gotten through a bottle I went to shopping I want to know what course you do what this is nbnf right there'd be enough Club pull the dumb off Michael lift it off yeah lift it up straight up I'm scared okay I hope you tell the chime our oh it's got fangs did you see that yeah so it's 10 .05 No 5 10. it's 5 10. it is 510 is that right yeah it's close enough oh that's cool what do the fangs do do you see the things yeah they look like the seconds right let's see yeah what a talking piece imagine having that in your on your office desk right beautiful piece it's nice it's decorative it's functional I prefer the gun though you have guns that's actually the box for the gun can see it it's a bullet it's a bullet oh look it's even got a thing on the bottom oh yeah the striker right yeah oh that's wild and it's metal oh yeah that's amazing that is amazing how much was it again this one's a piece unique I would love to have that look in his eyes and now let's ask what that is what is that is that a g string seriously what is that it's a golden ticket that's an eye patch actually an eye patch oh dare you put it on you volunteer please have to see what this looks like on why I mean why I genuinely thought that was like a diamond crusted g-string well you would but they are [Laughter] this is money by the way yeah you don't get paid enough I would all right so somebody please explain what's the purpose why no it's a client that left it here will have to do some work uh he's a big rapper a Slick Rick oh okay because he only got one eye huh does he only have one eye yeah oh there you go he wears the eye patch well if you're gonna wear an eye patch that's the one to wear right I mean that's just amazing I I don't know what else to say other than here comes the liquor okay wait so so you said I just heard of them you heard that Paul these are big glasses I'll do a shot please I'm going to have uh a little of the McAllen and when I say little I'll go get the pipette for Mike uh sure why not why why not don't go crazy he went crazy stop thank you you can do it there's our thumbnail right there cheers smells good this stuff is actually quite delicious yeah yeah look at the size of these glasses cheers Michael good to see you good to see you too good to see you guys we're gonna say yes goodbye with this because I might not be able to in a second so so hit the Subscribe button hit the Bell make sure you check out wrist Aficionado on Instagram all the information will be there by Miami Beverly Hills and New York City cheers see ya literally no don't follow me take a drink proof Michael Blakey drinks alcohol Cheers Cheers this should be a great video I couldn't even get it all in one go are you still at it I'm trying cheers
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 1,452,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Patek, Tiffany patek, Patek Philippe, Tiffany, Expensive patek, Watch auction, Watch sold at auction, Wrist aficionado, New York, Watch dealer, Watches, Watch collector, 5711, Patek nautilus, Patek 5711, Expensive watches, Watch review, Michael Blakey, Producer Michael, Adam swords, Millionaire, Billionaire, Tiffany Patek hands on
Id: iWZKiQbcwrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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